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223 Copy and Paste Final Report Card Comments

223 Copy and Paste Final Report Card Comments

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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report card comment bank

Hey, Teacher! Is it report writing time again?

Hopefully these comments for student report cards will come in helpful.

Copy and paste these report card comments for your students. It’ll save you time and heartache!

Read below for my full list of report card comment ideas:

Positive Comments

Use a few positive comments to show the strengths of the student and how they’ve improved recently.

Positive Attitude to Learning

  • Comes to class every day ready and willing to learn.
  • Has an inquisitive and engaged mind.
  • Is excited to tackle her tasks every day.
  • Likes to come to school and learn with her friends.
  • Has a positive attitude to self-development.
  • Tends to come into the classroom with a big smile and an open mind.
  • Sets herself very high standards and strives to meet them each and every day.

Showing Improvement

  • Is consistently improving.
  • Is developing very well for her age.
  • Has shown strong signs of growth in all learning areas.
  • Has made clear and commendable gains.
  • Improves each and every day.
  • Her hard work and effort has paid off.

Positive Behavior

  • Is always very well behaved during class time.
  • Has a good ability to avoid peers who she sees may be distractions to her learning.
  • Is always willing to listen to instructions.
  • Is a very helpful and respectful student.
  • Never misbehaves in class.
  • Sets a good standard for classmates to follow.
  • Is very good at following the rules.

Read Also: Words to Describe a Student

Shows Respect for Others

  • Has a great deal of respect for all visitors to the classroom.
  • Cares for and respects her classmates.
  • Is always respectful to classroom equipment.
  • Always puts her hand up and follows instructions.
  • Is very considerate of others and often puts others’ needs and interests at the front of her mind.
  • Is a very respectful and responsible classmate.
  • Has proven to be a courteous and polite classmate.
  • Is held in high regard for her kindness to others.
  • Is a very outgoing, positive and upbeat student.
  • Tackles every task with enthusiasm and self-belief.
  • Is building her confidence more and more every day.
  • Has shown remarkable growth in confidence this year.
  • Has reached many achievements this year, which is reflected in her budding confidence.
  • Is a self-assured young learner who is always willing to try something new.
  • Can always be trusted with tasks assigned to her.
  • Conducts herself with honesty and integrity at all times.
  • Is trusted with school equipment including expensive computer technology.
  • Is open, honest and upfront about her thoughts and beliefs.
  • Shares thoughtful and genuine opinions during lessons.
  • Is always willing to self-reflect and provide genuine analyses of her progress.


  • Is a very expressive and confident student.
  • Has a great ability to express thoughts and feelings in writing.
  • Is always willing to express herself in front of the class with a bold and confident voice.
  • Has artistic talent and can articulate her thoughts through drawing and painting very well.
  • Is a very articulate public speaker when talking about issues that she knows well.
  • Is always willing to contribute her own thoughts and beliefs in class discussions.
  • Uses her body and hand movements to express herself artistically.

High Motivation

  • Has a great deal of intrinsic motivation . She’s a real go getter!
  • Has bucket loads of initiative.
  • Has an active mind and is eager to achieve.
  • Comes to class with a huge willingness to participate.
  • Never wants to waste a day in the classroom.
  • Loves to soak up all the information around her.
  • Is an ambitious and proactive student.
  • Knows her goals and strives every day to achieve them.

Strong Communication Skills

  • Projects her voice very well when communicating in class.
  • Is effective at using the written word to express herself.
  • Has a great deal of confidence when speaking to groups.
  • Is very good at clearly and succinctly speaking up when she feels she has a valuable contribution.
  • Consistently provides valuable contributions to class discussion.
  • Is a skilled public speaker.
  • Has shown great strides in written communication skills in recent months.

Is Neat and Tidy

  • Always keeps her belongings neatly organized.
  • Looks after her belongings very carefully.
  • Always has neat book work which shows respect and high regard for her own work.
  • Keeps her desk space very tidy, clean and organized.
  • Takes pride in keeping her work neat, clean and tidy for every submission.
  • Keeps her personal work spaces very well organized.

Good Listening Skills

  • Is an active listener who is always ready to respond with relevant and engaging questions.
  • Listens thoughtfully to other people’s ideas and contributes her own thoughtful ideas.
  • Listens with an open mind to her classmates’ perspectives.
  • Always listens intently with the hope of learning new things.
  • Concentrates and pays close attention during demonstrations to ensure she understands task requirements.
  • Takes directions well and is quick to apply directions to tasks.
  • Is always attentive in class and asks for clarification when required.
  • Is good at working in small groups unaided by a teacher.
  • Listens intently to others and takes their opinions in mind.
  • Excels when given leadership roles in small groups.
  • Appears to thrive in group learning situations.
  • Has developed strong skills in communicating in groups.
  • Works productively in groups of all sizes to get tasks done.
  • Has a knack for managing multiple personalities in group situations.
  • Could work on sharing resources more fairly during group tasks.
  • Needs to work on allowing other group members equal time to speak during group discussions.

Strong Organization and Time Management

  • Always arrives to class on time with her books and is ready to learn.
  • Is exceptionally good at completing tasks in a timely manner.
  • Is a natural organizer and is often seen helping to get her peers organized and ready for tasks.
  • Is always trusted to meet deadlines.
  • Uses color coding and headings in her books effectively to organize her notes.
  • Keeps a neat and organized work space at all times.

Good at Homework

  • Always comes to class with very neat and well written homework.
  • Tends to complete independent homework tasks with ease.
  • Thrives with independent homework tasks, which are always presented in a timely manner.
  • Comes to class with great questions based on the assigned homework tasks, showing thoughtfulness and independence.
  • Can be trusted to complete her homework in time.
  • Often asks for extra homework. She has shown great thirst for knowledge.

