Writing the Analysis Paper for Speech 225

Structure of the Paper :  For this assignment you will need to choose a topic (subject) of small group communication discussed in class to focus on.  Choose anything we have covered:  conflict, active listening, phases of group development, cohesiveness, style of leadership, groupthink, group climate…etc. and show what it looked like in your group or how your group applied it.

The elements of good essay writing apply this assignment.  That is, aside from demonstrating your knowledge of small group communication, spelling, grammar, and organization count.  A most helpful reference book is The Elements of Style by Strunk and White.

Each paper should be at least 3 full pages (but no more than 5 pages), typed with 1 ” margins in size 12 Palatino Linotype or Times New Roman font.

Your paper should have a clear introduction, body and conclusion.

Introduction :

The introduction should do three things.  First and briefly, you need to get the reader’s attention (that’s me.)  You can:  use a shocking statement that relates to the rest of your paper (i.e. “’Damn it, John, you always do that…what’s your problem? You continue to contribute very little to this group.’  These were the words shared by one group member to another during our fourth group meeting.  As indicative of the second stage of group development, all hell was breaking loose.  We had entered the storming phase of group development.  Not only were we engaging in conflict, but we were engaging in destructive conflict” ), you can ask a rhetorical question (prompting the reader’s interest, or you can simply tell me a story that relates to the thesis of your paper.

Second and briefly, you need to reveal the topic or subject of your paper (i.e. “In this paper, I will focus on the storming phase of group development and explain how my group was able to detour destructive conflict from continuing to occur in our group.”   In other words, tell me what subject(s) of small group communication your paper will be focusing on.

Third and briefly, you need to provide a preview of what specifically you will cover in the paper.  For example, “First I will describe and define what destructive conflict looked like in my group. Second, I will describe the storming phase of group development and illustrate the behaviors that indicated my group had entered that phase.  Finally, I will show how my group was able to block destructive conflict from continuing to occur in our group.”   By the end of the introduction, I should be well informed about the direction in which your paper will go.

Note:  the entire introduction should not exceed ½ page.  This is a relatively short writing assignment and therefore, will challenge your ability to be concise as well as effectively demonstrate your knowledge of the subject matter – both are characteristics of a good writer.

The body of the paper should contain all the detailed information and supporting examples to illustrate what you told me in the introduction.  The body should follow the order you presented in the introduction.  This will be the longest part of the paper.  You will want to give as much detail as possible to illustrate whatever subject(s) of small group communication you look at in your paper.

Conclusion :

The conclusion should state the lessons (if any) you learned and describe how you will proceed in the future as a result of what you learned form your group experience.  Will you change or better monitor your own communication behaviors?  (i.e. become an active listener, perhaps?)  The conclusion should be no longer than ½ page.

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Speech Analysis Essay Example

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Speech Analysis Essay

The puzzle of motivation by Dan Pink (TED 2009)

Pink delivers a very well organized speech. He opens the speech very strongly when he states- "I need to make a confession…” – creating a mystery and drawing the audience in instantly. The hilarity woven into the opening invokes a strong amusement from the audience. He frames his speech as a case study and not a story, which emphasizes the purpose of the speech as a learning opportunity for the audience –"I don’t want to tell you a story. I want to make a case. I want to make a hard-headed, evidence-based, dare I say lawyerly case for rethinking how we run our businesses.” (1.34). With this thesis statement, Pink states his intention in a very effective manner drawing fully, the attention of the audience. He institutes a framework around his subject. Since Pink’s primary message overrides the conventional business wisdom it is likely that his audience would be skeptical but he manages to assure them that his speech is not composed of a fictional anecdote but a concrete case – a truthful, clear, logical argument. He refers specifically to his audience as "ladies and gentlemen of the Jury…” (1.51) cementing this framework further. He references this framework later in the speech twice when he states- "Let me marshal the evidence, because I’m not telling a story. I’m making a case, ladies and gentlemen of the jury…” (9:05) and when ending his speech - "I rest my case.” (18:28)

