Denise Fournier Ph.D.

Why Discipline Matters—and 5 Ways to Work On It

If you want to make changes that last, discipline is key. but how do you get it.

Posted January 9, 2023 | Reviewed by Devon Frye

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  • You can go a long way in making changes for your life, but they won't stick unless you have discipline.
  • Discipline is essential in the change process, because you'll need to keep new behaviors in place even after you've met your initial goals.
  • Many people never learned to be disciplined and would say they aren't very good at it; but it's a skill that can be taught and developed.
  • There are simple and practical tools you can put in place for becoming a more disciplined and consistent person.

If you’re looking for ways to become more successful, improve your relationships, or feel more satisfied with your life, you won’t have a hard time finding suggestions for how to go about it. Your search for such information will often lead you to tips for making healthier lifestyle choices, forming effective habits, building a better mindset, and sharpening your communication skills. Most of this advice, if you follow it, will probably lead to positive changes within yourself and your life. But how sustainable will those changes be?

The truth is, there’s one essential ingredient in the process of creating change that too often gets overlooked: discipline. Beyond the desire to do something and the motivation to get started, there is a need to put in the work—repeatedly, consistently, and enduringly.

Discipline is what kicks in long after motivation has faded. And if you’ve ever made a new year’s resolution that lasted until mid-January or set an intention on Monday that you strayed from by Friday, you know that motivation has a tendency to fade. Discipline carries you from the moment you start working on making a change, to the moment you celebrate the end result.

But here’s the kicker: Discipline is also what continues to happen well after that celebration.

How Change Happens

One of the most recognized theories behind behavior change, the Stages of Change Model, suggests that people move through 6 specific stages on their way to accomplishing a goal: precontemplation (not even thinking about changing), contemplation (starting to consider it), preparation (getting ready to do something different), action (putting in the work), maintenance (keeping it going), and termination (knowing there’s no going back).

Using this model as a reference point, we can say that discipline is directly involved in the last 3 stages. It takes discipline to commit to action and to do what it takes to make a change. This is the facet of discipline that requires making different choices, sometimes sacrificing the comfort of this moment for the promise of future achievement or fulfillment.

In the maintenance stage, discipline is critical. By this point in the process of change, the original motivation has probably dwindled. Your old familiar ways of thinking and behaving are threatening to override your new intentions. The efforts you made up to this point might be feeling too tiring or too tedious.

The temptation to take the path of least resistance creeps up a lot during the maintenance stage; it’s discipline that keeps you from giving in to it. And it’s discipline that takes you into the termination stage and gives you the confidence that your changes will last.

How You Can Become More Disciplined

For many of you reading this, the fact that discipline is essential to making lasting changes is no surprise. But the real question you might be pondering is: If I’m not good at being disciplined, how do I get better at it? While the answer is that there are many ways to go about it, let’s focus on 5 of them:

  • Identify the areas where you struggle most. For some people it’s following through on a task or commitment; for others, it’s finishing what they’ve started. Some people have the hardest time with implementing new behaviors on a consistent basis. Others struggle most with making excuses and talking themselves out of their efforts to change. Take an honest look at your own challenge areas, so you can see where the work is most needed.
  • Set yourself up for success. Sometimes, the things that get in the way of being disciplined are things people tend not to consider, like getting enough sleep and maintaining proper nutrition . Paying attention to these lifestyle basics will help you access the energy and mental focus you’ll need to stay disciplined.
  • Notice the thoughts and emotions that drain you of discipline . It’s one thing to work towards a goal when you’re motivated; it’s another to keep at it, even when you don’t feel like it. This is what discipline is all about. Your thoughts and feelings, which are constantly changing, can easily keep you from making good on the promises you make to yourself. To keep this from happening, pay attention to the emotions and feeling states that tend to derail you, and be mindful of the kinds of thoughts that keep you from sticking to your commitments.
  • Write things down and set reminders. Distraction is a big barrier to discipline. To keep it from taking you off course, organize yourself by writing down your goals/intentions/tasks and keeping them somewhere you’ll be sure to look at on a regular basis. Get a calendar or planner, if you don’t already have one, where you can write things down and keep yourself organized. Set reminders in your phone or use organizational apps and digital tools to keep yourself on track.
  • Practice delayed gratification. Our world is wiring us all for instant gratification, and it’s never been easier to take shortcuts and stay on the comfortable path of least resistance. But discipline requires delayed gratification—the ability to sustain effort in the absence of reward. This can be incredibly difficult, especially if you didn’t develop the ability early on in life, but you can train yourself to get better at it. Start with small practices, like not turning on the TV until you’ve completed all the essential tasks on your to-do list; not opening TikTok until you’ve sent those important work emails; or waiting to enjoy your morning coffee until after you’ve finished a 30-minute workout. Eventually, you can build up to setting bigger goals that require discipline and delayed gratification to complete.

