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What an Audacious Hoax Reveals About Academia

Three scholars wrote 20 fake papers using fashionable jargon to argue for ridiculous conclusions.

James A. Lindsay, Helen Pluckrose, and Peter Boghossian, the scholars behind the hoax

Over the past 12 months, three scholars—James Lindsay, Helen Pluckrose, and Peter Boghossian—wrote 20 fake papers using fashionable jargon to argue for ridiculous conclusions, and tried to get them placed in high-profile journals in fields including gender studies, queer studies, and fat studies. Their success rate was remarkable: By the time they took their experiment public late on Tuesday, seven of their articles had been accepted for publication by ostensibly serious peer-reviewed journals. Seven more were still going through various stages of the review process. Only six had been rejected.

We’ve been here before.

In the late 1990s, Alan Sokal, a professor of physics at New York University, began a soon-to-be-infamous article by setting out some of his core beliefs:

that there exists an external world, whose properties are independent of any individual human being and indeed of humanity as a whole; that these properties are encoded in “eternal” physical laws; and that human beings can obtain reliable, albeit imperfect and tentative, knowledge of these laws by hewing to the “objective” procedures and epistemological strictures prescribed by the (so-called) scientific method.

Sokal went on to “disprove” his credo in fashionable jargon. “Feminist and poststructuralist critiques have demystified the substantive content of mainstream Western scientific practice, revealing the ideology of domination concealed behind the façade of ‘objectivity,’” he claimed. “It has thus become increasingly apparent that physical ‘reality,’ no less than social ‘reality,’ is at bottom a social and linguistic construct.”

Further reading: It’s surprisingly easy to get a fake paper published in an academic journal

Next, Sokal sent off this jabber to Social Text , an academic journal that was, at the time, a leading intellectual forum for famous scholars including Edward Said, Oskar Negt, Nancy Fraser, Étienne Balibar, and Jacques Rancière. * It was published.

In the eyes of his supporters, what came to be known as the Sokal Hoax seemed to prove the most damning charges that critics of postmodernism had long leveled against it. Postmodern discourse is so meaningless, they claimed, that not even “experts” can distinguish between people who make sincere claims and those who compose deliberate gibberish.

In the months after Sokal went public, Social Text was much ridiculed. But its influence—and that of the larger “deconstructivist” mode of inquiry it propagated—continued to grow. Indeed, many academic departments that devote themselves to the study of particular ethnic, religious, and sexual groups are deeply inflected by some of Social Text ’s core beliefs, including the radical subjectivity of knowledge.

That’s why Lindsay, Pluckrose, and Boghossian set out to rerun the original hoax, only on a much larger scale. Call it Sokal Squared.

Generally speaking, the journals that fell for Sokal Squared publish respected scholars from respected programs. For example, Gender, Place and Culture , which accepted one of the hoax papers, has in the past months published work from professors at UCLA, Temple, Penn State, Trinity College Dublin, the University of Manchester, and Berlin’s Humboldt University, among many others.

Further reading: The research pirates of the dark web

The sheer craziness of the papers the authors concocted makes this fact all the more shocking. One of their papers reads like a straightforward riff on the Sokal Hoax. Dismissing “western astronomy” as sexist and imperialist, it makes a case for physics departments to study feminist astrology—or practice interpretative dance—instead:

Other means superior to the natural sciences exist to extract alternative knowledges about stars and enriching astronomy, including ethnography and other social science methodologies, careful examination of the intersection of extant astrologies from around the globe, incorporation of mythological narratives and modern feminist analysis of them, feminist interpretative dance (especially with regard to the movements of the stars and their astrological significance), and direct application of feminist and postcolonial discourses concerning alternative knowledges and cultural narratives.

The paper that was published in Gender, Place and Culture seems downright silly. “Human Reaction to Rape Culture and Queer Performativity at Urban Dog Parks in Portland, Oregon” claims to be based on in situ observation of canine rape culture in a Portland dog park. “Do dogs suffer oppression based upon (perceived) gender?” the paper asks.

Yet another paper has a rather more sinister hue. In “Rubbing One Out: Defining Metasexual Violence of Objectification Through Nonconsensual Masturbation,” the fictitious author argues that men who masturbate while thinking about a woman without her consent are perpetrators of sexual violence:

By drawing upon empirical studies of psychological harms of objectification, especially through depersonalization, and exploring severel veins of theoretical literature on nonphysical forms of sexual violence, this articles seeks to situate non-concensual male autoerotic fantasizing about women as a form of metasexual violence that depersonalizes her, injures her being on an affective level, contributes to consequent harms of objectification and rape culture, and can appropriate her identity for the purpose of male sexual gratification.

Sokal Squared doesn’t just expose the low standards of the journals that publish this kind of dreck, though. It also demonstrates the extent to which many of them are willing to license discrimination if it serves ostensibly progressive goals. This tendency becomes most evident in an article that advocates extreme measures to redress the “privilege” of white students. Exhorting college professors to enact forms of “experiential reparations,” the paper suggests telling privileged students to stay silent, or even binding them to the floor in chains. If students protest, educators are told to

take considerable care not to validate privilege, sympathize with, or reinforce it and in so doing, recenter the needs of privileged groups at the expense of marginalized ones. The reactionary verbal protestations of those who oppose the progressive stack are verbal behaviors and defensive mechanisms that mask the fragility inherent to those inculcated in privilege.

Like just about everything else in this depressing national moment, Sokal Squared is already being used as ammunition in the great American culture war. Many conservatives who are deeply hostile to the science of climate change, and who dismiss out of hand the studies that attest to deep injustices in our society, are using Sokol Squared to smear all academics as biased culture warriors. The Federalist , a right-wing news and commentary site, went so far as to spread the apparent ideological bias of a few journals in one particular corner of academia to most professors, the mainstream media, and Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Further reading: How scholars hack the world of academic publishing

These attacks are empirically incorrect and intellectually dishonest. There are many fields of academia that have absolutely no patience for nonsense. While the hoaxers did manage to place articles in some of the most influential academic journals in the cluster of fields that focus on dealing with issues of race, gender, and identity, they have not penetrated the leading journals of more traditional disciplines. As a number of academics pointed out on Twitter, for example, all of the papers submitted to sociology journals were rejected. For now, it remains unlikely that the American Sociological Review or the American Political Science Review would have fallen for anything resembling “Our Struggle Is My Struggle,” a paper modeled on the infamous book with a similar title.

