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  • Tree Plantation Essay


Essay on Tree Plantation

Tree planting is the process in which tree seedlings are transplanted generally for forestry, land reclamation, or landscaping purposes. Tree plantation is very necessary because trees provide oxygen to the environment and make the air quality better. If more trees are planted, then the world's environment will become a safer place to live in. Tree plantation also reduces pollution, thus making the life of future generations secure. Through this tree plantation essay, one will have a clear overview of this topic.

Tree Plantation Essay in English

The tree is the key to a pollution-free environment for a long time because they are responsible for providing oxygen, improving the quality of air, climate amelioration, conserving water, soil preservation, and supporting wildlife. Due to all these reasons, tree plantation has become necessary in the present scenario as pollution is at a peak. Tree plantation is the only way to control pollution to some extent.

Afforestation in Tree Plantation

In silviculture, the tree plantation activity is known as afforestation or reforestation. This process involves planting seedlings in an area where the forest has been damaged by a fire, disease, or harvested or got destroyed by some human activity. As we know that pollution is increasing at an alarming rate, different countries are making various strategies to fight with this situation, and tree plantation is one of the most important strategies that is being adopted. Many reforestation companies have also been formed, which are responsible for planting trees in the deforested lands. Trees remove carbon dioxide and release oxygen to the air, thus making the air quality better for living beings. The knowledge gained through this paragraph shows the importance of tree plantation essays.

Benefits of Tree Plantation 

Plants have a complete cycle of taking in Carbon DiOxide (CO2) and giving out Oxygen. Co2. Thus planting more trees would help in reducing the amount of CO2 that is present in the atmosphere.

The more the number of trees are planted, the cleaner the air will get. Having enough oxygen and reduced CO2 would make the air clean and free from pollutants. 

Plants also have the ability to naturally filter dirty water. Thus planting more trees would not only result in cleaner air, but it would also make the water clean too. 

Temperature has been constantly fluctuating due to a decrease in the number of plants. Plants can maintain atmospheric temperatures. In hot regions, having more plants would help regulate the heat. 

Trees and plants are home to many wild creatures. A lot of birds build their nests on trees. Plants support wildlife. Planting more trees would not only help humans but it will support the whole biodiversity.

Planting trees makes the environment immediately more beautiful. Trees help prevent soil erosion. They also absorb different pollutants and thus make the air-water and earth cleaner.  



Deforestation can be described as voluntary cutting down forests. Trees are usually cut in large numbers to provide more space for humans. This is a direct result of the population explosion. People are looking for more land to build their homes or to make space for growing more crops. Forests are also being cut down to provide more wood that is used as a building material as well as fuel.      

Up until a century ago, a lot of lands were covered by forests. Around 2000 years ago, almost 80% of the planet was covered in forests. However today only 20%-30% of those forests exist. The rate of destruction of forests is more than the rate of its replenishment. This means that if we continue to destroy our environment at this rate, soon no tree will be left on earth. Therefore humans need to control the destructive nature and plant more trees.    

Disadvantages of Deforestation 

Cutting down forests does not only destroy the beauty of nature but is also very harmful to every living creature.

Humans and animals produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and inhale Oxygen. This oxygen is not present naturally on the Earth. Rather it is created by the plants through a process that is known as photosynthesis. Cutting down a large number of trees will reduce the amount of oxygen that is present on the planet. 

Forests are home to different types of living organisms. They support a lot of animals, insects, reptiles, and plants. Cutting down forests means the complete destruction of biodiversity. Many species of animals have already become extinct due to deforestation. The constant activity of deforestation will soon lead to an episode of mass extinction.

Trees not only support flora and fauna but are also responsible for maintaining the fertility of the soil. The roots of the plants hold the most fertile top layer of soil in place. When trees are cut, their roots are destroyed too. This leads to the problem of soil erosion. 

Cutting down forests is like bringing a permanent change that is almost irreversible in nature. A lot of trees take 20- 30 years to grow back. During this time the birds and animals that have been surviving due to the trees, become extinct.

Tree Plantation in Different Countries

After European colonization, the forests in Australia have suffered a lot and were heavily affected. The Government and many individuals have attempted to restore the forests by massive tree plantations. One of the non-profit organizations known as Greening Australia has planted a total of 1 million trees in different regions of Australia and has become one of the major tree planting companies in the globe. As per the tree plantation essay, you can imagine how important it is.

In Canada, tree plantation is carried out by private reforestation companies. These reforestation companies fight with one another for getting the contract from the logging companies. Planting of the tree is done according to the logging companies, and the planters should always maintain the qualities of trees as similar to the qualities mentioned in the contract.

Climate Change

Deforestation is one of the main reasons for the earth's climate change. As per some scientists, it is said that deforestation is responsible for around 18-25% of climate change. This is why some big organizations like the United Nations, World Bank, and other leading organizations are encouraging tree plantations worldwide. From this tree plantation essay, one can see the importance of tree plantation. The amount of carbon dioxide is increasing in the air, and that is because it is absorbing the UV rays of the sun and making the atmosphere warmer. Trees are the only way to overcome this problem because they absorb carbon dioxide from the air, thus making the air cleaner. From the tree plantation essay in English, it is proved that tree plantation is very much needed in today's time.

A Short Essay on Tree Plantation

In simpler words, tree plantation means to plant seedlings in the ground for growing more trees in an area. Tree plantation is very much required in countries where deforestation has increased a lot. With tree plantation, one can restrict the problems that may arise due to deforestation. One of the major problems of deforestation, which is pollution, can be reduced to some extent through the increased rate of tree plantation. In this short paragraph on tree plantation, it is cleared that tree plantation is very important.According to a tree plantation paragraph for Class 10, it is said that a reduced rate of tree plantation on heavy deforestation areas can cause climate change because deforestation increases the level of carbon dioxide, and without the required amount of tree, it is difficult to remove it from the air.Through this short essay on tree plantation, one can get some idea of what are the true requirements of tree plantation in today’s time and why it is so important for the world.

With this tree plantation essay, it is clear that tree plantation is the key to save the earth from pollution. This is why many countries have now started to concentrate on increasing the rate of tree plantation to make the earth a safer place to live for the future generation. One may have learned all this in tree plantation in school essays. Every country should aim to increase afforestation rather than deforestation. Tree planting is cost-effective, thus making it simpler to achieve the goal of making the earth a safer place by making it free from pollution. The effects of climate change can also be controlled by increasing the rate of tree plantation.


FAQs on Tree Plantation Essay

1. Which Trees Produce More Oxygen?

As we all know that the oxygen is decreasing in the air, and the carbon dioxide level is increasing at an alarming rate. Therefore we need to plant trees that can extract more oxygen into the air, and such trees are Douglas-fir, spruce, true fir, beech, and maple. These trees are capable of cleansing the air by giving more oxygen to the air.

2. What is the Importance of Tree Plantation?

The tree is the key to making the environment a safer place to live in, and they do that by providing oxygen into the air, improving the air quality, climate amelioration, water conservation, soil preservation, and supporting the wildlife of the earth. This is why tree plantation is important in today's world.

3. What is Climate Change?

Climate change can be described as the unnatural shifts that have taken place in the weather of any region. For example, areas that have never witnessed a snowfall have been facing the problem of snow blizzards. The inexplicable changes and spikes in the temperature of a region can be called climate change. Climate change has taken place due to deforestation and high carbon emissions while burning fossil fuels.

4. How can Tree plantations help manage the problem of Climate Change?

Plants absorb carbon. Planting more trees can help the planet by solving the problem of climate change. The carbon emitted due to fossil fuels will be used by plants during photosynthesis. The problem of constant rise in temperature can be solved by afforestation. Apart from this having more trees will also help in making the environment clean and free from toxins. Planting trees will help solve the issue of climate change. 

5.   What is deforestation?

Deforestation has been described as the deliberate act of cutting down more forests. Throughout history, humans have been clearing forests to make space for living and cultivating food. At the beginning of civilization, it was not extremely harmful. But today very little area is left that is covered by forests. Cutting down trees destroys and disrupts the whole life of that area. This is because a lot of other creatures are dependent on trees for their survival.

Essay on Tree Plantation 500+ Words

Tree plantation, the act of deliberately planting and nurturing trees, is a vital practice for our planet’s well-being. In this essay, we will explore the significance of tree plantation, supported by evidence, examples, and expert opinions, demonstrating how planting trees benefits the environment, human health, and the future of our planet.

The Environmental Impact of Tree Plantation

Tree plantations play a crucial role in preserving our environment. Trees act as natural air filters, absorbing harmful carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and releasing oxygen, which is essential for all living beings. According to the Arbor Day Foundation, one tree can absorb up to 48 pounds of CO2 per year.

Combating Climate Change

The fight against climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our time. Tree plantations is a powerful weapon in this battle. Trees not only absorb CO2 but also help cool the planet by providing shade and reducing the “urban heat island” effect in cities.

Supporting Biodiversity

Forests, created through tree plantations, are home to countless species of plants and animals. The preservation of biodiversity is essential for maintaining a healthy ecosystem. Trees provide habitat and food for a wide variety of creatures, from insects to birds and mammals.

Preventing Soil Erosion

Tree roots anchor soil, preventing erosion caused by wind and water. Trees also help filter out pollutants, ensuring that clean water is available for communities downstream. Soil conservation through tree plantation is vital for sustainable agriculture.

Improving Air Quality

In urban areas, tree plantations can significantly improve air quality. Trees act as natural air purifiers, trapping pollutants and particulate matter. Cleaner air means better health for communities and reduced respiratory illnesses.

Economic Benefits

Tree plantations can also bring economic benefits. Timber from trees is a valuable resource used in construction and manufacturing. Moreover, tree planting initiatives create jobs in forestry, horticulture, and landscaping.

Human Health and Well-being

Trees provide mental and physical health benefits. Exposure to green spaces and nature has been linked to reduced stress, improved mental health, and increased physical activity. Urban tree planting enhances the quality of life in cities.

Water Conservation

Tree roots help recharge groundwater by allowing rainwater to seep into the soil. This contributes to water conservation and ensures a sustainable supply of freshwater for communities.

Expert Opinions

Experts in environmental science and forestry emphasize the importance of tree plantation. Dr. Jane Goodall, a renowned conservationist, has spoken about the critical role of trees in mitigating climate change and preserving biodiversity. Forestry experts highlight the need for reforestation and afforestation to combat deforestation’s harmful effects.

Our Responsibility

As stewards of the Earth, it is our responsibility to engage in tree plantation efforts. Individuals, communities, and governments can all contribute by planting trees in their neighborhoods, organizing tree-planting events, and supporting reforestation initiatives.

Conclusion of Essay on Tree Plantation

In conclusion, tree plantation is not just a noble endeavor; it is a necessity for the survival of our planet. Trees are Earth’s natural heroes, silently working to combat climate change, support biodiversity, and improve the quality of life for all living beings. As we reflect on the importance of tree plantation, we must recognize that it is an act that benefits not only the environment but also human health, economies, and future generations. Each tree planted is a step towards a greener, healthier world. It is our collective responsibility to embrace tree plantation and ensure a sustainable and thriving planet for generations to come.

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Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation

List of essays on importance of tree plantation, essay on importance of tree plantation – short essay for children (essay 1 – 150 words), essay on importance of tree plantation (essay 2 – 250 words), essay on importance of tree plantation – role of trees, impact of cutting trees and sensitizing people (essay 3 – 300 words), essay on importance of tree plantation – for school students (class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 standard) (essay 4 – 400 words), essay on importance of tree plantation – written in english (essay 5 – 500 words), essay on the importance of tree plantation (essay 6 – 600 words), essay on the importance of tree plantation – for college and university students (essay 7 – 750 words), essay on the importance of tree plantation – long essay (essay 8 – 1000 words).

These essays will also guide you to learn about the role of trees, impact of cutting trees, sensitizing people about tree plantation, significance of tree plantation, measures taken by Indian government and contribution of NGO in tree plantation.

The importance of tree plantation is quite significant, as it is associated with our basic need for good food to eat and fresh air to breathe. Apart from these basic necessities, they maintain biodiversity, conserve water, preserve soil, control climate etc.

Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for children, school students (Class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Standard) and college students.


Importance of tree plantation is insisted upon right from our school days because planting trees is not only good for us but for the entire universe.

Benefits of Tree Plantation:

Tree plantation is given so much importance because of its varied benefits.

Some of the significant benefits are listed below:

i. Trees inhale Carbon dioxide and various other harmful gases and exhale Oxygen which is needed for human beings to survive.

ii. Trees act as the source of food and shelter for birds, animals and also human beings.

iii. Trees help in preventing soil erosion, thereby improving the fertility of soil.

Ways to Emphasize the Importance of Tree Plantation:

Today many schools, colleges and even business organizations are allocating few days of the year exclusively for planting trees. This is a good initiative and must be encouraged in order to make people aware about the importance of tree plantation. Even politicians and celebrities plant saplings and act as a role model for the future generation.


It is high time that we the residents of this planet, appreciate the importance of tree plantation and start contributing for a greener planet.

Importance of tree plantation should be discussed to save our earth from destruction and the lives surviving on it. In this growing industrial and technological era, pollution has become a major problem. Many animals and birds are facing the threat of extinction due to the lack of their natural habitat.

