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An introduction to different types of study design

Posted on 6th April 2021 by Hadi Abbas


Study designs are the set of methods and procedures used to collect and analyze data in a study.

Broadly speaking, there are 2 types of study designs: descriptive studies and analytical studies.

Descriptive studies

  • Describes specific characteristics in a population of interest
  • The most common forms are case reports and case series
  • In a case report, we discuss our experience with the patient’s symptoms, signs, diagnosis, and treatment
  • In a case series, several patients with similar experiences are grouped.

Analytical Studies

Analytical studies are of 2 types: observational and experimental.

Observational studies are studies that we conduct without any intervention or experiment. In those studies, we purely observe the outcomes.  On the other hand, in experimental studies, we conduct experiments and interventions.

Observational studies

Observational studies include many subtypes. Below, I will discuss the most common designs.

Cross-sectional study:

  • This design is transverse where we take a specific sample at a specific time without any follow-up
  • It allows us to calculate the frequency of disease ( p revalence ) or the frequency of a risk factor
  • This design is easy to conduct
  • For example – if we want to know the prevalence of migraine in a population, we can conduct a cross-sectional study whereby we take a sample from the population and calculate the number of patients with migraine headaches.

Cohort study:

  • We conduct this study by comparing two samples from the population: one sample with a risk factor while the other lacks this risk factor
  • It shows us the risk of developing the disease in individuals with the risk factor compared to those without the risk factor ( RR = relative risk )
  • Prospective : we follow the individuals in the future to know who will develop the disease
  • Retrospective : we look to the past to know who developed the disease (e.g. using medical records)
  • This design is the strongest among the observational studies
  • For example – to find out the relative risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) among smokers, we take a sample including smokers and non-smokers. Then, we calculate the number of individuals with COPD among both.

Case-Control Study:

  • We conduct this study by comparing 2 groups: one group with the disease (cases) and another group without the disease (controls)
  • This design is always retrospective
  •  We aim to find out the odds of having a risk factor or an exposure if an individual has a specific disease (Odds ratio)
  •  Relatively easy to conduct
  • For example – we want to study the odds of being a smoker among hypertensive patients compared to normotensive ones. To do so, we choose a group of patients diagnosed with hypertension and another group that serves as the control (normal blood pressure). Then we study their smoking history to find out if there is a correlation.

Experimental Studies

  • Also known as interventional studies
  • Can involve animals and humans
  • Pre-clinical trials involve animals
  • Clinical trials are experimental studies involving humans
  • In clinical trials, we study the effect of an intervention compared to another intervention or placebo. As an example, I have listed the four phases of a drug trial:

I:  We aim to assess the safety of the drug ( is it safe ? )

II: We aim to assess the efficacy of the drug ( does it work ? )

III: We want to know if this drug is better than the old treatment ( is it better ? )

IV: We follow-up to detect long-term side effects ( can it stay in the market ? )

  • In randomized controlled trials, one group of participants receives the control, while the other receives the tested drug/intervention. Those studies are the best way to evaluate the efficacy of a treatment.

Finally, the figure below will help you with your understanding of different types of study designs.

A visual diagram describing the following. Two types of epidemiological studies are descriptive and analytical. Types of descriptive studies are case reports, case series, descriptive surveys. Types of analytical studies are observational or experimental. Observational studies can be cross-sectional, case-control or cohort studies. Types of experimental studies can be lab trials or field trials.

References (pdf)

You may also be interested in the following blogs for further reading:

An introduction to randomized controlled trials

Case-control and cohort studies: a brief overview

Cohort studies: prospective and retrospective designs

Prevalence vs Incidence: what is the difference?

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you are amazing one!! if I get you I’m working with you! I’m student from Ethiopian higher education. health sciences student

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Very informative and easy understandable

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You are my kind of doctor. Do not lose sight of your objective.

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Wow very erll explained and easy to understand

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I’m Khamisu Habibu community health officer student from Abubakar Tafawa Balewa university teaching hospital Bauchi, Nigeria, I really appreciate your write up and you have make it clear for the learner. thank you

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well understood,thank you so much

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Well understood…thanks

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Simply explained. Thank You.

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Thanks a lot for this nice informative article which help me to understand different study designs that I felt difficult before

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That’s lovely to hear, Mona, thank you for letting the author know how useful this was. If there are any other particular topics you think would be useful to you, and are not already on the website, please do let us know.

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it is very informative and useful.

thank you statistician

Fabulous to hear, thank you John.

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Thanks for this information

Thanks so much for this information….I have clearly known the types of study design Thanks

That’s so good to hear, Mirembe, thank you for letting the author know.

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Very helpful article!! U have simplified everything for easy understanding

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I’m a health science major currently taking statistics for health care workers…this is a challenging class…thanks for the simified feedback.

That’s good to hear this has helped you. Hopefully you will find some of the other blogs useful too. If you see any topics that are missing from the website, please do let us know!

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Hello. I liked your presentation, the fact that you ranked them clearly is very helpful to understand for people like me who is a novelist researcher. However, I was expecting to read much more about the Experimental studies. So please direct me if you already have or will one day. Thank you

Dear Ay. My sincere apologies for not responding to your comment sooner. You may find it useful to filter the blogs by the topic of ‘Study design and research methods’ – here is a link to that filter: https://s4be.cochrane.org/blog/topic/study-design/ This will cover more detail about experimental studies. Or have a look on our library page for further resources there – you’ll find that on the ‘Resources’ drop down from the home page.