By the same token, many leftists are willing to grasp at straws to defend journals and fields of inquiry that they regard as morally righteous. Some have dismissed Sokal Squared by pointing out that many disciplines, from economics to psychology, have in the past years also faced crises of confidence. Others have simply cited the conservative instrumentalization of Sokal Squared as a reason to ignore it. “Academics,” Alison Phipps wrote on Twitter, “please stand by colleagues in Gender Studies/Critical Race Studies/Fat Studies & other areas targeted by this journal article hoax. This is a coordinated attack from the right.”

That too is intellectually dishonest. For one, Lindsay, Pluckrose and Boghossian describe themselves as left-leaning liberals. For another, it is nonsensical to insist that nonsense scholarship doesn’t matter because you don’t like the motives of the people who exposed it, or because some other forms of scholarship may also contain nonsense. If certain fields of study cannot reliably differentiate between real scholarship and noxious bloviating, they become deeply suspect. And if they are so invested in overcoming injustice that they are willing to embrace rank cruelty as long as it is presented in the right kind of progressive jargon, they are worsening the problems they purport to address.

It would, then, be all too easy to draw the wrong inferences from Sokal Squared. The lesson is neither that all fields of academia should be mistrusted nor that the study of race, gender, or sexuality is unimportant. As Lindsay, Pluckrose, and Boghossian point out, their experiment would be far less worrisome if these fields of study didn’t have such great relevance.

But if we are to be serious about remedying discrimination, racism, and sexism, we can’t ignore the uncomfortable truth these hoaxers have revealed: Some academic emperors—the ones who supposedly have the most to say about these crucial topics—have no clothes.

* This article originally stated that Social Text was a peer-reviewed journal. We regret the error.

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Google Docs Phishing Scam: What You Need to Know

How to avoid falling prey to fake emails and apps seeking confidential info

Phishing key on keyboard.

A sophisticated new phishing campaign uncovered yesterday serves as yet another reminder for consumers to be careful what they click on.

Reports of the Google Docs phishing scam, which used emails to trick people into revealing confidential information by opening a fake Google document, were trending on social media Wednesday afternoon. In a statement released later in the day, Google said it had been able to stop the campaign, which reportedly affected less than 0.1 percent of its users, within about an hour.

Google confirmed that victims' contact lists were accessed and used by the hackers, but said no other data was exposed. The company responded with security updates. No further action is required by its users, Google stated.

While the attack added a new twist to phishing, this kind of scam has been around for many years. Here’s a look at how phishing works and what you can do to protect yourself .

What Exactly Is Phishing?

Phishing emails often masquerade as legitimate communications from, say, a bank, a human resources department, or an email provider. In reality, they’re part of a scam designed to gain access to a computer network or steal the personal information stored in your home computer.

Spear phishing adds an extra layer of customization. Instead of sending a generic spam email to millions of people, the attacker uses personal details to craft a message targeted right at you, making it much harder to spot the fraud.

Social media accounts that blast your personal information to the world give hackers plenty of fodder to work with. For example, an email that appears to come from the bank you "like" on Facebook may not immediately arouse suspicion.

So, if you didn’t already have a reason to restrict your social media accounts to just your real-life friends, you do now.

How Did the Google Docs Attack Work?

According to research done by Talos, the threat intelligence division at the computer network firm Cisco, the emails in yesterday's attack appeared to be authored by a real contact from each victim's address book.

The email invited the victims to open a Google Doc and, once that happened, they were asked to authorize a “Google Docs” application. This fake app put a new twist on the traditional phishing scheme, says Lance Cottrell, chief scientist at the cybersecurity firm Ntrepid.

Instead of directing victims to a fake website or a malware-filled attachment, it asked them, through the actual Google authentication process, for a handful of permissions, including total access to their Gmail accounts.

“There’s almost nothing technical about this,” says Cottrell, who was one of the many people to receive the fake Google Docs invitation. “They just built an app that looks like Google Docs."

The user experience was remarkably similar to the real thing, too. When victims agreed to the request, the hackers could read, delete, and send emails that appeared to be coming directly from the victim's account. They also got access to all of the contacts in the victim’s account. In fact, the hackers then used the accounts to send even more emails out to those contacts.

The scam worked much the same way as the fake apps that once plagued the app stores of Google and Apple, says Cottrell, except that those scams used permission requests to steal information from smartphones.

“Using multi-factor authentication and the best password in the world doesn't help," he adds, "because you’re logged into Google and you’ve given [the hacker] permission to use your account.”

If you fell victim to the phishing attack, you don't need to do anything with your Google account, including changing your password. Google has purged the fake applications and other malicious content from its system.

But there's nothing you can do about the fact that your contact list is now in the hands of hackers. People and businesses on that list are more likely to be hit by spam and future phishing attacks.

How Can I Protect Myself From Phishing?

Limor Kessem, executive security adviser for IBM Security, says you need to be wary of all emails. If you are not expecting one with a file or a link in it, don't click on it—even if it comes from someone you know. “If you're not sure if someone sent you a file or link," she explained by email, "pick up the phone and ask, especially at work.”

Kessem also encourages people to take a good look at sender names. If the domain has typos in it or looks bogus, report it to the company it's likely imitating. Placing your cursor over hypertext links in emails will show you where the URL leads. If the URL looks phishy, it probably is.

If you're invited to check your bank or credit card account information, type the web address into your browser, she says, instead of clicking on an email link. And if you happen to click on a bad link and end up on a malicious website, don’t enter any personal information. Close your browser immediately and report the email to the company that has been misrepresented.

And always make a point of creating good passwords for your accounts, changing them frequently and setting up multi-factor authentication.

What Do I Watch Out for Now?

Cottrell warns that a slew of copycat scams may soon surface. And, he says, since this sort of scam could easily compromise social media platforms, people should be wary about granting third-party apps permission to access their Facebook and Twitter accounts.

That includes those popular Facebook quizzes that ask for access to “friends,” then go on to ask those friends personal questions that reveal their ideal Star Wars name, Starbucks order, or career choice. The answers could be used for marketing, but also for cracking account passwords.

It’s up to consumers to be on their toes.

“When an app or a quiz says, ‘I want to do this with your information,’" Cottrell says, "you need to pause and think, ‘Do I really want to give access?’”

How to Avoid Online Scams

Do you know how to protect yourself from online threats? On the " Consumer 101 " TV show, host Jack Rico and Consumer Reports' digital privacy expert Thomas Germain play a quiz game to reveal important steps you can take to keep your personal information safe.

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The 25 Best Google Docs Hacks: Change the Way You Write

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One of the most essential tools for the workplace is word processing software. And one of the biggest mistakes professionals make is not choosing a word processor that empowers them do more than just put words on a blank page.

It doesn’t matter what you write either: blog post drafts, company documentation, meeting notes, or even whitepapers. You’ll have a much easier time creating these docs just from using a powerful platform like Google Docs .