Lifesaver Trees:

Green trees and plants are life savers as they inhale all the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and exhale oxygen when they prepare their food using photosynthesis. This process has actually kept the balance of different gas compositions in our atmosphere so that nothing will exceed its natural rate.

Increased use of technologies and combustion fuels have considerably increased the carbon content of our surrounding air. But the lack of green trees, who absorbs such carbon gas has caused a massive problem of increased carbon rate in the air. This increase has also negatively affected the oxygen rate we breathe that is exhaled by the tree as well.

Natural Habitat and Biodiversity:

Trees and forest are the home for many bird and animal species, and cutting down them means, their habitat is being destroyed. Many birds have already been extinct due to the same reason and animals too.

By planting more trees and building new forests we are saving many species that are dependent on such lifestyles that include tree as a home and their fruits, leaves, etc., as their food. This will maintain the biodiversity in our world and the harmony of life.

Cutting down trees for unavoidable reasons should be compensated by planting more ones in suitable places and taking care of them.

There is a significant importance of tree plantation as the number of trees on the earth is declining at a very rapid rate. We all know the importance of trees and plants for our survival and welfare.

Role of Trees:

The plants and trees play a very vital role in sustaining life and ecosystem on earth and, therefore, the importance of tree plantation must be understood. They inhale carbon dioxide and exhale the life-giving oxygen. Plants and trees also provide food, fuel, wood, flowers and many other important items. They are also natural source of food and habitat for birds and wildlife and play a significant role in ecosystem. Trees also absorb other harmful gases from the atmosphere, thus, making the air pure and fresh.

Why cutting of trees is required?

The growing demand of wood, rubber and various products obtained from trees and plants, is leading to cutting of more and more trees. Also more land is required for buildings, roads, and industries, which in turn reduces the agriculture or forest land and cutting of trees. While this cannot be avoided for growth and progress, however, by understanding the importance of tree plantation, the loss of trees must be replenished by tree plantation.

Impact of Cutting Trees:

The importance of tree plantation must be understood by all as cutting of trees affects our lives drastically. The cutting of trees is increasing the cost of tree based products and depriving birds and animals of their food and habitat, and impacting ecosystem. Trees also help in perpetuating the water cycle by returning water vapour to the atmosphere. Cutting of trees is creating imbalance resulting in increase in pollution, global warming and erratic rains.

Sensitizing People:

Everyone should be sensitized about trees and made aware of the importance of tree plantation and shall be motivated to plant and protect the trees.

Provides Food:

Tree plantation is important as they provide fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts etc., for the sustenance of life on earth. Placed at the bottom of the food chain, they are the producers and the source of food energy for all living things to survive. Apart from this basic need, the importance of tree plantation holds good for human beings to meet their medicinal needs, fodder for domestic animals, household tools, fuel etc.

Trees provide with clean air for living beings to respire and produce energy. For a healthy life, free from suffocation and pollution, the importance of tree plantation cannot be underestimated, especially in urban areas.

Maintains Biodiversity:

Importance of tree plantation is tremendous to maintain the biodiversity and balance the ecosystem. Trees provide a natural habitat for a variety of species. A rich biodiversity and healthy ecosystem revitalizes the land and life on planet earth.

Conserves Water:

Trees give out water during photosynthesis, which contributes to the formation of rain clouds. Thus, they maintain the earth’s water cycle. Moreover, they also maintain the water table beneath the earth, by receiving and holding the rainwater. Therefore, the importance of tree plantation in living areas is significant, as they prevent drinking water from reaching the sea quickly.

Preserves Soil:

Trees are also known to hold the soil and prevent erosion. During rain and flood, the top soil of the earth tend to be washed away by water. The roots of the trees play an important part in holding the top soil from erosion. So, in areas known for landslides, the importance of tree plantation is quite relevant.

Controls Climate:

Since trees inhale Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, tree plantation is the best organic method that could be efficiently applied to reverse global warming and prevent climate change. In the recent days, especially after the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, importance of tree plantation has gained significant ground in many countries.

Since human beings have excessively exploited trees in the last two centuries after lifestyle inventions, the importance of tree plantation has become top priority in the present time. Tree plantation helps to sustain nature and maintain the dignity of human life on earth.

The importance of tree plantation must never be overlooked. Tree plantation has now become a necessity these days with the exponential growth rate of pollution in our environment. The process of tree plantation has to do with the transplanting of the seedlings of trees to spread the green scenery around and grow forests.

There are a lot of reasons why engaging in tree plantation is very important for our environment. There are a lot of benefits that tree plantation brings to our environment and mankind. We should endeavour to do our best individually and collectively to ensure we maintain our environment and also keeping the planet healthy knowing that just a little effort from us can go a long way in achieving this.

Tree plantation has a lot of benefits and a few of them will be discussed here just to remind us of how important tree plantation is:

1. The Economy Grows with Tree Plantation:

Trees are very important raw materials that can be used in the production of a variety of goods. We can get rubber, wood and so many more form trees that can be turned utensils, furniture, decorative items, paper and almost anything. Wood from trees is also a major element in the construction of houses and other structures. Trees produce fruits that can be consumed directly or processed into different foods. A lot of the goods that are produced from trees help to build the local economy and serve as a means of export thus, boosting the economy as a whole.

2. Trees Serve as Homes or Habitat to Various Species of Bird and Wildlife:

Trees are a home to birds and a host of other animals. Animals that have trees as their habitat include tree frog, tree kangaroo, flying lemur, spider monkey, koala and the python of the green tree. All of these animals live around or on the trees and their food are gotten from the trees. The leaves of the trees and the fruits of the trees are some of the parts of the trees that the animals eat. There some other wild animals that have the forests (a group of trees) as their own habitat.

Deforestation and the constant cutting down of trees has made quite a number of these wild animals extinct while some others are very close to extinction. If trees are not there for these animals to thrive, they would surely die. Tree plantation has a big role to place in helping these animals which is importance for the maintenance of biodiversity in our environment. Therefore, Biodiversity is very important for the maintenance of the balance of ecology in our environment.

3. Tree Plantation Helps Battle Deforestation:

Tree plantation goes a long way in the battling of deforestation. Due to urbanisation and modernisation, the amount of trees that we cut down is not commensurate with the amount of trees that we plant. We need to plant more trees to ensure that our forests are not totally deforested.

The fresh air we breathe, the beauty of nature that we enjoy shows us the importance of tree plantation. The trees provide us our life’s two basic need i.e., food and oxygen. During photosynthesis, trees generate enough oxygen that helps both humans and animals to survive. They provide us with food, wood, fresh air and they also provide shelter to animals and birds. As a result, our basic needs are fulfilled by the trees and we are totally dependent on them and this dependence helps us realize the importance of tree plantation. As we have more trees, we will rich to fulfill our needs.

Another role of trees in our eco-system is that the trees work like a filter in our eco-system. They absorb harmful gases produced by the activities humans, cause rainfall and maintains our nature. Our ecosystem is functioning well due to trees only.

Trees do this by cooling the environment through their leaves, absorbing sunlight and cooling our atmosphere and also saving us from the heavy air blow or storms. Trees lower the temperature by regulating the intensity of the heat through absorbing carbon dioxide and keeping the environment cool by releasing water vapor to our environment.

Planting of trees saves water and brings rainfall. There are much more reasons that makes us realize the importance of tree plantation and also thousands of reasons about how can we recover our environment through tree plantation.

Importance of Tree Plantation in our Social Life:

Tree plantation is the only way through which we can recover from our mistakes which have been done by deforestation. And, it also fulfills our basic needs and making Earth a better place to live. People around the world are now aware about this and understanding about what they have lost and how to get them back again through tree plantation. It is the only fastest way to make the Earth green like before and save our earth from the upcoming natural disasters.

Steps taken by Government to promote the “Importance of Tree Plantation”:

Chipko Moment was one such initiative to make people aware about the importance of tree plantation. While all around the world, NGOs, Volunteers and public are aware about the importance of tree plantation but still not much has been done. Government has started issuing funds, required equipments for tree plantation and has also made it a target to plant more trees in those areas which needs this the most.

A rapid growth is also seen through the increasing number of campaigns which educate people about the importance of tree plantation and compels them to contribute towards saving the Earth. Still much more plantation can be done. There are a lot of areas which is suffering from early fall. This can only be done by the local people.

We realize that one of the serious issues in the present condition is the devaluation of trees. Henceforth the attention to planting trees must be broadly spread in order to make our world’s condition greener and better. One should start contributing at an individual level. We additionally ought to stop the cutting down of trees and remember that if there will be no tree, there will be no life.

The tree play a major role in our life. Each and everyone must be aware about the importance of tree plantation and also motivate and encourage others to plant more tree. It is not just the present generation but also the future generation that will enjoy the benefits of having trees around.

Trees are the constant source of oxygen, which is the source of life on our planet. The survival of the ecosystem on earth is majorly dependent on number trees and forests. As industrialization and urbanization are under prolific growth the forests in India are facing a major threat. Therefore the importance of “tree plantation” is increasing with every passing day. “Tree plantation” can be carried out by sowing seeds and planting saplings in urban areas, on roadsides, on barren and utilized lands, school and college premises and many such places.

Significance of Tree Plantation:

“Tree plantation” is majorly significant in India as there is rapid deforestation in many areas where new industries and urbanization is developing. The Western Ghats in India are famous for the lush green mountains, beautiful rice fields, waterfalls and blooming ecological system. These mountain valleys are constantly getting eroded due to the factories and heavy construction work.

Extensive deforestation has resulted in catastrophic floods and landslides. The importance of “tree plantation” can also be quoted for conservation of forest for safeguarding the wildlife. The wild animals are facing a dearth of inhabitable forest regions and the lands are getting cleared for farming and industrial purposes.

The urban areas are devoid of trees and therefore face intense problems like smog and polluted air. “Tree Plantation” becomes a long time solution for such issues. Hazardous pollutants and greenhouse gases are released into the air from vehicle exhaust, burning of wood and coal, factories and industries. “Tree Plantation” must be rapidly exercised in maintaining the quality of air in the Indian metros and cities.

Measures taken by Indian Government:

Currently the forests and trees cover only 24.39 percent of the geographical area of India. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change of the Indian Government has undertaken a number of measures to increase the forest and tree coverage. The National Mission for a Green India is launched under the National Action Plan for Climate Change (NAPCC). By undertaking “tree plantation” on a massive scale, it aims to escalate forest cover in India by 5 million hectares and also to restore degraded forest by 5 million hectares.

The Indian Government is allocating funds through the Compensatory afforestation fund management and planning account (CAMPA) to undertake such massive campaigns for “tree plantation” in both urban and rural areas. The state governments are also exercising extensive measures to enhance the forest and tree coverage. The government of Maharashtra recorded its entry in the coveted Limca Book of Records by conducting a massive “tree plantation” by planting 2.82 crore trees on a single day with the help of the citizens and various Non-Government Organizations.

Contribution of NGO:

The Non-governmental Organizations (NGO) in India are taking proactive actions on encouraging common people to participate in “tree plantation” programs and creating awareness on importance of tree plantation climate change. The organization named Green Yatra founded by Mr. Pradeep Tripathi in Maharashtra has undertaken a program called ‘Go Green Kids,’ and provide free saplings to schools, in rural and urban parts of the state.

The students then look after the saplings which enhances the spirit of “tree plantation” throughout the community. The Green Yatra organization is planning to expand its operations to schools across India. They have planted 30000 trees across Maharashtra schools. The Project Green Hand founded by the Isha Foundation in Tamil Nadu gives the school kids 2000 seeds for “tree plantation”, educates them through peer-to-peer education and students cultivate mini forest in the school premises.

In 2013 the Sankalp Taru organization founded a program in the school in Barmer, Thar Desert to educate students and nearby communities on the importance of “tree plantation”. The organization conducts routine visits to ensure that the trees are healthy, and provide irrigation and water to the deprived areas. SayTrees is a Bengaluru based organization formed by committed individuals to protecting the ecological balance of nature.

The “tree plantation” by SayTrees is done by a unique method known as the Miyawaki technique. This technique allows various varieties of the plants to grow faster. The “tree plantation” program by SayTress is done by planting only native plant saplings like peepal, banyan, and mango.

The ecological system of our planet is a shared responsibility of all the citizens. The “importance of tree plantation” is emerging as we see the deteriorating condition of the forests and the ecosystem. The Indian Government and various NGOs are striving to bring awareness on climate change and various environmental problems. Massive “tree plantation” programs must be undertaken to mitigate the current ecological problems.

Importance of tree plantation has been advocated by all ever since the ancient civilizations learnt to settle in one place. Trees give us oxygen and are an important condition for the sustenance of life on life. But, do we really give them the respect they deserve? Is it not that for our personal needs we have uprooted numerous trees and paved way for urbanisation? All this has not just affected the environment, but it has affected us the most as we have disturbed the balance of nature which was essential for our own survival. Hence, it is the need of the day to understand the importance of tree plantation.

The Importance of Tree Plantation:

It is not only the oxygen for which the trees are important to us. There are numerous other things as well. In fact, it would not be wrong to say that it is not possible for us to survive on earth without the trees being around.

