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Religious differentials in the labour market: the impact of the good friday agreement 25 years on , stuck behind the lines: how does redlining affect educational attainment and occupational structure in chicago , essays in applied micro-econometrics , migration and the implications for the sending country , macroeconomics , essays on human capital, sorting, and wages , essays on behavioral and experimental economics , climate change, innovation, and inequality , three essays on social institutions and individual behavior , essays in development economics , essays on applied microeconomics , macroeconomics & inequality , essays on wage determinants in the long and the short run , two models of institutional design in crime and education , labour market extremes: a study of the high and low wage ends of the labour market , essays on corruption and inequality , essays on resource allocation, land investment and climate change in smallholder agriculture , essays on family economics and labour economics , essays on inequality in human capital development .

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Economics Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Natural Disasters and Human Capital: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia , Lei Lv

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Two Essays in Applied Microeconomics: Retirement, Income Inequalities, and other Economic Indicators of Health and Life Satisfaction , Zahra Akbari

Exploring Unobserved Heterogeneity of Stated Preferences Through Latent Class Modeling: Application in Health and Insurance Demand , Suzana Karim

The Impact of Critical Illness Insurance among Older Adults in China , Jiaosi Li

Essays on Opioid Related Issues , Minglu Sun

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Essays on SNAP Participation, BMI, and Food Purchasing Decisions , Samaneh Ghadyani

Reference-Dependent Choice on Digital Platforms , Joshua K. Kaisen

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Effects of the 340B Drug Pricing Program on Hospitals’ Prescribing Behavior, Patient Mix, and Quality of Care , Yilu Dong

Does Hedging Success Matter? An Empirical Study of Jet Fuel Hedging in the U.S. Airline Industry , Brian Hornung

Essays in Applied Public Policy and Health Economics , Stephen W. Poteet

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Essays in Applied Microeconomics , Lijuan Feng

Essays on Health, Healthcare, Job Insecurity and Health Outcomes , Ichiro Nakamoto

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Essays in Applied Microeconomics , John Hartman

Essays on Family-Friendly Policies, Child Planning and Children’s Early-Age Outcomes , Stefani Milovanska-Farrington

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Education and Health Impacts of an Affirmative Action Policy on Minorities in India , Robin Dhakal

Testing the Medical Arms Race Hypothesis: a Spatial Approach , Robyn M. Kibler

Essays in Health Economics , Olga Petrova

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Impact of Health Insurance for the Poor on Labor Market Out comes: Evidence from Indonesia. , Youssef Fassi Fehri

Essays in Health and Development Economics , John Bosco Oryema

Assessing Property Value Impacts of Access to Bus Rapid Transit (BRT): Case Study of the Cleveland HealthLine , Victoria A. Perk

An Exploration of Adolescent Obesity Determinants , Anastasia King Smith

The Impact of Criminal Justice Interventions and Social Policies on Family Violence: Theory and Evidence , Sianne Diana Vijay

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Two Essays Examining Organizational Performance , Stacey Alexis Gelsheimer

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Generic Competition and Price Regulation in the European Union Pharmaceutical Market: The Case of Cardiovascular Medicines , Berna Colak

Social Interactions In Breast Cancer Prevention Among Women In The United States , Natallia Gray

Discrepancies in Labor Market Outcomes From Migration Evidence From Colombia , Liza Beatriz Pena

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Bayesian Estimation of Panel Data Fractional Response Models with Endogeneity: An Application to Standardized Test Rates , Lawrence Kessler

Essays in Happiness Economics , Boris Nikolaev

Measuring Technical Efficiency of the Japanese Professional Football (Soccer) League (J1 and J2) , Dan Zhao

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Essays in Sports Economics , Daniel Mark Chin

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Modeling Endogenous Treatment Eects with Heterogeneity: A Bayesian Nonparametric Approach , Xuequn Hu

Internet Use and Economic Development: Evidence and Policy Implications , Joseph J. Macdougald

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

The Interaction Between Urban Form and Transit Travel , Sisinnio Concas

The Effect of Land-Use Controls on Urban Sprawl , Marin V. Geshkov

The Role of Rater Motivation in Personnel Selection Validation Studies , Dan Ispas

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Globalization, Migration and the U.S. Labor Market for Physicians: The Impact of Immigration on Local Wages , Finnie B. Cook

Medicare Part D Program: Prescription Drug Plan Copayment Structure and Premium Sensitivity , Rui Dai

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

The Effects of Depressed Mood on Academic Outcomes in Adolescents and Young Adults , Robert Christopher Jones

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Malaria, Labor Supply, and Schooling in Sub-Saharan Africa , Taiwo Abimbola

Determinants of female labor force participation in Venezuela: A cross-sectional analysis , Betilde Rincon de Munoz

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Economics Undergraduate Honors Theses

Examples of honors theses written by economics undergraduate students.

Posted with permission of the author. © 2019-2022 by the individual author. All rights reserved.