With Google Docs, all of your documents are automatically saved as you’re working. So, you’ll never have to worry about forgetting to save the latest version again.

What’s more, Google Docs lets you get everything done in one place as you write, edit, and even translate and share.

First, let's look at useful Google Docs hacks that will transform the way you write.

(Be sure to catch the bonus hacks for G Suite users at the bottom of this post.)

Google Doc hacks for Gmail

For the most part, anyone with a Gmail account can access these features. However, G Suite teams have a couple of extras, like templating and user tracking. Let's look at the Google Docs hacks for Gmail users.

1. Use Chrome to find or create Docs

In our previous post about Google Drive hacks , you saw how easy it is to create, save, and manage Google Docs (and other file types) from your main drive.

But did you know you can do the same thing right from your Chrome address bar?

Type “docs…” along with a descriptive keyword, and Google will auto-populate matching results from your drive.

Or, if you want to create a new Google Doc altogether, just type “docs.new” in the address bar:

Chrome will immediately direct you to a brand new document:

The only thing it won’t do is place it in the folder structure of your choosing. However, you can easily do that from File > Move to….

2. Work in distraction-free mode

As you can see above, Google Docs comes with a standard menu bar and toolbar. But if you feel like all that extra stuff at the top of the document is getting in your way, get rid of it.

To set up distraction-free mode, go to View > Full screen. The top bars will disappear and all you’ll be left with is your document:

To return to the standard view, click your “ESC” key.

3. Learn keyboard shortcuts to have full control over your doc

Be careful with distraction-free mode. While it’s easy to bring the top bars back into view, the whole point of removing them is so you can work without distractions or breaks.

In order to keep yourself 100% in distraction-free mode, you’ll want to master Google Docs’ shortcuts:

This way, if you decide to copy and paste a paragraph to a new spot, you won’t need the Edit menu to do it. Just Command + C and V—your fingers won’t even have to leave the keyboard. With a couple of keyboard clicks, you can get almost anything done in seconds.

Shortcuts are helpful for more than just editing content too. You can use them to format and style your page, open Google Docs features, and even insert comments into the doc.

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4. Talk-to-type for hands-free writing

Let’s say you have a bulky bandage covering your finger. No matter how much you try to watch what your typing, your oversized middle finger keeps typing “u” or “8” when what you really want to type is the letter “i.”

You could try to power through it, but it’s going to drive you nuts. Especially if you have a lot of writing to do.

Or you know, maybe your hands are just occupied.

Thankfully, Google Docs has a talk-to-type option available under Tools > Voice typing…. Click the microphone icon when you’re ready to start speaking and Google Docs will start typing your words on the page:

Keep in mind that you’ll need to dictate punctuation as well. It’ll take some getting used to, but it’s a good option if your hands are otherwise busy—and it beats the frustration of typing with a busted finger.

5. Make it available offline

The offline feature is really handy for when you need to keep working, but wifi access isn’t available.

And if you didn’t remember to turn on offline access from Google Drive, you can do so from any of your open Google Docs. You’ll find this under File > Make available offline:

6. Use the outline to plan and optimize your content

For single-page and other short documents, you probably won’t need an outline. However, when you use Google Docs to create things like documentation, ebooks, or articles, you could end up with a couple dozen pages in the end.

If you want to keep things organized while you’re working, open the outline sidebar on the left:

Pro-tip: Your outline will only populate once you’ve used the Title and Heading styles on the page.

If you look at the snippet above, you can see that the title is the first item in the outline. The first heading, “Nailing the voicemail greeting,” is the next one.

The other points in this outline are indented to demonstrate hierarchy. For instance, if you used a Heading 2 for the overarching topic and then Heading 3 for sub-topics, you’d have a really nice outline to work with — as well as a post that’s easy to scan and read.

You can also click on chapter headings in your outline to quickly move to different sections of your post, rather than scroll and scroll until you find it.

7. Embed and edit photos in your docs

Google Docs don’t just accommodate text. You can embed images into them as well.

To do this, go to Insert > Image. You then have the option of embedding images from:

  • Your computer
  • Google Drive
  • Google Photos
  • Your camera

Be careful with images from the web or a URL though. If your document is only for internal company purposes, you’re free to use whatever you like.

However, if your document is for commercial purposes (like in a company flyer or on your website), there are limits to what you can use. To be safe, get your images from stock photo websites like Unsplash where you’re allowed to use any image for free on the web.

Once you’ve found images that work, go ahead and make edits inside Google Docs.

For example, you can drag-and-drop the image’s borders to resize it.

Also, when you click “Image options…” in the toolbar, you can even apply shading to your image:

Another useful image editing feature is the crop.

When an image is selected, a crop icon will appear to the left of “Image options…” When selected, your image will look similar to this:

The lighter shaded area is where the boundaries of the image originally stretched to. However, by dragging the black border lines inward, you can cut the image to where it needs to be.

If you’re unhappy with it, you can click on the crop icon again and restore or fix the image (since you never lose the original edges entirely). Or you can use the keyboard shortcut Command + Z to undo it.

8. Insert custom visuals

You can embed other kinds of visuals into your documents, too. For example, you can insert a table like this from Insert > Table:

All you have to do is pick the dimensions of the table from the menu and Google Docs creates it for you. If you want to edit how many rows or columns there are, right-click on the table and use the options to adjust accordingly.

Another kind of visual element you can create is a drawing or shape. You can add this under Insert > Drawing:

To add a new drawing, simply create it in the newly opened Draw application. Then, Save and Close it. Your new image will now be embedded on the page.

What’s more, if you keep it connected to the original that lives in Draw, you can make edits there and sync them to your doc so you don’t have to recreate the drawing if changes are needed.

The same goes for any charts or graphs you create through Insert > Chart:

Your data may change or someone may provide feedback that forces you to remove or edit an item. By creating that connection between Google Docs and the custom visual element in another Google app, you only have to make edits to one copy of it.

9. Add a ToC, footnotes, and page numbers for reports and ebooks

For longer, more formal documents, you may want to use elements like:

  • A table of contents to organize chapters
  • Footnotes to provide additional information and links
  • Page numbers for easier reference points

Rather than add each of these into your doc manually, let Google Docs to do the work for you:

You’ll be able to find all three of these report- and book-friendly elements (and more) under the Insert menu. Choose the format you prefer and Google will auto-populate the doc with what you need.

10. Use the dictionary if you get stuck

Google Doc’s built-in dictionary will come in handy whether you get stuck on a word while writing or you want to double-check someone else’s spelling:

The doc itself will clue you into spelling errors with a little red squiggly mark. However, if you want to confirm spelling and context, the dictionary may be more useful in finding the exact word you need.

