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Essay on Friendship

List of essays on friendship, essay on friendship – short essay for kids (essay 1 – 150 words), essay on friendship – 10 lines on friendship written in english (essay 2 – 250 words), essay on friendship – for school students (class 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7) (essay 3 – 300 words), essay on friendship – for students (essay 4 – 400 words), essay on friendship (essay 5 – 500 words), essay on friendship – introduction, benefits and qualities (essay 6 – 600 words), essay on friendship – essay on true friendship (essay 7 – 750 words), essay on friendship – importance, types, examples and conclusion (essay 8 – 1000 words).

Friendship is a divine relationship, which is defined by neither blood nor any other similarity. Who is in this world does not have a friend?

A friend, with whom you just love to spend your time, can share your joys and sorrows. Most importantly you need not fake yourself and just be what you are. That is what friendship is all about. It is one of the most beautiful of the relations in the world. Students of today need to understand the values of friendship and therefore we have composed different long essays for students as well as short essays.

Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for school students (Class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Standard).


Friendship is considered as one of the treasures that anyone can possess. God has given us the liberty to choose friends because they are for our lifetime. It is quite normal for our parents and siblings to love us because they are our own blood but a friend is someone who is initially a stranger and then takes his/her place above all the other relations. Friendship is nothing but pure love without any expectations.

Role of a Friend:

True friends share and support each other even during the toughest of times. A true friend is one who feels happy for our success, who feel sad for our failures, fight with us for silly things and hugs us the next second, gets angry on us when we do any mistakes. Friendship is all about having true friends who can understand us without the need for us to speak.


Friendship is very essential for a happy life. Even a two-minute chat with a friend will make us forget our worries. That is the strength of friendship.

Friendship is a divine relationship, which is defined by neither blood nor any other similarity. Friends are those you can choose for yourself in spite of the difference you both have from each other. A good friend in need will do wonders in your life, whenever you are in need of self-realization, upbringing your confidence and more.

Friendship serves you best not only in your happiest moments but also when you feel low in emotions. A life without a good friend is not at all complete and an emptiness will be felt all the time you think of sharing your emotion that can’t be told to anyone else.

Honesty and Patience in Friendship:

To maintain and keep going with a good deep friendship, honesty is the most important factor. You should choose a person who can be cent percent honest with you in all perspective like emotions, decision making, etc. Trustworthy friendship will help you to take better decisions and choose a better path for your future well-being.

Tolerance and patience with each other are another important characteristics of long-lasting friendship. Accepting the differences, friends should be able to be with each other in all situations. As a friend, the person should lead the other to success by being a motivation and criticize the person if they choose the wrong path.

Friendship will give you sweet and happy memories that can be cherished for a lifetime and if you succeed in maintaining that precious relation, then you are the luckiest person in this world. Love and care for each other will cherish the relationship and helps the person to appreciate each thing done without any fail.

Of all the different relations which we indulge in, friendship is considered to be the purest of them all. Friendship is the true confluence of souls with like minded attitude that aids in seamless conversation and the best of times. It is believed that a person who doesn’t have any friend lives one of the toughest lives.

The Desire to Belong:

Each one of us have been so programmed that we need a companion even if it’s not romantic, someone just to tag along. There are several definitions of friendship and it is upon you as to how you believe your relation to be. Friendship can happen when you are simply sharing a bowl of food with a person day after day. It can be expressed in the way you silently care for someone even when they may not be aware of your existence.

The Little Moments that Matter:

It is giving up the little things you love dearly for the sake of someone you cherish a great deal. Friendship often refers to the little moments of senseless laugh you two share when the rest of the world starts to look bleak. It is to know what your friend needs and being there for them even when the rest of the world has turned their back towards them.

Friendship is the kind of relation which sometimes even exceeds the realms of love because it is all about giving without even once bothering to sense what you shall get back. Every time spent is special because when you are with friends, you don’t feel the blues!

The Bottom-Line:

Of course the definition of friendship is going to vary a great deal from one person to another. But, remember one thing, when you are friends with someone, be prepared to put your heart on the line for their happiness because friendship often manifests into love, even if it is not romantic, it always is true!

Friendship is the most valuable as well as precious gifts of life. Friendship is one of the most valued relationship. People who have good friends enjoy the most in their live. True friendship is based on loyalty & support. A good friend is a person who will stand with you when times are tough. A friend is someone special on whom you can rely on to celebrate a special moment. Friendship is like a life asset and it can lead us to success. It all depends on our choice how we choose our friends.

The quality of friendship is essential for happiness. The benefits of healthy friendship remains long-life. In addition, having a strong friend circle also improves our self-confidence. Due to the strong relationship, we get much emotional support during our bad times. True friendship is a feeling of love & care.

Real friendship cannot be built within limited boundaries like caste or creed. It gives us a feeling that someone really needs us & we are not alone. This is true that man cannot live alone. True friends are needed in every stage of life to survive. A true friend can be an old person or a child. But it is generally believed that we make friend with people who are of the same age as ours. Same age group can give you the freedom to share anything.

The selection of a true friend is also a challenging task. We have to carefully make our friend selection. Friends might come & go. They will make you laugh & cry. Wrong selection can create various problems for you. In the modern world, many youngsters become a social nuisance. The reason behind it is wrong & bad friendships.

But if we successfully choose the right person as a friend then our life becomes easier. It doesn’t matter who you are, what type of clothes you wear. The most important thing is trust because the relation of friendship stands on the pillars of trust.

Friendship is a relation which can make or break us in every stage of life. But in other words, friendship is an asset which is really precious. Obviously, it is also not so easy to maintain friendships. It demands your time as well as efforts. Last but not the least, it is hard to find true friendship but once you succeed in this task you will have a wonderful time. In exchange for that a friend will only need your valuable time and trust.

The idea of friendship is either heartwarming or gives cold feet depending on individuals and the types of friendships. In the current world, friendships have had different definitions based on the morality and civilization of the society. Ideally, friendship is defined as the state of mutual trust between individuals or parties. Trust is an important component of friendship because it determines the reliability and longevity of the friendship. Trust is built through honest communications between the individuals and interested parties.

Once trust has been established, mutual understanding and support being to form the resulting in a friendship. This friendship can be broken through lack of trust. Trust can be breached through deceit and/ or some people, it differs with the frequencies. There are people who will break friendships after only one episode of dishonesty whereas some people give second chances and even more chances. Friendship types determine the longevity and the causes of breakups. The importance of friendship in the lives of individuals is the reason why friendships are formed in the first place.

Types of Friendships:

According to Aristotle’s Nichomachean ethics, there are three types of friendships. The friendships are based on three factors i.e. utility, pleasure and goodness. The first type of friendship is based on utility and has been described as a friendship whereby both parties gain from each other.

This type of friendship is dependent on the benefits and that is what keeps the friendship going. This type of friendships do not last long because it dissolves as soon as the benefits are outsourced or when other sources are found outside the friendship. The friendship was invented for trade purposes because when two people with opposite things that depend on each other re put together, trade is maximized.

The second type of friendship is based on pleasure. This is described as friendship in which two individuals are drawn to each other based on desires of pleasure and is characterized by passionate feelings and feelings of belonging. This type of friendship can ether last long or is short-lived depending on the presence of the attraction between the two parties.

The third type of friendship is based on goodness. In this friendship, the goodness of people draw them to each other and they usually have the same virtues. The friendship involves loving each other and expecting goodness. It takes long to develop this kind of friendship but it usually lasts longest and is actually the best kind of friendship to be in. the importance of such a friendship is the social support and love.

In conclusion, friendships are important in the lives of individuals. Trust builds and sustains friendships. The different types of friendships are important because they provide benefits and social support. Friendships provide a feeling of belonging and dependence. The durability of friendships is dependent on the basis of its formation and the intention during the formation. Friendships that last long are not based on materialistic gain, instead, they are based on pure emotion.

Friendship is an emotion of care, mutual trust, and fondness among two persons. A friend might be a work-mate, buddy, fellow student or any individual with whom we feel an attachment.

In friendship, people have a mutual exchange of sentiments and faith too. Usually, the friendship nurtures more amongst those people who belong to a similar age as they possess the same passions, interests, sentiments, and opinions. During the school days, kids who belong to the similar age group have a common dream about their future and this makes them all of them get closer in friendship.

In the same way, employees working in business organizations also make friends as they are working together for attaining the organizational objectives. It does not matter that to which age group you belong, friendship can happen at any time of your life.

Benefits of Friendship:

Sometimes friendship is essential in our life. Below are a few benefits of friendship.

1. It’s impossible to live your life alone always but friendship fills that gap quickly with the friend’s company.

2. You can easily pass the rigidities of life with the friendship as in your distress period your friends are always there to help you.

3. Friendship teaches you how to remain happy in life.

4. In case of any confusion or problem, your friendship will always benefit you with good opinions.

True and Dishonest Friendship:

True friendship is very rare in today’s times. There are so many persons who support only those people who are in power so that they can fulfil their selfish motives below the name of friendship. They stay with friends till the time their selfish requirements are achieved. Dishonest friends leave people as soon as their power gets vanished. You can find these types of self-seeking friends all around the world who are quite hurtful than enemies.

Finding a true friendship is very difficult. A true friend helps the other friend who is in need. It does not matter to him that his friend is right or wrong but he will always support his friend at the time of his difficulty.

Carefulness in the Selection of Friendship:

You must be very careful while choosing friends. You should nurture your friendship with that person who does not leave you in your bad times easily. Once you get emotionally attached to the wrong person you cannot finish your friendship so soon. True friendship continues till the time of your last breaths and does not change with the passing time.

Friendship with a bad person also affects your own thoughts and habits. Therefore, a bad person should not be chosen in any type of circumstances. We must do friendship with full attention and carefulness.

Best Qualities of Good Friendship:

Good friendship provides people an enormous love to each other.

The below are the important qualities of good friendship:

1. Good friendship is always faithful, honest, and truthful.

2. People pay attention and take note of others thoughts in good friendship.

3. Persons quickly forget and let off the mistakes of the other friend. In fact, they accept their friend in the way they are actually.

4. You are not judged on the basis of your success, money or power in it.

5. Friends do not feel shy to provide us with valuable opinions for our welfare.

6. People always share their joyful times with their good friends and also stay ready to help their friends in the time of need.

7. True friends also support others in their professional as well as personal life. They encourage their friends in the area of their interest.

Friendship is established over the sacrifice, love, faith, and concern of mutual benefit. True Friendship is a support and a blessing for everybody. All those males and females who have true and genuine friends are very lucky really.

Friendship can simply be defined as a form of mutual relationship or understanding between two people or more who interact and are attached to one another in a manner that is friendly. A friendship is a serious relationship of devotion between two or more people where people involved have a true and sincere feeling of affection, care and love towards each other devoid of any misunderstanding and without demands.

Primarily friendship happens between people that have the same sentiments, feelings and tastes. It is believed that there is no limit or criteria for friendship. All of the different creed, religion, caste, position, sex and age do not matter when it comes to friendship even though friendships can sometimes be damaged by economic disparity and other forms of differentiation. From all of these, it can be concluded that real and true friendship is very possible between people that have a uniform status and are like-minded.

A lot of friends we have in the world today only remain together in times of prosperity and absence of problems but only the faithful, sincere and true friends remain all through the troubles, times of hardships and our bad times. We only discover who our bad and good friends are in the times where we don’t have things going our way.

Most people want to be friends with people with money and we can’t really know if our friends are true when we have money and do not need their help, we only discover our true friends when we need their help in terms of money or any other form of support. A lot of friendships have been jeopardised because of money and the absence or presence of it.

Sometimes, we might face difficulty or crises in our friendships because of self-respect and ego. Friendships can be affected by us or others and we need to try to strike a balance in our friendships. For our friendship to prosper and be true, we need satisfaction, proper understanding and a trustworthy nature. As true friends, we should never exploit our friends but instead do our utmost best to motivate and support them in doing and attaining the very best things in life.

The true meaning of friendship is sometimes lost because of encounters with fake friends who have used and exploited us for their own personal benefits. People like this tend to end the friendship once they get what they want or stab their supposed friends in the back just to get what they think is best for them. Friendship is a very good thing that can help meet our need for companionship and other emotional needs.

In the world we live in today, it is extremely difficult to come across good and loyal friends and this daunting task isn’t made any easier by the lie and deceit of a lot of people in this generation. So, when one finds a very good and loyal important, it is like finding gold and one should do everything to keep friends like that.

The pursuit of true friendship Is not limited to humans, we can as well find good friends in animals; for example, it is a popular belief that dogs make the best friends. It is very important to have good friends as they help us in times and situations where we are down and facing difficulties. Our true friends always do their best to save us when we are in danger and also provide us with timely and good advice. True friends are priceless assets in our lives, they share our pains and sorrow, help provide relief to us in terrible situations and do their best to make us happy.

Friends can both be the good or the bad types. Good friends help push us on the right path in life while on the other hand, bad friends don’t care about us but only care about themselves and can lead us into the wrong path; because of this, we have to be absolutely careful when choosing our friends in this life.