  • "The Causal Effect of ACA Subsidies on Insurance Coverage Status Among California Adults"  - William Vereyken
  • "Economic Impacts of Immigration Detention Centers Built Between 1990-2016 on U.S. Commuting Zones"  - Ekaterina Yudina

Spring/Summer 2022

  • "The Impact of Indiv. Mandate on High-Income, Non-elderly Indiv. Health Insurance Coverage Rates and Racial/Ethnic Disparities"  - YeJin Ahn
  • "An Economic Analysis of the 1997 Amhara Land Redistribution in Ethiopia"  - Ezana Anley
  • "Affirmative Action's Effect on Educational and Wage Outcomes for Underrepresented Minorities"  - Vishnu G. Arul
  • "Are the Effects of Racism Really That Black and White? A Study on the Effect Racism Has on the Productivity of Black   Footballers in the Premier League"  - Advik Banerjee
  • "An Empirical Analysis of Industrial Concentration and Prices: Can We Blame Inflation on Corporate Greed?"  - Anton Bobrov
  • "Tax Revenue Cyclicality and Income Inequality: Evidence from U.S. Counties From 1989 to 2019"  - Yiyang Chen
  • "The Impact of Economic Opportunities on African American Migration Patterns in Oakland"  - Fernando Cheung
  • "Impact of Tech Companies on Wages in the Local Economy"  - Niki Collette
  • "Warm Welcome: Evidence for Weather-based Projection Bias in College Choice"  - Maria Cullen
  • "Impact of the Belt and Road Initiative on Bilateral Trade with China"  - Pedro de Marcos
  • "Renaissance of the Black Homeowner: Impact Evaluation of Michigan's Renaissance Zones"  - Rupsha Debnath
  • "Lockdown Blues: The Effect of Social Norms on the Psychological Cost of Unemployment During the COVID-19 Pandemic"  - Dylan Hallahan
  • "How Education Affects Health Outcomes Across Genders"  - Jessica Li
  • "Is Increasing Diversity Inclusion Effective in Improving Companies' Performance in the Financial Services Industry?"  - Miranda Li
  • "The Future Financial Status of the Social Security Program"  - Chloe Manouchehri
  • "Does Recreational Marijuana Legalization Affect Hard-Drug Use? - Evidence from Cocaine Prevalence and Treatment Admissions"  - Arthur Weiss
  • "Relationship Between Economic Status and Money Spent on Private Education Leading to Economic Inequality in South Korea"  - Jiho Lee
  • "The Impact of Migrant Remittances on Rural Labor Supply: Evidence from Nepal"  - Amanda Wong
  • "Confirmation Bias: The Role of Messages and Messengers"  - Hongyu (Randol) Yao

Spring 2021

  • "Gender Equality and Economic Growth: Solving the Asian Puzzle"  - Zoya Ali
  • "Women in STEM: Moving Up or Falling Off the Academic Career Ladder?"  - Sophia J. Bai
  • "Time Dependence in Okun's Law at the State Level" - Sarah Baig
  • "Labor Regulation and the Impact on Firm Behavior in India" - Vatsal Bajaj
  • "Gender Representation in Academia: Evidence from the Italian Education System Reform" - Oyundari Batbayar
  • "Money & Marriage on the Elementary Mind: A High-Level Analysis of Inequitable Child Development in LA County" - Matthew J. Chang
  • "Unanticipated Unemployment Rate News on the Stock Market" - David Chi
  • "Should Physicians Be More Collaborative? Determining the Relationship Between Patient Participation and Treatment Plan Confidence Across a Spectrum of Illness Severity in the State of California" - Saif Chowdhury
  • "Modeling Optimal Investment and Greenhouse Gas Abatement in the Presence of Technology Spillovers" - Sabrina Chui
  • "Understanding the Influence of Marginal Income Tax Rates on Retirement Investment Habits"  - Daniel Cohen
  • "Infrastructure in India's Internal War: A District-Level Analysis of the Naxalite-Maoist Conflict" - Krunal Desai
  • "Do Eucalyptus Trees Increase Wildfires?"  - Lila Englander
  • "Understanding the Labor Outcomes of Hurricane Sandy" - Kevin Fang
  • "Does TikTok Show Viewers the Content Relevant to them?" - Ekaterina Fedorova
  • "The Impact of the Affordable Care Act Dependent Care Provision on Long-term Young Adult Labor Market Choices" - Anne Fogarty
  • "Orchestra Sex Disparity: Experimental Evidence from Audience Members" - Richard Gong
  • "The Big Three Medical Price Indexes: A Comparative Review and Analysis"  - Robert Hovakimyan
  • "Effect of Value-Added-Services on Customer Reviews in a Platform Marketplace" - Shankar Krishnan
  • "COVID19 Recession: Gender Layoff Gap Explodes" - Ember Lin-Sperry
  • "The Gender Wage Gap in China: Learning from Recent Longitudinal Data" - Donghe Lyu
  • "Local Graduation Policies as a Tool for Increasing College Eligibility: Evidence from Los Angeles" - Dan L. Ma
  • "Trust in Government and Lockdown Compliance in Sub-Saharan Africa" - Charles McMurry
  • "I Do (or Don't): The Impact of Same-Sex Marriage Laws on International Tourism" - Oliver McNeil
  • "International Shipping Consequences of a Navigable Arctic" - Jack Melin
  • "Investigating Dollar Invoicing Trends Using United Kingdom Export Data" - Aneesh Nathani
  • "Micro-Level Impact of Initial Public Offerings on Bay Area Housing Inflation" - Mina Nezam-Mafi
  • "Explaining EU's Oil Dependency Through the Response of the Portuguese Sector Indexes to Brent Oil Prices Fluctuations" - Pedro S. Nunes
  • "Dynamic Incentives and Effort Provision in Professional Tennis Tournaments" - Ruiwen Pan
  • "Examining the Effects of Minimum Wage Laws on Part-Time Employment" - Odysseus Pyrinis
  • "The Great Indian Identity Crisis? Exclusions & Intersectionality in the Indian Aadhaar System" - Aditi Ramakrishnan
  • "The 'Clutch Gene' Myth: An Analysis of Late-Game Shooting Performance in the NBA"  - Can Sarioz
  • "Estimating the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Jobs Within the Healthcare Industry" - Sidharth Satya
  • "Factors Influencing Telehealth Utilization: Evidence from California" - Emily Schultz
  • "Cash and Conflict: Evidence from the Indian Banknote Demonetization" - Nachiket Shah
  • "Determinants of the Number of Anti-Government Demonstrations: Evidence from OECD Countries" - Nina Singiri
  • "Hygiene Heroes: A Process Evaluation of Promoting Hygiene Practices in Tamil Nadu Schools" - Malika Sugathapala
  • "Exploring the Labour Patterns of Women and Mothers Through the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Impact of School Closures and a New Kind of Recession"  - Renee Isabel Utter
  • "How Have Socioeconomic Achievement Determinants Changed in the Past Decade for First-Generation Chinese Immigrants in the U.S." - Haolin Wang
  • "The Impact of Quarantining on School Enrollment: Evidence from the Ebola Epidemic in Sierra Leone" - David Willigrod
  • "Weeding out Needy Households and Welcoming the Better Off? Impacts of Transactional Barriers on SNAP Participation Rates" - Kevin Woo
  • "Are Soccer Teams Being Inefficient? An Analysis of Sunk Cost Fallacy and Recency Bias Using Transfer Fee" - Junru Lyu
  • "The Effects of Access to Family Planning Facilities on Female Labor Market Outcomes"  - Marcus Sander
  • "Macroeconomic Volatility at the Zero Lower Bound: Evidence from the OECD" - Anthony Swaminathan
  • "How are Society's Conditions and Demographics Related to the Popularity of Chief Executive Carrie Lam  and the Hong Kong Government"  - Peter To

