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Commentary Essay Guide

If you are a high school, college, or university student, you might have to write a commentary essay sooner or later. And whatever the subject may be, it’s better to be sure to provide substantial content and analyze the written discourse thoroughly. A commentary is quite good for completing that task.  

There are several ways of writing a commentary, and we will examine all of the major ones. Depending on the subject and the requirements, you might write your commentary in the form of a separate paper with its own characteristics (usually assigned and explained by your tutor), a literary analysis, and data commentary.

Plus, a commentary can be part of any complete essay. If you are assigned a specific type, you are free to jump to it directly. If not, make sure to read the whole article and learn more about every kind of commentary essay.

Essay definition – read our general article to learn more about essays.

What Is a Commentary Essay? (As a Separate Paper)

A commentary essay is a written piece that provides an opinion on a particular subject. This type of essay is usually written in response to another piece , such as a blog post, article, or book passage. In a commentary essay, the writer will typically offer their own take on the situation, using evidence and examples to support their claims.

A commentary essay as a separate assignment is widely used among academic institutions. Such a paper aims to make students enable and use their critical thinking, analyze a subject, and provide an individual commentary essay.

For instance, the Purdue University Fort Wayne course ENG W131 relies on a commentary essay as a distinct type because it simply helps the reader understand the topic more in-depth and provides a strong stance regarding the given subject. It would be reasonable to point out the most notable attributes of this commentary essay and what professors of the Purdue University course require to pass the program.

The list of assignmend handouts by PFW with commentary essay highlighted

The commentary essay’s primary goal is to help the audience understand the topic better. Many subjects may be quite unclear to an ordinary reader—meaning many points can be misunderstood. Students write commentary essays to evaluate various concepts and analyze the subject in a broader scope. 

Audience and Genre

The writer’s primary audience should be interested in the issue and have some connections with it. In other words, if you are to discuss innovations in the business sector, your audience may comprise business owners.

A commentary essay speaks for itself. The genre is a commentary—however, an official one.

Language and Style

Almost every paper has to be written according to academic rules, i.e., by following formal language and avoiding slang and personal pronouns. A commentary essay, however, allows you to include the first-person pronoun “I” to present your point of view.

Make your work coherent by providing effective transitions between the essay’s paragraphs and minding the word choice .

Like any academic paper, a commentary essay must contain an introduction with a thesis statement , a body part, and a conclusion. A word count might vary, but it is usually four to six pages long, double-spaced, typed with Times New Roman, with a title page and scholarly sources formatted in APA style.

Note: To learn more about essay format and structure, read our dedicated guide – How to Format an Essay .

Make sure to add one academic article or any other authoritative source per page. If your commentary essay has three pages, you need to find three up-to-date scholarly or any other competent materials. Such shreds of evidence support your arguments and thus make your work more trustworthy. 

The following are some brief tips to help you succeed in writing a commentary essay:

  • Create a strong and clear thesis that will outline your paper’s main points.
  • Make sure to give your audience food for thought or something that will urge them to act or try making sense of the topic.
  • Treat the readers as co-thinkers and demonstrate your position with reason, regardless of whether your perspective on the subject and theirs coincide.
  • Don’t be too objective or neutral but try to show your viewpoint, whatever it is.

Literary Commentary Writing and Analysis

Many students might think that commentary and analysis are two different things. They ask what the difference is since teachers can talk about commentary and analysis and use these terms interchangeably. The truth is, these are basically the same words in the context of essay writing. In simple terms, a commentary requires a person to analyze a certain block of text and explain their understanding to the audience.

As we already know, a commentary essay can be written in various ways. A commentary essay can examine different subjects and areas, which is hard to say about literary analysis. Literary commentary writing focuses on literature and sometimes news. Moreover, it follows the two most used methods: “This shows that” and “LET.” 

“This Shows That” Approach

To be brief but precise, this method makes students read between the lines and provide a complete understanding of the given text. However, although this method is relatively simple (but very effective), students tend to make mistakes when using it. Instead of going into the content, they remain about water. As a result, students don’t analyze the chosen section but simply paraphrase it. Let’s take a look at two examples:

A weak approach: In Essay On Criticism by Alexander Pope , the author states that “Those RULES of old discover’d, not devis’d; Are Nature still, but Nature Methodiz’d. Nature, like Liberty, is but restrain’d By the same Laws which first herself ordain’d.” The author says that only Nature sets the rules of our universe and can alter them.

A stronger approach: In Essay On Criticism by Alexander Pope , the author states that “Those RULES of old discover’d, not devis’d; Are Nature still, but Nature Methodiz’d. Nature, like Liberty, is but restrain’d By the same Laws which first herself ordain’d.” This shows that Nature dictates its own rules that no one can alter but her. Moreover, such rules are tightly connected with criticism during Classicism. The author wanted to emphasize that often such criticism was hostile to poetry, which was then called “criticism for the sake of criticism.”

“LET” Approach

This approach stands for “Literary Elements and Techniques,” which helps determine components used within the section and explains how such techniques correlate with the thesis statement. As a matter of fact, these elements are point of view, conflict, plot, character, style, and setting . 

Analyzed quote : “It is much easier to make good men wise, than to make bad men good.”

Thesis statement : Henry Fielding used digressions and extensive descriptions to show how a single event can be depicted, extended, and mocked.

Commentary : In this example, the narrator uses digressions to change the topic and provide something completely different, which, however, as the author states, is very important to know beforehand. By men , the author demonstrates the entire humanity and its development, false values, and shallow life. The quote works to show that every piece of text can mock every life aspect, and it wholly relates to the thesis statement.

Note: To learn more about academic analytical writing, check our comprehensive article – How to Write an Analytical Essay .  

What Are Commentaries in an Essay?

Commentaries in an essay can be written in different ways. Depending on an essay’s type you have to analyze, you can use several kinds of commentaries to interpret the body paragraphs’ evidence . These comments ultimately allow you to build a full-fledged paper and are essential in most essays. 

Each body paragraph in essays usually has a set structure, which looks something like this:

  • Topic sentence (with your claim or argument)
  • Supporting evidence, examples, quotes, etc.
  • Your commentaries analyzing the previous part
  • Concluding sentence with a transition to the next part

Commentary Essay Guide

There are five different ways of writing a commentary (analysis) in an essay. Each of them requires thorough analysis to identify which type is the most pertinent to use. Comments can be composed in the form of:

  • Opinion: When you analyze a piece and provide your take about it.
  • Interpretation: When you explain a concept that is hard to understand.
  • Character and Subject’s Feelings: When you depict the person’s emotional state.
  • Personal Reaction: When you present your personal stance on the topic.
  • Evaluation: When you evaluate a section and provide your critical judgment.

Now, each type is unique and has to be used within the relevant context. Suffice to say, you can’t use a character’s and subject’s feelings when analyzing statistics or a biology essay. How to identify which type is the most pertinent to the essay? Let’s find out.

Opinion Type

This one simply means to walk through the piece, comprehend it, and give the audience a short thought on the subject. The “what and why” method is the best way to provide sound analysis. Topics may be different, but argumentative essays with pieces of evidence are the prevalent paper type.

An exemplary statement might be: Considering a slow increase in vaccinated people, it will take over 70 years to vaccinate all the globe’s population.

When sticking to the “what and why” method, you want to show what your opinion is and why it is important.

So, the answer might follow this way: The statement demonstrated very slow progress in vaccinating people. If we want to get back to the pre-covid times sooner than 70 years from now, we have to speed up the vaccination process to grant people safety and hope.

Interpretation Type 

This type would suit argumentative essays with evidence-based statistics and numbers. Likewise, the “what and why” strategy would be the best for this and succeeding types.

The example of the body paragraph’s main thought can be: Researchers empirically identified that of 100,000 participants, 80,000 started feeling better after strenuous workouts.

Your commentary: The research indicates that the vast majority of participants made use of intense exercises. However beneficial it may be, there are still a substantial number of people who didn’t feel any improvement, and some even started feeling worse. 

Character’s or Subject’s Feelings

This type is applicable when providing commentaries on different descriptive or narrative essays.

For instance, the subject matter may well be related to some biographies and reflections, such as Sylvia Evans, observing her poor mental state, had to give up higher education and merge with solitude for the rest of her life.

Then, your commentary can be: Sylvia faces disastrous feelings at a young age, resulting in her university expulsion. Consequently, she has to leave everything and become alone, which can be even more perilous for her and people who share similar feelings. 

Personal Reaction

Here, you can touch on topics that can somehow relate to you. Issues you cover might be various and relate to the expository , narrative , or descriptive essays . An excellent example can be the topic of ethnic discrimination.

For instance: People don’t accept individuals of various backgrounds, sticking to the ideas of a polygamous nation and excluding others from their group.

The following may be your response: It is unacceptable to observe such pseudo-notions and see how people from different countries are perceived. Such an attitude spawns hatred, isolation, and even violence from both groups. 


This type relies on authoritative papers, credible statements, law, and other widely known rules.

For example, Owners whose private property is trespassed can use firearms and fend off the intruders.

Your evaluation can be as follows: Although this might be unnecessary, people are prone to defending their territory in any possible way. In fact, they are protected by the law and constitution that allow them to use firearms to protect their possessions. 

Data Commentary

Last but not least, the data commentary. Data commentary analyzes and discusses various data. In many fields, especially in engineering, it is critical to be able to make a point or develop an argument based on data.

The data can be presented as a table, graph, chart, or diagram; it can be your own data (e.g., gathered via a survey) or data from other sources, such as research papers and third-party surveys.

In data commentaries, one of the essential points is showing your position. And one of the main mistakes is to simply describe the data without providing your own point of view or any interpretation. However, here’s where another danger often arises. When drawing a conclusion based on data, make sure that conclusion is well-supported and that your claim is reasonable.

You can regulate the strength of your claim by using different verbs based on the strength of your stance. For example, if your stance is strong, you can say “caused,” indicating that one thing is definitely the reason something else happened. But if you want to make it less asserting, you can word it like “might have contributed to.”

All in all, here are the elements your data commentary can consist of:

  • Summary : You need to write a study’s synopsis and provide critical pieces of information the reader should know about.
  • Graph or Chart : To help the reader understand the numbers better and be able to compare them easily, you can include diagrams, charts, or other visual representations of data.
  • Conclusion : When writing a conclusion, not only do you help the reader remember key points, but you also provide your viewpoint.
  • Bibliography : You might need to create a reference page listing the sources you used when composing the data commentary.

Data Commentary Example (image)

Here’s an example of a data commentary with a good explanation, transitions, and a strong conclusion.

a data commentary excerpt about online misbehavior

Key Takeaways and Tips

With the abundance of types a commentary essay has, it comes as no surprise that students often get overwhelmed when professors assign them to write this paper. Still, the assignment is manageable, especially if you are aware that a commentary essay can be written in the form of:

  • Separate essay
  • Literary analysis
  • Data commentary
  • Evidence interpretation

Each of them is unique and has characteristics that students need to be familiar with before writing. 

Once you define which type of commentary essay you need, you might find the following tips useful:

  • Commentary is analysis, but not every analysis is commentary.
  • Try color-coding when writing an essay to highlight its parts with different colors to see if your paper is balanced and well-structured. Read more about essay elements in our guide on how to write a standard essay .
  • Always remember that in a commentary, your opinion and interpretation matter the most.
  • In a literary commentary, avoid using first-person pronouns (I, me, my, we, us, our).
  • Don’t simply summarize the quote, data, or evidence but draw logical conclusions and present your perspective.

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When You Write

From Summary to Insight: A Guide to Writing Commentary Essays with Depth

Writing an essay can be daunting, let alone if you’re also providing commentary on it. But the reward of a job well done is worth the effort when you’re finished!

It has been noted that essays with thoughtful commentaries have a higher chance of being accepted for publication. So I’m here to help make it clear that essay writers need to understand the power of commentary and how to incorporate it into their work.

In this article, I’ll share my experience as a writer and provide insight on how to make your voice heard in an essay by using effective commentary. By following my advice, you’ll be able to craft a piece that stands out from the crowd and makes your thoughts shine through!

What Is Commentary In An Essay?

Over the course of your writing, you may have heard of the term ‘commentary’ in relation to essay writing. But what does it mean?

Simply put, commentary is analysis. It’s when you take a text and try to identify the deeper implications at play. In literary texts this could be symbolism, metaphors or dual meanings; with non-fiction texts it could include examining how an author makes use of evidence and arguments to support their position.

Writing a commentary essay requires close reading skills and the ability to interpret a wide range of information. It also requires you to think critically about how ideas are connected and draw conclusions about why certain elements are included in the text.

Commentary is an essential part of any essay because it allows your reader – who may not be as familiar with the text as you – to understand why you have drawn certain conclusions based on your interpretation.

It’s like giving them a guided tour through your thoughts and ideas so they can explore what makes your argument unique and interesting. Commentary also enables you to make connections between different aspects of the text that might not be obvious on first glance, helping bring out its significance even further.

By using commentary effectively, you can write an engaging essay that really gets your point across clearly.

The Significance Of Commentary In Essay Writing

Writing commentary in an essay can be a powerful tool for communicating ideas and arguments. It is essential to engage in critical thinking, interpretation, and analysis when writing commentary. Writing effective commentary requires the ability to construct a well-developed argument that supports the main point of the essay.

Here are 4 key elements of effective commentary:

  • A clear thesis statement
  • Relevant evidence that supports the argument
  • Interpretation and analysis of the evidence
  • A conclusion that summarizes the argument

Commentaries should be written with an engaging style that encourages readers to think critically about the topic at hand. Good literary commentary should be accessible, yet thought-provoking; it should both inform and entertain the audience. Additionally, it should challenge preconceived notions about a subject and provide an insightful perspective on why something matters or how it affects our lives.

In order to write effectively, one must first understand their audience and what they hope to communicate through their words. With this knowledge in mind, one can craft a compelling commentary that offers fresh insight into any given topic.

Transitioning seamlessly into the next section…

Key Elements Of Effective Commentary

Like the rising sun that signals a new day, effective commentary can offer a fresh perspective to an essay. With the right words and emphasis, it can engage readers in an entirely new way and bring them closer to understanding your argument.

Like a shimmering beacon of light, it has the power to grab their attention and draw them into your ideas.

Commentary does more than just summarize facts or provide background information – it also evaluates, interprets, and analyses information.

It’s an opportunity for you to delve into the heart of what you’re writing about, offering insight into its significance and exploring potential implications. By taking this approach, you can evaluate the importance of each point and develop your thesis with greater clarity.

Through thoughtful commentary, you can make connections between ideas that your readers may not have previously considered and help them reach their own conclusions about your argument.

Strategies For Writing Potent Commentary In Essays

Writing potent commentary in essays is essential to making a successful argument and gaining the reader’s interest. Here are four strategies that can help you write a good essay commentary:

Develop a strong thesis statement

A thesis statement serves as the core of your essay, and it should be explicit, engaging and supportable by evidence. It should also be concise so that readers can understand your main message immediately.

Understand the topic better

Spend some time researching the topic before you start writing to ensure you have a thorough understanding of it. This will give your commentary more depth and clarity.

Body And Paragraphs Organized

Make sure your body paragraphs are organized logically and clearly explain how your points relate to the overall theme or argument of your essay.

Each paragraph should have a single purpose, and make sure that all sentences within each paragraph work together to support that purpose.

Use literary analysis

When writing your commentary you can draw on elements like tone, imagery, diction, and syntax to make your argument more persuasive and compelling for readers. This will also help them better understand what you’re trying to communicate in your essay.

By incorporating these strategies into your essay writing process, you can create powerful commentary that effectively supports your argument and engages readers with meaningful insight into the text or topic at hand. With these tips in mind, let’s look at how to use quotations and examples in commentary to further enrich our arguments!

The Use Of Quotations And Examples In Commentary

Now that we’ve discussed strategies for writing powerful commentary in essays, let’s explore the use of quotations and examples when constructing these sentences.

Quotations and examples are essential for making strong commentary sentences that support an argument or analysis. When used correctly, they can be a great way to illustrate a point and add interest and texture to your argument.

When including a quotation in your commentary, it is important to make sure it is properly attributed. You should include both the author’s name and the source from which the quote was taken. This not only strengthens your argument by adding credibility, but it also shows you have done your research.

Examples are also effective for proving a point or introducing a new concept. They help to break up longer paragraphs, explain difficult concepts in more detail, and provide evidence or substantiation for an idea or opinion. When using examples in commentary sentences, it is important that they are relevant to the topic at hand and accurately represent what you are attempting to say in your essay.

With this information in mind, let’s move on to examining types of commentary in essays; comprehending the contrasts.

Types Of Commentary In Essays: Comprehending The Contrasts

As a student writing a commentary essay, it is important to understand the differences between analyzing, summarizing, and evaluating. To help comprehend these contrasts, let’s take a look at four main points:

1.      Analyzing – Looking closely at something and breaking it down into smaller parts to better understand it.

2.      Summarizing – Taking the information from a larger group of data and boiling it down into its key elements.

3.      Relating – Exploring how two or more ideas are connected and how they affect each other.

4.      Evaluating – Examining different aspects of an issue or argument and determining its worth or value by expressing an opinion about it.

Using these four points as a framework for writing your commentary essays can help you to be more effective in your analysis, summary and evaluation of any given topic.

Furthermore, this knowledge will also serve you well when crafting strategies for writing literary essays that contain thoughtful commentary elements.

With this in mind, let us now turn our attention to creating such strategies…

Strategies For Writing Commentary In Literary Essays

Having discussed the differences between types of commentary, let’s now turn to strategies for writing effective commentary in literary essays.

When it comes to providing commentary, it is important to understand that you are making a statement about something; whether it be an interpretation or opinion, you need to make a clear statement.

You should also comment on any phrases or passages that have stood out and explain why they are significant.

It is also important to identify the underlying message of the text. This means going beyond surface-level analysis and delving into the deeper meaning of the work.

To do this, think about what is not being said as much as what is being said.

Make sure your comments add depth to your analysis and provide new insights for your readers.

Finally, take care when constructing your sentences so that your points come across clearly and convincingly.

Writing Commentary For Convincing Essays

I’m sure you’re excited to finally get started on writing your commentary for a convincing essay! It can be intimidating to write about something without knowing what type of essay you’re working on. But if you take the time to read through the assignment and passage, you’ll have a much better idea of what you need to write.

When it comes to writing your commentary, try not to worry too much about “sounding smart” or “having all the right answers.” Instead, focus on writing like yourself—in your own voice, with your own ideas. The more authentic and engaging your writing is, the more persuasive it will be to readers.

So don’t be afraid to express yourself—you may just surprise yourself with how creative and interesting your thoughts can be! With that said, let’s move on to creating commentary that supports your thesis statement.

Creating Commentary That Supports Your Thesis Statement

As the saying goes, hindsight is 20/20. Looking back now, it’s clear that writing an effective commentary for a convincing essay requires some finesse and insight.

When starting to write, it’s important to have a good understanding of the topic you are discussing and to provide enough context for your audience to understand what you are discussing. Additionally, it helps to have an understanding of opposing viewpoints before you start writing so that you can avoid falling into common traps.

To create commentary that supports your thesis statement effectively, there are a few things you need to keep in mind:

1.      Make sure your argument is sound and won’t be easily refuted by an opposing point of view.

2.      Avoid introducing new evidence or topics in your commentary; instead focus on the evidence already presented in the essay body.

3.      Take the time to help explain why certain evidence matters and why readers should care about it.

The goal of commentary is not just to express an opinion but also provide meaningful analysis that will help prove or disprove a point of view. By being mindful of these considerations when writing, it is possible to create effective commentary that will help readers better understand your argument and its implications.

Common Mistakes To Avoid In Commentary Writing

I think one of the biggest mistakes I can make when writing a commentary essay is to overgeneralize my points. It’s important to provide specific examples and evidence to back up my opinion and avoid making sweeping conclusions.

Additionally, when writing a commentary essay, it’s also easy to forget to include evidence to support my argument. Making sure to include evidence will make my piece of writing much more convincing and credible.

Avoiding Overgeneralization

When writing a commentary essay, it’s important to avoid overgeneralizing your topic.

Sure, it may be tempting to make sweeping statements about the issue at hand, but this won’t do justice to your argument.

