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Detailed Research Proposal Budget Example: Plan Your Finances

Chart displaying research proposal budget details and finances

Planning the budget for your research proposal is a critical step that can determine the success of your project. A well-crafted budget not only outlines the financial needs of your research but also assures funders that you have a clear understanding of the costs involved. This article will guide you through the essential elements of creating a detailed research proposal budget, helping you to plan your finances effectively.

Key Takeaways

  • A research proposal budget is a financial plan that details the costs of a research project.
  • Including both direct and indirect costs in your budget is crucial for accuracy.
  • Justifying each budget item helps in gaining approval from stakeholders.
  • Avoiding common budgeting mistakes can improve the chances of funding success.
  • Using tools and resources can simplify the budget planning process.

Understanding the Importance of a Research Proposal Budget

Defining a research proposal budget.

A research proposal budget is a detailed financial plan that outlines the costs associated with your project. It includes both direct and indirect costs, ensuring that every aspect of your research is financially covered. Creating a clear budget helps you avoid unexpected expenses and keeps your project on track.

Role in Project Planning

The budget plays a crucial role in project planning by providing a roadmap for how funds will be allocated. It helps you identify the resources needed and ensures that you have the financial means to achieve your research question . This planning phase is essential for crafting an effective Ph.D. thesis proposal: tips and strategies include setting clear objectives, methodology, and originality.

Impact on Funding Decisions

Funders need to know how their money will be used. A well-prepared budget can make a significant difference in securing funding. It demonstrates that you have thought through every aspect of your project and are prepared to manage the funds responsibly. This can be the deciding factor in whether your proposal gets approved or not.

Key Components of a Research Proposal Budget

Creating a research proposal budget involves several key components that ensure a comprehensive financial plan. These components help in outlining the necessary expenses and justifying the funding required for the project. Understanding these elements is crucial for crafting a successful budget.

Direct Costs

Direct costs are the expenses directly associated with the research project. These include salaries for research staff, equipment, supplies, and travel costs. It's important to list these costs clearly to show funders that you have a realistic sense of the expenses needed to complete the work.

Indirect Costs

Indirect costs, also known as overheads, are expenses that are not directly tied to the project but are necessary for its completion. These can include administrative support, facility maintenance, and utilities. Including indirect costs in your budget ensures that all aspects of the project are covered.

Cost Sharing

Cost sharing refers to the portion of the project costs that are not covered by the sponsor but are instead funded by the research institution or other sources. This can include matching funds or in-kind contributions. Highlighting cost sharing in your budget can demonstrate your institution's commitment to the project.

Steps to Create an Effective Research Proposal Budget

Creating a research proposal budget involves several key steps to ensure that all expenses are accounted for and justified. This process is crucial for securing funding and successfully managing your project.

Identifying Expenses

Start by listing all the potential costs associated with your research. This includes direct costs like salaries, equipment, and materials, as well as indirect costs such as administrative support and facility usage. Being thorough in this step can prevent future financial shortfalls.

Estimating Costs

Once you have identified the expenses, the next step is to estimate the costs. Use historical data, vendor quotes, and expert opinions to make accurate estimates. It's important to be realistic and avoid underestimating costs, as this can lead to budget overruns.

Justifying Budget Items

After estimating the costs, you need to justify each budget item. Explain why each expense is necessary for the success of your project. This justification helps reviewers understand the importance of each cost and increases the likelihood of your budget being approved. Clear and detailed justifications can make a significant difference in the approval process.

Guidelines for Budget Justification

Explaining direct costs.

When explaining direct costs, you need to clearly outline why each expense is necessary for your project. Every item in your budget should be listed in your budget justification . This means you should answer two main questions for each cost: Why do you need this money? Where did you get your figures from? This links your budget to your project plan and back again.

Detailing Indirect Costs

Indirect costs are often overlooked but are just as important. These costs include things like administrative support and facility maintenance. Make sure to provide enough detail so that the sponsor can determine whether the proposed costs are reasonable and appropriate. Always consult the sponsor's proposal preparation guidelines for each item.

Rationale for Cost Sharing

Cost sharing involves splitting the costs of the project between different sources. This can make your proposal more attractive to sponsors. Explain why cost sharing is necessary and how it benefits the project. Be sure to follow the guidelines for sponsor requirements, as these are often included in the annotated budget justifications.

Common Mistakes in Research Proposal Budgeting

Creating a research proposal budget can be tricky, and there are several common mistakes you should avoid to ensure your project is successful. Accurately estimating costs is crucial for maximizing resources: smart budgeting for successful research projects. Allocate resources effectively, estimate costs accurately, and implement time management strategies for research project success.

Underestimating Costs

One of the most frequent errors is underestimating costs. This can lead to a shortage of funds, causing delays or even halting the project. Make sure to account for all possible expenses, including materials, labor, and unforeseen costs.

Overlooking Indirect Costs

Indirect costs, such as administrative fees and facility maintenance, are often overlooked. These costs can add up and significantly impact your budget. Always include a reasonable estimate for indirect costs to avoid financial shortfalls.

Ignoring Cost Sharing Requirements

Some funding sources require cost sharing, where your institution or another entity covers part of the project costs. Ignoring these requirements can result in your proposal being rejected. Ensure you understand and meet any cost sharing obligations to improve your chances of securing funding.

Tools and Resources for Budget Planning

Having the right tools is essential to tracking expenses and monitoring income , and you don't have to break the bank buying expensive software to do that. Effective budget planning is crucial for the success of your research proposal. Here are some tools and resources to help you plan your budget efficiently.

Case Studies of Successful Research Proposal Budgets

Examining successful research proposal budgets can provide valuable insights into effective financial planning for your own projects. These case studies highlight different fields of research and demonstrate how to structure a budget that meets funding requirements and project needs.

Example 1: Biomedical Research

In a biomedical research project, the budget must account for specialized equipment, lab supplies, and personnel costs. A well-structured budget ensures that all necessary resources are available to achieve the research goals. For instance, a project studying a new cancer treatment might allocate significant funds to advanced imaging technology and clinical trials.

Example 2: Social Sciences Research

Social sciences research often involves extensive fieldwork, surveys, and data analysis. A successful budget in this field will include costs for travel, participant incentives, and data processing software. For example, a study on community health might budget for travel to various locations, compensation for survey participants, and software for analyzing health trends.

Example 3: Environmental Studies Research

Environmental studies research typically requires funding for field equipment, lab analysis, and sometimes, collaboration with other institutions. A well-planned budget will cover these aspects to ensure comprehensive data collection and analysis. An example could be a project on climate change impacts, which might allocate funds for weather monitoring equipment, lab tests, and partnership with local research rebels® .

By studying these examples, you can learn how to find good literature and create a budget that is both realistic and compelling to funders.

Reviewing and Revising Your Budget

Regularly reviewing and revising your budget is crucial for maintaining financial accuracy. Most organizations find it reasonable to review their budgets once a month. This helps in adjusting for unexpected grants or spending estimates that were off. Keeping your budget accurate ensures that you can manage your funds effectively.