Read Also: 27 Pros and Cons of Homework

Strong Participation

  • Is always willing to jump in and participate in any task.
  • Is a great helper, always giving people a hand when she sees they are in need.
  • Participates in all tasks, no matter her skill level. This enthusiasm is laudable.
  • Always comes to class willing to get involved in the daily activities.
  • Is always the first person to put their hand up to volunteer for a task.
  • Loves to learn by getting involved and gaining first-hand experiences.
  • Is beginning to develop her own interest and is eager to learn more about them.
  • Has a strong personal interest in ________ and has been taking the initiative to explore the topic.
  • Is very enthusiastic about ________ and has shown great promise in this area.
  • Has picked a great extracurricular hobby of _____. Her skills learned in this hobby has helped to boost her confidence in the classroom.
  • Shows interest in a variety of different topics which she has been enthusiastically exploring during free study time.
  • Always finds personal interest in topics presented in class.


  • Is showing increasing independence to learn and study without the need for excessive guidance.
  • Is a fiercely independent person who knows what she wants and goes out to get it.
  • Has an independent and free spirited mind.
  • Is not afraid to go against the majority if she is certain of her beliefs and thoughts.
  • Happily goes about her tasks independently but seeks help when required.
  • Shows confidence striking out on her own to do things she is interested in.

Strong Learning and Thinking Skills

  • Is very resourceful and uses the internet, books and peers to find new knowledge.
  • Is aware of her learning styles and makes every effort to work to her strengths as a student.
  • Uses higher-order thinking strategies like analysis and critique to question assumptions.
  • Knows when she needs help and asks for it willingly.
  • Thinks deeply about her responses before providing them.
  • Is very good at reflecting on her weaknesses and working on them to grow as a person.
  • Is great at solving problems using her own initiative.

Good Attention to Detail

  • Pays close attention to the details of a tasks so that she doesn’t miss anything.
  • Is very systematic about going about her tasks so she can complete them thoroughly.
  • Is great at identifying small and nuanced mistakes in her own work.
  • Always creates very presentable and professional looking pieces of work.
  • Has great self-reflection skills , being able to identify her own strengths and weaknesses.
  • Can pause and look at her own work to identify areas for improvement.
  • Has the ability to stop and change course when she identifies areas for improvement.
  • Is very good at identifying and repairing errors in drafts.
  • Has exercised great thoughtfulness about her own capabilities.
  • Has shown the ability to empathize with classmates and show great compassion.

Perseverance and Determination

  • Shows great determination when is set a challenging task.
  • Perseveres through difficulties to achieve her goals.
  • Is resilient in the face of significant challenges and problems presented.
  • Will always work through struggles and come out the other end more confident and skilled.

Constructive Comments

Present constructive comments to show the areas for improvement for the student. Carefully craft the comments so they’re not overly upsetting or impersonal.

Negative Attitude to Learning

  • Occasionally needs special assistance to stay on task.
  • Requires some coaxing to complete tasks.
  • Is at times distracted or uninterested in learning.
  • Is working on paying more attention to her tasks.
  • Has some off days where she is uninterested in learning.
  • Is easily distracted by friends.
  • Will often come to class unwilling to contribute to group discussions.

Needs Improvement

  • Needs to work on focus and concentration during class time.
  • Has improved in some areas, but continues to slip behind in others.
  • Is showing some lack of focus and is slipping behind in some subjects.
  • There is still a lot of room for growth and we are working on improving her focus and drive in coming months.
  • It would be great to see some improvement in her weakest subjects in the future.
  • I would like to see her asking for help when stuck on tasks.

Disruptive Behavior

  • Can occasionally disrupt her friends and classmates.
  • Is at times a distraction to other students.
  • Can be unsettled when entering the class after breaks.
  • Can be talkative during quiet times and individual tasks.
  • Could work on being more considerate to other classmates.
  • Has had a difficult time getting comfortable in class this year.
  • Has at times sought undue attention and distracted the flow of lessons.

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Low Motivation

  • Sometimes struggles to engage in class discussions.
  • Requires a lot of external rewards to get focused.
  • Works well below her capabilities due to lack of motivation to do her best.
  • Relies heavily on extrinsic motivation. It would be great to see more intrinsic desire to succeed in coming months.
  • Struggles to find things she is interested in.
  • Has trouble getting engaged and interested in class topics.
  • Will respond well to rewards but struggles to use initiative.
  • Needs to dig deep and find greater motivation to learn in coming months.

Is Not Neat and Tidy

  • Occasionally presents work that is messy and difficult to read.
  • I would like to see her paying more attention to neatness in her writing.
  • It would be great to see her showing more care for her workspace to ensure all her belongings are well cared for.
  • At times comes to class disheveled and disorganized.
  • Presents homework that is untidy and appears to have been rushed.
  • Needs to work on ensuring her work is presentable, neat, and error-free.

Weak Communication Skills

  • Speaks very softly. An area for improvement is speaking up in class discussions.
  • Could work some more on communicating her opinions during discussions.
  • Is often shy and intimidated when asked to speak up in class discussions.
  • Needs coaxing to share her thoughts in class.
  • Can work on being clearer when expressing her thoughts in writing.
  • I look forward to seeing further development in expressing her thoughts in class.

Poor Listening Skills

  • Has had some trouble paying attention to others during class discussions.
  • Has some trouble listening to peers and teachers.
  • Is easily distracted during class discussions.
  • Is a good talker but needs to work on pausing and listening to others more attentively.
  • Is often fidgety and distracted when spoken to.
  • Is often resistant to make eye contact and be responsive when spoken to.
  • Has trouble repeating and remembering instructions.

Read Also: 47 Best Classroom Rules for Middle and High School

Weak Organization and Time Management

  • Tends to leave tasks to the last minute.
  • Often submits incomplete drafts due to poor time management.
  • Is often disorganized and forgets important school supplies.
  • Has submitted homework late on several occasions.
  • Could work on using her time more efficiently to complete tasks in allotted time periods.
  • I would like to see her working on her organizational skills in coming months so she can use her class time more efficiently.