Bad friends can ruin our lives completely so we have to be weary of them and do our best to avoid bag friends totally. We need friends in our life that will be there for us at every point in time and will share all of our feeling with us, both the good and bad. We need friends we can talk to anytime we are feeling lonely, friends that will make us laugh and smile anytime we are feeling sad.

What is friendship? It is the purest form of relationship between two individual with no hidden agenda. As per the dictionary, it is the mutual affection between people. But, is it just a mutual affection? Not always, as in the case of best friends, it is far beyond that. Great friends share each other’s feelings or notions which bring a feeling of prosperity and mental fulfillment.

A friend is a person whom one can know deeply, as and trust for eternity. Rather than having some likeness in the idea of two people associated with the friendship, they have some extraordinary qualities yet they want to be with each other without changing their uniqueness. By and large, friends spur each other without censuring, however at times great friends scrutinize do affect you in a positive manner.

Importance of Friendship:

It is very important to have a friend in life. Each friend is vital and their significance in known to us when certain circumstances emerge which must be supported by our friends. One can never feel lonely in this world on the off chance that he or she is embraced by true friends. Then again, depression wins in the lives of the individuals who don’t have friends regardless of billions of individuals present on the planet. Friends are particularly vital amid times of emergency and hardships. On the off chance that you wind up experiencing a hard time, having a friend to help you through can make the change simpler.

Having friends you can depend on can help your confidence. Then again, an absence of friends can make you feel lonely and without help, which makes you powerless for different issues, for example, sadness and drug abuse. Having no less than one individual you can depend on will formulate your confidence.

Choosing Your Friends Wisely:

Not all friends can instill the positivity in your life. There can be negative effects as well. It is very important to choose your friends with utmost wisdom. Picking the right friend is somewhat troublesome task however it is extremely important. In the event that for instance a couple of our dear friends are engaged with negative behaviour patterns, for example, smoking, drinking and taking drugs, at some point or another we will be attracted to their bad habits as well. This is the reason behind why it is appropriate to settle on an appropriate decision with regards to making friends.

Genuine friendship is truly a gift delighted in by a couple. The individuals who have it ought to express gratitude toward God for having genuine pearls in their lives and the individuals who don’t have a couple of good friends ought to always take a stab at better approaches to anchor great friends. No organization is superior to having a friend close by in the midst of need. You will stay cheerful in your one-room flat on the off chance that you are surrounded by your friends; then again, you can’t discover satisfaction even in your estate in the event that you are far away from others.

Types of Friends:

There is variety everywhere, so why not in friends. We can see different types of friends during our journey of life. For instance, your best friend at school is someone with whom you just get along the most. That friend, especially in the case of girls, may just get annoyed even if you talk to another of your friend more than her. Such is the childish nature of such friendships that at times it is difficult for others to identify whether you are best friends or competitors.

Then there is another category of your siblings. No matter how much you deny, but your siblings or your elder brother and sisters are those friends of yours who stay on with you for your entire life. You have a different set of friendship with them as you find yourself fighting with them most of the times. However, in times of need, you shall see that they are first ones standing behind you, supporting you.

There is another category of friends called professional friends. You come across such friends only when you grow up and choose a profession for yourself. These friends are usually from the same organisation and prove to be helpful during your settling years. Some of them tend to stay on with you even when you change companies.

Friendship Examples from History:

History has always taught us a lot. Examples of true friendship are not far behind. We have some famous example from history which makes us realise the true value of friendship. The topmost of them are the Krishna and Sudama friendship. We all must have read or heard as to how after becoming a king when Krishna met Sudama, his childhood friend, he treated him with honour even though Sudama was a poor person. It teaches us the friendship need not be between equals. It has to be between likeminded people. Next example is of Karna and Duryodhana, again from the Mahabharat era.

Despite knowing the fact that the Pandavas were his brothers, Karna went on to fight alongside Duryodhan as he is his best friend and even laid down his life for him. What more example of true friendship can one find? Again from the same era, Krishna and Arjun are also referred to as the best of the friends. Bhagavad Gita is an example of how a true friend can guide you towards positivity in life and make you follow the path of Dharma. Similarly, there are numerous examples from history which teach us the values of true friendship and the need to nourish such for own good.

Whether you accept or deny it, a friend plays an important role in your life. In fact, it is very important to have a friend. However, at the same time, it is extremely important to choose the friends wisely as they are the ones who can build you or destroy you. Nonetheless, a friend’s company is something which one enjoys all through life and friends should be treated as the best treasure a man can have.

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  • Writing Essay on Friendship: 3 Samples to Get Inspired

When in school or college, you won’t escape the task of writing an essay on friendship. It’s a paper revealing the power of having friends and reflecting on the corresponding values.

It seems easy to write. You craft a narrative about your mates, explaining what they mean to you. And yet, it’s an academic paper. So, some rules are still here on how to structure and format it.

In this article, you’ll find three samples of different essays on friendship. Feel free to use them to get inspired and better understand this paper’s nature and purpose.

Let’s answer all the questions related to friendship essays together!

What Is an Essay on Friendship?

First, the definition:

An essay on friendship is a short academic paper students write to express their thoughts and reflections on the topic.

The purpose is to:

  • explore the phenomenon;
  • understand what it means to you;
  • realize the significance of having close people nearby;
  • reveal the pros and cons of committing to a friendship;
  • reflect on how friendship can help our wellness.

Friendship essays aren’t about “my friends and I” topics only. You can write about the role of friendship for mental health, craft an expository essay explaining the topic, or build a reflective essay on what friendship means to you.

Friendship Essay Structure


Friendship essays have a standard structure of academic papers. They are short and consist of three parts:

  • Introduction about friendship
  • Paragraph about friendship
  • Friendship essay conclusion

In the intro, you start with an attention grabber. Feel free to use a quote, a surprising fact, or an anecdote. Introduce the topic and finish with thesis statements about friendship.

In a friendship paragraph, you support a thesis with facts, evidence, personal stories, etc. As a rule, essay bodies have three paragraphs minimum. So you can devote each paragraph to one aspect :

  • Definition of this concept 
  • Why having friends is essential
  • What a friend can give you
  • Types of friendship  
  • Challenges mates meet on their way  
  • Characteristics of a good friend  
  • How to strengthen a friendship, etc. 

In the essay body, you can use stories and examples from your life to illustrate points. Tell about your friends and share personal thoughts — it will make your paper more compelling to read.

In the concluding paragraph, sum up the points and restate your thesis. Finish on a positive note, leaving readers with the food for thought.

Easier said than done, huh?

Below are three samples of friendship essays for you to see what they look like and how they sound.

3 Samples to Help You Write an Essay About Friendship

While Ralph Waldo Emerson friendship essay (1) is the top example of the paper on this topic, we’ll go further and provide several NEW samples.

Please check:

Short Essay on Friendship

This sample is perfect for high school students. As a rule, teachers ask them to write 150-200-word essays. The task is to describe concepts or things the way they understand them.


Narrative Essay on Friendship

Narrative essays are more about personal stories. Here, you can tell about your friends, include dialogues , and sound less academic.

500 Words Essay Sample on Importance of Friendship

Over to You

Now, you have three samples and know how to structure this paper. Ready to write yours?

Let’s begin with the “Why is friendship important?” essay — and you’ll see that it’s not super challenging to craft. Be honest, share your thoughts, and don’t hesitate to write personal reflections on the topic.

Still don’t know how to start your essay on friendship? Our writers are here to help. 


  • https://archive.vcu.edu/english/engweb/transcendentalism/authors/emerson/essays/friendship.html
  • Essay samples
  • Essay writing
  • Writing tips

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Essays About Best Friends: 5 Essay Examples and 7 Prompts

If you’re writing an essay and want to put your best friend in the spotlight, check out these essay examples on essays about best friends. 

Best friends are those with whom we have formed a deep and unique bond. What makes them remarkably special is that we chose them unlike with family. For this, some even consider their best friends to be extensions of themselves. 

We all trust our best friends wholeheartedly; that’s why they are the best people to confide in. And many of the lasting memories in our lives are those that we create with them. These memories could be filled with waves of boisterous laughter or even the most piercing pain when your friendship is tested.

Read on and find essay examples and prompts that could motivate you to write about best friends.


5 Essay Examples

1. how friendships change in adulthood by julie beck, 2. diamonds are not this girl’s best friend by courtney carver, 3. how to tell your best friend you’re in love with them – by those who have taken the plunge by sirin kale, 4. my best friend died: a real-life guide to coping by gabrielle applebury, 5. is it normal to not have a best friend by viktor sander, 7 helpful writing prompts on essays about best friends, 1. describe your best friend, 2. hanging out with your best friend , 3. long distance friendship, 4. cutting off toxic best friends, 5. falling in love with your best friend, 6. famous literary friendships, 7. a dog is a man’s best friend.

“Hanging out with a set of lifelong best friends can be annoying, because the years of inside jokes and references often make their communication unintelligible to outsiders. But this sort of shared language is part of what makes friendships last.”

The above essay delves into the evolution of friendship throughout the different stages of our lives, from childhood and teen years to family life and retirement. While we have all deferred a meetup with friends several times to attend to family and work, many people still treat their friendship as stable and continuous, even in long lapses in communication. 

You might also find these essays about camping trips helpful.

“My best friend is a magical, rooftop sunrise. My best friend is the ocean. My best friend is a hike in the mountains. My best friend is a peaceful afternoon. My best friend is a really good book. My best friend is laughter. My best friend is seeing the world. My best friend is time with people I love.”

This essay takes on a broader definition of a “best friend,” deriving from Marilyn Monroe’s famous quote: “Diamond are a girl’s best friend.” From having excessive material wants for every occasion, the author realizes that the greatest “friends” in life are not material things but the simple joys that nature and love can bring.

“It was supposed to go the way things do in the movies. Nora would tell her best friend that she loved him, he would feel the same way and then they would kiss – preferably in the rain. So when the 30-year-old arts manager declared her love for her best friend when they were still teenagers, she expected a happy ending.”

Check out these essays about beauty .

The essay by Srirn Kale treats its readers to compelling stories of best friends ending up in marriage and those parting ways because of unrequited love. But, before taking the bold step of declaring your love for your best friend, a relationship guru advises lovers first to read the signs that signal any reciprocity of these deep feelings. 

“Losing a best friend may be one of the most difficult and heartbreaking experiences you have in your lifetime. If you aren’t sure how to process that your best friend died, know that there are many healthy options when it comes to coping with this type of loss.”

Coping with losing a best friend could lead to depression or even suicidal thoughts, especially if your best friend means the world to you. Some coping tips include journaling your grieving process to understand your emotions and confusion better and doing things that can relive your best friend’s memories. 

“If you are happy with the friends you currently have, there’s no need to try making a best friend for the sake of it. You might have friends but no best friend; that’s perfectly OK. It’s not necessary to have a BFF.” 

Not everyone has a best friend. Some would find this fact hard to believe, but a YouGov survey has shown that 1 in 5 of the US population claims to have no close friends. The essay, therefore, explores the reasons for this friendlessness and gives tips on building a bond with potential best friends, starting with your existing circle of acquaintances.

Check out our top writing prompts to help you celebrate and write about best friends.

Essays About Best Friends: Describe your best friend

Begin this essay by describing what your best friend looks like and what traits you like most about them. Then, given these qualities, would you consider your best friend a role model? Your essay can also answer how similar you and your best friend are and what things you both agree on. But if you have more differences than similarities, write how you deal with them or put them aside.

In this essay, describe your favorite ways to hang out with your best friend. What do you like doing together? Describe what a day spent with your best friend looks like and which part you like most about your dates. If your conversations draw your mutual admiration for each other, then talk about what topics make you talk for hours on end and their perspectives on things that you find fascinating.

Do different time zones make friends grow apart? Or does distance make the heart grow fonder? First, interview two to three people whose best friends moved to a different country or city. Next, learn how frequently they communicate with each other. Finally, compile these stories and make a smooth transition to each one such that the structure highlights the challenges of long-distance friendships and how each set of friends gets by. 

Discarding best friends is a hard decision. But it is also brave if you feel they are dragging you down. For this prompt, you can pose a list of questions readers can ask themselves to grasp the situation better. For example, is your friend doing you more harm than good? Have you set boundaries that they find hard to respect? Then, explain how reflecting on each question can help one determine when it is time to cut some ties loose.

Falling in love with your best friend can only end in two scenarios: a happy ever after or an end of a beautiful relationship. Expanding on our essay prompt above, list down more tips to know when it is best to confront your best friend about your feelings or work hard to quash your emotions for the continuity of the relationship.

Pick out best friends from novels that formed friendships that touched you the most. They could be Harry, Ron, Hermoine of Harry Potter, Frodo, Sam of the Lord Of The Rings, or even Sherlock and Watson From The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes. First, describe what it is in their friendship that you find most riveting. Then, narrate events that served as the biggest tests to their friendships and how they conquered these challenges. 

What about dogs that some people find more lovable than others? Answer this in your essay by outlining the traits that make a dog the ideal best friend. For one, their loyalty makes us confident that they will not betray us. If you have a dog, write about the qualities that make your dog a reliable and fun companion. Then, narrate events when your dog proved to be your best friend. 

If you’re still stuck, check out our general resource of essay writing topics . 