Spring/Summer 2020

  • "Parental Involvement: The Differential Impacts of Consent and Notice Requirements for Minors' Abortions" - Angela Ames
  • "Examining Local Price Levels and Income Distribution Over Time" - Josh Archer
  • "Estimating the Effect of Grandparent Death on Fertility" - Jason Chen
  • "Democracy in the Face of COVID-19: Have Less Democratic Countries Been More Effective at Preventing the Spread of This Pandemic ?" - Yi Chen
  • "Understanding the Effects of Conditional Cash Transfers on Indigenous People in Mexico" - Arushi Desai
  • "Microfinance and Payday Lending: Are they Solving a Problem or Creating One?" - Sophia Faulkner
  • "The Risk-Taking Channel of Monetary Policy and Foreign Banks" - Noah Forougi
  • "Ride of Die? Metropolitan Bikeshare Systems and Pollution" - Sean Furuta
  • "Internet's Important Involvement in Information Industry Integration in Idaho, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana (and others): How the emerging internet affected the economic geography of the information industry" - Keming (Alex) Gao
  • "The Relationship between Economic Crises and Long-Run Wealth Inequality" - Renuka Garg
  • "Voter Bias in the Associated Press College Football Poll : Reconducting a 2009 study with new data in a $1 Billion-dollar industry that has seen significant changes in the past decade"  - Brent Hensley
  • "Monopsony Exploitation in Major League Baseball: Using Wins Above Replacement to Estimate Marginal Revenue Product" - Jacob C. Hyman
  • "The Relationship Between Currency Substitution and Exchange Rate Volatility" - Jewon Ju
  • "Efficiency, Bias, and Decisions: Observations from a Sports Betting Exchange" - Alexander Kan
  • "The Effect of Medicaid Expansion on Substance Use Disorder Treatment Utilization: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act" - Christy Kang
  • "Analyzing the Relationship between Personal Income Tax Progressivity and Income Inequality" - Gevorg Khandamiryan
  • "The Effects of Occupancy Taxes on the Short-Term Rental Market: Evidence from Boston" - Alan Liang
  • "Corporate Types and Bank Lending in Contractionary Era: Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies" - Zishen Liu
  • "Financial Constraints on Student Learning: An Analysis of How Financial Stress Influences Cognitive Function in Children" - Simone Matecna
  • "The Effect of Workplace Inspections on Employment and Sales - A Regression Discontinuity Analysis" - Jeseo Park
  • "Lending Sociodynamics, Economic Instability, and the U.S. Farm Credit Crisis" - Erfan Samaei
  • "The Effect of Intangible Assets on Value Added: Evidence from microdata across small and large firms in Europe" - Tamara Sequeira
  • "Price Efficiency Differences Between Public and Private Utilities: An Empirical Analysis of US Electric Utilities" - Yechan Shin
  • "Effect of Campus Shootings on Academic Achievement: Examination of 2014 Isla Vista Killings" - Min Joo (Julie) Song
  • "First-Degree Price Discrimination: Evidence from Informal Markets in India" - Rishab Srivastava
  • "Who Benefits From Gentrification? A Case Study of Oregon Public High Schools" - Namrata Subramanian
  • "Estimating the Economic Impacts of Wealth Taxation in France" - Jeffrey Suzuki
  • "Transit-Oriented Development or Transit-Oriented Displacement? Evaluating the Sorting Effect of Public Transportation in Los Angeles County" - Yeeling Tse
  • "How State Abortion Policy Restrictiveness is Associated with Unintended Pregnancy Outcomes in the United States from 2014-2018" - Ruhee Wadhwania
  • "Global Food Security and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation"  - Aidan Wang
  • "The Relationship Between Pharmaceutical R&D Spending and NME Development" - Taylor Wang
  • "The Role of Individual Risk Attitude in Occupational Inheritance" - Yi Wang
  • "Labor Market Segmentation: Evidence from U.S. Janitorial Jobs Advertised in English and Spanish" - Zijun Xu
  • "Bias on the Brain: How Patient Gender Influences Use of Emergency Room Diagnostic Imaging" - Abigail Zhong
  • "Age Effects, Irrationality and Excessive Risk-Taking in Supposedly Expert Agents" - William Aldred
  • "Pricing Disparities for Minority Communities in Chicago: Rideshares and Taxis" - Matthew Cleveland
  • "Where My Negros At? Evaluating the Effects of Banning Affirmative Action on Black College Enrollment" - Ellie Koepplinger
  • "Race and Recession: How Minorities May Affect Downturns" - Alexander Szarka
  • "Understanding the Effects of Canadian International Food Aid on Production and Trade" - Patrick D. Tagari
  • "Urban Property Rights and Labor Supply in Peru: Heterogeneity Analysis by Gender and Educational Attainment" - Juan Sebastián Rozo Vásquez
  • "Effect of High-Speed Rail on City Tourism Revenue in China: A Perspective on Spatial Connectivity" - Lingyun Xiao