Peer Review

Having peers review your budget can provide valuable insights. They might spot errors or suggest improvements that you missed. Peer reviews can also help in validating your budget assumptions and ensuring that your figures are realistic.

Institutional Review

An institutional review involves having your budget checked by your organization’s financial department. This step is essential for aligning your budget with institutional policies and funding restrictions. It also helps in identifying any compliance issues that need to be addressed.

Continuous Monitoring

Continuous monitoring of your budget allows for adjustments to reflect reality as the year progresses. Your budget will likely start with estimates, and as time goes on, these estimates need to be adjusted to be as accurate as possible. This ongoing process helps in keeping track of what's really happening and ensures that you can use your money as planned.

Tips for Presenting Your Budget to Stakeholders

When presenting your budget to stakeholders, it's crucial to highlight the value and impact of your project. Clearly showing the benefits of your project can make a significant difference in getting your budget approved . Stakeholders will closely examine your projected expenses to ensure that the benefits outweigh the costs.

Clarity and Transparency

A well-prepared budget proposal offers financial transparency, making finances an open topic of conversation. This transparency helps stakeholders understand how their investment connects to the project's goals. It also shows team members how their work fits into the larger picture, increasing overall productivity.

Highlighting Key Budget Items

Provide a cost summary that includes an itemized list of expenses. Stakeholders need to see what you plan to spend money on and why. This section should clarify the total costs for each element and the overall budget. A clear and concise summary allows stakeholders to quickly grasp the financial scope of your project.

Addressing Stakeholder Concerns

Be prepared to address any concerns stakeholders may have about your budget. This includes explaining why certain expenses are necessary and how they contribute to the project's success. By addressing these concerns upfront, you can build trust and confidence in your budget proposal.

The Role of Budget in Grant Proposal Success

Correlation between budget and approval rates.

A well-prepared budget can significantly influence the approval rates of your grant proposal. Funders need to see a clear financial plan that outlines how the money will be spent. A detailed budget shows that you have thought through your project and are prepared to manage the funds responsibly. This can make your proposal more attractive to funders.

Importance of Detailed Budgeting

Creating a detailed budget is crucial for the success of your grant proposal. It helps in painting a clear financial picture of your research project. When you provide a comprehensive budget, it demonstrates that you have considered all aspects of your project, from start to finish. This level of detail can set your proposal apart from others.

Long-term Impact on Research Outcomes

A well-planned budget not only helps in securing funding but also has a long-term impact on your research outcomes. Proper budgeting ensures that you have the necessary resources to complete your project successfully. It also helps in avoiding financial pitfalls that could derail your research. In the long run, a well-managed budget contributes to the overall success and credibility of your research.

Here are some tips for researching and organizing your thesis :

  • Importance of clear goals
  • Choosing a research topic
  • Utilizing online databases
  • Conducting interviews
  • Tools for better thesis research

A well-planned budget is crucial for the success of any grant proposal. It helps you allocate resources efficiently and shows funders that you are serious about your project. If you're struggling with your grant proposal, don't worry! Visit our website to learn more about how to create a winning budget and increase your chances of success.

In summary, crafting a detailed research proposal budget is a crucial step in securing funding and ensuring the success of your project. A well-thought-out budget not only outlines the financial requirements but also reassures funders of the project's feasibility. By clearly detailing all potential expenses and income sources, researchers can present a compelling case for support. Remember, a meticulously planned budget can make the difference between a funded project and one that remains on paper. Therefore, take the time to plan your finances carefully, ensuring every dollar is accounted for and justified.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a research proposal budget.

A research proposal budget is a financial plan that outlines all the expected costs for a research project. It helps in planning the project and securing funding.

Why is a research proposal budget important?

A budget is important because it helps researchers plan their project, ensures funds are used wisely, and reassures funders that the project is feasible.

What are direct costs in a research proposal budget?

Direct costs are expenses that are directly tied to the research project, like salaries, equipment, and materials.

What are indirect costs?

Indirect costs, also known as overhead, are expenses that are not directly linked to the project but are necessary for its completion, like utilities and administrative support.

What is cost sharing?

Cost sharing refers to the portion of the project costs that are not covered by the grant and are paid by the researcher or their institution.

How do I estimate costs for my budget?

To estimate costs, list all possible expenses and research their prices. You can use past projects as a reference or get quotes from suppliers.

Why do I need to justify budget items?

Justifying budget items shows funders why each expense is necessary for the project, helping them understand the importance and necessity of the funding.

What are common mistakes in research proposal budgeting?

Common mistakes include underestimating costs, overlooking indirect costs, and ignoring cost-sharing requirements.

Steps of research proposal development visually represented

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Research Proposal Example/Sample

Detailed Walkthrough + Free Proposal Template

If you’re getting started crafting your research proposal and are looking for a few examples of research proposals , you’ve come to the right place.

In this video, we walk you through two successful (approved) research proposals , one for a Master’s-level project, and one for a PhD-level dissertation. We also start off by unpacking our free research proposal template and discussing the four core sections of a research proposal, so that you have a clear understanding of the basics before diving into the actual proposals.

  • Research proposal example/sample – Master’s-level (PDF/Word)
  • Research proposal example/sample – PhD-level (PDF/Word)
  • Proposal template (Fully editable) 

If you’re working on a research proposal for a dissertation or thesis, you may also find the following useful:

  • Research Proposal Bootcamp : Learn how to write a research proposal as efficiently and effectively as possible
  • 1:1 Proposal Coaching : Get hands-on help with your research proposal

Free Webinar: How To Write A Research Proposal

PS – If you’re working on a dissertation, be sure to also check out our collection of dissertation and thesis examples here .

FAQ: Research Proposal Example

Research proposal example: frequently asked questions, are the sample proposals real.

Yes. The proposals are real and were approved by the respective universities.

Can I copy one of these proposals for my own research?

As we discuss in the video, every research proposal will be slightly different, depending on the university’s unique requirements, as well as the nature of the research itself. Therefore, you’ll need to tailor your research proposal to suit your specific context.

You can learn more about the basics of writing a research proposal here .

How do I get the research proposal template?

You can access our free proposal template here .

Is the proposal template really free?

Yes. There is no cost for the proposal template and you are free to use it as a foundation for your research proposal.

Where can I learn more about proposal writing?

For self-directed learners, our Research Proposal Bootcamp is a great starting point.

For students that want hands-on guidance, our private coaching service is recommended.

Literature Review Course

Psst… there’s more!

This post is an extract from our bestselling short course, Research Proposal Bootcamp . If you want to work smart, you don't want to miss this .


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36+ SAMPLE Research Budgets in PDF | MS Word

Research budgets | ms word, 36+ sample research budgets, what is a research budget, the components of a complete research budget, how to set a research budget, why is a research budget important in a grant application, what are the types of budgeting schemes, how much is the standard research project grant amount.

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Undergraduate Research Proposal Budget

Sample Research Grant Budget

Sample Research Grant Budget

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Research Grant Budget Example

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Annual Research Budget Template

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Community Research Budget Template

Why is a research budget important, step 1: brainstorm all research activities, step 2: consider the rules and regulations, step 3: insert the associated costs for each item, step 4: download a sample research budget, step 5: organize your data and format, step 6: justify your research budget.