However, if there are specific things you feel you would like to learn about experimental studies, that are missing from the website, it would be great if you could let me know too. Thank you, and best of luck. Emma

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Great job Mr Hadi. I advise you to prepare and study for the Australian Medical Board Exams as soon as you finish your undergrad study in Lebanon. Good luck and hope we can meet sometime in the future. Regards ;)

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You have give a good explaination of what am looking for. However, references am not sure of where to get them from.

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Analytical vs. Descriptive

What's the difference.

Analytical and descriptive are two different approaches used in various fields of study. Analytical refers to the process of breaking down complex ideas or concepts into smaller components to understand their underlying principles or relationships. It involves critical thinking, logical reasoning, and the use of evidence to support arguments or conclusions. On the other hand, descriptive focuses on providing a detailed account or description of a particular phenomenon or event. It aims to present facts, observations, or characteristics without any interpretation or analysis. While analytical aims to uncover the "why" or "how" behind something, descriptive aims to provide a comprehensive picture of what is being studied. Both approaches have their own merits and are often used in combination to gain a deeper understanding of a subject matter.

DefinitionFocuses on breaking down complex problems into smaller components and analyzing them individually.Focuses on describing and summarizing data or phenomena without attempting to explain or analyze them.
GoalTo understand the underlying causes, relationships, and patterns in data or phenomena.To provide an accurate and objective description of data or phenomena.
ApproachUses logical reasoning, critical thinking, and data analysis techniques.Relies on observation, measurement, and data collection.
FocusEmphasizes on the "why" and "how" questions.Emphasizes on the "what" questions.
SubjectivityObjective approach, minimizing personal bias.Subjective approach, influenced by personal interpretation.
ExamplesStatistical analysis, data mining, hypothesis testing.Surveys, observations, case studies.

Further Detail


When it comes to research and data analysis, two common approaches are analytical and descriptive methods. Both methods have their own unique attributes and serve different purposes in understanding and interpreting data. In this article, we will explore the characteristics of analytical and descriptive approaches, highlighting their strengths and limitations.

Analytical Approach

The analytical approach focuses on breaking down complex problems or datasets into smaller components to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying patterns and relationships. It involves the use of logical reasoning, critical thinking, and statistical techniques to examine data and draw conclusions. The primary goal of the analytical approach is to uncover insights, identify trends, and make predictions based on the available information.

One of the key attributes of the analytical approach is its emphasis on hypothesis testing. Researchers using this method formulate hypotheses based on existing theories or observations and then collect and analyze data to either support or refute these hypotheses. By systematically testing different variables and their relationships, the analytical approach allows researchers to make evidence-based claims and draw reliable conclusions.

Another important attribute of the analytical approach is its reliance on quantitative data. This method often involves the use of statistical tools and techniques to analyze numerical data, such as surveys, experiments, or large datasets. By quantifying variables and measuring their relationships, the analytical approach provides a rigorous and objective framework for data analysis.

Furthermore, the analytical approach is characterized by its focus on generalizability. Researchers using this method aim to draw conclusions that can be applied to a broader population or context. By using representative samples and statistical inference, the analytical approach allows researchers to make inferences about the larger population based on the analyzed data.

However, it is important to note that the analytical approach has its limitations. It may overlook important contextual factors or qualitative aspects of the data that cannot be easily quantified. Additionally, the analytical approach requires a strong understanding of statistical concepts and techniques, making it more suitable for researchers with a background in quantitative analysis.

Descriptive Approach

The descriptive approach, on the other hand, focuses on summarizing and presenting data in a meaningful and informative way. It aims to provide a clear and concise description of the observed phenomena or variables without necessarily seeking to establish causal relationships or make predictions. The primary goal of the descriptive approach is to present data in a manner that is easily understandable and interpretable.

One of the key attributes of the descriptive approach is its emphasis on data visualization. Researchers using this method often employ charts, graphs, and other visual representations to present data in a visually appealing and accessible manner. By using visual aids, the descriptive approach allows for quick and intuitive understanding of the data, making it suitable for a wide range of audiences.

Another important attribute of the descriptive approach is its flexibility in dealing with different types of data. Unlike the analytical approach, which primarily focuses on quantitative data, the descriptive approach can handle both quantitative and qualitative data. This makes it particularly useful in fields where subjective opinions, narratives, or observations play a significant role.

Furthermore, the descriptive approach is characterized by its attention to detail. Researchers using this method often provide comprehensive descriptions of the variables, including their distribution, central tendency, and variability. By presenting detailed summaries, the descriptive approach allows for a thorough understanding of the data, enabling researchers to identify patterns or trends that may not be immediately apparent.

However, it is important to acknowledge that the descriptive approach has its limitations as well. It may lack the rigor and statistical power of the analytical approach, as it does not involve hypothesis testing or inferential statistics. Additionally, the descriptive approach may be more subjective, as the interpretation of the data relies heavily on the researcher's judgment and perspective.