Pink’s speech is also very strong in both ethos (credibility of the speaker) and Logos (logical argument). He builds his logos in a number of ways. This is indicated in his statements - "This is not a feeling … This is not a philosophy… This is a fact… ” (8:33) and "Some of you may look at this and say ‘Hm. Sounds nice, but it’s utopian.’ But I say ‘nope’. I have proof.” (16:02). These passages appeared as the most emphatic in the whole speech. With the second statement, Pink addresses directly an opposing point of view that he proceeds further to offer a real, tangible evidence to consolidate his position. With these passages, he manages to strike at the heart of his audience opposition. In the speech, he  mentions academic research at internationally renowned institutions, including MIT (9:10),  the University of Chicago, Princeton , (3:08) United States’ Federal Reserve Bank, London School of Economics and Carnegie Mellon, -"alma mater of 11 Nobel Laureates in Economics” (10:48). All these mentioned institutions have high ethos, and it adds credibility by association to Pink’s speech by referencing them.

Half-way in the speech, he makes the first overt connection between the audience and his topic. His statement -"Think about your own work… everybody in this room is dealing with their own version of the candle problem” (7:49) flatters the audience, since it means that they are all affianced in truly challenging and difficult labor. More prominently, it makes his massage more personal. He persuades his audience repeatedly referencing "the candle problem” which the audiences hear it as "my problem”. His speech is composed of thoughts provoking ideas. He wisely injects hilarity throughout his presentation. He states in the 38th second, - "I need to make a confession. I did something I regret… in a moment of youthful indiscretion, I went to law school” and in the 1st minute -"I graduated in the part of my law school class that made the top 90% possible.” Both of these statements are humorous and they build connection with the audience. Another notable element is Pink’s speech is the use of contrast. The most memorable is the catch phrase he introduces with a slide that states, - "there’s a mismatch between what science knows and what business does (5:18)”. This cleverly crafted phrase is spoken multiple times at 11:35 17:28 and 18:02.

Though Pink could lessen his finger wagging, his body language and gestures use throughout the speech are excellent. He manages to match his gestures and movements to the large venue. One cannot watch without realizing his enthusiasm and energy, which comes out strongly. An example, of this is shown when he indicates the low, the medium, and the high rewards using his hand. If for instance, this was a usual, PowerPoint presentation, probably a chart could have been used. Conversely, he exhibits that the most significant visual is the speaker. Equally, the vocal variety he exhibits is worthy of emulation. He uses varied pace, pauses, emphasis and volume excellently. Not only does this aid in conveying his convictions and enthusiasm, but it also helps in adding drama throughout the speech and brings about understanding. References Global, T. (2009, August). Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation. Retrieved April 03, 2013, from TED

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Harvard’s Institute of Politics Announces Fall 2024 Resident Fellows

speech analysis essay assignment


CAMBRIDGE, MA - The Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School today announced the appointment of six Resident Fellows who will join the IOP for the Fall 2024 semester. The fellows bring diverse experience in politics, elected office, polling, journalism, and economic development to address the challenges facing our country and world today.

"We are thrilled to welcome this Fall's cohort of Resident Fellows to Harvard to engage and collaborate with our students and community, and to get their thoughts and insight in the final few months of this year's historic election. Their diverse experiences will no doubt inspire our students to consider careers in public service and prepare them to provide essential political leadership in the months and years ahead," said IOP Director Setti Warren .

"We are excited to have such a remarkable group of Fellows at the IOP this Fall. They bring varied perspectives on how to best approach some of our country's most consequential challenges, and I am confident our students will gain important insight into the fields of politics, civic engagement, journalism, and more," said Michael Nutter , Chair of the Institute of Politics' Senior Advisory Committee, and former Mayor of Philadelphia.