Instead, try to focus on concrete evidence and facts that back up your opinion.

For example, include statistics or subjective accounts from experts in the field.

This will ensure that you don’t come off as too biased or uninformed in your commentary.

By avoiding overgeneralization and being specific in your evidence, you can present a much more convincing argument and captivate readers with innovation.

Remember: always strive for accuracy when building an argument!

Lack Of Evidence

When it comes to commentary writing, one of the biggest mistakes people make is not having enough evidence to back up their argument. Without any supporting evidence, your argument can easily be dismissed as biased and uninformed.

This is especially true when discussing contentious topics like politics or religion. It’s important to remember that you’re usually assigned a commentary essay for a reason—so make sure you have enough facts and figures to give your readers an informed opinion. Otherwise, you may struggle to convince them of your point of view.

To make sure your argument stands out from the crowd, research extensively and use concrete evidence whenever possible. This will show that you’ve put in the effort and will help ensure a more innovative outcome for your audience.

Tips For Revising And Editing Commentary

Revising and editing your commentary is an important step in writing an essay. It helps to ensure that you are conveying the most accurate and persuasive message.

To do this, it’s important to read through your writing again and summarize any points that you noticed while reading. This will allow you to make sure that each point is clear and concise. As students need to be able to write effectively, it is also important to pay close attention to the language used throughout the essay.

Looking for words that could be replaced with more precise ones or focusing on certain aspects of literature can help bring life to a paper.

It is also essential to check for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other errors before submitting the essay. Making sure all of these elements are correct can help enhance the paper’s overall quality.

Additionally, as you review your work, look for any areas where clarification may be necessary. Taking a second look at what you wrote will help ensure that the reader fully understands all of your points and implications.

By following these tips when revising and editing commentary in an essay, readers can gain a clearer understanding of the author’s intended message.

Examples Of Strong And Poor Commentary In Essays

A necessary part of writing an essay is the commentary. It’s the all-important part that allows for a deeper understanding of what is being written and allows the reader to get a fuller picture of the writer’s thoughts.

Unfortunately, not everyone understands the need to understand commentary. Many writers think they can simply paraphrase their sources without paying attention to how they are using irony or antithesis, missing out on valuable opportunities to add depth and complexity to their work.

Commentary should be used to engage readers in a way that speaks directly to their subconscious desire for innovation. It should be written in a personal tone of voice with contractions and an engaging style that will grab readers’ attention and make them want more.

If done correctly, it can bring new life and insight into an essay, allowing it to stand out from the rest.

Paragraph Construction With Commentary

In this section, I’m going to be talking about paragraph construction with commentary. As part of writing an essay, it is important to think about how you are going to use literary elements and techniques to convey your main idea or argument. I was always taught by my instructor that the way you structure your paragraphs can really make a difference in how effective your message is.

So, let’s take a look at some tips for constructing well-crafted paragraphs that provide an engaging commentary.

First of all, try not to write too long of a sentence as this can lead to confusion for the reader.

Secondly, make sure that each paragraph has one clear point that ties back into the main argument or idea you are trying to convey in your essay.

Finally, use transition words and phrases as needed throughout the essay so that readers can easily follow along with your discussion.

All these steps help ensure that readers understand and appreciate what you have written in your essay. With these tips in mind, let’s move on to discussing transition words and phrases for commentary.

Transition Words And Phrases For Commentary

In the world of higher education, commentary is a powerful tool that can bring literature to life in a way that no other piece can. It’s almost magical how one can take an otherwise mundane poem and turn it into something extraordinary with just a few words. Commentary has the ability to transform isolation into coherence in ways that are simply astounding!

Here is a 4-point list for successful commentary:

1.      Read the text multiple times before writing any comments.

2.      Take notes on what stands out most to you.

3.      Use concrete examples from the text to better illustrate your points.

4.      Be sure to engage with your audience in a way that encourages them to think more deeply about the subject matter at hand.

Commentary is an invaluable skill for anyone looking to make their mark on a piece of literature, so use it wisely and always strive for excellence! With this knowledge, we can now move on to exploring how to write a conclusion with commentary – do’s and don’ts included!

Writing A Conclusion With Commentary: Do’s And Don’ts

Now that you know the transition words and phrases for commentary, it’s time to learn how to write a conclusion with commentary. It can seem complicated, but it doesn’t have to be.

One of the most important things to remember is not to rely too heavily on your homework. Spending too much time memorizing facts and figures won’t help you in the long run when it comes to showcasing your opinion. Therefore, try to focus on critical thinking skills instead of wasting time studying for hours on end.

While two sentences are usually enough for a conclusion, make sure that each one packs a punch and is full of insight and analysis. Hone your skills by getting feedback from others so you can refine your writing and develop a style that resonates with any reader.

This can help ensure that your concluding remarks leave an impactful impression on those who read them.

Overall, effective commentary is essential for producing a successful essay.

Writing commentary allows you to demonstrate your understanding and personal thoughts on the topic and can really amplify your argument.

By incorporating examples, quotations, and other evidence into your commentary, you are able to bring life to your writing in a manner that will make it stand out from the crowd.

As an age-old proverb says, “A picture paints a thousand words”; similarly, strong commentary paints an even grander picture of your argument.

With these tips in mind, I look forward to seeing you all write some truly standout essays!

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Commentary Essay Example, Writing Guide, and Tips

how to write commentary for essay


Welcome to The Knowledge Nest, your go-to resource for all things related to commentary essay writing. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of crafting an impactful commentary essay, providing useful examples and valuable tips to help you enhance your writing skills.

What is a Commentary Essay?

A commentary essay is a type of academic writing that aims to analyze and provide an in-depth interpretation of a particular text or topic. It offers a critical examination and evaluation of the subject matter, exploring various perspectives and providing evidence-based arguments to support the author's viewpoint.

Why Write a Commentary Essay?

Writing a commentary essay allows you to develop critical thinking skills, enhance your analytical abilities, and strengthen your written communication. It provides a platform to express your ideas and opinions, engage with different viewpoints, and present a well-rounded analysis of the chosen subject matter.

Key Components of a Commentary Essay

1. Introduction: Begin your essay with a captivating introduction that presents the topic and provides context for the reader.

2. Thesis Statement: Craft a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines your main argument or perspective.

3. Body Paragraphs: Develop your analysis in well-structured body paragraphs, each focusing on a specific point or theme. Use relevant evidence, examples, and expert opinions to support your claims.

4. Counterarguments: Address potential counterarguments or alternative viewpoints and offer thoughtful rebuttals to strengthen your position.

5. Conclusion: Summarize the main points of your essay and reiterate your thesis statement, leaving the reader with a lasting impression.

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Commentary Essay

Step 1: choose a relevant topic.

Select a topic that aligns with your interests and falls within the scope of your assignment or academic requirements. Consider the relevance and significance of the subject matter to engage your readers.

Step 2: Conduct Extensive Research

Gather information from credible sources such as academic journals, books, reputable websites, and scholarly articles. Engage with different perspectives and take diligent notes to support your analysis.

Step 3: Outline Your Essay

Create a clear and well-structured outline that outlines the main points, arguments, and supporting evidence you will present in your essay. A well-organized outline ensures a cohesive and logical flow of ideas.

Step 4: Craft an Engaging Introduction

In your introduction, provide a brief overview of the topic and its significance. Hook the reader's attention with an intriguing opening sentence or a thought-provoking question.

Step 5: Develop Your Arguments in the Body Paragraphs

Divide your essay into distinct body paragraphs, each focusing on a specific point or theme. Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that establishes the main idea, and support it with relevant evidence, examples, and analysis.

Step 6: Address Counterarguments

Acknowledge alternative viewpoints and counterarguments to demonstrate your awareness of different perspectives. Articulate thoughtful rebuttals that strengthen your arguments and distinguish your viewpoint.

Step 7: Conclude with Impact

In your conclusion, summarize the main points of your essay and restate your thesis statement. Leave the reader with a compelling closing thought or call-to-action that invites further reflection or discussion on the topic.

Commentary Essay Example

To provide you with a better understanding, let's consider an example of a commentary essay on the topic of climate change:


Climate change has emerged as one of the most pressing global issues of our time. This commentary essay aims to analyze the causes, impacts, and potential solutions to address this environmental crisis.

Body Paragraph 1: The Causes of Climate Change

The first body paragraph delves into the primary causes of climate change, such as greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and industrialization. It explores how human activities have contributed to the accelerated pace of global warming.

Body Paragraph 2: The Impacts of Climate Change

In the second body paragraph, we examine the far-reaching impacts of climate change on ecosystems, weather patterns, and human livelihoods. We explore the devastating consequences of rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and the loss of biodiversity.

Body Paragraph 3: Potential Solutions to Climate Change

The third body paragraph focuses on potential solutions to mitigate and adapt to climate change. It explores renewable energy sources, sustainable agricultural practices, and international collaboration as key strategies to combat this global crisis.


In conclusion, the commentary essay emphasizes the urgent need for collective action to address climate change. By understanding its causes, impacts, and potential solutions, we can work towards a sustainable future for generations to come.

Writing a commentary essay enables you to dive deep into a specific topic, critically analyze it, and articulate your thoughts effectively. By following our comprehensive guide and utilizing the provided tips, you will be well-equipped to create impactful commentary essays and improve your writing skills.

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What Is a Commentary in an Essay | Writing Guide & Examples

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When people need to express their thoughts or ideas about something, they need guidelines on how to write a commentary essay. This article begins by defining what is a commentary essay, its meaning, and outlining its basic structure. Some insights students can learn are that introductions should have hooks, background information, and thesis statements. Body paragraphs of a commentary essay should have topic sentences; evidence, mainly quotes; comments after the evidence; and transitions. The conclusion part should restate the thesis and summarize the main ideas. This guideline also gives a sample outline template, possible topics, and a practical example of a commentary essay. Lastly, the article teaches students 10 dos and 10 don’ts and 20 tips for writing a high-standard commentary essay.

How to Write an Outstanding Commentary Essay & Examples

Reading is an academic exercise that develops a person’s mental faculties of intellect, memory, reason, intuition, perception, and imagination. These faculties develop when people utilize what they have acquired through reading to write different types of essays , including reports and research papers. Therefore, reading and writing are related because they both induce intellectual development. This guideline on how to write a commentary in an essay teaches students and anyone passionate about writing how to create a good argumentative position that meets the quality standards for intellectual discourse and publication. The guideline also offers vital insights, including the definition of what is a commentary essay, its basic essay structure, different types, possible essay topics, 10 dos and 10 don’ts, and 20 tips for producing a high-standard essay. Therefore, reading this guideline is beneficial to students and others who may, from time to time, write a commentary in an essay to communicate ideas to specific audiences.

What Is a Commentary in an Essay | Writing Guide & Examples

Definition of What Is a Commentary in an Essay and Its Meaning

From a definition, a commentary is a descriptive account of an event, an expression of opinions about a political, economic, social, or cultural issue, or elucidating a point or topic of public interest. From this perspective, a commentary essay is a document that students write to express opinions about an issue or topic through a descriptive expression and explanation of ideas. In this respect, a commentary essay differs from other types of papers, including an argumentative essay, a personal narrative, a cause and effect essay, compare and contrast essay, or a problem and solution essay, as well as a report and a research paper, because it means expressing the writer’s perspective concerning an issue or topic. Commentaries are products of a critical analysis of societal problems across political, economic, social, and cultural dimensions. When writing a commentary essay, students should analyze and interpret the source under discussion, such as a text, film, article, video, advertisement, event, object, subject, book, poem, speech, presentation, literary work, novel, sculpture, or image, among others, using a basic sandwich rule: giving a commentary after each quote or citation.

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Basic Structure of a Commentary Essay

Like other texts, a commentary paper has a basic essay structure that dictates how writers should organize their content. This structure has three components: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The introduction is where writers introduce their assigned topics using a hook, context, and an argumentative thesis statement. Although this type of commentary essay is not an argumentative essay, an argumentative thesis indicates the writer’s perspective on the issue, which can be contentious in the eyes of readers. The body of a commentary essay is where authors construct a defense of their perspective through body paragraphs; each body paragraph should have a topic sentence that establishes a claim; supporting evidence, like quotes, data, or examples; a commentary that analyzes and explains information cited in an essay; and a concluding sentence with a transition to create a logical connection to the next paragraph. In turn, the conclusion restates the thesis and makes a final remark.

5 Main Types of Commentary

Because a commentary in an essay expresses the writer’s perspective about an issue, idea, or topic, it is evident in the body section of a commentary essay, where people describe their perspectives every time they provide evidence. In this respect, there are different types of commentary. The first one is an opinion essay where writers analyze evidence, such as a quote, text, or image, and state their stands with their critics. The second type of a commentary essay is an interpretation, where authors explain a complex concept to enhance the reader’s understanding. The third type is character or subject’s feelings, where students depict the emotional state of the person they have described in a commentary sentence. The fourth type of commentary essay is a personal reaction, where people communicate their stances on an issue, while the fifth type is an evaluation, where writers evaluate a section and gives a critical judgment.

Alternative Commentary Types and Examples

Besides the types of commentary above, students may write alternative commentary types when their essay is part of a bigger writing project, such as a systematic exposition of an idea, theme, or topic. Students must know the unique features of each type, including when to use it, what to focus on, and how to organize a commentary essay’s content.

1️⃣ Close, Direct Analysis of Passages

An example of an alternative commentary is a close, direct analysis of robust passages from the source, such as an article, film, poem, literary work, book, or novel. In this respect, they are standard in bigger writing projects, like expositions or being part of a critic’s work. Students adopt this type of commentary when they have to read a passage in a text or pick a speech in a movie and write a film analysis essay that expresses the writer’s perspective on the central issues, ideas, or concepts. The following example of a commentary essay demonstrates a close, direct examination of the first stanza of the poem “Night Wind” by Christopher Dewdney:

Tonight the wind blows through

all the worlds I have known and

through all the lives I have led.

The wind blows in the trees,

deeper into each.

The wind blows forever,

strains like something

endlessly departing.

Restless, impatient,

it races without burden.

Example of a Commentary on Celebration of Nature in the First Stanza of Christopher Dewdney’s Poem “Night Wind”

Christopher Dewdney’s 1984 poem “Night Wind” celebrates nature by depicting the night wind as a permanent, free expression of nature. The poet describes the wind on a particular night in the first stanza. By using a first-person perspective in the first three lines, Dewdney depicts himself as an observer. This writing style expresses a personal dialogue in which the poet directly relates his senses, experiences, and impressions. Dewdney opens the poem with the words: “Tonight the wind blows through / all the worlds I have known and / through all the lives I have led.” In this passage, the author expresses to the reader how the unity of the wind in whatever time or place leaves a lasting impression on him. Ideally, he views the wind as an omnipresent force but also regards it as very transient and fleeting. The words “endlessly departing” indicate to the reader the sense that the wind encompasses the entire continuum of the poet’s existence. Nonetheless, it is always in a rush to be at another location. The reader gets the impression that wind is a celebration of nature when Dewdney mentions its interactions with nature: “The wind blows in the trees, deeper into each.” This statement induces an imagination of trees fighting against a pervasive wind. The poet ends the stanza by personifying the wind, and he assigns it human qualities of restlessness, impatience, and playfulness. In this respect, the first stanza uses the wind as a reason to celebrate nature.

2️⃣ Commentary Annotations

Annotations are another type of alternative commentary where writers use a short claim on a source, like a text, film, or image. This kind of commentary essay also looks like an annotated bibliography. Typically, writers adopt annotations when they need to explain complex words, phrases, or concepts to readers; give a historical or cultural context of the topic; support or challenge the author’s arguments in an essay; expose literary devices, like contrast, irony, or sarcasm, or rhetorical devices, like ethos, pathos, and logos; provide a personal interpretation of the text under analysis. Therefore, annotations aim to enhance the reader’s understanding of a short passage from a source. Below are three examples of annotations of complex content in writing a commentary essay for Christopher Dewdney’s Poem “Night Wind.”

3 Examples of a Commentary With Annotations

➖ “The night wind is an empire / in exodus, a deliverance / beside the dark shape of trees.”

This statement is in lines 13-15 of Dewdney’s poem, where the poet alludes to a biblical concept, exodus, to express the wind’s freedom. By stating that the wind is “… in exodus, a deliverance…,” Dewdney makes the reader compare the wind to the incident in the book of Exodus in the Bible where Moses leads the children of Israel, God’s chosen people, to Canaan, the promised land, after freeing a life of bondage in Egypt. In this respect, lines 13-15 confirm that the wind is free and expresses nature’s freedom.

➖ “The wind takes / me in its giddy rush and / gathers me into a storm of longing, / rising on wings of darkness.”

In this statement in lines 18-21, the phrase “wings of darkness” emphasizes the wind’s freedom and mystery. The poet contextualizes the wind as an unpredictable force that can take a person anywhere .

➖ “Along oceans and rivers, / the gale’s mysterious, unspoken imperative / is a joyous delirium with / nothing at its end.”

This passage in lines 36-39 expresses Dewdney’s excitement in not knowing where the wind may take him. It suggests that it does not matter where the wind takes him because he is truly free. In essence, the statement makes the reader imagine the wind as a mystery because it can take one anywhere, emphasizing the theme of freedom.

3️⃣ Data Commentary

Data commentary is another type of alternative essay commentary where writers summarize a study by analyzing critical information that helps readers have a sneak peek of the project. The features students should incorporate in a commentary essay include visual illustrations, like charts, diagrams, graphs, and tables, to capture statistical data, allowing readers to compare them easily. In this respect, data commentary reflects the results section of a research paper because that is where scholars use visual illustrations to report statistical data. Another feature is a conclusion summarizing a commentary essay by reiterating the key points and expressing the writer’s final remark, meaning the main perspective on the topic. Lastly, people must provide a reference page listing credible sources they consulted to write data commentaries, such as reports and research articles. Below is an example of data commentary.

Example of Data Commentary

how to write commentary for essay

Table 3 shows respondents’ responses to statements about the barriers to exercise prescription for people with mental illness. Those who agreed that patients’ mental health denies them the opportunity to exercise was 58%, while those who agreed that obtaining an injury during exercise is a concern was 45%. There was an overwhelming response by 87% of the respondents who agreed that exercise is beneficial and were interested in prescribing it for patients with mental health problems. However, only 13% agreed that prescribing exercise falls outside their job description. Nonetheless, 16% stated that they did not know how to prescribe exercise for the population. Overall, 71% approved that exercise professionals are best suited to prescribe exercise for people in the population.

Possible Uses of Block Quotations for Writing a Good Commentary Essay

When writing a commentary essay, students can use block quotations to organize comments. However, this feature is suitable mainly for extensive passages. In a simple definition, a block quote is a text that captures direct quotations longer than 40 words, which the writer offsets from the main text and does not include quotation marks. The text appears on a new line with a 0.5 inches indentation or five to seven spaces. Using single space for a block quote is standard, even in an essay requiring double spacing. Hence, students must know how to format block quotes in APA, MLA, Harvard, and Chicago/Turabian referencing styles when writing a commentary essay.

📕 APA Format

There are two ways in which students can write block quotes in the APA style when organizing their commentary essays.

I. The first block captures the author’s name before the quote:

In their tabulation of results, Vancampfort et al. (2019) showed:

Almost 75% of the respondents indicated that they would “definitely” attend further training for exercise prescriptions for people with mental illness, in particular, related to how to assess patients and how to motivate them towards an active lifestyle. More than seventy percent of the participants also reported that exercise to people with mental illness is actually best delivered by an exercise professional, although only one respondent referred patients to such an exercise professional (p. 2178).

“[Your comments on a block quote starts here]”

II. Alternatively, a block quote can have the author’s surname at the end:

According to the findings:

Almost 75% of the respondents indicated that they would “definitely” attend further training for exercise prescriptions for people with mental illness, in particular, related to how to assess patients and how to motivate them towards an active lifestyle. More than seventy percent of the participants also reported that exercise to people with mental illness is actually best delivered by an exercise professional, although only one respondent referred patients to such an exercise professional (Vancampfort et al., 2019, p. 2178).

📕 MLA Format

Similarly, the MLA style has two ways of formatting a block quote when organizing commentary essays.