In conclusion, the analytical and descriptive approaches have distinct attributes that make them suitable for different research purposes. The analytical approach emphasizes hypothesis testing, quantitative data analysis, and generalizability, allowing researchers to draw evidence-based conclusions and make predictions. On the other hand, the descriptive approach focuses on data visualization, flexibility in handling different data types, and attention to detail, enabling researchers to present data in a clear and concise manner. Both approaches have their strengths and limitations, and the choice between them depends on the research objectives, available data, and the researcher's expertise. By understanding the attributes of each approach, researchers can make informed decisions and employ the most appropriate method for their specific research needs.

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Descriptive and analytical are two distinct approaches used in data analysis and research. Shed light on the significant differences between Descriptive vs. Analytical in a comprehensive manner using our presentation graphic for MS PowerPoint and Google Slides.

This 100% editable slide is useful for researchers and analysts to present their information in a well-structured manner. You can explain that descriptive research focuses on collecting and presenting objective information without attempting to make any predictions. In contrast, analytical research involves in-depth analysis and hypothesis testing to uncover the reasons behind observed phenomena.

Sizing Charts

Size XS S S M M L
EU 32 34 36 38 40 42
UK 4 6 8 10 12 14
US 0 2 4 6 8 10
Bust 79.5cm / 31" 82cm / 32" 84.5cm / 33" 89.5cm / 35" 94.5cm / 37" 99.5cm / 39"
Waist 61.5cm / 24" 64cm / 25" 66.5cm / 26" 71.5cm / 28" 76.5cm / 30" 81.5cm / 32"
Hip 86.5cm / 34" 89cm / 35" 91.5cm / 36" 96.5cm / 38" 101.5cm / 40" 106.5cm / 42"
UK/US 34 36 38 40 42 44
Neck 37cm / 14.5" 38cm /15" 39.5cm / 15.5" 41cm / 16" 42cm / 16.5" 43cm / 17"
Chest 86.5cm / 34" 91.5cm / 36" 96.5cm / 38" 101.5cm / 40" 106.5cm / 42" 111.5cm / 44"
Waist 71.5cm / 28" 76.5cm / 30" 81.5cm / 32" 86.5cm / 34" 91.5cm / 36" 96.5cm / 38"
Seat 90cm / 35.4" 95cm / 37.4" 100cm / 39.4" 105cm / 41.3" 110cm / 43.3" 115cm / 45.3"

Sociology Notes by Sociology.Institute

Descriptive vs. Analytical Research in Sociology: A Comparative Study

descriptive vs analytical research ppt

Table of Contents

When we delve into the world of research, particularly in fields like sociology , we encounter a myriad of methods designed to uncover the layers of human society and behavior. Two of the most fundamental research methods are descriptive and analytical research . Each plays a crucial role in understanding our world, but they do so in distinctly different ways. So, what exactly are these methods, and how do they compare when applied in the realm of social studies? Let’s embark on a comparative journey to understand these methodologies better.

Understanding Descriptive Research

Descriptive research is akin to the meticulous work of an artist attempting to capture the intricate details of a landscape. It aims to accurately describe the characteristics of a particular population or phenomenon. By painting a picture of the ‘what’ aspect, this method helps researchers to understand the prevalence of certain attributes, behaviors, or issues within a group.

Key Features of Descriptive Research

  • Snapshot in time: It often involves studying a single point or period, providing a snapshot rather than a motion picture.
  • Surveys and observations : Common tools include surveys , observations, and case studies .
  • Quantitative data: It leans heavily on quantitative data to present findings in numerical format.
  • No hypothesis testing: Unlike other research types, it doesn’t typically involve hypothesis testing.

When to Use Descriptive Research

  • Establishing a baseline : When there’s a need to set a reference point for future studies or track changes over time.
  • Exploratory purposes: When little is known about a topic and there’s a need to gather initial information that could inform future research.
  • Policy-making: When organizations or government bodies need factual data to inform decisions and policies.

Exploring Analytical Research

On the flip side, analytical research steps beyond mere description to explore the ‘why’ and ‘how’. It’s like a detective piecing together clues to not just recount events, but to understand the relationships and causations behind them. Analytical researchers critically evaluate information to draw conclusions and generalizations that extend beyond the immediate data.

Key Characteristics of Analytical Research

  • Critical evaluation: It involves a deep analysis of the available information to form judgments.
  • Qualitative and quantitative data: Uses both numerical data and non-numerical data for a more comprehensive analysis.
  • Hypothesis-driven: This method often starts with a hypothesis that the research is designed to test.
  • Seeking patterns : Aims to identify patterns, relationships, and causations.

When to Opt for Analytical Research

  • Understanding complexities: When the research question is complex and requires understanding the interplay of various factors.
  • Building upon previous research: When expanding on existing knowledge or challenging prevailing theories.
  • Recommendations for action: When research is aimed at providing actionable insights or solutions to problems.

Comparing Descriptive and Analytical Research in Real-World Scenarios

Imagine a sociologist aiming to tackle a pressing social issue, such as the dynamics of homelessness in urban areas. Descriptive research would enable them to establish the scale and scope of homelessness, identifying key demographics and patterns. Analytical research, however, would take these findings and probe deeper into the causes, examining the social, economic, and political factors that contribute to the situation and what can be done to alleviate it.

Advantages and Limitations

Each research type has its own set of strengths and weaknesses. Descriptive research is powerful for mapping out the landscape but may fall short in explaining the underlying reasons for observed phenomena. Analytical research, with its depth, can provide those explanations, but it may be more time-consuming and complex to conduct.