"We are thrilled to welcome the incredibly accomplished members of the 2024 Fall Fellows Cohort as we begin the fall semester prior to the incredibly important U.S. election. As we close out the 'biggest election year in history,' our world remains in the throes of a major period of democratic backsliding. American voters, including many Harvard students, will once again face the possibility of reactionary backsliding and threats to fundamental rights. Closer to home, we are keenly aware of the threats to free speech on campus. While this semester will bring renewed challenges to and debates concerning those fundamental rights, we are hopeful that study groups will remain a source of vibrant, productive, and gratifying discussions on Harvard's campus. In that spirit, this semester's cohort of Fellows will bring in critical perspectives from the varied worlds of governing, policymaking, polling, reporting, and campaigning to equip students with the tools necessary to create a better tomorrow. We are confident that this cohort of Fellows will help this program to remain a bastion of freedom of speech and civil discourse on Harvard's campus," said Éamon ÓCearúil ‘25 and Summer Tan ‘26 , Co-Chairs of the Fellows and Study Groups Program at the Institute of Politics.

IOP Resident Fellows are fully engaged with the Harvard community. They reside on campus, mentor a cohort of undergraduate students, hold weekly office hours, and lead an eight-week, not-for-credit study group based on their experience and expertise.

Fall 2024 Resident Fellows:

  • Betsy Ankney: Former Campaign Manager, Nikki Haley for President
  • John Anzalone: One of the nation's top pollsters and strategists, and founder of Impact Research, a public opinion research and consulting firm
  • Alejandra Y. Castillo: Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development
  • Asa Hutchinson: Former Governor of Arkansas and 2024 Presidential Candidate
  • Brett Rosenberg: Former Director for Strategic Planning, National Security Council and Deputy Special Coordinator for the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment, Department of State
  • Eugene Scott: Host at Axios Live, and former reporter who has spent two decades covering politics at the local, national and international level, including at the Washington Post and CNN

Brief bios and quotes can be found below. Headshots are available upon request.

Betsy Ankney Ankney is a political strategist with over 15 years of experience on tough campaigns. She has been involved in campaigns and Super PACs at the national and state level and played a role in some of the biggest upsets in Republican politics. She has been an advisor to Ambassador Nikki Haley since 2021, serving as Executive Director for Stand for America PAC and most recently as Campaign Manager for Nikki Haley for President. After starting with zero dollars in the bank and 2% in the polls, the campaign defied the odds, raised $80 million, and Nikki Haley emerged as the strongest challenger to Donald Trump. Ankney served as the Political Director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee for the 2020 cycle. She advised senate campaigns across the country, working directly with candidates and their campaigns on budgets, messaging, and fundraising. Prior to her work at the NRSC, Ankney managed multiple statewide campaigns, including Bruce Rauner for Governor in Illinois and Ron Johnson for Senate in Wisconsin. For her work on Ron Johnson’s race, she was named “Campaign Manager of the Year” by the American Association of Political Consultants for 2016. Ankney got her start in politics at the 2008 Republican National Convention and served in various roles at the Republican National Committee as well as on multiple campaigns and outside efforts. She serves on the boards of The Campaign School at Yale and The American Association of Political Consultants. She is from Toledo, Ohio and attended Vanderbilt University.

"I am honored to be a part of the fantastic program at the Harvard Institute of Politics. As we enter the final stretch of one of the wildest and most unpredictable election cycles in modern history, I look forward to having conversations in real time about our political process, what to look for, and why it matters." – Betsy Ankney