Social Importance of Tree Plantation:

Importance of tree plantation lies in the fact that they are visually appealing. Having trees around us is a boost to our eyes. An area full of trees looks so visually appealing that it helps you beat your stress levels and the fresh air around the trees energises you. Also, the importance of tree plantation is that children love to play around them and it gives a boost the outdoor activities of children, giving them a healthy life. One of the most talked about importance of tree plantation is that they protect you from the sun and provide the elders with a sitting ground for them to relax under their shade.

Economic Importance of Tree Plantation:

There is economic importance of tree plantation as well. The foremost is that the produce from trees is used for commercial purposes and even exported to other nations. This helps in the economy of the country. The economic importance of tree plantation includes that they give livelihood to the people as cultivating trees and selling their produce helps them earn their living. Moreover, the beautification of the landscape also results in higher property rates, thereby benefitting the economy and the people.

Environmental Importance of Tree Plantation:

Most importantly, there is environmental importance of tree plantation. One of the foremost is that we get plenty of oxygen for our own survival. Moreover, other importance of tree plantation includes that trees help in reducing pollution levels and give us a healthy environment to live. Additionally, the importance of tree plantation is that they help in stopping the clouds and cause rainfall. Also, they bind the soil together and prevent soil erosion. Furthermore, there are many species of animals and birds which are dependent on trees for their survival. Trees, in fact, are essential for all living beings.

Both above and deep below the surface of the Earth, trees are fundamental to the eco-frameworks in which they live. Sweeping roots hold soil set up and fight disintegration. Trees assimilate and store water which decreases overflow and increases the water table of the Earth. This is used by us to satisfy our needs of water in the absence of rainfall. Moreover, this enables the ground to water supply revive, keeps the water moving into streams and averts flooding. Fallen leaves make amazing manure that improves the quality of the soil. This is important for the sustenance of agricultural practices as well.

Importance of Trees as Food for Other Species:

Numerous creatures, including elephants, koalas and giraffes eat leaves as food for survival. Blooms are eaten by monkeys, and nectar is a most loved of winged creatures, bats and numerous creepy animals. Different species additionally eat a significant part of a similar natural product that is produced by trees. This allows the seed to scatter over different areas.

New plants grow from these seeds and give rise to the trees in a region. Obviously, several living animals consider trees their home. Leaf-secured branches protect a number of animals, for example, flying creatures and squirrels, out of the span of predators. Hence the importance of tree plantation is not just for the human race but for the other species on the Earth as well.

Spiritual and Religious Importance of Tree Plantation:

There is spiritual importance of tree plantation as well. Many trees are considered sacred in different religions. Planting such trees in the neighbourhood gives positivity to the residents of that area. Therefore, it is not only for their oxygen-producing capacity that we should understand the importance of tree plantation.

The Movement to Emphasise Importance of Tree Plantation:

The importance of tree plantation was demonstrated during the Chipko movement. In the 1970s, a movement known as the Chipko movement was organised in order to stop the increase in deforestation in India. The name of the development originates from the word ‘grasp’, as the villagers embraced the trees, and did not allow the workers to cut the trees.

This movement began around 260 years back in the early piece of the eighteenth century in Rajasthan. An extensive group of people from 84 towns driven by a woman called Amrita Devi set out their lives with an end goal to shield the trees from being felled on the requests of the Maharaja of Jodhpur. The movement was eventually successful as the Maharaja agrees to stop the felling of the trees.

Trees are important for us all, be it humans, animals or birds. But, we have somehow not protected them and perhaps that is why as on today we have been affected by global warming, severe pollution levels and other ill effects of deforestation. But it is still not so late. We must all understand the importance of tree plantation and encourage others as well to plant more and more trees.

It is for the own betterment and the sooner we understand this the better it is for us. Individuals are considered as the smartest animal on the earth, so we ought to comprehend our duty towards nature and understand the importance of trees for the benefit of all flora and fauna on the earth. Let our planet remain as beautiful as it was created millions of years ago.

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The Applied Ecologist

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How can we improve tree planting outcomes?

With a growing number of tree planting initiatives at regional to global scales, Karen Holl and Pedro Brancalion highlight in their latest research how planting trees is much more complicated than it seems . Here they share their findings, including guidelines to increase success of these ambitious efforts world-wide.

Planting trees is so satisfying. You dig a hole, put a tree seedling in the ground, fill the hole with soil, and voila, you have done something good for the planet and future generations. So it’s not surprising that governments, businesses, conservation organisations and people everywhere are talking about planting trees – lots and lots of trees. But is it really that simple?

Unfortunately, no. Tree planting has been promoted globally as the silver bullet to solve multiple environmental and social problems, and, indeed, well-planned tree planting along with other strategies to protect and increase forest cover can provide many benefits to people and the millions of other species that depend on forests. But tree planting can have unintended consequences and requires extensive planning and an ongoing commitment to achieve the desired outcomes.

In our latest paper in the Journal of Applied Ecology , we provide guidelines on how to direct the enthusiasm for large-scale tree planting in a way that maximizes the benefits.

essay about planting activity

1. Address the underlying drivers of forest degradation . At the same time as the number and scale of tree planting initiatives is exploding, large swaths of existing forest are being cut down, including old-growth forests that could never be replaced by tree plantations. It is extremely challenging to recreate a complex forest ecosystem and it takes decades to centuries for forests to recover. So the most important and effective way to increase forest cover is to prevent clearing in the first place. This means providing alternative sources of income for people who protect forest on their land, strengthening legal enforcement, and promoting supply chain interventions to curb deforestation.

2. Integrate decision-making across scales. The innumerable tree planting initiatives range from those committed to planting a few trees in a school backyard to a trillion trees across the planet. These groups are motivated to plant trees for different reasons which often are not aligned and may even be in conflict.

essay about planting activity

For instance, to offset its greenhouse gas emissions, a global corporation provides funding for a conservation organisation to plant trees. The conservation organisation aims to provide habitat for endangered species but it does not own the land, therefore it uses the money to plant trees on farmers’ land. The farmers, in turn, want to plant trees in areas that are not good for crops and plant species that provide benefits, such as fruit crops and erosion control. These different motivations for tree planting need to be coordinated and balanced as there are trade-offs.

essay about planting activity

3. Tailor tree planting strategies to clearly stated project goals and plan, adaptively manage, and evaluate success over a sufficiently long timeframe. Given the many different motivations for tree planting it is important to agree upon goals at the outset and then think through a number of questions about how best to achieve those goals over time. For example, is it necessary to plant trees or will the forest recover on its own (which does happen in some cases)?. If it is necessary to plant trees, what species are most likely to grow well at a given site and achieve project goals? Who will take care of the trees? How will we evaluate whether the project has been successful or whether corrective actions need to be taken? Since forests take a long time to recover, the new forest will also need to be monitored and managed for at least a few decades.

essay about planting activity

4. Focus on the forest, not the trees . Forests include many types of plants besides trees, such as herbs and vines, as well birds, mammals, insects, fungi, and so much more. These other species play important roles, such as dispersing seeds and pollinating plants. So it’s not just about planting trees but about choosing a strategy that restores the whole forest ecosystem which is key to providing the full suite of ecosystem services that people expect from tree planting, such as pollination, erosion control, and water purification.

5. Coordinate different land uses across the landscape . Regional coordination of different land uses is key to successfully balancing the different goals of tree planting efforts. For example, some areas will be protected and restored to provide biodiversity and carbon sequestration benefits whereas some land will need to be used for timber and wood pulp production. Subsistence farmers will need land for agroforestry or sustainable agricultural production. Achieving this balance is crucial to avoid displacing agricultural activities that may promote deforestation elsewhere.

6. Involve all stakeholders throughout the process. Time and time again, top-down projects by international groups or national governments have failed because the planted trees are not maintained, farmers utilise the land for livestock grazing, or the land is re-cleared for agricultural purposes. For tree planting to be successful over the long-term, it is critical that stakeholders at multiple scales are involved in conversations from the beginning of the planning process through to project evaluation and management to ensure that everybody is on board and their needs are met.

essay about planting activity

Tree planting has many potential benefits but efforts to increase tree cover must be viewed as one component of the multi-faceted solutions to complex environmental problems that must start by reducing the drivers of habitat destruction and degradation in the first place.

Tree planting will receive unprecedented financial, political and societal support in the next few years during the upcoming United Nations’ Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and as consequence of ambitious initiatives such as the Bonn Challenge and . We should not miss this unique opportunity with poorly planned initiatives that may do more harm than good or waste resources without delivering expected outcomes.

It is time to realise the potential for tree planting to help solve some of the most pressing challenges of our time. To do that, we need enthusiasm combined with careful planning, implementation and monitoring.

Read the full article, Guidance for successful tree planting initiatives , in Journal of Applied Ecology.

More from the authors: Do we really need to plant a trillion trees? Tree islands are an ecologically and economically sound strategy for tropical forest recovery

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13 thoughts on “ how can we improve tree planting outcomes ”.

very nice!!

A couple of vital aspects of tree planting were not mentioned here. First, to plant an actual tree takes a modicum of training. In a small project I had at a boreal forest nursery, the planters were yours truly (some experience), undergraduate research assistants and graduate students on loan from a colleague. In spite of basic training, the standards of planting were all over the place. Sometimes roots were left exposed, stems not straight, soil inadequately tamped down. These errors can make a big difference to survival.

Second thing: I noticed nurseries were not mentioned. Any project I have been involved in had a tree nursery with staff who were either professional nursery managers or who had acquired the skills to perform in that capacity. Nursery managers are also a great source of local knowledge that often does not make it into peer-reviewed literature. In the tropics, such managers often have a deep knowledge of the location of seed trees and other details that project managers need to know.

Thank you for the comments with which we agree. We did note in Table 3-Phase 2 that one question that should be asked is “How will planters be trained on the correct planting methodology?” Unfortunately, space limitations did not allow us to go into every detail of the many questions listed in Table 3 and other topics we would have liked to cover.

We strongly concur that nursery managers, seed collectors, and farmers all often have extensive knowledge of plant propagation methods and land management methods more broadly. We have written about that elsewhere (Brancalion et al. 2012; Silva et a. 2017; Holl 2020) and appreciate your highlighting this point.

Holl, K.D. (2020) Primer of Ecological Restoration. Island Press, Washington, D.C. Silva, A.P.M. et al. (2017) Can current native tree seedling production and infrastructure meet an increasing forest restoration demand in Brazil? Restoration Ecology, 25, 509-515. Brancalion, P.H.S. et al. (2012) Improving planting stocks for the Brazilian Atlantic Forest restoration through community-based seed harvesting strategies. Restoration Ecology, 20, 704-711.

When did you start planting trees? Are you the Andrew Park who knew Kathleen Coffey in Oregon?

I like that you said that to improve tree planting outcomes, it’s important to focus on the forest, meaning giving importance to the birds, mammals, insects, fungi, and so much more. I would inherit my grandpa’s land when he passes away. Once it’s my property, I’ll make sure I hire a forest management service for the 40-hectare land. Thanks!

I’m glad you mentioned “focus on the forest” – I think so many people look past that aspect. Like if you don’t see other trees thriving in an area, it’s not a good idea to plant a tree there right away without doing some digging (no pun intended) to see if the soil is not great, maybe the area is getting too much sun, etc. Thanks for the great article, I learned a lot!

Thanks! This is such a helpful and informative post! Down here in Revere ma, we do know the important of tree planting, it really has many potential benefits for a long-term, it also provides food, protection, and homes for many birds and mammals. For successful planting over the long-term, it’s recommended to hire a reliable tree service companies that can care and offer many advices on issues such as tree planting, fertilization, and pests and disease control.

The benefits may be different between a newly planted tree and a mature tree. The bottom line is we can all maximize the benefits if we start to plant more trees now. In highly urbanized cities in the Philippines, planting trees is one of the surest ways to make the place more sustainable. It is more for the people than for the place itself.

Tree planting in the Philippines and elsewhere, for that matter, has tremendous environmental benefits.

Thanks for the informative post on tree planting! I was particularly interested in your point about how to improve outcomes.

Great tips! I really loved reading this blog! Very useful and eye-opening tips. Thanks for writing this down and sharing it! I am gonna write these tips down and use them when the time comes. Thanks!

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Tree Plantation Essay | Essay on Tree Planation for Students and Children

February 22, 2023 by Prasanna

Tree Plantation Essay: Trees are an essential and indisputable part of our life. They perform a variety of functions, such as provide us with oxygen, food, wood, and many more. They are a vital part of our environment and are essential to maintain the balance in the ecology. However, in recent times, the practice of deforestation is on the rise.

Tree plantation is a critical process. It refers to the planting of seedlings that not only is for increasing the forest cover but for ensuring that our ecosystem is intact. There are many benefits of tree plantation, such as increasing greenery, pure oxygen, climate change, etc.

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Long and Short Essay on Tree Plantation in English for Students and Children

Below we have provided one long essay on tree plantation of 400-500 words and one short essay on tree plantation of 200 words.

Long Essay on Tree Plantation in English 500 words

The long tree plantation essay is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9, 10, and competitive exam aspirants.

Trees are vital to the environment. They provide us with fresh air to breathe, a shelter for birds and animals. They also provide us with wood for various purposes, along with many medicinal and spiritual properties. However, deforestation has been its main enemy. This problem needs to be curtailed to ensure that the ecological balance is maintained.