I. Having the surname of the author preceding a block quote in an essay:

The results by Vancampfort et al. indicate:

Almost 75% of the respondents indicated that they would “definitely” attend further training for exercise prescriptions for people with mental illness, in particular, related to how to assess patients and how to motivate them towards an active lifestyle. More than seventy percent of the participants also reported that exercise to people with mental illness is actually best delivered by an exercise professional, although only one respondent referred patients to such an exercise professional (2178).

II. Having the author’s surname at the end of the quote:

Almost 75% of the respondents indicated that they would “definitely” attend further training for exercise prescriptions for people with mental illness, in particular, related to how to assess patients and how to motivate them towards an active lifestyle. More than seventy percent of the participants also reported that exercise to people with mental illness is actually best delivered by an exercise professional, although only one respondent referred patients to such an exercise professional (Vancampfort et al. 2178).

📕 Harvard Format

The Harvard style also has two ways of formatting a block quote when organizing commentary essays.

I. Indicating the author’s surname before a block quote in an essay:

In their findings, Vancampfort et al. (2019) established that:

II. Citing the author’s surname at the end of a block quote:

Almost 75% of the respondents indicated that they would “definitely” attend further training for exercise prescriptions for people with mental illness, in particular, related to how to assess patients and how to motivate them towards an active lifestyle. More than seventy percent of the participants also reported that exercise to people with mental illness is actually best delivered by an exercise professional, although only one respondent referred patients to such an exercise professional (Vancampfort et al. 2019, p. 2178).

📕 Chicago/Turabian Format

The Chicago/Turabian style also has two ways of formatting a block quote when organizing commentary essays.

I. Mentioning the author’s surname before a block quote in an essay:

According to Vancampfort et al.:

Almost 75% of the respondents indicated that they would “definitely” attend further training for exercise prescriptions for people with mental illness, in particular, related to how to assess patients and how to motivate them towards an active lifestyle. More than seventy percent of the participants also reported that exercise to people with mental illness is actually best delivered by an exercise professional, although only one respondent referred patients to such an exercise professional (this passage must be formatted as a footnote). 1

II. Showing the author’s surname in a footnote:

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Key Features of Formatting Block Quotes When Writing a Commentary Essay

Looking at the examples of writing a commentary in an essay above, there are some similarities and differences in formatting block quotes. APA and Harvard are similar because they show the research article’s publication year and the page number of the information the writer cites in their commentary essay. The main difference is the arrangement of these details, including the place of putting comas. On the other hand, the MLA and Chicago/Turabian styles are similar in that they do not show the research article’s publication year. The main difference is that the Chicago/Turabian style uses footnotes to show the author(s) and all the bibliography details at the commentary essay’s end. The MLA style shows only the author’s surname and the page number in the text. In turn, people begin writing their commentaries in the following line after a block quote as a standard paragraph in all the formats.

Easy Sample Topics for Writing a Great Commentary Essay

Students should choose easy essay topics when writing a commentary essay to avoid complicating their tasks. Ideally, a specific topic should indicate a particular source document one is commenting on, such as a text, film, or image. The standard practice is that instructors define essay topics or commemorative speech topics students should write about. However, people can choose other themes they are comfortable with if such instructions do not exist for writing a commentary essay. The best approach to choosing an easy topic is to engage with course content and read widely to generate and incubate ideas. When the time for writing a commentary essay comes, one finds it easy to construct arguments fitting the task. The following are possible commentary essay topics because they suggest analyzing and examining a source from the writer’s perspective.

  • In Memory of Amelia Earhart: Sky’s Fearless Lady
  • The Central Themes in Harper Lee’s novel “To Kill a Mockingbird”
  • “The Great Gatsby” Through Contemporary Lens
  • The Rhetorical Stance in Jessica Grose’s “Cleaning: The Final Feminist Frontier”
  • The Message in Robert Frost’s Poem “The Road Not Taken”
  • Maya Angelou’s Magic in “And Still I Rise”
  • Demystifying Mental Disorders Through the Film “Black Swan (2010)”
  • The Essence of Margaret Atwood’s “Negotiating With the Dead: A Writer on Writing”

Sample Outline Template for Writing a Commentary Essay

  • Title of a commentary essay must be precise to an assigned topic.
  • Title must be short, clear, and easily understandable.
  • Title must be interesting, catchy, and with relevant keywords.

I. Introduction Section of a Commentary Essay

  • Essay introduction must have a hook that interests readers enough to grab their attention and stirs a curiosity to continue reading.
  • Introduction must refer to a specific source (text, film, or image) and its author(s).
  • Introduction must summarize an assigned source that includes the main characters (if any), themes, or concepts.
  • Introduction must have a clear thesis statement that states the writer’s claim.

II. Body Section of a Commentary Essay

Body paragraphs (at least three):

  • Each body paragraph of a commentary essay must have a topic sentence that emphasizes a single idea central to the main claim in the thesis statement that the writer will defend in the paragraph.
  • Each body paragraph must include evidence from a source under analysis, such as a quote, indicating the character responsible and the context.
  • Each body paragraph must give a commentary about the evidence through relevant analysis, linking the information to the idea at the beginning of the paragraph and the claim in the thesis.
  • Each body paragraph must end with a closing statement and a bridge sentence to facilitate a logical flow to the next paragraph or section.

III. Conclusion Section of a Commentary Essay

Sum up a commentary essay by:

  • Restating the thesis.
  • Emphasizing the main ideas of a commentary essay.
  • Giving a final remark that confirms the importance of the essay topic.

Example of a Commentary Essay

Commentary Essay’s Title: The Rhetorical Stance in Jessica Grose’s “Cleaning: The Final Feminist Frontier”

I. Example of an Introduction of a Commentary Essay

A woman never rests, not with society constantly demanding her value at every turn. This idea is the message in Jessica Grose’s famous article, “Cleaning: The Final Feminist Frontier.” The author argues that cleaning remains a feature of women’s value in society, despite men’s growing involvement in childcare and cooking. The article also opens with personal accounts and convincing facts, suggesting its credibility as a source of information about the dynamics confronting American women. In her article, Grose communicates her message effectively by adopting a rhetorical stance characterized by emotional appeals.

II. Example of Body Paragraphs of a Commentary Essay

A. commentary on the main idea of the article.

Grose opens the article with a personal story of her and her husband cleaning their house after Hurricane Sandy forced them indoors. She uses the uneven distribution of the cleaning task in her marriage to point out the larger feminist issue of who between a husband and wife should do the job. The article gives three reasons why men shy away from the cleaning task, including the fact that it is women who receive praise for a clean house, the media focuses on men’s growing involvement in childcare and cooking, and it is not fun. According to Grose, even distribution of the cleaning task can happen by creating a task chart that shows who does what on the basis of skill and ability and adopting cleaning gadgets to make cleaning more fun.

Throughout the article, Grose uses sources to appeal to the readers’ ethos and build her argument. Some of the sources she uses to achieve these goals include a study by sociologists Judith Treas and Tsui-o Tai and an article by Matthew Krehbiel, North America Fabric Care Brand Manager for P&G. Citing these sources helps the author to build her credibility in the eyes of readers.

Regarding appeals to logos, Grose mentions statistics and interesting facts that help to enhance the logical progression of ideas central to her argument. To emphasize the uneven distribution of the cleaning task, she says, “My husband and I both work…I do the dishes nine times out of ten, and he barely knows how the washer and dryer work.” Such facts confirm and support the idea that women do more household chores than men. She also cites statistics, showing “55 percent of mothers working full-time in America do some housework daily compared to 18 percent of fathers.” In this respect, the article is factual about the uneven distribution of household chores that disadvantages women. As a result, the personal details and statistics from credible sources help Grose to impress upon the reader how society uses the domestic environment to subjugate women.

The article appeals to the readers’ pathos in the beginning and middle sections, where Grose uses emotionally-charged words and phrases to induce the audience’s sympathy. For example, Grose laments that, while she “was eight months pregnant,” her husband experienced the complexity of fighting “a massively pregnant person.” These words evoke an image in the readers’ mind that portrays women as vulnerable in the domestic space because of natural factors, like high emotions and pregnancy. Indeed, readers may feel sympathetic to Grose and the women who generally live in this social context. Moreover, using words and phrases, like ‘argued,’ ‘sucks,’ ‘be shunned,’ ‘be judged,’ and ‘headachey,’ evokes readers’ negative feelings about cleaning. As such, they are more drawn to sympathize with men and view men as selfish.

III. Example of a Conclusion of a Commentary Essay

Grose takes a rhetorical stand throughout the article to persuade her audience of the unfair distribution of cleaning labor in the domestic space. By referencing credible sources, citing statistics and interesting facts, and portraying women as adversely disadvantaged, Grose effectively appeals to the readers’ ethos, logos, and pathos. This rhetorical stand is critical in communicating how society remains unfair to women in the domestic space despite men’s growing involvement in some household chores like childcare and cooking.

4 Easy Steps for Writing a Commentary Essay

Writing a commentary essay is a technical process that requires students to grasp essential details. For example, these details reflect 4 writing steps: preparation, stage setup, writing a first draft, and wrap-up. Typically, each step’s details of writing a commentary essay reflect the wisdom writers should exhibit when creating any scholarly text.

Step 1: Preparation

Preparation is the first step of writing a commentary essay. As the name suggests, it is when writers take time to create a favorable environment to write their papers. The first task is identifying a single source, where students should select good sources they can analyze easily, including poems, novels, or films. The second task is to create a topic, where students must write short topics that communicate a precise message of a commentary essay.

Step 2: Stage Setup

Setting the stage is the second step of writing a commentary essay. The first task is to read, watch, or examine an assigned source to identify key themes and ideas. The second activity is to research reliable sources that help to generate ideas that align with these themes and concepts. The next task is to create a clear essay outline emphasizing the introduction, body, and conclusion with all the essential details.

Step 3: Writing a First Draft of a Commentary Essay

Writing a first draft is the third step in creating a commentary essay, and the focus is generating a paper that can be used for further editing and improvement. As such, students should organize their ideas into text, emphasizing the claim in the thesis statement, ideas in the topic sentences, evidence (quotes), and transitions in the body paragraphs. Students should also ensure the conclusion restates the thesis, summarizes the main ideas of a commentary essay, and gives a final remark about their commentaries, focusing on an assigned source and topic.

Step 4: Wrap-Up

The wrap-up is the last step in writing a commentary essay. The main focus is transforming a first draft into a final text by eliminating all mistakes and flaws. Typically, students should revise all sections that do not make sense to a central claim or those that affect the paper’s logical progression. They should also edit a commentary essay by adding or deleting words and phrases and eliminating grammatical mistakes, missing punctuation, formatting errors, and incorrect citations.

20 Tips for Writing a Commentary Essay

Looking at the information in the preceding sections, writing a great commentary essay is a complex task that requires students to demonstrate knowledge of what it takes to create a quality paper. Some of the tips for writing a commentary essay include identifying a single source, which can be a text, film, or image; noting the source’s basic information, like the author, title, and publication date; identifying the central themes in the source; writing an introduction that emphasizes the source’s basic information; creating a thesis that communicates a claim about the source; adopting the unique structure as above; beginning paragraphs with a topic sentence; incorporating quotes from the source into body paragraphs; commenting on the quotes and their significance; and concluding a commentary essay with a summary that makes a final remark about a single source and topic.

10 things to do when writing a commentary essay include:

  • identifying a source for writing a commentary essay;
  • reading, watching, or analyzing an assigned source carefully and closely;
  • outlining critical details, like themes, ideas, and literary devices;
  • writing an introduction with a hook and an argumentative thesis statement;
  • providing body paragraphs with topic sentences, concluding sentences, quotes, commentary, and transitions;
  • maintaining a formal tone in a commentary essay;
  • using the applicable format (APA, MLA, Harvard, or Chicago/Turabian) correctly;
  • presenting an introduction that summarizes a commentary essay;
  • avoiding grammatical mistakes;
  • proofreading a final version of a commentary essay.

10 things not to do include:

  • failing to document the source’s essential details, like the author’s name and surname;
  • concentrating on the introduction more than the body;
  • not incorporating quotes in body paragraphs;
  • focusing on too many ideas in a commentary essay;
  • not defending the claim in the thesis;
  • ignoring a unique outline of a commentary essay;
  • writing with too many grammatical mistakes;
  • using different formatting styles (APA, MLA, Harvard, and Chicago/Turabian);
  • not implementing transitions in body paragraphs;
  • creating a commentary essay without a logical flow of ideas and thoughts.

Summing Up on How to Write a Perfect Commentary Essay

  • Choose a single source that is simple to analyze.
  • Create a clear thesis that emphasizes the focus of a commentary essay, such as a claim.
  • Identify passages or themes in an assigned source that help to build an argumentative claim.
  • Use an introduction paragraph for its purpose: to introduce a specific topic. As such, it should be short and precise.
  • Use a body section for its purpose: to analyze a particular source and defend a central claim comprehensively. Therefore, it should be long and have quotes as evidence.
  • Use a conclusion part to summarize a commentary essay, and it should be concise. More importantly, it should leave readers with a lasting impression of a defined source and topic.

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how to write commentary for essay

How to Write a Commentary Essay: Example, Tips, and Techniques for Success

Crafting a compelling commentary essay can seem daunting, but with the right approach, anyone can master it. A commentary essay goes beyond summarizing a text; it delves into analysis, interpretation, and personal insights, making it a powerful tool for expressing nuanced perspectives.

Understanding the structure and purpose of a commentary essay is crucial. It allows writers to effectively convey their thoughts while engaging the reader. This article will explore a prime example of a commentary essay, breaking down its components to illustrate how each part contributes to a cohesive and persuasive argument.

Understanding Commentary Essays

Commentary essays dig deeper than mere summarization. They analyze, interpret, and provide personal insights into a text, elucidating its deeper meaning.

What Is a Commentary Essay?

A commentary essay offers more than a summary; it involves analysis and personal insights. Core aspects include identifying key themes, interpreting underlying meanings, and connecting these insights to broader contexts.

  • Analytical Depth : Commentary essays analyze texts critically, exploring themes, symbols, and motifs.
  • Personal Insight : Writers provide individual perspectives, offering unique interpretations and reflections.
  • Textual Evidence : These essays include quotes and references to bolster arguments.
  • Clear Structure : Effective commentary essays follow an organized structure, typically an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Purposeful Writing : The goal is to engage readers in a thoughtful discussion about the text.

Crafting a Successful Commentary Essay

how to write commentary for essay

A successful commentary essay requires a deep understanding of the text and the ability to provide insightful analysis. It combines critical thinking with a structured approach to present compelling arguments.

Selecting the Right Topic

Choosing the right topic is crucial for a successful commentary essay. Select a text that offers rich material for analysis. Opt for works with complex themes, diverse characters, or intricate plots. Avoid overly simplistic or unclear texts, as they might not provide enough content for insightful commentary. Consider topics that resonate with contemporary issues to enhance relevance and reader engagement.

Structuring Your Essay

A well-structured essay enhances readability and ensures that arguments are cohesive. Follow a clear framework:

  • Introduction : Introduce the text and its author. Provide a brief overview of the key themes or issues. Present the thesis statement, outlining the main argument or perspective.
  • Body Paragraphs : Divide the body into multiple paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect of the text. Begin with a topic sentence, offer analysis and interpretation, and back up claims with textual evidence. For example, one paragraph might analyze character development, while another could explore thematic elements.
  • Conclusion : Summarize the main points discussed. Restate the thesis in light of the analysis provided. Offer final insights or reflections on the text’s broader implications.

By selecting an engaging topic and structuring the essay effectively, writers can craft compelling commentary essays that engage and inform readers.

Analyzing Commentary Essay Examples

Examining commentary essay examples can provide critical insights into successful writing techniques. By dissecting examples, one can understand the techniques and styles used, as well as the development of arguments.

Example Analysis: Technique and Style

Technique and style significantly impact the effectiveness of a commentary essay. Authors often use vivid language, varied sentence structures, and precise vocabulary to engage readers. For instance, in a commentary essay analyzing “To Kill a Mockingbird”, the writer might use descriptive language and dynamic sentences to highlight the emotional intensity of key scenes. Additionally, maintaining a formal yet accessible tone ensures clarity and reader engagement. Use of literary devices, such as metaphor and symbolism, often enrich the analysis. These techniques allow authors to deepen their examination of the text’s themes and convey nuanced interpretations.

Example Analysis: Argument Development

Developing coherent arguments is essential in commentary essays. Successful examples often begin with a strong thesis statement that encapsulates the main argument. In analyzing “1984”, an effective commentary essay might center around the thesis that the novel portrays dystopian society’s dehumanizing effects. Subsequent paragraphs should break down this thesis into sub-arguments, each supported by specific evidence from the text. For instance, references to specific passages can illustrate how Orwell’s depiction of surveillance supports the argument. Logical progression and clear connections between points help reinforce the overall argument, making the essay more persuasive and impactful.

By studying these aspects in commentary essay examples, writers can enhance their own analytical skills and improve their essay quality.

Writing Tips for Commentary Essays

Writing a compelling commentary essay involves several key elements. Implementing these strategies ensures a well-structured, insightful piece.

Developing a Strong Thesis

A thesis statement serves as the backbone of a commentary essay. Start with a clear, concise thesis that encapsulates the essay’s main argument. Ensure the thesis addresses the essay prompt directly, offering a unique perspective. For example, in an essay on “To Kill a Mockingbird,” a strong thesis might assert that Harper Lee’s portrayal of social justice remains relevant today. Structure subsequent paragraphs to provide evidence supporting this central claim.

Incorporating Effective Evidence

Support arguments with robust evidence to enhance credibility. Use a mix of direct quotes, paraphrasing, and summarizing to present data clearly. Choose sources like books, academic journals, and reputable websites. For example, citing a passage from “1984” where Orwell describes the oppressive regime strengthens arguments about totalitarianism. Integrate evidence smoothly into paragraphs, ensuring relevance to the thesis. Explicitly explain how each piece of evidence bolsters the main argument for maximum impact.

Mastering the art of writing commentary essays requires dedication to understanding the subject matter and presenting well-structured arguments. By selecting complex themes and maintaining a clear structure, writers can offer richer analysis. Examining examples helps in honing writing techniques and styles. Developing a strong thesis and incorporating credible evidence through quotes and paraphrasing are essential for crafting compelling essays. These strategies ensure a confident and insightful commentary that resonates with readers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a commentary essay.

A commentary essay involves providing personal opinions and insights on a specific topic. It emphasizes deep understanding, analysis, and structured arguments to convey a comprehensive perspective.

How do I choose a topic for a commentary essay?

Select a complex theme that allows for richer analysis. It should be something you are passionate about and can explore in-depth with a unique perspective.

What is the importance of a thesis statement in a commentary essay?

A strong thesis statement is crucial as it directly addresses the essay prompt and guides the essay’s direction. It serves as the foundation for developing coherent arguments.

How should I structure my commentary essay?

A commentary essay should have a clear structure: an introduction with a strong thesis, body paragraphs with supporting evidence, and a conclusion that reinforces your main points.

What techniques can I use to enhance my commentary essay?

Use vivid language, varied sentence structures, and ensure coherent argument development. Incorporating direct quotes, paraphrasing, and summarizing from reputable sources can also strengthen your arguments.

Why is it beneficial to examine commentary essay examples?

Examining commentary essay examples can help you understand different writing techniques, styles, and how to develop arguments effectively. It’s a practical way to learn and improve your writing skills.

How can I incorporate evidence effectively in my essay?

Use a mix of direct quotes, paraphrasing, and summarizing from reputable sources. This mix enhances credibility and supports your arguments more convincingly.

What should I include in the conclusion of my commentary essay?

Your conclusion should reinforce your main points, restate your thesis in light of the evidence presented, and provide a final insight or call to action to leave a lasting impression on the reader.

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How to write a commentary essay: tips and examples.

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Updated: May 3, 2024

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Ever felt overwhelmed by the thought of writing a commentary essay? It can be daunting to express your thoughts coherently and engage your readers effectively. A commentary essay requires you to analyze a text critically, offering your perspective in a structured and detailed manner. This blog will guide you through understanding what a commentary essay is, exploring its types, and providing steps and tips to write one effectively, including examples and essential do's and don'ts.

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Understanding what a commentary essay is.