If you want to ensure that your thoughts flow smoothly in your essay, check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays .

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Essay on Friendship

essay on friendship

Here we have shared the Essay on Friendship in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Friendship in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Friendship in 150 words

Essay on friendship in 250-300 words, essay on friendship in 500-1000 words.

Friendship is a cherished bond that brings joy, support, and companionship into our lives. It is based on trust, understanding, and shared experiences. True friends offer comfort and a sense of belonging.

Friends play a significant role in our lives. They celebrate our successes, provide support during tough times, and make our journey more enjoyable. Through friendships, we learn, grow, and gain new perspectives. Friends inspire us and motivate us to become better versions of ourselves.

Maintaining friendships requires effort and commitment. It involves mutual respect, trust, and open communication. Quality time spent together strengthens the bond.

In a fast-paced world, friendships are invaluable. They offer love, acceptance, and understanding. True friends stand by us, providing support and making life more meaningful.

In conclusion, friendship is a precious gift that enriches our lives. It brings happiness, support, and a sense of belonging. Nurturing and cherishing friendships is essential for our well-being and happiness.

Friendship is a beautiful bond that brings joy, support, and companionship into our lives. It is a connection built on trust, mutual understanding, and shared experiences. True friendship goes beyond superficial interactions and offers a deep sense of comfort and belonging.

Friends play a significant role in our lives. They are there to celebrate our successes, lend a listening ear during challenging times, and provide a support system that helps us navigate the ups and downs of life. Friends bring laughter, happiness, and emotional support, making our journey more enjoyable and meaningful.

Friendship also allows us to learn and grow. Through our interactions with friends, we gain new perspectives, broaden our horizons, and develop important life skills such as empathy, communication, and compromise. Friends inspire us to be better versions of ourselves and provide a sense of motivation and encouragement.

Maintaining and nurturing friendships require effort and commitment. It involves mutual respect, trust, and open communication. Spending quality time together, sharing experiences, and being there for each other strengthens the bond of friendship.

In a fast-paced and often lonely world, friendships are invaluable. They provide a sense of belonging, happiness, and a support network that enriches our lives. True friends stand by us through thick and thin, offering love, acceptance, and understanding. They are the pillars of support who make life’s journey more meaningful and enjoyable.

In conclusion, friendship is a precious gift that adds immense value to our lives. It is a connection built on trust, understanding, and shared experiences. Friends offer support, laughter, and companionship, making our lives more fulfilling. Nurturing and cherishing friendships is essential for our well-being and happiness.

Title: Friendship – The Essence of True Connection


Friendship is a unique and valuable bond that enriches our lives with joy, support, and companionship. It is a connection that goes beyond mere acquaintanceship, rooted in trust, understanding, and shared experiences. This essay explores the significance of friendship, its qualities, the benefits it brings, and the ways to nurture and cherish these precious relationships.

The Meaning of Friendship

Friendship is a deep and meaningful relationship between individuals characterized by mutual affection, trust, and empathy. It is a bond that offers companionship, understanding, and support in both good times and bad. True friendship is built on honesty, respect, and genuine care for one another.

Qualities of True Friendship

True friendships possess several key qualities. Trust is paramount, as friends confide in each other without fear of judgment or betrayal. Mutual understanding allows friends to empathize and provide emotional support. Respect is essential, as friends accept and appreciate each other’s individuality. Loyalty ensures that friends stand by one another through thick and thin. Communication is vital for maintaining open and honest dialogue, fostering a strong and lasting connection.

Benefits of Friendship

Friendship brings numerous benefits to our lives. Emotional support from friends helps us cope with challenges, reduces stress, and boosts our mental well-being. Friends offer a safe space for sharing thoughts, feelings, and experiences, providing a sense of comfort and validation. They provide a support network during difficult times, lending a listening ear and offering guidance. Friends also bring joy, laughter, and fun into our lives, creating cherished memories and experiences.

Nurturing and Cherishing Friendships

To foster and maintain strong friendships, it is essential to invest time and effort. Regular communication and quality time spent together strengthen the bond. Active listening and empathy are crucial, allowing friends to truly understand and support one another. Celebrating each other’s successes and offering support during challenges cultivates a sense of solidarity. Honesty and transparency build trust, ensuring a foundation of authenticity in the relationship. Respecting boundaries and accepting differences helps sustain harmony within friendships.

The Role of Friendship in Personal Growth

Friendship plays a significant role in personal growth and development. Friends offer different perspectives, expanding our horizons and challenging our beliefs. They provide constructive feedback, helping us improve and grow as individuals. Through shared experiences, we learn valuable life lessons and acquire new skills. Friends inspire us to pursue our passions, push our boundaries, and achieve our goals. Their support and encouragement fuel our motivation and self-confidence.

Types of Friendship

Friendships come in various forms, ranging from childhood friends to work colleagues, from online companions to lifelong confidants. Each type of friendship brings unique dynamics and contributes to our personal growth and well-being.

Conclusion :

Friendship is a precious and invaluable connection that enhances our lives in countless ways. It offers companionship, support, and a sense of belonging. True friends stand by us through thick and thin, celebrating our successes and providing comfort during difficult times. Nurturing and cherishing friendships require effort, empathy, and open communication. By investing in these relationships, we create a support system that enriches our lives and helps us grow as individuals. Friendship is a gift that brings joy, love, and understanding, making life’s journey more meaningful and fulfilling.

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How to Write a Friendship Essay

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A friendship essay is precisely what it sounds like: a paper that students write to describe their relationships with their mates.  It is among the many assignments that students are given in their college institutions.  Writing essays about friendship is a great way to analyze what the connection means to you and reflect on some of your encounters. It can also be used as a tool to improve your closeness and affection. This blog post offers tips you may consider while writing your paper and its outline. It features friendship essay examples that help generate ideas that form the primary focus of your paper.  If you are not ready to waste your time on essay writing, StudyCrumb is here to offer affordable prices and professional writers.

What Is a Friendship Essay?

The definition of friendship essay is quite clear and straightforward. A paper about friends can be described as a write-up on a relationship between two or more people. This interpretation makes it easier to obtain the meaning of friendship essay.  Writing such thematic essay will help you communicate your feelings as well as your thoughts. It allows you to recollect your memories about different encounters you have had in life. It will also help you evaluate qualities of your connection.  While writing, you may have a sequence of events starting from your meet-up, activities you have done together, and how you have sustained the connection. Preparing an essay about friendship can evoke memories from your past that may have been long forgotten.

Purpose of an Essay on Friendship

This kind of essay aims to help you explore its nature and form, its pros and cons, and its role in your life. The importance of friendship essay is that it acts as a reflective tool. It helps you realize the significance of creating and maintaining good relationships with friends. It also explains how these connections contribute to your overall wellness. In addition, an article about friendship may teach you to understand that true friendship is priceless and should stand the test of time.

Ideas to Write a Friendship Essay on

Writing essays about friendship is a more manageable task than drafting a paper about a topic that may require more detailed research. Any excellent essay about true friendship starts with an idea that you can examine.  Below are some unique ideas you can explore:

  • What is friendship?
  • What does friendship mean to me?
  • The value of friendship you cherish in your life.
  • Cross-cultural friendships.
  • The role of friendship in mental health maintenance.

As you reflect on your relationship with your friend, see if you can write a paper incorporating these themes. Remember to choose an idea that interests you and is relevant to your personal experiences or research. Be sure to support your arguments with evidence and examples from real-life situations, literature, or academic research. Look through our definition essay topics or persuasive essay ideas to find a theme that suits your task best.

Friendship Essay Outline

An essay outline about friendship is a summary of what your write-up will contain but in a less detailed format. You use it to organize and structure your content logically and effectively. It presents the main topics and subtopics hierarchically, allowing writers to see the connection between different parts of the material. The importance of an outline lies in its ability to help writers plan, organize, as well as clarify their ideas. This makes the writing of an essay about friends more efficient, and the final product is more coherent and effective. Here is an example of an outline for a friendship essay.

  • Briefly introduce the topic of friendship
  • Provide a thesis statement that summarizes the main points of the essay
  • Topic sentence
  • Your main argument
  • Real-life examples that support your key idea
  • Supporting evidence
  • 3rd Body Paragraph
  • Examples or recommendations
  • Summarize the main points
  • Provide some food for thought

Note that this is a general outline. The exact structure and content of your essay will depend on the specific requirements of your assignment and your personal interests.

Structure of a Friendship Essay

The structure of an essay on friendship typically includes the following three parts.

  • Introduction An introduction should grab the reader's attention and provide background information. It should also include a clear thesis statement that sets a path and direction of the friendship essays.
  • Body The essay's body is where you will provide evidence and details to underpin your thesis statement. It should consist of several paragraphs supporting and developing a statement of purpose. Each paragraph should focus on a specific aspect of your friendliness, such as its importance, benefits, or challenges.
  • Conclusion Briefly summarize the essay's main points and reinforce your principal argument. The conclusion should leave a lasting impression on readers and emphasize your topic's significance. Overall, the structure should be clear and well-organized, allowing the audience to follow your argument and understand the topic's significance.

Friendship Essay Introduction

A good introduction about friendship essay should grab the reader's attention and encourage them to continue reading. This can be achieved through a " hook ," a quote, an interesting fact, or a thought-provoking question. Background information can then be provided to give context to the discussed topic.  The introduction to an essay about friendship should also clearly state your main point or argument of the piece, known as thesis statement. This sets pace for the rest of the paper and gives readers a clear view of what to expect. A friendship essay introduction should be concise, engaging, and provide context for the audience to understand the content fully.

Read more: How to Start off an Essay

Friendship Essay Introduction Example

Here is an example of a friendship essay introduction that sets the stage for a reflective and thought-provoking exploration of the most precious gift in life.

Friendship is a special bond that unites two individuals with common interests, experiences, and emotions. It makes life easier and contributes to our happiness. It is a relationship that transcends race, religion, and socio-economic status and has power to sustain and uplift the spirit of humans. In this essay, I will explore its benefits and how it can contribute to a better world. Through personal anecdotes, I will illustrate the bond's depth and role in our day-to-day lives.

Friendship Essay Thesis Statement

The friendship thesis statement aims to provide a summary of the essay's main point. It can be one or two sentences which you develop as you research. The statement of purpose should focus on the central argument and be supported by evidence presented in the body. The thesis statement about friendship should guide the essay's structure. Its main objective is to provide your reader with a roadmap to follow. It should be specific, concise, and accurately reflect the content in your paper. Understanding what constitutes a strong thesis is crucial for writers as it is integral to every essay writing process.

Friendship Thesis Statement Example

The thesis statement must be clear to readers so that they may quickly recognize it and comprehend the paper's significance. It should act as a blueprint of what to expect. A friendship thesis statement sample could be:

In this essay, I will explore friendship's meaning, its importance, benefits, drawbacks, and how it can contribute to a better world. Through a series of personal anecdotes, I will illustrate the bond's depth and its key role in our lives.

Friendship Essay Body

The body part should include five or more paragraphs. Students will use body paragraphs to elaborate on the key factors that make their connection special.

  • Definition and explanation. This friendship body paragraph should start with a definition and a brief explanation of its characteristics and qualities.
  • Importance of friends. Discuss why it is vital in your life and how it contributes to personal growth and welfare.
  • Types of friendships. A paragraph about friendship should discuss different types of friend's relationships that exist.
  • Qualities of a good friend. Discuss standards a great confidant should possess.
  • Challenges. Discuss the common problems that friends face.
  • Ways to strengthen friendship. Provide tips on reinforcing and maintaining good relationships.
  • Conclusion. Sum up the key points made in your essay and reiterate the importance of genuine bonds in life.

Friendship Body Paragraph Example

Below is a friendship body paragraph sample.

How to Spend Free Time with Friends • Outdoor Activities. Spending time in nature is a great way to bond with friends. You can meet, then go for a hike, take a walk, or go to a picnic in a park. This allows you to connect and enjoy the beautiful world around you. • Movie Night. Watching a movie is another fun activity you can do with friends. You can share popcorn, grab snacks, and enjoy a movie together. This is a great way to relax and unwind. • Board Games. Playing board games with friends is a fun and interactive way to spend free time. You can play classic games like Monopoly. This is a great way to challenge each other and have a good time.

Friendship Essay Conclusion

Any conclusion on a friendship essay should sum up the main ideas discussed in your essay and restate the thesis statement. It should leave a lasting impression and provide a closure to your topic. To start writing a conclusion about a friendship essay, commence by rephrasing the thesis statement in different words. Summarize the points discussed in your essay by connecting them back to your statement of purpose. End conclusion with a final thought or call to action that leaves a lasting impression on your reader.  It is vital to keep it concise yet impactful. Avoid introducing new information or arguments, as it can confuse readers. Instead, focus on tying up loose ends and emphasizing main ideas discussed in your essay.