Bad at Homework

  • Will often skip assigned homework tasks.
  • Regularly forgets to bring homework to school.
  • Her homework is often brought to class incomplete and rushed.
  • Is often seen completing homework tasks the morning before they are due.
  • I would like to see her working on setting aside more time for homework in the coming months.
  • Is good at class work, but needs more initiative to complete her weekly homework in a timely manner.

Poor Attention to Detail

  • Could be getting higher grades if she edited her work more carefully before submission.
  • Will sometimes make mistakes due to distractedness and carelessness.
  • Has started to let carelessness seep into his work for the past few months.
  • Often does not pay enough attention to test questions, leading to small unforced errors.

Preschool and Kindergarten Comments

Here are some great comments specifically for children in the early years of their development.

Play Based Learning – Strong

  • Plays well with other children.
  • Shares resources with her peers during play time.
  • Has begun to develop cooperative play skills such as sharing and taking turns.
  • Is a creative and imaginative learner.
  • Engages in strong exploratory and discovery play behaviors without prompting.
  • Is enthusiastic and engaged when given developmentally appropriate resources to play with.
  • Thrives in unstructured play environments where she can explore, learn and discover in her own time.
  • Has started to use extended vocabulary well during play scenarios.
  • Is great at taking measured risks during play which reveals great self-confidence for her age.

Play Based Learning – Needs Improvement

  • Plays in parallel with other children, but needs to start developing cooperative play strategies in the coming months.
  • Is good at solitary play, but needs more practice sharing and playing with other students.
  • Is curious about playing with others, but often sits back due to shyness.
  • Needs encouragement to use more language skills during play-based learning .
  • Struggles to take turns when playing with others.

Strong Development

  • Is developing in an age appropriate way and continues to show good progress.
  • Has visibly developed fine and gross motor skills during class sessions.
  • Is using language at an age appropriate level.
  • Is starting to move out of her comfort zone to explore more and more new challenges.
  • Is socially, cognitively and physically on track for transition to school.


  • Has shown remarkable strides in communication skills at preschool.
  • Plays well with others.
  • Is a thoughtful and kind student who plays well with others.
  • Always shares and thinks about others during play scenarios.
  • Is a popular student who finds it very easy to make friends with other children.
  • Has been seen to show some great emerging leadership skills during play scenarios.
  • Is very happy to play in groups and learn from peers .

Final Thoughts

I will often start with a comment bank like the one above. For each student, I’ll copy four or five of the most suitable statements.

But, I will also follow-up my generic comment from the comment bank with a specific example for the parents to read.

Parents do like to see that you have provided specific and thoughtful statements – so don’t forget to use the student’s name and specific anecdotes as much as possible.

I do hope this comment bank for report card comments has come in handy for you.

Remember to also maintain a positive but honest and constructive voice when writing.

If there is serious concern that might be difficult to express in writing, you should arrange for a parent-teacher conference to have a discussion and see how things progress.

Good luck with your report card writing!

report card comment ideas

  • Chris Drew (PhD) 25 Number Games for Kids (Free and Easy)
  • Chris Drew (PhD) 25 Word Games for Kids (Free and Easy)
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  • Chris Drew (PhD) 50 Incentives to Give to Students
  • Grades 6-12
  • School Leaders

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168 Sample Report Card Comments (Plus a Printable Version)

Help has arrived just in time for report cards!

"Your child has come so far in math! Focusing on two-digit addition is the next step."

Each progress report and report card provides an opportunity for you to give parents insight into their child’s performance beyond a letter or numerical grade for conduct or academics. Parents want to know how their child is doing, but they also want to know that you get their child. Report cards also help students understand what they are doing well … as well as areas where they could improve. The best way to get these points across is via meaningful comments. Need help? We’ve got dozens of sample report card comments below that are sorted for students at every level: emerging, developing, proficient, and extending standards, plus comments that address behavior, social skills, and more.

Get a free Google Slide version of these comments by submitting your email.

homework comments for report cards

Tips for report card comments

Before using the list below, it’s important to know that teacher comments should be accurate, specific, and personal. The comments below are structured to allow you to fill in the blank for a particular subject or behavior, and then expand the comment. Sometimes you might require an action like a meeting with the parent. Other times you may be encouraging the student to do something in school or at home to improve on a skill or get more practice. Either way, these sample report card comments will establish the how that attaches to the what of any number or letter grade you are documenting.

Sample report card comments for students with emerging skills

It’s often difficult to know the cause of why a student’s skills are still emerging. In these situations, parents can often help you get to the bottom of it. Be specific about areas of difficulty in these comments, and don’t be afraid to ask for a parent’s help. Here are some ideas:

  • Your student could use some extra practice in [subject]. Please have them study [skill] for [time] each night.
  • Your student hasn’t yet had the chance to master [specific skill]. Review sessions are available [time frame].
  • Your student may need additional assistance with [skill/subject]. Completing classwork and homework is the first step to improving.

Your student may need additional assistance with [skill/subject]. Completing classwork and homework is the first step to improving.

  • Your student needs more practice with [specific skill]. Please check that they have completed their homework each evening.
  • We will continue focusing on reinforcing your student’s positive efforts.
  • Your student should put more effort into [subject area] to avoid incorrect or incomplete assignments.
  • Your student would benefit from more active participation in small-group activities.
  • This semester/trimester, I would like your student to work on …

Sample report card comments to encourage a follow-up phone call

We can think of many situations where a report card comment can be the first step in scheduling a phone call or meeting to discuss a concern. Write something positive about the child’s personality while requesting a parent meeting or phone call. Some examples are:

  • Your student is always respectful, but I am concerned about their work. When can we meet?
  • Your child is inquisitive and engaged in class, but they have quite a bit of missing work. Please call me to discuss some strategies.
  • Your child has a wonderful sense of humor/is helpful/is kind but fails to turn in their assignments. Let’s meet to come up with a plan to move forward.