If you aren’t a naturally disciplined person, there’s no reason to panic . Work on developing more of it, and you’ll be well on your way to making—and solidifying—the kinds of changes you want to see in yourself, your relationships, and your life.

Denise Fournier Ph.D.

Denise Fournier, Ph.D. , is a psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, coach, and adjunct professor at Nova Southeastern University.

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Conscious Discipline

A brief overview for parents

What is Conscious Discipline?

Conscious Discipline is a comprehensive social and emotional intelligence classroom management program that empowers both teachers and students. It is based on current brain research, child development information and developmentally appropriate practices.

The benefits of this program can be witnessed not only at school, but at home as well. There are seven skills taught through conscious discipline that create change in children from the inside out. These skills promote a peaceful inner state in children which allows them to be free to learn, cooperate and help each other to be successful.

This skill means being the person you want children to become!

  • No one can make you angry without your permission
  • Remain calm and teach children how to behave
  • The brain functions optimally in a safe environment

T - Take a breath


Let’s build up our school family!

We are all in this together…this skill creates a sense of belonging.

Social successes prime the brain for academic successes.

“You did it!”

“You _____ so _____.”

“That was helpful.”


Set limits and expectations...what you focus on, you get more of.

Telling children what to do aligns their bodies with their willpower.

Healthy boundaries are essential for all relationships!

Always set limits respectfully with children.

The only person you can make change is yourself!

Empowering children while setting limits builds self-esteem and willpower reduces impulsivity.

Choice changes brain chemistry!

“You may _____ or _____.”

“Which works best for you?”

Positive Intent

See the best in others...create teachable moments!

Positive intent improves self image and builds trust.

Our thoughts physically alter cells in the body...the power of love!

“You wanted _____.”

“You may not _____.”

“When you want _____, say _____.”

It is what it is! Empathy is the heart of emotional intelligence and helps children accept and process feelings. When a child is upset, empathy wires the brain for self-control and higher cognition.

“You seem _____.”

“Something _____ must have happened.”

Children learn to name and process their feelings.


Mistakes are opportunities to learn! Consequences help children learn cause and effect relationships. The brain thrives on feedback and consequences help children reflect on their choices and change.

“If you choose to _____,

then you will _____.”

Want to know more?

This is a very brief overview of Conscious Discipline.

For more information, please visit the Conscious Discipline website!

Conscious Discipline - Conscious Discipline


What is positive discipline? Positive discipline in everyday teaching

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Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Teaching Resources

Child Participation

Child development, Children's rights, Education, Positive discipline, Positive discipline in the Philippines, Protection, Violence against children


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Published by Allison Strickland Modified over 10 years ago

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the role of discipline in education

The role of discipline in education and its impact on the process of learning

Aug 07, 2023

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Discipline plays a crucial role in maintaining order and fostering a conducive learning environment in schools and classrooms. Its impact on the learning process is far-reaching, influencing students' academic performance, character development, and overall success in life. In this article, we will explore the importance of discipline in education and how it can be effectively implemented to enhance the learning experience for students.