A commentary essay is a type of writing where you, the author, provide your personal interpretation and analytical comments on a given text. This could be a book, an article, a film, or any other form of media. The purpose of this essay is not just to summarize the content but to dive deep into its elements and offer insights based on your understanding. This kind of essay helps in sharpening critical thinking skills and allows you to convey your perspectives in a structured manner.

In academic and professional settings, the importance of a commentary essay lies in its ability to demonstrate your ability to critically engage with texts and articulate your thoughts clearly. Here are some key aspects that highlight its significance:

  • Enhances analytical skills : By analyzing different layers of the text.
  • Improves writing skills : As it requires clear and coherent expression of your thoughts.
  • Encourages independent thinking : You interpret the text in your unique way without relying solely on external commentaries.

Exploring Types of Commentary Essays

old books on a wall

Commentary essays come in various forms, each serving a unique purpose and audience. One popular type is the literary commentary , which focuses on analyzing a specific passage from a literary work. This type of commentary delves into the text's themes, stylistic choices, and overall significance within the larger context of the work. It's not about summarizing but rather interpreting and offering new insights about the text. Literary commentaries are particularly useful in academic settings where deep textual analysis is required to understand the nuances of literature.

Another distinct type is data commentary . Unlike its literary counterpart, data commentary does not deal with traditional texts. Instead, it focuses on interpreting and discussing data, often presented in formats such as graphs, tables, or charts. The key points of a data commentary might include the data's reliability, trends, and what these imply about the broader research context. This type is commonly found in scientific or technical fields, where understanding data is crucial for advancing knowledge and making informed decisions.

Steps to Writing a Commentary Essay

Writing a commentary essay involves a systematic approach that starts with thorough planning. Initially, you must carefully read and analyze the text to fully grasp its content and subtleties. This critical first step sets the foundation for your commentary, as it allows you to form a clear understanding of the text's main points and underlying messages. It's not just about understanding what the text says, but also about interpreting and evaluating its deeper meanings and implications.

After your initial analysis, the next step is to outline your essay. This outline should include an introduction that sets up your thesis statement, a body where you will expand on your main points with detailed commentary, and a conclusion that ties all your insights together and reinforces your thesis. The key to a successful commentary essay is linking your observations back to your main thesis , ensuring that each section of your essay contributes to a cohesive and persuasive argument.

Specific Methods for Crafting Commentary

One effective method for crafting insightful commentary in your essay is the "This Shows That" method . This technique involves starting your analysis sentences with the phrase "this shows that," which prompts you to explain the significance of a quotation or a detail from the text. This method helps in steering clear of mere plot summary by encouraging a deeper analysis of how specific elements of the text contribute to its overall meaning or theme.

Another powerful strategy is the "LET" method , which stands for Literary Elements and Techniques. This approach guides you to focus on the literary devices used in the text and discuss how they enhance the narrative or argument. For instance, you might analyze the use of metaphor, symbolism, or irony, and explain how these elements support the text's themes. By using the LET method, you can provide a more nuanced interpretation that highlights your ability to engage critically with literary texts.

Example of a Well-Written Commentary Essay

Let's consider an example of a well-written commentary essay on the poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost. The essay begins with an introduction that contextualizes the poem and presents the thesis: Frost uses the road as a metaphor for life's choices. The body paragraphs delve into detailed analysis:

  • Exploring the metaphor : The essay discusses how the "two roads diverged" symbolizes life decisions.
  • Imagery and tone : The commentary highlights how Frost's use of serene and contemplative imagery enhances the theme of choice.
  • Reader’s personal reflection : The essay includes the author’s personal interpretation, suggesting that the poem resonates with readers who face significant life choices.

In the conclusion, the essay synthesizes the analysis by reaffirming how Frost’s use of literary techniques, such as metaphor and imagery, effectively underscores the poem's deeper meaning about choices and consequences. This example demonstrates the key elements of a commentary essay:

  • Thesis-driven : It is centered around a clear, arguable thesis.
  • Textual evidence : It uses specific examples from the poem to support claims.
  • Personal interpretation : It reflects the writer’s unique perspective on the text.

Tips for Writing an Effective Commentary Essay

a person writing in a notebook with a pen

When embarking on writing a commentary essay, it's crucial to focus on structure, style, and content . Begin with a clear and concise thesis statement that will guide the flow of your essay. This statement should not only state your main point but also set the tone for the arguments you will present. Here are some style tips to consider:

  • Use a formal yet engaging tone to connect with your reader.
  • Vary your sentence structures to keep the essay dynamic and interesting.
  • Employ rhetorical questions sparingly to provoke thought without overusing them.

Structurally, your essay should have a logical flow that makes it easy for readers to follow your analysis. Start with an introduction that hooks the reader and provides a roadmap of your commentary. The body of your essay should then elaborate on your thesis statement, with each paragraph focusing on a single idea supported by evidence from the text. Finally, ensure your conclusion ties all your points together and reinforces your thesis, leaving the reader with a strong impression of your analytical skills. Remember, the key to an effective commentary is not just in what you say, but in how you say it.

Concluding Your Commentary Essay Properly

Concluding your commentary essay is crucial as it's your final opportunity to make an impact on the reader. A strong conclusion will not only summarize the main points but also reinforce your thesis statement and show how your analysis adds to the understanding of the text. Consider linking back to your introduction or using a quotation that emphasizes your main point. This creates a sense of completeness and leaves the reader with a lasting impression of your insights.

To ensure your conclusion is effective, try these strategies:

  • Synthesize, don't just summarize : Briefly reiterate your main points to show how they interconnect and support your thesis.
  • Include a provocative insight or quotation : This can give your conclusion depth and resonance.
  • Propose questions or suggest further areas of study : This encourages the reader to think beyond the essay and apply your analysis in broader contexts. By implementing these methods, your conclusion will serve as a powerful capstone to your commentary essay.

Key Terminology in Commentary Writing

Understanding the key terminology in commentary writing is crucial for anyone looking to master this style of essay. Terms like "thesis statement" refer to the main idea or argument that your essay proposes and defends throughout the text. Another important term is "textual evidence," which includes quotations, summaries, or paraphrases from the text to support your thesis. These elements are vital as they provide the foundation and support for your commentary, ensuring that your analysis is grounded in the text itself.

Additionally, the term "analysis" in commentary writing involves breaking down the text into its components to understand its meanings, themes, and implications more deeply. This process is often supported by identifying and discussing various literary devices such as metaphor, symbolism, or irony used by the author. Recognizing these devices helps to enrich your interpretation, offering a more nuanced view of the text. Personal interpretation , another key term, refers to your unique perspective and insights on the text, which adds originality and depth to your essay.

Do's and Don'ts in Commentary Essay Writing

When writing a commentary essay, it's crucial to adhere to specific best practices while avoiding common pitfalls. Do ensure you always cite your sources to back up your analysis and provide credibility to your essay. Do include a clear and concise title that reflects your thesis and the essence of the commentary. It's also important to thoroughly understand and present the original content you are discussing, including details about the author and publication.

On the flip side, there are several things you should avoid to maintain the quality of your commentary essay. Don't merely summarize the entire content; instead, focus on analyzing and interpreting the text. Avoid including irrelevant citations just to fill space—every source should add value to your argument. Lastly, don't overlook the importance of proofreading ; always review your work to correct any grammatical or structural errors, ensuring your final piece is polished and professional.

Enhance Your Commentary Essay with Samwell.ai

Samwell.ai significantly simplifies the process of writing commentary essays by providing AI-powered writing assistance. This tool is designed to help you craft well-researched, insightful essays that adhere to academic integrity. With features like advanced plagiarism checks and access to authentic sources , Samwell.ai ensures that your essay is not only original but also rich in content and analysis. This is crucial in commentary essays where depth and originality are key.

Using Samwell.ai, students and professionals can focus more on developing their analytical skills without the stress of extensive research and citation management. Here’s how you can benefit:

  • Ease of use : The interface is user-friendly, making essay writing more accessible.
  • Time-saving features : Quick access to data and citations speeds up the writing process.
  • Enhanced learning : Provides multimedia integrations for a comprehensive understanding of topics. To experience these benefits firsthand, visit Samwell.ai and start enhancing your essays today.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you start a commentary in an essay.

Starting a commentary essay effectively involves setting up a clear and engaging introduction. Begin with a hook to capture the reader's interest, followed by background information on the text you will be analyzing. Then, introduce your thesis statement, which will guide the flow of your essay and state your main point. This structure not only prepares the reader for what is to come but also sets the tone for a coherent and persuasive argument.

What is an example for commentary?

An example of a commentary essay is analyzing the poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost. The essay could start with an introduction that contextualizes the poem and presents the thesis that Frost uses the road as a metaphor for life's choices. The body paragraphs would delve into detailed analysis, discussing the metaphor of the roads diverging, the use of serene and contemplative imagery, and the personal reflection of the reader. The conclusion would then synthesize this analysis, reaffirming how Frost’s literary techniques effectively underscore the poem's themes about choices and consequences.

What is the format of writing commentary?

The format of writing a commentary essay includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. Begin with an introduction that includes a hook, background information, and a thesis statement. The body should consist of several paragraphs, each focusing on a specific part of the analysis linked back to the thesis. Each paragraph should contain textual evidence and detailed commentary. Conclude the essay by synthesizing the main points, reinforcing the thesis, and suggesting further implications or questions for the reader to consider. This structured approach helps maintain a clear and logical flow, making your analysis easy to follow.

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School of Modern Languages and Cultures

Writing a literary commentary: guidelines, what is a commentary.

  • First and foremost, a literary commentary is NOT an essay. The passage in front of you is not, therefore, an invitation to write a general essay about the work from which it has been taken.
  • A commentary is an analysis of the given passage, its function and its characteristics. It should examine the key themes and stylistic devices of the passage, showing how the language works to convey (or at times undermine) its content.
  • A commentary should relate the passage to the rest of the work (novel, collection of poems, etc.), but remain focused in the main on the details of the passage itself.
  • Make sure that your commentary covers the whole passage. For instance, if you are given a poem with five stanzas, you should try to say something about each stanza.
  • Use line numbers (in both poetry and prose) in your commentary, rather than wasting time by quoting at length.
  • When you do quote, make sure that your comments don't simply repeat what the quotation already says: 'In the line "Il pleut dehors", the poet tells us that it is raining outside ...'
  • Avoid verbosity or inaccurate terminology. Clarity and precision are top priorities, and polysyllabic words do not improve a commentary.
  • Don't use words like 'effective', 'atmospheric', or 'beautiful' unless you are also explaining what the effect, atmosphere or beauty of the passage are, and how they are achieved. 

How should I write my commentary?

There are no fixed rules for writing a commentary, but a general structure will be suggested. You should always PLAN your commentary before you start writing it, following these guidelines where appropriate.

1 Introduction

  • Put the passage into context , and summarise its arguments briefly (in a few sentences): do not spend too much time discussing matters outside of the passage.
  • You should assume that your reader has read the work from which the passage has been taken.
  • You may want to point out the passage's most important thematic and structural aspects in your introduction.
  • Introduce the main themes and structural aspects of the passage.
  • What kind of passage is it (description/dialogue/free indirect speech), and what is its function (in the rest of the work)?
  • What is its overall structure (repetitious/circuIar/leitmotifs/develops to a climax)?
  • What is the narrative point of view (first-person/third-person/omniscient or not)?
  • What are the register (high/low) and tone (comic/surreal) of the passage?

3 Detailed Analysis

This is the most substantial part of the commentary. It should not be simple description or paraphrase, but an analysis of how the language of the passage functions. The following are aspects of the text that you should look for:

  • Sentence structure
  • Tense usage
  • Word order (balance or lack thereof, harmony, repetition, parallels)
  • Figurative language (imagery, metaphors, similes, symbolism, allegory, personification, myth, antithesis, irony, paradox)
  • Characterisation (or lack thereof)
  • Narrative technique/point of view (first/third person, limited point of view, stream of consciousness)
  • Punctuation
  • Alliteration, assonance, rhyme (poetry and prose)

Remember that no text is likely to have instances of all of these elements, and that it is best to concentrate on those that are most relevant to the passage in question. Also, you should avoid simply commenting on the appearance of a particular technique: make sure you say why this is worth noticing. Ideally, your comments should cohere to explain how the various linguistic devices combine to produce the overall effect intended by the author.

4 Conclusion

  • Summarise your findings, drawing together the different aspects of the text that you have discussed in your commentary.
  • Assess briefly the achievements and significance of the passage, both in itself and in relation to the work from which it is taken.

  Some useful aids to commentary-writing  

  • Nurse, P. (ed.), The Art of Criticism: Essays in French Literary Analysis (Edinburgh, 1969) (sample commentaries of French literary texts)  
  • Biard, J. D., Lexique pour I 'explication de texte (Exeter, 1980)  
  • Benac, H., Vocabulaire de la dissertation (Paris, 1949)

  (Binac and Biard provide lists of technical terms used in close analysis of a literary text in French, and give explanations and examples of usage)  

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Commentary Essay Example With Explication and Writing Tips

By: Tasha Kolesnikova

Commentary Essay Example With Explication and Writing Tips

The essay commentary aims to analyze the text read. You can write a comment on how the plot of the novel reveals the social situation of the era or how the author's life is evidenced in the text. The commentary can be based on one element of a literary work or analyze general features. The choice will depend on the author of the essay.

Commentary Essay Example (On Poem "When You Are Old" By Yates)

Literary commentary and data commentary, commentary essay writing algorithm, remember when writing a commentary essay, conclusions.

Below you can get acquainted with the genre of commentary essay.

William Butler Yates' poem When You're Old (1895) is about love. This is evidenced by the language and literary images used. These two elements combine to create a work that represents the nostalgia and depression generated by lost love.

At the beginning of the poem, "old, gray and sleepy" woman allows herself to plunge into the past. Holding a Yates book, she recalls the days when she was young and beautiful.

This scene takes place by the fireplace and gives the poem a special tone. And this is a very strong image because the atmosphere of old age, lost love, and memories will prevail throughout the work.

To enhance the emotionality of the text, Yates uses a number of characters. One such symbol is the hearth.

It is a symbol of the ephemerality of being. Yes, the fire burns beautifully and brightly, but sooner or later, it will burn out, and only ashes will remain. Nothing lasts forever. The heroine of the poem, like fire, will one day simply disappear.

Fire can have another meaning. It can mean a passion that has passed. After all, a woman once had love, but she lost it. And sitting by the fireplace, she can dream and imagine how this former passion comes to life.

There are other symbols in the work. There are stars in the sky and high mountains. They symbolize inaccessibility - the things that a woman can no longer bring back into her life. And the only thing that reminds her of her past life and what she felt then is Yates' book.

The language used by the author plays an important role in the poem. He wrote the poem in the first person - it gives it intimacy, empathy, and sadness. It seems that the narrator knows about the consequences of this woman's actions and tries to avert them.

The poem clearly shows the connection between Yates and the old lady - as evidenced by the use of imperative verbs ("Take down this book and slowly read it, and dream of a soft look in your eyes").

Yates's poem is a good example of how to convey strong emotions to readers through language and integrated images. The use of symbols instead of direct messages adds a work of pleasant mystery.

What Is A Commentary?

Unlike the average reader, the commentator "translates" the text into his own language. The author of the commentary essay interprets the text in his own way, expressing his impressions. He logically argues his judgments.

In our opinion, the general definition of a commentary essay is:

it is a detailed analysis of a passage of the work or the work itself, which does not require the expression of thesis statements or a more general discussion of the whole book (as in literary analysis). In such an essay, the author does not simply summarize what he has read but expresses his own thoughts and analyzes the key points in the work.

It should be noted that there are two types of commentary essays: literary and data. Literary commentary is an in-depth analysis of a passage of a literary work or text. Whereas data commentary is a piece of writing that comments on a visual display. Its main purpose is the interpretation of a research paper.

Build-up. You have to be ready to write a comment. To do this, you need to be an expert in the text you are analyzing. So read it from cover to cover. When you have done this, read it aloud again. If you do not understand any words or expressions - be sure to find out their meaning.

The printed version will greatly facilitate the work on the text. So you can work with the work, using a marker to emphasize the main points or something that needs separate processing. You can also use ready-made sample essays and templates to understand in which direction to move. If you have no opinion at all about the commentary essay, look for the Write my essay button in the writing service.

Sketch the outline of your essay. Make sure it has an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusions.

Writing Commentary

  • Foundations. Your entry should include the following key elements: the title of the work you are commenting on; the name of the author of the work; genre of the work. In the introductory part, you can also express your main point of view, what affected you the most.

"I was recently impressed by Dewdney's "The Night Wind." He personalizes the wind, giving it his own life. With this image, the author leads the reader on an interesting journey through the universe. Its main theme is an escape from the problems of existence."

  • Ponderisms. What, in your opinion, is the purpose of the work? What is its intention? Discuss everything that interests you. In the body of the essay, you need to interpret the analyzed piece of literature and show your vision of the work. Use commentary sentences to the main points in the text.

"It should be noted that in the work there are no rhymes, meters, schemes. Dewdney demonstrates carefreeness using free verse. In this way, he expresses the idea of freedom."

  • Examples. Always back up your thoughts with vivid examples. Don't forget to use quotes.

"The author emphasizes the theme of freedom with bright sentences: "The wind blows forever." There are phrases that inspire the reader to think about the vastness of the universe: "Above me the Milky Way."

  • Strong conclusion. Consolidate your position in the conclusions. Paraphrase your main idea to finish the comment nicely.

"The "Night wind" is a symbol of escape from the burdens of everyday life. The free, somewhat whimsical structure of the text gives the reader a feeling of lightness and serenity. Reading such a poem, the reader plunges into the incredible world of freedom."

Editing. One of the most important steps in working on a commentary essay is its polishing. Make sure there are no grammatical, stylistic errors or other inaccuracies in the text. If you are not a pro at this, it would be better to contact the writing service for essay editing .

  • The "This shows that" device. Write a topic sentence with evidence. And start the next sentence with the words "this shows that". This method really works because it makes the student explain the quote from the text. For example, in the poem "Night Wind" Dewdney portrays a guy holding a wire. But a strong gust of windbreaks this wire. This shows that the author breaks free from the captivity of problems runs away from everything.
  • Use the LET method. The name of this method stands for Literary Elements and Techniques. And it speaks for itself. You need to identify the literary techniques that the author used in the text. It's about style, character, plot, point of view, language, setting, and conflict. Pay attention to the following methods: metaphors, diction, personification, irony, and others. When you find these elements, explain the topic sentences with them. For example, in the text "Night Wind" the author often uses dark images. The main action takes place at night. Throughout the poem, there is a reference to the stars. The image of the "wings of darkness" emphasizes the mystery of the wind and its freedom.
  • The concept of four cells. You can use one of the interesting methods of text analysis. This method involves dividing a sheet of paper into four equal parts. Place a topic sentence and a quote in the top two cells. And in the lower squares, write comments to them. This will help you analyze each piece of text and combine the comments into a single whole.

We hope that after our article, you will easily write your commentary essay. We also hope that our sample will help you navigate this topic. If your teacher has given you the assignment to write a commentary essay, you can turn to professional writers who will give you homework help .

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How to Write a Literary Commentary

Last Updated: February 23, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Stephanie Wong Ken, MFA . Stephanie Wong Ken is a writer based in Canada. Stephanie's writing has appeared in Joyland, Catapult, Pithead Chapel, Cosmonaut's Avenue, and other publications. She holds an MFA in Fiction and Creative Writing from Portland State University. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 706,425 times.

A literary commentary is a detailed analysis of a passage of text, focusing specifically on the text itself. It should not be confused with a literary analysis essay, as it does not need a thesis statement or a general discussion of the book as a whole. Instead, the literary commentary should only analyze and reflect on a specific passage. To write a literary commentary, start by reading the text and creating an outline. Then, dive right into a detailed discussion of the text. Make sure you polish the literary commentary for style, grammar, and spelling before handing it in so it is at its best.

Literary Commentary Help

how to write commentary for essay

Starting the Literary Commentary

Step 1 Read the passage several times.

  • Make sure you have a hard copy of the passage so you can mark it up as you read it. Jot down any initial thoughts or questions you may have about the text as you read it several times.

Step 2 Highlight keywords in the text.