John Anzalone Anzalone is one of the nation’s top pollsters and messaging strategists. He has spent decades working on some of the toughest political campaigns in modern history and helping private-sector clients navigate complex challenges. He has polled for the past four presidential races, most recently serving as chief pollster for President Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign. In that role, he helped develop the messaging and strategy that drove paid communications, major policy rollouts, speeches, and convention thematics. He has also polled for the campaigns of President Obama and Hillary Clinton, and has helped elect U.S. senators, governors, and dozens of members of Congress. Anzalone works with governors across the country, including current Governors Gretchen Whitmer (MI) and Roy Cooper (NC). He polls regularly for the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Senate Majority PAC, and AARP. With more than 30 years of experience in message development and strategic execution, he has been called on by key decision-makers, executives, and CEOs to provide counsel in a changing world and marketplace. He has extensive experience using research and data to break down complex subjects into digestible messages that resonate with target audiences. He grew up in St. Joseph, Michigan, and graduated from Kalamazoo College in Kalamazoo, Michigan. He is married and has four children, two dogs, and lives in Watercolor, Florida.

"After a 40-year career in politics I am so excited to give back by sharing and mentoring politically active and curious students, but also to have an opportunity to learn from them myself. During the next three months we will be living the 2024 elections together in real time. There is nothing more exciting than that regardless of your political identity." – John Anzalone

Alejandra Y. Castillo The Honorable Alejandra Y. Castillo was nominated by President Biden and sworn in as U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development on August 13, 2021, becoming the first women of color to hold this position. Ms. Castillo led the Economic Development Administration (EDA) between August 2021-2024 through an unprecedented moment of growth and opportunity. As the only federal agency focused exclusively on economic development, she guided EDA’s the implementation of over $6.8 billion dollars in federal funding, powering EDA and its mission to make transformational placed-based investments to support inclusive and equitable economic growth across America. Spanning over two decades of public service and non-profit work, she has served in three Presidential administrations --Biden, Obama and Clinton. Her career has also included a drive to shattering glass ceilings and providing inspiration to multiple generations of diverse leaders. Castillo is an active member in various civic and professional organizations, including the Hispanic National Bar Association, the American Constitution Society, as well as the Council on Foreign Relations. Castillo holds a B.A. in Economics and Political Science from the State University of New York at Stony Brook; a M.A. in Public Policy from the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin; and a J.D. from American University, Washington College of Law. A native of Queens, NY., the daughter of immigrants from the Dominican Republic.

"I am excited to join this Fall semester IOP Fellowship class and have the opportunity to engage with students and faculty members across the University. The IOP fellowship presents a great forum to discuss and evaluate the future of U.S. industrial strategy and economic growth in light of the historic federal investments in place-based economic development during the last three years. I am honored to join my colleagues in making this an exciting and informative semester for students." – Alejandra Y. Castillo

Asa Hutchinson Governor Asa Hutchinson is a former Republican candidate for President of the United States. He served as the 46th Governor of the State of Arkansas and in his last election, he was re-elected with 65 percent of the vote, having received more votes than any other Republican candidate for governor in the State’s history. As a candidate for President, Hutchinson distinguished himself as an advocate for balancing the federal budget, energy production and enhanced border security. He also was a clear voice for the GOP to move away from the leadership of Donald Trump. Hutchinson’s time as governor is distinguished by his success in securing over $700 million per year in tax cuts, safeguarding the retirement pay of veterans from state income tax, shrinking the size of state government, creating over 100,000 new jobs and leading a national initiative to increase computer science education. The Governor’s career in public service began when President Ronald Reagan appointed him as the youngest U.S. Attorney in the nation for the Western District of Arkansas. In 1996, he won the first of three consecutive terms in the U.S. House of Representatives. During his third term in Congress, President George W. Bush appointed Governor Hutchinson to serve as Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration and later as the nation’s first Undersecretary of Homeland Security for Border Protection. He is a former Chairman of the National Governors. He grew up on a small farm near Gravette. He and his wife, Susan, have four children and seven grandchildren. Governor Hutchinson is currently CEO of Hutchinson Group LLC, a security consulting firm.