Your child has a wonderful sense of humor/is helpful/is kind but fails to turn in their assignments. Let’s meet to come up with a plan to move forward.

  • Let’s work on strategies that will help your student follow through on their assignments.

Sample report card comments about (negative) behavior

Parents want to know how their child has behaved, even if they are not surprised by the behavior. Behavior can be even more difficult to write about than academics. Be careful to avoid personal attacks or statements that can make the parent or child feel judged. For difficult behaviors, stick to statistics and/or basic descriptions. Try things like:

  • Your student struggles with [DESIRED behavior]. We will continue to work on this behavior at school.
  • Your child struggles with [UNDESIRABLE behavior] and needs to focus on [DESIRED behavior].
  • When your student is focused, they are a pleasure to have in class. Let’s meet to discuss strategies to keep them on track.
  • Your student often struggles to focus in class, which harms their ability to engage well with class activities and assignments.
  • [Student] is working on independent work production and staying on task.
  • [Student] often struggles to focus in class, which impacts their ability to engage in class activities.
  • I encourage [student] to use time wisely to finish tasks in a timely manner.
  • I encourage [student] to be more responsible in completing tasks without frequent reminders.
  • I encourage [student] to show that they are properly engaged in learning by improving quality of work and use of class time. Please support this at home by [idea here].
  • Your student needs to slow down in order to produce quality/carefully done work.

Report card comment: Your student needs to slow down in order to produce quality/carefully done work.

  • Your student needs to follow classroom rules more closely throughout the school day.
  • Your student has exhibited [UNDESIRABLE behavior]. We will continue to reinforce appropriate behaviors.
  • Your student exhibited [UNDESIRABLE behavior] [this many] times this quarter. Let’s work to reduce the incidence of this behavior to [goal] times.
  • [Student] is encouraged to demonstrate more responsible attitudes and behaviors in the classroom.
  • [Student] is working on using appropriate language at all times.
  • [Student] requires encouragement to listen attentively during group instruction.
  • [Student] requires frequent reminders to remain attentive during instruction.
  • [Student] is working on voicing feelings and opinions and listening to others.

Sample report card comments for students with developing skills

For students who are still developing, focus on any improvement while also providing suggestions to keep the momentum going. Try these comments:

  • Your student has come so far in [subject]! Focusing on [important skill] is the next step.
  • Your student has made so much progress! They still struggle with [important skill], so that should be our next focus.
  • Your child has done well, but I am concerned that their lack of [listening/focus/motivation] has contributed to a lower grade than I know they could achieve.
  • Let’s work on motivating your student to reach their potential.
  • I would like to see your student pay closer attention to [subject/topic] in order to get a better grade.

I would like to see your student pay closer attention to [subject/topic] in order to get a better grade.

  • If your student works as hard on [important skill] as they have worked on [improved subject], then they will be caught up in no time!
  • Your child is very engaged during whole-group [subject instruction] but struggles to work independently.
  • Your student’s persistence is exemplary.
  • When motivated, your child does well on class assignments. We need to extend that motivation further.
  • Your child has improved significantly but still needs to slow down and check their work to make sure that all answers are correct.
  • Your student is struggling to understand new concepts in [subject]. Paying closer attention to the assigned reading and class lecture would be beneficial.
  • The hard work is paying off! Let’s keep it up when we start working on [next skill].
  • Your child is enthusiastic but still doesn’t understand [topic]. Additional work on this topic would be incredibly helpful.

Report card comment: Your child is enthusiastic but still doesn’t understand [topic]. Additional work on this topic would be incredibly helpful.

  • Your child requests a great deal of adult assistance when completing school work. Let’s work on encouraging independent work.

Sample report card comments for students with proficient skills

Let the parent know all the positives about their child and perhaps encourage students to dig just a little bit deeper.

  • Your student comes to school each day prepared to work hard.
  • I appreciate that your student does their best every single day.

I appreciate that your student does their best every single day.

  • Your student is an enthusiastic member of the class and shows a willingness to learn.
  • I enjoy how invested your child is in their learning.
  • I appreciate your child’s dedication to their studies in my class.
  • Not only is your student strong academically, but they are also a leader in the classroom.
  • I appreciate that your student is always committed to doing their best.
  • Your student understands the material well. Let’s find a way to help them shine.
  • Your child has the potential to be at the top of the class.
  • With a little more effort, your child could move up to the advanced group in [the subject where effort is lacking].

Report card comment; With a little more effort, your child could move up to the advanced group in [the subject where effort is lacking].

  • Your child puts in great work in [preferred subject]! If they apply those skills to [non-preferred subject], there’s no stopping them.
  • Your child excels at applying what they learn in the classroom to real-world and real-life situations. With a little more work, they could really go far!

Sample report card comments for students with advanced skills

Positive behaviors deserve just as much (if not more) attention as negative behaviors. These comments can be the most fun to write. Begin with a simple stem and then fill in the personal details that will make the parent smile. Example sentence starters are:

  • Your child exhibits exceptional focus and diligence in their work.
  • Your student is excellent at taking ownership of their learning.
  • I appreciate that your child is committed to doing their best.
  • Your student seeks new challenges.
  • Your child has a fantastic work ethic.
  • Your child exceeds expectations on a regular basis.
  • Your student avoids careless errors through attention to detail.

Report card comments: your student avoids careless errors through attention to detail.

  • Your child sets high standards for themself and achieves them.
  • Teaching your child is always an adventure! I love it when they …
  • Your child conducts themself with maturity.
  • Your child is able to focus and stays on task during independent work times.
  • Your student uses instincts to deal with matters independently and in a positive way.
  • I have enjoyed your child’s sense of humor in our classroom, as well as …
  • Your child has an impressive understanding and knowledge about their interests.

Sample report card comments to showcase students’ strengths

Students who excel at helping out others deserve to have their skills mentioned in comments!