Tree plantation is the process of planting seedlings into the ground. This process is in a planned manner. Tree plantation depends upon the geography and the topology of the region. Usually, planting trees that grow quickly are preferred. Many trees are indigenous and are encouraged by many to be grown to maintain natural heritage. It mainly occurs in the monsoon season in India, between June and September. Tree plantation is vital to make up for the losses due to deforestation, of which we are now suffering consequences.

Tree plantation is not only beneficial to the environment but is also crucial in the growing worries of climate change. Trees are the natural purifiers of the Earth; they take in carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. This oxygen is required for every living being on the planet. The reason they are called natural purifiers because they take in the toxins and give out pure air for us to breathe. Trees are essential for the soil as they prevent erosion. They ensure that there is reduced erosion when it rains and keeps the soil-bound. Their roots hold the soil together, and they even draw the rain towards the ground. Another benefit of tree plantation here is that when leaves fall onto the ground, it decays in the soil and enriches it.

Tree plantation is vital to increase the green cover. Trees provide us with fruits and vegetables that are required by all living beings. Tree plantation is vital to ensure that birds and many animals such as koala bears, sloths, orangutans, and tree frogs, etc. that live on trees have a home. Trees control the changes in climate. Without planting trees, lands would turn into deserts. They regulate the temperature by keeping it cooler and maintain humidity.

Tree plantation is required for economic reasons as well. They provide us with timber, wood, and rubber, which help in the construction of homes, furniture, paper, and products sold in the market. They produce fruits that are used to make juices, jams, and other eatables as well. They also look lovely and scenic.

The need for tree plantation has been recognized all over the world. Governments ensure the protection of forests. There are many NGOs today that looks to spread awareness and encourage tree plantation. They try to get communities to participate as well as spread their messages through live performances, interactions, and social media. Schools also stress the importance of tree plantation and try to teach their significance among students. They teach students abuts the various benefits and do tree plantations on the school campus. Many people plant trees on world environment day. Tree plantation day in India is referred to as Van Mahotsav, which is celebrated every year throughout the first week of July.

Short Essay on Tree Plantation in English for Kids 200 words

Tree plantation essay is suitable for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Tree plantation refers to planting seedlings in the soil. It is done during the monsoon season, from July to September in India. Seedlings are planted in the Earth, and the types grown are based on soil and climate of the region.

Tree plantation is significant in the current age of climate change and global warming. Trees take in the carbon dioxide as well as many toxics and give out clean oxygen for all living things to breathe. Trees prevent the soil from getting eroded and danged during rains. They hold the soil together with its roots. Tree plantation is necessary because it is the home to birds and many animals like koala bears and tree frogs. Trees help to control the temperature of the Earth, making it cooler. Trees also provide us with fruits and vegetables. They give us wood to build houses, furniture and make paper.

It is essential to conserve the greenery around us. Many schools teach students about the importance of tree plantation and students plant trees in schools. Tree plantation is practiced all over the world. Tree plantation day in India is celebrated as Van Mahotsav in the first week of July.

10 Lines on Tree Plantation Essay in English

This is suitable for competitive exam aspirants as well as while making speeches.

  • Tree plantation is the process of planting seedlings into the ground. This process is done in a planned manner.
  • Tree plantation depends on the topology, geography and climate of the region.
  • Tree plantation is in the monsoon season. In India, it is done between June and September.
  • It has become important in times of climate change and deforestation.
  • Trees take in carbon dioxide and other harmful toxins. They give out clean oxygen which is essential for all living beings.
  • They prevent soil erosion during the rains. Their roots bind the soil together. Their leaves all enrich the soil.
  • They help to bring in rains and control the temperatures. They help to keep it cool and if they are cut down the climate and land become similar to a desert.
  • Tree plantation is required as trees are home to birds and many animals such as koala bears, orangutans, tree frogs, etc. They provide us with essential fruits and vegetables.
  • Trees provide us with timber to build shelters, furniture, make paper, etc which can be sold in markets.
  • The importance of tree plantation is recognized all over the world. Tree plantation day in India is referred to as Van Mahotsav every year throughout the first week of July.

FAQ’s on Tree Plantation Essay

Question 1. What is tree plantation?

Answer: Tree plantation is the process of planting seedlings into the ground. This process is done in a planned manner.

Question 2. Why is tree plantation required?

Answer: Tree plantation is required to sustain life on Earth. Trees give out oxygen, provide shelter for animals, provide food, and regulate climate.

Question 3. How is tree plantation economical?

Answer: They provide us with timber, wood, and rubber, which help in the construction of homes, furniture, paper, and products sold in the market. They produce fruits used for juices, jams, and other eatables as well.

Question 4. When is tree plantation day in India?

Answer: Tree plantation day in India is referred to as Van Mahotsav, which is celebrated every year throughout the first week of July.

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Students’ Participation in Tree Planting Activity: Promoting the 21st Century Environmental Education

Link to the General Issue December 2020 Table of Contents

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Benefits of Trees and Reforestation

Universally, trees have been known as an important part of urban landscapes for millennia since they offer adequate benefits to humanity. The idea of urban forestry is insufficiently understood and often disregarded in Nepal even though the planting of trees has been an essential and significant share of their human settlements. One study investigated urban peoples’ awareness towards urban forests and the observed benefits related to the consumption and presence of urban forests in Lalitpur, Nepal. The results inferred that most respondents held affirmative attitudes to urban forests and were mindful of the benefits delivered. There was still greenery weakening in the city despite the participation of different agents from government and non-governmental organizations in urban forests promotions. Because of the city’s suffering from water, air, and soil pollution, the damage and degradation of urban forests unfavorably affected the ecosystems. The local government has endorsed urban greenery in recent years; though, there are no supplementary legislations or regulations leading to urban forestry (Gurung et al., 2012).

According to Pawar and Rothkar (2015), forests are vital for human life because they offer a varied range of resources such as absorbing carbon or acting as carbon sink, generating oxygen which is important for life’s existence on earth so they are also known as earth lung, aiding to regulate hydrological cycle, world’s climatic condition, water purification, providing habitat to wildlife, decreasing global warming, absorbing poisonous gases and noise, reducing pollution, preserving soil, and mitigating natural threats like floods and landslides. However, currently forest cover is quickly diminishing due to various causes such as development of agriculture, urbanization, road construction, industrial plants and factories that constitute the major and severe danger to the forestry that lead to serious destruction of the environment.

Furthermore, Sivarajah et al. (2018) confirmed that human exposure to green surroundings and vegetation is broadly known to benefit both physical and mental health conditions. But there was no investigation yet on the particular effects of tree cover, diversity, and species structure on the academic performance of students. There was a suggestion about the importance of urban forestry investments in those schools where effects of tree cover and species composition were most marked that showed the maximum level of external encounters.

Based on the article about the benefits of trees for livable and sustainable communities authored by Skoff and Cavender (2019), we are living in a period swayed by humans to the fact that the Earth’s systems are now reformed. Also, the world’s major population lives in cities. The United Nations General Assembly formed the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG) to progress the value of life for people and to come across their needs in a shifting world. The greatest encounters of our era were bounded in these comprehensive goals. Planting and protecting trees particularly in cities where the bulk of people live are effective approaches to contribute in accomplishing these goals. They directed a critical review of the benefits of trees that stimulate health and social well‐being by eliminating air pollution, decreasing stress, boosting physical activity, and supporting social ties and community. Trees can decrease urban temperatures while cities are getting warmer while they provide the animals with home and food. Lastly for being a treasured green structure, forests manage stormwater while having a high return on investment when it comes to money expended.

Community Initiative to Support Environmental Education

Some communities have already agreed on the benefits of trees and forestry which also visions the promotion of environmental awareness. Relf et al. (1992) stated in their study that there has been an improved attention in the role of vegetation in social well-being and in the general public’s observation of the plants’ significance. The method where plants are used in public and private sceneries, the sum of money capitalized in the foundation and preservation of plants, and the contentment derived from the plantings can be affected by understanding the nature and level of the significance of plants to people.

Summit and McPherson (1998) conducted site studies on community residences in Sacramento, California whereas the participants were provided with questionnaires leading to questions about the addition of trees to their properties, peoples’ inspirations for planting trees, and the level and occurrence of the trees’ maintenance on their properties. The survey results showed that most residents (68% of the sample) plant trees on their properties; there is a reasonably densely planted (with room for about 9% more trees than are already in place) in residential areas; that tree planting tends to be highest early in a resident’s tenure in a home; that concerns of ease (shade) and presence show more of part in the judgment to plant trees than do worries about energy reserves, ecological benefit, or isolation; and that accessibility is a strong predictor of the forms of tree maintenance delivered by residents relative to that provided by suppliers.

Likewise, Agea et al. (2009) assessed the attitudes of out-of-school youths towards tree planting undertakings in Masaka district, central Uganda. 104 semi-structured questionnaires were used to collect the data about the opinions on readiness to plant and tender trees which also widely diverse from cumulative index of 305 for those who would very much plant and accomplish the trees to 5 for those who would very much not plant and accomplish the trees. Sex, age, education, occupation, distance to the nearby trading center and land ownership considerably subsidized to difference in the attitudes. Factors that hindered out-of-school youths’ efforts are lack of capital; land and tree tenure security; long payback period from planted trees; bad beliefs, prohibitions and misconceptions about some trees. Thus, the out-of-school youths can be directed and encouraged to plant trees as a livelihood prospect by the creation of strong policies and by-laws.

In the same way, Obori et al. (2011) specified in their study that tree planting and tree reserve protection have been endorsed in Northern Ghana as an answer to forest and land deterioration in the past three decades. The assessment of local communities’ insight and factors prompting involvement in tree planting programs in Northern Ghana that focuses on the initiatives of Ghana’s government implemented between the period of 1980 to 1995 was the aim of the study. It specified that communities observed tree planting as a fairly vital social program with 74% of respondents supporting it. Foremost exciting factors persuading participation in the planting program were free source of seedlings, provision of food aid and free inputs resource. The major limitations affecting people’s involvement were deprived extension services and deficiency of strong competent groups. They suggested that institutional capacity building to upkeep the extension services at the community level is a requirement for an effective and sustainable estate development program.

In the study ‘Greening Sydney: attitudes, barriers and opportunities for tree planting’, Sierra (2015) assumed that it is vital to recognize people’s attitudes towards the urban forest in order to progress the objective of urban sustainability and for recommending changes in local government’s policies and practices. The study intended to assess attitudes of residents and local government officers to pinpoint barriers and opportunities for tree planting in two local government zones of Sydney region, namely Parramatta and North Sydney. Based on the results, residents’ attitudes towards trees differ depending on tree setting. Residents will plant because of the aesthetic and functional (shade and privacy) values of trees on private land whereas the aesthetic and the environmental aspects are relevant on public land. They also mentioned that the destruction done to infrastructure by roots and branches of trees are motives for tree removal. Additionally, due to income, varying education and dwelling type, the participants’ attitudes vary. When it comes to the obstacles for public tree planting by officers comprise long-term maintenance, budget, infrastructural destruction and tree longevity. Soil type and space and pressures from utility authorities were known as constraints. The training deficiency, connection with stakeholders and indefinite tree strategies are also revealed. Local governments still need to contemplate residents’ attitudes towards trees as values vary based on socio-economic capacities.

Today, environmental degradation poses a foremost risk to the human being both in rural and urban contexts. The significance and need for environmental education as a tool for environmental management and preservation cannot be exaggerated in such a setting since environmental literacy, attitude development, and involvement in ecological behavior are the end products of this discipline. In an urban area-Nairobi, Kibera and Kasarani represented the different settlements where a study intended to establish the association between attitudes and level of participation in environmental undertakings. The study established that there is no significant difference between the attitude and level of participation in environmental activities while there is a positive relationship between attitude and ecological behavior among secondary school students in Kasarani and Kibera Divisions (Boiyo et al., 2015).

Pawar and Rothkar (2015) explained in their article ‘Forest Conservation and Environmental Awareness’ that forest protection is the repetition of planting and sustaining forested landscapes for the value and sustainability of future generations. This forest conservation comprises the maintenance of the natural properties within a forest that are useful to the humans and environment.

Besides, O’Brien et al. (2017) concluded that forestry intermediations have affected behaviors but without obviously connecting them to ‘behavioral’ dialogues. There is also a lack of vigorous monitoring and assessment to track behavior variation. They claim that the ideologies they have established can be used in forest program design to guarantee that involvement processes, monitoring and evaluation criteria and sufficient phases for reflection are built into intermediations.

Meaningfully, Tadesse and Teketay (2017) evaluated the perceptions and attitudes of people towards participatory forest management (PFM) executed in Wof-Washa Forests (WWF). The perceptions and attitudes of local people towards PFM vary with socio-economic variables, such as sex, age, level of education, family size, occupation type, annual income, length of duration of local residence, livestock, and land ownership was hypothesized. It was discovered that socio-economic variables had substantial effects on the observations towards “the prevalence of the difficulties with the current PFM system” (39% variance explained), “the concept of PFM” (30% variance explained), and “the presence of PFM practice” (11% variance explained). In order to guard and take care of the WWF, the majority of the participants acknowledged the PFM program initiated in WWF.