Read more: How to Conclude an Essay

Friendship Essay Conclusion Sample

Here is an example of a friendship essay conclusion:

In conclusion, friendship is an essential aspect of our lives that brings joy, support, and companionship. It is a relationship built on mutual trust, understanding, and love. A true friend will always be there for you, no matter what. As humans, we need sincere friends to help us navigate life's ups and downs and provide emotional support. An understanding friend can withstand any obstacle and bring happiness to our lives. The connection is meant to last a lifetime, whether through shared experiences, interests, or simply a common bond. Ultimately, having a close group of loyal friends who truly care for us is one of the greatest gifts we can receive in life.

How to Write an Essay on Friendship?

To write an essay about friendship, start by brainstorming ideas about what friends mean to you and the benefits of such kinds of relationships. Knowing how to write a good essay about friendship involves selecting a great topic and arranging your content in a manner that has logical flow.

1. Come Up With a Topic About Friendship

To brainstorm essay topics on friendship, consider the following.

  • Reflect on your own experiences. Think about your own bonds and encounters you have had with allies. Avoid bad occurrences. This can inspire topics to explore in your essay. To find a subject that interests you, you can also look through internet examples of friend essays.
  • Ask questions related to friends, such as "What makes a meaningful connection?" or "How does the quality of your bond change over time?"
  • Talk to others. Ask friends, family, or classmates about their experiences. They may have interesting insights that can inspire new topics for your essay.

Ensure that topic you select is appropriate for your report style. For example: 

The Day my Best Friend Changed My Life.

You can start this topic by how you met, narrate your story, and then pick out some attributes of a good friend and the advantages of the relationship. Remember to choose a topic on friendship essay that you feel passionate about and can explore in depth in your essay.

2. Do Research

To research and collect information for the friend essay, follow these steps.

  • Start with a general search. Use search engines like Google to find articles, books, and other resources on affection.
  • Identify keywords. Determine the most relevant keywords for your essay, such as "essay about a friend." Use them in your search to narrow down results to the most pertinent information.
  • Evaluate sources. When you have a list of potential sources, evaluate each to determine their credibility and relevance. Look for sources that are written by experts in the field and that have been peer-reviewed or published in reputable journals.
  • Take notes. As you read, take notes on the most important and relevant information.

3. Develop a Friendship Essay Outline

An outline is a useful tool for organizing ideas in an essay and it ensures that your essay has a structure. Before outlining you need to have a clear vision of what your essay will focus on. Then analyze every piece of information that you have and categorize it into headings. An outline of an essay about friendships will comprise a list which consists of each paragraph’s topic sentence . By going through the outline, you are able to examine what purpose each paragraph serves. If you need assistance on how to create an outline for a college essay about friendship use the outline example shown below.

Friendship essay outline example

4. Write an Essay on Friendship

Writing an essay about friendship is an exciting task. Below is a sample of how you can write your friendship essay. Friendship is the bond between two or more individuals based on mutual trust, support, and understanding. This connection can develop at any stage of life and even last a lifetime. It is a bond that fills our lives with comfort, laughter, and advice during a hard period. Many different factors can contribute to its formation and success. Having similar needs, mutual interests, and social activities can help sustain the relationship. Another crucial aspect is being ready to support each other through happy and difficult times unconditionally. Trust is also an essential component in the longevity of this connection. In conclusion, friendship is an invaluable treasure that brings joy, comfort, and support to our lives. It provides a safe place in a world that can be harsh and unforgiving. It reminds us that we should always stay true to each other.

5. Proofread Your Friendship Essay

When writing a friendship essay, consider the following for an effective introduction.

  • Grab your reader's attention. A good introduction makes them want to continue reading your friendship essay.
  • Provide context. Give an overview of the friendship essay and its purpose. This will make readers interested in your work.
  • Establish your purpose. Clearly state the main idea or thesis.
  • Preview the main points. Briefly summarize key points that will be covered.
  • Be concise. An introduction should be short and on point, generally no more than one or two paragraphs.

Remember, your introduction will set tone for the rest of your piece and should encourage your readers to continue reading.

Read more: Essay About Happiness : Tips & Examples

Friendship Essay Examples

A sample essay about friendship can be critical to students, especially when they are researching and collecting information. Free friendship essays help you get ideas on how to write and structure your essay. Below are essay examples about friendship that you can go through to help with your writing and draw inspiration from. Friendship essay example 1


Friendship essay example 2

Essay about friendship sample 3

Example of essay on friendship 4

Friendship Essay Writing Tips

Here are some extra tips you need to know that will motivate you to write a friendship short essay.

  • You could start with a quote, an anecdote, or a surprising fact.
  • Use examples from your own life to illustrate your points in your school college essay about friendship, as this will make your essay more relatable and interesting to read.
  • Friendship titles for essays should be clear and straightforward. They should also reflect your main points.
  • Describe the aspect of the bond that, in your opinion, is most crucial. It is possible to personalize something that means an entirely different thing to various individuals.

Bottom Line on Friendship Essay Writing

Your central task is to understand what is a friendship essay even before you start writing. Friendship essays explore the nature of our relationships and their various aspects. They can take various forms, from short reflective essays to longer, more analytical pieces. These papers can discuss qualities that make a good friend, the benefits of your relationship, or challenges of maintaining close relationships. Examples of short essays about friendship could be a personal reflection, exploring the unique bond between the writer and their friend and what they hope to continue gaining from each other when they cross paths in future. If you struggle with other papers, feel free to check out our writing guides. From an essay about bullying to a world peace essay , we’ve got you covered.

FAQ About Friendship Essay

1. may i use friendship quotes for the essay.

Yes, it is always a winning step. You can write an essay on friendship with quotes either as the title of your essay or as an introductory phrase. You can also include it in the body of your work while narrating your story.

2. How to write a hook for an essay of friendship?

An essay should hook your reader's attention and make them want to read your story. When writing essays about friendship, you can describe a unique situation in which your friends helped you. You can also end your introduction with a catchy quote, such as Squad goals! Some other quotes that you can use include:

  • A road to a friend's house is never long.
  • Count your age with friends and years.
  • True friend is seen through the heart, not through the eyes.

3. Explain the importance of friendship essay.

The importance of friendship essay is that it teaches students to express their thoughts and feelings about confidants and benefits they obtain from this connection. It also acts as a reflective tool. Friend essays also help students realize advantages of creating and maintaining good relationships with friends and how these linkages contribute to your overall wellness and welfare.


Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.

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Friendship Essay: Writing Guide & Topics on Friendship [New]

Assigned with an essay about friendship? Congrats! It’s one of the best tasks you could get. Digging through your memories and finding strong arguments for this paper can be an enjoyable experience.

I bet you will cope with this task effortlessly as we can help you with the assignment. Just use the essay topics on friendship and tips described below.

  • 🖊️ Writing Guide
  • 💡 50 Essay Topics
  • 💬 10 Witty Quotes

1. 🖊️ Friendship Essay: Writing Guide

If you’ve been given to write an essay about friendship, then you have accepted one of the best tasks. It can be challenging as it requires recollecting the memories associated with the friend. Also, it requires following a particular guideline.

  • Choose a topic

To start writing an essay on friendship, you need to choose a good topic. There are several things you need to keep in mind:

  • When writing an essay about friendship, make sure the topic you choose corresponds to the type of the paper (e.g., opinion or narrative essay );
  • The topic you choose needs to be enough to develop it in the essay. If your idea is too broad, you will not describe it sufficiently. If it’s too narrow, you will not have enough information to write about.
  • Find evidence

Research your topic. Use the available sources for searching for information, such as books, dictionaries, and internet sources. Find enough data to support your argument. Also, think about life experiences that can be used under this topic. An essay on friendship usually requires using personal examples as evidence.

  • Outline your essay

Think about the information you will include in different parts of the essay. Usually, such papers consist of an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

Introduction : A paragraph that includes any necessary background information and a thesis statement .

Body Paragraphs : Generally, essays include three separate body paragraphs. They present arguments and additional support individually.

Conclusion : The last paragraph that summarizes major points and restates the thesis statement.

  • Write and proofread

As you have your topic and outline ready, start writing your friendship essay. When you finish, carefully proofread. Double-check your spelling, the accuracy of the information, and grammar. Make sure to format your essay according to the guidelines.

Ask someone to help you revise the text: a person might notice mistakes you didn’t see. Another great way to revise your paper is by checking friendship essay examples to get inspired and see what you can improve in your writing.

2. ⛔ Essay on Friendship: 5 No-Nos

Writing an essay about friendship can seem less challenging than composing a paper on some uncommon topic. Yet, there are still mistakes that a student can make.

Check the following five taboos that you should avoid:

  • Avoid complaining. Some students use this task as their chance to complain about someone having betrayed them. Bad things happen. Move on and find better ideas to include in your friendship essay.
  • Avoid flattering. Another extreme to be avoided is singing the praises to someone. Even if you badly want to include something like ‘I was blessed to meet Tom who was my best friend ever,’ try to refrain from writing just that and add more exciting details instead to create some context and let your readers know exactly why and how was Tom such a great friend to you.
  • Don’t add too much drama. Focusing on how you can’t imagine your life without your friends from school you left is a bad idea.
  • Don’t be too negative. Sure, you are free to defend any position in this paper. Yet, teachers would like it better if your essay is optimistic (and you might be happier writing it too).
  • Don’t forget to include examples. Examples from your personal life and books will make your paper more sincere and persuasive.

3. 💡 50 Essay Topics on Friendship

Any excellent essay starts with an idea that you can explore in detail. We’ve prepared 50 writing prompts and topics to help you pick the perfect theme for your paper:

  • Three kinds of friendships, according to Aristotle. The philosopher pointed out that there are three different types of friendship: the friendship of utility, the friendship of pleasure, and virtuous friendship. Which one resonates with you? Why? 
  • Qualities of a true friend. People like seeing such character traits as loyalty, trustworthiness, and honesty in a best friend. But do all good friends have these qualities? Think of what makes a good friend. Describe the characteristics you like seeing in a person.
  • Is friendship relatable to love and vice versa? It’s suggested that any bond can develop into a romantic relationship. But, can romantic relationships transform into friendship? Write your opinion on the topic. 
  • The similarity of interests vs. compatibility of temperaments . Both are equally important in any relationship, and you can discuss this. Do you think that any of the factors play a more influential role in friendship? Why?
  • A friend to everyone is a friend to no one. How do you understand that phrase? Can such people be true friends?
  • The power of friendship. Having a genuine friendship is believed to reduce stress and anxiety and improve our self-esteem. Are there any other possible effects of this attachment? Describe them. Mention the effects of friendship on your life. 
  • Should you mix business and friendship? Working with your friends can be a pleasure or a liability. Do you think working with friends can positively influence your career? Why or why not? Or, maybe you believe that friends at a workplace can create a toxic situation?
  • Can you find good friends online ? Sometimes you may want to expand your social circle. One way to do so is to find a friend online. Share your opinion on whether it is possible to form true friendship online.
  • The need to have a friend. Having friends is an essential part of our lives. They motivate us to change and lift our spirits. What are other reasons to have a friend? Provide a personal example, if possible.
  • The most significant aspects of a friendship. Some people appreciate confidentiality or respect the most in a company. Name and describe the elements you appreciate in friendship.
  • An unexpected friendship. We all know that one person we didn’t like from the start but later became best friends. How did you meet them? What was your first impression? Are you still best friends? 
  • Friendship is a treasure. Do you think every person needs a true friend? Can friends be compared to treasures? Are real friends as hard to find as gold?
  • My best friend . Describe your best friend and their qualities. Reflect on your relationship. What impact did this friendship leave on your life?
  • Friendship with your parents. Some people suggest that being friends with their parents is wonderful. Others think it is nearly impossible. What’s your opinion on such a relationship with parents? Are you friends with them?
  • The psychological effect of a bad friendship. Friendship and social support are linked to the mental and physical well-being of people. But what about toxic friendship? What are its effects on a human’s health? Have you ever encountered it? How did you deal with it? 
  • Friendship in the age of social media.
  • Explain the destructive effect of jealousy on friendships and romantic relationships.
  • The importance of freedom in a relationship between friends.  
  • Three main views on the term “friend.”
  • Friendship concept in different cultures .
  • How friendly relationships improve employees’ performance.
  • Describe the positive impact of computer communication on people’s relationships.
  • Can friendship be destroyed by the lack of communication?
  • Why is friendship important?
  • Explain how you understand the statement that friendship is a two-way process.  
  • Is friendship between students necessary for a positive classroom atmosphere?
  • Discuss if children’s friendship is a necessary part of their healthy development.  
  • Resolving issues in friendship through interpersonal communication. 
  • Why any form of abuse can destroy friendly relationships.
  • Explore the theme of friendship in Recitatif by Toni Morrison .
  • Describe the concepts of friendship according to St. Augustine .
  • Is generosity important for a strong friendship?
  • Discuss the importance of friendly and loving relationships for a person’s mental health.
  • Compare Boethius and Dante’s ideas of friendship. 
  • Which type of friendship do you value the most?
  • Examine the friendship of Gilgamesh and Enkidu in the ancient Mesopotamian poem, The Epic of Gilgamesh .
  • How is the idea of friendship described in literary works? 
  • The role of childhood friendship in your life.  
  • Describe how your notion of friendship changed in a lifespan.  
  • Discuss the ways social media platforms put additional pressure on teens’ friendship.
  • Analyze the descriptions of friendship in poetry.
  • What aspects do you consider when accepting a friend in Facebook?
  • Is social media to blame for the absence of close friends? 
  • Explain why you like or dislike the idea of traveling with friends .
  • Describe the ways you communicate with your friends .
  • Can money cause issues in relationships between friends?
  • The importance of friendship in Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian .
  • Discuss the importance of behavior in relationships with friends and loved ones.  
  • Give advice how to keep healthy relationships with your friends.
  • Describe problems that can ruin your relationships with friends and the ways to avoid them.  