  • [Student] is confident, positive, and a great role model for their classmates.
  • [Student] is a valuable part of class. They are among the first to help and mentor classmates.
  • [Student] has shown an ability to set goals and work to achieve them.
  • [Student] is engaged and able to set their own learning targets.
  • [Student] is an active participant. They listen attentively and make an effort to avoid distractions that could disrupt their learning.
  • [Student] is accountable for their actions and takes opportunities to improve.
  • [Student] relates well to classmates and appreciates peers’ perspectives.
  • [Student] demonstrates emotional maturity and responds appropriately to feedback.
  • [Student] always looks for ways to be helpful in the classroom.
  • [Student] is dependable and reliable and follows through on commitments.
  • Your student relates well to classmates and is appreciative of different perspectives and experiences.

Report card comments: Your student relates well to classmates and is appreciative of different perspectives and experiences.

  • It is a joy teaching your student! I can always count on them to …
  • Your child makes the classroom a brighter place. They often …
  • Your student’s conduct is exemplary. They …
  • Your student works well with classmates and often takes a leadership role.
  • Not only is your child a strong student, but they are also a wonderful human being.
  • Your student displays good citizenship by assisting other students.
  • Your child demonstrates responsibility daily by caring for the materials in our classroom conscientiously.
  • Your child is exceptionally organized and takes care of their things.
  • Your child is thoughtful and kind in their interactions with others.
  • Your student plans and carries out group activities carefully.
  • Your child is a very special student and one that I will never forget. I will miss them next year!

While all of these comments can supplement the grades on a report card, you don’t have to wait to use them. Sending notes home between progress reports and report cards with little comments like these can bolster the parent-teacher relationship. Write them in communication folders or on postcards for that extra school-home connection.

Sample report card comments to highlight positive behavior

Sometimes you’ll have a lot to say about a student’s positive behaviors. Parents love to hear that their kids are model citizens. Here are comments that communicate all the good behaviors you see in class.

  • [Student] works well with classmates on group work and often takes a leadership role.
  • [Student] shows a positive attitude when working with peers. They take and give suggestions and directions effectively.
  • [Student] excels at applying what they learn to real-world situations.
  • It is a pleasure to have [student]’s enthusiasm and maturity in class.
  • [Student] is an enthusiastic member of class and shows a willingness to learn.
  • [Student] shows responsible behavior, works well in a group, and shows appreciation for classmates’ efforts.

[Student] shows responsible behavior, works well in a group, and shows appreciation for classmates’ efforts.

  • [Student] is focused during class activities and participates in discussions.
  • [Student] works on independent work with focus and confidence.
  • [Student] has overcome big challenges this year.
  • [Student] follows directions promptly and accurately.
  • [Student] transitions easily between classroom activities without distraction.
  • [Student] is polite and uses good manners in the classroom.
  • [Student] responds appropriately when corrected.
  • [Student] takes classroom jobs seriously and demonstrates responsibility when completing them.

Sample report card comments for math

Providing specific information about how a child is doing in core subjects helps parents know exactly what to expect on the grades portion of the report card. And providing a positive statement about a subject can help you lead into a statement about what the child needs to work on.

  • [Student] has a good understanding of math concepts taught this year. They continue to complete work correctly and enjoy math activities.
  • [Student] has a positive attitude toward math but has trouble in a few key areas [list here]. Practicing every night at home will help them improve in these areas.
  • [Student] demonstrates a good understanding of math concepts and communicates clearly and with strong justification.
  • [Student] seems to need continuous encouragement in math. They continue to struggle with foundational math concepts for [grade level].

[Student] seems to need continuous encouragement in math. They continue to struggle with foundational math concepts for [grade level].

  • [Student] is having a difficult time with certain concepts in math. Areas in need of extra work include [list here].
  • [Student] is struggling to maintain pace in math. They could benefit from [practice activity here].
  • [Student] is easily distracted during math and this impacts their learning.
  • [Student] does well on math assignments but struggles with tests. Please make sure they study and prepare for tests as they approach.

Sample report card comments for reading and writing

Just like with math, it’s good to comment on the specific aspects of academics that students are doing well and those that they can work on. Use these comments to explain where a student is in their reading and writing progress.

  • [Student] has made great improvements in [spelling, comprehension, reading] and could use support in [spelling, comprehension, reading]. Please reach out if you need supplemental learning materials to use for practice at home.
  • [Student] always puts effort into their writing work.

[Student] always puts effort into their writing work.

  • [Student] is able to take new skills and apply them to writing assignments.
  • [Student] is able to offer responses to text and supports ideas with sound reasoning and examples.
  • [Student] reads with fluency and comprehension.  
  • [Student] is working on reading fluency. They would benefit from reading aloud at home.
  • [Student] is able to understand and discuss text read aloud.
  • [Student] consistently reads grade-level material.
  • [Student] is able to choose books to read that they really enjoy.
  • [Student] uses editing skills to edit writing to improve grammar and punctuation.
  • [Student] organizes writing well and organizes thoughts into complete paragraphs.

[Student] organizes writing well and organizes thoughts into complete paragraphs.

  • [Student] is able to analyze character actions and story plots and make inferences from what they read.
  • [Student] is thoughtful and insightful in class discussion and written work. They express their ideas clearly.

Sample report card comments about social skills

As much as school is about academics, parents also worry about social skills and how their child is doing in terms of fitting in, making friends, and managing social situations. For some kids, this will be a strength and for some it will be an area of focus, but make sure to include whatever information parents need to know.

  • [Student] has made many friends in the classroom.
  • [Student] is well liked by classmates.
  • [Student] treats other students with empathy and fairness.

[Student] treats other students with empathy and fairness.

  • [Student] handles disagreements with peers appropriately.
  • [Student] appears comfortable in new situations.
  • [Student] chooses to spend free time with friends.