"After 8 years as Governor it is time to teach and mentor. I am honored to have the opportunity this fall to share my experiences and perspective but to also learn from the students and my colleagues who will also be resident fellows at the IOP. The timing is historic with our democracy facing a critical choice this fall as to the direction of our country." – Asa Hutchinson

Brett Rosenberg Rosenberg is a foreign policy expert who has served in the White House, Department of State, and Senate. During the Biden Administration, Rosenberg was the inaugural Deputy Special Coordinator for the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment, President Biden’s and the G7’s flagship program designed to meet infrastructure needs in low- and middle-income countries. At the White House, Rosenberg served on the National Security Council as Director for Strategic Planning, working on shaping and realizing approaches to issues spanning from international economics to Western Hemisphere engagement, as well as helping to write the National Security Strategy. Prior to her service in the Biden administration, Rosenberg was Associate Director of Policy for National Security Action, where she remains a senior advisor. Rosenberg began her career in Washington as a legislative aide to then-Senator Kamala Harris, where she advised the senator on a range of domestic and economic policy issues. Rosenberg is a Nonresident Scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and her writing has appeared in outlets including Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, The New Republic, and McSweeneys. She received her A.B. in History from Harvard College and her PhD (DPhil) in International Relations from the University of Oxford, where she was a Rhodes Scholar.

"What a privilege it is to be part of this incredible community in this incredible moment. I can't wait to learn from the students, faculty, and other fellows as we dive in together to discuss some of the most pressing issues facing the United States and the world." – Brett Rosenberg

Eugene Scott Eugene Scott is a host at Axios Live, where he travels the country interviewing political and policy leaders. He was previously a senior political reporter for Axios covering 2024 swing voters and voting rights. An award-winning journalist, Scott has spent two decades covering politics at the local, national and international levels. He was recently a national political reporter at The Washington Post focused on identity politics and the 2022 midterm election. Following the 2020 presidential election, he hosted “The Next Four Years,” then Amazon’s top original podcast. He also contributed to “FOUR HUNDRED SOULS: A Community History of African America, 1619-2019,” which topped the New York Times’ bestseller list. In addition to writing, Scott has regularly provided political analysis on MSNBC, CBS and NPR. Scott was a Washington Correspondent for CNN Politics during the 2016 election. And he began his newspaper career at the Cape Argus in Cape Town, South Africa not long after beginning his journalism career with BET News’ “Teen Summit.” Scott received his master’s degree from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government and his bachelor’s from the University of North Carolina Hussman School of Journalism and Media. He is a D.C. native and continues to live in the Nation’s Capital.

"Learning from and with the professionals that visited the IOP during my time on campus was one of the highlights of my time at the Kennedy School. I am eager to help lead students in understanding the press and this country as we navigate the final weeks of arguably the most consequential election of our time." – Eugene Scott

Additional information can be found here .

About the Institute of Politics Fellows Program The Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School was established in 1966 as a living memorial to President John F. Kennedy. The Institute’s mission is to unite and engage students, particularly undergraduates, with academics, politicians, activists, and policymakers on a non-partisan basis to inspire them to pursue pathways in politics and public service. The Institute blends the academic with practical politics and offers students the opportunity to engage in current events and to acquire skills and perspectives that will assist in their postgraduate pathways.

The Fellows Program has stood as the cornerstone of the IOP, encouraging student interest in public service and increasing the interaction between the academic and political communities. Through the Fellows Program, the Institute aims to provide students with the opportunity to learn from experienced public servants, the space to engage in civil discourse, and the chance to acquire a more holistic and pragmatic view of our political world.