We hope that you won’t find the task troubling with our friendship essay topics and tips.

4. 💬 Essay on Friendship: 10 Witty Quotes

  • “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”(Proverb)
  • “A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.” (Elbert Hubbard)
  • “I don’t need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod; my shadow does that much better.” (Plutarch)
  • “The only way to have a friend is to be one.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
  • “It is more shameful to distrust our friends than to be deceived by them.” (Confucius)
  • “It is not so much our friends’ help that helps us, as the confidence of their help.” (Epicurus )
  • “Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing.” (Benjamin Franklin)
  • “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: “What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” ( C.S. Lewis)
  • “You can’t stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” (A.A. Milne)
  • “Anybody can sympathise with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathise with a friend’s success.” ( Oscar Wilde)

Now, with these tips and ideas, you won’t have any difficulties with your friendship essays. Don’t hesitate to drop us a line in the section below if you have any questions or suggestions.

Learn more on this topic:

  • How to Write an Impressive Discursive Essay: Tips to Succeed
  • Teamwork Essay: Quick Guide on How to Write a Good Paper
  • Compare and Contrast Essay Writing Tips and Examples
  • Transportation Essay: Writing Tips and Brilliant Topics
  • Outlining, Writing a Paper: Academic Guides at Walden University
  • Outlining: David Kornhaber, for the Writing Center at Harvard University
  • Friendship Essay: Bartleby
  • How to Do Research for an Excellent Essay, the Complete Guide: Oxford Royale Academy
  • Proofreading Your Paper, Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper: Research Guides at University of Southern California
  • 45 Cute Best Friend Quotes, Short Quotes About True Friends: Madison Alcedo, Country Living
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Value of Friends Essay | The Importance of Having Friends

Value of Friends Essay – The value of friends essay is a great topic to write about. Friendship is so important in society today; everyone needs friends. That’s why people may be a little more careful when they choose their friends.

Friendship and happiness are closely connected. We all need friends to share our joys and sorrows. A true friend stands by us in difficult times. He inspires and motivates us and loves us selflessly. Write an article in 125-150 words on ‘The Value of Friends.” You are Prityusha/Prityush.

                                            Value of Friends

by Prityusha

Friendship is something that people take time to appreciate. Friendship includes human values like sympathy, mutual understanding and companionship. Above all, it is about honesty, trust love with a degree of intimacy. Friendship is undoubtedly a central part of our lives, due to concerns we have for our friends and also because our friends can shape as a person. Friends are one of the most important beings we need in our lives. They are a source of not only personal happiness but also a shoulder to lean on when in need. True friends are a kind of gift we receive as we move through life. They listen, care, call or visit us when no one is around and they accept us for who we are. A friend can be an emotional oasis and can make a huge difference in our lives. Friendship transcends all material gains and selfish motives and values. The value of a true friend is immeasurable. It is a matter of heart more than of the mind and must be left to the heart for the decision rather than subjecting it to the scanner of the mind which can sometimes play truant and spoil the friendship. True friendship is based on mutual trust. It must be maintained at all costs and under all circumstances, We can buy gold and diamonds if we have the required amount of money in our pocket, but a genuine friend cannot be bought even with loads of money because true friends are more precious.

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Friendship Paragraph- 100 Words

Friendship Paragraph- 100 Words edumantra.net

Friends are one of the most important things in life. They provide us with support, love, and companionship. They make us laugh, help us cry, and are always there for us when we need them. A true friend is someone who knows us inside out and still loves us anyway. They know our strengths and weaknesses and accept us for who we are. They don’t try to change us or control us, but instead they help us grow into the best version of ourselves. Friends are the family we choose for ourselves. They are the people we turn to when we need someone to talk to, and they are always there for us no matter what. They are an essential part of our lives, and we would be lost without them.

The Value of Friends Essay- 150 Words

There’s nothing quite like having a good friend by your side. Good friends are the people we can rely on when we need them the most. They’re the ones who make us laugh when we’re feeling down, and who help us pick ourselves up when we’re struggling. They’re there for us, no matter what. That’s why friends are so important. They provide us with the support and love that we need to get through life’s ups and downs. They remind us that we’re not alone, and that there’s always someone to lean on when things get tough. Friends are priceless treasures that should be cherished and nurtured. If you’re lucky enough to have a good friend in your life, don’t take them for granted. Let them know how much they mean to you, and show them how much you appreciate their friendship.

The Value of Friends Essay- 300  Words

value of Friends Essay- 300  Words edumantra.net

Friends are one of the most important things in our lives. They provide us with support, love, and laughter. The value of friends is something that can never be underestimated. Good friends are a priceless commodity and are worth their weight in gold. They make you laugh when you’re down, help you to get through tough times and are always there for you when you need them. A true friend is someone who knows you inside out and still loves you anyway. They accept you for who you are and don’t try to change you. They are the family that you choose and they will be there for you through thick and thin. Friends are the people who make our lives richer and more fun. They add color and excitement to otherwise mundane days. They help us through tough times and celebrate our successes. We rely on them for honest feedback and shoulder to cry on. In return, we try to be the best friend we can be. They give us someone to confide in, share secrets with and rely on when things get tough. In short, they make life better. Research suggests that friends play an important role in our lives. Studies have shown that friends can help improve our mental and physical health, increase our happiness, and even lengthen our lifespan. So, it seems that having good friends is not just a nice bonus – it’s actually essential for a happy and healthy life. Of course, the quality of our friendships also matters. Simply having a lot of friends does not necessarily mean that we are surrounded by people who truly care about us and have our best interests at heart. It’s important to cultivate close relationships with people who make us feel good about ourselves and whom we can trust to be there for us when we need them. So what is the value of friends? Friends provide us with love, support, laughter, and so much more. They enrich our lives in ways that we cannot even begin to imagine. And they may just be the key to a happy and healthy life. So if you have good friends in your life, cherish them and let them know how much they mean to you. Because they really are worth their weight in gold.

The Value of Friends Essay


The value of friends is immeasurable. A single friend can be worth more than gold, and a true friend is worth even more. A friend is someone who understands you, someone you can rely on in good times and bad. A friend is someone who makes you laugh, cry, and think. A friend is someone who is there for you, no matter what. True friends are hard to come by, but they are worth everything. If you have even one true friend in your life, consider yourself lucky.

What are friends for?

Friends are important to have because they provide support, advice, and a shoulder to cry on when needed. They are there for you during the good times and the bad times. Friends are people you can rely on and who will be honest with you. They are someone you can vent to about your problems or share your successes with. A good friend is someone you can trust and confide in. They should also be someone who makes you laugh and enjoys spending time with you. A friend should make you feel comfortable being yourself around them. They should also be someone you can rely on to keep your secrets safe. A friend is someone who will help you when you need it, whether it’s picking you up when you’ve had a bad day or lending a listening ear when you need to talk. They should also be there for you to celebrate your triumphs with. A true friend will be by your side through thick and thin.

The Value of Friends

The value of friends is something that has been studied by researchers for many years. The reason why friends are so valuable is because they provide us with social support. Social support is the help and assistance that we receive from others. It can be in the form of emotional support, financial support, or even just practical assistance. Friends are important because they can offer us social support when we need it. This is especially true for difficult life transitions or times of stress. Research has shown that people who have strong social networks are more likely to cope with stress and adversity than those who do not have strong social networks. So, if you are going through a tough time, lean on your friends – they will be there to support you.

The Benefits of Having Friends

Friends are one of the most important aspects of our lives. They provide us with support, comfort, and companionship. They help us through tough times and celebrate our successes. Having friends is beneficial to our health. Studies have shown that people with strong social relationships are more likely to live longer and have better mental and physical health. Friends can help us stay active and mentally sharp as we age. They can also reduce stress, improve our moods, and boost our immune system. Friends can also help us when we’re going through tough times. They can provide emotional support and practical assistance. They can listen to us when we need to talk and be there for us when we need a shoulder to cry on. In addition to all of these benefits, friends also make life more fun! We can enjoy activities together, share interests and hobbies, and just spend time laughing and enjoying each other’s company. Life is just more enjoyable with good friends by our side.

The Different Types of Friends

It is important to have friends, as they bring different types of support, encouragement and advice to our lives. They also help us to feel connected and appreciated. According to a study by the University of Oxford, people with strong social relationships are 50% more likely to live longer than those who don’t have close friends. There are different types of friends that we might have. Some friends are just casual acquaintances, while others are closer confidants. We might also have friends from different parts of our lives, such as work friends, school friends or neighbours. It’s important to nurture all our friendships, as they all play an important role in our lives.

Casual Acquaintances: These are the people you might see regularly, but don’t really know well. You might chat with them occasionally, but there’s no real depth to the relationship. This isn’t a bad thing – it can be nice to have a few friendly faces in your life. Close Confidants: These are the friends you turn to when you need someone to talk to. They know you well and you can trust them with your secrets. You might not see them as often as you’d like, but when you do catch up it’s always enjoyable. Work Friends: These are the people you see every day at work. You might not socialise outside of work, but you still consider them friends.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Friends

The right friends can have a hugely positive impact on your life, while the wrong friends can lead you down a path of destruction. It’s important to choose your friends carefully, and make sure they are good people who will have a positive influence on you. The right friends will always be there for you, no matter what. They will support you through thick and thin, and they will never judge you. Good friends are also honest with you, and they will tell you the truth even when it’s hard to hear. On the other hand, bad friends will only be around when things are going well for you. They will disappear when you need them the most, and they will always put themselves first. Bad friends will also gossip about you behind your back, and they will try to control you. It’s important to spend time with good people who make you feel happy and supported. These are the kinds of friends who will help you reach your goals and make positive changes in your life.

How to Make and Keep Friends

Here are a few tips on how to make and keep friends:

1) Talk to people: This may seem like an obvious one, but it’s worth repeating. One of the best ways to make friends is simply to talk to people. Get to know them and let them get to know you. This can be done in person or online, but either way, it’s important to put yourself out there and engage with others. 2) Find common interests: A great way to make friends is to find people who share your interests. This could be anything from music and movies to books and sports. When you have things in common with someone, it’s easier to connect with them and develop a friendship. 3) Be yourself: It’s important to be genuine when making friends. Don’t try to be someone you’re not just to impress others or fit in. Be confident in who you are and people will be drawn to your authenticity. 4) Offer help: Friendships are built on give-and-take. If you see someone struggling with something, offer your help or advice. It’s a great way to show that you care and

Friends are an important part of our lives. They provide companionship, support, and love. They help us to laugh and to cry. They are there for us when we need them and they help us to grow as people. We should cherish our friends and value their role in our lives.

People Also Ask:

1.What is the value of friends? Ans: Friends are valuable because they can help us in a lot of different ways. They can provide moral support, help us deal with difficult situations, and provide us with advice.

2. Why is value important in friendship? Ans: Friends are valuable because they provide support, help us feel good about ourselves, and give us a sense of belonging. Friendship is more than just a monetary exchange; it’s about caring for and supporting one another .

3. Why are friends 10 lines important? Ans: Friends are important for many reasons.

Friends are important for many reasons edumantra

  • Friends can provide emotional support when times are tough.
  • Friends can help us to learn and grow.
  • Friends can be a sounding board for our thoughts, ideas, and opinions.
  • friends can make sure we stay on track with our goals.
  • Friends can be a source of fun and laughter.
  • Friends can be a source of strength during difficult times.
  • They help us develop new relationships that we may later treasure.
  • They can be there for us when we need them the most.
  • Friends give us a good understanding of the society
  • Friends are unique and cannot be found anywhere else.

4. What is the value of best friend in life? Ans: The value of a best friend in life is priceless. Friends are often there for you when times are tough and can help to fill that hole in your life. It is said that a friendship with someone is like a second home and can be very rewarding.

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Robert Puff Ph.D.

The Importance of Friendship

Friendships are a crucial part of living a fulfilling life..

Posted July 26, 2021 | Reviewed by Ekua Hagan

  • Friendship makes life more enjoyable and enriches one's everyday experiences.
  • Finding friends can be challenging but can be often achieved by approaching others with mutual interests.
  • The first criteria one should look for in a partner is someone who is ultimately a good friend to them.

Photo by Antonino Visalli on Unsplash

As we move through life, we find that there are many things out of our control. We can’t choose our parents, our genetics , or control the things that happen in the world around us. One thing that we can control is who our friends are, and this decision can either make our lives so much richer and beautiful, or more stressful and disappointing. Today we’ll focus on how to choose friends who enrich our lives and make them more beautiful.

Why friends are so important

Having solid friendships is important for two main reasons. First, they make life more enjoyable. We get to share the beautiful aspects of life with people who we love, which can enrich our everyday experiences. Second, our friends help us through the difficult times. Having friends to support us through hard times can make unimaginably difficult situations seem more tolerable.