On the same topic, Almas and Conway (2018) believed that urban forests are progressively recognized as valuable zones for creating ecosystem services and preserving ecosystem processes. Because of this, North America’s municipalities have been embracing long-term policies to fund strategic management of the urban forest. The researchers accompanied a case study of four municipalities in southern Ontario, Canada with two that have management plans that request for additional native species plantings and two that do not. They discovered the residents’ attitudes and actions toward native tree species, focusing on the association between municipal importance on native species planting, household socio-demographics, and residents’ attitudes and actions toward native species using survey forms. Residents commonly have positive attitudes toward native trees while fewer are concerned in planting native species once hazards are present.

Tree Planting, Biodiversity and the Academic Setting

Some studies highlighted the impact of tree planting and biodiversity conservation in the academic performance and achievement of students. One of the studies was piloted by Manzanal et al. (1999) that synthesized the studies conducted on Spanish secondary school students who were 14 to 16 years of age. These studies intended to find out what influences fieldwork marks toward the knowledge acquisition of concepts and principles of ecology and to determine the effects of fieldwork on the protection of the studied ecosystem. Using the combined qualitative and quantitative research procedures, the study concluded that fieldwork supports to clarify ecological ideas and mediates directly in the improvement of more positive attitudes toward the protection of the ecosystem.

In the meantime, Yorek et al. (2008) examined how pupils build some concepts associated with biodiversity like classifying living things, variation in living things and ecosystem elements, and the idea of life using the constructivist theory of learning. A biological diversity conceptual understanding scale made with open ended questions was developed and administered to 191 first class high school pupils in seven diverse high schools in Izmir City, Turkey for this purpose. Some implications of the study revealed that even though the pupils’ observations towards living things and nature were comparable to complete understanding, there is a weak construction of the subjects of nutrition relationship and energy flow, and it appeared to be prevalent among them the notion of anthropocentric view in which human beings are in the center of all living things.

Kaplana and Topsakal (2013) explored the students’ attitudes toward plants and its influence on gender and socioeconomic status. The use of a qualitative research method gathered the data from 40 6th grade students in Istanbul. Their study utilized a survey instrument with open-ended questions and semi-structured interviews. It was discovered that by accepting the plants as living things 6th grade students have positive attitudes towards them and their attitudes were not influenced by the difference in gender and socioeconomic status. Their study tried to define the feelings of students about harmful behavior toward plants, how the students protect the plants based on their knowledge and how conscious they were toward nature.

Further, Bokor et al. (2014) concluded that informal settings offer possibilities to extend the K–12 school curriculum, familiarizing learners to novel ideas, piquing interest in science, and nurturing scientific literacy. University researchers can increase their awareness of college and career preferences and focus on interdisciplinary fields of science research and expand the science curriculum through participations in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) outreach activities.

Lastly, Korkmaz et al. (2018) illuminated that environmental education targets to build positive and environmental-sensitive insights, attitudes and behaviors toward environmental protection. It mainly centers on shifting the attitudes and behaviors of students, rather than transmitting information. In formal education programs, nature training projects deliver enlightening methods to convey information on nature and environment and improve people that are profound to society and environment. They examined and determined the effects of nature training projects on environmental perception and attitudes of secondary school students. According to questionnaires and observations given during the project, students who joined the project had more positive environmental perception and attitudes compared to those who did not.

It is extremely evident that there is a lack of studies pertaining to tree planting experiences and views of students on its role to the promotion of environmental education in the Philippines and global context. This study aims to fill the literature gap on the primary part and contribution of tree planting activity as a form of green initiative in the Philippine educational setting by eliciting useful ideas based on Filipino students’ involvement and learning. This study also intends to address the limited opportunities given to Filipino students and other academics in involvement to environmental projects or programs that empower the goal of integrating environmental education in school curricula as stipulated in law and endorsed by various academic, government and non-government organizations.

The objectives of this study were to analyze the Filipino senior high school students’ perceptions and experiences on participating in tree planting activity, to identify the implications of tree planting activity in studying Earth and Life Sciences based on the narrative responses of the students, and explore the perceived constraints and opportunities to tree planting activities as observed by the students. These research objectives were considered and scrutinized from the related literature as relevant key points directly related to the tree planting activity in this study. Suitable translation of these objectives to come up with the survey research questions to gather deep knowledge from the participants’ experiences was conducted.

This research exploration was conducted during the first semester of the academic year 2019 to 2020 at a private basic education institution in Dasmariñas City, Cavite, Philippines. The tree planting activity was held in October 2019 as part of the Cavite Arbor Celebration in a planting site in Silang, Cavite organized by the provincial environment office. This study, in another way, initiates the partnership of academic institutions and government agencies for the promotion of environmental awareness, practices and attitudes of students and other participating bodies. Since this study focused on the students’ experiences towards the conduct of tree planting activity who are enrolled in sole educational institutions, this study asserts the former as one of its limitations.



There were twelve (12) senior high school students enrolled in a private education institution in Dasmariñas City, Cavite, Philippines during the conduct of this study who served as the research participants. The participants were enrolled under the Academic Track of SHS program whereas 6 of them were studying Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics strand, 3 students belong to Accountancy, Business and Management strand, and the other 3 students were part of Humanities and Social Science strand. All the student-participants were taking up the course in Earth and Life Sciences. The study group was made with 6 (50%) male and 6 (50%) female students. When they were asked about their background or experience in participation in tree planting activity, only one among twelve of them had the involvement in this particular activity while the others were first-timers. Besides, the participants’ names were not revealed in this study as agreed upon by two parties for ethical considerations.

Research Design

The study design was qualitative in nature which employed phenomenological approach as a type of research based on the topic and goal of this investigation. It follows the phenomenology type as it seeks to gather the experiences among student-participants of tree planting activity and their views on its significance to fight the effects of climate change and promote environmental education. This study described how the student-participants perceived the targets or benefits of the tree planting program through direct involvement for them to actually appreciate the activity and come up with substantial insights to realize the research objectives.

The researchers developed the survey questions according to the existing related literature from both local and foreign studies which addressed the same problem. These questions were inclined with the objectives of this study. Direct observation was also applied by the researchers during the tree planting program with corresponding checklists in order to support the responses of the participants in the administration of questionnaires. Some questions specified in the survey include the following: do you like or dislike the tree planting activities?; would you plant and managed trees if you were given free seedlings?; what are the actions that you have ever taken as a commitment to tree planting activities, if you ever participated in tree planting activities, at what level?, what do you think are the roles and values of trees?; what are you perceptions on the importance of tree planting program?; what are the constraints affecting participation in the tree planting program?; what are the factors motivating respondents’ participation in the tree planting program?; and how important is the conduct of tree planting activity in learning earth and life sciences topics?

This phenomenological-qualitative exploration involved the Filipino senior high school students in a Philippine private education institution who were undertaking the course in Earth and Life Sciences. They were purposely chosen as they matched the research objectives and have the capacities and knowledge on the benefits of tree planting activity which were needed to become part of this study. The small number of participants was decided by the researchers as these students portrayed the most of characteristics and qualities that met the objectives of the study. The online administration of survey questionnaires together with the consent forms were given after the conduct of tree planting activity. Student-participants volunteered to become part of the study and were informed that they could withdraw anytime. The direct observation was performed by the researchers with the aid of a checklist which was used to support and validate the survey responses of participants during the data analysis. Using the content analysis, the researchers developed and applied codes through categorization of data, identified themes, patterns and relationships like words and phrase repetitions, and summarized the data by connecting the link between findings and objectives.

The research objectives were achieved according to the findings of the data analysis procedure. These objectives aimed to analyze the Filipino senior high school students’ perceptions and experiences in participating in tree planting activity, to identify the implications of tree planting activity in studying Earth and Life Sciences based on the narrative responses of the students, and explore the perceived constraints and opportunities to tree planting activities as observed by the students.

Based on the conduct of data analysis through thematic coding of participants’ responses, the qualitative data interpretation highlighted different emerging themes. Each theme was illustrated by the direct observation’s findings and participants’ responses. The following themes emerged based on the similar and contextual responses of the participants whereas their tree planting participation was recognized as: simple yet beneficial; with raised opportunities and constraints; practical application of learning; environmental awareness promotion; and mitigating environmental degradation. All of the themes are interconnected and based on the analysis of the data, it emerged that tree planting activity has a large impact and is beneficial to students that can affect their perspective towards environmental consciousness and awareness.

Simple yet beneficial

All of the participants enjoyed the tree planting activity and agreed that it is beneficial not only to our country (Philippines) but mostly to our planet. One of the participants described how the activity was simple yet worthwhile.

S1: I like it (tree planting activity), although it’s exhausting. It made me feel happy because I did something to help the country and the world itself even though it’s just a simple action.

Two of the participants described how they appreciated the activity and described it as something helpful and can make a huge difference to our environment.

S2: I like it because through this activity, I was able to do something for our planet and I did something extraordinary as an ordinary student.

S3: I like the tree planting activity because I believe that even the smallest amount of help can make a huge difference for our environment nowadays.

Most of the participants recognized the benefits of tree planting activity as well as how they felt happy and content with themselves.

S4: Planting trees can bring a wealth of benefits in our life like it can provide shelter for us.

S9: I liked it as it helps the environment and it was a good exercise.

The sense of accomplishment was also evident to the response of the participants as they described the feeling as something good.

S6: It was very refreshing to help the environment and be in nature itself. It was very good to help the environment even with a little effort. To live in a better world and to experience a better life, small things do big.

S8: We can help the environment even in a small way. With tree planting activity, the feeling of accomplishing something is evident. The fact that I helped the earth feels good.

S11: I liked it because it was fun and I became part of something meaningful.

Interestingly, the participants found the activity meaningful and an experience that can make a better world and a better life.

Opportunities and constraints

As it is beneficial and can open opportunities to have tree planting activity, there are also constraints accompanying it. Many participants spoke of joining tree planting activity when an opportunity arises as it helps sustainable growth in the environment.

S10: I promised that if there’s tree planting activities that they’ll (schools or government) offer. I will join it without hesitation.

S11: Tree planting allows people to participate in an activity that helps the development (sustainable) of the world.

Participants also highlighted the challenges that go with these kinds of activities (tree planting). Most of them talked about the lack of awareness regarding this activity.

S4: Some of us don’t know how to engage in this program (tree planting) maybe because of lack of time and knowledge.

S12: If ever I would be given a chance to join a tree planting activity, I make sure that I join and do the activity without complaints. Most people are not aware of this program because it is advertised less.

One of the difficulties of having tree planting activity is the shortage of resources that are vital in this activity. Two of the participants mentioned soil and water as the primary resources.

S3: I would try to (plant), but there isn’t much nutrient-rich soil around my area. If I were in a forest, I would definitely do it.

S9: Water is not a problem because of rain, but it also depends if there’s land to plant on.

In relation to the worth of having tree planting activity, participants acknowledged the importance of this activity and spoke of joining as long as there is an opportunity to do so. However, there were also challenges that they recognized and highlighted the importance of eliminating those constraints.

Practical application of learning

All of the participants agreed that through tree planting activity they have taken note of the practical application of the subjects they have in school.

S1: Yes, it (tree planting) gave us more idea about biological (science) lessons that we can apply during classes.

 S8: We can learn it (tree planting) not by words (verbal or lecture) but by experiencing it in actual.

S11: It’s part of the subject itself, Earth and Life science. The activity is related to our lessons which are biology and global warming phenomenon.

S12: I liked the tree planting activity because I was able to practically apply what I have learned in class.

Most of the participants settled on the idea of the importance of having this activity that improves their standpoints in life and in nature.

S6: To know the value of planting trees is like knowing the value of how life is without trees. It is very significant as a living person to know the values of the trees in our daily lives and how we benefit from it and how they sustain our needs.

S7: It (tree planting) allowed us to understand furthermore about life and nature.

Consciousness and acceptance of the importance of trees and its purpose that bridge people and environment were also grasped by the participants. Participants also realized the true value of balance among people, life, and nature.

S9: It gave me an outlook of eco-conscious approach because it is an opportunity to learn ecology or interaction between people and the environment.

S10: As we studied Earth and Life sciences, we realized the things that may occur when trees are gone.

Environmental awareness promotion

All participants agreed that participation in tree planting activity promotes environmental awareness. One participant stated that this program helps in bringing awareness to the community in saving the planet. He stipulated that ‘it also enables us to take actions in doing so.’ Due to this, the significance of tree planting activity is heightened because of its essence and benefits.

S3: Tree planting is significant in a sense that it teaches us that trees are a valuable asset to humanity and animals, and that without it; our natural ecosystems would have failed years ago.

S4: I like (tree planting activity) because we all know that the trees are the source of the oxygen that we inhale and I know that when we plant trees, we can save our environment. Because of this tree planting activity, I should give more care to the trees around us.

Most of the participants emphasized the need for people to join tree planting activities. Authorities also played a big role in boosting the advocacies for this activity.

S8: Nowadays, it is very important because more trees are cut than planted.

S9: Government officials (employees) persuade people to join and they advocate the environmental awareness, benefits of trees, and responsibility in environmental destruction.

S11: The willingness of the respondents, their awareness of what is happening on earth and how tree planting programs can help should be encouraged.

Environmental awareness also motivates people to partake in tree planting activity. One of the participants acknowledged that trees should be valued.

S12: With the knowledge that trees are very valuable, it is enough to motivate the people to participate in this kind of activity. If given the chance to plant trees, I would join because I know the importance of managing trees.