Archives (2009-2019)

Honors Theses

Digital Commons at Buffalo State

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Applied Economics Theses

Theses from 2023 2023.

The Determinants of Homeownership: Mortgage Rates, Median Household Income and Vacancy Rates , Aisha S. Mackey

Theses from 2022 2022

A Comparison of M&T Bank and Citizens Bank Net Income Changes During the Coronavirus Pandemic , Alex R. Glasier

Theses from 2021 2021

Economic Growth In Haiti , Marc Arthur L. Barthelemy

The Cost of Crime: A Study on Human Trafficking , Kirsten Krug

An Analysis of the Impact of RMB Exchange Rate on China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment , Yuchao Li

The Great Transition: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Transitioning from Diesel Fuel Buses to Zero Emission Electric Buses for the NFTA in The Buffalo-Niagara Falls MSA , Jonathan C. Meyers

Theses from 2020 2020

The Gap Between Family Income and Graduation Rates , Kaylee M. Gatto

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Constructing and Operating a Streetcar System in Buffalo, NY , Daniel Kevin Zielinski

Theses from 2019 2019

Economic and Demographic Determinants of the Consumption, Saving and Borrowing Behaviors of Households , Micaela Joseph

Toward a More Universal Currency: The Impact of the Clearing Mechanism on Developing Economies , Evan Ross Kaderbeck

Does Family Income Determine A Children Future Educational Attainment Level? , Diaisha T. Richards

Theses from 2018 2018

Effects of Spending on New York Counties Six Year Graduation Rate , Maxwell B. Costello

Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance: An Examination of the Dow Jones Sustainability North American Index , Elizabeth A. Fides

Cryptocurrencies as an Alternative to Fiat Monetary Systems , David A. Georgeson

Full Employment, or a New Reserve Army? A Marxian Critique of the Employer of Last Resort , Michael Heubusch

Does Debt Matter? , Luhan Li

An Analysis of Chinese Trade and FTA using Gravity Model , MINYU LIU

The Impact of Macroeconomic Factors on the Price of Gold , Yunhao Sun

Impact of Online Shopping on Shopping Malls , Xaioxing Yan

Impact of Falling Oil Prices on US Economic Conditions in Both the Short Run and the Medium Run , Aye Mya Thant Zin

Theses from 2017 2017

Has Social Security Been Effective? , Matthew V. Danwin

Consequences of Information Asymmetry on Corporate Risk Management , Howard J. Merrill III

Behavioral Economics and the Effects of Psychology on the Stock Market , Justin L. Nagy

The Impact of Money Supply and Electronic Money: Empirical Evidence from Central Bank in China , Rui Qin

Stock Market Wealth impact on Consumption Expenditure , Ramberto Jr. Sosa Cueto

Theses from 2016 2016

The Role of Performance and Gender in Hiring Decisions , Hayley Capshaw

An Empirical Study of Earnings of Immigrants and Native-Born Americans in the U.S. Labor Market Given Different Levels of Educational Attainment , Yuli P. Gomez Bravo

From the Classical School to Today: The Evolution of Stagnation Theories , Francis J. Lukacovic II