  • Incremental budgeting – this form of budgeting tackles a previous year’s actual figures while you add or subtract a percentage to answer the acquired budget of the current year. Also, this is the simplest and most common form of budgeting scheme.
  • Activity-based budgeting – the next example focuses on getting the number of inputs necessary to provide the outputs and targets implemented by an organization. A common example is when a business should start recognizing the necessary tasks to take first that will meet the sales target until the costs for each activity to do will be determined.
  • Value proposition budgeting – another budgeting scheme answers the reason for inputting the amount you estimated in a budget, how a value outweighs the expenses, or even why the budget should be justified. And as much as possible, do not include irrelevant expenditures in this section.
  • Zero-based budgeting – lastly, this budgeting plan assumes that every department in a budget is zero and should be rebuilt from the very beginning. But, the expenses should be justified. And this strategy is helpful when you need costs quickly, particularly if a business undergoes an economic downturn.

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FREE 11+ Research Budget Proposal Samples & Templates in PDF | MS Word


The greatest research laboratories in the world are not self-sufficient. For example, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, we famously know as NASA, get its annual budget from the US government. On a report posted by Planetary.org, NASA’s total budget for the fiscal year 2020 is increased to 5.3% from the previous fiscal year, which now totals to 22.629 billion US dollars. The budget is 0.48% of the overall US government spending. In other words, to attain successful space explorations, funding is needed. With that said, budget proposals must come in first before a research project has to take place. It will ensure enough financial resources to land again on the moon or launch satellites to discover more planets in the solar system. If that interests you, continue reading this article for more information about a research budget proposal.

Research Budget Proposal

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A budget proposal is a professionally-written document provided by an organization to layout a financial budget plan for a particular time. It is a budget request projects, campaigns, events, and more. This proposal is significant to the financial accounting department because it will carry on the amount needed to continue the company’s operations. Furthermore, a budget proposal contains relevant details about an organization’s undertakings, expenses, the reason for the spending, and an approval signature. Usually, the expenses come from the need of employees, materials, supplies, travel, workshops, conferences, utilities, etc.

According to Small Business Chron, a budget proposal is a budget plan supported by professional sales research paper , whether in corporate, academic, or non-profit organizations. It helps an enterprise to understand the true scope of a project before it takes place. And pitch an accurate representation of the cost involved. But you have to keep close attention to your proposal to make it a valuable outcome.

How will a research laboratory conduct studies without advanced equipment? Do research laboratories pay a salary to scientists? Why do some research projects fail without a fund? By that, you can easily think of research as a money-driven undertaking. That is true. Without funding, it would not be possible to treat influenza or bottle up ranch sauces. Even mobile phones would not exist if Motorola did not fund its research. You see, every development we experience these days is a result of financial enrichment. Also, a budget proposal is crucial in finding answers to the questions of the ever-curious human brains.

Based on an article published on the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) website, before World War II, research and development (R&D) in the United States was at its most basic sample form. Several scientific research laboratories were not associated with the government. In those years, philanthropic support groups often funded the industry in its venture towards scientific and technical findings. However, when WWII happened, military needs such as scientific and technical requirements gave the government a reason to engage with engineering and science institutions to produce weapons in support of fighting the war. The post-war effect made it clear that successful coordination with R&D to aid WWII technical problems could continue to promote the country’s health, economic stability, and national security. The total R&D expenditures shown in another NCBI report reached 220.6 billion US dollars in 1998. It includes spending by industry, government, universities, and colleges—the figure increased to 5.3% from the previous year’s total expenditure.

The challenges of completing a budget proposal sample are many. You have to consider a lot of things—materials, workforce, and the budget. But most importantly, you have to learn how to write this document. So, we made a list of steps that will guide in making one. Here is how:

Set your goals first before making a budget proposal. It will be your guidepost as you complete your budget sample plan . Ask yourself, “Why is there a need to make a budget proposal?” “What are the expectations after the proposal is made?” and “What will be the benefits of making the budget proposal?” Furthermore, to ensure the clarity in your budget proposal, acknowledge your mission in its first part. Composing the mission is easy. Try to answer the what, when, where, why, and how of your budget plan. With that, you can easily elaborate on the effects of your proposal.

The next crucial part of the proposal is the direct cost. Why? It is directly related to the proposal you are making, which means it has a linear impact on your budget. An example of this is the cost of materials and services for the research report . Moreover, the planning process, production, launch, and completion of the project are also part of the budget proposal.

Sponsorships and grants will not recognize some other costs, because some funding has expense limitations. And it includes facilities use, utilities, support staff, insurance, and legal and accounting expenses. These expenses should be listed separately in the proposal. Moving forward, since you are proposing a budget for a research project work , it means you have a beneficial goal. With that, separate the cost of producing the benefits from day-to-day expenses.

After noting all the expected expenses, finish the proposal with a detailed description of the expected benefits of completing the sample research report. Sample Estimate the currency value of the benefits and convert it to the number of revenue. Now, you have to remember that the benefits must be greater than the cost. Hence, so not shy away in describing the benefits, or your budget may not be approved.

A proposal outline contains the synopsis of the project. On top of that, the rationale, objectives, experimental approach, and potential significance of the project must be present too.

A basic proposal outline contains the following: abstract, problem statement, methodology, evaluation, dissemination, budget, and continuation funding.

A proposal has a conclusion, but it varies in tone and information. The conclusion of the proposal should summarize the benefits of the project it is working on, including the problems, motivation, and proposed solution.

Research is more than just discovering the space above us—it covers all the things our eyes can see, and our bodies can feel. But before that is possible, research projects, scientific or technical, needs strong financial pillars. To achieve that, you need to present a research budget proposal. With a well- writing proposal , a research project will be possible.

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Research Budget Template – 14+ (Word, Excel)

Research is not only a time-intensive exercise; it is also a capital-intensive one and as such, it needs a budget. Drafting a research budget is no walk in the park because you have to know exactly how much will be needed to see the process through, not to mention you may have to account for every penny spent. By virtue of being such a technical document, you will always need some help drafting it; and that’s where the research budget template comes in.

The template enables you to get a rough idea of some of the elements to include in the budget, so you do not run into any financial dead ends. Let us learn more of this critical template and see why you need it.

Medical Research Budget Template

Medical Research Budget Template

A research proposal budget sample is in many ways similar to the research budget sample, only that at this stage, it is still a proposal.

This sample is often written in a linear or tabular format and it details all the expenses that are associated with the proposal project.

Research Proposal Budget Worksheet

Research Budget Proposal Template

Budget for Research Development

Budget for Research Development Template

A research study budget is a document that contains a breakdown of the funds needed to meet the various activities involved in conducting a research study. It is important to remember that a research study is not just intended to develop new methods or improve the existing practices; one of the ultimate goals of the study is profit making by the researchers.

Therefore, this budget should be able to convince stakeholders, more so the sponsors, that the study is a viable cause and that investing their money in it will be worthwhile.