Sample report card comments about communication

Communication is another important skill that students are learning and honing in school that you can report on. Particularly for kids whose communication skills are either a strength or something they need help with, a comment about this can be very helpful to parents.

  • [Student] has a well-developed vocabulary.
  • [Student] expresses their ideas clearly.
  • [Student] has a vibrant imagination and uses their imagination in storytelling and writing.
  • [Student] always participates in whole-group discussions.
  • [Student] can make a logical and persuasive argument in oral discussion or in writing.

[Student] can make a logical and persuasive argument in oral discussion or in writing.

  • [Student] listens to the comments and ideas of others without interrupting.
  • [Student] is working on participating in class. Please encourage them to raise their hand or engage in group discussion.
  • I would love to hear from [student] more. Please encourage them to participate in class.
  • [Student] is working on using their words to solve problems/communicate well with peers.

Sample report card comments about group work

Group work gets at a child’s ability to work with peers, solve problems, and communicate. It’s also often a barometer for social skills. Giving comments about group work can tell parents a lot about how their child is able to succeed in teamwork and if there are any red flags.

  • [Student] offers constructive suggestions to peers.
  • [Student] accepts recommendations of peers and acts on them when appropriate.
  • [Student] takes various roles in group work as assigned or as needed.
  • [Student] welcomes leadership roles in groups.
  • [Student] shows fairness in distributing group tasks.
  • [Student] plans and carries out group activities carefully.

[Student] plans and carries out group activities carefully.

  • [Student] works democratically with peers.
  • [Student] encourages peers during group work.
  • [Student] is working on accepting their share of the work during group assignments.

Sample report card comments about time management

Managing time is a skill that gets more and more important as kids move through school, and it is something that all parents can help with at home. Help parents know how their child is doing managing time with these comments.

  • [Student] approaches classroom assignments, tasks, and group work in an organized way.
  • [Student] is on time and prepared for class each day.
  • [Student] works at an appropriate pace.
  • [Student] is able to pace their work for long-term assignments.

[Student] is able to pace their work for long-term assignments.

  • [Student] completes makeup work in a timely fashion.
  • [Student] is working on using time wisely.
  • [Student] is working on managing time, especially when there are multiple tasks to complete during a work period.
  • [Student] is working on organizing their materials and using organization to support work completion.

Sample report card comments about work habits

Same as time management, comments about work habits are helpful for parents because they explain how a student is approaching their work and how their academics are impacted because of these habits.

  • [Student] is self-motivated.
  • [Student] exceeds expectations with the quality of their work.
  • [Student] readily grasps new concepts or ideas.
  • [Student] produces neat and careful work.

[Student] produces neat and careful work.

  • [Student] checks work thoroughly before submitting it.
  • [Student] pays attention to work and submits work that does not have errors.
  • [Student] is working on producing neat work.
  • [Student] is working on checking work thoroughly before submitting it.
  • [Student] is working on submitting work that does not have errors. They frequently require additional review to ensure that all errors are corrected.

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Use these sample report card comments for report cards. We have comments for everything you'd want to tell parents about their student.

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325 amazing report card comments and remarks to save your time!

teacher giving report card comments

What's more difficult than creating your student report cards? Writing unique and meaningful report card comments. Creating report card comments and remarks can be a daunting and tedious task for teachers.

Every teacher will agree that writing unique report card comments is important as it helps the parents to understand their child's progress, they can take necessary action by understanding the report card comments.

We have made your task easier by providing a list of report card comments for every feedback category and applicable to all grades. Just copy and paste the comment, insert the student's name and you are good to go! You can edit and modify the comments as you like.

  • Save your time.
  • Help parents understand the feedback in a better way.

Achievement and Improvement - General Comments:

  • If _____ continues to put out the effort he has demonstrated in the last two reporting periods, he will benefit greatly from his education.
  • The following ideas might help him enhance his _____.
  • I'm hoping that the current level of enthusiasm and progress will continue.
  • In all academic disciplines, _____ is improving. She's having a hard time with____.
  • She has a long way to go, but if she works hard enough, she will see results soon.
  • _____ takes tremendous pride in his work and always completes it neatly.
  • _____ is a frequent volunteer who makes significant contributions to the class. She has a tendency to work too rapidly, which leads to a lot of unintentional mistakes. At home and at school, we can assist her in correcting this.
  • For his age, _____ is a hard worker with outstanding vocabulary skills. He likes to read and write.
  • The quality of _____'s work reflects her positive attitude. Thank you for all of your hard work.
  • Despite his best efforts, _____ finds it difficult to keep up with the rest of the class. Can we meet to discuss this?
  • As we mentioned at our latest meeting, ______'s work is not up to par. I am confident that with more effort and concentration, he will quickly improve.
  • _____ is genuinely interested in everything we do in class. She, on the other hand, is experiencing some difficulties with . Please go through this with her every night.

Achievement and Improvement - Academic Achievement:

  • In ______, _____ is quite strong.
  • _____ has received an excellent grade on his report card.
  • ______ is something that _____ knows a lot about.
  • _____ is a bright and hardworking student who excels in_____
  • In all of the fundamental subjects, _____ is performing admirably.
  • In ______, _____ is working over grade level.
  • _____ is particularly skilled at______.
  • Because of her low achievement level, _____ finds it challenging to keep up with the rest of the class.
  • In the domains of ____, _____ is capable of reaching a higher average.
  • We will concentrate on _____ in the coming term because _____ has had problems learning .
  • _____ is capable of doing a much better job.
  • Both you and I must continue to guide and assist _____.
  • To get her up to _____ grade level, _____ has been really cooperative and only needs to improve her social studies skills.
  • _____ has been getting poor grades on quizzes and tests.
  • _____ does not work to her full potential.
  • The material is tough for _____ to comprehend.