11. Customize your dictionary

One of the frustrating things about any online spellcheck or dictionary is that it will only recognize works in the general lexicon.

But what if your company uses its own acronyms or taglines that Google constantly flags as incorrect? The same happens with certain people’s names, too:

Go to Tools > Spelling and grammar > Personal dictionary… and you’ll find a place to enter these custom words into the dictionary.

Not only will this remove the annoyance of the red squiggly under words that are correct, it’ll also help the rest of your team spell your company’s terminology correctly every time.

12. Set a language so the spellcheck is accurate

Your Google account settings allow you to set a default language and region, which then applies to all of your Google apps.

In some cases, though, you may want to deviate from your native language or dialect when creating a document.

Under File > Language, you can update the specific document’s language:

As you can see, both languages and regional dialects (like U.S. English vs. UK English) are available.

Once enabled, the spellcheck will analyze your text based on the language you’ve chosen.

13. Create a translated version of the document

To create a fully translated version of your document without having to write a single word in another language, use Google Doc’s built-in translation tool.

You’ll find this under Tools > Translate document….

Pick the target language for the translation, give your document a new title, and click “Translate.”

Google will create a completely new doc in your drive that’s translated into your target language:

As you can see, it’s not just the text that’s preserved. Any images you’ve embedded in the page or text formatting are also preserved. The only thing that won’t translate over is any image alt text you’ve created.

14. Use Preferences to save time typing and clicking

One of the reasons to configure your preferences is to let Google automatically capitalize the first word in sentences, suggest the right contacts to attach to comments, etc.

You can find this setting under Tools > Preferences:

Preferences also limit how much typing and clicking you do. In the example above, you can see that commonly used symbols can be typed on the keyboard without having to use the Special Characters menu to create them.

You can also use the Replace/With feature to quickly add phrases, sentences, and even paragraphs with just a few keystrokes.

For example, let’s say your company’s motto is “I’m lovin’ it.” You could type it out each time it appears or you could create a shortcut where “luv” is instantly replaced by the full tagline.

15. Explore the web from your Google Doc

If you like the idea of staying in your Google Doc to do all your research, Google has made this easy with its Explore feature (which is basically Google search from your doc).

Go to Tools > Explore and Google will open a search explorer on the right side of your page.

You can search for articles on the web if you want to verify a point, find a useful statistic or quote to cite, or do other research:

You might also want to use Explore to reference things you’ve written and saved in your drive.

You can search through images on Google, too:

16. Share your doc with others

Once you’ve written what you need to, it’s time to open it up for review, feedback, and/or editing.

The blue “Share” button in the top-right corner of the page allows you to share your document with others:

The first thing you have to decide is what you want others to be able to do:

  • View means they can read what’s on the page.
  • Comment means they can leave notes on parts of the page where they have questions or feedback.
  • Edit means they can actually change the content on the page.

If you want to send the document to a large group of people, change the setting by clicking “Anyone with the link…”

If you want Google to send a link to the document to your users instead, enter their email addresses under the “People” field. Then, click the pencil icon to switch their access rights.

17. Email others from your doc

The “Share” option is best for the first time you send a document to someone. Once they’re attached, though, you’ll have to email them to let them know when their attention and feedback is needed.

There’s no need to move to your Gmail tab to do that.

When you want to message someone about a page they already have access to, use File > Email as attachment… instead:

What’s nice about this option is that you can automatically convert your Google Doc into another file format and have Google attach it to the message for you.

If you’d rather keep it as a Google Doc, that’s fine, too. Just change the “Attach as” option to what you need.

18. Add comments or suggestions to the doc

Let’s look at what happens after you share a document with someone else or they share a document with you:

Just as there are three options under “Share,” there are three options under the access dropdown in the top-right. That is, the creator of the page (you) will see these options. Everyone else will only see what they’re allowed to do.

Viewing is straightforward. They’re allowed to read what’s on the page, but can’t make any changes to it. They won't be able to “Comment” or “Suggest edits” like this:

When Suggest mode is turned on, people can highlight a bit of text or an image and leave a note for the author or admin of the page.

They can also suggest edits which will show up on the page as markups, along with a corresponding comment on the sidebar:

It’s then up to the author to accept, reject, or resolve the comments using the buttons in the comment boxes.

Anyone with Editing access won’t need to use the suggestion or commenting tools as they’ll have full access to the page—unless you’re working collaboratively on a doc and want everyone’s suggestions, including your own, to be tracked.

That said, if you want to review what others do before including the changes in your document, it would be best to assign them specific privileges.

19. Assign comments to others to handle

Within the comments themselves, you can do a number of things besides resolve them.

You can edit or delete the comment you just wrote, and even copy a link to the comment in case you want to bring someone’s attention to a specific question or comment.

Or, even better, you can tag them in the comment or reply field like this:

It’s the same as how you’d tag someone on social media. Either type “@” or “+” and then enter their name or email address. If they’re in your contacts list, Google will fill the rest in for you.

If you want to assign the comment as a task, click the “Assign to” option and they’ll receive an email about the comment and to-do:

This is how the new comment/task will show up on your page. This is now assigned to a specific person to handle, which can come in handy if you have different subject matter experts who can deal with certain questions better than others.

20. Make text edits in bulk

In general, it’s very easy to edit in Google Docs. Just place your cursor where it needs to be, or highlight a string of words, and make your changes.

But when you need to make the same change throughout the page, it can quickly become a tedious process.

To make the same change and just do it once, go to Edit > Find and replace…. It will open a text box like this:

Type whatever it is you want to find, enter the replacement text, and then click “Replace all”.

This isn’t just useful for spelling issues either.

For instance, you might have someone who’s written something with extra spaces placed after periods. You could ask them to clean it up—or you can just use find-and-replace to clean out double or triple spaces hanging around in a matter of seconds.

21. Revert to previous version

Sometimes, the new-and-improved version of a page doesn’t work. Or you’re just curious about what kinds of changes other people have made to your document.

Thankfully, you don’t have to dig through emails or your hard drive to try to find previous versions.

With Google Docs, go to File > Version History:

Since Google autosaves whatever you write, it usually has a bunch of versions you can look back through. It will show you:

  • The date and time it was saved.
  • The last person who edited it.
  • What the exact changes were on the page.

You can use your version history to check on edits to the page, and also restore a previous version. Choose the one you want and click the blue “Restore this version” button.

Version history is also useful if you want to better organize your drafts.

When a version is highlighted, a button appears in the right corner of the block:

Click on it and give the version a name. Then, if you want to remove all the excess “noise” of the unnamed versions, click the “Only show named versions” toggle up top.

This allows you to keep better track of what each of your deliverables looked like and how the page has progressed from start-to-finish.