Choosing the Right Approach

Deciding between descriptive and analytical research often comes down to the specific objectives of the study. It’s not uncommon for researchers to employ both methods within the same broader research project to maximize their understanding of a topic.

In conclusion, descriptive and analytical research are two sides of the same coin, offering different lenses through which we can view and interpret the intricacies of social phenomena. By understanding their distinctions and applications, researchers can better design studies that yield rich, actionable insights into the fabric of society.

What do you think? Could a blend of both descriptive and analytical research provide a more holistic understanding of social issues? Are there situations where one method is clearly preferable over the other?

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Research Methodologies & Methods

1 Logic of Inquiry in Social Research

  • A Science of Society
  • Comte’s Ideas on the Nature of Sociology
  • Observation in Social Sciences
  • Logical Understanding of Social Reality

2 Empirical Approach

  • Empirical Approach
  • Rules of Data Collection
  • Cultural Relativism
  • Problems Encountered in Data Collection
  • Difference between Common Sense and Science
  • What is Ethical?
  • What is Normal?
  • Understanding the Data Collected
  • Managing Diversities in Social Research
  • Problematising the Object of Study
  • Conclusion: Return to Good Old Empirical Approach

3 Diverse Logic of Theory Building

  • Concern with Theory in Sociology
  • Concepts: Basic Elements of Theories
  • Why Do We Need Theory?
  • Hypothesis Description and Experimentation
  • Controlled Experiment
  • Designing an Experiment
  • How to Test a Hypothesis
  • Sensitivity to Alternative Explanations
  • Rival Hypothesis Construction
  • The Use and Scope of Social Science Theory
  • Theory Building and Researcher’s Values

4 Theoretical Analysis

  • Premises of Evolutionary and Functional Theories
  • Critique of Evolutionary and Functional Theories
  • Turning away from Functionalism
  • What after Functionalism
  • Post-modernism
  • Trends other than Post-modernism

5 Issues of Epistemology

  • Some Major Concerns of Epistemology
  • Rationalism
  • Phenomenology: Bracketing Experience

6 Philosophy of Social Science

  • Foundations of Science
  • Science, Modernity, and Sociology
  • Rethinking Science
  • Crisis in Foundation

7 Positivism and its Critique

  • Heroic Science and Origin of Positivism
  • Early Positivism
  • Consolidation of Positivism
  • Critiques of Positivism

8 Hermeneutics

  • Methodological Disputes in the Social Sciences
  • Tracing the History of Hermeneutics
  • Hermeneutics and Sociology
  • Philosophical Hermeneutics
  • The Hermeneutics of Suspicion
  • Phenomenology and Hermeneutics

9 Comparative Method

  • Relationship with Common Sense; Interrogating Ideological Location
  • The Historical Context
  • Elements of the Comparative Approach

10 Feminist Approach

  • Features of the Feminist Method
  • Feminist Methods adopt the Reflexive Stance
  • Feminist Discourse in India

11 Participatory Method

  • Delineation of Key Features

12 Types of Research

  • Basic and Applied Research
  • Descriptive and Analytical Research
  • Empirical and Exploratory Research
  • Quantitative and Qualitative Research
  • Explanatory (Causal) and Longitudinal Research
  • Experimental and Evaluative Research
  • Participatory Action Research

13 Methods of Research

  • Evolutionary Method
  • Comparative Method
  • Historical Method
  • Personal Documents

14 Elements of Research Design

  • Structuring the Research Process

15 Sampling Methods and Estimation of Sample Size

  • Classification of Sampling Methods
  • Sample Size

16 Measures of Central Tendency

  • Relationship between Mean, Mode, and Median
  • Choosing a Measure of Central Tendency

17 Measures of Dispersion and Variability

  • The Variance
  • The Standard Deviation
  • Coefficient of Variation

18 Statistical Inference- Tests of Hypothesis

  • Statistical Inference
  • Tests of Significance

19 Correlation and Regression

  • Correlation
  • Method of Calculating Correlation of Ungrouped Data
  • Method Of Calculating Correlation Of Grouped Data

20 Survey Method

  • Rationale of Survey Research Method
  • History of Survey Research
  • Defining Survey Research
  • Sampling and Survey Techniques
  • Operationalising Survey Research Tools
  • Advantages and Weaknesses of Survey Research

21 Survey Design

  • Preliminary Considerations
  • Stages / Phases in Survey Research
  • Formulation of Research Question
  • Survey Research Designs
  • Sampling Design

22 Survey Instrumentation

  • Techniques/Instruments for Data Collection
  • Questionnaire Construction
  • Issues in Designing a Survey Instrument

23 Survey Execution and Data Analysis

  • Problems and Issues in Executing Survey Research
  • Data Analysis
  • Ethical Issues in Survey Research

24 Field Research – I

  • History of Field Research
  • Ethnography
  • Theme Selection
  • Gaining Entry in the Field
  • Key Informants
  • Participant Observation

25 Field Research – II

  • Interview its Types and Process
  • Feminist and Postmodernist Perspectives on Interviewing
  • Narrative Analysis
  • Interpretation
  • Case Study and its Types
  • Life Histories
  • Oral History
  • PRA and RRA Techniques