Achievement and Improvement - Improvement:

  • The independence of _____ is increasing.
  • _____ has steadily improved.
  • _____ has been steadily improving.
  • In ______, _____ has demonstrated a positive attitude toward wanting to improve.
  • _____ appears to be eager to learn more. In _______, _____ has experienced rapid expansion.
  • Academically, _____ is making steady progress.
  • The quality of _____'s work is improving.
  • _____ has improved her _____ abilities.
  • _____ has demonstrated a positive desire to improve herself in _____.
  • If he were more interested in _______, his performance would increase.
  • This reporting period, _____ has made significant progress.
  • I'm pleased to see that _____ is maturing well, and I hope that this trend continues.
  • The classroom attitude of _____ has improved.

Work habits - General Report Card Comments:

  • As I have stated in my reports, _______ does not manage his time effectively in class. Please explain to him that we study in class and play only at particular times during the school day.
  • When ______ is able to relax, she produces considerably better results. She does, however, frequently seek the attention of her peers, which causes everyone to be distracted.
  • _________ must continue to improve his work habits, as we mentioned in earlier meetings. We need to encourage him to take his work much more seriously.
  • ______ enjoys participating in artistic pursuits. However, I am concerned about how much time she spends painting when she has other responsibilities. Could we possibly meet to explore methods for assisting ________ in resolving this problem?
  • _______ is now working on grade-level material. I am confident, though, that he is capable of producing superior work. I'm confident that his work will improve as his attention improves.
  • ______ wastes a lot of his work time daydreaming and then fails to finish on time. He is capable of doing the work in the time provided, and he needs to get started.
  • _______ has done some good work, but it hasn't been consistent. She is a very gregarious and restless person who frequently does not complete her assignment on time. Thank you so much for your assistance at home. Please keep working with her on this matter.
  • _______ is very eager to do her work, yet she can be a nuisance to the other pupils. Despite the fact that she has made improvement in this area over the last month, she still has work to do.
  • ______ is having trouble because he frequently speaks out loud, disrupting the other pupils. He's working on changing this unhealthy behaviour, and he's made some progress in the last several weeks.
  • _________ needs to continue to improve his work habits, as we mentioned in earlier meetings. We must motivate him to take his task more seriously.
  • _______ has done some excellent work, but it hasn't been consistent. She is a social butterfly who is often agitated and frequently fails to complete her tasks on time. I appreciate your assistance at home. Continue to collaborate with her on this matter.
  • _______ is very eager to do her work, yet she can be a nuisance to the other pupils. She has made progress in this area over the last month, but she still has work to do.

Work habits - listening skills:

  • _____ is improving her ability to pay attention to directions.
  • _____ is working on improving her listening skills.
  • ______  is learning to listen and share.
  • _____ pays close attention to what is being said.
  • _____ is a hard worker who listens carefully.
  • _____ assesses what she hears.
  • All instructions must be followed by _____.
  • Directions are tough for _____ to follow.

Work habits - Quality of work:

  • The handiwork of _____ is superb.
  • _____ appreciates doing nice, meticulous work.
  • The work of _____ is tidy and precise.
  • _____ creates vibrant and intriguing artwork.
  • Work well done is something that _____ is proud of.
  • _____ is prone to making careless mistakes.
  • _____ is untidy.
  • Proofreading is something that _____ must do.

Work habits - Time management:

  • _____ is learning to use his free time wisely.
  • _____ is always efficient with her time.
  • _____ never finishes assignments in the time provided.
  • During work hours, _____ is getting more dependable.
  • _____ is on the verge of being self-sufficient.
  • _____ is growing more self-sufficient.
  • On assignments, _____ works autonomously.
  • _____ is unable to do individual assignments.
  • _____ is a good listener, but she needs to work faster.
  • _____ needs to be pushed.
  • _____ lacks self-sufficiency.
  • _____ is prone to being easily distracted.
  • _____ operates at a slow pace.
  • _____ does not finish assignments in the time allotted.
  • _____ appears unable to complete the required work.
  • _____ frequently completes work ahead of schedule.
  • _____ is indifferent about the value of time.
  • In his written work, _____ sacrifices accuracy for the sake of speed.

Work habits - Work potential and effort report card comments:

  • _____ has a lot of potential and is working hard to realise it.
  • _____ is performing to the best of his or her ability.
  • _____ is a dependable and conscientious worker.
  • _____ is enthusiastic about his or her job in general.
  • _____ is looking for information.
  • _____ is a dedicated student.
  • _____ is very conscientious.
  • _____ is a pleasant and responsible student.
  • _____ is a dedicated worker.
  • During the ___ period, _____ is a hard worker.
  • _____ is a respectful and conscientious student.
  • If _____ is to gain the fundamentals required for ____ grade work, he must improve his work habits.
  • _____'s efforts are inconsistent, particularly in ____.
  • When not directly supervised, _____ makes little effort. _____ is eager to please.

Personality and Attitude - General report card comments:

  • Although ______'s attitude toward his schoolwork has improved, it has not been consistent. Throughout the rest of the school year, he will require consistent guidance from both home and school.
  • This report card reflects _______'s attitude toward school. He could do better if he worked harder and cooperated more.
  • This reporting quarter reflects ______'s attitude toward our school rules, other students, and myself. She has the potential to be a successful student if she works hard enough.
  • As my previous reports have shown, _____ does not complete his schoolwork. He can do better if he makes the decision to work harder and finish his assignments.
  • Although _____'s attitude toward her classmates has improved, she still needs to be reminded to be respectful on a regular basis.
  • As we discussed in our last meeting, _______ has a negative attitude toward basic skills. Please continue to do a nightly review with her, focusing especially on .
  • Thank you for your enthusiasm for our class. I am pleased to report that ______ is improving in terms of his attitude in our classroom.
  • ______ has made great strides this year in terms of her attitude in the classroom and on the playground.
  • If ______ is to overcome her attitude and social difficulties, I will continue to need your assistance and support. If she can make a positive effort in this area, she will find school much more enjoyable.
  • ________'s attitude has improved over time. Thank you for your cooperation and support.