The most beautiful part about pouring our time and energy into friendships is that not only do friends help enrich our lives, but we enrich theirs too! Friendships get us through the tough times in life, make things more fun and enjoyable, and all-around make our lives better. I urge you to take stock of your friendships and ask yourself if your current friends people build you up and support you, or is the friendship more one-sided?

As we explore friendships today, these are also inclusive of our partners. I believe that the foundation for any healthy relationship is friendship. So it’s important to group our romantic partners into this conversation too.

So, where do we find friends? This might sound silly, but finding friends can be challenging! When I first moved to California for my Ph.D., I didn’t have any friends out here. There were quite a few people in my program that I enjoyed spending time with. But, towards the end of school, they became very busy and were no longer able to dedicate time to hang out anymore. Thankfully, through the help of a very good therapist, I learned that it was important to enjoy life instead of striving for excellence all of the time. As a result, I learned how important it was to carve out time in my life for friends.

Unfortunately, the people I had dedicated time to thus far were achievement-oriented and were pouring their time into work and not our friendships. This forced me to seek out other ways to form connections with people. I ended up finding a local hiking group with the hopes of meeting people with similar interests. During one of these hikes, I met Jim, one of my best friends to this day.

We became instant friends. We have continued to support each other over the years, and even more importantly, we always make time for one another. We both view the friendship as one that makes each other’s lives better, therefore it’s always worth the time and energy. The backbone of any successful friendship is one where both sides put in equal effort and support.

Both Jim and I were forced to put in more effort when he moved across the country to the East Coast. Because we already had such a strong foundation, this didn’t impact our friendship. We talk all of the time and see each other several times a year. We make the relationship a priority no matter what coast each other is on. Like anything in life that is valuable to us, we must work at it and put time and effort into it.

When it's time to move on from a friendship

The second part of the friendship discussion can be a difficult one — reassessing your current friendships and potentially moving on from friends who don’t add value to your life.

Two of my best friends from high school went down different paths from me. We still keep in contact, but I don’t spend too much time with them anymore. The supporting, loving part of our relationship wasn’t there anymore, so it was no longer worth putting energy into maintaining a friendship that had changed so much.

This may be a story you can relate to. What I hope you take away from this post is this — friendships take energy, time, and commitment. And if you’re putting your time and energy into someone who isn’t enriching your life and giving you the support you need, it may be time to reevaluate that friendship.

essay in choosing friends

If you find yourself in the market for friends (who isn’t?) I recommend you find groups or activities that you genuinely enjoy. This way you’ll have the opportunity to connect with people who have similar interests. And once you’re there, take a risk! Talk to people, exchange contact information, and follow up with them. It may feel scary at first, but the reward outweighs the momentary uncomfortable feeling you may have.

Friendship and dating

In many ways, the most important friendship in our lives is the one we have with our romantic partners. The first criteria we should look for in this partner is someone who is ultimately a good friend to us, meaning that they are kind, positive, loving, and supportive. If we’re dating someone and they’re a jerk, it’s probably safe to assume that they’re not a good friend. To avoid this, I recommend seeking out someone who is a good friend first, i.e. before the romance and sexual stuff gets in the way.

When there are bumps in a friendship or a romantic relationship , it’s important to work through those tough times. The tricky part is that it will take two people to fix that issue. We can only control our actions and hold ourselves accountable, but we cannot control our friend or our partner's reaction. In addition to our own actions, we have control over the friends or partners that we choose in the first place. If we prioritize choosing good people who we can trust will work through issues with us, then we can work through anything.

Friendships are a crucial part of living a fulfilling life. It’s so important that we surround ourselves with people who we have fun with, who support us, and people who make us better. You may already have beautiful friendships in your life, but if you’re still in the market for friends, it’s never too late to cultivate new relationships that will make your life even more magnificent.

Robert Puff Ph.D.

Robert Puff, Ph.D. , is host and producer of the Happiness Podcast, with over 19 million downloads.

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Importance of Friendship Essay Example, with Outline

Published by gudwriter on May 10, 2018 May 10, 2018

Ready for importance of friendship essay? Take a look at this informational resource featuring an outline, APA style format, and a list of references. Use ideas from this essay sample to form the focus of your writing assignment. To achieve high grades order admission essays from experienced tutors who will help you with your essay.

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Importance of Friendship Essay Outline


Thesis: Friendship brings people together in a bond that helps them realize and experience a meaningful life.

Paragraph 1:

A good friend is always available irrespective of the circumstances.

  • A true friend cares for their friends, accepts them unconditionally, tolerates their shortcomings, and encourages them even in the face of hopelessness.
  • A loyal friend makes one to be who they are without fearing victimization or judgment.
  • A good friend can know one more than one knows themselves.
  • A friend can tell one without fear what one does not want to tell oneself.

Paragraph 2:

Friendship is like a partnership since it brings two people together on equal terms that are binding to both of them.

  • Friends give their all and love each other unconditionally and do even more so as to sustain it.
  • The ugly, the bad, and the good should be endured in friendship.
  • A good friend brings out the best in someone.
  • A person in friendship expects their initiatives to be attended to even when they are down with illness.

Paragraph 3:

Friendship can be compared to family and can even do more than a family could do for a person.

  • Sometimes, the friends one has are the family they wish they had or the family they find easier to deal with as compared to their blood family.
  • One’s blood family may ignore, ridicule, judge, or even misunderstand them.
  • One may get from their friends that which they do not get from their family.
  • A true family is not linked by the bond of blood but the bond of joy and respect in each other’s life.

Paragraph 4:

“A friend in need is a friend in deed” is an old cliché that speaks about true friendship.

  • It essentially means that a true friend will always help in times of need.
  • I fully understood the meaning of this saying when a classmate friend of mine once handed in my takeaway assignment in my absence.

Friendship brings people together to form a greater and stronger whole than its individual parts. Friends act and react in ways that show that they love and care for each other.

Importance of Friendship Essay Example

Almost every human being has friends or at least a friend with whom they spend time together. Friendship is about knowing someone better than others do and counting on them whenever the need arises. A friend is like a gift that one gives oneself. It is doubtless that out of friendship, one lives the fullness of life. Some of the qualities that are expected from friendship include trust, honesty, and authenticity. These are qualities that are majorly concerned with remaining true to a friend and providing them a shoulder to lean on all the time. Friendship brings people together in a bond that helps them realize and experience a meaningful life. Gudwriter offers two paragraph essay examples from any topic.

A good friend is always available irrespective of the circumstances. A true friend cares for their friends, accepts them unconditionally, tolerates their shortcomings, and encourages them even in the face of hopelessness. Even at that moment when everyone decides to walk away from a person for whatever reason(s), their true friend would walk in and be with them and support them. With a loyal friend, one can be who they are without fearing victimization or judgment because they know the friend fully understands them. A good friend can as a matter of fact know one more than one knows themselves. In addition, a friend can tell one without fear what one does not want to tell oneself. If one is on a wrong path, the friend would tell them as soon as they notice it.

Additionally, friendship is like a partnership since it brings two people together on equal terms that are binding to both of them. They give their all and love each other unconditionally and do even more so as to sustain it. In a friendship, there should be expected to be the ugly, the bad, and the good, all of which should be endured. A good friend brings out the best in someone by encouraging them and prevailing upon them to make the best out of their abilities and strengths. Just like in a business partnership, a person in friendship would expect their initiatives to be attended to even when they are down with illness. This is why it could be true to say that life is partly what one makes it and partly what the friends they choose make it.

Friendship can also be compared to family and can even do more than a family could do for a person. Sometimes, the friends one has are the family they wish they had or the family they find easier to deal with as compared to their blood family. One’s blood family may ignore, ridicule, judge, or even misunderstand them. In such a case, they would get from their friends that which they do not get from their family. However, in the best case scenario, friendship can also develop between or among family members. Normally, a true family is not linked by the bond of blood but the bond of joy and respect in each other’s life. One should consider a good friend of theirs as their greatest relation because just one loyal friend is more than a thousand relatives.

“ A friend in need is a friend in deed ” is an old cliché that speaks about true friendship. It essentially means that a true friend will always help in times of need. I never really gave much weight to this saying until I once had to rely on a friend and classmate for an important favor. I had missed school due to an unavoidable circumstance on a day everyone in the class was to hand in their final takeaway assignment in print format. I tried calling people I had thought were my friends among my classmates but none was willing to help. When I was just about to give up, Jasmine, a classmate who was not so close a friend, called and asked me to email her my assignment. I later learnt she downloaded the assignment, printed it, and handed it in together with hers. From then, I am careful about people I treat as friends.

Friendship brings people together to form a greater and stronger whole than its individual parts. Friends act and react in ways that show that they not only love each other but care for them too. It is akin to striking a partnership in which one partner is always there for the other partner in his or her absence. Friends broaden each other’s horizon by opening new doors for each other. They seek to soar beyond limits as a single determined force. Indeed, friendship guarantees one a meaningful and fulfilling life.


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People Should Choose Their Friends Carefully

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How to Choose the Right Friends

Last Updated: August 9, 2024 Approved

This article was co-authored by Trudi Griffin, LPC, MS . Trudi Griffin is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Wisconsin specializing in Addictions and Mental Health. She provides therapy to people who struggle with addictions, mental health, and trauma in community health settings and private practice. She received her MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Marquette University in 2011. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article has 13 testimonials from our readers, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 266,295 times.

Building healthy friendships is an important part of your social life. Friends can have a major influence on how you think, feel, and behave. [1] X Research source You should look for friends that have good qualities and seek out new friends that are positive and supportive. Also, try to avoid negative friends so you can maintain a healthy, active social life.

Looking For Good Qualities in Your Friends

Step 1 Make sure your friends offer emotional support and guidance.

  • For example, if you're going through a rough break up, a good friend would check in on you daily and try to distract you by taking you out.
  • Good friends offer advice, support, and guidance during difficult times, and only when you ask for it. They support your decisions, even if they don't agree.

Step 2 Determine if you have a good balance of give and take.

  • Some people are givers; they'll do anything to help and support someone. Others are takers; they'll take someone else’s time and energy to fulfill their own needs.
  • While natural givers may sound like the way to go, you should actually look for friends who can maintain a balance between both of these two extremes.

Step 3 Decide if your friends bring out the best in you.

  • For example, if you're trying to get into medical school, a good friend will act interested, encourage you, and help you prepare. They'll also celebrate when you do get in.

Brene Brown

Real friends celebrate each other. "Good friends aren’t afraid of your light. They never blow out your flame and you don’t blow out theirs—even when it’s really bright and it makes you worry about your own flame."

Step 4 Determine if you can communicate effectively with your friends.

  • You should feel comfortable being called out or challenged by your friends, not turned-off. This can help you cultivate a better sense of self-control and learn better from your mistakes. [9] X Research source
  • Good friends will tell you when you're right and when you're wrong. You should be comfortable doing this in return. [10] X Research source

Step 5 Consider if you trust and respect your friends.

  • Cultivate respect for your friends and their choices, even if you don't share the same interests or preferences.

wikiHow Quiz: Is My Friend Toxic?

How often does your friend flake on plans.

Constantly! They almost always cancel at the last minute.

Frequently. I might as well flip a coin to see if they show up.

Occasionally. They usually have a good excuse, though.

Never. If they give me their word, I know they’ll be there.

Seeking Out Positive, New Friends

Step 1 Focus on making friends in person, rather than just online.

  • If you're shy, get on social media. Follow people you find interesting and comment on their posts or chat with them. Eventually, you may feel comfortable doing this in person.

Step 2 Take a new class or join an interesting club.

  • For example, you could join a club that focuses on online games. Doing quests together can help build a connection; you could even hang out outside of the game.

Step 3 Volunteer for a cause you believe in.

  • For example, if you volunteer at your local Women’s Shelter, invite some of the volunteers out to coffee afterwards and chat with them.

Step 4 Turn an acquaintance into a friend.

  • Invite the acquaintance out for coffee or for dinner. Ask questions and listen attentively. Show them that you're worth getting to know.

Avoiding Negative Friends

Step 1 Stay away from friends who talk down to you or put you down.

  • A negative friend may tell you that you're “worthless”, “stupid”, or “dumb”. They may also tell you that you're wrong and that you don't know what you're talking about.
  • They may put you down in front of others to make themselves look better and focus on the things you're bad at to make you feel diminished.
  • Hanging out with negative friends may leave you feeling low, depressed, and worthless.

Step 2 Avoid friends who use you.

  • For example, if you get a role in a film, a bad friend may suddenly start paying more attention to you and ask for autographs, which they later sell for gain.

Step 3 Try not to get involved with individuals who focus on the negative.

  • If your friend is being negative, give them support and try to cheer them up; they may just be having a hard time. If this doesn't work and takes a toll on your mental health, seek new friends.
  • Avoiding negative friends will allow you to spend time on your own development and not use all your energy on someone else’s issues.

Expert Q&A

Tips from our readers.

  • Be a good friend yourself. Otherwise, fights will easily break out and the "You didn't treat me like a friend anyway!" roast will be used against you, and give you a bad reputation.
  • Befriend someone who doesn't leave you out or treats you differently.