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The Role of Discipline in Education and its Impact on the Process of Learning Discipline plays a crucial role in maintaining order and fostering a conducive learning environment in schools and classrooms. Its impact on the learning process is far-reaching, influencing students' academic performance, character development, and overall success in life. In this article, we will explore the importance of discipline in education and how it can be effectively implemented to enhance the learning experience for students. Importance of Discipline in Educational Institutions Discipline is important for maintaining order in educational institutions. All stakeholders should be involved in drawing up the code of conduct. Factors that contribute to disciplinary problems in educational institutions include health, family, finances, peer surroundings, lack of attention from parents, religious upbringing, and mass media. Punishing learners for undisciplined behavior is not an effective approach to discipline. Learners should be involved in deciding what type of disciplinary measures should be applied. Teachers should not adopt an autocratic style in applying disciplinary measures. Lack of discipline negatively affects academic performance. Discipline helps students develop self-control and set a good example for others. Teachers' views on disciplinary measures are important for maintaining effective discipline in schools. Effective Discipline for Character and Analytical Skills Effective discipline can improve students' character and analytical skills, which can help them, succeed in life. Parents should spend more time with their children, monitor their actions, and be conscious of their needs and interests. High enrollment figures in educational institutions can result in disciplinary problems. Lack of discipline can lead to negative consequences such as poor academic performance, low self- esteem, and social problems. Effective discipline requires a balance between punishment and positive reinforcement. Teachers should be informed of disciplinary measures and be trained to apply them effectively. Effective

discipline can help create a positive school culture and improve the learning environment for all students. Influence of Educational Environment on Discipline The study by Minakshi Das (1) found that factors influencing the learning process emanate from the school environment, including inadequate material from the school, poor classroom seating arrangement, poor ventilation, and location of the school, student relaxation center, and teacher relaxation center. The findings also revealed that many problems associated with discipline are normal reactions by the children to deficiencies in the school environment and to the teachers and administrators of the educational sector. The study recommended that school administrators and teachers should provide adequate instructional materials, maintain physical facilities, improve classroom seating arrangements, and ensure proper ventilation to enhance the learning process and discipline of students. Challenges and Recommendations The study (1) found that 80% of the respondents agreed that the teacher's method of teaching improves understanding and discipline, while 70% agreed that the sitting arrangement is poor and affects the learning process in the classroom, causing indiscipline. The study also found that 60% and 82% of the respondents agreed that if the building is not well located and the students' relaxation center is poor, respectively, which causes students not to obey the rules and regulations, and disorderliness occurs. The study found that 80% of the respondents agreed that there is bias and nepotism in disciplining the students, resulting in disobedience by the students. The study found that teachers' punctuality regularly improves discipline, and 98% of the respondents agreed that immoral relationships between male teachers and female students caused disobedience and violation of rules and regulations.

Promoting Positive Discipline Strategies Positive feedback is important in recognizing and reinforcing good behavior in students. The following is a list of effective strategies for inculcating positive discipline strategies: Teachers must be fair and impartial in enforcing rules and protecting the legal rights of all students. Teachers must focus on inculcating motivation in learners to promote their self-efficacies and belief in their abilities to do well. Teachers should be well-prepared to integrate the value system into the learner and use diverse strategies in issuing instructions to the learners. Positive reinforcement is an effective way to encourage good behavior in students, and it sends the message that conflict can be resolved without undermining respect. Teachers and parents should consider several factors when disciplining learners, including whether the action helps the child feel a sense of connection, whether it is kind and firm at the same time, and whether it teaches important social and life skills. Teachers should provide lots of positive feedback to students, acknowledge positive behavior when it is not expected, and be consistent in enforcing rules. Teachers should also avoid handing out lots of warnings without following through on consequences, and they should be fair and impartial in enforcing rules for all students. Conclusion In conclusion, fostering effective discipline requires a holistic approach that involves all stakeholders and addresses the diverse factors influencing students' behavior. By creating a positive learning environment and implementing fair and consistent disciplinary measures, we can nurture responsible, motivated, and successful individuals who are ready to face the challenges of the future. For students interested in doing research work in the field of education and behavioural psychology, they should consider doing PhD from SGT University – one of the best private universities in Gurugram. References 1.)Das, Minakshi. "A Study On The Role Of Discipline In Education And Its Impact On The Process Of Learning Among The Students." Ilkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online, vol. 19, no. 1, 2020, pp. 1128-1136, doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2020.661933.