22. Export your doc as other file types

Unless you’re using Google Docs to create internal company documentation, you’ll probably need to export them into other formats. Like PDFs for company flyers. Or web pages for your developers to use on the website.

Unlike some word processing tools that make it difficult to change from one format to another, Google Docs makes it easy to convert your documents.

Go to File > Download as and you’ll find other file formats available:

Your document will instantly download to your hard drive in the chosen format.

23. Improve your content with add-ons

If you’re using Google Docs to create content for your business (like blog posts, ebooks, or reports), you should use more than just the hacks above.

Under Add-ons > Get add-ons, you’ll find a lot of different tools to help you create better content:

In the example above, you can see that there are three already installed:

  • Better Word Count, which shows exactly how many words and characters are on the page or in a highlighted selection of the page.
  • Grammar and Spell Checker, which provides advanced spelling and grammatical checks for other languages and dialects.
  • SEMrush SEO Writing Assistant, which assesses the quality of content for the web.

There are many more too, including add-ons for voice-to-type, thesaurus, diagram creation, SEO, templates, GIFs, signatures, and more.

To use any of these extensions, install them from the list of add-ons. Then, choose the one you want from the Add-ons menu.

One thing to note about these add-ons is that you can only use one at a time as it fills the same sidebar space.:

When you’re ready to take your content to the next level, these add-ons are waiting for you.

Google Doc hacks for G Suite

Now, here are a few Google Docs hacks for those of you who have access to G Suite.

24. Create a template for your organization

When creating a new Google Doc from your team drive, you can start with a business template as your base:

You might want to tweak the template or create your own in order to give your business collateral a look that’s unique to your brand.

You can do that with Google Docs. However, in order to ensure your team uses the same templates for their own documents, you’ll need to save it somewhere.

Gmail users don’t have the ability to save templates, but G Suite users do.

From your Template gallery, select the option to submit your own template:

Then, save it in your team drive and let everyone know it’s available to use.

25. Use the Activity Dashboard

G Suite provides users with another neat tool. This one is called the Activity Dashboard. You’ll find a link to it in the top-right corner of the app.

When opened, you’ll discover a number of details about your doc:

When sharing a document that’s meant to be viewed and read (like required company training docs or orientation packets), this lets you know who’s actually done the work.

If you’re sharing a document for the purposes of collaboration, like a team brainstorming doc, you can also get a sense of who's participating and who’s not.

In general, if you’re ever curious about what people are doing with your documents and if they’re using them as intended, this dashboard will let you know what’s going on.

Improve your writing with Google Docs

Wouldn’t it nice to be able to do more than just type words onto a page?

With Google Docs, you gain the ability to complete the entire lifecycle of writing, from research to writing to sharing and editing. And you can do it all from the same page.

If your team is spending more time than it needs to on working across different apps and delivering documents in various formats, Google Docs will get everyone on the same page — literally.

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Free Online Plagiarism Checker

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Possible plagiarism detected!

If you submit this paper, your institution may take disciplinary measures against you. The content requires editing and modification of parts. We know how to make it unique.

This is weighted average of all matches in your text. For example, if half of your paper is 100% plagiarized, your score would be 50%

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Text matches these sources

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How to avoid plagiarism?

Proper citation style.

Avoid plagiarism by always listing the source and formatting it correctly when you are note-taking. Take care of the proper formatting and citation style when using content from outside sources.

Write on your own

Avoid borrowing and overusing large pieces of the content from outside sources, especially from Wikipedia. Write your own thoughts and use sources only to support your opinion (remember to cite it though!).

Rewriting Service

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Editing Service

PapersOwl expert can edit up to 50% of your content, proofread and polish your paper to make it plagiarism free and ready to use.

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Online Plagiarism Checker For Students

Writing an academic paper can be challenging when you’re not sure if it’s original enough to pass a plagiarism check. Of course, students take information from various sites before writing their own text. Sometimes, it just so happens that certain parts are very similar to your resources, making your professor think that you’ve just copied work from somewhere. That’s why it’s crucial for any modern college or university student to ensure that their work has 100% original content to maintain academic integrity.

Luckily, a free plagiarism checker online can solve this issue quickly and easily. Many cheap essay writing services use a plagiarism checker for research paper. However, students sometimes forget that they should too. But with so many options that pop up when you ask Google to “check my paper for plagiarism”, how do you choose the right one for detection? We’ve got the solution in the form of PapersOwl’s free plagiarism checker tool! Our simple tool makes it convenient to check any writing task without having to spend a dime. It works quickly and highly accurately, ensuring that you get the top grade you deserve. So, if you want to check plagiarism online before turning your task in, head over to our website and get started!

Accurate Check for Plagiarism with Percentage

Many students wishing to produce original content aren’t quite sure how to get an exact percentage of plagiarised text in their work. This percentage is important since many universities have a certain limit of non-unique words you can have in your essay for it to be considered okay. If your plagiarism search doesn’t give you the exact percentage, you can’t be sure if your assignment will go through or not.

When using a free plagiarism tool, it’s essential to have this data provided to you. Only when you have it can you decide which parts to change and which ones to chuck out to achieve your desired results. Plagiarized content is a big issue in modern educational institutions, so getting reliable and trustworthy results is vital. This is the most essential requirement when you check plagiarism.

PapersOwl’s plagiarism detection tool gives you all the information you need to fix plagiarized content. Whether you’ve fallen victim to accidental plagiarism or have tried to make your life easier by copying some text from different sources, you’ll get an accurate percentage with our plagiarism checker online. If you’re wondering how to check paper for plagiarism, it’s nothing complicated at all! Simply visit our site, paste your whole essay into the relevant text box or upload the text file, click on Check For Plagiarism, and you’ll get accurate plagiarism results in a matter of seconds. You’ll see the problematic parts with plagiarism detected highlighted, with links to where similar content exists. Our service with plagiarism detector will also give you the option to check my essay for plagiarism and then to hire a professional paper writer to fix your task quickly if you're busy with other things!

The Fastest Plagiarism Checker Online

Gaining insight into duplicate content only works if you get your results quickly. There are so many free plagiarism software online that promise to do the job for you. However, a lot of them are clunky, slow, and inaccurate. How can you produce original work without similarity detection you can trust?

PapersOwl stands out in this regard because it will detect plagiarism in seconds. This is a plagiarism scanner that’s able to perform a Swift Check to give you a uniqueness check right there and then. It also conducts a Deep Search, going through millions of sources on the internet to check for plagiarism. A document of about 1500 words takes only about 10 seconds to get processed! You get a clear plagiarism score of how much text is plagiarized and how much is original. All the sources that your essay matches are listed based on how much similarity there is in your academic writing. And on top of that, you get a handy Make It Unique button that’ll take you to an order page where you can ask our expert writers to rewrite your work and make it 100% unique.