Sample Research Budget Sheet in PDF

Sample Research Budget PDF Template

Research Grant Budget Proposal

Research Grant Budget Template

Research Trip Budget Template

Research Trip Budget Template

A research budget example is basically a sample document of a research budget. As there are possibly hundreds or thousands of types of researches done daily, there is no hard and fast rule on the details that need to be in such a sample document. However, the rule of thumb demands that the names of the researchers be included, along with the identified challenges and expected financial investment for each challenge.

The document can take any form but primarily, the names of the researchers and the expected challenges come on the left-hand side with their corresponding assignments and projected budget for each problem respectively coming on the right-hand side of the document.

Sample Research Budget Template

Sample Research Budget Template

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Clinical Research Budget Template

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Undergraduate Research Budget Template

Research Budget Template (PDF)

Research Budget Template in PDF

Research Proposal Budget Template

Research Proposal Budget Template

Research/Project Budget Template

Supplies Research Budget Template

Faculty Research Grant Budget Template

Faculty Research Grant Budget Template

Research Project Budget Example

Research Project Budget Template Sample

Research Budget Template Spreadsheet

Research Budget Template Spreadsheet

Detailed Research Budget Template

Detailed Research Budget Template

Whether you are an expert or a novice in writing research budget proposals, one thing that’s for sure is that you will always find yourself making purely avoidable mistakes.

As these documents are highly sensitive, mistakes are things you can’t afford; which is why you are advised to always keep a sample template for reference.

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19 FREE Budget Proposal Templates (Word & PDF)

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How to plan and write a budget for research grant proposal?

Medical research can have an enormous positive impact on human health. Health research improves the quality of human lives and society which plays a vital role in social and economic development of the nation. Financial support is crucial for research. However, winning a research grant is a difficult task. A successful grant-winning application requires two key elements: one is an innovative research problem with best probable idea/plan for tackling it and appropriate planning of budget. The aim of the present paper is to give an insight on funding agencies providing funding for health research including traditional Indian medicine (from an Indian perspective) and key points for planning and writing budget section of a grant application.

1. Introduction

Why health science research is important and why should it to be funded? Science and technology innovations and health research can have an enormous impact on human health. They improve public health, quality of human lives, longevity and have made society better [1] , [2] . Healthy humans with better quality of life are crucial for the social and economical development of the nation [3] . Medical research led to the expansion of knowledge about health problems/conditions and their mechanism, risk factors, outcomes of treatments or interventions, preventive measures and proper management. Clinical studies or trials provide important information about the safety and efficacy of a drug/intervention. Innovative basic science research had led to the discovery of new technology, efficient diagnostic and therapeutic devices. So, currently, an effort with multidisciplinary approach is a demand for better understanding of clinical conditions and providing safest health care to the community [2] , [4] .

Whether it is basic or applied, clinical or non-clinical, all research needs financial support. Considering the importance of research in economic growth of a nation, many countries are increasing their budget for research and development in science. A study on impact of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) on research and development in science among Asian countries has found that one who spends more on research has more research outcomes in the form of total number of research documents, citations per documents and h-index [5] . About 95% of the NIH (National Institutes of Health, USA), budget goes directly to research awards, programs, and centers; training programs; and research and development contracts [6] . Total expenditure carried out for research in India is too less than USA and China. Percentage of GDP for research and development in India is 0.88%, while South Korea, USA and China have 4.292%, 2.742 and 2.1% respectively [7] .

Owing to the increasing competition among the researchers, especially the young ones, for their academic growth, preparing and planning a winning research proposal becomes very essential. A successful grant-winning application requires two key elements: (1) innovative research problem with best probable idea/plan for tackling it and (2) appropriate planning of budget. The aim of the present paper is to give an insight on funding agencies (from an Indian perspective) and key points for planning and writing budget section of a grant application.

2. What is the purpose of the budget plan in a grant application?

A budget is the quantitative expression of a financial plan for future expenses on the project in a given period of time [8] . Budget plan is a key element of a grant application. It demonstrates the required cost for the proposed project. It is a prediction of expenses and serves a plan for funders on how the organization will operate the project, spend the money in a given set of period and where their money will go. It shows the funders exactly what they can support and also helps the institution and investigating team in management of the project. Moreover, budget plan requires for accountability [9] .

3. Which are the funding agencies that sponsor health research in India?

Various national and international sponsoring agencies have identified health problems of priority for funding a research. Some of the leading funding agencies providing grant for health research including alternative systems of medicine in India are given in Table 1 . State Universities/deemed Universities also have a provision of funding for medical research.

Table 1

List of funding agencies those promote health research.

Sl. no.Funding agenciesWebsite
1.ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research)
2.DHR (Department of Health Research), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
3.Ministry of AYUSH (Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy)
4.Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy
5.Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences
6.Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine
7.Central Council for Research in Siddha
8.Central Council for Research in Homeopathy
9.DBT (Department of Biotechnology)
10.DST (Department of Science and Technology)
11.Science and Technology of Yoga and Meditation, Ministry of Science and Technology
12.SERC (Science and Engineering Research Council)
13.CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research)
14.UGC (University Grants Commission)
15.DAE (Department of Atomic Energy)
16.DRDO (Defense Research and Development Organization), Life sciences research board.
17.VGST (Vision Group of Science and Technology, Karnataka)
18.INSA (Indian National Science Academy)
19.Wellcome trust-DBT Alliance India

4. What constitutes a research project budget?

Proforma of the research grant applications and presentation of budget section may vary among the sponsoring agencies. However, major parts of budget plan in the applications of the above mentioned funding agencies are quite similar. The budget section is broadly divided into two categories: direct and indirect costs.

4.1. Direct costs:

These are the costs incurred specifically to carry out a project [10] . Direct costs include expenses towards personnel, materials, equipments, consumables and travel. These particulars are further categorized into recurring and non-recurring expenses on the basis of their occurrence during the study period. A brief description of the sub-sections under direct cost is given below:

4.1.1. Personnel:

Budget for personnel can be mentioned in this section in case human resources are required for the study and as per funding agency guidelines. Salaries with allowances can be budgeted for human resources such as site manager, research assistant, junior research fellow (JRF), senior research fellow (SRF), research associate, technician, data entry operator and attender. Most of the Indian funding agencies do not have a provision for salaries for the principal investigator (PI) and co-investigators (Co-PI). Ministry of AYUSH [11] and Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science (RGUHS), Karnataka [12] provide one-time minimal fees for investigators and supporting staff respectively. There is a provision for salaries of investigators in Wellcome trust-DBT India alliance grants [13] .

4.1.2. Recurring expenses:

Recurring expenses are those which are variable and which keep on occurring throughout the entire project duration. Particulars categorized in this category are consumables, chemicals, glasswares, laboratory test charges, diagnostic kits, stationery, prints, photocopies, communication, postage, telephone charges, survey tools, questionnaires, publication charges, reprints, binding etc. Other expenses could be allowances for patients/participants, food charges and physician fees.