Economic Growth, Natural Mineral Resources and Education in Developing Countries , Kasimu J. Mayundo

Portfolio Asset Allocation On a Sector Rotation Strategy Triggered by Fed's Discount Rate , Jorge Luis Orozco

Reconsidering the Economics of Public Policy: An Institutionalist Critique of Neoclassical Welfare Economics , Ryan J. Undercoffer

Theses from 2015 2015

The Static Future of the International Financial System , Brad M. Agen

Analysis of the Euro and the European Monetary System and Its Effect on Greece in the Light of the European Financial Crisis , Mohamed Alinur

A New Approach to Measuring Poverty in the United States: A Household's Ability to Consume , David Ashelman

An Evaluation of the Proposal to Implement a Chained Weighted CPI , David Lock

Economic Growth and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and Latin America: The Impact of Human Capital , Angui D. Macham

Theses from 2014 2014

Application of Microcredit to Haiti’s Economy: A Step Towards Poverty Reduction , Jimy Rosemberg

Theses from 2013 2013

Industrial Machine Analysis: Economic Quality Control , Vandyke Kotoroka-Yiadom

Influence of Corruption, Foreign Direct Investment and Net Domestic Credit on Economic Growth , Meng Mi

Impact of Oil Prices Fluctuations on Economies in the Age of Globalization , Ancel Raynaud Soh feussi

The Impact of US Subprime Mortgage Crisis on the Chinese Real-estate Market , Yiwen Zhou

Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rates , Timothy M. Znaczko

Theses from 2012 2012

Effect of Government Spending on Economic Growth: A Case Study of Saudi Arabia , Fayez Saeed Alshahrani

The Effects of the 2007-2009 Economic Crisis on Global Automobile Industry , Xue Bai

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Theses and Dissertations

Dissertations from 2019 2019.

Institutions, Market Concentrations, and Trade , Joy Das

Theses from 2018 2018

Factors Affecting Spatial Differences in Health Outcomes , Kwadwo Poku-Agyemang

Theses from 2017 2017

Dynamic Modelling of Local Government Wealth when Shocked by Natural Disasters , Alejandra Brevé Ferrari

Descriptive Aanalysis of Agritourism in Louisiana: Motivation. Marketing. Limitations. , Denys Maksymov

Preferences and Values for the Gulf Coast Ocean Observing System , Cody Lynn Plummer

Three Essays on Consumption Behavior, Credit, and Labor Supply of Farm Households in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Uganda , Seydina Ousmane Sene

Theses from 2016 2016

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Implications to Global Wine Market , Natalia Antosova

The Vulnerability of Louisiana to Hurricane Damage and the Value of Wetlands for Hurricane Risk Reduction , James Luke Boutwell

A Review of the Dominican Cocoa Industry: Determining Advantages and Factors to Improve , Glorianni Viviana Estrella

An Assessment of the Economic Feasibility of Establishing a Biofuel Industry in the State of Louisiana , Alessandro Holzapfel

An Augmented Gravity Model: Factors that Affect the U.S. Sugar Imports from Western Hemisphere Countries , Katherine Ramirez Hernandez

Private Market Alternatives for Maintaining Wetland Viability in Coastal Louisiana: A Double-Hurdle Approach , Hua Wang

Potential Impacts of the TPP on Agricultural Trade in the Asia-Pacific Region Utilizing a Gravity Model Framework , Chloe Michelle Worley

Dissertations from 2015 2015

Three Essays on Economic Analysis of Production Systems of U.S. Grass-fed Beef Industry , Basu Deb Bhandari

Essays on the Effect of Trade Facilitation on Bilateral Agricultural Trade , Trina Biswas

Factors Influencing Sustainable Cocoa Production in Northern Haiti , Wegbert Chery

Evaluating Commodity Farm Program Selection and Economic Return Variability on Representative Farms in the Mississippi River Delta Region Using a Risk Return Framework , Michael Anthony Deliberto

Agricultural Policy, Off-farm Income, and Farmland Values: The Case of South Korea , Hyunjeong Joo

Three Essays on Food Demand, Land Use Intensity, and Food Crop Portfolio Choice under Weather Risk , Aditya Raj Khanal

Three Essays on Land Ownership, Gender, and Agricultural Productivity in The Case of Developing Countries , Krishna H. Koirala

Evaluation of the Impact of Changes in Commodity Income Support Measures Included in the Agricultural Act of 2014 on Equitable Louisiana Rice Production Rental Arrangements , Abdallahi Ould Abderrahmane

A Market-Based Approach for Valuing Ecosystem Services on Coastal Properties , Michelle A. Savolainen

Estimating Desirable Cattle Traits Using Latent Class and Mixed Logit Models: A Choice Modeling Application to the U.S. Grass-Fed Beef Industry , Isaac Sitienei

Dissertations from 2014 2014

The worlds of agriculture in Asia : agricultural and economic development , Lorna Econg Amrinto

Analysis of Media Coverage of Selected Food Safety Events on the Demand for the Recalled Products , Abhishek Bhagwat Bharad

A Factor Analysis of the Dimensions of Economic Damages from Tropical Storms and Hurricanes in Louisiana , James Luke Boutwell

Direct Marketing of Louisiana Shrimp: A Cost-Earnings Analysis , Jill Christoferson