  • You should also look for words that are repeated in the text, as this means they are likely important. Notice if the same word is used in a different context in the passage and highlight each mention of the word.

Step 3 Create an outline.

  • Introduction section: Identify the text
  • Body section: Discuss the main features of the text
  • Conclusion section: Summarize your thoughts on the text

Writing the Literary Commentary

Step 1 Identify the title, author, and genre in the introduction.

  • For example, you may note, “Published in 1966, Seamus Heaney’s ‘Blackberry-Picking’ is a poem that appears in his poetry collection, Death of a Naturalist .”
  • If the text is from a larger work, do not write about the overall plot of the larger work. You should also not include details from the author’s biography or the historical period when the text was written, unless it feels relevant to the passage.

Step 2 Discuss the text’s subject, themes, and audience.

  • For example, in Seamus Heaney's poem, "Blackberry-Picking,” the subject is two people picking a large quantity of blackberries. [2] X Research source
  • The themes of the poem could be nature, hunger, and decay or rot.
  • The poem begins with a dedication to “Philip Hobsbaum,” which means he could be the intended audience of the poem, the “you” addressed in the poem.

Step 3 Look at the genre, form, and structure of the text.

  • The genre and form of the text will also help you determine the structure of the text. For example, Seamus Heaney's "Blackberry-Picking” takes the form of a poem and fits in the genre of poetry. It uses a familiar poetic structure, such as short lines of text and is broken into two stanzas.

Step 4 Analyze the voice in the text.

  • For example, in Seamus Heaney's "Blackberry-Picking,” the speaker uses the first person voice. The speaker then addresses a “you” in the text, indicating there are two characters in the poem.

Step 5 Study the tone and mood.

  • For example, in Seamus Heaney's "Blackberry-Picking,” the tone in the first stanza is nostalgic and light. The tone then shifts in the second stanza to be more serious and dark.

Step 6 Identify the literary devices in the text.

  • For example, if you are discussing Seamus Heaney's "Blackberry-Picking,” you may look at a simile like “You ate that first one and its flesh was sweet/Like thickened wine: summer's blood was in it.” Or you may discuss imagery like “a rat-grey fungus” or “fruit fermented.”
  • You can find a complete list of literary devices in literature online. [5] X Research source

Step 7 Include quotes from the text.

  • For example, if you are discussing themes of decay in Seamus Heaney's "Blackberry-Picking,” you may quote a line like “I always felt like crying./It wasn't fair/That all the lovely canfuls smelt of rot.”

Step 8 Wrap up the commentary with a summary of your thoughts.

  • For example, you may end your literary commentary on Seamus Heaney's "Blackberry-Picking” by noting how the poem fits into the poetry collection and reflects common themes in Heaney’s work.

Polishing the Literary Commentary

Step 1 Read the commentary aloud to yourself.

  • You can also read the commentary aloud to someone else to get their feedback. Ask a peer, a friend, or a family member to listen to you read the commentary and then ask for their feedback.

Step 2 Confirm the commentary follows a clear outline.

  • You can go through the commentary and write down “introduction” or “discussion of text” next to the relevant paragraphs in the commentary. Doing this will ensure you cover all the necessary information in the commentary.

Step 3 Review the commentary for spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

  • If you are using a computer to write the literary commentary, you can use the spellcheck option in the computer program. However, you should not rely on spellcheck only to go through your work. Make sure you also do a close review of the commentary for any errors before you hand it in.

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  • ↑ https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/modernlanguages/intranet/undergraduate/skills/commesswriting/commentarywriting/
  • ↑ https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/50981/blackberry-picking
  • ↑ http://literary-devices.com/
  • ↑ https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/reading-aloud/
  • ↑ https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/editing-and-proofreading/

About This Article

Stephanie Wong Ken, MFA

To write a literary commentary, begin by closely reading the text at least twice while paying attention to the content and structure. While commentaries do not need a thesis statement, you should identify the title, author, and genre in your introduction. In your body paragraphs, discuss the text’s subject, themes, and audience while pointing out any literary devices, like metaphors or symbols, that you notice. Use quotes to illustrate your points and conclude with a summary of your thoughts on the text. For advice about how to read and annotate your text from our Writer reviewer, scroll down. Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Elements of an Essay: Writing Commentary

For several weeks now, we have been identifying the essential elements of essays and learning how to incorporate these effectively and successfully. We have discussed that the thesis statement is the glue that holds the entire paper together, the body paragraphs are the meat where the majority of your argument will be found, and last week we looked at how the details are the key to unlocking your argument .  Today we are going to take a look at the other extremely important factor in writing a well-thought out essay.  It is needed for every single detail that you write.  It is the commentary.

Commentary Definition

When you write commentary, you are explaining to your reader how the details relate to the thesis statement. Commentary does not contain facts.  Instead, they help explain why the details are relevant to the topic.

Writing Commentary


You are going to need at least two sentences of commentary for every detail sentence.  A good rule of thumb is that your commentary should be twice as long as your details.  Otherwise, your paper is just full of facts.  We want to know how YOU think these facts prove your point and what YOU think they mean.

Here are a few different methods for writing commentary:

1) Opinion: this is where you write your belief, subjective judgment or way of thinking about a detail .

2) Interpretation: your explanation of something that is not clear.

3) Character and Subject’s Feelings: when you describe what the character or subject of the detail is feeling (ideal for literary analysis papers)

4) Personal Reaction: your personal emotions about the detail.

5) Evaluations: your objective judgment of a detail.

Commentary is the Treasure

Your commentary is the treasure that makes your paper shine.  It should always strengthen and extend the details. This is your chance to show us what you’ve got.  It is where you can impress us with your analysis and interpretation skills.

“What and Why” Method

You may be thinking, “Analysis and interpretation skills?  What if I don’t possess those skills?”  Well breathe easy, because interpretation is really just a fancy word for “what,” while analysis simply means “why”.

So if you are struggling to write your commentary try using the “what and why” method.  First, tell the reader WHAT your detail is talking about by defining or explaining.  Next, let your reader know WHY this detail is relevant to your thesis statement.

Starting Commentary Sentences

If you are struggling to start your commentary, consider beginning your commentary in one of the following ways:

“This shows that…”

 “This is important because…”

Obviously, you cannot start every sentence you write like that since this would be redundant.  However, even if you do not write these phrases at the beginning of all of your sentences, it is helpful even just to think these phrases in order to guide your commentary in the right direction.

Applying Commentary Techniques

Now that we have discussed the different options for writing commentary, and the method for doing  so, let’s put them together and see what is looks like.

Commentary Type: Opinion using the “what and why” method


Topic: education

Detail: According to the 2013 National Assessment of Education Progress Reading test, 80% of students score below grade level in reading.

Commentary: Your commentary for this detail will answer the following questions: (1) “WHAT is my opinion?” and (2) “WHY is my opinion relevant to my thesis statement?”

(1)  A statistic like this shows the poor state of the education.  (2) If we are to help students become successful adults, we need to change the way we are educating our children.

Commentary Type: Interpretation using the “what and why” method

Topic: benefits of college

Detail: First of all, of 2,350,000 college students enrolling per year, only 1,750,000 will graduate.

Commentary: Your commentary for this detail will answer the following questions: (1) “WHAT is my interpretation?” and (2) “WHY is my interpretation relevant to my thesis statement?”

(1) This shows that the high demand placed on students during their college years is too much stress for many.  (2) However rigorous it may be though, the pressure and expectations are reflective of a future career and help prepare young adults for these challenges.

Commentary Type: Character or Subject Feelings using the “what and why” method


Topic: cost of higher education

Detail:  For example, Benjamin Davis, a recent college graduate with a degree in Business, struggled for many years to find a job because of the recent unemployment struggles in America

Commentary: Your commentary for this detail will answer the following questions: (1) “WHAT is the subject’s feelings?” and (2) “WHY is subjects feelings relevant to my thesis statement?”

(1) He, like most, experiences extreme frustration at spending a great deal of time and money obtaining his degree, but feeling like he has very little advantage over others without a degree when finding a job. (2) As a result, many who find themselves in a similar situation are left wondering if higher education is worth the high cost.

Commentary Type: Personal Reaction using the “what and why” method

Topic: bullying

Detail: Also,  a bully might speak cruelly in order to intimidate, steal a student’s belongings, or intentionally exclude one from a group .

Commentary: Your commentary for this detail will answer the following questions: (1) “WHAT is my personal reaction?” and (2) “WHY is my personal reaction relevant to my thesis statement?”

(1) It is extremely upsetting to know that most children undergo this type of treatment at school. (2) It is hurtful, isolating, and can have long-lasting psychological damage on those students who experience bullying often.

Commentary Type: Evaluation using the “what and why” method

Topic: bears

Detail: Naturally, a bear, when threatened, will rise up from the ground, growl loudly, and begin charging at a speed of up to 35 mph.

Commentary: Your commentary for this detail will answer the following questions: (1) “WHAT is my evaluation?” and (2) “WHY is my evaluation relevant to my thesis statement?”

(1) Although this is a frightening experience, it is not entirely the bear’s fault. (2) In fact, most of the time when a bear attacks a person, it is the result of a person not understanding that when going out into the woods, he or she is entering a bear’s environment; forgetting to be respectful and cautious can cause the bear to react thusly.

When To Use Commentary Types

Depending on your assignment, choose the types of commentary that best fits your argument.  Use of a variety of different types of commentary to write a well-argued paper.


Go back and look at step two of writing details from last week’s blog.  Look at the commentary you wrote and update it to fit into the “what and why” method using some of the above types of commentary.  If you did not do that step last week, go ahead and use the worksheet found here.

We hope this helped you when writing commentary.  If you still need help, call Oxford Tutoring for support or to schedule a writing tutoring session.

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Full How-to Guide for an Exceptional Commentary Essay

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If you’ve arrived on this page, you probably have a commentary essay due. It can seem like a daunting task, but fear not, as it’s not as complicated as it might seem. We’re used to providing commentary in our day-to-day life, be it about a piece of news or gossip you’ve just heard, a sports event, or even an update from a family member, so your task is only to take that habit and put it into a more formal form of commentary in writing. So, whether you are struggling to pick the right topic or just need some tips on how to go about developing your writing skills, our informative guide will help you with any and all of the points!

What is a Commentary in Writing: Unlocking the Mystery

Let’s get the most important definition out of the way, that is what does commentary mean in writing.

It’s a genre of writing that analyzes and interprets ideas, trends, and events to find different meanings and patterns in them. When writing commentary, you shouldn’t simply do a general overview, but find a way for your reader to make sense of the topic you are covering. You should also try to find a unique viewpoint on things, so your reader can discover the causes and consequences of a specific issue you are covering and in turn make their own judgments about them.

What is a Commentary Essay in a Nutshell

A simple commentary essay definition is that it’s a paper where you provide your opinion on a specific subject. It can be done as a response to another piece of writing like a book, article, or blog post, or you can choose an issue you want to cover and do a commentary essay about it. It goes without saying that you will need to do your research, no matter the topic of your paper, and provide your own take on the situation, using solid evidence and example to support your point. That is exactly why professors love to assign this task to their students, as commentary writing is a great way to show your critical thinking skills, as well as your ability to analyze a subject and provide a unique take on it.

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Commentary Essay Format: Covering the Basics

The commentary essay structure follows the standard formula of the introduction that includes your thesis statement, main body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. Depending on your word count, you might have more than one body paragraph, plus you’ll need to decide how big they are and how deep you can delve into the subject. Another pretty standard rule is that you need to have at least one respectable source for each page of your commentary essay. With the basics out of the way, here are some tips to get you started on your commentary in an essay writing:

  • Dedicate some time to come up with your thesis statement, so it’s catchy and clear at the same time, while also covering all of the arguments you’ll be making in the main body paragraphs.
  • Delve deep into your subject and offer your reader some food for thought, so that after reading your paper they still want to think about your points and maybe even act on some of them.
  • Try to engage your reader in a conversation and demonstrate your point of view in a way that they can be open to it, even if their opinion on the subject differs from yours.
  • Don’t be shy and state your opinion clearly without trying to be too neutral or objective about the subject.

Commentary Essay Outline and How to Fill it Out

Now that you have a general idea of what your commentary essay should be about and look like, let’s delve into more specific steps of filling out your commentary paper outline:

  • Title.  It should be as short as possible, catchy, and relevant to your topic.
  • Introduction .
  • Hook sentence. Make sure to grab your reader’s attention right away.
  • Author, title, main characters, summary. That’s in case you are doing a commentary essay based on a text. If you are covering an issue, a brief summary of its history and significant points should be there as well.
  • Thesis statement. Help your reader to understand the direction of your essay.
  • Main body paragraph(s).
  • Topic sentence. It should illustrate how you are going to support your thesis.
  • A quote. Depending on the material you are covering it should be from the text you are covering or a reliable source related to the topic you will be discussing.
  • Analysis from the quote. Show how it supports your thesis.
  • Closing sentence. It should wrap up the paragraph nicely, and for the first and second body paragraphs, provide a transition to the next one.
  • Concluding paragraph.  Here you should summarize your main paragraphs, tie that to your thesis statement, possibly extend your argument and reiterate why the topic of your essay is important.

How to Write a Commentary Essay: Tips for Perfection

We’ve covered what a standard commentary essay should look like, but what about how to write a good commentary? Well, we’ve got your back even there!

There is one piece of advice that merits be mentioned outside of the list below. It’s that the driving point of the commentary essay is your unique take on the text or the issue you are covering. Your ideas make the backbone of your paper, so take extra care to formulate them clearly. When conveying your ideas, concentrate on the main thing you want to get across to your reader. Don’t expect them to understand your take from hints, be clear and concise in what you want to say. Now let’s check those steps you’ll need to take for a perfect commentary essay!

  • Make sure that you understand the prompt.  You have to thoroughly get the question or topic of your essay. If you are not sure what’s being asked of you, ask your professor.
  • Do some brainstorming.  Try to come up with different topics for your essay and different angles you can explore in the main body paragraphs. Make sure to jot down any idea you have, no matter how small or fragmented it is. When you’ve picked the main topic or angle, start fleshing it out with examples.
  • Come up with a thesis statement.  It will guide your essay from the introduction to the conclusion, so make sure it’s solid. A clear and specific thesis statement is especially important in a commentary essay, as it will tell your reader what kind of take to expect from your paper.
  • Get to the research.  Even if you are familiar with your subject, you still need reliable sources to help you support the points you’ll argue in your essay. Plus, it’s always better to delve into the subject even deeper to better understand it, so you can produce a coherent and well-informed paper.
  • Flesh out your outline.  Once you have a good idea of the direction you want your essay to go in, start adding to the outline template mentioned above.
  • Edit, proofread, and ask for feedback.  When you finish your final draft, let it sit for a day, if possible, and then reread it to eliminate any mistakes you might have made. Alternatively, ask your friends to read the essay for you and give you feedback on it.

40 Engaging Commentary Topics to Choose From

Choosing the right topic is detrimental to the quality of your commentary essay. Not only it will influence how productive your research and writing process will be, but it will also provide a level of engagement your professor will definitely pick up on when reading your paper. Look through the list of commentary paper topics our writers have put together and see if you find the one you’ve been looking for!

  • Accuracy of understanding other people’s feelings.
  • Novel approaches to public administration in developing countries.
  • The role a leader exerts on a crowd.
  • Factors that contribute to interpersonal attraction.
  • The role of image in compensating for possible physical unattractiveness.
  • Factors that influence successful socialization.
  • Social stereotypes based on ethnicity or age.
  • The role of the modern family as an institution.
  • The concept of personal influence and its significance.
  • The main sources of social conflict in modern society.
  • The role of socialization in different genders.
  • The main factors of social inequality today.
  • The effectiveness of social conflict management and resolution.
  • How to organize social processes for optimal outcomes.
  • The role of moral and ethical standards in modern public office.
  • Sociology of modern youth.
  • The social role of college students in modern society.
  • Understanding suicide as a form of deviant behavior.
  • Subcultures as a means of interpersonal and intercultural communication.
  • The relationship and impact of TV in modern society.
  • The position of the US in the global community.
  • Major areas of innovation in real estate management and development.
  • Unemployment: causes, forms, and regulation methods.
  • Government role in supporting innovation.
  • Innovative governance: objectives, functions, and principles.
  • Perception of significance when selecting people who matter.
  • Competitiveness as a measure of business performance.
  • Classifying cryptocurrency enterprises in modern times.
  • Novel organizational models for innovative enterprises.
  • Methods for generating new business ideas.
  • Process of developing an effective business plan.
  • Methods for evaluating the efficiency of innovations.
  • Discounting as a method of evaluating business efficiency.
  • Financial support for cryptocurrency projects.
  • Creating an effective business plan structure.
  • The intellectual property market and its operation.
  • Comparing venture business in the USA and EU.
  • Innovation marketing: key considerations.
  • The significance of the intellectual property in modern entrepreneurship.
  • Managing the creation and utilization of new cryptocurrency.

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  • Skim through the pile to discern the range of responses to an assignment.
  • Read each essay through quickly, before making any marks, to identify major strengths and weaknesses.
  • Think about strengths and weaknesses in terms of clear assessment criteria—thesis, structure, analysis, and so on.
  • Comment representatively in the margins by noting patterns.
  • Use a reliable format for structuring final comments—for example, restatement of thesis, discussion of strengths, and discussion of weaknesses.
  • Identify in final comments no more than three or four areas for improvement.
  • Design effective writing assignments.
  • Respond to proposals, outlines, and drafts.
  • Organize students into writing groups.
  • Ask for a cover letter.

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  • Responding to Student Writing
  • Designing Essay Assignments
  • Vocabulary for Discussing Student Writing
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Easy Steps To Write A Commentary Effectively

Easy steps to write a commentary in the english language , how to write a commentary.

The first time you have to write a commentary, you may ask questions such as what a commentary is. How can I write it? Asking these questions is very normal because commentary is not something we hear on a daily basis. It is an academic skill that you study at school. I will try to help throughout this article to answer these questions.

What is a commentary?

A commentary basically focuses on the analysis and detailed description of a specific text (chapter, movie, story). Commentaries can also be written on quotes, short texts, articles). Typically, it is used for the news and magazine publications where a publisher writes it for newly published articles. The major purpose of publishing a commentary is to primarily provide a forum where various perspectives and ideas on a certain topic in a journal can be talked over.

Writing commentaries means writing a well-detailed analysis of an article or a text. A commentary is different from an essay. The essay form and commentary may sometimes overlap and be used interchangeably, but it may be helpful to make some comparisons. A commentary is often very short (a few hundred words) and more journalistic (critical) in tone than a personal essay. It properly fits as a column in a newspaper or in a magazine. The writing can be more newsy than literary. On the other hand, the essay form is an extended piece of writing that presents and supports a certain proposition (topic). It can be descriptive, argumentative, narrative, or expository.

A commentary requires deep knowledge, analysis, and critical thinking

Writing a commentary requires you to have knowledge about the topic. You will have to present your unique perspective and discuss the essential concepts and the arguments in the text. Your commentary is somewhat an extension of the ideas and of the writer. It should bring more clarity to the arguments in the original text. 

As a skill you are expected to master, a commentary is somewhat subjective. It should reflect your critical thinking skills, your way of seeing and perceiving life, how to defend yourself using arguments, how to link content to your reality. It is totally different from summarizing which should be objective and limited to the text.

Steps to prepare for a commentary

There are several steps you have to follow to write an effective and successful commentary.

What you should do before writing?

Just like any kind of writings, you have to prepare yourself. When writing a commentary, try to do the following things: 

  • Read the text several times. Read each word carefully and try to understand what the writer is trying to say. Try to understand the meaning. 
  • You may want to underline major concepts, ideas, arguments, quotes. Underline anything that you think will help you. 
  • Underline keywords. 
  • Outline the main points. You will have to study the text deeply and analyze the structure of the article and its content and prepare an outline accordingly.

Steps to write the commentary

  • Identifying the basic information (the title, the author name, publication date, if any, and the genre of the text. This type of information will be included in the introduction section of the commentary.   
  • Try to mention the theme, subject, and audience. In the main part (the body of) the commentary, you have to describe the main text and its focus. Discuss the following questions:
  • Pay attention to the structure and genre of the content

Check the genre of the text. Is it narrative or descriptive? Is it fiction or non-fiction? Look at the types of sentences and words being used.