4.1.3. Non-recurring expenses:

Non-recurring expenses are those which are one-time in nature or which do not recur at regular intervals. Particulars included in this category are equipments or instruments with its accessories, software's, computer, printer, electrical and electronic items and accessories of the existing instrument in your lab. Percentage of budget allocated for equipment varies among the funding agencies from 25% to 90% of the entire budget. Some of the agencies do not have provision for equipment in budget. Vision Group on Science and Technology allocated their maximum grant (up to 90%) for development of infrastructure of laboratories [14] .

4.1.4. Traveling expenses:

Budget allocated for traveling can be used for attending meetings, conferences, workshops and training programs. Foreign travel is not allowed by any Indian funding agency. Traveling expenses for collection of data, survey and visit to other centers in multicentric study can be budgeted in this sub-section.

4.2. Indirect costs:

These are the costs which cannot be directly attributed to specific expenses of a project, but are required to run a project. It is also termed as overhead charges. Laboratory, electricity, water, library and other facilities are provided by the institution to run a proposed research project. Therefore, a fixed cost (usually) of about 5–15% of the total budget is provisioned as institutional overhead charges which goes to the institution directly. The range may, however, be flexible on the basis of the type of funding agency.

5. Budget justification

Most of the funding agencies require submission of a budget justification with all the items described above. Sometimes it is also called as budget narrative. Explanation of need for each line item in the budget with item-wise and year-wise breakdown has to be provided. Quantification of total costs of each line-item and document cost calculation should be done. When writing a budget justification, it is important to follow the same order as that in an itemized budget. For example, if equipment such as color doppler is required, then justify the need of a device with respect to the proposed methodology of the study. Similarly, for non-recurring expenses, breakdown the consumables item-wise and year-wise with its cost and calculation according to the protocol of the study and justify accordingly.

6. Budget summary

An item-wise and year wise summary of the total budget is usually required in most of the applications. Budget summary outlines the proposed grant and often (most of the format) appears at the beginning of the proposal. It should always be prepared at the end, after the grant proposal has been completely developed. A sample budget summary (as an example) for a proposed study for the duration of three years is shown in Table 2 . In the personnel section, a research fellow salary with allowances is budgeted year-wise. The salary of the research fellow for the first and second year is Rs. 2,30,000 per year (JRF) with an enhancement to Rs 2, 59,000 for the third year (SRF) as per the guidelines of the funding agency. As non-recurring expenses are one time in nature, a budget for equipment was budgeted only for the first year. Under the section of recurring expenses, more budgets are allocated in the second year for consumables because recruitment of subjects in large number will be done during the second year of the proposed study. Similarly, expenses toward travel, investigator fee and other miscellaneous costs year-wise have been budgeted. The emoluments and guidelines on service conditions for research personnel employed in research project by ICMR has been given in reference section [15] , [16] .

Table 2

Sample budget summary (year wise).

ItemsTotal1st year2nd year3rd yearBalance10% of the total
Salary (research fellow)7,19,2002,30,0002,30,0002,59,200
Other non-recurring expenditure
Recurring expenditure9,95,0003,92,0005,87,00016,000
Institutional support97,26097,260
Fee of PI and CoI90,00090,000
Miscellaneous expenses36,00018,00018,000

7. How to plan a simple research budget?

Planning of the research budget begins with an innovative research question, objectives and design of the study. Before starting to write a budget plan, it is essential to understand the expectations of funding agencies, University/Institute and the team of researchers. It is imperative to keep in mind that the research proposal will be reviewed by both scientific and financial (non-scientific) experts. Hence, the proposal should be prepared in such a way that it can be easily understood by even non-scientific experts.

Firstly, a list of what is essential and would add value for research such as focus of research, primary and secondary outcomes of the study, the source of the sample, study setting, sample design and sample size, techniques used to collect data, method of data analysis and available resources should be made [17] .

Secondly, the instructions, format of the application and rules of the funding agency should be read thoroughly. Budget specifications, limitations of recurring and non-recurring costs, and necessity of budget justification with cost breakdown should be checked. Note that one should not deviate or modify the proforma of the funding agency.

Thirdly, a list of items should be made and categorized into recurring and non-recurring expenses. Breakdown of the budget into item-wise and year-wise with cost calculation should be done. It should be ensured that costs are reasonable, allowable and related to the research proposal, so that the budget appears realistic. Travel expenses should be calculated as per the rules of the funding agency.

Fourthly, item-wise and year-wise justification of the requirement in a same sequence of format should be provided. A well-justified budget can enhance the evaluation of the research proposal by reviewers and funding body.

The last most important part is to review the budget and verify the costs and calculation. It is better, if other research team members can review the budget plan and re-calculate the costs thoroughly. Remember, too high budget and too low budget with respect to the research proposal are suspicious and chances of receiving a grant are less.

Sources of funding

Conflict of interest.

Peer review under responsibility of Transdisciplinary University, Bangalore.


Research Budget

Ai generator.

research proposal budget example pdf

Research is highly necessary for a business simply because it helps the company understand the customers, competitors, and the market, in general. The data that the project’s processes bring can make way for the development of company operations. However, all these benefits do not come cheap. Most companies, especially the startups, would even submit proposals   to request grants from federal agencies, loans from banks, and investments from other fund sources. To successfully acquire financial assistance for their quantitative   or qualitative research , it is necessary to produce a research budget document. If by any chance, you are planning to create such a document, our article and variety of examples can assist you! Check them out below!

11+ Research Budget Examples

1. research budget template.

Research Budget Template

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Size: A4, US

2. Research Project Budget Template

Research Project Budget Template

3. Research Budget Proposal Template

Research Budget Proposal Template

  • Apple Pages

Size: 52 KB

4. Research Budget Proposal

Research Budget Proposal

Size: 60 KB

5. Marketing Research Budget

Marketing Research Budget

6. Research Budget Estimate Form

Research Budget Estimate Form

Size: 54 KB

7. Sample Research Budget

Sample Research Budget

Size: 71 KB

8. Budget Research Proposal

Budget Research Proposal

Size: 37 KB

9. Research Budget Format

Research Budget Format

Size: 90 KB

10. Simple Research Budget Template

Simple Research Budget Template

Size: 313 KB

11. Project Research Budget Template

Project Research Budget Template

Size: 12 KB

12. Research Budget in PDF

Research Budget in PDF

Size: 124 KB

What Is a Research Budget?

A research budget is the breakdown of the estimated income and expenses of a certain research project. According to MyMoneyCoach, budgeting lets individuals and organizations ascertain whether the financial resources are enough to complete a project . Additionally, if the said resources fall short, the process will help them prioritize the much-needed things or activities. Often, people use the term budgets for estimates . Unarguably, most of their elements are alike. The only difference is that budgets highlight how much money is up for spending. At the same time, estimates are predictions of how much money is needed to buy certain things or perform certain activities.

Research: Expensive or Not?

Some entrepreneurs do not know how advantageous research is for their businesses. Upon hearing about business research, the most common question that comes to their mind is whether such an undertaking is expensive or not. Sad to say, the answer is indefinite because its cost will vary depending on your expertise about the subject.