All of this is done almost instantly, allowing students to continue do assignments without missing a beat. Not every plagiarism detection software works this quickly, making ours the best one you’ll ever use.

Plagiarism Checker Helps Boost Your Grade

A lot of students make the mistake of considering their papers automatically free from plagiarism. After all, they’ve written it themselves, so how could it be problematic? What they don’t realize is that it’s very easy to borrow some information mistakenly. Turning such a paper in can cause multiple problems, as your professor might think you haven’t done the work at all.

That is why you should always use a plagiarism scanner to test for plagiarized content in your college papers. Our online plagiarism checker for students is designed for this exact purpose. A simple, free plagiarism check could help you check plagiarism, fix any mistakes you see, and submit high-quality text that no one will question.

Our plagiarism detector has a lot going for it. It makes plagiarism detection easier than ever before. Unlike copying and pasting each passage individually into Google, simply upload the whole file into our plagiarism checker free for students, and you don’t have to do anything else. All the matches are highlighted so you know what to change.

The plagiarism test will give you a uniqueness percentage too. This will help you figure out where you stand and how much time you need to adjust anything if required. So, using our copyright checker online free to check your writing is essential. This way, you’ll submit the task only when you’re sure it meets the level of uniqueness required by your school. As a result, your grades will drastically improve when you check for plagiarism.

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How Does Plagiarism Checker Work?

  • If you already have a completed text, all you need is just to copy-paste the whole thing in the special box of the chosen plagiarism tool or website, choose suitable settings (if any), then press “check for plagiarism”. It is quite simple and takes just a few moments.
  • Once you have pressed “check for plagiarism”, the system will analyze your text and compare it with different sources to find similarities. As a rule, the duration depends on the text’s length. A standard free online plagiarism checker with percentage can give you the result within five minutes or less.
  • When the system finishes the work you will be transmitted to the reporting page – it contains the comprehensive report on your work, a percentage of its uniqueness, and a list of sources on which similarities were detected. Often, such tools also highlight the overlaps that were found.

As you can see, it is simple. However, for the best and reliable result you have to be careful. There are tons of programs and online tools that can be used but keep in mind that many of them work differently and not all are good for you. To be confident in the truthfulness of the received result, you need to select the best plagiarism checker because only a professional and high-quality software can detect all similarities and give you a reasoned assessment.

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Advantages Of Plagiarism Checker By PapersOwl

Why choose us? Our service offers a professional online plagiarism checker with report that will provide you with a comprehensive report to make you confident in the 100% uniqueness of your paper. Our free plagiarism checker for students guarantees the best check and here are the key advantages of using our tool that prove this:

You don’t need to pay anything to check your paper for plagiarism because we know the value of original and unique works.

One of the main benefits of our antiplagiat checker online is that it works so fast that you will not even have enough time to make yourself a cup of coffee while it analyzes your text, and it is safe!

We use the latest and the best algorithms and software in order to provide you with an advanced check and help you receive the high-quality papers.

It is simple in use and won’t take much time!

Many students have already confirmed that our free tool is a great and convenient feature that helped them detect and fix errors that could lead to a failure. With us, you will no longer need to look for a different scanner!

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How to set up an APA format paper in Google Docs

  • How to use Google Docs' APA format templates

How to write an APA format paper in Google Docs using a template or other built-in features

  • You can write an APA formatted paper in Google Docs using its built-in tools or a template.
  • The basics of APA 7 format include double-spaced lines, a running header, and a title page — all of which can be done in Google Docs.
  • Google Docs' templates page includes pre-made APA 6 and APA 7 documents you can use as well.

While some students write in MLA format, others write in APA format. APA — short for American Psychological Association — is a standardized format for writing academic papers, especially in the fields of sociology, psychology, and other behavioral or social sciences. It has specific rules for what your essays should look like, and how they should be structured.

APA format has changed a few times over the decades (right now we're on APA Seventh Edition, or "APA 7"), but the basics have stayed the same. And no matter which version of APA format you're using, you can set it all up using Google Docs.

Here's how to make an APA essay in Google Docs, either manually or using a template.

Like other style guides, APA format has a variety of rules and standards. Here are the most important guidelines for structuring your paper, along with tips on how to meet those guidelines in Google Docs.

  • The font needs to be readable and consistent.

APA isn't strict about what font you should use, or even what size it should be. It just needs to be legible, and you need to use the same font throughout your entire paper (with exceptions for figures, computer code, and footnotes). Some common choices are 12-point Times New Roman, 11-point Arial, and 11-point Calibri.

You can change your font and font size using the toolbar at the top of the screen. If you're trying to change text that you've already written, just be sure to highlight it first.

  • Your entire document needs to have one-inch margins and double-spaced lines.

All Google Docs documents have one-inch margins by default, so you probably don't need to worry about that. If you want to double-check or change them anyway, you can change the margins using the Page Setup menu or ruler feature .

Meanwhile, you can enable double-spacing with the Line & paragraph spacing menu in the toolbar above your document. Highlight all the text in your document, then select Double in this menu to turn on double-spacing . 

  • Every page needs a header with the paper's title in the top-left, and the page number in the top-right.

Google Docs lets you add headers to any page. You can add automatic page numbers through the Insert menu , and then double-click the header to add your title on the left if needed.

Remember that they need to be the same font and font size as the rest of your paper.

  • Your paper needs a title page with your name, paper title in bold, "institutional affiliation," and more.

Probably the most important part of an APA paper is the title page. It needs to include the paper's title in bold, your name, and your "institutional affiliation" — the school or organization that you're writing for. If you're a student, you also need to add the course number and name, your instructor's name, and the due date.

All this information should be centered in the upper-half of the first page. You can find Google Docs' alignment options in the toolbar at the top of the page. Highlight your text and select Center align in this menu to center everything.

  • Your paper should end with a References page, and each entry should be written with a hanging indent.

The last section of your paper is the References page. Make sure to put it on a new page (or pages, depending on how many you have to cite).

The word "References" should be centered and bolded on the very first line of the page. You can center the words using the alignment options mentioned above, and bold it by clicking the B icon .

List all your references in alphabetical order and use the ruler to give each one a hanging indent — in other words, every line after the first needs to be indented .

Your citations need hanging indents, which you can make with the ruler tool. Google; William Antonelli/Insider

How to use google docs' apa format templates.

While you can format your paper manually, Google Docs also offers two different APA templates — one for APA 7, and another for APA 6. These templates will let you meet most of the APA guidelines right away, but you'll probably still need to change some of it.