  • Try to understand the tone o the writer.

The definition of “ tone ” in literature is the way the author expresses his attitude through his writing. The tone can change very quickly or may remain the same throughout the story or the text. The tone is expressed by the use of syntax (grammar), the writer’s point of view, the writer’s diction (the choice and use of words and phrases in speech or writing), and the level of formality in the writing.

Although this is a part of literature and literary commentary, it is important for you to learn to understand the style of expression of the thoughts. The attitude and the mood of the author can be known by looking at the tone of the text. Depending on the need of the subject, the author may have used different tones in different situations. Observe how the tone changes to understand the fluctuations of the mood and changes in the situations or events.

  • Check the literary devices that deepen the meaning

The writer might use literary devices such as metaphor, imagery, alliteration, and simile to intensify the meaning. Identify them and mention them in your commentary whenever possible.

  • Take the quotes included in the text. To support your points and opinions, you can use the quotes from the text. You can directly take the quotes and use the quotation marks. Use only those quotes which are relevant and can support the discussion.
  • Ask for the feedback

To make your commentary better, you should read in front of a friend, a family member, a teacher or anybody and ask for their feedback.

  • Proofread and correct the text

Read your writing, identify grammatical and spelling mistakes. Also, check your punctuation and capitalization. The quality o

Remember, when we talk about writing a commentary, it can be on a video, a picture, a text, a statement, or a quote. They are all the same thing. It is very important for you to know the main idea. Then, give your opinion about the main idea (implicitly or explicitly), and then defend your opinion using your own arguments. You can relate the quote, the picture, the text being asked to comment on to your social or political life. You may want to relate it to your cultural or religious background. It all depends on the content.


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How to Write a Commentary Essay

What is a literary commentary, steps to prepare for a commentary, steps to write the commentary, it takes a broad thinking and analysis, it should be critical yet with a respectful tone, prepare before writing, outline the main points.

Useful information: Check research paper outline example and learn how to write it.


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Identifying the basic information

Mention about the theme, subject, and audience, observe the structure and genre of the content, identify how the text is presented, understand the tone, look for the literary devices that deepen the meaning, take the quotes included in the text, wrapping up your commentary with a summary, make your commentary presentable, ask for the feedback.

Read also: Reliable “ write research paper for me ” service will assist you with any writing task.

Proofread and correct the text

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An Example Critical Commentary

Our latest assignments came back within four days of submission—a fast turnaround. Mine scored a high merit. Its main weaknesses were:

  • I should have mentioned more works of dystopian literature, rather than other media such as film and television drama. I had brought in the other media because part of the essay relates to how ‘script’ has influenced my work. There had been a reference to Fahrenheit 451 which I removed to save words, and I couldn’t talk about Brave New World or The Handmaid’s Tale because I discussed them in TMA 3. Instead, I focused on 1984 with mention of Vox and The Circle. If I had the chance to rewrite this, I would cut out references to film structure and replace them with more analysis of dystopian literature.
  • The essay talks about characterisation and narrative voice, before appearing to return to character, which the tutor felt showed a lack of control. I had meant the last discussion about ‘psychic distance’ to be part of the point-of-view section rather than character, but obviously that didn’t come across.
  • The word count was dangerously close. Agreed! Our essay was meant to be 3,000 words, with a 10% leeway either side. That means we could write between 2,700 and 3,300 words. I went up to 3,300. Once, on a course years ago, a tutor told me I could have used the word limit to expand an argument, but generally tutors don’t like it (more work for them), and going right up to the limit is dangerous as word processors count differently.
  • This didn’t affect me, but I heard from someone else who wrote too much about the influence of another genre—creative nonfiction—and was marked right down for it.

I’m including my TMA below in the hope that it might help people next year. We had no examples to go on this time—just very broad guidance notes, which makes it difficult to know what’s expected. Bear in mind that every tutor is different.

The names of other students are masked to protect their privacy.

TMA 06: A Critical Commentary

My EMA project continues a theme that I’ve been following throughout the Masters, beginning with The Sponsor (Daykin, 2017). It involves looking at modern cultural trends and spinning a narrative about the future. The Sponsor dealt with the social effects of automation. All Souls (Daykin, 2018a) explored how social media can empower toxic ideologies. Rebel Generation (Daykin, 2018b) asked what would happen if the elderly drastically outnumbered the young. My latest project, True Britain (Daykin, 2019c), is inspired by current political developments and predicts a swing to authoritarian government. Below, I will refer to these pieces and two stories outside the dystopian genre, Child of the Moors ( Daykin, 2019a) and The Grey Runner (Daykin, 2019b). In demonstrating how my writing has evolved, I focus on awareness of genre, character, narrative modes and the influence of script and creative nonfiction. I will show how feedback from others and the habit of ‘reading as a writer’ have informed my work.

For this project, I chose to write the opening of a novel. I had found the short story format insufficient to explore complex ideas in speculative fiction. Writing All Souls, for example, I struggled to provide a satisfactory ending, and a reviewer commented that the story ‘opened some doors to interesting social themes, but did not really engage with these themes in any depth’ (X, 2018). With True Britain, I am writing a much longer narrative exploring politics and history. As the project has to be seen in the context of the novel, some plot points not included in the EMA will be described here to explain decisions I have made.

A writer needs to be aware of the elements of genre, as readers have expectations about character, writing and plot (Neale, 2009, p3). Previously, I wrote intuitively without studying the conventions of genre. The Sponsor must have been inexact in its genre, as one reviewer asked if it was science fiction (XXXX, 2017). Dystopia is a subgenre of science fiction ‘because it depicts future fictive societies’ (Utopia and Dystopia, 2019), but in order for fiction to be clearly dystopian, certain elements have to be in place. One of these is that it is ‘built on the imperfections of the author’s world, created to be considerably worse’ (Ezzi, 2018). The intention of The Sponsor was to take current technological trends to their logical conclusion. In retrospect, the links to today’s society could have been emphasised more clearly, as I am attempting to do in True Britain .

I submitted two different openings of True Britain for peer review. The original began almost in media res, with a brief scene occurring before the army descended on Jake’s estate. Reviewers understood that this was a dystopia, but felt that the message and background were not clear (XXXX, 2019). My second attempt made Emily the character in focus, showing through her role as a teacher how the regime was indoctrinating the young. This provided more opportunity to demonstrate how and why Britain evolved from the present to a quasi-dictatorship. I conveyed information through a classroom debate on ‘favourite prime ministers’, but this extract was heavy in exposition, over-emphasising dialogue and giving the story a didactic, repetitive feel (XXXX, 2019b). Successful dystopias tend to introduce their circumstances through action. For example, in 1984 (Orwell, 1989) Orwell conveys the impoverished, oppressive nature of his society by following Winston Smith as he returns home. Orwell also inserts long extracts from another text which further explain the dystopia, but this seems a risky strategy as it stalls the action, and I have decided against using this technique in True Britain. Jake and Emily have more freedom to show their world through action than Smith.

One reviewer asked how True Britain would be ‘developed and distinguished from other fictions set in dystopian near futures’ (XXXX, 2019). One way I tried to achieve this was by blending genres. Once genre is understood, playing with it can ‘fuel reading enjoyment’ (Anderson, 2006, p162) and mixing genres has become more popular in publishing (Coles, 2019). True Britain is primarily a dystopia, but it includes elements of the action genre, and also weaves in brief historical passages written by a main character, Emily. Emily not only teaches history but identifies herself and others with its stories—an image of Elizabeth I in battle dress hangs by her desk, and she pictures other characters as Victorian waifs or Medieval scholars. Her historical fiction is included as a nested narrative, underscoring a central idea—that nothing is inevitable. In giving this importance to history, I drew inspiration from The Secret History (Tartt, 1993), a modern day detective story with characters immersed in the culture of the ancient past.

Soon after I had begun my project, I had the opportunity of comparing it with a near future scenario broadcast by the BBC, Years and Years (2019). This was useful in comparing techniques, for example in opening the story, but it also illustrated how different approaches could be applied to the same subject. True Britain was an opportunity to combine my interests in speculative fiction and history. While Years emphasises radical new technology and ideas such as transhumanism, the government of True Britain glamorises history, turning it into a crucial part of young people’s identities. As the Party slogan in 1984 goes: ‘who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past’ (Orwell, 1989, p260). In True Britain technological progress has gone backwards, something so unusual in near future dystopias that it was questioned by a reviewer (XXXX, 2019). In part, this is because a characteristic of dystopias is a reduction in living standards (Utopia and Dystopia, 2019), but it also reflects a government strategy to limit the means of communication.

Elements of the action genre distinguish True Britain from traditional dystopias such as 1984, bringing it closer to recent young adult dystopias like The Hunger Games (Collins, 2009). This action-oriented fiction includes bold, active protagonists, training sequences and physical confrontation. While Emily is a more typical character in dystopia, timidly questioning, Jake embraces a world of escalating violence. He joins the resistance movement, undergoes training and embarks on missions—although he is no Jack Reacher, and the consequences are messy.

Jake is in fact an ordinary lad who has grown up obeying orders in Britain’s newly authoritarian climate. This is a story with a message, but it remains important to ensure that characters are complex and credible. They are not replicas of any in my previous dystopias. Although Jake is of the same age and under similar pressures to Deivos in Rebel Generation, he lacks Deivos’s nihilism, and is driven by the wish to save his family and community rather than to take revenge. Emily resembles Maddie in All Souls in that she opposes a new orthodoxy, but she does it on intellectual grounds, and also has a greater sense of self-preservation. It has been suggested that she could begin as right-wing herself, gradually awakening to injustice (XXXX, 2019b). However, I see her as somebody with strong ideas that, at first, she can only express cautiously. As Sokoloff explains, a protagonist should have conflicting internal and external motivations: this tension and the eventual triumph of the internal motivation will drive the plot (Sokoloff, 2015, p46). In Emily’s case, her external motivation is to stay safe; but her internal motivation drives her to defy the regime and its intellectual stranglehold.

One problem I have had in the past is writing strong lead characters. A protagonist cannot be passive, but must be capable of changing both themselves and the situation (Moon, 2013). When I created Jenny in Child of the Moors , I tried to explore a flawed personality, but Jenny’s faults did not give her agency; she caved to her domineering mother in a way that strained credibility (XXXX, 2019a). It has been suggested that there is a cultural reluctance to portray flawed female protagonists. Heroines are often simply ‘good’, without the capacity for selfishness seen in male anti-heroes (The New Yorker, 2013). Female protagonists are relatively rare in dystopias written for adults, and those that exist seem less capable of resistance; for example, Mae in The Circle (Eggers, 2014) never questions the oppressive nature of the corporation she works for (Petri, 2016). In my first piece, The Sponsor, I notice that although Summer is the main character, crucial decisions—to reject the sponsorship and then to flee—are made by her husband, Zach. In True Britain, however , Emily is as active and potentially unlikeable as Jake; she rescues Jake, then pushes him away; she is an atheist, but seeks refuge with evangelicals. Sokoloff argues that the most satisfying character arc results in a person becoming less selfish (Sokoloff, 2015, p106), and this is what happens to both Emily and Jake, with Emily sacrificing the precarious remnants of her security to save Jake a second time.

Protagonists require enemies who will try to thwart their goals. In dystopias, the antagonist is often the setting (Revis, 2010). Burroway argues that across all genres, ‘setting is often to some degree symbolic’ and ‘suggestive of a larger meaning’ (Burroway, 2011, p141). This is particularly true of a dystopia, where Jake and Emily’s environment—the ubiquitous flags, the jingoistic posters and the strained faces of it citizens—all contribute to an atmosphere of enforced patriotism. This focus on the setting as the enemy can lead to unimpressive human antagonists, mere cogs in the machine. For example, in Vox (Dalcher, 2018), the villain is annoying rather than terrifying. However, it is still important that the villain has his own motivations: ‘the best villain would be a hero—just not in this version of the story’ (Coe, 2016). In True Britain , both Emily and Jake have antagonists whose goals conflict with their own. Emily is faced by her fanatical pupil Alex, who immediately introduces conflict. In past work I have always tried to show the motivation of antagonists, but haven’t always succeeded; the self-righteous, wealthy characters in The Sponsor, for instance, ‘were more one sided, which made them seem less human’ (XXXX, 2017). In True Britain, Alex’s mixture of pride and rage must be psychologically real; his own voice will join the discourse of the story, reflecting David Lodge’s idea that in a novel, ‘no ideological or moral position is immune from challenge’ (Lodge, 2011, p129).

One area that needs improvement in my writing is a tendency to introduce too many characters. In Rebel Generation, the story followed three strands, each with multiple characters whose lives intersect. Reviewers felt that some characters failed to make an impression, with their voices merging (XXXX, 2018) and a lack of control in focus (XXXX, 2018). In True Britain I again met criticism for bringing in too many characters, which was confusing for the reader (XXXX, 2019). Robert Wood suggests that a story should have ‘as few characters as necessary,’ and that each should have a unique role and emotional outlook (Wood, 2016). When editing True Britain, I cut out those characters whose roles were not clearly needed while increasing the narrative presence of those whose role would be important later on. This latter group includes Jake’s girlfriend, whose pregnancy inspires his desperate attempts to return to his family, culminating in his second intrusion into Emily’s life.

During my development as a writer, I have increasingly used multiple narrators in order to cover conflicting perspectives. In True Britain, the tone of Jake and Emily’s stories contrast: one characterised by violent adventure, the other by careful negotiation. I am currently experimenting with different points of view for the narrative. One option is to have Emily narrate, retrospectively, in first person. This is necessary if the story is in past tense, as Jake doesn’t survive. Past tense, here, echoes the theme of history. The Secret History also uses first person and past tense; Mullan suggests that this ‘opens a gap’ between the past and present versions of the narrator, emphasised by occasional slips in tense as the narrator tries to make sense of their past actions (Mullan, 2006, p45). This is useful in Emily’s case; her personality and circumstances have undergone significant changes. However, it is unusual to have a combination of first and third person narrators: one example is found in the short stories of Jennifer Egan, but the effect there is not continuity but inferred connections (Masters, 2018). Jason Black suggests that this combination can be useful if one character should be kept close and the other ‘an enigma’ (Black, 2017), but there is no narrative reason for Jake to be a mystery. One of the novels I’m reading as part of background research is Anatomy of a Scandal (Vaughan, 2018) , which not only gives insights into the British political establishment, but also alternates between first and third person perspectives. Here, the effect is to create a feeling of closeness with a character whose actions unravel the mystery generated by the others. There is a very specific reason for this; she is also one of the characters narrated in third person. This treatment of point of view in Anatomy has been well received by critics, with one commenting that the ‘shifts in perspective add considerable suspense’ (Sethi, 2018). In True Britain , the justification for mixing narrative approaches would be different, and I am still trying various strategies. Given the theme of history, it seems fitting for Emily to act as a historian, not only of herself but of Jake and the entire country. Alternatively, I could revert to the more conventional style of alternating third person narrators, which Skinner argues is suited to plot-driven stories and has the advantage of creating ‘dramatic irony’ because the reader will know more than the characters (Skinner, 2018, p74). In this case, neither Jake nor Emily would be aware of how catastrophic their decisions might be, but the reader, with a wider vantage point, would see it.

A major criticism of my project has been that the characters are ‘buried because there is so much story to cover’ (XXXX, 2019). This related to the action scene filtered through Jake’s third-person perspective. Readers found themselves emotionally detached from Jake, and on rereading the piece I can see that the psychic distance is too remote, creating a rather cold effect. For example, when Jake sees a neighbour ‘lying motionless on his sloping lawn, one leg buckled and a dark smudge on his cheek’ (Daykin, 2019c), there is no indication of how Jake feels about this. There were too many ‘thought verbs’, which Palahniuk argues pushes the narrative towards telling rather than showing (Palahniuk, 2011). In an action sequence such as this, as Shultz suggests, ‘psychic distance should be drawn closer’ (Shultz, 2017). Details conveyed to the reader reflect the focal character’s personality and state of mind (Ellis, 2019). I will try to use the technique I experimented with in The Grey Runner, ‘zooming in’ to the protagonist, John, in a way that encompassed his internal monologue and stream of consciousness. For example, John hallucinates: ‘That’s odd, it reminds him of. Of something. Himself, as a child?’ (Daykin, 2019b).

In addition to studying fiction, I have also learned from the genres of creative nonfiction and script. Nonfiction requires research, with an emphasis on truth presented in a literary style, and this was a prerequisite for True Britain . The story has at times a documentary feel, with information conveyed by news footage and studio interviews as well as classroom debates. My factual research covers subjects ranging from English history (Jenkins, 2012) to the experience of teaching (Crossley-Holland, 2009). A misunderstanding of current political trends or a factual misstep by a character obsessed with history could alienate readers. This is the most extensive research I have carried out for a project, and it has also involved developing methods to catalogue the information.

A major influence has been script, which I’ve largely studied independently, taking particular inspiration from Alexandra Sokoloff, who describes how cinematic techniques can be applied to fiction (Sokoloff, 2015). Sokoloff draws on the template of the ‘hero’s journey’ (Bronzite, 2019). Using the film script structure of sequences and Acts, I mapped out the True Britain novel, gaining a better understanding of where the dramatic climaxes should be and what elements the reader will unconsciously expect to see in place at every stage. With this analysis, the EMA would represent most of the First Act, in which setting, allies, antagonists and goals are established, and the protagonists ‘step over the threshold’ into the big adventure of Act Two. Jake’s eviction by the authorities is the inciting incident; Emily’s offer to shelter him forms the Sequence One climax. Sequence Two involves growing tension, culminating with Jake, abandoned by Emily, joining a resistance group at the climax of Act One. Both protagonists have ‘crossed the threshold’. To give a parallel, 1984 is divided into three Acts; Act One ends after Winston encounters Julia in the street, marking the first step in their doomed relationship.

The question of how to open the novel has been difficult. After the first attempt was dismissed as too unsubtle, I had Emily introduce the situation from her perspective a year later, when, although this was not stated, she is living in America. However, this was felt to have ‘a distancing effect—closer to the viewpoint of a historian’ (XXXX, 2019). I watched the openings of a range of dystopian films, noting different ways of beginning: some used exposition (text or voiceover), while others employed the device of an interview, debate or speech, and the rest plunged straight into the action. News footage and rapid montages of sound and images were very common. My original approach was similar to that in Years and Years —a family watching television, oblivious to forewarnings of their own impending doom. I’m now considering an opening in which Emily drives into town to meet an old friend, a sequence made more sinister by the fact that the friend doesn’t show up. The first paragraph would resemble the establishing shot in a film, demonstrating the changed landscape and its fearful atmosphere without the need for exposition. As in Children of Men (2006) , billboards could be used to convey cultural information. Anthony Powell, an early adopter of cinematic techniques in novels, also opened with a panoramic image that communicated his themes (Radner, 2019).

Another aspect emphasised in script is ‘plants and pay-offs’, the cinematic equivalent of foreshadowing. Chekhov argued that ‘if there is a gun hanging on the wall, you should make quite sure that it is going to be used’ (Miyamoto, 2017). In past work, I’ve been less conscious of this, and overloaded scenes with unnecessary detail: for example in Child , a memorial cross ‘needed to be foregrounded to strengthen the connection to the child revelation’ (XXXX, 2019a) but was instead obscured by irrelevancies. Every detail must play its part, and although some of them support mood and setting, others have greater significance. For instance, when Emily drives into town in the opening scene, she is witnessing the subtle build up to a purge that will strike the area next day—rather akin to the first signs of disturbance in a psychological horror film.

In some ways True Britain mirrors The Sponsor, an earlier dystopian story with interlinking narrative strands. However, I hope it is a more mature work, informed by feedback from others and from my reading of other texts from the perspective of a writer. It reflects a greater awareness of the importance of genre conventions and how to use them creatively; the significance of detail, the need for active protagonists and strategies for controlling points of view. As well as studying the craft of fiction writing, I have been absorbing influences from other genres and have considered the techniques used in successful novels and films.

