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Author Guidelines

Script format.

Manuscript is typed on A4 paper, around 5000-7000 words in Calibri 12 pt and space 1.15.

The writing system for research outcome consists of:

  • Systematic articles of research results are (1) Title, (2) Author’s name (Affiliate address, email address), (3) Abstract (accompanied by keywords), (4) Introduction, (5) Methodology, (6) Result and discussion, (7) Conclusion, (8) Author’s Biography, (8) References
  • Tables should be centered, with titles located at the top of the table. Font style and size are Calibri, 10 for both table title and table contents. Please make sure your tables are legible and do not exceed page margins.
  • Figure titles are also in Calibri 10. The figure must be centered and must not exceed page margins. The page can be rotated as a landscape page if it takes larger space.
  • The list of references only contains referred sources, and all referred sources must be mentioned on the list. Reference sources consist of, at the least, 80% literature published in the last three years.
  • The reference list is arranged in a manner that refers to APA style. Bibliography is written in alphabetical order by the name of the author, writer or in accordance with the thesis writing guidelines or thesis used.
  • Check each referred article for accuracy and make sure every quoted work in the article is written in references. Works that are not cited but mentioned in references will be omitted by the editor.

Article Title - The title should maximum 12 words, Calibri 14 pt, bold, and centered. It should be clear, concise, and informative.

Abstract - The abstract should be between 200 and 250 words ONLY. The title “ABSTRACT” is in Calibri, font size 12 while the contents of the abstract are in font size 11. Make sure your abstract is insingle spacing and is justified. If your article is in Bahasa Melayu, an English title, abstract, and keywords are also required. Place these after your Bahasa Melayu abstract. See the example below. If your article is in English, please proceed to the “INTRODUCTION”, no need Malay abstract. Please avoid stating the author name in this manuscript, and make a separate file as a supplement file in your submission (can contain 3 suggestion reviewer’s names, author & university name, acknowledgement, and simple author biodata.

Keywords : State five keywords and italicize (in Calibri, font size 11). Introduction

Introduction - title and content should be in Calibri, font size 12. Please make sure your article meets the word count requirement of 5000 – 7000 words (from Introduction-Conclusion; excluding abstract, biodata and list of references). Your submission will be withdrawn if these requirements are not met.

The first paragraph in each section should be left-aligned and each following paragraph should be indented. Text should be single-spaced with no space between paragraphs. Please ensure that 80% of the citations in all the submitted manuscripts must be from sources published in recent years (3 years back from the year the manuscript is written). Some of the other papers had been held back from the scheduled publication because of using old sources as their study references.

Literature Review - The terms used in this section or chapters vary, among others: theoretical study, literature review, the basic framework of the theory, and adapted to guidelines. This section contains theories or the results of previous studies/research used as a basis for this research. The main criterion for theories used as a foundation is the relevance to the topics/concepts/variables studied. Hypotheses are explained in the literature review section. This section is typed in Calibri 12pt, justify, and space 1.15. This section presented with a length of 10-15% of the article's total length.

Subheadings are italicized and left-aligned

  • For lower level headings, use a,b,c

Methodology - The research method is carried out with the subject matter (1) Research Design, (2) Research Objectives (Population and sample), (3) Data Collection Techniques and instrument development, and (4) Data Analysis Techniques. Meanwhile, tables and figures are presented center, as shown below and cited in the manuscript. This section is typed in Calibri 12pt, justify, and space 1.15. This section presented with a length of 10-15% of the article's total length. Please quote from recent sources to support your statement.

Result and discussion - The results of the research presented are the findings of the research conducted. Illustration of research results can use graphs, tables, or images. The results presented are meaningful, and relevant findings contain systematic data presentation relevant to the problem statement. In addition, this part also contains reflection/discussion according to the research findings. In presenting the discussion, use a comprehensive explanation to elaborate the whole data found during the research. By doing so, you can fill the gap of knowledge. Findings that rely on meaning construct tend to present a theoretical framework, so there will be an unnecessary repetition as explained in the research methodology. Calibri 12pt, justify and space 1.15. This section is shown with a length of 50-70% of the article's total length.

Conclusion - The conclusion is the author's affirmation of the research results and discussion or answers to the proposed hypothesis (title). Conclusions must answer the research objectives. Avoid speculation in concluding. Conclusions must be based on facts found in the research results. Arial 12pt, justify and space 1.15. This section presented with a length of 10-15% of the article's total length.

Biography – The biographical statement should include the author(s) full name. In addition, it is also appropriate to discuss your personal history, academic program and/or field placement, and interest in the article's subject. The biographical statement may not exceed 75 words.