Mitigating environmental degradation

In relation to the large-scale effects and benefits of tree planting activities, participants explained and described the important role of trees in our environment and how trees benefit people. One of the participants mentioned its importance in decreasing the effect of global warming and lessen the amount of greenhouse gases. He also explained that ‘trees filter the carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.’ Most of the participants explained why we need to plant and care for trees specifically combating climate change.

S2: If we plant trees, we can lessen the effect of global warming (slowing down the effect of climate change) and save our planet. Trees provide oxygen and absorb CO 2 and also serve as a shade from direct sunlight. We get (harvest) foods and building materials from forests.

S5: It can help our country (environment) to recover and lessen the problems in our nature.

Participants also made mention of its help in providing clean air and cleaning the air.

S3: Trees supply us with clean oxygen and provide safe habitats for animals and other organisms.

S4: They (trees) prevent the soil from erosion and improve the air quality.

Aside from providing clean air, converting carbon dioxide to oxygen, trees also block things. One participant specified ‘they help in weakening (the impacts of) storms and waves (mangroves). One of the participants realized the importance of tree planting activity through first-hand experience.

S12: It is significant because students are given the chance to have first-hand experience to contribute to the (sustainable) development on Earth. Trees are very important because they do not only provide a cool area for humans and shield us from the heat but also reduce global warming effects.

Trees are essential in sustaining the development of our planet; however, it would only be possible by the actions taken by people. All participants revealed that having this experience allowed them to think and reflect on their awareness toward tree planting. It has allowed them the opportunity to take part in the challenge of saving the planet through gaining environmental awareness and refocus their priority in relation to their life, community, environment and the world.

This study aimed to analyze the Filipino senior high school students’ perceptions and experiences in participating in tree planting activity, to identify the implications of tree planting activity in studying Earth and Life Sciences based on the narrative responses of the students, and explore the perceived constraints and opportunities to tree planting activities as observed by the students. Interpretation of the findings; illustration of why the findings are relevant; and relation of the findings to other research are based on the analysis of the results obtained through participants’ response and direct observation.

One of the research objectives of this study is to gather the experiences of participants during a tree planting activity, as expected, it has a positive impact and understanding to the participants. The first emerging theme of this study is the simplicity of the activity yet beneficial. All participants reported that they liked the tree planting activity and agreed that it is beneficial to our environment. The activity resulted in feelings of happiness, being helpful, sense of accomplishment and contentment. For some participants, it may be exhausting but nevertheless, a good exercise. Overall, the participants found the activity meaningful and an experience that can make a better world and a better life.

The tree planting activity resulted in positive attitudes of students towards environmental awareness. It may be due to the exposure of the participants to trees and nature that it has these kinds of effects on mental health. Recent research has shown that trees not only scrub pollutants from the air so we breathe easier, but also help make us feel better from an emotional standpoint as well (Earth Talk, 2015). It is clear from the findings that being surrounded with trees has a direct effect and green space is quite beneficial to mental health. All the participants realized the sense of accomplishment and felt good with the experience they had because of its benefits to the community and the environment.

The second theme of this study is the opportunity and constraints of tree planting activity. The tree planting activity is one way of expressing concern to the environment and saving trees. It also shapes strong relationships (friendship) and solidarity with diverse groups. All the participants in this study expressed the likelihood of joining tree planting activity when an opportunity arises however, there are challenges in doing so. Some of the participants emphasized the lack of time, knowledge and less promotion of this activity. It is possible that all the participants understood why this practice is important but it does not come without challenges.

One of the participants identified that location is one of the constraints of tree planting activity. It was discussed in Green Blue Urban (2015) that to have a chance of success, tree species and location are the first priority in establishing trees. Also, trees need space, they need soil volume – there is a direct correlation between what we provide to grow below ground and with the result we will see above ground. Obviously, trees bring big benefits but they must be located wisely. This is only one of the challenges that accompany tree planting activity, however, we should be planting the right trees, for the right reasons, right locations, and right manner.

Another theme emerging from this study is the practical application of learning – from school to the community. Tree planting activity exposed the participants to the importance of this practice that goes beyond what they learn inside the classroom and school. All of the participants reported that this activity is a practical application of the subjects they have. Some participants accepted that this practice is giving them more ideas, practical application and learning through actual experience. Moreover, helping plant trees gives students a sense of pride and purpose (Brewin, 2014).

Most of the participants settled in the idea of the importance of having this activity that can improve their standpoints in life and in nature. Furthermore, the sense of purpose and sense of ownership that they are doing something for themselves and their community were among the values that participants mentioned. Consciousness and acceptance of the importance of trees and its purpose that bridge people and environment were also grasped by the participants. Participants also realized the true value of balance among people, life, and nature. Overall, the most rewarding part of this activity was that the participants understood the benefits of tree planting to the core of their being.

According to Pawar and Rothkar (2015), forests are vital for human life because they offer a varied range of resources such as absorbing carbon or acting as carbon sink, generating oxygen which is important for life’s existence on earth so they are also known as earth lung, aiding to regulate hydrological cycle, world’s climatic condition, water purification, providing habitat to wildlife, decreasing global warming, absorbing poisonous gases and noise, reducing pollution, preserving soil, and mitigating natural threats like floods and landslides. Thus, tree planting activity has large-scale effects that not only a certain community is benefitted but the world. Participants explained and described the important role of trees in our environment and how it helped in combating climate change.

A consistent theme throughout questionnaires and direct observation relates to mitigating environmental degradation in which impacts the perception of the participants toward tree planting. The findings of this study suggest that all the participants knew the life-long effect of planting trees and how this is the most effective way to save our planet. Most of the participants highlighted that if we plant trees, we can lessen the effect of global warming, and reduce climate change. Harmful carbon dioxide contributes to climate change, the biggest current problem the world has to deal with but trees help fight it (Jacobs, 2018). Trees are our main survival tool. Participants also made mention of its help in providing clean air and purifying the air thus improving the air quality. One participant specified ‘they help in weakening (the impacts of) storms and waves (mangroves). These findings proved that the participants are aware and informed of the tremendous benefits of planting a tree. It can help restore the quality of life in the community and contribute in the fight against climate change. One participant stipulated that “it is significant (tree planting) because students are given the chance to have first-hand experience to contribute to (sustainable) development on Earth . More importantly, the participants set an example on how to become a decent human by being the steward of the environment. Trees are essential in sustaining the development of our planet; however, it would only be possible by the actions taken by people.

Environmental awareness promotion is the last theme developed in this study. All participants agreed that tree planting activity promotes environmental awareness. Letting the participants experienced tree planting raise their awareness on the importance of saving the environment as soon as possible. One participant said that ‘it also enables us to take actions in doing so’. According to Bekele (2015), tree planting activity raised students’ awareness and many school children serve as a channel for disseminating various environmental messages to their parents and the surrounding community. Therefore, by providing students with opportunities like participating in tree planting activity increases the possibility of widespread information on the benefits of this practice. It is also an opportunity to instill the values of love for the environment. Due to this, the significance of tree planting activity is heightened because of its essence and benefits.

There is a difference between the environmental awareness levels among the urban and rural school students. Urban school students have only a high level while rural school students have a very high level of environmental awareness using the themes of environmental education (Punzalan et al., 2019). The possible reasons behind these results were likely urban school students wish to live in a setting with pro-environment preferences and lifestyles while rural school students are typically engaged with nature while they gain direct benefits from it.

Most of the participants emphasized the need for people to join tree planting activities. Authorities also played a big role in boosting the advocacies for this activity. This also offers the opportunity for diverse groups to develop relationships and build camaraderie as they have one goal – be steward of the environment. Environmental awareness also motivates people to partake in tree planting activity. One of the participants acknowledged that trees should be valued. It has been found out that tree planting is a call for action against harmful environmental practices and is helpful in spreading awareness about protecting the Earth’s natural environment. Finally, planting trees is an essential lesson on environmental awareness. We should be mindful of the actions we do to help save our environment.

Conclusions and Recommendations

The objectives of this study were to analyze the Filipino senior high school students’ perceptions and experiences in participating to tree planting activity, to identify the implications of tree planting activity in studying Earth and Life Sciences based on the narrative responses of the students, and explore the perceived constraints and opportunities to tree planting activity as observed by the students.

Tree planting is one of the most effective ways to combat and slow down the effect of global warming. Researchers conclude that the experiences of the participants in tree planting activity was an eye-opener that made them realize that building small efforts can be used to create greater impact to their lives, communities, and the environment. Engaging the participants in this practice (tree planting activity) lets them take part in improving the planet and expose them to its multitude benefits, both long and short term. Moreover, this proves that tree planting activity must be joined by students – start them young, as it is one of the most engaging and environmentally friendly activities that will shape their perspectives and attitudes to be a better steward of the environment.

It was also noted that students are already well-aware of the benefits of tree planting therefore their participation in this activity enhanced and fueled their drive to be more mindful of the actions they do toward the environment. This drive made them take the necessary actions when the opportunity arises. Also, this opportunity let them apply the things they learned in school to help the community and the environment. One of the most rewarding parts of students participating in tree planting was that even though it was about education and raising of awareness, no one told them to be happy with what they did but they did anyway. They understood that to the core of their being.

Aside from the significance of the tree planting that benefitted the students personally and socially, it was also concluded that through this activity environmental awareness is being heightened. Exposing the participants to the real situation raises their motivation to help and act accordingly. Challenges may be present but it did not decrease the drive of the participants to take action and that may be what we needed to encourage people that this is one of the most effective ways to save mother Earth. Trees help us breathe easier. This study highlighted the great impact of tree planting to students that will improve their perceptions to life, community, and environment.

Based on the derived conclusions in this study, the researchers recommend for school communities in the Philippines and foreign countries to formulate programs that will arouse the interests and participations of the students to tree planting activity, gardening and ecological tours. This can be done via field exposure projects related to the subject area like community outreach, natural science, social responsibility, and contemporary issues that will serve as a supplementary activity for the students to engage in practical applications of knowledge acquired from classroom lectures. Additionally, this study recommends a policy review related to the educational integration of environmental issues in different disciplines with the assistance from government agencies in the Philippines. There should be collaboration and concerted efforts among the educational institutions, environment agencies and private sectors to organize a tree planting activity at least once a year in all educational levels; early childhood, primary, secondary, and tertiary. Lastly, the opportunities for tree planting activity for the students must be amplified in all educational sectors with the help of primary organizers like the environment and natural resources department to encourage participation by providing necessary documents and materials to implement the partnerships. Though, the school communities can also organize their independent tree planting program by coordinating with the appropriate agencies to provide necessary knowledge about what tree species to plant according to the feasible locations.

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Write An Expository Essay On How To Plant A Tree

Planting a tree isn’t just a horticultural activity; it’s a contribution to the continuity of life. The process is a delicate blend of art and science, requiring patience, precision, and a deep reverence for nature. It’s not just about digging a hole and placing a tree; it involves understanding the tree’s needs, preparing the necessary conditions for growth, and providing the right care. This expository essay outlines a step-by-step guide on how to plant a tree.

Table of Contents

Essay About How to Plant a Tree: A Comprehensive Guide

Before you even touch a spade, the first step is to scout for the perfect location to plant your tree. The location should have adequate sunlight, good soil consistency, and proper drainage system. For instance, if you’re planting an oak tree, you need to ensure that it has enough room to grow, both horizontally and vertically, as its branches spread wide and its roots penetrate deep into the ground.

Digging the Hole

Once you’ve selected the location, the next step is to dig a hole. This hole should be twice as wide as the root ball of your tree and just as deep. Getting the dimensions right is crucial because a hole that is too deep could lead to root rot, while one that is too shallow may not provide enough stability for the tree.

Preparing the Soil

The next step is soil preparation. The soil at the bottom of the hole should be loosened, and organic matter such as compost or peat moss should be mixed in. This mixture boosts the fertility of the soil, providing the tree with the necessary nutrients for growth and development.

Planting the Tree

Now comes the critical moment—planting the tree. Ensure the tree is straight and centered in the hole before backfilling with soil. It’s essential to remove any air pockets by gently tamping the soil around the base of the tree. Give it a thorough watering; this helps the soil to settle around the roots.

Applying Mulch

Applying mulch is the next step after planting the tree. A layer of organic wood mulch around its base helps the soil retain moisture, regulates soil temperature, and prevents weed growth. However, it’s crucial to avoid ‘mulch volcanoes’—piling up mulch against the trunk of the tree, as it could lead to rot and disease.

Watering the Tree

The final step in planting a tree is watering it regularly. The tree needs extra care during its first two years, particularly with watering. Monitor the soil conditions and water as needed, ensuring the tree has the necessary moisture to thrive but not so much that it becomes waterlogged.

Planting a tree isn’t just an activity; it’s a commitment to nurturing that tree into maturity. By following these steps, you’re not just planting a tree; you’re sowing the seeds of a healthier planet. So, go on, grab your gardening gloves, and let’s make the world a greener place—one tree at a time.

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Importance of Tree Plantation

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Activity: Plant a Tree

essay about planting activity

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This family activity is adapted from Project Learning Tree’s Explore Your Environment: K-8 Activity Guide which can be obtained through our shop or an in-person professional development workshop or online course.

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essay about planting activity

Objectives : Provide an opportunity for learners to:

  • Identify benefits we receive from trees.
  • Participate in a tree-planting event.
  • Learn how to care for trees.