Firms who are not confident enough of their knowledge and experience in business research can hire research companies that can do the job for them. Doing so will approximately cost them USD 1,500 to $30,000, depending on how big the job is. On the contrary, corporate entities who are knowledgeable about the idea of business research can do it by themselves with a little guidance of online sources and other sorts of reference. The cost for it can go down from USD 100 up to USD 5,000.

How To Create a Research Budget

Considering that budgeting involves numbers and figures, you have to be delicate not just to them but also to the itemized entries. Moreover, each of its sections has to comply with the standards to ensure its completeness. By our own research, we are confident that our outline of the necessary guidelines below can help you in making your research budget without any hassle.

1. Describe Research Goals and Objectives

Generally, the research’s main function is to help improve an organization’s workplace operation and the company’s market standing. To effectively set and acquire the necessities for the undertaking, you need to have a better understanding of its specific goals and objectives . Hence, you have to describe them first and foremost.

2. Set the Research Methodology

There are many ways to gather and interpret data for your research. Each of them requires specific materials and equipment, which obviously have a monetary value. Most researchers commonly utilize participant observation, survey methodology , in-person interviews , focus groups, experimental research , secondary data analysis, and mixed methods as their techniques.

3. Specify Target Audience

The target audience is a good basis for your budget . Its volume and demographic can determine how much money you will need for the provision of research materials, such as survey questionnaires and survey forms . For example, if you’re targeting an audience of 10 to 15 people aged 50 to 60, the cost is surely expensive. Most of these people are probably in a nursing home. Aside from preparing them tokens for their participation, you also have to spend some dimes getting into the nursing home, like transportation and the creation of permission slips .

4. Calculate Income

After specifying your target audience, calculate your research’s overall income. Include in your calculations the allotment of your research’s financial assistance. Also, you have to indicate where these funds come from. The total income will be the very foundation of your budget .

5. Reckon Expenditures

Now that you have your income already set, create a list of all the items that you need to spend on. With your income as your basis, distribute the funds according to your priorities to ensure the inclusion of important things or activities, while delaying or eliminating the unnecessary ones.

Once you have successfully set every detail, don’t forget to review each of them one more time. With money at stake, misspellings, miscalculations, and other faults should have no room in your budget . By reviewing your budget before finalizing, you allow yourself to make your data accurate, which is a very crucial quality for research.

What do you mean by the direct and indirect costs of budgeting?

Direct costs refer to the expenses to produce goods or provide services, while indirect costs describe the necessary expenditures for the continuity of business operations.

What are some of the biggest disadvantages of business research?

1. Just like any other type of research, business research is time-consuming.

2. Due to the fast-changing markets, the results of business research can easily become out of date.

3. The business research’s respondents have chances of becoming biased, putting your entire project at risk of having inaccurate information.

What are the phases of budgeting?

Budgeting has five phases. They include preparation and formulation, approval, execution, revision, and control.

American filmmaker, anthropologist, and author Zora Neale Hurston once said, “Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose”, and she is right. Through it, we unravel things we never knew we had, whether they’re good news or bad ones. Either way, the discovery of these things can lead to improvement. Funding research is, absolutely, a good idea. However, businesses can only give so much. Some don’t even have anything to offer at all, risking themselves to rely on loans. Because of these facts, researchers have to learn the process of budgeting, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.


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Budget Templates

10+ research budget templates – word, pdf, excel.

Any type of research cannot do away with the fact that it needs a budget. Exhaustive and intensive research procedures are done to arrive at certain conclusions or prove educated guesses. Creating a sample budget for research means allocating an amount of money for the different research materials that need fund support.

research proposal budget example pdf

Research Budget Template

research budget template

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Research Project Budget Template

research project budget

Research Budget Proposal Template

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Free Medical Research Budget Template

medical research budget

Free Research Proposal Budget Template

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Free Budget for Research Development Template

budget for research development

How to Make a Simple Research Budget

  • List of Research Activities – Plotting a research budget outline could either be done before or after you’ve made a research draft or output. As you progress with your research, you would know the research activities that you need to fulfill for its completion. List all the prospective activities that you expect to do that’s covered by your research methodology.
  • Activity Costing – Each item on your sample list should be provided with either an exact or approximate cost. Budget templates in PDF file format suggest that you provide space for the exact and estimated monetary value for each activity needed for your research. Grant budget samples are particular with activity costing to evaluate whether costs should be lowered or increased.
  • Research Budget Template – It is important to secure a research budget template for all your research expenses. Film budget samples would tell you how important it is to keep track of how much money is spent and how much money left there is to spend. You can also see more templates like  Project Budget .

Free Research Project Budget Template

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Free Research Grant Budget Template

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Free Research Trip Budget Template

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Free Sample Research Budget Template

sample research budget

Common Expenses When Doing Research

  • Tangible Materials – Anything that’s all used up when performing research procedures make up the most common expenses when doing so. Travel budget templates may focus on expenses that are the basic need while traveling. Some tangible materials might include food, medical kits, and other travel essentials.
  • Printing Fees – Upon finalizing research work, researchers and target readers would need a hard and printed copy of a research paper. All budget report templates always make it to a point that printing fees should be the researcher’s priority upon completion of one’s research.
  • Extended Research Services – Research activities always have the possibility of branching out to other services that may require specific expertise and mastery. Transcription services, for example, play a vital role in research completion and this type of service would undeniably be subject to extra expenses. Budget in Excel can be modified so that they specify what kind of research service is utilized.

General FAQs

1. what is the research budget, 2. why is a budget important, 3. what are the key factors of a budget.

  • Plan out every penny with the help of a proper blueprint
  • Know how much you earn
  • Treat yourself once in a while
  • Base yourself in reality and make the budget
  • Be flexible with your expenses, so that you do not waste your funds.

4. What are Research expenses?

5. how to prepare a research budget.

  • List out your activities
  • Mention your goals and objectives
  • Know all the rules and guidelines
  • Plan out an action plan to reach your goals and objectives
  • Put it all in writing
  • Justify what your needs, resources, requirements, etc. are.

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Free Budget Proposal Templates

By Andy Marker | August 5, 2021

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We’ve compiled the most useful free budget proposal templates for organizations, project managers, grant writers, researchers, team members, and other stakeholders. You’ll also find helpful details for filling out these templates. 

Included on this page, you’ll find a sample proposal budget template , a project proposal budget template , a grant proposal budget template , and a budget increase proposal template .

Budget Proposal Template

Budget Proposal Template

Download Budget Proposal Template

Microsoft Excel | Google Sheets | Adobe PDF

Use this universal budget proposal template to account for all the necessary resources in your organization’s operations or individual projects. Fill in proposed line-item amounts for staff salaries, benefits, equipment, professional services, memberships, occupancy expenses, and travel costs. This customizable template is the perfect tool to define any expenses an organization or project might incur, and to propose allocation of those resources.

Sample Proposal Budget Template

Sample Budget Proposal Template

Download Sample Proposal Budget Template

Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF | Google Sheets | Google Docs

Take the guesswork out of creating a budget proposal with this sample proposal budget template, which comes with pre-filled example data. The template includes editable, auto-tallying sections to list details of your organization’s salaries, benefits, professional services, rent, telephone, internet services, and equipment costs. The pre-built line-item amounts help provide an accurate budget proposal to estimate your total funding requirements.