2.)ADEYEMO, AYUBA OLABODE. "ROLE OF DISCIPLINE AND ITS IMPACTS ON LEARNING PROCESS AND EDUCATION STANDARD IN IBARAPA NORTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT, OYO STATE." International Journal of Advanced Academic Research (Arts, Humanities and Education), vol. 6, no. 8, August 2020, ISSN: 2488-9849,, doi:10.46654/ij.24889849, doi:10.46654/ij.24889849.a6818. 3.)Khatun, Dr. Aliya, and Dr. Mohd Naseem Siddiqui. "THE ROLE OF DISCIPLINE IN EDUCATION AND ITS IMPACT ON THE PROCESSING OF LEARNING." Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), vol. 5, no. 10, October 2018, pp. 87. (ISSN-2349- 5162).

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Discipline with Dignity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

a presentation on discipline

Discipline with Dignity

The purpose of discipline is to preserve the dignity of the person, while ... don't accept excuses, bargaining, or whining. biblical example: luke 22:24-34 ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • How to build confidence in our students?
  • The purpose of discipline is to preserve the dignity of the person, while affirming correction of behavior
  • Participation
  • Personal change
  • Dignity for Student
  • Dignity for Teacher
  • Sarcastic remarks on the students
  • Being late, absence and do excuses
  • Teachers who beat around the bush
  • Lack of sincerity, inconsistency or incorrect acting
  • Boring teaching
  • Frustration
  • Simply state the rule and consequence
  • Be as physically close to the student as possible
  • Make direct eye contact when you deliver a consequence
  • Use a soft voice
  • Catch a student being good
  • Dont embarrass the student in front of his peers
  • Be firm and anger-free when giving your consequence
  • Dont accept excuses, bargaining, or whining
  • Doing correction in love (24-27)
  • Jesus used the words of a loving Father
  • Appreciating them (28-30)
  • Jesus appreciates their firmness
  • Encouraging them (31-34)
  • Jesus encourages Peter and the other disciples through him
  • that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity I Timothy 22 is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.

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Campus Construction Update, August 16, 2024

Campus Construction Update, August 16, 2024

Associate Vice Chancellor of Facilities Management Nick Katers and Vice Provost of Academic Program Development and Strategic Initiatives Mike McKenzie join University Communications’ Dave Blanks in studio to discuss Edwin Duncan Hall’s use as a space for art classes during the 2024-25 academic year, as well as the opening of the Holmes Drive Parking Deck, upgrades to the University Post Office and construction progress at the Appalachian 105 sports complex. New classroom spaces at App State's Hickory campus and parking changes for the Duncan Rankin/Peacock lots are also highlighted, along with the start of construction for the Peacock Hall addition project.

Hey, folks, how's it going? I'm Dave Blanks from University Communications. Back with another campus construction update. I'm joined in the studio today by associate vice chancellor of facilities management, Mr. Nick Katers and vice provost of academic program development and strategic Initiatives Dr. Mike McKenzie. Today, it's a discussion of what to expect when you're returning to campus. Hello guys. Thanks for coming in.

Nick Katers 

Mike McKenzie 

Yeah, thanks for having me.

Yeah, we appreciate it. You guys are regulars, I love it. I'm glad. I'm glad. You have great information. Nick, I guess we'll start out with you. Can you give us a little bit of a summary of everything that's gone on over the summer? As it has been a lot.