26 Reliability, Validity and Triangulation

  • Concepts of Reliability and Validity
  • Three Types of “Reliability”
  • Working Towards Reliability
  • Procedural Validity
  • Field Research as a Validity Check
  • Method Appropriate Criteria
  • Triangulation
  • Ethical Considerations in Qualitative Research

27 Qualitative Data Formatting and Processing

  • Qualitative Data Processing and Analysis
  • Description
  • Classification
  • Making Connections
  • Theoretical Coding
  • Qualitative Content Analysis

28 Writing up Qualitative Data

  • Problems of Writing Up
  • Grasp and Then Render
  • “Writing Down” and “Writing Up”
  • Write Early
  • Writing Styles
  • First Draft

29 Using Internet and Word Processor

  • What is Internet and How Does it Work?
  • Internet Services
  • Searching on the Web: Search Engines
  • Accessing and Using Online Information
  • Online Journals and Texts
  • Statistical Reference Sites
  • Data Sources
  • Uses of E-mail Services in Research

30 Using SPSS for Data Analysis Contents

  • Introduction
  • Starting and Exiting SPSS
  • Creating a Data File
  • Univariate Analysis
  • Bivariate Analysis

31 Using SPSS in Report Writing

  • Why to Use SPSS
  • Working with SPSS Output
  • Copying SPSS Output to MS Word Document

32 Tabulation and Graphic Presentation- Case Studies

  • Structure for Presentation of Research Findings
  • Data Presentation: Editing, Coding, and Transcribing
  • Case Studies
  • Qualitative Data Analysis and Presentation through Software
  • Types of ICT used for Research

33 Guidelines to Research Project Assignment

  • Overview of Research Methodologies and Methods (MSO 002)
  • Research Project Objectives
  • Preparation for Research Project
  • Stages of the Research Project
  • Supervision During the Research Project
  • Submission of Research Project
  • Methodology for Evaluating Research Project

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descriptive vs analytical research ppt

Critical Writing 101

Descriptive vs analytical vs critical writing.

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) | Expert Reviewed By: Dr Eunice Rautenbach | April 2017

Across the thousands of students we work with , descriptive writing (as opposed to critical or analytical writing) is an incredibly pervasive problem . In fact, it’s probably the biggest killer of marks in dissertations, theses and research papers . So, in this post, we’ll explain the difference between descriptive and analytical writing in straightforward terms, along with plenty of practical examples.

analytical and descriptive writing

Descriptive vs Analytical Writing

Writing critically is one of the most important skills you’ll need to master for your academic journey, but what exactly does this mean?

Well, when it comes to writing, at least for academic purposes, there are two main types – descriptive writing and critical writing. Critical writing is also sometimes referred to as analytical writing, so we’ll use these two terms interchangeably.

To understand what constitutes critical (or analytical) writing, it’s useful to compare it against its opposite, descriptive writing. At the most basic level, descriptive writing merely communicates the “ what ”, “ where ”, “ when ” or “ who ”. In other words, it describes a thing, place, time or person. It doesn’t consider anything beyond that or explore the situation’s impact, importance or meaning. Here’s an example of a descriptive sentence:

  “Yesterday, the president unexpectedly fired the minister of finance.”

As you can see, this sentence just states what happened, when it happened and who was involved. Classic descriptive writing.

Contrasted to this, critical writing takes things a step further and unveils the “ so what? ” – in other words, it explains the impact or consequence of a given situation. Let’s stick with the same event and look at an example of analytical writing:

“The president’s unexpected firing of the well-respected finance minister had an immediate negative impact on investor confidence. This led to a sharp decrease in the value of the local currency, especially against the US dollar. This devaluation means that all dollar-based imports are now expected to rise in cost, thereby raising the cost of living for citizens, and reducing disposable income.”

As you can see in this example, the descriptive version only tells us what happened (the president fired the finance minister), whereas the critical version goes on to discuss some of the impacts of the president’s actions.


Ideally, critical writing should always link back to the broader objectives of the paper or project, explaining what each thing or event means in relation to those objectives. In a dissertation or thesis, this would involve linking the discussion back to the research aims, objectives and research questions – in other words, the golden thread .

Sounds a bit fluffy and conceptual? Let’s look at an example:

If your research aims involved understanding how the local environment impacts demand for specialty imported vegetables, you would need to explain how the devaluation of the local currency means that the imported vegetables would become more expensive relative to locally farmed options. This in turn would likely have a negative impact on sales, as consumers would turn to cheaper local alternatives.

As you can see, critical (or analytical) writing goes beyond just describing (that’s what descriptive writing covers) and instead focuses on the meaning of things, events or situations, especially in relation to the core research aims and questions.

Need a helping hand?

descriptive vs analytical research ppt

But wait, there’s more.

This “ what vs so what”  distinction is important in understanding the difference between description and analysis, but it is not the only difference – the differences go deeper than this. The table below explains some other key differences between descriptive and analytical writing.

Descriptive WritingAnalytical writing
States what happened (the event).Explain what the impact of the event was (especially in relation to the research question/s).
Explains what a theory says.Explains how this is relevant to the key issue(s) and research question(s).
Notes the methods used.Explains whether these methods were relevant or not.
States what time/date something happened.Explains why the timing is important/relevant.
Explains how something works.Explains whether and why this is positive or negative.
Provides various pieces of information.Draws a conclusion in relation to the various pieces of information.