References – References are to be put onto a new page. The latest reference is sought, consisting of scientific journals amounting to 80% of the entire bibliography that has been published in the last 3 years. All references should be written down in reference using American Psychological Association (APA) style. The bibliography is written alphabetically by the author's name, writer, or following the thesis writing guidelines or thesis used and no need to categorised in groups. It is recommended to use a reference application (reference manager) such as Mendeley.

Connoly, P. (2007). Quantitative Data Analysis in Education A Critical Introduction Using SPSS. USA and Canada: Routledge

Book chapter

Gelfand, M. J. & Cai, D. A. (2004). Cultural structuring of the social context of negotiation. In M. J.Gelfand & J.M.Brett (Eds.), The handbook of negotiation and culture (pp.238-257) California: Stanford Business Books.

Journal Article

Flanagin, A. J., dan Metzeger, M. J. (2008). Digital Media and Youth: Unparalleled Opportunity and Unprecedented Responsibility. 5-28

Journal article with DOI

Spreer, P., Rauschnabel, P.A. (2016). Selling with technology: Understanding the resistance to mobile sales assistant use in retailing. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 36 (3), 240-263. doi:10.1080/0885134.2016.1208100

Jurnal article on website

Hsing, Y., Baraya, A., & Budden, M. (2005). Away with SWOT Analysis: Use Defensive/Offensive Evaluation Instead. Journal of applied Business Research, 21(2), 105-112. Retrieved from hhtp://journals.cluteonline.com/index.php/JABR/

Newspapers article

Howe, J (2007, November 16). Manawatu worth $8. 1b. Manawatu Standard, p.1.

Newspapers article on website

Riza, F. (2014, April 6). KPID Kalimantan Barat siapkan roadmap informasi perbatasan. Retrieved from http://kalbar.antarnews.com/berita/3552/kpid-kalbar-siapkan-road-map-informasi-perbatasan.

ASEAN. (2018). Top 10 e-commerce sites in Indonesia in 2018, by monthly traffic (in million clicks). Retrieved from https://www.statista.com

Website document

Young, B. (2013). Emmanuel Levinas and “the face of the Other”. Retrieved form https://english.byu.edu/faculty/youngb/levinas/face.pdf

Book Translation

Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1992). Analisis data kualitatif buku sumber tentang metode-metode baru. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia Press.














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Plagiarism prevention services with turnitin in lspr.

Dear students,

Please be advised, for now students can access Turnitin for similarity checking. For further details you may scan the attached QR code. As you well know, plagiarism is totally prohibited, therefore by checking your articles' similarity will avoid and minimize the indication of plagiarism.

Turnitin checks in the LSPR Library are limited to 3 file types, namely:

1. Draft thesis/non-thesis

2. Draft unpublished journal articles

3. Coursework in classes

Turnitin examination can be done in 2 ways, namely:



The conditions for SELF CHECKING are as follows:

1. Students come to LSPR Sudirman Park Library during working hours

2. Students can check their manuscripts on 3 computers that are specifically provided in the Library.

3. Students are expected to follow the instructions for using the computer provided in each unit.

4. After completing and getting the results of the examination in the form of a PDF file, students are required to download and send the file to their email. Then the student has to delete all the files on the computer for the sake of privacy and confidentiality. In addition, Turnitin cannot be used if the available remaining storage is full.

5. All files in the Library computer unit will be deleted automatically if the computer is turned off.

6. Please tidy up the items before leaving the place and make sure there are no personal belongings left behind.

7. Please do this self-checking process quickly to give other students who are waiting their turn to use this facility.

The provisions for ASKING A LIBRARIAN FOR HELP are as follows:

1. Files to be sent are limited to:

a. Draft thesis/non-thesis

b. Draft unpublished journal articles

c. Coursework in classes

2. Students will send the file that will be check by Turnitin by filling out the form via the link : bit.ly/FORMULIRTURNITINPGP

3. This service is only provided for files sent via the link above.

4. Make sure the file is not in a locked position (requires a password), does not have to submit a request first, is not in the form of a link or file attachment from cloud storage.

5. The file format must be in Microsoft Word format, not pdf.

6. The file should only contain writing. The parts that are not included in the file are: foreword, references/references list, review text/comment text. The file must also be clean of headers and footers. Especially for papers that want to be used as journal articles, the paper must be clean of the author's name and affiliation, as well as the name of the target journal.