The Role of Futures Prices in Pricing Commodity Exports of Developing Countries , Jorge Jose Handal Reyes

An Evaluation of the Impact of the Adoption of the Onboard Module Building Cotton Harvest System on the Economic Competitiveness of Cotton Production in Louisiana , Natalia Estefania Latorre

Factors influencing adoption of VSH queens in the honey breeding industry , Julie Leiby

Exchange Rate Volatility Effects on BRICS Countries Exports , David Isaias Maradiaga Pineda

Three Essays on U.S. Meat Goat Production: Goal Structure, Selection of Breeding Stock, and Meat Goat Marketing , Narayan Prasad Nyaupane

United States Meat Goat Production Economic Performance Measures: A Stochastic Production Frontier Analysis , Berdikul Qushim

Three Essays on Migration Decision, Migration Destination Choice, and Food Security: Evidence from Chitwan, Nepal , Madhav Regmi

Application of Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis to Determine Consumers' Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Grass Fed Beef in the United States , Franklin Fernando Vaca Moran

Evaluating Alternative Techniques for Forecasting Industrial and Occupational Employment , Drew A. Varnado

Estimating U.S. household seafood demand based on longitudinal and cross-sectional data , Huabo Wang

Remittance and Migration: Impact on Technology Adoption, Natural Resource Conservation, and Household Welfare , Deborah Ann Williams

Theses from 2013 2013

Assessing the efficiency of alternative best management practices to reduce nonpoint source pollution in the broiler production region of Louisiana , Bryan Gottshall

Consumer's preferences for goat meat in the United States : an application of choice-based conjoint analysis , Jessica Irene Hill

An analysis of consumer preferences for grass-fed versus grain-fed beef , Bo Lin

Quality of care: analyzing the relationship between hospital quality score and total hospital costs , Jordan Andrew Newell

Environmental Kuznets Curve In Water Pollution: A Semiparametric Approach , Mahesh Pandit

Empirical and simulation essays on analyzing a country's export performance : the case of Ghana , Aude L. Pujula

The effects of U.S. shrimp imports on the Gulf of Mexico dockside price : a source differentiated mixed demand model , Maryam Tabarestani

A linear programming model and partial budget analysis to optimize management strategies of western flower thrips in greenhouse impatiens production , Xiaohua Yue

Theses from 2012 2012

Commuting patterns and labor markets: a new regional classification for Louisiana , Deepa Acharya

Three essays on modeling economic and fiscal change for communities under disequilibrium following natural disasters , Arun Adhikari

The economic feasibility of utilizing energy cane in the cellulosic production of ethanol , Kayla Lynn Brown

Factors influencing price volatility on soybeans futures prices , Diego J. Gavilanez Hernandez

Marketing channels and internet technology used by specialty crop farmers , Sandamali Kanaththa Kankanamge

Three essays on the efficiency of rural hospitals in the United States , Iustin Cristian Nedelea

Examining the relationship between the exchange rate, foreign direct investment and trade , Shanta Parajuli

Economic and attitudinal perspectives of the recreational for-hire fishing industry in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico , Michelle Savolainen

Three essays on technology adoption and the roles of off-farm labor, human capital, and risk in contemporary US agriculture , Hiroki Uematsu

Economic assessment of rapid land-building technologies for coastal restoration , Hua Wang

Dissertations from 2011 2011

Three essays on the labor allocation decisions of the modern farm family , Jeremy Michael D'Antoni

The economics of processing ethanol at Louisiana sugar mills: a three part economic analysis of feedstocks, risk, business strategies, and uncertainty , Paul Michael Darby

Economics of U.S. government debt accumulation , Carlos Ignacio Garcia Jimenez

Exchange rate volatility and bilateral agricultural trade flows: the case of the United States and OECD countries , Kashi Ram Kafle

Theses from 2010 2010

Understanding the economic factors that impact the financial health of local governments , John David Barreca

Analysis of media agenda-setting effect on consumer confidence in the safety of the U.S. food system across consumer segments , Abhishek Bhagwat Bharad

Analysis of consumer preferences toward 100% fruit juice packages and labels , Tatiana Bonilla

Value of clearfield rice: an agronomic and economic approach , Tyler Paul Carlson

The returns and volatility of agribusiness stocks: how do they measure up to non-agribusiness stocks? , Benjamin Michael Clark

Factors affecting adoption of cover crops and its effect on nitrogen use by producers , Gnel Gabrielyan

Do the poor pay more for healthy food? an empirical economic analysis , Patrick Lee Hatzenbuehler

Three essays on the role of amenities as an economic development strategy , Junpyo Hong

Adoption of breeding technologies in the U.S. dairy industry and their influences on farm profitability , Aditya Raj Khanal

Stochastic trends in crop yield density estimation , David I. Maradiaga

Cellulosic ethanol in Louisiana: a three part economic analysis of feedstocks, pricing strategies and location strategies , Tyler B. Mark

An economic analysis of the costs of alternative sugarcane fallow weed control programs , José Rodolfo Mite Cáceres

An economic analysis of cover crops in corn-dominated production systems , Sukirti Nepal

The adoption of best management practices in the Louisiana crawfish industry , Narayan P. Nyaupane