Should I avoid descriptive writing altogether?

Not quite. For the most part, you’ll need some descriptive writing to lay the foundation for the critical, analytical writing. In other words, you’ll usually need to state the “what” before you can discuss the “so what”. Therefore, description is simply unavoidable and in fact quite essential , but you do want to keep it to a minimum and focus your word count on the analytical side of things.

As you write, a good rule of thumb is to identify every what (in other words, every descriptive point you make) and then check whether it is accompanied by a so what (in other words, a critical conclusion regarding its meaning or impact).

Of course, this won’t always be necessary as some conclusions are fairly obvious and go without saying. But, this basic practice should help you minimise description, maximise analysis, and most importantly, earn you marks!

Let’s recap.

So, the key takeaways for this post are as follows:

  • Descriptive writing focuses on the what , while critical/analytical writing focuses on the so what .
  • Analytical writing should link the discussion back to the research aims, objectives or research questions (the golden thread).
  • Some amount of description will always be needed, but aim to minimise description and maximise analysis to earn higher marks.

descriptive vs analytical research ppt

Psst... there’s more!

This post was based on one of our popular Research Bootcamps . If you're working on a research project, you'll definitely want to check this out ...



Thank you so much. This was helpful and a switch from the bad writing habits to the good habits.

Derek Jansen

Great to hear that, Sarah. Glad you found it useful!

Grace Dasat-Absalom

I am currently working on my Masters Thesis and found this extremely informative and helpful. Thank you kindly.


I’m currently a University student and this is so helpful. Thank you.

Divya Madhuri Nankiya

It really helped me to get the exact meaning of analytical writing. Differences between the two explains it well

Linda Odero

Thank you! this was very useful


With much appreciation, I say thank you. Your explanations are down to earth. It has been helpful.

olumide Folahan

Very helpful towards my theses journey! Many thanks 👍


very helpful

very helpful indeed


Thanks Derek for the useful coaching

Diana Rose Oyula

Thank you for sharing this. I was stuck on descriptive now I can do my corrections. Thank you.

Siu Tang

I was struggling to differentiate between descriptive and analytical writing. I googled and found this as it is so helpful. Thank you for sharing.

Leonard Ngowo

I am glad to see this differences of descriptive against analytical writing. This is going to improve my masters dissertation

Thanks in deed. It was helpful

Abdurrahman Abdullahi Babale

Thank you so much. I’m now better informed


Busy with MBA in South Africa, this is very helpful as most of the writing requires one to expound on the topics. thanks for this, it’s a salvation from watching the blinking cursor for hours while figuring out what to write to hit the 5000 word target 😂

Ggracious Enwoods Soko

It’s been fantastic and enriching. Thanks a lot, GRAD COACH.

Sunil Pradhan

Wonderful explanation of descriptive vs analytic writing with examples. This is going to be greatly helpful for me as I am writing my thesis at the moment. Thank you Grad Coach. I follow your YouTube videos and subscribed and liked every time I watch one.

Abdulai Gariba Abanga

Very useful piece. thanks

Sid Peimer

Brilliantly explained – thank you.

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Home » Descriptive Analytics – Methods, Tools and Examples

Descriptive Analytics – Methods, Tools and Examples

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Descriptive Analytics

Descriptive Analytics


Descriptive analytics focused on describing or summarizing raw data and making it interpretable. This type of analytics provides insight into what has happened in the past. It involves the analysis of historical data to identify patterns, trends, and insights. Descriptive analytics often uses visualization tools to represent the data in a way that is easy to interpret.

Descriptive Analytics in Research

Descriptive analytics plays a crucial role in research, helping investigators understand and describe the data collected in their studies. Here’s how descriptive analytics is typically used in a research setting:

  • Descriptive Statistics: In research, descriptive analytics often takes the form of descriptive statistics . This includes calculating measures of central tendency (like mean, median, and mode), measures of dispersion (like range, variance, and standard deviation), and measures of frequency (like count, percent, and frequency). These calculations help researchers summarize and understand their data.
  • Visualizing Data: Descriptive analytics also involves creating visual representations of data to better understand and communicate research findings . This might involve creating bar graphs, line graphs, pie charts, scatter plots, box plots, and other visualizations.
  • Exploratory Data Analysis: Before conducting any formal statistical tests, researchers often conduct an exploratory data analysis, which is a form of descriptive analytics. This might involve looking at distributions of variables, checking for outliers, and exploring relationships between variables.
  • Initial Findings: Descriptive analytics are often reported in the results section of a research study to provide readers with an overview of the data. For example, a researcher might report average scores, demographic breakdowns, or the percentage of participants who endorsed each response on a survey.
  • Establishing Patterns and Relationships: Descriptive analytics helps in identifying patterns, trends, or relationships in the data, which can guide subsequent analysis or future research. For instance, researchers might look at the correlation between variables as a part of descriptive analytics.

Descriptive Analytics Techniques

Descriptive analytics involves a variety of techniques to summarize, interpret, and visualize historical data. Some commonly used techniques include:

Statistical Analysis

This includes basic statistical methods like mean, median, mode (central tendency), standard deviation, variance (dispersion), correlation, and regression (relationships between variables).

Data Aggregation

It is the process of compiling and summarizing data to obtain a general perspective. It can involve methods like sum, count, average, min, max, etc., often applied to a group of data.