7. The file names are as follows:

a. For the final work in the form of thesis/non-thesis: Thesis/Non-Thesis_Turnitin-Name NIM_date of submitting file, for example: Thesis_Turnitin-UzumakiNaruto19210310141_21052022

b. For journal articles as an obligation for the final S2 trial: Article Turnitin Name NIM_date of submitting file, example:Article_Turnitin-UzumakiNaruto19210310141_21052022

c. For assignments: Assignment Subject Name_ Lecturer Name_ NIM Name_ date of sending the file, for example: TaskSIM_RudiSukandar-UzumakiNaruto19210310141_21052022

8. The email should only contain 1 (one) file.

9. If the file cannot be opened or does not meet the conditions in numbers 1-8 above, the application will not be processed.

10. The schedule for sending files from students is everyday (excluding national holidays) by filling in the link above.

11.Updates on checking results from libraries will be carried out every day with efforts on the same day (depending on the number of files sent in that week). Files that have been processed will be sent via email.

12. Students are prohibited from cheating on files in order to escape this plagiarism check. Violation of this provision will have serious consequences for the continuation of student studies at LSPR. 

File of the Turnitin Audit Results sent are as Follows: 

1. Similarity results that are above 25% must be corrected because they do not meet the requirements to be collected.

2. If the degree of similarity is high, there are several possibilities:

a. Your documents have been checked using a certain institutional account using the submit paper to repository setting.

b. Your document has similarities with other documents scattered on the internet.

3. The red number shows the total similarity of the document (similarity rate) which is the accumulation of numbers of other colors. In the information above, it is found that the contents are similar to sources including www.bbc.co.uk , www.bbc.com , mediabiasfastcheck.com, japantime.co.jp and other sources.



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HIV/AIDS Health Communication Campaign For Agats-Asmat : Non Thesis Project

LSPR (London School of Public Relations) is a private educational institution based in Indonesia, primarily focused on communication, public relations, and related fields. An "institutional repository" typically refers to a digital collection of an institution's scholarly and creative output, including research papers, theses, publications, and other academic materials.If LSPR has established an institutional repository, it would serve as a platform to showcase and preserve the intellectual work of the institution's students, faculty, and researchers. This repository could be used to centralize.

"It's a space where ideas flourish."

Putera, Kevin Sanly (2021) HIV/AIDS Health Communication Campaign For Agats-Asmat : Non Thesis Project. PGP-Non thesis thesis, LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

Health communication, as the new and salient field of communication study, is open to more research, case study, and project to enrich the ology. (Littlejohn & Foss, 2009). This nonthesis project studied the interrelation between cross-cultural theory, health communication, the combination of those two, along with additional supporting principles from mass media theory like agenda-setting theory; suggesting the mix through a cultural-centered health communication project in audiovisual campaign form. Asmat, a regency in southern Papua Island is chosen to be the research object of area, as the regency is still struggling –in health aspects- with HIV/AIDS disease (Firmansyah, 2019). Though curative action and preventive educational campaign were massively done periodically, this project suggested that the health communication would be less effective, efficient, to the point of redundant - if the healthcare provider and communicator do not consider the cultural aspect, especially in a rural area like Asmat which is less- developed compared to metropolises. This project finding includes an audiovisual health communication campaign product, built-in consideration to Asmat's local culture and social structure. Ethnography method is used by the researcher to learn about Asmat’s daily social and cultural transaction; believing those aspects would enhance the efficacy of a health communication campaign (making the communication product less difficult to be understood in different cultural contexts).

Item Type: Thesis (PGP-Non thesis)
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Date Deposited: 29 Dec 2023 07:59
Last Modified: 29 Dec 2023 07:59

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    Author Guidelines. Manuscript is typed on A4 paper, around 5000-7000 words in Calibri 12 pt and space 1.15. The writing system for research outcome consists of: Tables should be centered, with titles located at the top of the table. Font style and size are Calibri, 10 for both table title and table contents.

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    LSPR (London School of Public Relations) is a private educational institution based in Indonesia, primarily focused on communication, public relations, and related fields. An "institutional repository" typically refers to a digital collection of an institution's scholarly and creative output, including research papers, theses, publications, and ...


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    TEKNIS PENULISAN SKRIPSI/NON-SKRIPSI. Kirimkan SOFTCOPY Full Skripsi dengan kriteria: 1. Format Ms. WORD yang ditulis sesuai dengan Ketentuan Buku "Panduan Penulisan Skripsi dan Non-Skripsi" 2. Skripsi dikirim hanya SATU Dokumen (File) dengan LENGKAP (tidak terpisah-pisah), termasuk Bukti SCAN/FOTO/SCREENSHOT dokumen - dokumen berikut: a.