For more information on the fellowship program, including a full list of former fellows, visit: iop.harvard.edu  

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Patch Adams speech critique assignment Speech Analysis

Patch Adams speech critique assignment Speech Analysis

bring this message to the medical community, he starts studying medicine. Eager to test his new theories, Adams begins interacting with patients at the university hospital he is studying at, even though students are not supposed to see patients until their third year of schooling. He is even excluded from school when he prank doctors at a medical conference. Patch also convinces two of his classmates to join him in the establishment of a free clinic where they start practicing medicine based on love, but without a license. Unfortunately, the medical and scientific community does not appreciate his methods of healing the sick, and that is when he has to give an impassioned speech before a council of doctors about the right way to treat patients according to his believes, in order to graduate as a doctor. Patch Adams starts his speech by answering questions to the council of doctors, his opening remarks are answers and questions to the council in order to point out the difference between what is the role of a doctor to the eyes of the council, and what is an authentic doctor to his eyes. He has a great confidence level, the spark he has in his eyes and his face show passion and strong emotions for what he is stating; his eyes connect to the council and the audience, his voice is strong and secure.

Patch uses gestures to emphasize his message, he nods his head approving his ideas, opening his arms widely condemning what is wrong and giving strength to his words; he also points out nurses in the public to gain attention on them, and a reflection is implicit. At the beginning of the speech his tone of voice is humble, asking for understanding. He starts using a low pitch, but by the middle when he is talking to the medical students his pitch becomes louder, demanding, determine. The rate of his presentation is also particular; in order to be understood by the council his rate is slow, going faster when he starts exhorting the audience to fight for their identity as doctors; also when he states his ideas of what it takes to be a real doctor his rate is fast giving his speech strength and reliability. The use of technical language, the absence of vocalized pauses, and the fluency of his words gives his speech integrity and show the audience that who is talking is a fine prepared individual, confident and bright. His posture is significant for the reaction of the audience and the council. Patch is standing straight, his head up, his shoulders relaxed, he makes good eye contact with the audience; assuring confidence, trustworthiness to his presentation. He is also dressed up properly, wearing a comfortable suit which makes him look relaxed and confident.

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At the beginning the audience is quiet, attentive, listening every word he has to say; wondering how he is going to poof his ideas. As he goes along with his presentation the audience start to admire and embrace his work; they start moving around, looking at each other, identifying with Patch’s words. At the end the audience praised him with applauses and cheers for being so eloquent and convincing. Applauses implying support and agreement. It is very important how the audience perceived Patch’s credibility; they reacted on his favor because they perceived him as honest and credible. Thanks to the speaker’s performance and the way the audience perceived him as reliable the purpose of the speech is achieved. Starting with a relaxed posture, followed by the changes in the tone of voice, accompanied by a good eye contact with the listeners, and finishing with an excellent reaction of an audience in favor of the speaker, I can conclude this speech is representative of the effectiveness of a well delivered speech.

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Do My Speech Analysis Essay

A speech is a prepared text that verbalizes an argument and supporting ideas to make a point. A task of writing speeches is usually given to cultivate a student’s voice in the most elaborate manner. A speech analysis assignment is a different task that combines the voice of the author with a voice of a listener to show an understanding and an impact that an oral presentation can have on people. Therefore, students may be assigned to analyze famous speeches that have affected generations and still have value in view of a current political and social climate. The assignment is challenging and many students search for help online. Our speech writing service offers assistance with “do my speech analysis” requests and completes an assignment within a limited deadline and with an air of excellence about it.

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Critical Analysis of a Speech: The Hardship of This Assignment

There is a certain elegance to the speech evaluation process that demands attention to detail, time, and the knowledge of the primary source with its background and implications. Moreover, a student should be able to shape ideas with precision and support them with quotes. The assignment also implies a description of oral presentation components, pathos, logos, ethos, and other elements that constitute a proper rhetorical analysis of a speech. As such, the main obstacles to writing a great analysis are:

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3 Steps to a Successful Speech Critique Assignment

The writing and analysis process has a structure that has to be maintained to create a good paper. Our writers have this task down to T and a few steps:

Step 1 is to buy a speech analysis essay so that our specialists can complete the rest of the steps for you.

Step 2 . We assign a writer who can provide an amazing analysis of the content of the text, and place a speech into its historical or modern context with a focus on relevant cultural, political, social, and economic factors.