Data Mining

This involves analyzing large volumes of data to discover patterns, trends, and insights. Techniques used in data mining can include clustering (grouping similar data), classification (assigning data into categories), association rules (finding relationships between variables), and anomaly detection (identifying outliers).

Data Visualization

This involves presenting data in a graphical or pictorial format to provide clear and easy understanding of the data patterns, trends, and insights. Common data visualization methods include bar charts, line graphs, pie charts, scatter plots, histograms, and more complex forms like heat maps and interactive dashboards.

This involves organizing data into informational summaries to monitor how different areas of a business are performing. Reports can be generated manually or automatically and can be presented in tables, graphs, or dashboards.

Cross-tabulation (or Pivot Tables)

It involves displaying the relationship between two or more variables in a tabular form. It can provide a deeper understanding of the data by allowing comparisons and revealing patterns and correlations that may not be readily apparent in raw data.

Descriptive Modeling

Some techniques use complex algorithms to interpret data. Examples include decision tree analysis, which provides a graphical representation of decision-making situations, and neural networks, which are used to identify correlations and patterns in large data sets.

Descriptive Analytics Tools

Some common Descriptive Analytics Tools are as follows:

Excel: Microsoft Excel is a widely used tool that can be used for simple descriptive analytics. It has powerful statistical and data visualization capabilities. Pivot tables are a particularly useful feature for summarizing and analyzing large data sets.

Tableau: Tableau is a data visualization tool that is used to represent data in a graphical or pictorial format. It can handle large data sets and allows for real-time data analysis.

Power BI: Power BI, another product from Microsoft, is a business analytics tool that provides interactive visualizations with self-service business intelligence capabilities.

QlikView: QlikView is a data visualization and discovery tool. It allows users to analyze data and use this data to support decision-making.

SAS: SAS is a software suite that can mine, alter, manage and retrieve data from a variety of sources and perform statistical analysis on it.

SPSS: SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) is a software package used for statistical analysis. It’s widely used in social sciences research but also in other industries.

Google Analytics: For web data, Google Analytics is a popular tool. It allows businesses to analyze in-depth detail about the visitors on their website, providing valuable insights that can help shape the success strategy of a business.

R and Python: Both are programming languages that have robust capabilities for statistical analysis and data visualization. With packages like pandas, matplotlib, seaborn in Python and ggplot2, dplyr in R, these languages are powerful tools for descriptive analytics.

Looker: Looker is a modern data platform that can take data from any database and let you start exploring and visualizing.

When to use Descriptive Analytics

Descriptive analytics forms the base of the data analysis workflow and is typically the first step in understanding your business or organization’s data. Here are some situations when you might use descriptive analytics:

Understanding Past Behavior: Descriptive analytics is essential for understanding what has happened in the past. If you need to understand past sales trends, customer behavior, or operational performance, descriptive analytics is the tool you’d use.

Reporting Key Metrics: Descriptive analytics is used to establish and report key performance indicators (KPIs). It can help in tracking and presenting these KPIs in dashboards or regular reports.

Identifying Patterns and Trends: If you need to identify patterns or trends in your data, descriptive analytics can provide these insights. This might include identifying seasonality in sales data, understanding peak operational times, or spotting trends in customer behavior.

Informing Business Decisions: The insights provided by descriptive analytics can inform business strategy and decision-making. By understanding what has happened in the past, you can make more informed decisions about what steps to take in the future.

Benchmarking Performance: Descriptive analytics can be used to compare current performance against historical data. This can be used for benchmarking and setting performance goals.

Auditing and Regulatory Compliance: In sectors where compliance and auditing are essential, descriptive analytics can provide the necessary data and trends over specific periods.

Initial Data Exploration: When you first acquire a dataset, descriptive analytics is useful to understand the structure of the data, the relationships between variables, and any apparent anomalies or outliers.

Examples of Descriptive Analytics

Examples of Descriptive Analytics are as follows:

Retail Industry: A retail company might use descriptive analytics to analyze sales data from the past year. They could break down sales by month to identify any seasonality trends. For example, they might find that sales increase in November and December due to holiday shopping. They could also break down sales by product to identify which items are the most popular. This analysis could inform their purchasing and stocking decisions for the next year. Additionally, data on customer demographics could be analyzed to understand who their primary customers are, guiding their marketing strategies.

Healthcare Industry: In healthcare, descriptive analytics could be used to analyze patient data over time. For instance, a hospital might analyze data on patient admissions to identify trends in admission rates. They might find that admissions for certain conditions are higher at certain times of the year. This could help them allocate resources more effectively. Also, analyzing patient outcomes data can help identify the most effective treatments or highlight areas where improvement is needed.

Finance Industry: A financial firm might use descriptive analytics to analyze historical market data. They could look at trends in stock prices, trading volume, or economic indicators to inform their investment decisions. For example, analyzing the price-earnings ratios of stocks in a certain sector over time could reveal patterns that suggest whether the sector is currently overvalued or undervalued. Similarly, credit card companies can analyze transaction data to detect any unusual patterns, which could be signs of fraud.