Project Proposal Budget Template

Project Budget Proposal Template

Download Project Proposal Budget Template

Microsoft Excel | Google Sheets

A project proposal budget helps you to stay on top of your individual and interrelated budgets, so that all stakeholders have the correct financial details on hand. Use the unique budget planning capabilities of this template to get the big picture of proposed project-by-project budgets. This template focuses on ensuring that your proposed budget calculations (including specific tasks and subtasks) accurately account for material, labor, and fixed costs. Use the template to monitor the difference between your proposed and actual budget amounts. 

Read our project proposal templates article to find additional templates and learn more about getting the most out of your project proposals.

Sample Project Proposal Budget Template

Sample Project Proposal Budget Template

Download Sample Project Proposal Budget Template 

Use this project proposal budget template to guide project sponsors and other stakeholders through the financial details of your project. The template includes sample project proposal budget data with task-by-task budget specifics, which you can use to compare your projects’ proposed budget figures against actual budgeting, to arrive at a precise under/over balance. This pre-populated budget proposal template includes item-by-item proposed costs and balance tallies to ensure you plan an adequate, project-specific budget proposal.

Annual Budget Proposal Template

Annual Budget Proposal Template

Download Annual Budget Proposal Template 

Keep accurate tabs on your proposed budget vs. actual funding with this easy-to-fill, 12-month annual budget proposal template. Enter anticipated revenue, cost of goods sold (COGS), sales and marketing costs, labor costs, admin and general expenses, and earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT). Factor in anticipated cash, accounts receivable, inventory, and long-term debt to gain quarterly and annual insight into your organization’s proposed, time-sensitive budget.

Research Proposal Budget Template

Research Proposal Budget Template

Download Research Proposal Budget Template 

Microsoft Excel  |  Google Sheets  | Adobe PDF 

An itemized list of expected budget costs is one of the most valuable documents that you can provide to key stakeholders in order to clinch funding for your research. Document individual salaries and wages, potential travel costs, supplies, equipment, and other costs to create a credible picture of what the research expenditures will entail. Expedite the process of obtaining funding with this research proposal budget template, which includes a line-by-line breakdown of proposed expenses, and how they affect your potentially available financing.

Grant Proposal Budget Template

research proposal budget example pdf

Download Grant Proposal Budget Template 

Microsoft Excel | Google Sheets   

Use this comprehensive grant proposal budget template to ensure you’ve accounted for every item in the proposal. Enter unique funding revenue ID numbers and itemized budget details, and the template will automatically calculate proposed budget totals. Year-by-year columns provide a long-term picture of your grant funding requests, and also allow you to track various contributors’ endowments. 

To learn more about the importance of winning bids with budget proposals, read our article on free grant proposal templates , as well as our roundup of free bid proposal templates .

Budget Increase Proposal Template

Budget Increase Proposal Template

Download Budget Increase Proposal Template

Quantify a suggested budget increase with this unique template that compares your current budget to the proposed increased budget, in order to arrive at accurate over/under amounts. Enter line-by-line costs (tasks and subtasks) and the template will automatically calculate a subtotal, as well as a proposed budget amount increase. This template also provides ample space to include details about multiple projects, as well as materials, labor, and fixed costs. 

To learn more about business budget templates, see our collection of free business budget templates for any company . For more annual business budget templates, please refer to this article . We also offer a great variety of business templates for small businesses , startups , nonprofit organizations , as well as operating budget templates , that can be used across all industries.

Why You Need a Budget Proposal Template

A budget proposal template documents the suggested financial budget plan for an organization, project, research, or grant. Rather than starting from scratch, you can leverage the pre-filled criteria in a budget proposal template to gain insight into the accuracy of anticipated expenses and revenue sources. 

A budget proposal template offers visibility into your organization’s or project’s projected financial picture. Templates provide an easy-to-use list of projected expenditures and expected revenue, so that you can compare any difference in your budgeted and actual amounts. You can also enter projected budget amounts for line items, such as planned salaries, equipment, professional services, occupancy, telephone, internet, and travel expenses. 

While budget proposal templates are useful for anticipating expenses and revenue, you can also assess a budget’s feasibility by comparing budgeted with actual amounts. This information can help you recalibrate a budget proposal to align with actual costs and revenue for a more accurate budget.

Tips for Using a Budget Proposal Template

When filling out a budget proposal template, ensure that you account for an organization’s or project’s proposed expenditures. Most budget proposal templates include the following pre-populated sections: 

  • Salaries: This amount appears as a line-by-line account of anticipated labor-related expenses (e.g., salaries, bonuses, benefits, insurance, etc.). 
  • Equipment Costs: This section refers to projected equipment expenditures, such as computers, a server, a website, a copier, etc. 
  • Professional Services: Include any anticipated professional services (e.g., legal, payroll, insurance, training, bookkeeping, etc.) in this section.
  • Professional Memberships: Use this field to enter employees’ membership costs for any professional organizations, associations, or societies. 
  • Office Space: Enter any planned occupancy costs (e.g., rent, electricity, water, internet, security, office supplies, etc.) for your organization. 
  • Telephone/Internet: This template section covers detailed costs for cell phone, landline, and internet service.  
  • Travel: Use this section to enter any travel-related costs (e.g., lodging, meals, transportation, etc.) as well as any employer-financed transit expenses.  
  • Sales and Marketing Costs: Include any sales or marketing-related expenses to promote your organization or project. 

A budget template helps take the guesswork out of operational costs compared to available resources, so that you are able to justify your anticipated expenditures, whether for a specific project or the organization at large. It’s important to remember to enter one-time costs in a budget proposal. Additional expenditures, such as seasonal costs and promotional events, can also make an impact, so be sure to account for those in your budget. While you may have unique budget proposal items, templates are customizable, and allow you to enter tailored budget line-items to fit your needs.

Track and Manage Budget Proposals with Real-Time Work Management in Smartsheet

Empower your people to go above and beyond with a flexible platform designed to match the needs of your team — and adapt as those needs change. 

The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed. 

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  1. FREE 11+ Research Budget Proposal Samples & Templates in PDF

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  2. 10+ Research Budget Templates

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  3. 50 Free Budget Proposal Templates (Word & Excel) ᐅ TemplateLab

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  4. 50 Free Budget Proposal Templates (Word & Excel) ᐅ TemplateLab

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  5. FREE 11+ Research Budget Proposal Samples & Templates in PDF

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  6. 36+ SAMPLE Research Budgets in PDF

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  1. RESEARCH PROPOSAL FOR PhD Registration/Submission(Best Format) UGC-NET/JRF/PhD by Dr. Shoaib Ahmed

  2. Research Proposal Template Examples Part 3

  3. Research Proposal Template Examples

  4. Budget preparation for an EU project proposal

  5. How to write Research proposal for phD? PhD interview

  6. Approaches to writing a research proposal


  1. PDF Writing a Proposal Budget

    What is a Proposal Budget and why is it needed? Before we get started talking about all the pieces of a budget, let's make sure that we're on the same page about what a budget actually is. A budget is a financial proposal that reflects the work proposed. It outlines the expected project costs in detail, and should mirror the project description.