Word count: 3300 words


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Black, Jason (2017) How to Mix First and Third Person POV [Online] Plotto Punctuation. Available at: https://plottopunctuation.com/article-how-to-mix-first-and-third-person-pov.html (Accessed July 2019)

XXXX. (2019) Workshop review of True Britain [Online] Open University. Available at: https://learn2.open.ac.uk/mod/workshop/assessment.php?asid=19512 (Accessed May 2019).

Bronzite, Dan (2019) The Hero’s Journey – Mythic Structure of Joseph Campbell’s Monomyth [Online] Movie Outline. Available at: http://www.movieoutline.com/articles/the-hero-journey-mythic-structure-of-joseph-campbell-monomyth.html (Accessed July 2019).

Burroway, Janet. (2011 [2003]) Imaginative Writing: The Elements of Craft New York, Pearson Education.

XXXX. (2019) Forum review of True Britain [Online] Open University. Available at: https://learn2.open.ac.uk/mod/forumng/discuss.php?d=2983031#p21265431 (Accessed May 2019)

Children of Men . 2006. [Film]. Alfonso Cuarón. dir. Place of production: Strike Entertainment/Hit and Run Productions.

Coe, Kate. (2017) How to Write: Bad Guys and Villains [Online] Dystopian Stories. Available at: https://www.dystopianstories.com/writing-about-bad-guys-villains/ (Accessed July 2019)

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Crossley-Holland, Oenone. (2009) Hands Up!, London: John Murray.

Dalcher, Christina. (2018) Vox, New York: Berkley Books.

Daykin, Ruth. (2018) All Souls , short story, Open University.

Daykin, Ruth. (2019) Child of the Moors, extract from a novel, Open University

Daykin, Ruth. (2019) The Grey Runner, short story, Open University

Daykin, Ruth. (2018) Rebel Generation , extract from a novel, Open University.

Daykin, Ruth. (2017) The Sponsor, short story, Open University.

Daykin, Ruth. (2019) True Britain, extract from a novel, Open University.

Eggers, Dave. (2014) The Circle, London: Penguin Books.

Ellis, Jennifer. (2019) Narrative Distance [Online] Jennifer Ellis—Writing. Available at: http://jenniferellis.ca/narrative-distance (Accessed July 2019).

Ezzi, Munira (2018) A Creative Exploration and Analysis of Contemporary Dystopian Fiction [Online] National Association of Writers in Education. Available at: https://www.nawe.co.uk/DB/current-wip-edition/articles/a-creative-exploration-and-analysis-of-contemporary-dystopian-fiction.html (Accessed July 2019)

XXXX (2018) Workshop review of All Souls [Online] Open University. Available at: https://learn2.open.ac.uk/mod/workshop/assessment.php?asid=13249 (Accessed May 2018)

XXXX. (2017) Forum review of The Sponsor https://learn2.open.ac.uk/mod/forumng/discuss.php?d=2440384#p17685649 (Accessed November 2017)

XXXX. (2019) Workshop review of True Britain [Online] Open University. Available at: https://learn2.open.ac.uk/mod/workshop/assessment.php?asid=19514 (Accessed May 2019)

Jenkins, Simon. (2012) A Short History of England, London: Profile Books.

Lodge, David. (2011[1992]) The Art of Fiction London: Vintage Books.

XXXX. (2019) Workshop review of True Britain [Online] Open University. Available at: https://learn2.open.ac.uk/mod/workshop/assessment.php?asid=19513 (Accessed May 2019)

Masters, Ben. (2018) 4.3 ‘Multiple points of view (continued)’ in Block 2 Fiction: Chapter 4: Experiments with characters [Online] The Open University. Available at: https://learn2.open.ac.uk/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=1317460&section=3 (Accessed December 2018)

Mullan, J. (2006) How Novels Work , Oxford, Oxford University Press.

XXXX.(2017) TMA01 Tutor Comments and Advice to Students (‘The Sponsor’)

XXXX.(2018) TMA02 Tutor Comments and Advice to Students (‘Rebel Generation’)

XXXX.(2019) TMA02 Tutor Comments and Advice to Students (‘Child of the Moors’)

XXXX.(2019) TMA05 Tutor Comments and Advice to Students (‘True Britain’)

Miyamoto, Ken. (2016) Best “Plant and Payoff” Scenes Screenwriters Can Learn From [Online] Screencraft. Available at: https://screencraft.org/2017/09/17/best-plant-and-payoff-scenes-for-screenwriters/ (Accessed July 2019)

Moon, Elizabeth. (2013) Weak Characters, Strong Characters [Online] Book Country. Available at: https://www.bookcountry.com/Community/Discussion/Default.aspx?g=posts&t=8589934864 (Accessed July 2019)

Neale, D. (2009) A Creative Writing Handbook: Developing Dramatic Technique, Individual Style and Voice , London, A. & C. Black/The Open University.

XXXX. (2018) Forum review of Rebel Generation [Online] Open University. Available at: https://learn2.open.ac.uk/mod/forumng/discuss.php?d=2775630#p19867419 (Accessed November 2018)

XXXX. (2019) Forum review of True Britain [Online] Open University. Available at: https://learn2.open.ac.uk/mod/forumng/discuss.php?d=2983031#p21265350 (Accessed May 2019)

O’Reilly, Sally. (2018) 19.5 ‘Genre and Predictability’ in Block 3 Fiction: Chapter 19: Genre [Online] The Open University. Available at: https://learn2.open.ac.uk/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=1112779&section=1.3 (Accessed February 2018)

Orwell, George. (1989 [1949]) 1984, London: Penguin Books

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Sethi, Anita. (2018) Anatomy of a Scandal by Sarah Vaughan review – a political page-turner [Online] Guardian. Available at : https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/jan/14/anatomy-of-a-scandal-sarah-vaughan-review (Accessed July 2019)

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The New Yorker (2013) Would You Want To Be Friends With Humbert Humbert?: A Forum on “Likeability” , The New Yorker, 16 May [Online]. Available at: http://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/would-you-want-to-be-friends-with-humbert-humbert-a-forum-on-likeability (Accessed May 2017).

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Vaughan, Sarah. (2018) Anatomy of a Scandal, London: Simon & Schuster UK.

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Years and Years. (2019) BBC. 14 May – 18 June 2019

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3 thoughts on “ an example critical commentary ”.

Hi Ruth, In the final ‘year’ of my distance BA(Hons) in Creative Writing with the University for the Creative Arts (formerly Open College of the Arts), I had my final tutor annotated draft returned which comprised my Final Reflective Commentary and Creative Reading Commentary with so many blued-out boxes of comments and strikethroughs that my head span. My tutor had encouraged me, said work needed to be done, told me to still expect a ‘good mark’ for this final piece and said I’d been an exemplary, committed student. I’d heard words like this before when I was failing my English Lit A-Level and my teacher had suggested I drop it and concentrate on Art/Art History, which infuriated me. (I didn’t drop it; I went full Terminator on it and passed with a B instead of the predicted ‘F’). So with this Commentary I knew I could do something better but I didn’t know how. Research. Right? If in doubt, research until your eyes bleed. Even if it’s for technical competence and not anything fiction/craft/technique-related. So I Googled. For days, searching for a decent equivalent to the Commentary that I felt I could do so much better with. Enter yours. HALLELUJAH! Don’t worry, plagiarism doesn’t come into play here, I just needed to see how a good Commentary flowed, how it was constructed, how referencing text books as well as the books being studied needed to appear on the page; how much was primary, secondary reference materials, how to include internet references, and your piece shone such a bright light on where I was (I hasten to say ‘going wrong’, because it’s all a learning curve, right?) able to improve. I read and re-read and used different coloured highlighter pens to mark where and how many references you used and this – your EMA commentary – became my Bible. Once I’d re-written the whole thing (and I mean REWRITTEN so it was almost indistinguishable from the original although obviously the title/theme remained) I told my tutor and asked if she could have a quick look to see if it sounded/read/felt any better to the previous. She said she couldn’t (as you know) tutors can only read through so many times, and my times were up. I submitted it. I could’ve tidied the original one up, changed parts where my tutor had suggested, expanded on areas, deleted other rafts of areas and got a ‘good mark’, but I didn’t. I preferred this one (and I have very little self-confidence at the best of times) and as this was my final final FINAL, what did I have to lose? We had our results through last month and – and I mean this SINCERELY – thanks (in a whole big part) to YOU – I’m graduating with a First. Furthermore, this commentary which nobody had read or played a part in, is going to be printed in future coursework books for students as an exemplar in how to write a good commentary. I’m sorry this is so long and rambling, but I had to say thank you. For putting your work out there (into the void of webspace) and allowing this writer-student to find it, and to improve her technique. I’m keeping the pages I printed off with all the highlighted parts because I know that without this I’d have been disappointed in myself and my mediocre mark. Sharing is caring and I’m so glad you did that I wanted to share right back. Very warm wishes, Debs

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Hi Debs! Thanks for your amazing feedback. It’s great to know that this little blog has helped someone. Congratulations on your First, and on getting your commentary printed in coursework books – your work will be making a difference to others!

Good luck in the future. The thing now is to keep going. Keep writing, keep studying technique, keep looking for opportunities and sending off your work. That’s something I need to do myself – too many distractions this year! But it sounds like you’re a very dedicated person, and I’m sure we’ll see your name again. 🙂

Maybe we’ll bump into one another on the writers’ circuit (if there is such a thing!) I’ve just started a separate blog for the Masters http://www.masteringcreativewriting.wordpress.com – it’s not quite ‘there’ yet, so if you do vitis (and you’d be the first) please excuse the state of the place! Deborah x

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Composition Writing Studio

Reading responses, commentaries and proposals.

Reading Response

David Jolliffe, the author of the text, Inquiry and Genre: Writing to Learn in College , notes that the Reading Response “has emerged as a genre in the past several centuries as people from many walks of life sense the need to write about their thoughts, observations, and experiences while their ideas are still fresh so that they can get them down on paper and think about them at greater length. Many of the great thinkers in European and American culture wrote regularly in journals, reflecting on their reading, not only of printed texts but also of the world around them.” In a Reading Response, your reflections are primarily intellectual rather than personal or emotional. Personal and emotional reactions are not totally discounted, however; rather, a comparison and contrast is made between your intellectual and personal responses.

Jolliffe suggests there are three techniques that can be employed when writing a Reading Response:

  • You can read a text affectively , addressing the questions “How does this text make me feel? Why does it make me feel this way?”
  • You can read a text paraphrastically , taking the organization of an entire text, portions of it, even individual paragraphs and sentences, as a pattern for your own thoughts and ideas.
  • You can read a text dialectically by asking yourself what questions the text raises, looking for how the text answers those questions, and then considering how closely the text’s answers match the way you would answer the questions on the basis of your own thinking and experience.

The following are a list of helpful resources (both online and print) to help you get started on writing a Reading Response: 

Handouts (from the Writing Studio webpage)

  • Audience and Purpose  (PDF)
  • Reading Assignments Critically  (PDF)
  • Responding to Readings  (PDF)
  • What is a Genre and Why Should I Care  (PDF)

Writing Studio Blackboard – Bookshelf link: Will Write for Food

  • The following section/pages are useful for writing a Reading Response
  • Part Two - Chapter 6: Reading Response (pg. 97)


Aaron, Jane. The Little, Brown Compact Handbook . Boston: Pearson, 2012 (Eighth Edition)

  • The following sections/pages are useful for writing a Reading Response
  • Chapter 8b:Readingfor Comprehension (pg. 70)  
  • Chapter 9: Critical Thinking and Reading (pg. 77)
  • Chapter 10a: Writing in Response to Texts (pg. 90)

Trimbur, John. The Call to Write, Brief 5 th Edition . Boston:Wadsworth, 2011.

  • The following chapters are useful for writing a Reading Response
  • Chapter 2: Understanding the Rhetorical Situation: The Choices Writers Make – Strategies for Reading (pg. 32-48)

According to The Call to Write author, John Trimbur: “Commentary is a genre of writing that uses analysis and interpretation to find patterns of meaning in events, trends, and ideas.”

A Commentary does not simply report on things, but gives readers a way to make sense of them. Consider the commentaries made by news and sports reporters on television. While you watch a scene unfolding, such as the aftermath of an earthquake in Tokyo or a strategic play on the ball field, you hear the reporters providing their audience with an interpretation of what you see on the screen.

Commentators seek to find patterns of meaning in events, trends, and ideas, calling on readers to think about causes and consequences of what is being reviewed.

In academic writing, Commentary authors attempt to provide persuasive explanations of issues, which can involve anything from the meaning of Hamlet’s melancholia to the popularity of tattoos in the 21 st century. They strive to make their readers think beyond the given facts – to identify underlying causes, explain consequences, and make judgments – asking readers to consider a unique viewpoint.

According to Johnson-Sheehan and Paine, the authors of the text, Writing Today , “When writing a commentary, you are contributing something new to an ongoing public conversation. Your goal is to convince readers to agree with you and, perhaps, to change their minds. Meanwhile, readers of commentaries want to grasp the issue under discussion and understand the author’s angle quickly and easily. They want to learn something new and figure out how someone else views an important issue. To catch their attention, a commentary needs to snap, making its point quickly and memorably.”

Whatever the topic, the commentary develops from the author’s desire to analyze and explain what happens around us. In conversation, we routinely offer commentary on events, trends, and other people. We want to get a handle on the local scene at work, in school, in our neighborhood, and so we talk about what is going on, analyzing the motives for actions and reasons for events. A good deal of everyday talk and social networking sites, in fact, serve as a kind of social analysis.

The following are a list of helpful resources (both online and print) to help you get started on writing a Commentary:

  • Adding Perspectives to Argument (PDF)
  • Argumentation  (Podcast)
  • Audience and Purpose  (PDF)
  • Opinion Essays (PDF)
  • What is a Genre and Why Should I Care (PDF)
  • The following section/pages are useful for writing a Commentary
  • Part Four - Chapter 17: Opinion Essays (pg. 262)


Aaron, Jane. The Little, Brown Compact Handbook . Boston: Pearson, 2012 (Eighth Edition)

  • The following sections/pages are useful for writing a Commentary
  • Chapter 11: Argument (pg. 97)  
  • The following chapters are useful for writing a Commentary
  • Chapter 3: Persuasion and Responsibility: Analyzing Arguments
  • Chapter 9: Commentary
  • Chapter 17: The Shape of the Essay: How Form Embodies Purpose

In the text, The Call to Write , John Trimbur states that “Proposals put forth plans of action and seek to persuade readers that those plans should be implemented. Like commentary, proposals involve analyzing issues, taking a position, and making an argument. However, proposals go beyond commentaries by defining problems that need attention and proposing a solution.”

A Proposal that is both capable of solving the problem and suitable for doing so is said to be feasible . To have a chance of being implemented, a Proposal needs to establish that its solution will have the intended effects and that it fits the situation.

Proposals typically require research and need to convince readers. Proposals are a form of persuasive writing, and clear statements of problems and solutions, demonstrations of feasibility, documentation through research, and careful organization can all help make a Proposal persuasive to readers.

The following are a list of helpful resources (both online and print) to help you get started on writing a Proposal:

  • Adding Perspectives to Argument
  • Argumentation (Podcast)
  • Audience and Purpose
  • Finding Academic Journals
  • Logical Fallacies
  • Opinion Essays
  • Reading Assignments Critically
  • Responding to Readings
  • Rhetorical Appeals
  • What is a Genre and Why Should I Care

Writing Studio Blackboard – WritingCenterlink

  • The following section/pages are useful for writing a Proposal
  • Writing a Proposal

Aaron, Jane. The Little, Brown Compact Handbook . Boston: Pearson, 2012 (Eighth Edition).

  • The following sections/pages are useful for writing a Proposal
  • Chapter 11: Argument (pg. 97)  

Johnson-Sheehan, Richard and Charles Paine. Writing Today , Brief Edition.Boston: Longman, an imprint of Pearson. 2010.

  • The following section/pages are useful for writing a Proposal
  • Chapter 12: Proposals

Odell, Lee and Susan M. Katz. Writing Now: Shaping Words and Images . Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2010.

  • Chapter 7: Proposals
  • The following chapters are useful for writing a Proposal
  • Chapter 3: Persuasion and Responsibility: Analyzing Arguments
  • Chapter 10: Proposals
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How To Write a Commentary on a Research Paper

Posted by Rene Tetzner | Apr 25, 2021 | How To Get Published | 0 |

How To Write a Commentary on a Research Paper

How To Write a Commentary on a Research Paper Academics and scientists are frequently reminded that an online presence is essential to share research and be a member of today’s scholarly communities. University web pages, social and professional media platforms, and personal blogs and web sites are all used to report and discuss research. It is clear on larger venues such as university sites and academic platforms that readers are making good use of this access to cutting-edge scholarship, and even small blogs dedicated to research processes and findings enjoy audiences of varying sizes. If the research you post online is being read, you are probably both thrilled and grateful, but you may be seeking more than silent readers who may or may not cite you in their future publications. Perhaps you would like to generate commentary and debate on the topic or problem you are investigating, but have discovered that it can be notoriously difficult to break the silence barrier and learn what your readers are thinking. If so, you may want to consider the following suggestions.

how to write commentary for essay

• Ask open questions about the topics and problems associated with your research. If you always provide answers, the most outspoken of your readers may comment to agree or disagree, but most readers will not. If, however, you ask direct questions and leave them unanswered, you may find that more of your readers will offer answers or at least their thoughts about the questions. Your questions will be most effective if you ask or repeat them close to the end of the relevant article or blog post. • Question your own research. This can be a little tricky because you do not want to undermine sound work, but every researcher has doubts, makes decisions, deals with complications and the like, so these can provide fodder for discussion if you present them as matters open for debate. Let us say, for instance, that two different methodologies were possible and you chose the one that seemed most promising, but still wonder what sort of results the other would have produced. Explain your choices, your decision and your curiosity to your readers, inviting them to share their opinions and experiences. You may be surprised by the commentary such a strategy can inspire. • Reply to comments your readers make and especially to any answers they may offer to the questions you have asked. Working to inspire comments and answers from your readers only to leave a silence when they do offer feedback may make them wonder whether you read their answers at all and certainly whether you appreciated them. It is also a matter of courtesy to reply even if the comments and answers you receive are simplistic, erroneous or completely off topic. Diplomacy may be needed to provide a kind and thoughtful response in every instance, but you wanted the input, so you should grace the responses of your readers with the attention they deserve. • Expand or elaborate on any content that seems to have been particularly successful in generating reader interest. Perhaps a certain article earned twice as many likes as most of your articles do and also received some comments and questions. As you are reading the feedback and responding to your audience, try to think of other articles that you may be able to develop from the content in that successful article, especially from concepts or procedures that your readers found particularly interesting or troubling. You might even mention that you plan to write more on the topic, but if you do, be sure that you produce what you have promised.

how to write commentary for essay

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Want to write a college essay that sets you apart? Three tips to give you a head start

How to write a college essay

1. Keep it real. It’s normal to want to make a good impression on the school of your choice, but it’s also important to show who you really are. So just be yourself! Compelling stories might not be perfectly linear or have a happy ending, and that’s OK. It’s best to be authentic instead of telling schools what you think they want to hear.

2. Be reflective . Think about how you’ve changed during high school. How have you grown and improved? What makes you feel ready for college, and how do you hope to contribute to the campus community and society at large?

3. Look to the future. Consider your reasons for attending college. What do you hope to gain from your education? What about college excites you the most, and what would you like to do after you graduate? Answering these questions will not only give colleges insight into the kind of student you’ll be, but it will also give you the personal insight you’ll need to choose the school that’s right for you.

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As a student or prospective student at CU Boulder, you have a right to certain information pertaining to financial aid programs, the Clery Act, crime and safety, graduation rates, athletics and other general information such as the costs associated with attending CU Boulder. To view this information visit  colorado.edu/your-right-know .

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How To Craft An Ivy League Worthy Activities List

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Brown University

Do Ivy League schools really care about your extracurricular activities? The answer is emphatically yes .

Ivy League colleges seek to admit students who are specialists in their fields of interest and will put their passions to positive use in their future communities. While grades, test scores, and a rigorous course load convey your academic interests and skill set to top colleges, your activities list goes a long way in communicating what you truly value and what kind of community member you will be on your future college campus. For this reason, the Common App activities list is one of the most critical components of your college application—a thoughtfully crafted activities list paints a picture of your commitment to your passions, your leadership abilities, and your history of enacting positive change in your environment.