It has been a lot. This is one of the busiest summers we've had. First off, the Holmes parking deck is open. 600 more parking spaces, for the university to be able to use. Also, the post office renovation is complete and that's going to be a fantastic new technology upgrade there. So you won't have to go up to the counter.

You'll be able to go in and swipe in with your card. A locker will appear and you'll be able to go and take your stuff out of the locker for that day. So it's a completely automated post office. Nobody will have set boxes anymore. There'll be dynamic reassignment of boxes, and that's, that's really kind of a fascinating upgraded way to do mail.

Also, we've been very successful with the weather this summer. So the App 105 Sports Complex is hitting a milestone this summer, too. We've finished the outdoor tennis courts, we're finishing up the women's softball. And we also have the auxiliary building finished up. That just leaves one more phase to go and that's the indoor tennis facility.

Down at Hickory, we have three new classrooms coming online for this fall semester, all on the second floor. It's the beginning of the second floor renovation. Three new classrooms will include a laboratory space, a general computer science lab and a cybersecurity lab. So all of those happened over the summer. Also, we're really close on a couple of new traffic lights, and I'll talk traffic at the end here for what the construction impact is.

But we're going to get a new traffic light at Hill Street to accommodate people crossing River Street from the new parking deck. Then the traffic light will be reinstalled out at App 105 to allow kids to get in and out of that giant parking lot a lot easier. And then the biggest accomplishment, I think, over the summer, was getting all of the functions that were still in Wey Hall, out of Wey Hall and redistributed to the other positions on campus.

I’ll let Mike talk about where they went.

Yeah! Please, Mike, share with us. I mean, I've been keeping my eye on the Octagon as I've been walking past, and I know that's a part of it.

Right, Yeah. So, Dave, if you remember, we talked previously about Wey Hall, just how it was unique in that that whole ground floor were not spaces that were really replicated anywhere on campus. It wasn't just as simple as, hey, this place needs a classroom. I can find you a classroom. These were places that very unique artistic skills and machinery that were needed that we just had to find completely new homes for.

And so, yeah, to Nick's point, over the summer, a lot of that is moving into the Octagon portion of Duncan. The other portion of Duncan is still undergoing construction, but we have been able to fit most things that were in Wey Hall into the Octagon. But if I give you a quick rundown just for students who are taking... whether they're art majors or are taking, you know, some of their gen ed requirements in that area, so they'll know where to go.

We are still using East Hall some. So students who are in the DigiLab, which is like the laser cutting lab or the alternative processes lab for photography, will still be on level one of East Hall. Level two of East Hall will still have art education, the book arts. fibers and some of our design studios, painting studios and senior studios workshops.

Also in East Hall, we have our synergy lab and some paper making type skills. Now what we have completely moved into Duncan is our clay studios. So if you remember the Octagon, it's kind of divided into four really big separate units. And so each of these areas will have their own unit over there. So Clay Studios will be one fourth of the octagon.

The foundations to woodshop will be another fourth of the octagon. The printmaking studios will be a fourth. And then the final fourth is like the senior studio workspaces. So when they do their presentations, when they do their shows and things like that, we have a space for them there. The one thing we did move over, actually, into Katherine Harper Hall, which already is a fine and applied arts building, but that's more the applied design and STBE (Sustainable Technology and the Built Environment) sustainable development type classrooms...

We have metal smithing and sculpture over there. Without getting too far into the weeds, they just have some very specific airflow and gas demands. And there actually was a classroom in Harper that had previously been built that was being used by STBE, that had this already in existence. And so STBE was very gracious to say, hey, it doesn't make sense for you to build out a whole new classroom just to accommodate this for a year.

And I will mention for our listeners, STBE: Sustainable Technology and the Built Environment.

Right. And as Nick mentioned, this has been not only ongoing all summer, but at the end of the spring semester, we did a hardhat walkthrough with the faculty, and we really gave them a blank slate. We said, hey, tell us what makes the most sense to you. You know, we don't want to pretend to understand their discipline better than they do.