  2. PDF Preparing a Proposal Budget Toolkit

    Proposal Budget Overview A budget is a financial proposal that reflects the work proposed. It outlines the expected project costs in detail and should mirror the project description. A budget is presented as a categorical list of anticipated project costs representing the researcher's best estimate of the funds needed to support the proposed work.

  3. 12+ Research Budget Proposal Templates in PDF

    A research proposal is a paper that proposes a research project, usually in the sciences or academia and generally constitutes a funding request for that study. A budget is one of the key components of a research proposal and serves as a blueprint for spending the funds from the project. An effective budget for the proposal outlines the proposed project in fiscal terms and helps reviewers ...


    research proposal budget template project name date created research organization last updated fy1 rate fy1 hrs fy2 rate fy2 hrs fy3 rate fy3 hrs fy4 hrs fy4 rate

  5. PDF Research project budget

    Research project budget. Research project budgetPlease use the budget breakdown to jus. ify your project costs. Provide line by line information, adding rows where required, for each cost that is s. ecific to your project. We strongly advise that you refer to the budget guidance in the 'Guidelines for applicants' manual before complet.

  6. PDF Research Budgeting

    General examples of research project budgets are provided in the Session 7 materials - the goal is to become familiar with budget categories, best practices , and common budget pit-falls. ... Justification'. This is a document, or section of the proposal, that details all of the items in a budget and provides enough information for ...

  7. Detailed Research Proposal Budget Example: Plan Your Finances

    A research proposal budget is a financial plan that details the costs of a research project. Including both direct and indirect costs in your budget is crucial for accuracy. Justifying each budget item helps in gaining approval from stakeholders. Avoiding common budgeting mistakes can improve the chances of funding success.

  8. Research Proposal Example (PDF + Template)

    Learn how to write a research proposal with two successful examples (Master's and PhD) and a free template. Download PDF or Word files of the proposals and the template.

  9. PDF Budget & Budget Justification Tips for Preparing a Strong Research Proposal

    The Budget and Budget Justification sections of a research proposal demonstrate to reviewers that you understand what resources are required to effectively operationalize your research project and that you've thoughtfully mapped out this important part of your research plan. BUDGETS: Principle: The expenses listed in a good research budget should

  10. 36+ SAMPLE Research Budgets in PDF

    What Is a Research Budget? A research budget showcases the allocated expenses in research, and it is usually represented in tables or charts. Oftentimes, the research budget is discussed twice: (1) it is used to discuss the overall budget plan for a grant or research proposal in case an organization approves of funding the research budget, and (2) it displays the associated expenses involved ...

  11. FREE 11+ Research Budget Proposal Samples & Templates in PDF

    On a report posted by Planetary.org, NASA's total budget for the fiscal year 2020 is increased to 5.3% from the previous fiscal year, which now totals to 22.629 billion US dollars. The budget is 0.48% of the overall US government spending. In other words, to attain successful space explorations, funding is needed.

  12. How to plan and write a budget for research grant proposal?

    A successful grant-winning application requires two key elements: (1) innovative research prob lem with best probable idea/plan for. tackling it and (2) appropriate planning of budget. The aim of ...

  13. Research Budget Template

    Medical Research Budget Template. researchamerica.org. Download. A research proposal budget sample is in many ways similar to the research budget sample, only that at this stage, it is still a proposal. This sample is often written in a linear or tabular format and it details all the expenses that are associated with the proposal project.

  14. How to plan and write a budget for research grant proposal?

    Budget summary outlines the proposed grant and often (most of the format) appears at the beginning of the proposal. It should always be prepared at the end, after the grant proposal has been completely developed. A sample budget summary (as an example) for a proposed study for the duration of three years is shown in Table 2. In the personnel ...

  15. Learn: Proposal Budgeting

    Learn: Proposal Budgeting The following materials have been developed to assist with proposal budgeting. You can find other proposal and award learning resources here. Written materials: OR Budget Templates - Webpage of helpful OR budget templates with FAQs, a how-to video, an effort calculator and template descriptions Using the OR Budget Templates - slide deck […]


    FOR REFERENCE ONLY. le project proposal and sample budge. from a previousyear's GME research grant pr. gram. Please note: The. used for reference ONLY. ve Study Examining the Gaps in Procedural ProficiencyIntroduction: Neonatal intubation is the most essential of all skills required by a h. alth care professional during neonatal resuscitation ...

  17. Research Budget

    3. Specify Target Audience. The target audience is a good basis for your budget. Its volume and demographic can determine how much money you will need for the provision of research materials, such as survey questionnaires and survey forms. For example, if you're targeting an audience of 10 to 15 people aged 50 to 60, the cost is surely ...

  18. 10+ Research Budget Templates

    Editable PDF. Size: A4, US. Download Now. Get to make a detailed statement outlining estimated project costs to support your research endeavor. Download this accessible research budget in Pages that are ready-made and easy to use. Save the downloaded file on your PC or mobile device and open it in all versions of MS Word format, MS Excel, Apple ...

  19. Free Budget Proposal Templates

    Download Annual Budget Proposal Template. Microsoft Excel | Google Sheets. Keep accurate tabs on your proposed budget vs. actual funding with this easy-to-fill, 12-month annual budget proposal template. Enter anticipated revenue, cost of goods sold (COGS), sales and marketing costs, labor costs, admin and general expenses, and earnings before ...

  20. PDF Guidelines for preparing research budgets

    budget (for example, known salary increments or specified future increases arising from a certified agreement). Note that an example budget, for your reference and use as a guide, may be found, on the ACIAR website under . Project tools: Research budget example - Prelim. Research budget example - Full

  21. PDF Writing a Proposal Budget

    What is a Proposal Budget and Why is it Needed? Before we get started talking about all the pieces of a budget, let's make sure that we're on the same page about what a budget actually is. A budget is a financial proposal that reflects the work proposed. It outlines the expected project costs in detail, and should mirror the project description.

  22. PDF How to Enter Proposal Budgets

    How to Enter Proposal Budgets. To enter a budget on a Research.gov proposal initiated by a Principal Investigator (PI), access the Budget(s) landing page either by clicking the Budget(s) link on the proposal main page or by clicking the Budget(s) link on the proposal menu. Refer to the Budget Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the Research ...

  23. PDF Writing a Proposal Budget: Lab

    Cost sharing budget template that sums both requested and cost‐shared expenses. Multi‐budget template for use with proposal budgets requiring multiple budgets such as NIH P01s and U54s. Budget template for California State Model agreement (AB20) proposals. FAQs on budget template use.

  24. Proposal Budgets Should Strengthen Your Case for Support: Here's How

    For example, if a foundation describes individuals living on the streets as "unhoused" instead of "homeless," it's best to use its language. To make sure a proposal's story and budget are tightly knit, the person who will be running the project and a financial officer must collaborate in drafting them, experts recommend.