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  • ↑ https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/what-mentally-strong-people-dont-do/201504/5-reasons-studies-say-you-have-choose-your-friends
  • ↑ http://www.helpguide.org/articles/relationships/how-to-make-friends.htm
  • ↑ http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2009/mar/08/choosing-friends-friendship-breakdown
  • ↑ http://www.uklifecoaching.org/friends.htm
  • ↑ http://greatist.com/live/relationship-advice-how-to-be-a-true-friend

About This Article

Trudi Griffin, LPC, MS

To choose the right friends, look for people who are willing to support you on a consistent basis, not just when times are good.Think about whether your friends are trustworthy, and if you can trust them with private information. Lastly, figure out how comfortable you feel around your friends; the right friends will make you feel good just being yourself! For advice from our reviewer on finding new, positive friends, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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6 Benefits of Friendship and Why It's So Important to Stay Close

Invest in your besties

Verywell / Joshua Seong

  • Physical Health
  • Healthy Behaviors
  • Emotional Support
  • Confidence Building
  • Stress Reduction

Friends Help You Cultivate Community

Frequently asked questions.

In an age where many of us feel lonelier and more disconnected than ever—despite being chronically online—it's never been more important to invest extra energy into our friendships. Platonic relationships are sometimes overlooked in our quest for romantic ones but friendship is just as important to our psychological wellbeing.

Friendships can enrich your life in countless ways. Good friends teach you about yourself and challenge you to be better. They encourage you to keep going when times get tough and celebrate your successes with you. They help you build community

But friends do a lot more than give you a shoulder to cry on; they also have a positive impact on your health. Some research even says friendships are as important to your well-being as eating right and exercising. Here's why:

Friends Are Good for Your Physical Health

It turns out that healthy relationships actually contribute to good physical health. Having a close circle of friends can decrease your risk of health problems like diabetes, heart attack, and stroke.

Having strong social ties can also decrease feelings of loneliness, which evidence shows can take a toll on your longevity. According to a 2010 review, people with strong relationships have half the risk of premature death from all causes.  

Social isolation and loneliness are linked to a variety of health issues such as high blood pressure, substance abuse, heart disease, and even cancer.

Friends Encourage Healthy Behaviors

One possible explanation for those health benefits is that friendships can help you make lifestyle changes that can have a direct impact on your well-being. For example, your friends can help you set and maintain goals to eat better and exercise more.   They can also watch out for you and give a heads-up when any unhealthy behaviors (like drinking too much ) get out of hand.

Additionally, people are more motivated and likely to stick to a weight loss or exercise program when they do it with a buddy. It's much easier to get out and stay active when you have a friend by your side.

That friend may also suggest activities that you would not have considered on your own—thus, pushing you outside your comfort zone to challenge your anxiety.

Friends Provide Emotional Support

If you find yourself going through a hard time, having a friend to help you through can make the transition easier.

Research also shows that happiness is contagious among friends. One study of high school students found that those who were depressed were twice as likely to recover if they had happy friends. Likewise, kids were half as likely to develop depression if their friends had a "healthy mood."

Friends Help Build Your Confidence

Everyone has self-doubts and insecurities every now and then. But having friends who support you plays a big role in building your self-esteem . When people around you provide validation, it impacts your ability to love and appreciate yourself.

Supportive friends can help you feel more confident by offering praise and reassurance when you're feeling unsure. They'll shine a light on just how amazing you are and how much you have to offer others.

Friends Help You Beat Stress

Everyone goes through stressful events. If you know you have people you can count on, you may be less likely to even perceive a tough time as stressful. 

Spending time with friends can also help reduce stress . According to Harvard Medical School, "social connections help relieve levels of stress, which can harm the heart's arteries, gut function, insulin regulation, and the immune system."

Friends can also help you cope with stressful situations. According to one small study, when children hang out with their friends during a stressful situation, they produce less cortisol, a hormone released when the body is under stress.

As the song goes: “We all need somebody to lean on.”

A lack of friends can leave you feeling lonely and without support, which makes you vulnerable to other problems such as depression and substance abuse.

While we might all be pretty good at building online communities, our in person ones are seriously lacking. When we invest the energy in our friendships, and then encourage our friends to be friends with each other it fosters a sense of community.

A healthy community can help us feel more at home in our towns and cities When we're out and about and we see people we know—at the grocery store, at a local cafe, etc—it lets us know that we are part of something bigger and that we belong.

Friends Push You To Be Your Best

Ever heard some version of the phrase, "you are the average of the people you spend your time with"? The people we're friends with have the power to influence our own values and character. When you prioritize friendships with people who are generous with their time, help others, or are ambitious or family-oriented, you are more likely to develop those values yourself.

Great friends have the power to mold you into the best version of yourself. They see you and love you for who you truly are. They encourage you and push you to do better and be the person you want to be—your "ideal self."

There are many different components of friendship. If someone is loyal to you, honest with you, shares many of your interests, and is there for you when you need them, you would likely consider them a friend.

Many of the benefits of friends could be considered evolutionary—having a group of friends can create feelings of safety and social inclusion. Caring for others, and having others that care for you in turn, can help foster a collective purpose and feelings of self-worth.

Yang YC, Boen C, Gerken K, Li T, Schorpp K, Harris KM. Social relationships and physiological determinants of longevity across the human life span . Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A . 2016;113(3):578-583. doi:10.1073/pnas.1511085112

Holt-Lunstad J, Smith TB, Layton JB. Social relationships and mortality risk: A meta-analytic review . PLoS Med . 2010;7(7):e1000316. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1000316

Holt-Lunstad J, Smith TB, Baker M, Harris T, Stephenson D. Loneliness and social isolation as risk factors for mortality: A meta-analytic review . Perspect Psychol Sci . 2015;10(2):227-237. doi:10.1177/1745691614568352

Craddock E, vanDellen MR, Novak SA, Ranby KW. Influence in relationships: A meta-analysis on health-related social control . Basic Appl Soc Psych . 2015;37(2):118-130. doi:10.1080/01973533.2015.1011271

Hill EM, Griffiths FE, House T. Spreading of healthy mood in adolescent social networks .  Proc Biol Sci . 2015;282(1813):20151180. doi:10.1098/rspb.2015.1180

Harvard Medical School. The health benefits of strong relationships .

Adams RE, Santo JB, Bukowski WM. The presence of a best friend buffers the effects of negative experiences . Dev Psychol . 2011;47(6):1786-1791. doi:10.1037/a0025401

Shadur J, Hussong A. Friendship intimacy, close friend drug use, and self-medication in adolescence . J Soc Pers Relat . 2014;31(8):997-1018. doi:10.1177/0265407513516889

Houle J, Meunier S, Coulombe S, et al. Peer positive social control and men's health-promoting behaviors . Am J Mens Health . 2017;11(5):1569-1579. doi:10.1177/1557988317711605

By Arlin Cuncic, MA Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of The Anxiety Workbook and founder of the website About Social Anxiety. She has a Master's degree in clinical psychology.


Friends who Always Have the Same Opinions – IELTS Writing Task 2

Kasturika Samanta

Updated On Mar 24, 2024


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Table of Contents

  • Band 7 Sample Answer for Writing Task 2 Question – Friends who Always Have the Same Opinions
  • Band 8 Sample Answer for Writing Task 2 Question – Friends who Always Have the Same Opinions
  • Band 9 Sample Answer for Writing Task 2 Question – Friends who Always Have the Same Opinions

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The IELTS Writing Task 2 is a crucial component of the test, assessing a candidate’s capacity for clear and concise ideas and in-depth analysis of complicated subjects. The challenge is in logically arranging concepts in a constrained amount of time while still meeting the word count requirements. As  Task 2  accounts for a large portion of the total  IELTS band score , candidates must strengthen their writing abilities by practising topics like ‘It is Better to Choose Friends who Always Have the Same Opinions’.

The essay topic – It is Better to Choose Friends who Always Have the Same Opinions – is a Discussion essay from Cambridge IELTS 14 General Training Test 2 and will help you acquaint yourself with the format of structuring an IELTS Discussion. If you want, have a look at the  Writing Task 2 practice tests .

Since most IELTS aspirants consider IELTS Writing to be challenging and we don’t want you to feel the pressure of this task, we have provided expert-curated Band 7, 8 & 9 sample answers for you.

Let’s have a look at the   discussion essay  – It is Better to Choose Friends who Always Have the Same Opinions.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people think it’s better to choose friends who always have the same opinions as them. other people believe it’s good to have friends who sometimes disagree with them. discuss both these views and give your own opinion., give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience., write at least 250 words..

Discussion Essay (with opinion)

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Band 7 Sample Answer for Writing Task 2 Question – Friends who Always Have the Same Opinions

While some think it’s a good idea to choose friends who share their viewpoints, others think it is far better to have friends who are in disagreement with them. I think it is better to have friends that do not always agree with us.

To begin with, when a group of friends share the same opinion and do not contradict each other, it leads to boredom. Like, friends having the same taste in food will not be encouraged to try out new cuisines and this in turn will not broaden their perspective. Also, lack of different opinions may lead to prejudices and stereotypes against those who have an alternative perspective.

Moreover, outside the group of like-minded people, an individual might feel isolated when others do not support them. It might lead to social isolation and lack of different learning. Sometimes, in a group with consistent opinions, there may be a risk of blind acceptance, where individuals follow the group without independent thought. As a result, friends may follow the group pattern rather than having true personal interest in certain behaviours or preferences.

In conclusion, I think it’s important to have a friend that doesn’t always agree with us. This is due to the fact that a relationship requires different strategies for self-improvement than just support, and accepting one’s flaws does not imply ignoring them. (224 words)

Band 7 Vocabulary 

  • Disagreement 

Meaning:  an argument or a situation in which people do not have the same opinion

Example:  There was a disagreement between the two parties and so the case was taken to court.

  • Contradict 

Meaning:  to say the opposite of what someone else has said

Example:  Our manager does not like when someone contradicts him.

Meaning:  the state of being unhappy and uninterested

Example:  There was no scope for boredom when you have to meet an urgent deadline.

  • Prejudice 

Meaning:  an opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge

Example:  My grandfather had no prejudices against the ones who treated him badly.

  • Stereotype 

Meaning:  an idea that is used to describe a particular type of person or thing, or a person or thing thought to represent such an idea

Example:  In this modern day of experimentation, we should not be limited by old stereotypes.

  • Isolation 

Meaning:  the condition of being separated from other people, towns, countries, etc.

Example:  The prison was left in isolation, which made him mad.

  • Flaws 

Meaning:  a sign of weakness or defect

Example:  Everyone has flaws and they need to accept them.

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Band 8 Sample Answer for Writing Task 2 Question – Friends who Always Have the Same Opinions

Our choice of friends significantly shapes our experiences and perspectives in life. While the appeal of having friends who always agree with us lies in the comfort and familiarity it brings, exploring diverse viewpoints is equally crucial for personal growth and a deeper understanding of the world. So, I believe that selecting friends based on opinions varies from person to person.

On the one hand, some people search for companions who share their interests in fashion, sports, education, cuisine, to create an easy-going and comfortable environment. For example, when a group of friends enjoys the same type of movies, it makes planning movie nights effortless and enjoyable, creating a stress-free atmosphere. In addition, shared opinions can foster trust among friends, as there is confidence that each person’s actions align with the group’s collective mindset.

On the other hand, sometimes, having friends with the same opinions leads to reinforcement of existing beliefs without exposure to different viewpoints. It may lead to a narrow-minded perspective and an avoidance of alternative opinions. Additionally, in order to make better decisions in life, friends with different viewpoints are necessary. For instance, while making an important decision in life, like buying a house or making an investment, it is important to consider various angles to make the best decision.

To sum up, there are benefits and drawbacks to befriending people who hold both diverse and similar beliefs. It is, therefore, in my view, the duty of an individual to select friends who will be faithful and honest in their opinions. (254 words)

Band 8 Vocabulary 

  • Appeal 

Meaning:  attractive or interesting

Example:  Everyone was charmed by the appeal of her appearance.

  • Familiarity 

Meaning:  a good knowledge of something, or the fact that you know it so well

Example:  The familiarity between the two friends was not affected even after so many years.

Meaning:  relaxed and not easily upset or worried

Example:  He is the most popular boy in the school due to his easy-going nature.

  • Effortless 

Meaning:  seeming not to need any effort

Example:  Although she made housework seem effortless, it is difficult.

  • Foster 

Meaning:  encourage the development of (something, especially something desirable)

Example:  The teacher wants to foster creativity and transfer of knowledge among the backbenchers.

  • Reinforcement 

Meaning:  the action of strengthening or encouraging something

Example:  The reinforcement of the new family planning made the public angry.

  • Narrow-minded

Meaning:  not willing to accept ideas or ways of behaving that are different from your own

Example:  Narrow-minded people will never be able to grow due to their intolerance of change.

  • Befriending 

Meaning:  to be friendly towards someone

Example:  In the act of befriending the new girl, he lost his genuine friends.