Session Time : 50 minutes for tree planting (see Prepare for more information)

Setting : Outdoors

essay about planting activity

  • Store carbon, helping to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide and fight climate change
  • Hold soil with roots, preventing erosion
  • Provide homes and food for birds and other animals
  • Serve as a windbreak, keeping buildings warmer
  • Provide shade, keeping buildings cooler
  • Provide beauty and enjoyment and improve our overall health
  • Provide a forest product such as firewood, boards, mulch or others.

Research shows that tree plantings are also beneficial for neighborhoods and schools as they help develop a sense of inner pride and encourage positive behavior. 

Planting a tree is a long-term investment that requires careful planning. To ensure a long life, a suitable planting location and tree species must be selected, and the tree must be cared for during and for several years after planting. With a healthy start and proper ongoing care, a tree may live decades or even hundreds of years.

Native sapling or seedling, shovel, mulch, watering hose or watering can, recycled paper, yarn or string, pens.

We suggest that this experience be planned in collaboration with the group’s teacher or youth group leader, perhaps around Earth Day or other event. You may want to plan two sessions with the group: one for planning the site and tree species, and one for the tree planting.

In advance of the tree planting, you or the teacher should engage learners in identifying a location that will allow plenty of room for the tree’s roots to grow and is well away from buildings and power lines.  Before digging, call 811 or go to your state’s 811 website to request that any underground utilities be marked so you can avoid them.

The learners should also help to research and select a tree suitable for your local climate and the chosen location for suggestions. See PLT’s Family Activity “ What Tree Should I Plant? ” for more information.

Lead a discussion about trees, asking students questions such as: What do you like about trees? How do trees help us? What is your favorite tree? How can we help the world by planting trees?

  • Involve learners in planting a tree. As they help you prepare the site for planting, keep the tree cool and shaded. Try not to handle the exposed roots during planting, and keep them moist.
  • If you’re planting a sapling (1–4 inches in diameter), invite learners to:
  • Dig a hole twice as wide and as deep as the root ball. (You may want to show them a bowl to give them a sense of what the hole should look like: wider on top and not too deep.)
  • Build a mound of soil and place the sapling on top of the mound so that it is 2 inches (5 cm) above the hole’s bottom.
  • If the roots are wrapped, remove the burlap and loosen them somewhat.
  • Fill the hole with soil, tamping it down with your foot and wetting it with water.
  • Soak the soil around the tree with water to encourage deep rooting.
  • If you’re planting a seedling (less than 1 inch in diameter), invite learners to:
  • Dig a hole a little deeper than the roots are long.
  • Fill the hole around the seedling with dirt.
  • Gently pull the trunk of the seedling up slightly to straighten the roots. Tamp the soil firmly, but not too tightly, or the roots won’t be able to collect appropriate amounts of water and nutrients.

essay about planting activity

Lead a discussion about what the tree will need to grow healthy and strong. Point out that a tree is most vulnerable during the first years of its life, and during this time it requires particular care. Challenge learners to develop a plan for caring for the tree, including:

  • Watering as appropriate for the tree type.
  • Adding a 3- to 4-inch (8 to 10 cm) layer of mulch around the base of the tree to keep the soil moist (mulch should not touch trunk).
  • Protecting it from pests and animals (maybe putting a mesh tree guard around it to keep animals from chewing the bark).

Invite learners to write a wish for the tree on pieces of recycled paper that they tie to the tree or bury in the soil. 


After a tree is planted, the most important aspect of care is to ensure it receives plenty of water. Challenge students to design a catchment or irrigation system to ensure that a tree receives the water it needs. 

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Tree Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on tree.

Tree Essay- Trees are our best friends because they clean the air we breathe. Likewise, they also clean the water and soil and ultimately make the earth a better place. It is also a fact that people who live near trees are healthier, fit, and happier than people who do not.

Moreover, it is our responsibility to look after our friends who serve us in many ways. Most importantly by saving plants, we are not doing any favor to plants but to ourselves only. Because trees and plants life does not depend on us but our lives depend on them.

Tree Essay

Importance of Trees

Trees are important to us in a lot of ways and we cannot ignore their importance. They are important because they give us fresh air to breathe , food to eat and shelter/shade from sunlight and rainfall . Besides this, there are many medicines in the market that are made up of trees extracts. Apart from this, there are plants and trees that have medicinal value.

They bring peacefulness; create a pleasing and relaxing environment. Also, they help in reflecting the harmful rays of the sun and maintaining a balanced temperature . Besides, they also help in water conservation and preventing soil erosion . They also manage the ecosystem and from ancient times several varieties of plants are worshipped.

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Benefits of Trees

Trees provide us many benefits some of which we can’t see but they make a huge difference. They help in fighting back the climate changes by absorbing greenhouse gases which are the main cause of climate change.

Moreover, they replenish groundwater and filter the air from harmful pollutants and odors. Besides, they are a great source of food and the king of fruits ‘Mango’ also grow on trees.

essay about planting activity

Moreover, they are the cause of rainfall as they attract clouds towards the surface and make them rain. They can be teachers, playmates and a great example of unity in diversity.

Above all, they are a good source of reducing air, water, and noise pollution.

Value of Trees

When a seed of a plant or tree grow it makes the area around it greener. Also, it supports many life forms. Birds make their nests, many reptiles and animals live on it or near it.

Besides, all these many beautiful flowers, food growing on it. Moreover, many parts of trees such as roots, leaves , stem, flower , seeds , are also edible. Most importantly they never ask anything in return for their services and the gifts they give. Trees also keep the balance in the ecosystem and ecology.

To conclude, we can say that trees are very important and beneficial for every life form on earth. Without them, the survival of life on earth will become difficult and after some time every species starts to die because of lack of oxygen on the planet. So, to save our lives and to survive we have to learn the importance of trees and also have to teach our children the importance of trees.

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Essay on Plant a Tree to Make Our Planet Safer

Students are often asked to write an essay on Plant a Tree to Make Our Planet Safer in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Plant a Tree to Make Our Planet Safer

Why trees are important.

Trees are very important to us and our planet. They give us oxygen, which we need to breathe. They also take in carbon dioxide, a gas that can harm our planet. By doing this, trees help to clean our air and keep our planet healthy.

How Trees Help Our Planet

Trees are also great for our planet in other ways. They give homes to many animals and insects. Trees also stop soil from washing away when it rains. This helps to keep our land strong and healthy. Without trees, our planet would be a very different place.

Planting Trees for a Safer Planet

By planting more trees, we can help to make our planet safer. More trees mean more clean air and more homes for animals. It also means less soil washing away. So, if we want to help our planet, one of the best things we can do is plant a tree.

250 Words Essay on Plant a Tree to Make Our Planet Safer


Trees are our best friends. They clean our air, provide shade, and make our planet beautiful. Planting trees is a simple yet powerful way to make our planet safer.

The Role of Trees

Trees are like big, green machines that clean our air. They take in harmful gases like carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. This helps to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, which is a big cause of global warming.

Trees and Water

Trees also help to keep our water clean. They act like sponges and soak up water when it rains. This helps to prevent flooding. The tree roots also act like filters and clean the water before it goes into the ground or into rivers and lakes.

Shade and Coolness

Trees provide shade and coolness. On a hot day, standing under a tree can make you feel much cooler. This is because trees absorb the heat from the sun. This helps to reduce the overall temperature of the Earth, making our planet safer.

Home for Animals

Trees are also homes for many animals. Birds build nests in trees, and many animals live in the forest. By planting more trees, we can provide more homes for these animals.

In conclusion, planting trees is a simple and effective way to make our planet safer. So, let’s all plant a tree and do our part to protect our beautiful planet.

500 Words Essay on Plant a Tree to Make Our Planet Safer

The importance of trees.

Trees are the lungs of our planet. They breathe in carbon dioxide, a harmful gas, and breathe out oxygen, which we need to live. Without trees, our planet would become a dangerous place. This is why planting trees is important for making our planet safer.

How Trees Help the Environment

Trees also help to keep the soil healthy. Their roots hold the soil together, stopping it from being washed away by rain or wind. This prevents soil erosion, which can damage farmland and make it hard for plants to grow.

Trees play a big role in the water cycle too. They take up water from the ground and release it into the air as vapor. This process is called transpiration. It helps to keep the air moist and cool, which is good for other plants and animals.

Trees and Wildlife

Trees provide homes for many different types of animals. Birds build their nests in trees, squirrels live in tree trunks, and insects find food and shelter on tree leaves. By planting more trees, we can help to protect these animals and keep our planet’s biodiversity healthy.

Planting trees is one of the best ways to make our planet safer. It’s something that we can all do, no matter how old we are or where we live. Even just one tree can make a big difference.

When we plant a tree, we’re not just helping the environment. We’re also creating a better future for ourselves and for future generations. Trees can live for hundreds of years, so the trees we plant today could still be around for our great-great-grandchildren to enjoy.

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Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation

Importance of tree plantation has been stressed upon time and again. The need for tree plantation has become even greater these days because of the growing pollution in the environment. Tree plantation involves transplanting tree seedlings to grow forests and spread greenery around. There are a number of reasons why the process of tree plantation is important for the environment.

Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation in English

Here are essays on importance of tree plantation of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can choose any importance of tree plantation essay as per your need:

Importance of Tree Plantation Essay 1 (200 words)

Tree plantation is good for the environment. Everyone knows that trees are the source of oxygen. They inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen without which the survival of living beings is not possible on earth.

Apart from inhaling carbon dioxide trees also absorb various harmful gases including sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide and also filter harmful pollutants from the atmosphere thereby providing us fresher and cleaner air to breath. The growing amount of air pollution caused by the smoke emitted by vehicles and factories can be controlled only if we plant more and more trees. However, this is not the only reason why tree plantation is important. It offers several other benefits. Some of the top advantages of growing trees include:

  • Providing fruits and leaves that serve as food for birds, animals as well as human beings.
  • Maintaining bio diversity.
  • Providing wood, rubber and other raw materials that are used for manufacturing various goods such as furniture, doors, windows, utensils, stationary items and decorative items.
  • Conservation of water.
  • Habitat for birds and animals.
  • Climate Control.
  • Preservation of soil.

Even though trees offer so many benefits and are extremely important for maintaining the ecological balance, we are cutting these ruthlessly. Tree plantation is essential to compensate for this loss.

Importance of Tree Plantation Essay 2 (300 words)


There are numerous reasons why tree plantation is important. One of the main reasons among these is that trees exhale the life-giving oxygen without which the existence of mankind is impossible.

Trees Exhale the Life Giving Oxygen

A famous quote reads, “Imagine if trees gave off Wifi signals we’d be planting so many trees, we’d probably save the planet. Too bad they only produce oxygen we breathe”. It is sad how we have grown so accustomed to technology that we overlook the harmful impact it is having on our environment. Not only is the use of technology destroying nature but it is also separating us from the same.

More and more trees must be planted if we really want to survive and lead a good life. Besides exhaling oxygen and inhaling carbon dioxide, trees also absorb other harmful gases from the environment thus making the air purer and fresher. The greener the tree the more oxygen it shall produce and the more toxic gases it will absorb.

The pollution level these days is rising high. The only way to fight it is by growing more and more trees. The areas that are surrounded by trees, for instance, villages and forests boast of a cleaner environment. This is because these are less impacted by the pollution. On the other hand, the urban residential and industrial areas have poor air quality due to the growing pollution and lesser number of trees around.

Even when the importance of tree plantation is so evident, there are only a handful of people who actually take it as their responsibility to indulge in this activity. The rest are so engrossed in their lives that they do not understand that without enough trees around we wouldn’t be able to live long. It is time we must recognize the importance of tree plantation and contribute our bit towards the same.

Importance of Tree Plantation Essay 3 (400 words)

Plantation of trees and plants aids in making the environment better. It purifies the air, conserves water, helps in climate control, preserves soil and benefits the overall environment in several other ways.

NGOs Involved in Tree Plantation

On the one hand there are industrialists and ministers who are blinded by money. All they want is to expand their business and earn money. They don’t mind cutting trees, deforesting the Earth and raising the pollution levels.

On the other hand there are those who care about the environment and are working towards improving its condition selflessly.They are involved in planting trees, cleaning the water bodies and other activities to make the environment clean and green. Many non-profit organizations have been formed across the globe by the joint efforts of such people. Some of these include Green Yatra, Grow Trees, Sankalp Taru, Green Life, Say Trees, Save Green, Kudumban, Being Green and Go Sakthi.

The Department of Environment extends its support to these NGOs from time to time. Besides being involved in the process of tree plantation and other such activities many of these NGOs also promote the cause by performing street side plays, updating their social pages and visiting schools and colleges to spread the word.

Importance of Tree Plantation to be Sensitized at School Level

Students are given brief knowledge about the importance of tree plantation and keeping the environment clean in their environmental science class. They learn the lesson for their exam and forget about it later. This is not how it should be. Special classes must be conducted to sensitize them about the importance of growing trees and plants.

Teachers must stress upon the importance of tree plantation in these sessions and make the students understand how they can help in changing the environment for good. It is a good idea for the schools and colleges to collaborate with some NGOs and take the students out for cleanliness drives as well as for tree plantation every month. Practical experience always has a far greater impact compared to theoretical knowledge. This will generate their interest in this field and encourage them to make an effort in this direction.

Besides, if each student from each school and college in the country takes part in tree plantation campaign every month, we will be growing so many trees.