Advantages of Descriptive Analytics

Descriptive analytics plays a vital role in the world of data analysis, providing numerous advantages:

  • Understanding the Past: Descriptive analytics provides an understanding of what has happened in the past, offering valuable context for future decision-making.
  • Data Summarization: Descriptive analytics is used to simplify and summarize complex datasets, which can make the information more understandable and accessible.
  • Identifying Patterns and Trends: With descriptive analytics, organizations can identify patterns, trends, and correlations in their data, which can provide valuable insights.
  • Inform Decision-Making: The insights generated through descriptive analytics can inform strategic decisions and help organizations to react more quickly to events or changes in behavior.
  • Basis for Further Analysis: Descriptive analytics lays the groundwork for further analytical activities. It’s the first necessary step before moving on to more advanced forms of analytics like predictive analytics (forecasting future events) or prescriptive analytics (advising on possible outcomes).
  • Performance Evaluation: It allows organizations to evaluate their performance by comparing current results with past results, enabling them to see where improvements have been made and where further improvements can be targeted.
  • Enhanced Reporting and Dashboards: Through the use of visualization techniques, descriptive analytics can improve the quality of reports and dashboards, making the data more understandable and easier to interpret for stakeholders at all levels of the organization.
  • Immediate Value: Unlike some other types of analytics, descriptive analytics can provide immediate insights, as it doesn’t require complex models or deep analytical capabilities to provide value.

Disadvantages of Descriptive Analytics

While descriptive analytics offers numerous benefits, it also has certain limitations or disadvantages. Here are a few to consider:

  • Limited to Past Data: Descriptive analytics primarily deals with historical data and provides insights about past events. It does not predict future events or trends and can’t help you understand possible future outcomes on its own.
  • Lack of Deep Insights: While descriptive analytics helps in identifying what happened, it does not answer why it happened. For deeper insights, you would need to use diagnostic analytics, which analyzes data to understand the root cause of a particular outcome.
  • Can Be Misleading: If not properly executed, descriptive analytics can sometimes lead to incorrect conclusions. For example, correlation does not imply causation, but descriptive analytics might tempt one to make such an inference.
  • Data Quality Issues: The accuracy and usefulness of descriptive analytics are heavily reliant on the quality of the underlying data. If the data is incomplete, incorrect, or biased, the results of the descriptive analytics will be too.
  • Over-reliance on Descriptive Analytics: Businesses may rely too much on descriptive analytics and not enough on predictive and prescriptive analytics. While understanding past and present data is important, it’s equally vital to forecast future trends and make data-driven decisions based on those predictions.
  • Doesn’t Provide Actionable Insights: Descriptive analytics is used to interpret historical data and identify patterns and trends, but it doesn’t provide recommendations or courses of action. For that, prescriptive analytics is needed.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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  • Descriptive Research | Definition, Types, Methods & Examples

Descriptive Research | Definition, Types, Methods & Examples

Published on May 15, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on June 22, 2023.

Descriptive research aims to accurately and systematically describe a population, situation or phenomenon. It can answer what , where , when and how   questions , but not why questions.

A descriptive research design can use a wide variety of research methods  to investigate one or more variables . Unlike in experimental research , the researcher does not control or manipulate any of the variables, but only observes and measures them.

Table of contents

When to use a descriptive research design, descriptive research methods, other interesting articles.

Descriptive research is an appropriate choice when the research aim is to identify characteristics, frequencies, trends, and categories.

It is useful when not much is known yet about the topic or problem. Before you can research why something happens, you need to understand how, when and where it happens.

Descriptive research question examples

  • How has the Amsterdam housing market changed over the past 20 years?
  • Do customers of company X prefer product X or product Y?
  • What are the main genetic, behavioural and morphological differences between European wildcats and domestic cats?
  • What are the most popular online news sources among under-18s?
  • How prevalent is disease A in population B?

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Descriptive research is usually defined as a type of quantitative research , though qualitative research can also be used for descriptive purposes. The research design should be carefully developed to ensure that the results are valid and reliable .

Survey research allows you to gather large volumes of data that can be analyzed for frequencies, averages and patterns. Common uses of surveys include:

  • Describing the demographics of a country or region
  • Gauging public opinion on political and social topics
  • Evaluating satisfaction with a company’s products or an organization’s services


Observations allow you to gather data on behaviours and phenomena without having to rely on the honesty and accuracy of respondents. This method is often used by psychological, social and market researchers to understand how people act in real-life situations.

Observation of physical entities and phenomena is also an important part of research in the natural sciences. Before you can develop testable hypotheses , models or theories, it’s necessary to observe and systematically describe the subject under investigation.

Case studies

A case study can be used to describe the characteristics of a specific subject (such as a person, group, event or organization). Instead of gathering a large volume of data to identify patterns across time or location, case studies gather detailed data to identify the characteristics of a narrowly defined subject.

Rather than aiming to describe generalizable facts, case studies often focus on unusual or interesting cases that challenge assumptions, add complexity, or reveal something new about a research problem .

If you want to know more about statistics , methodology , or research bias , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • Normal distribution
  • Degrees of freedom
  • Null hypothesis
  • Discourse analysis
  • Control groups
  • Mixed methods research
  • Non-probability sampling
  • Quantitative research
  • Ecological validity

Research bias

  • Rosenthal effect
  • Implicit bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Selection bias
  • Negativity bias
  • Status quo bias

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McCombes, S. (2023, June 22). Descriptive Research | Definition, Types, Methods & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 11, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/methodology/descriptive-research/

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