And they went right in there and got to work and said, oh, this should be here. This should be here. And we actually did another hardhat walkthrough a week ago with not only the entire faculty who will be teaching in the Octagon, but the department chair and the dean as well. The collaboration that was involved, the faculty, Nick's folks, and other academic affairs will really make it a great year as we have our art programs, mainly in the Edwin Duncan Octagon until Wey Hall opens up probably next fall, where, you know, we'll have that brand new showcase for them.

Fantastic, Nick, and we'll go back to you on this. With all these changes, you still have to have pedestrians moving through the area. Can you speak to the disruption?

Nick Katers  

Sure. Thanks, Dave. And again, there's a lot going on and progress sometimes causes us to kick up a little dust and have to close off areas. I'll sort of start with some of the easier ones. First Wey Hall is completely closed now, but you can get around Wey Hall on both sides, so you can get around it through the wide walk area that runs from the parking deck area.

And you can also get around it on the hillside where the students entered last year, so you can get through from the West Campus residence hall area to the Schaefer Center, still on two different paths. So while there's a fenced off area, it's still passable. The central dining roof is still in process, so there will be vehicles around the central dining hall for about another 2 to 3 weeks.

But both entrances to the central dining hall will still be open, so that shouldn't be a major disruption, and we're hoping to wrap that up in a couple of weeks. The Duncan Peacock Complex is probably our biggest disruption, so fences have now gone up on both projects. Duncan is completely fenced off. You can get to the parking area that runs closest to River Street and get through both tunnels, and be able to traverse towards the Peacock parking lot and to the Rankin Science Complex.

But you won't be able to go through the old courtyard for now. While that's open. Most of the Peacock parking lot is still open. We had to reconfigure that lot to move the Appalcart bus stop a little closer to River Street, so you'll see a new traffic pattern for the bus that goes there.

Between Duncan and Peacock there is going to be one pedestrian lane that you can still pass through, and that will remain open during the duration of the construction. And then Peacock, as most people can probably see, the patio has been all torn up already.

I did see that.

So, that's quite a dramatic change. For a couple more weeks. You'll still be able to use that entrance up against the wall where the patio was, but soon we'll be shifting the entrance to Peacock, primarily to Howard Street, so the Howard Street entrance will become the main entrance for Peacock during the duration of the addition onto Peacock.

And I think it's worth saying that Peacock is going to remain about 85% open during the construction. The construction is an addition, so we're not actually demolishing any spaces that are active. So again, we'll be moving some ADA spaces up to Howard Street so that students can park and be able to enter on the second level of Peacock, the students that need that access, because we had to remove some of our ADA spots from the area of construction, there will be some minor disruptions as we periodically have to shut things down and open them back up again, but in the long run, we're going to get incredible new additions to the facilities.

Absolutely. Yeah. And on an academic front, Peacock, it's an addition. So really the main thing some students may notice as far as differences in Peacock, other than the entrance, as Nick has mentioned, is some of the faculty offices have had to be relocated down to the first floor where RIEEE previously had been. What they may see is just a couple of their faculty are in a different office space.

That's really the biggest difference from the student experience when it comes to Peacock.

The addition looks great. I'm just checking online at And yeah, it's an exciting change to Peacock and I understand it extends the life of the building, something like 50 years is what we're saying.

Yeah, exactly. It'll make it our third largest campus building as well, which is perfect for a growing college like the College of Business.

And I'm noticing in this picture that there is still a traffic circle there, which is like, hey, meet me at the traffic circle. You know, people know what you're talking about when you say that. So right now, as you said, Nick, the traffic circle has kind of moved forward. Is that going to be the permanent location of the traffic circle? Will it be...I don't know.

So it's going to be a temporary location for a couple of years. If you recall, we still have an end goal of trying to reopen that creek.