With the school year quickly approaching, students should use the remaining weeks of summer to start crafting their activities lists , taking advantage of their free time before the demands of the school year ramp up. By using this time to strategize and thoughtfully map out your activities list, you can put your best foot forward to Ivy League admissions officers and distinguish yourself in a sea of talented applicants. Here are three key strategies to ensure that your activities list showcases your talents and stands out to top schools:

1. Use your Activities List to Demonstrate Your Hook

Every element of a student’s application, from their essays to their transcript and letters of recommendation, should coalesce around their “hook”—and the activities list is no different. A hook is a unique passion, skill, or area of interest that a student hones over the course of their high school career; it is the special X factor that sets them apart from the pack. While your essays tell admissions officers about your passions in your unique voice, your activities list provides an overview of how you have spent your time over the past four years, each activity acting as a piece of a puzzle that tells your broader story. As such, it is critical that students use their activities list to clearly convey their core passion and show how they have engaged with it in tangible ways.

For example, if your hook is in biomolecular sciences and cancer research, you should be able to demonstrate that interest through activities like working as a professor’s research assistant at a medical school or research institute, taking related classes at a college or university, or writing about cancer research-related topics in your school newspaper. Alternatively, if your hook is in environmental advocacy, your list should include activities such as leading a local environmental club, organizing community clean-up events, or conducting research on sustainable practices. This coherence not only makes your application more compelling, but also works in support of your long-term goals and informs the unique perspective you bring as a candidate.

2. Be Specific About Your Contributions

Admissions officers not only want to see what activities students have been involved in, but also how they actively contributed as group members and leaders. The language you use in your activities list can significantly influence how your involvement is understood. Therefore, when describing each activity, be specific about your role and the impact you made. Instead of simply stating that you were a member of the debate team, highlight your achievements, such as winning regional championships or mentoring five junior members. Use quantifiable data to underscore your impact wherever possible. For instance, “Organized a charity run that raised $5,000 for local shelters" is more impressive and informative than “Organized a charity run.” This level of detail will allow the admissions committee to understand the breadth and depth of your involvement, which can go a long way in distinguishing you from other applicants who participated in similar activities.

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Additionally, active language conveys enthusiasm, initiative, and leadership. Verbs such as “spearheaded,” “executed,” “developed,” “launched,” “advocated,” and “strategized” paint a vivid picture of your initiative and drive. Likewise, avoid passive phrases like “was responsible for” or “helped with,” as they can minimize the significance of your contributions. Using dynamic and active verbs also enhances the readability of your activities list, making it more engaging and memorable for admissions officers.

3. List Your Activities in a Strategic Order

Many students assume that they should list their activities in order of the amount of time they have devoted to each activity, from most to least. However, students should note that the Common App indicates: “Please list your activities in the order of their importance to you.” This means that even if you are a varsity athlete who trains 20+ hours a week, if you plan to apply as a STEM major, you might prioritize listing your research endeavors and internships higher up on your list than your athletic achievements. For instance, you could list your groundbreaking summer research project first, followed by an internship at a tech company, placing your training sessions further down the list. This strategy ensures that your activities list reflects your personal priorities and aligns with your intended major and career goals.

Approaching the activities list with strategy, thoughtful reflection, and a clear sense of one’s central passion will allow students to put their best foot forward to admissions officers at Ivy League and other top schools. Using the remainder of the summer to get ahead on the activities list will give students the time they need to ensure that this component of their application is polished and catches admissions officers’ eyes.

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How to Write an Effective “About Me” Page (Examples Included!) 

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An “About Me” page is one of the most crucial elements of any personal website, portfolio , or blog. It’s where visitors get to know who you are, what you do, and why they should care. Whether you're a freelancer , entrepreneur , or creative professional , this page can make or break a visitor’s first impression of you.

Let’s dive into the essentials of creating a standout one pager about yourself, provide actionable tips, and share examples to inspire you.

Add an “About Me” to your resume or portfolio and then put it to the test! Apply to these open jobs on The Muse »

What is an “About Me” page?

An “About Me” page is a dedicated section on your website where you introduce yourself to your visitors. This page goes beyond a simple biography and a list of your credentials; it's an opportunity to convey your personality, share your story, and connect with your audience on a deeper level. 

It often includes key elements such as a brief professional summary , personal anecdotes, and highlights of your skills and experiences. By providing a narrative of your journey, accomplishments, and aspirations, you create a relatable and authentic presence that can engage and build trust with your visitors.

An “About Me” page serves multiple purposes:

  • It outlines your mission and vision, helping visitors understand what motivates you and what sets you apart.
  • It can serve as a platform to showcase testimonials, notable projects, and any media coverage or recognition you have received.
  • Your story helps humanize your brand. People connect with people, not faceless entities. 
  • It lets visitors know what they can expect from your site and how you can help them.
  • A well-crafted “About Me” page can improve your website’s SEO for Google by incorporating relevant keywords and phrases.

Where can you usually find “About Me” pages? 

An “About Me” can be a valuable addition to various platforms and contexts. Here are some common uses:

  • Personal website: Whether it’s a blog or a personal brand site, an “About Me” page helps visitors understand who you are and why they should follow you.
  • Portfolio: For creatives like designers, writers , and photographers, an “About Me” page showcases your background and expertise, helping potential clients or employers get to know you better.
  • Resume: Adding an “About Me” section to your online resume provides a personal touch and highlights your unique strengths and career journey.
  • Business website: Entrepreneurs and small business owners can use an “About Me” page to share their story, mission, and the values behind their business.
  • Freelance profiles: On freelance platforms, an “About Me” page can differentiate you from other freelancers by highlighting your experience and skills.
  • Social media profiles: Sites like LinkedIn benefit from a detailed “About Me” section, helping you network and connect with potential employers or collaborators.
  • Author pages: For writers and authors, an “About Me” page helps readers connect with you on a personal level and understand the inspiration behind your work.
  • E-commerce sites: Store owners can add an “About Me” page to build trust with customers by sharing their journey and the story behind their products.
  • Professional associations: Members of professional organizations can use an “About Me” page to share their professional background, expertise, and contributions to their field.

Checklist for “About Me” pages 

What to include in an “About Me” page? Effective content should include the following elements:

  • Your name and profession : Clearly state who you are and what you do.
  • A photo : Adding a photo humanizes your profile and makes it more relatable.
  • Your story : Share your background, journey, and what inspired you to pursue your path.
  • Your values and mission : Explain what drives you and what you aim to achieve.
  • Your skills and expertise : Highlight your key skills, qualifications, and achievements.
  • Testimonials : If applicable, include testimonials from clients or colleagues to build credibility.
  • Contact information : Provide a way for visitors to get in touch with you.

How to write an “About Me” in 5 steps

Writing an “About Me” page involves balancing personal storytelling with professional insights. Here are five tips to help structure yours.

1. Start with a strong—and catchy—opening

Begin with a compelling hook that grabs the reader’s attention. This could be an interesting fact, a personal anecdote, or a bold statement about your mission.

2. Who are you?

Provide a brief introduction that includes your name, profession, and a high-level overview of what you do. Make sure to keep it concise and engaging.

3. Tell your story

Narrate your journey—how you got started, the challenges you’ve overcome, and the milestones you’ve achieved. This is where you can infuse your personality and make your story relatable.

4. Highlight your expertise

Explain what you do and how you can help your audience. Call out your skills , qualifications, and any notable accomplishments.

5. Include a call to action (CTA)

A call to action is a prompt that tells your visitors what to do next, like contacting you, following you on social media, or checking out your portfolio. Make sure your CTA is clear and compelling so they know exactly what action to take.

Bonus tips on writing an “About Me” page

To write an “about me” paragraph that not only introduces you effectively but also engages your audience and enhances your online presence, follow these recommendations:

  • Know your audience: Understand who you are writing for. Tailor your tone and content to resonate with your target audience.
  • Be authentic : Authenticity is key. Be genuine in your storytelling and avoid overly formal language.
  • Keep it concise: While it’s important to provide enough detail, avoid overwhelming your readers with too much information. Aim for clarity and brevity.
  • Use visuals: Incorporate photos, videos, or infographics to make your page visually appealing and engaging.
  • Optimize for SEO: Incorporate relevant keywords naturally throughout your “About Me” page to improve search engine visibility.
  • Update regularly: Your “About Me” page should evolve as you grow. Regularly update it to reflect new experiences, skills, and achievements.

“About Me” template text

How to write an “About Me”? Here’s a simple and general template to get you started:

[Your name]

[Your profession/title]


Hi, I’m [Your name], a [Your profession] with [number] years of experience in [your field]. I’m passionate about [your passion] and have dedicated my career to [your mission].

Your story:

My journey began [describe how you started]. Over the years, I’ve [mention key milestones and achievements]. My work has been featured in [mention notable publications or collaborations].

Your expertise:

I specialize in [mention your key skills and areas of expertise]. My clients have included [mention notable clients or projects].

Call to action:

If you’d like to [mention what you want your readers to do next – contact you, follow you, etc.], feel free to [provide contact details or a CTA].

“About Me” page examples for different scenarios

You might be looking for information on how to write your “About Me” page for your new blog, maybe your LinkedIn profile, or other context. These could have some differences, so find the “About Me” paragraph example that suits you best.

For a website: “About Me” blog example

Hi, I’m Sarah, a passionate travel blogger who has visited over 50 countries. I share my adventures, tips, and travel guides to help you plan your next trip. My journey began in 2010 when I left my corporate job to explore the world. Since then, I’ve been featured in numerous travel magazines and have collaborated with top travel brands. Follow along as I explore new destinations and share my insights.

Portfolio “About Me” example

Hello! I’m Mark, a freelance graphic designer with over 10 years of experience in creating stunning visuals for brands. My work includes logo design, branding, and digital marketing materials. I started my career working for a design agency, but my passion for creativity led me to freelance. My clients include Fortune 500 companies and startups alike. Take a look at my portfolio to see my work and let’s collaborate on your next project.

For your resume: What is an example of best “About Me”?

I’m Emily, a marketing professional with a decade of experience in digital marketing and brand strategy. I specialize in SEO, content marketing, and social media management. My career highlights include leading successful campaigns for high-profile clients and earning industry awards. I’m currently seeking new opportunities to leverage my skills and drive impactful marketing initiatives.

Other type of site: “About Me” example

As a bestselling author, I’ve always been passionate about storytelling. My journey began with a love for reading, which soon transformed into writing my own stories. Over the years, I’ve published five novels and numerous short stories. My work explores themes of love, loss, and resilience, drawing inspiration from my personal experiences. When I’m not writing, you can find me at book signings or conducting writing workshops.

how to write commentary for essay

With Mom around, it's camp time!

Cooling off in a community pool is a joy of summer, and...

Cooling off in a community pool is a joy of summer, and learning how to swim makes it better yet. Credit: Newsday/Steve Pfost

My husband, Howard, and I arrived on Long Island from the Bensonhurst section of Brooklyn in 1995. I came from a modest family of summer staycationers, particularly my mom. She was our role model who would take my brother and me to the local pool on a day admission, visit the library or travel with us to the city, possibly the Bronx Zoo, all worthy examples for our eventual “What I did on my summer vacation” school essays.

Consequently, being unable to afford elaborate trips or sleepaway camp, I approached my new life as a Nassau County resident and young parent by tapping into all the East Meadow community had to offer. I wasn’t alone. A brigade of other parents was doing exactly what I was too, resulting in what our family called “Mom’s Summer Camp.”

Like many school districts, summer programs filled July mornings for a nominal fee that bought three subjects to explore weekdays when the program was in session. They’d include a choice of art, music, dance and language -- even cooking.

By the end of third grade, my daughter wanted to play clarinet because it was like the recorder she learned in second grade, and my son also wanted to play clarinet because it enabled him to be seen clearly in school concerts. So, they "graduated" to another option for students 8 to 18 -- the East Meadow Summer Music Program. I would shuttle our kids to arrive at 8:30 a.m., go home to work for a few hours, then return for their dismissal – like the other parents. The savvy among us drove there early to get the better parking spots and waited.

Afternoons were spent at Veterans Memorial Park, where parents had signed up kids for free swimming lessons, arts and crafts sessions, or kick-line and cheerleading practices that culminated in a late summer, friendly competition among Hempstead Town parks at Nassau Community College.

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The introductory “guppies” and other swim classes taught the kids not just how to swim but how to pass Red Cross requirements to get official cards -- and celebratory snacks. Some kids competed in swim and dive team meets, but it was my now-adult son who reminisced about those days that gave him “a life skill” he feels no one should go without.

“Mom’s Summer Camp,” of course, must include special events and activities. Occasionally, the kids could choose a snack at the local deli after swimming even if it might spoil their dinner. The summer library program had raffles, bingo, video games and craft programs to round out the evenings.

We’d even take our kids to mini golf at Eisenhower Park, Jets Fest when the football team practiced at Hofstra University, or stroll to the local nursery to visit the koi pond. At times, neighborhood kids would run through lawn sprinklers, ride bikes and play soccer.

The fireflies, sidewalk chalk, occasional sunburn and back-to-school sales -- all in all, it might not have been a true summer camp with a sophisticated color war, care packages and talent shows, but it was a summer camp created our way.

Reader Lauren B. Lev lives in East Meadow.

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Writing Curriculum

Teach Writing With The New York Times: Our 2024-25 Curriculum

Our nine writing units are based on real-world features like reviews, photo essays, narratives, podcasts and more.

An illustration titled "A Writer's Routine" that shows an A-Z list of activities, starting with Awake, Breakfast and Coffee.

By The Learning Network

Please note: Fully updated versions of each unit, as well as all supporting materials, will be published before each related contest opens for submissions.

What can the news, features, essays, interviews, photos, videos, podcasts and graphics in The New York Times teach your students about composing for a real audience? So much, we hope, that the units we detail below are just a beginning.

Our writing curriculum is a road map for teachers as well as an invitation to students. For teachers, it organizes our offerings into nine units, each of which focuses on a different genre or type of composing that your students can find not just in The Times but also in all kinds of real-world sources.

For students, these units offer confirmation that they have something valuable to say, choices about how to say it and a global audience eager to listen. Promoting student voices has always been a pillar of our site, and through the opportunities for publication woven into each unit, we want to encourage students to go beyond simply consuming media to becoming creators themselves.

Though some of the units spotlight mediums like photography or podcasting, writing is at the heart of each one. All our units begin and end with written reflection and depend on writing throughout — to plan and organize, to outline and script, to summarize and process. Increasingly, Times journalists are composing in multimedia, weaving photos, illustrations, video and audio into their written reports. We’re inviting students to do the same.

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  1. FREE 7+ Commentary Writing Samples and Templates in PDF

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  2. 3 Ways to Write a Commentary

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  5. Teaching Students How to Write Commentary for the Literary Analysis

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  6. (PDF) Guidelines for writing a commentary

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  1. Commentary Essay ⇒ Writing Guide with Analysis Examples

    The truth is, these are basically the same words in the context of essay writing. In simple terms, a commentary requires a person to analyze a certain block of text and explain their understanding to the audience. As we already know, a commentary essay can be written in various ways. A commentary essay can examine different subjects and areas ...

  2. From Summary to Insight: A Guide to Writing Commentary Essays with Depth

    As a student writing a commentary essay, it is important to understand the differences between analyzing, summarizing, and evaluating. To help comprehend these contrasts, let's take a look at four main points: 1. Analyzing - Looking closely at something and breaking it down into smaller parts to better understand it.

  3. Commentary Essay Example, Writing Guide, and Tips

    Key Components of a Commentary Essay. 1. Introduction: Begin your essay with a captivating introduction that presents the topic and provides context for the reader. 2. Thesis Statement: Craft a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines your main argument or perspective. 3.

  4. 3 Ways to Write a Commentary

    Make sure to use smooth transitions. When you move to a new example, use a good transition word or phrase. Some examples are "similarly", "conversely", and "again". 6. Write a strong conclusion. Your conclusion is the piece that will tie the rest of your commentary together. Make sure to include a summary of your argument.

  5. What Is a Commentary in an Essay

    Step 1: Preparation. Step 2: Stage Setup. Step 3: Writing a First Draft of a Commentary Essay. Step 4: Wrap-Up. 20 Tips for Writing a Commentary Essay. 10 things to do when writing a commentary essay include: 10 things not to do include: Summing Up on How to Write a Perfect Commentary Essay.

  6. How to Write a Commentary Essay: Example, Tips, and Techniques for

    Writing a compelling commentary essay involves several key elements. Implementing these strategies ensures a well-structured, insightful piece. Developing a Strong Thesis. A thesis statement serves as the backbone of a commentary essay. Start with a clear, concise thesis that encapsulates the essay's main argument.

  7. How to Write a Commentary Essay: Tips and Examples

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  8. Writing a Literary Commentary: Guidelines

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  9. Commentary Essay Example, Writing Guide, and Tips

    Remember When Writing A Commentary Essay. The "This shows that" device. Write a topic sentence with evidence. And start the next sentence with the words "this shows that". This method really works because it makes the student explain the quote from the text. For example, in the poem "Night Wind" Dewdney portrays a guy holding a wire.

  10. How to Write a Literary Commentary: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

    2. Highlight keywords in the text. Take a pen, pencil, or highlighter and mark any words that feel important in the text. Look for words that are bolded or italicized in the text, as this likely means they are important for the author and key to understanding the text.

  11. Elements of an Essay: Writing Commentary

    2) Interpretation: your explanation of something that is not clear. 3) Character and Subject's Feelings: when you describe what the character or subject of the detail is feeling (ideal for literary analysis papers) 4) Personal Reaction: your personal emotions about the detail. 5) Evaluations: your objective judgment of a detail.

  12. How to Write a Good Essay: Stop Summarizing, Start Commentating

    How to Write a Good Essay Part 1: Learn the Difference between Commentary and Summary. You need to understand the difference between commentary and summary. While both writing styles can be used to discuss another piece of work (like a play, book, movie, or poem), this is about the sum total of their similarities.

  13. Tips, Tricks, and Step-by-Step Guide for Commentary Essay

    What is a Commentary Essay in a Nutshell. A simple commentary essay definition is that it's a paper where you provide your opinion on a specific subject. It can be done as a response to another piece of writing like a book, article, or blog post, or you can choose an issue you want to cover and do a commentary essay about it.

  14. Commentaries and Gobbets Guidelines

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  15. Teaching Students How to Write Commentary for the Literary Analysis Essay

    Writing commentary is undoubtedly the most difficult part of writing any essay. All other parts of the essay are more formulaic in nature. There are standard rules for how to write a thesis statement, a topic sentence, a blended quotation, etc. But when it comes to commenting on evidence, there isn't one set way to do it.

  16. How to EASILY Write Commentary for Research Papers and Synthesis

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  17. Commenting Efficiently

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  18. Easy Steps To Write A Commentary Effectively

    Steps to write the commentary. Identifying the basic information (the title, the author name, publication date, if any, and the genre of the text. This type of information will be included in the introduction section of the commentary. Try to mention the theme, subject, and audience. In the main part (the body of) the commentary, you have to ...

  19. How to Write a Commentary Commentary Writing in an Essay

    Identifying the basic information. At this step, you have to note the basic information given in the article. They are the title, the author name, publication date, and the genre. You have to include these details in the introduction section of the commentary. Note the major event when the major work was introduced.

  20. Five Ways to Target Commentary for Essay Writing

    She has taught high school English for 10+ years in Dallas, Chicago, and New York City and holds a M.A. in Literature from Northwestern University. She has always had a connection to the written word-- through songwriting, screenplay writing, and essay writing-- and she enjoys the process of teaching students how to express their ideas.

  21. An Example Critical Commentary

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  22. Reading Responses, Commentaries and Proposals

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  23. How To Write a Commentary on a Research Paper

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  29. With Mom around, it's camp time!

    SEND AN ESSAY about life on Long Island (about 550 words) to [email protected]. Essays will be edited and may be republished in all media. Essays will be edited and may be republished in all ...

  30. Teach Writing With The New York Times: Our 2024-25 Curriculum

    For 10 years, we ran an Editorial Contest that invited students to write opinion essays on the topics of their choice. Via the roughly 100,000 submissions we got over those years, ...