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Band 9 Sample Answer for Writing Task 2 Question – Friends who Always Have the Same Opinions

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Friends who always share our opinions bring comfort and ease by minimizing the need for constant debate or defense. However, solely having friends who share our beliefs may limit our understanding of other viewpoints. In my opinion, friends should neither blindly conform to our opinions nor oppose us at every step.

One school of thought holds that it is beneficial to surround ourselves with folks who share our opinions because it reduces tension and creates comfort. For example, if friends have similar political views, it can make the group more cohesive and less stressful. Most importantly, having friends with similar opinions can strengthen the support system, as they are likely to empathize with each other’s experiences and challenges. Furthermore, like-minded people create positive group dynamics, as there is a sense of unity and solidarity. To exemplify, group projects may be more successful when everyone in the group is on the same page, leading to a smoother workflow.

On the contrary, friends with different opinions are important for personal growth. It helps us see things from various angles and challenges our own ideas. This diversity of thought makes us better at thinking critically and more open-minded. For instance, a friend with different views on social issues can lead to interesting discussions and a deeper understanding. Above all, successfully resolving disagreements with friends can strengthen the bond, as it demonstrates mutual respect and a commitment to maintaining the friendship despite divergent views.

On the whole, the ideal situation is to combine the two. I think although it’s wonderful to have friends who share our opinions, it’s also important to have friends who provide alternative viewpoints to develop a vibrant and stimulating social circle that advances both individual development and a wider perspective on the world. (293 words)

Band 9 Vocabulary 

  • Minimizing 

Meaning:  to make something seem less important or smaller than it really is

Example:  Our main motive is aimed towards minimizing waste.

  • Debate 

Meaning:  discuss, argue, debate mean to discourse about in order to reach conclusions or to convince

Example:  The two friends continued to debate on which game console to buy.

  • Conform 

Meaning:  to act according to or be obedient to a rule or norm

Example:  The people who did not conform to the ruler’s words were punished.

  • Cohesive 

Meaning:  united and working together effectively

Example:  To win this match, the team needs to work as a cohesive unit.

  • Empathize 

Meaning:  to be able to understand how someone else feels

Example:  We need to empathize with the victims of the war and stop violence.

Meaning:  a pattern or process of change, growth, or activity

Example:  Nobody is comfortable with the changing dynamics of the team.

Meaning:  agreement between and support for the members of a group

Example:  Everyone in the community joined the march to show solidarity for the young leader.

  • Divergent 

Meaning:  different or becoming different from something else

Example:  The divergent branches of the tree gave it a heavenly look.

  • Stimulating 

Meaning:  causing enthusiasm and interest

Example:  The discussion between the professor and the student was quite stimulating for the other students.

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Check out the list of  connectors  used in the above-given sample answers that will help you add coherence to your writing and earn points for your IELTS Writing Task 2 – Friends who Always Have the Same Opinions.

  • To begin with
  • Moreover/In addition/Additionally/Furthermore
  • As a result
  • In conclusion/To sum up/On the whole
  • On the one hand
  • For example/For instance/To exemplify
  • On the other hand/On the contrary
  •  In my view/ In my opinion
  • Most importantly/Above all

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Essay on My Best Friend for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my best friend.

Friendship is one of the greatest blessings that not everyone is lucky enough to have. We meet a lot of people in the journey of life but there are only a few who leave a mark on us. My best friend is one such person who has been able to make a positive impact on my life. We have been a part of each other’s lives for the longest time and our friendship is still developing. She has been with me through all the thicks and thins. Most importantly, I feel extremely fortunate to have someone as a best friend in my life. In this essay on my best friend, I will tell you about how we became friends and about her best qualities.

Essay on my best friend

Our Friendship

Our friendship started when my best friend came in as a new admission to our class. Both of us were hesitant to talk to each other at first, but gradually we developed a bond. I remember the first time my best friend tried to talk to me; I rolled my eyes because I thought there was no use and we wouldn’t hit it off. However, to my surprise, we became best friends by the end of the session year.

We learned so many things about each other and found out that our taste in music and fashion was so similar. Since then, there was no stopping us. We spent all our time together and our friendship became the talk of the class. We used to help each other out in studies and visited each other’s homes as well. We made sure to have lunch together on Sundays. We also used to watch movies and cartoons together.

On our summer break, we even went to summer camp together and made a lot of memories. Once during the summer holidays, she also accompanied me to my maternal grandparents’ home. We had a fabulous time there. Moreover, we even invented our own handshake which only both of us knew. Through this bond, I learned that family doesn’t end with blood because my best friend was no less than my family. Friendship is one relationship that you choose, unlike all other relationships.

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Qualities of My Best Friend

I feel one of the main reasons why I formed such a bond with my best friend was because of the qualities she possesses. Her courage always inspired me to raise my voice against injustice as she always stood up to her bullies. She is also one of the smartest minds in class who doesn’t only excel academically but also in life. I have never seen a dancer as good as my best friend, the accolades she has won are proof of her talent.

Above all, I feel the quality that appeals to me the most is her compassion . Whether it’s towards humans or animals, she always keeps the same approach. For instance, there was an injured stray dog that was wailing in pain, my best friend did not only get him treated but she also adopted him.

essay in choosing friends

Similarly, she saw a poor old woman on the streets one day and she only had money for her lunch. My best friend did not hesitate once before giving all of it to the poor lady. That incident made me respect her even more and inspired me to help the underprivileged more often.

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In short, the bond I share with my best friend is one of my most prized possessions. Both of us inspire each other to become better humans. We push each other to do our best and we are always there in need. A best friend is indeed a precious gem and I am fortunate to have found that gem of my life.

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FAQs on Essay on My Best Friend

Q.1 Why is it important to have a best friend?

A.1 It is important for everyone to have a best friend as they are our well-wishers with whom one can share everything. In other words, it gets tough to share things with your parents or siblings, but with a best friend, we never hesitate. Additionally, they always support us and boost our confidence.

Q.2 What are the essential qualities of a best friend?

A.2 A best friend should be understanding. One must be able to share anything with them without the fear of being judged. They should be supportive and encouraging of one another. Subsequently, one must always look out for their best friends in times of need.

Q.3. Should you consider all your friends on various Social media as true friends?

A.3  You may have a number of friends on Social media, but they cannot be considered as true friends. Most of them are mere acquaintances. People with whom you talk only occasionally because they are in the same school, college, colony or workplace, but there is no bond of a true friend are acquaintances. A true friend is a person to whom you would go during your hard time seeking help. However, some acquaintances may become friends as time passes by. Thus, we can say that all friends on Social media are not your true friends.

Q.4. Can you have a negative influence on your life due to friends?

A.4  Friends greatly influence one’s life. It is always said that your company defines your character. Friends with good qualities have a positive influence on your life. They motivate you and guide you. Similarly, friends who have bad qualities can negatively influence your life.

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The Importance of Choosing the Right Friends

  • Teaching Staff
  • July 7, 2014
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The idea of consciously picking and choosing your friends – rather than just letting it happen naturally – can seem callous. But when you think about it, your friends are a very important part of your life and can make a huge difference in the decisions you make and who you become. Who you spend your time with in high school will certainly affect how you experience and handle high school.

High school can be a trying and scary time. You’re experiencing growing into an adult, while also handling a lot more responsibility and higher expectations. Choosing friends who can serve as a strong support system is crucial. Not only will you want to spend time with your friends during good times, but when you need some support, it’s important and extremely helpful to have some reliable and supportive friends to turn to.

Stress relief

Your friends can be a huge stress reliever while you’re in school. It’s important to give yourself time to relax and enjoy yourself, so choosing friends who have the same likes, dislikes and interests as you will be beneficial. You will be much happier and relaxed to share your time with people who have the same interests.

Your friends are also someone you can turn to for help. High school can be difficult, academically, for a lot of people. Having a group of friends who are also invested in their academics as much as you will help if you ever find yourself struggling. Organizing a study group with friends can be fun and beneficial.

As much as some people will try to deny it, your friends will have plenty of influence over your decisions and who your become. This is not always a bad thing, but it does prove the point even further that you should be aware of who your friends are and make sure you share some of the same interests, goals and beliefs.

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Choosing Good Friends. (2016, Nov 26). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/choosing-good-friends-essay

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"Choosing Good Friends." StudyMoose, Nov 26, 2016. Accessed September 8, 2024. https://studymoose.com/choosing-good-friends-essay

"Choosing Good Friends," StudyMoose , 26-Nov-2016. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/choosing-good-friends-essay. [Accessed: 8-Sep-2024]

StudyMoose. (2016). Choosing Good Friends . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/choosing-good-friends-essay [Accessed: 8-Sep-2024]

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Ielts essay # 1284 - it is better to choose friends who always have the same opinions, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, some people think it’s better to choose friends who always have the same opinions as them. other people believe it’s good to have friends who sometimes disagree with them., discuss both these views and give own your opinion..

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Paragraph Writing Sample 11- Why is choosing friends so important?

Paragraph Writing Sample 15 - Why is choosing friends so important?   


Positive points:

  • Good communication
  • Sharing our problems.
  • Friends can find solutions to our problems.
  • Good friends have a positive effect on our psychology.

Negative points: 

  • Friends can mislead us. 

    Choosing friends affects our life in several aspects, including our communication ability, personality and dealing with bad habits.  First of all , a good friendship is necessary for a good communication. Thanks to our friends, we can share not only our opinions and but also our problems with our friends. They can help us in many aspects. By communicating with friends, people can find solutions to our problems. In other words , good friends always have some solutions for our problems. Moreover, a good communication has some benefits on our psychology. By communicating with our friends, psychologically we can feel much better. This means , when we communicate with our friends and spend our time with others, we feel much happier. Friends have a positive effect on our psychology. Another reason why having friends is important is the fact that friends can either lead us to have bad habits or help us avoid and get rid of them. If we choose wrong friends, they can mislead us to harmful environments and consequently, they can make us addicted to bad habits such as gambling and drinking. Briefly , friends can change our personality easily so we should be careful when we choose our friends. 

Approximately 190 words / written by Ata ( Bilgi Üniversitesi)

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Essay on Effect of Bad Friends

Students are often asked to write an essay on Effect of Bad Friends in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Effect of Bad Friends


Friends are an essential part of our lives. They influence our behavior and decisions. Bad friends, however, can have a negative impact on us.

Effects on Behavior

Bad friends can lead us to adopt harmful habits. They may encourage lying, cheating, or even bullying, which can harm our character.

Impact on Academics

Bad friends might not value education. They could distract us from our studies, leading to poor academic performance.

Influence on Mental Health

Being with bad friends can cause stress and anxiety. It can lead to a feeling of constant pressure to fit in.

250 Words Essay on Effect of Bad Friends

Friendships, an integral part of human life, significantly influence one’s personality and life choices. However, not all friendships are beneficial. The negative impact of bad friends can be profound and long-lasting, affecting various aspects of one’s life.

Psychological Impact

Bad friends can have a detrimental psychological impact. They may encourage harmful behaviors such as substance abuse, bullying, or dishonesty. Such behaviors can lead to feelings of guilt, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Moreover, they can distort one’s perception of normality, making harmful behaviors seem acceptable.

Academic Consequences

Bad friends can also affect academic performance. Students may be persuaded to neglect their studies in favor of unproductive activities. This can lead to poor academic performance, limiting future opportunities and career prospects.

Social Implications

The social implications of bad friendships are significant. Bad friends can isolate individuals from their families and positive peer groups, leading to a sense of alienation. This isolation can further exacerbate negative behaviors and mental health issues.

In conclusion, bad friends can have a devastating impact on an individual’s psychological well-being, academic performance, and social life. It is crucial to recognize the signs of a toxic friendship and take steps to distance oneself. After all, the quality of friendships is more important than quantity. Choosing friends wisely is not just about personal happiness, but also about mental health and future success.

500 Words Essay on Effect of Bad Friends

The psychological impact.

Bad friends can have a significant psychological impact. Often, they are manipulative and exploit vulnerabilities for personal gain, leading to a decrease in self-esteem and self-worth in the victim. This manipulation can result in feelings of worthlessness and a distorted self-image. Additionally, bad friends can foster a toxic environment that fuels anxiety and depression, leading to a decline in mental health.

Influence on Behavior and Decision Making

Friends play a substantial role in shaping an individual’s behavior and decision-making process. Bad friends can lead one down a path of destructive behaviors, such as substance abuse, academic dishonesty, and criminal activities. The desire to fit in or gain approval can make one susceptible to peer pressure, compelling them to make poor decisions that they might not have considered otherwise.

Impact on Personal Growth and Development

Effect on other relationships.

The influence of bad friends extends beyond the individual, affecting their relationships with others. Their toxic behaviors can strain relationships with family members and other friends, leading to isolation. Additionally, they can instill negative perceptions of others, causing one to develop unhealthy relationships based on distrust and manipulation.

The impact of bad friends is far-reaching, affecting psychological well-being, behavior, personal growth, and other relationships. It is crucial to recognize the signs of a bad friendship and take steps to distance oneself from such toxic influences. Building a network of positive, supportive, and uplifting friends can counteract the negative effects and promote healthier emotional and social development. As the saying goes, we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with, so choosing our friends wisely is of paramount importance.

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