Right. The daylighting.

Yeah. The daylighting of the Boone Creek. So when that happens, we'll move the Appalcart turnaround across the street to a different location, and then we'll end up putting in another parking deck either adjacent to Peacock or very near Peacock. But again, we still have that goal of opening up the Boone Creek, daylighting that whole area and turning it back into a natural area.

So I would hesitate to say that that's a permanent change for Appalcart. It's probably a 5 to 7 year change for Appalcart.

Okay, gotcha. So then there're saying there would be a turnaround on the other side of River Street? All right. But that's a little ways down the line right now. This picture that I'm looking at says for discussion purposes only. So we are discussing it.

The last thing I'd like to cover is just the progress on the innovation campus. So we continue to move forward with those three projects up there, which include the new faculty staff housing, another academic building and then a district energy system to supply renewable clean energy for that entire district up there. The energy system and the faculty staff housing are going to be completed by next fall.

And we're excited to be able to add that to our inventory.

Absolutely. Yeah, it looks great up there. And Mike did you want to add something?

Yeah, I would just say, kind of as we wrap up, Dave, just in closing to thank not only our students and staff and faculty and everyone who's working through this process with us, and then thank our state elected officials and board of governors for continuing to support Appalachian. I mean, these are investments in Appalachian. This is a time to celebrate. While the dust is being kicked up a little bit,

As Nick mentioned, the final product, the Peacock edition, the parking deck, you know, the Wey Hall finished product...all of these are going to benefit students moving forward for, you know, as you mentioned, like the next 50 years with Peacock. I think this is a really, really exciting time for App and I think we should just pause for one second and just recognize while the dust is here right now, the end product is really going to be something that benefits Appalachian for decades to come.

Absolutely. Nick Katers, Dr. Mike McKenzie, thank you both so much for coming by today... for being here.

Thank you Dave.

  • USA TODAY Sports

Discipline trends still show disproportionate rates for Black Brevard students in 2023-'24

Black students, disabled students and students on free or reduced lunch all had disproportionate rates of discipline..

Following trends presented in October , Brevard Public Schools saw a jump in discipline referrals during the first semester of the 2023-2024 school year compared to the previous year, with Black students disproportionately disciplined compared to all other races .

A risk ratio is a number that the state department of education uses to determine if the district is "at risk" based on the number of suspensions within a certain population. A risk ratio of 2.5 is an "alert status," while a 3.0 is when action must be taken, said Chris Reed, director of student services. On the flip side, a risk ratio under 1.0 means that population is receiving fewer referrals when compared to other demographic groups, Reed said.

Multiple groups were under one, including white students, who make up the majority of the population at Brevard Public Schools, while Black students — who make up less than 15% of the population — were over 2.5.

"Nobody's alarmed by the fact that we're under one in certain demographics, but we should be alarmed by that," said board member Jennifer Jenkins. "That's not good. That's not a good number."

Data showed that Black students during the first semester of the 2023-2024 school year had a risk ratio of 2.57, a slight increase from the first semester of the 2022-2023 year, when their risk ratio was 2.55.

While data is not available yet for the whole 2023-2024 school year, FLORIDA TODAY found that there were 27,367 discipline referrals among Black students during the 2022-2023 school year — 32.88% of all reported incidents. That year, there were 74,061 students in BPS. The 10,892 Black students made up about 14.7% of the student population.

Disabled students and students on free or reduced lunch also had heightened risk ratios, with disabled students seeing a risk ratio of 2.01 in the first semester of 2023-2024 (a decrease from 2.06 in 2022-2023), while students on free or reduced lunch seeing a risk ratio of 2.75 (an increase from 2.65 in 2022-2023).

Both years, white students — who make up the majority of the district — had a risk ratio below 0.6.

Black students were also sent to the Alternative Learning Center at a higher rate than the previous year and at a higher rate than all other races during the first semester of the 2023-2024 school year. All other races dropped compared to the previous year, something Reed attributed to the implementation of the district's drug diversion program.