We must plant more and more trees and also encourage those around us to do so. It is best to join a nearby NGO working for this cause to work efficiently in this direction.

Importance of Tree Plantation Essay 4 (500 words)

Tree Plantation offers numerous benefits to the mankind and we all are well aware about these. We also know that a little effort made by each one of us can make a huge difference to the overall environment on Earth.

Tree Plantation Aids in Building Economy

We are dependent upon trees for the production of various goods. Trees provide raw material such as wood, rubber, etc that is turned into furniture, utensils, papers, decorative items and what not. It is also used in building houses. Trees also bear fruits that are raw or are processed and used in manufacturing jams, jellies, juices, sauces and what not. Many of the items produced with the raw material extracted by trees are exported to other countries to boast businesses and the overall economy of the country. So, the greater number of trees we plant the greater number of such goods we can produce.

Trees Are a Boon for the Birds and Wild Life

Trees serve as a habitat for birds as well as a number of animals. Some of these animals include tree kangaroo, tree frog, spider monkey, flying lemur, green tree python and koala. They live on and around the trees and also get food from them. Some of these relish the fruits they bear while others love having the green leaves they are full of.

Besides, forests are a natural habitat for the wild animals. This is where they dwell. Deforestation has led to the extinction of various species of birds and animals. Many others are on the verge of extinction. It is natural for the animals and birds to die if we snatch their sources of food and ruin their places of habitat.

Tree plantation can help them survive and live peacefully. It is thus important for maintaining biodiversity in the environment. Biodiversity is extremely essential for maintaining the ecological balance in the environment.

Tree Plantation vs Deforestation

While we must stop deforestation and save trees however with the growing demand of wood, rubber and various products made from trees it can only be restricted to some extent. We cannot avoid it completely. Besides the high demand of goods, the need for urbanisation has also increased. Forests are being cut to construct residential areas in the cities to accommodate more and more people here.

The land is also being used to set up industries. In this age of growing technology, this is the need of the hour. While we cannot avoid all this however we can replenish the loss by way of tree plantation. It is not the sole responsibility of the government to plant trees to make the city green. We must also work for this cause.

We all know how important trees and plants are for our survival and well being. But how many of us are actually involved in planting tree regularly? If you are not doing it, it is time you must take this up seriously and put in whatever little efforts you can to improve the environment.

Importance of Tree Plantation Essay 5 (600 words)

Tree plantation is basically the procedure of moving tree seedlings from their original place and planting them elsewhere for different purposes. The reason behind tree plantation is mostly forestry, landscaping and land reclamation. Each of these purposes of tree plantation is important for its own unique reason.

Importance of Tree Plantation for Forestry

One of the most common purposes of tree plantation is forestry. Forests are extremely important for maintaining ecological balance on earth. A major part of our planet is covered with forests. However, these are being cut at a rapid pace ever since the beginning of the industrial era. Although forests grow naturally however in order to replenish the loss occurring due to deforestation it is essential for us to contribute our bit towards growing forests. Tree plantation is done for this purpose. With the help of tree plantation, forests can be grown faster.

Importance of Tree Plantation for Landscaping

Tree plantation is also done for landscaping purpose. The urban areas these days are mostly devoid of trees and plants. Landscaping of such areas is done to make these places worth living as well as to render a feel good factor to them. Tree plantation is the best and easiest way to beautify the surroundings. These are often planted on the roadside, in societies, in the parks as well as other places in the town for the purpose of landscaping. This does not only make the place look beautiful but also helps in beating the heat and offers various other benefits.

NGOs Volunteer for the Cause

Tree plantation is one of the easiest and quickest ways to spread greenery. People around the globe have volunteered to contribute towards the environment from time to time. Many of them have set up non-profit organizations with joint efforts and are working towards making earth a better place to live.

These organizations do not only indulge in tree plantation activities and other activities to spread greenery but also engage in motivating others to work for this cause. They organize skits explaining the importance of tree plantation and propagate the same among their neighbours, friends and colleagues. With the advent of social media and internet it has become easier to spread knowledge about the importance of tree plantation and encourage people to participate in the same.

Government Support Required for Tree Plantation

While the NGOs are doing their bit towards making the environment cleaner and green, they often fall short. The propagation of their cause must be done on wide scale in order to involve more and more people to work towards this drive. Since these are all non-profit organizations, they do not have enough funds to do so.

The government must support them whole heartedly to further their cause. After all, these organizations are working towards building a better nation. With the financial help provided by the government, these organizations can take up bigger projects and encourage other people by way of advertisements in television, newspapers as well as big roadside hoardings.

People must be sensitized about it so that they participate in large numbers. A big change in this direction is only possible if each one of us takes it as a responsibility to plant trees. Even if we do not have time to join an NGO and go with them on the drives regularly, we can make our contribution towards the cause by simply planting trees in our surrounding areas.

It is time people must recognize the importance of tree plantation and contribute towards the same. The government must take this issue seriously and work towards involving more and more people to further the cause.

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  1. Essay on Gardening

    essay about planting activity

  2. The Steps in Properly Planting a Tree Free Essay Example

    essay about planting activity

  3. Narrative Report on Tree Planting

    essay about planting activity

  4. Importance Of Planting Trees Free Essay Example

    essay about planting activity

  5. How to Plant a Garden Essay Example

    essay about planting activity

  6. My tree planting experience Free Essay Example

    essay about planting activity


  1. Benefits of Planting Trees Essay in English 10 Lines || Short Essay on Benefits of Planting Trees

  2. Tree Planting Activity

  3. Tree Planting Activity🤡

  4. Tree Planting Activity 2024. #shorts

  5. "Growing Minds: Grade 8 Planting Activity for Environmental Stewardship"

  6. Tree Planting Activity in Tanay Rizal


  1. Essay on Tree Planting Experience

    Tree planting is a rewarding experience that benefits both the environment and our communities. It is a simple yet powerful way to make a positive impact on the world. From providing shade and fresh air to reducing pollution and improving soil quality, trees offer numerous advantages. Engaging in tree planting activities can be an enjoyable and ...

  2. Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation For Students in English

    Tree planting is recognised as one of the most engaging, environmentally-friendly activities that people can participate in to help the planet when done properly. Trees provide numerous long-term and short-term benefits. ... Long Tree Plantation Essay in English. When you plant a tree, you are not only planting a sapling but also hoping for the ...

  3. Essay on Benefits of Planting Trees: 8 Selected Essays

    Essay on the Benefits of Planting Trees - Short Essay for Children (Essay 2 - 250 Words) Planting trees is one of the main reason that makes this planet habitable. They are the source of oxygen which is essential for survival of all living beings on the Earth. Without this, there is no possibility of life.

  4. Tree Planting: Benefits, Process, Challenges, and Organizations: [Essay

    Benefits of Tree Planting. Tree planting has numerous benefits that can be categorized as environmental, economic, and social. Environmental benefits include reducing carbon dioxide emissions, preventing soil erosion, and providing habitats for animals. The economic benefits of tree planting include increasing property values, providing timber for industries, and creating jobs.

  5. Essay on Importance of Planting Trees

    Planting trees in urban areas can improve the quality of life and contribute to the well-being of the residents. In conclusion, the importance of planting trees cannot be overstated. It is a simple, yet powerful action that can contribute to environmental sustainability, biodiversity conservation, economic growth, and mental well-being.

  6. Essay on Tree Plantation

    250 Words Essay on Tree Plantation Introduction. Trees are the lungs of the earth, absorbing carbon dioxide and emitting oxygen, making life possible for all creatures. Tree plantation is a critical activity that contributes to environmental health, biodiversity, and climate change mitigation. Importance of Tree Plantation

  7. Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation for Students and Children

    The most common and known purpose of tree plantation is forestry. The forest is very important for maintaining the ecological balance of the environment of the earth. Also, earlier the forest use to cover a major part of the surface of the earth. But, now due to the rapid cut down of forest due to industries, and land for settlement the number ...

  8. Tree Plantation Essay

    Here are 100, 200 and 500 word essays on Tree Plantation. "Trees are the best friend of humans on earth". They are an essential part of our life, performing a range of functions that helps to maintain a balance in the ecosystem. In simple terms, tree plantation refers to planting seedlings for various forestry, land reclamation, and landscaping ...

  9. Tree Plantation Essay for Students in English

    A Short Essay on Tree Plantation. In simpler words, tree plantation means to plant seedlings in the ground for growing more trees in an area. Tree plantation is very much required in countries where deforestation has increased a lot. With tree plantation, one can restrict the problems that may arise due to deforestation.

  10. Essay on Tree Plantation 500+ Words

    Essay on Tree Plantation 500+ Words. Tree plantation, the act of deliberately planting and nurturing trees, is a vital practice for our planet's well-being. In this essay, we will explore the significance of tree plantation, supported by evidence, examples, and expert opinions, demonstrating how planting trees benefits the environment, human ...

  11. Students' Participation in Tree Planting Activity: Promoting the 21st

    In conclusion, tree planting activity as a part of the field study program in schools is one of the most effective ways to combat and slow down the effect of global warming while promoting the ...

  12. Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation: 8 Selected Essays

    Role of Trees: The plants and trees play a very vital role in sustaining life and ecosystem on earth and, therefore, the importance of tree plantation must be understood. They inhale carbon dioxide and exhale the life-giving oxygen. Plants and trees also provide food, fuel, wood, flowers and many other important items.

  13. How can we improve tree planting outcomes?

    In our latest paper in the Journal of Applied Ecology, we provide guidelines on how to direct the enthusiasm for large-scale tree planting in a way that maximizes the benefits. A forest restoration project in Brazil's Atlantic Forest at the time of tree planting (left) and after two years. 1. Address the underlying drivers of forest degradation.

  14. Essay on Tree Planation for Students and Children

    Tree plantation refers to planting seedlings in the soil. It is done during the monsoon season, from July to September in India. Seedlings are planted in the Earth, and the types grown are based on soil and climate of the region. Tree plantation is significant in the current age of climate change and global warming.

  15. Students' Participation in Tree Planting Activity: Promoting the 21st

    The objectives of this study were to analyze the Filipino senior high school students' perceptions and experiences on participating in tree planting activity, to identify the implications of tree planting activity in studying Earth and Life Sciences based on the narrative responses of the students, and explore the perceived constraints and ...

  16. Importance of Trees Essay for Students and Children

    Healthy Life. Trees provide clean air, water, and food to us. Its greenery and freshness also act as a stress reliever for us. It gives a positive vibration in the atmoshphere. Trees also provide cool sheds during summers and during rains. Children also develop good memory when surrounded by green trees.Patients recover easily when comes in ...

  17. Write An Expository Essay On How To Plant A Tree

    Planting the Tree. Now comes the critical moment—planting the tree. Ensure the tree is straight and centered in the hole before backfilling with soil. It's essential to remove any air pockets by gently tamping the soil around the base of the tree. Give it a thorough watering; this helps the soil to settle around the roots.

  18. Activity: Plant a Tree

    Fill the hole with soil, tamping it down with your foot and wetting it with water. Soak the soil around the tree with water to encourage deep rooting. If you're planting a seedling (less than 1 inch in diameter), invite learners to: Dig a hole a little deeper than the roots are long. Fill the hole around the seedling with dirt.

  19. Tree Essay for Students and Children

    Value of Trees. When a seed of a plant or tree grow it makes the area around it greener. Also, it supports many life forms. Birds make their nests, many reptiles and animals live on it or near it. Besides, all these many beautiful flowers, food growing on it. Moreover, many parts of trees such as roots, leaves, stem, flower, seeds, are also edible.

  20. Essay on Plant a Tree to Make Our Planet Safer for Students

    In conclusion, planting a tree is a simple act with big benefits. It cleans the air, protects the soil, helps the water cycle, and provides homes for wildlife. By planting trees, we can all help to make our planet a safer, healthier place to live. So let's pick up a shovel, find a seed, and start planting! That's it! I hope the essay helped ...

  21. Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation

    Importance of Tree Plantation Essay 3 (400 words) Introduction. Plantation of trees and plants aids in making the environment better. It purifies the air, conserves water, helps in climate control, preserves soil and benefits the overall environment in several other ways. NGOs Involved in Tree Plantation.


    View PDF. NARRATIVE REPORT ON TREE PLANTING EXPERIENCE " Plant and protect a tree like you do for a child". A small praise on trees is equal to all philosophies of life as life exists on Earth because of trees. Trees are among the greatest natural wonder and are among the greatest gift to man and other living things that depend on it.

  23. An activity‐based sensing fluorogenic probe for monitoring O

    Activity-based sensing probes are powerful tools for monitoring enzymatic activities in complex biological samples such as cellular and live animals; however, their application in plants remains challenging. Herein, fourteen activity-based fluorescent probes were assayed against Arabidopsis O-methyltransferases (AtOMTs).

  24. Where we stand in Holtec's efforts to restart Palisades Nuclear Plant

    COVERT TWP. — Although still awaiting official approval from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Holtec continues to make progress in its efforts to restart Palisades Nuclear Power Plant ...

  25. Students' Participation in Tree Planting Activity: Promoting the 21st

    PDF | On Dec 1, 2020, Ma. Lyka M. Balanac and others published Students' Participation in Tree Planting Activity: Promoting the 21st Century Environmental Education | Find, read and cite all the ...