To use one of these templates:

1. Head to the Google Docs homepage and click Template gallery in the top-right.

2. Scroll down the templates page until you reach the Education section. In this section, click either Report [APA 6th ed] or Report [APA 7th ed] .

3. A page will open with an APA format paper already written in fake Lorem Ipsum language. Most of the formatting is there, so you just need to replace the pre-written words with your own.

You can find these templates in the mobile app by tapping the plus sign icon in the bottom-right, and then selecting Choose template .


  • Main content

Google Docs Phishing Scam: What You Need to Know

A widespread phishing scam involving Google Docs made its way across the internet today (May 3), with multiple Twitter users and at least two   Reddit threads documenting spam messages coming from "[email protected]". Google appeared to have shut down the phishing campaign within about an hour.

gmail phishing

The phishing email arrived in your inbox and said that someone you knew had shared a Google Doc with you. There was a button to "Open in Docs" — if you clicked it, you were redirected to a non-Google address, and everyone in your Google address book then got the same phishing email, only with you as the sender.

"I just got a Google Doc invite from a BuzzFeed email address, clicked on it, and it spammed everyone I've ever emailed," tweeted Joe Bernstein , a BuzzFeed technology reporter.

It's not yet clear what the aim of the phishing scam was. A posting on the official G Suite blog said that "the problem with Google Drive should be resolved."

If you received such an email and clicked on the"Open in Docs" button, go to https://myaccount.google.com/permissions and see if "Google Docs" is listed as one of the apps that has access to your Google account .

If so, that's the fake one — the real Google Docs shouldn't appear on this page. Select the fake Google Docs and click the blue "REMOVE" button. (We originally advised changing your Google password, but that doesn't seem to have been necessary.)

"This big phishing attack is clever; an OAUTH based attack. Tricks you into giving 'permission' to read your emails," tweeted Matt Tait , a British security expert.

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0Auth is a widely used credentialing standard that keeps you logged into accounts for a long period of time, and can also be used across accounts. For example, when you log into Gmail on one Chrome tab, then open another tab to open Google Drive, a 0Auth "token" logs you into the second tab's content automatically.

Likewise, if you keep a browser logged into a Twitter account indefinitely, that's OAuth at work. Malicious hackers love stealing 0Auth tokens because they can be reused until the user completely logs out of an account on all devices.

Tait added that the ongoing attack was very similar to a spear-phishing campaign last year carried out by APT28, aka Pawn Storm or Fancy Bear, and documented by the Tokyo-based security firm Trend Micro in a recent report. APT28 is one of the two Russian groups that hacked into the Democratic National Committee's email servers during the 2016 U.S. presidential election campaign.

However, the source code for today's attack was quickly found on at least two code-sharing websites. The code's availability indicated that this email virus may have been the work of "script kiddies," or juvenile pranksters, rather than cybercriminals or nation-state-backed hackers.

Illustration: Laptop Mag

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Instead of trying to use anti-AI checkers for essays, why not just have students write their essays in a Google Docs or something so progress and history can be tracked?

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Prove your writing is not AI-generated by tracking changes in your docs

By David Nield

Posted on May 25, 2023 8:16 AM EDT

AI chatbots such as ChatGPT and Google Bard have now reached a level where they can write emails , essays, and entire books . There’s an ongoing debate on how good that content actually is, but these platforms can certainly give a passable impression of a human being when it comes to creating copy.

That’s a problem when it comes to proving you wrote a particular document, whether you’re submitting a college essay or entering a short story competition. Right now, we don’t have a reliable way of detecting AI-generated text (ChatGPT can’t tell if ChatGPT has written something), but there are some options you can explore.

One is to track the changes to your document as you create it in your program of choice. It’s not a foolproof option, as you could still manually type out any output from ChatGPT or Bard, but it does at least show whoever’s reading your document how it came together, if they ever want to check.

Google Docs

Every document you create on Google Docs tracks changes by default, and you can’t turn this feature off. The idea is that previous versions of the file are always available to you, should you need to go back. Click the version history button in the top right corner (an arrow around a pair of clock hands) to see previous edits and revert back to them if needed.

Via File , Version history , and Name current version you’re able to manually set a point in the version history and give it a name—you might want to do this after the end of every chapter in a novel, or every day in a report, for example. Google Docs labels unnamed versions only with the time and date, so this makes previous versions easier to find.

[Related: OpenAI’s newest ChatGPT update can still spread conspiracy theories ]

When it comes to passing on your work to someone else, you need to use the built-in Google Docs sharing feature: Click Share on the right to grant access or to get a link you can copy and paste into an email or chat box. If you save your work as a Word document or a PDF, the version history won’t be transferred over to the file.

Note that whoever you’re sharing your document with will have to log into a Google account to access it, and you’ll have to give them Editor permissions too. If the other person opens the document anonymously via a link, or only has Viewer or Commenter permissions, then won’t have access to the version history, and won’t be able to see that the document is all your own work.

Microsoft Word

There are two ways to approach change tracking in Word, depending on how you’re sharing your file. The more traditional option is where you’re emailing a Word document to someone else: open the Review tab on the ribbon menu and click Track Changes , which then highlights every change that you make to the document.

By default, the software will underline new text and color it red, but you can change this by clicking All Markup on the Review tab: Choose Simple Markup to have edits highlighted in the margin rather than in the body of the text, or No Markup to turn off highlighting altogether. Whether the highlights are visible or not, you can click Reviewing Pane (or Reviewing on macOS) on the Review tab to see all the document revisions. The person reading your work will be able to see all of the edits you made to the document in the same way, demonstrating it’s your own work.

The second option is to save your Word file to your OneDrive account and share it via a link, which is the more modern, Google Docs-style approach. While the Track Changes option is still available, you can also click the name of the document at the top of the window, then Version History , to view (and revert to) previous versions of the document.

Go to File , then Share , and you can generate a link for the file to pass on: Make sure the recipient has editing privileges and can sign in with their own Microsoft account. They’ll then be able to access the version history of a document by clicking on its title, whether they open it on the web or in Word for desktop. As long as the file is in your OneDrive account, version history will be available.

Apple Pages

Those using Apple Pages for their documents have the same options as with Word. To turn on the track changes feature, choose Edit and Track Changes . This introduces a new toolbar—you can use the options on it to set how Pages highlights changes and review edits.

When you share the document via File and Share , as long as you keep the file in the native Apple Pages format, the recipient will be able to see the same track changes information. If they have editing privileges, they’ll also be able to accept or reject the changes you’ve made.

[Related: Become a better writer with these online tools ]

Version history is perhaps an easier option to show your work, but there are caveats. You have to save your file to your iCloud account so it’s available on the web, and the person you’re sharing it with will only be able to see versions created after you’ve shared the file. In other words, you want to share the file—via File and Share —as soon as you create it, so the other person is able to see all of the versions that build up.