Board: 'We are a reflection of society'

Jenkins expressed frustration at the disproportionate rate of discipline among Black students, bringing up concerns about this being an ongoing issue. She brought up that she had previously presented similar data that covered a three-year trend of disproportionate discipline nearly a year ago.

"So now we have four years of the exact same data that shows the exact same trends which are very, very alarming to me," she said. "I'm so tired of us not really paying attention to that and thinking about ways that we can address that."

10 years of inequities at BPS: Years after a racial inequities complaint was filed against Brevard Schools, questions linger

Previous discipline update: Brevard school board: 'Better training' explains 10,000-plus spike in discipline referrals

Jenkins brought up concerns about potential implicit bias among staff and inequitable administration of discipline

Other members of the board disputed her comments for varying reasons.

Katye Campbell said she's "not in favor of trying to do things to artificially manipulate the data," adding that some schools in the past have felt pressured to not discipline certain groups of students.

"That's not the right way to do it," she said. "What I will support is making sure that our schools .... making sure that we have given staff permission to go in those schools and help them problem-solve, do all of that, making sure that our Title One schools have the support that they need."

Matt Susin blamed the higher risk ratio among Black students on societal factors.

"I do not believe that there is an extreme bias that's creating all of this," he said. "What I believe is it's a holistic problem that we have with society. If you look at the incarceration rates of African Americans compared to white individuals in the same area, you see the discrepancy."

Board Vice Chair Gene Trent also sided with Susin, disputing the idea that there is a bias among teachers.

"To say that our teachers have a bias, because that's who you're talking about ... is, it's disingenuous," he said. "To say that they are purposefully targeting a group of kids — I can't go there."

Board Chair Megan Wright agreed that it could not be a bias issue.

"Unfortunately, an offense is an offense, and I don't like that we even have to collect all of that (data)," she said. "To me, it seems like that should be almost colorblind — this is the offense that was committed, it doesn't matter what color you are ... this is the offense, this is the outcome."

To this point, Jenkins agreed.

"It should be colorblind, but it's not," she said. "That's exactly what the data is saying. It's not, and it's not getting better."

She added that she could also agree that there are issues within society, but that didn't mean the district was absolved of responsibility.

"We are a reflection of society," she said. "We build society with the schools that we have, and so if we are not wiling to be honest about it and to address it and change it, that will never change either."

Other key points from presentation

Similarly to the October presentation, there was an increase in discipline referrals in the first semester of the 2023-2024 school year compared to the previous year, something the district attributed to fewer user errors.

The types of discipline referrals between the two semesters were similar, though some changed because of updates to coding, Reed said. One significant area of change was a rise in physical aggression, specifically in grades pre-K through 3.

Superintendent Mark Rendell specified that this was likely because of changes in coding.

Administrative detentions and out-of-school suspensions were the top two corrective actions for students being disciplined in the first semester of 2023-2024, with 8,282 detentions for students and 7,813 suspensions for students.

Last year in the first semester, there were 9,356 detentions and 6,709 suspensions, though they were coded in separate categories.

There was a slight decrease in in-school suspensions, dropping from 5,111 to 4,803, while out-of-school suspensions roles from 14,035 to 15,358.

Reed said the district's next goals are to work with schools who have risk ratios over 2.5 to begin developing a monitoring plan, continue monitoring data for completeness and accuracy and continue training staff.

An update to the RSM audit, which was completed in March 2023, is set for Jan. 26, he said.

Finch Walker is the education reporter at FLORIDA TODAY. Contact Walker at   321-290-4744  or   [email protected] . X:  @_ finchwalker .


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    Following trends presented in October, Brevard Public Schools saw a jump in discipline referrals during the first semester of the 2023-2024 school year compared to the previous year, with Black students disproportionately disciplined compared to all other races.. A risk ratio is a number that the state department of education uses to determine if the district is "at risk" based on the number ...