This step also includes most of the analysis that helps answer speech analysis questions. As such, your writer can link the primary source to course materials and develop an argument that continues a certain theme. You can also ask your expert to assess a speech in terms of a range of secondary readings. In fact, every analysis differs. Most importantly, we craft papers from scratch to follow all the instructions points that your professor has included.

Step 3 . We have a double-check quality assurance and it means that your writer rereads the texts and ensures that your need to “do my speech analysis” is fully satisfied. To do well on your evaluation, we check whether a provided text covers the main core and contextual points in a conventional essay format:

  • A key argument with a focus on the strengths and weaknesses of a speech under consideration;
  • Short quotes instead of lengthy phrases; logical connections between quotations and ideas;
  • Proper structure with sub-headings if needed to ensure coherency;
  • Formal language without colloquialisms;
  • Peer-reviewed and up-to-date sources;

No matter whether you need a rhetorical analysis speech essay or another assignment, you can order an original text online and advance your grades with professional help.

Easy Ordering Process

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Provide contact information, particularly email and phone number. Fill in the order type, indicate the number of pages, a clearly formulated topic, referencing style, and the number of sources that need to be used.

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3. Control the writing process:

A particular writer is assigned to your order by our administration. After the order goes into the processing stage, you can contact the writer directly and monitor the order progress.

4. Get better grades:

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A Speech Analysis Writing Service that Offers More

Our company is the number 1 choice for students because we provide great services with quality guarantees. Every order is important, and we utilize the best resources to help in view of 5 major systematic approaches.

  • Confidentiality and risk-free transactions. Our customers enjoy confidentiality and are sure that we never share information with third parties. We also offer to buy a speech analysis on the best terms with safe payment options.
  • Plagiarism-free content . We check every speech analysis for plagiarism to guarantee original texts for students.
  • High-quality texts . We employ the best writers and editors with BA, MA, and Ph.D. degrees who offer only high-quality solutions for a speech critique assignment.
  • Free revision and a money-back guarantee . We can improve your paper for free if needed within 48 hours of the deadline. It is rare for texts to still not meet requirements after improvements, however, customers can contact our refund department in terms of a money-back policy for assistance.
  • Great prices and discounts . We offer fair prices for quality texts. Moreover, customers receive a discount or bonus that makes ordering assignments even more affordable.

While these are great advantages that students can get when they order a speech analysis essay, you should check out additional services that take academic assistance to another level.

Writing Quality Options

Extra Features of Premium Speech Analysis Assistance

  • VIP services . It is a great idea to order proofreading and other services that contribute to better results and include a full PDF plagiarism report, SMS notifications about the order status, VIP support, extended revision, and top 10 writers who respond to “write my speech analysis” requests.
  • Quality writing levels . Our customers can choose a standard, premium, or supreme level and enjoy extra features that make the writing and speech analysis process more effective, especially when it is done by the most advanced writers.
  • Simple English and other options to choose . Poor expression in English can lose you points on your speech essay. When you use a Simple English option, your writer will make sure that a text is grammatically correct and has common words and simple sentences that make it easy to read and understand. We can also take a special approach to a “write an analysis of speech for me” request with the UK or US writer, and other features you can find in the order form. For more information, please, get in touch with the customer support department.

When you need professional responses to “do my speech analysis” requests, our writing and editing service can assist. We specialize in the textual analysis of speeches and follow specific instructions to craft a paper that corresponds to a given theme. Our writers create an opportunity for students to polish their analytical skills and submit great speech analysis essays. You can order a paper that shows a clear knowledge and understanding of methodological approaches for analyzing speeches and get it ready without risks and on time. It cannot be easier to get help and the results are amazing.

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My case was a hopeless one. I could not write a paper which would get at least any grade higher than 50. Besides I had very little time. I addressed QualityCustomEssays.com and got my paper in due time. Moreover, I got the desired grade!

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Sofia, France

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