Incentives, risk, and the role of private investments in Louisiana coastal wetland restoration , cheikhna Ould Dedah

Off-farm labor supply by farm operators and spouses: a comparison of estimation methods , Mahesh Pandit

Determination of the economic optimal cycle length for major sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) varieties in Louisiana , Juan Steer Nunes

Dissertations from 2009 2009

Three essays on environmental issues associated with broiler production in Louisiana , Nirmala Adhikari Devkota

The expansion and diversification of the export sector and economic growth: the Costa Rican experience , Gustavo Filipe Canle Ferreira

Remittances, foreign direct investment and economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean , Pablo Antonio Garcia-Fuentes

Essays on environmental issues associated with the diary production region in Louisiana , Larry Michael Hall

Three essays on the world rice market: a structure, conduct, and performance paradigm approach , Hyunsoo Kang

An analysis of government policy impacts in the ethanol and sugar markets , Hassan Marzoughi_Ardakani

Biophysical economic analysis of nutrient and sediment management practices in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley , Augustus Nyako Matekole

The economic importance and management of mercury contamination in pelagic fisheries , Tina Marie Willson

An analysis of the impact of the EU sugar policy reform on ACP countries: a quota market framework , Liliane Kiswendsida Zoungrana

Theses from 2008 2008

Antidumping investigation in agriculture: issues of trade diversion-named vs non-named countries , Nandini Bandyopadhyay

Spatial economics of the Louisiana wetland mitigation banking industry , Ryan Joseph Bourriaque

Estimating the economic impacts of hurricane damage on coastal fishing infrastructure , Tanza Erlambang

Three papers on the behavior modeling of the shrimp fishermen in the Gulf of Mexico , Tao Ran

Analysis of the impact and importance of re-wholesalers in the ornamental market , Marco Absalón Velástegui

Theses from 2007 2007

An economic evaluation of sugarcane combine harvester costs and optimal harvest schedules for Louisiana , Francis Gil Barker

Modeling the EU-US cereal trade - the post 'Agenda 2000' analysis , Sachin Chintawar

Record-keeping systems adoption by Louisiana dairy farmers , Elisabeth Grisham

Liability, institutions, and determinants of landowner access policies for fee-based recreation on private lands , James Emery Henderson

Best Management Practices adoption rates and alternative land usage among Southwest Louisiana rice producers , Heidi Landry

Analysis of the impact of fish imports on domestic crawfish prices and economic welfare using inverse demand systems , Young-Jae Lee

An analysis of the processor preferences for the adoption of potential crawfish peeling machines , Darius J. Lewis

Analyzing the cost of harvesting and the economic structure of Florida grouper fishery , I. Cristian Nedelea

An Analysis of the World Shrimp Market and the Impact of an Increasing Import Base on the Gulf of Mexico Dockside Price , Pawan Poudel

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  1. Economics thesis and dissertation collection

    Essays on behavioral and experimental economics . Xu, Yaoyao (The University of Edinburgh, 2023-07-25) In this dissertation of three chapters, I study individuals' strategic sophistication in decision-making, specifically level-k reasoning and forward-looking behavior. The first chapter studies subjects' iterative reasoning ...

  2. PDF Essays in Environmental and Development Economics Allan Hsiao

    Essays in Environmental and Development Economics Allan Hsiao Submitted to the Department of Economics on May 14, 2021, in partial ful llment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Economics Abstract Chapter 1. Weak environmental regulation has global consequences. When domestic regulation

  3. PDF Doctoral Thesis

    The three features taken together render any economic system complex, adaptive and dy-namic. Indeed, the chapters of this thesis try to assess the study of the economy as a complex system taking as reference point the latter issues. Since traditional DSGE models perform poorly in tackling these problems, I am working

  4. Economics Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2022. PDF. Two Essays in Applied Microeconomics: Retirement, Income Inequalities, and other Economic Indicators of Health and Life Satisfaction, Zahra Akbari. PDF. Exploring Unobserved Heterogeneity of Stated Preferences Through Latent Class Modeling: Application in Health and Insurance Demand, Suzana Karim. PDF.

  5. PDF Pandemic Economics: a Case Study of The

    An Abstract of the Thesis of. Lucy Hudson for the degree of Bachelor of Science in the Department of Economics to be taken June 2021. Title: Pandemic Economics: A Case Study of the Economic Effects of COVID-19 Mitigation Strategies in the United States and the European Union. Approved: Assistant Professor Keaton Miller, Ph.D.

  6. PDF Essays in Development and Labor Economics

    display copies of the thesis, or release the thesis under an open-access license. Authored by: Garima Sharma Department of Economics May 12, 2023 Certified by: Esther Duflo Abdul Latif Jameel Professor of Poverty Alleviation and Development Economics Thesis supervisor Certified by: David Atkin Professor of Economics Thesis supervisor

  7. PDF Economics Theses in Harvard Archives

    Collaboration and Ability in Undergraduate Science Classes: Theoretical and Empirical Analyses. More Than Skin Deep: Portugese Labor Importation and the Hawaiian Sugar Industry, 1878-1913. 8 Joint concentrator: economics and math. 9 Joint concentrator: economics and math. 10 Joint concentrator: history and economics.