If you’re using Pages on a Mac, open the File menu then Revert To and Browse All Versions to see previous versions of the document (and revert back to them if needed). If you’re using Pages on iCloud on the web, click the three dots (top right) and then Browse All Versions . Anyone you’re sharing the document with has the same options available to them, as long as you’ve granted them editing privileges.

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By Natasha Uzcátegui-Liggett / The Markup

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7 Free Rubric Templates in Google Docs

When it comes to evaluating and assessing various tasks, rubrics are invaluable tools. They provide a structured way to grade or evaluate assignments, projects, or performances. Google Docs is a widely used platform for document creation and collaboration, and it's a convenient choice for creating and sharing rubrics. In this article, we'll explore the top seven rubric templates that you can use in Google Docs to streamline your assessment process.

Table of Contents

  • Analytic Rubric
  • Holistic Rubric
  • Scoring Rubric
  • Checklist Rubric
  • Behavioral Rubric
  • Group Project Rubric
  • Writing Rubric

How to Get Started with Google Docs Rubric Template

Getting started with our template is quick and easy. Follow these simple steps:

Access the Template : Click on link below each template image to access the template in Google Docs.

Make a Copy : To use the template, click on button "Use Template" in the top right corner." This action will create a duplicate of the template in your Google Drive. Note: You must be logged in your Google account.

Customize : Open the copied template in Google Docs and customize it to your liking. Add your organization's logo, adjust fonts and colors, and make any necessary changes to the structure to match your meeting requirements.

Save and Share : Once you've customized the template, save it in your Google Drive. You can easily share it with your team members, allowing everyone to access and use the template for their meetings.

Analytic Rubric Google Docs Template

Analytic rubrics break down assessments into specific criteria and levels of achievement. They are well-suited for providing detailed feedback on various aspects of a task or assignment, making them a versatile choice for educators and evaluators.

Free Analytic Rubric Google Docs Template

Download Analytic Rubric Google Docs Template

Holistic Rubric Google Docs Template

Holistic rubrics, on the other hand, provide a broad, overall assessment of a task. They are ideal for situations where you want to evaluate the entire work as a whole. Holistic rubrics are often used in scenarios where a detailed breakdown isn't necessary.

Free Holistic Rubric Google Docs Template

Download Holistic Rubric Google Docs Template

Scoring Rubric Google Docs Template

Scoring rubrics are perhaps the most common type used in education. They assign numerical scores to assignments, making them easy to calculate and understand. These rubrics are great for assessments where you want to quantify performance.

Free Scoring Rubric Google Docs Template

Download Scoring Rubric Google Docs Template

Checklist Rubric Google Docs Template

Checklist rubrics are simple and straightforward. They consist of a list of criteria or tasks that need to be completed, and each criterion is binary—either it's checked (completed) or unchecked (not completed). Checklist rubrics are handy for ensuring tasks are completed systematically.

Free Checklist Rubric Google Docs Template

Download Checklist Rubric Google Docs Template

Behavioral Rubric Google Docs Template

Behavioral rubrics are often used in professional settings to evaluate behaviors and competencies. They assess specific behaviors or actions expected in a job role, making them valuable tools for employee evaluations and development.

Free Behavioral Rubric Google Docs Template

Download Behavioral Rubric Google Docs Template

Group Project Rubric Google Docs Template

Group projects are common in educational and professional settings. Group project rubrics assess teamwork, collaboration, and individual contributions within a group. They are essential for ensuring fair evaluations in group assignments.

Free Rubric Google Docs Template

Download Group Project Rubric Google Docs Template

Writing Rubric Google Docs Template

Writing rubrics are particularly crucial for evaluating written assignments, essays, and reports. They focus on aspects such as clarity, organization, grammar, and content. Writing rubrics help provide structured feedback to improve writing skills.

Free Writing Rubric Google Docs Template

Download Writing Rubric Google Docs Template

Incorporating these rubric templates into Google Docs can streamline your assessment process and help you provide clear and consistent feedback to students or colleagues. To use them effectively, simply copy and paste the template into your Google Docs document, customize it to your specific needs, and start assessing with ease.

Rubrics not only make the grading process more efficient but also offer a transparent and fair way to evaluate performance. Whether you're an educator, manager, or team leader, these rubric templates can help you maintain consistency and provide valuable feedback in various assessment scenarios.

So, which rubric template suits your assessment needs best? Let's dive into each type in more detail to help you make an informed choice.

1. Can I modify these rubric templates to suit my specific needs?

  • Absolutely! Rubric templates in Google Docs are highly customizable. You can adjust criteria, descriptions, and scoring to align with your assessment goals.

2. What is the main difference between scoring and analytic rubrics?

  • The key difference lies in how they evaluate tasks. Scoring rubrics provide an overall score, often numeric, for an entire assignment, while analytic rubrics break down the assessment into specific criteria and levels of achievement.

3. When should I use a scoring rubric, and when should I opt for an analytic rubric?

  • Use a scoring rubric when you want to assign a single numeric score to an assignment and focus on the overall quality.
  • Choose an analytic rubric when you need to evaluate and provide detailed feedback on various aspects or criteria within an assignment.

4. Can I use both scoring and analytic rubrics for the same assessment?

  • Yes, you can use both rubric types if it suits your assessment goals. Start with an analytic rubric to evaluate specific criteria, and then use a scoring rubric to summarize the overall score.

5. How do I decide which rubric type is best for a particular assignment?

  • Consider the nature of the assignment: Analytic rubrics are suitable for complex assignments with multiple criteria while scoring rubrics work well for straightforward assessments.
  • Think about the level of detail required: If you need to provide in-depth feedback on various aspects, choose an analytic rubric.

6. Can I create my own custom rubric that combines elements of both scoring and analytic rubrics?

  • Yes, you can create a hybrid rubric that combines aspects of both types to suit your specific assessment needs. Tailor it to the criteria and goals of your assignment.
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Use Google Docs to draft emails

From your computer, you can use Google Docs to write an email draft and quickly preview it in Gmail.

Work with email drafts on Google Docs

  • On your computer, open a Google Doc .

and then

  • You can also type "@email" in the doc and press Enter .
  • To add recipients in the "To" field, type "@" and search your contacts, or type out email addresses.
  • Tip : You can collaborate with others in your doc to write an email draft. Learn more about how to share access to your doc .

Preview and send your email draft in Gmail

Preview in Gmail

  • In the pop-up Gmail window, you can make additional changes to your email.
  • Important : The email draft will be sent from the account you are logged into.

Related resources

  • Add items with the @ menu

Need more help?

Try these next steps:.

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