  8. PDF A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Arts and

    of contention is the effect that limiting emissions might have on economic growth. In the context of the recently completed COP21, this paper examines the relationship between the stringency of climate policy implemented prior to 2015 and countries' gross domestic product (GDP), as a proxy for economic growth.

  9. PDF Economics Theses in Harvard Archives Department of Economics

    17 Joint concentrator: government and economics. 18 Joint concentrator: economics and philosophy. Miray Topay. In the Wake of the Storm: The Solow Model, Natural Disasters, and Openness. Vasudev Vadlamudi. Technology in the Classroom: Assessing the Impact of California's Digital High School Program.

  10. PDF Harvard University Department of Economics

    Economics is enough of a science to be cumulative. There is a reason why students take the "principles of economics" course first, then the intermediate theory courses, and then higher-level courses that build on this theory. Part of the point of this progression is for you to acquire the conceptual framework, together with sufficient ...

  11. Economics Undergraduate Honors Theses

    Spring/Summer 2020. "Parental Involvement: The Differential Impacts of Consent and Notice Requirements for Minors' Abortions" - Angela Ames. "Examining Local Price Levels and Income Distribution Over Time" - Josh Archer. "Estimating the Effect of Grandparent Death on Fertility" - Jason Chen.

  12. Honors Theses

    Thesis Title Year Angel, Brandon. COVID-19 School Closures: The Effects on Students Measured by Standardized Testing Scores ... to train students at the undergraduate and graduate level in the methods and ideas of modern economics, and to conduct both basic and applied research in economics that pushes forward the frontier of knowledge in the ...

  13. Theses and Dissertations

    Dissertations from 2017. PDF. Essays on the Impact of Education on Economic Outcomes in a Developing Country, Omer Bahadir Dursun. PDF. Essays on Economic Growth In India, Sujana Kabiraj. PDF. Essays in Health and Public Economics, Sara Oloomi. PDF.

  14. PDF Writing Economics

    WRITING ASSIGNMENTS IN ECONOMICS 970. In Sophomore Tutorial (Economics 970), you will receive several writing assignments including a term paper, an empirical exercise, short essays, response papers, and possibly a rewrite. Below is a description of these types: Term Paper (10-15pp.).

  15. PDF Senior Thesis 2010

    A first-rate thesis in economics is either an empirical paper or a theoretical paper or a combination of both. This means that you will either collect/acquire/organize and analyze data or you will build/modify/find and study a model (or both). A small fraction of seniors do experimental work as their

  16. PDF The Principles of Economics Textbook

    The Principles of Economics Textbook: An Analysis of Its Past, Present & Future by Vitali Bourchtein An honors thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science Undergraduate College Leonard N. Stern School of Business New York University May 2011

  17. Applied Economics Theses

    PDF. An Analysis of Chinese Trade and FTA using Gravity Model, MINYU LIU. PDF. The Impact of Macroeconomic Factors on the Price of Gold, Yunhao Sun. PDF. Impact of Online Shopping on Shopping Malls, Xaioxing Yan. PDF. Impact of Falling Oil Prices on US Economic Conditions in Both the Short Run and the Medium Run, Aye Mya Thant Zin. Theses from ...

  18. PDF Senior Thesis Guide 2023-24 Department of Economics

    Deadline to submit the thesis registration form, signed by your advisor, to the Economics Undergraduate Office ([email protected]) by 5pm ET. Anyone without a thesis advisor by this date (add/drop deadline) must drop Ec 985 and the thesis. Have your data in hand and have plans for the type of analysis you'll be doing.

  19. Theses and Dissertations

    PDF. Economics of U.S. government debt accumulation, Carlos Ignacio Garcia Jimenez. PDF. Exchange rate volatility and bilateral agricultural trade flows: the case of the United States and OECD countries, Kashi Ram Kafle. Theses from 2010 PDF. Understanding the economic factors that impact the financial health of local governments, John David ...

  20. PDF University of Utah Economics Department

    Guidelines Writing the Master's Project/Thesis. Günseli Berik Co-director of Master's Program. The student who plans to graduate in the Spring semester, should begin thinking about the Master's Project topic as early as possible, but no later than in early Fall of the preceding year. The guidelines below provide basic information on ...

  21. PDF Senior Thesis Guide 2019-20 Department of Economics

    If they could do it, so can you. ECONOMICS 985. You will need enroll in one of the Economics 985 courses for both semesters of your senior year. You can't write a thesis without enrolling in Ec 985, and you can't enroll in 985 if you're not writing a thesis. These seminars are designed to give structure to the thesis process.

  22. PDF Finance: Selected Doctoral Theses

    This dissertation consists of three essays on financial economics, specifically focusing on the role of government banks in the aggregate economy and in the role of capital utilization to determine leverage. The first essay shows the empirical relevance of state-owned banks nowadays and their implications for economic growth.

  23. PDF Senior Thesis Formatting Guidelines Department of Economics

    Department of Economics. revised Jan. 2020. THESIS DUE DATE. One hard copy and a PDF file of the thesis are due by 5pm, Thursday, March 12, 2020. Please deliver the hard copy. to the Economics Undergraduate Office (Littauer 112) and upload the pdf here. Your file should be named using the convention Last Name_First Name_Thesis20.