Personality and Attitude - Attitude:

  • _____ has a fantastic attitude.
  • _____ has a great attitude toward school.
  • _____ maintains a positive attitude toward school.
  • _____ takes responsibility well and has a pleasant demeanour.
  • _____ takes the initiative and thinks things through on his own.
  • _____ is changing his attitude toward __ grade.
  • _____ must improve his or her classroom demeanour.

Personality and attitude - Personality:

  • _____ is a nice student to work with.
  • _____ is an exceptionally thoughtful student.
  • _____ has a pleasant demeanour.
  • _____ is a pleasant and friendly person.
  • _____ is cooperative and content.
  • _____ is courteous and cooperative.
  • _____ has a friendly attitude.
  • _____ is a joy to be around.
  • _____ is a pleasant and helpful person.
  • _____ is a pleasant and cooperative youngster.
  • _____ is a cheerful, well-adjusted child, but_____.
  • _____ is self-assured and well-mannered.
  • We all enjoy _____'s sense of humour.
  • _____ is amusing and enjoys the stories we read.
  • _____ is easily disturbed.
  • _____ is prone to crying.
  • _____ appears tired a lot at school.
  • Although ____________'s social maturity is increasing, it is inconsistent.

Personality and Attitude - Participation:

  • _____ is excited about taking part.
  • _____ contributes significantly in class.
  • _____ is a frequent volunteer.
  • _____ is eager to participate in all classroom activities.
  • _____ is enthusiastic about what we do.
  • _____ contributes significantly.
  • _____ participates actively in discussions about ____
  • _____ responds nicely.
  • _____ addresses the group with confidence.
  • _____ takes turns speaking.
  • Participating in conversations and discussions is something that _____ enjoys doing.
  • In class, _____ should take an active role in the discussion.

End of Year - General Report Card Comments:

  • This year has seen a significant improvement in ______'s study habits. Please keep working on these abilities over the summer.
  • Thank you for your interest in this year's schoolwork of _____ . Her work will provide her with a great deal of satisfaction if she continues to put forth the effort.
  • ______ is a good citizen who works hard. I've had a great time having him in my class this year. Have a fantastic summer!
  • This year, ______ has matured nicely. His progress over the last three months has been impressive. I'm hoping that this effort and attitude will continue into the next school year.
  • Thank you for your interest in our class this year and for your support. ______ is a diligent student who should do well in the ____ grade.

End of Year - Phrases:

  • This year, both academically and socially, ______ has matured nicely.
  • ______'s friendly, genuine demeanour has made him a popular member of the __ grade.
  • This summer, ______ would benefit from reading a lot of library books.
  • If ______ is to succeed in the _____ grade, he must improve his reading speed and comprehension.
  • As the year progressed, ______ continued to bloom.
  • ______ made my year more enjoyable.
  • ______ is a very pleasant and willing worker who takes a keen interest in all of her work. It's been great having her in my room.
  • Thank you for the assistance I'm sure you've provided her.
  • Please continue with _____ review and as many reading experiences as possible over the summer.
  • Thank you for your interest in ______'s personality.
  • I'm sorry I couldn't meet you this year.
  • Thank you for your help.
  • With her friendly, cooperative demeanour, ______ will always be a welcome addition to any class.
  • I've had a good time being associated with ______.
  • I had a great time having ______ in my class.
  • It was a pleasure having ______ in my class.

Language Arts and Reading - Report Card Remarks:

  • ______'s reading has improved significantly over the course of the year. Please continue to read with her every night.
  • ______ is an excellent public speaker. Her written work, on the other hand, could be much better. With more effort, progress should be made gradually.
  • ______ has made significant progress in her creative writing. She's gotten better at using more colourful words.
  • ______ is making great strides in her reading of sight words. Please keep practising with him every night.
  • Since the beginning of the school year, ______'s spelling scores have significantly improved. The fact that he studies his spelling words every night has made a significant difference. Thank you for your assistance.
  • ______ is having trouble writing clear, fluent sentences, despite her best efforts. Is it possible for us to meet to discuss some useful strategies?

Language Arts and Reading - Listening:

  • ______ pays close attention to stories.
  • ______ can tell the difference between sounds in words.
  • ______ has trouble differentiating between sounds in words.

Language Arts and Reading - Reading and Vocabulary report card comments:

  • ______ picks up new words rapidly.
  • ______ needs to improve his reading speed and comprehension.
  • _______ has a well-developed reading vocabulary.
  • ______ is a voracious reader.
  • ______ is now aware of and proficient in the use of ____ consonant and vowel sounds.
  • The sounds ____ and ____ are mixed up by _____ .
  • ______ may blend short words without help by utilising the vowel(s) .
  • ______ is working on attacking words on his own.
  • The reading of ______ is.. (smooth, jerky, hesitant, rapid, irregular, or fluent).
  • ______ understands what she is reading.
  • ______ enjoys reading and is passionate about literature.
  • ______ is able to read and follow instructions.
  • _____ sight words are now recognised by ____ .
  • ______ enjoys reading.
  • To retain reading vocabulary, ______ requires a lot of repetition and practise.
  • ______ continues to mix up words that appear to be the same.
  • ______ is starting to read phrases and groupings of words.
  • The reading of ______ is getting habitual.
  • The reading of ______ is still not automatic.
  • ______ enjoys talking about the stories we've been reading.
  • ______ can read his sentences back

Language Arts and Reading- Speaking:

  • ______ uses entire sentences when speaking.
  • ______ expresses himself clearly.
  • (Pronouns, verbs) are difficult for ______ to correctly use.
  • Dramatization is something that ______ appreciates.
  • ______ possesses a strong oral vocabulary.
  • ______ employs proper punctuation.
  • When speaking, ______ utilises a lot of colourful words.
  • When speaking, ______ utilises (complicated, basic) sentences.
  • ______ takes part in a group storytelling session.

Language Arts and Reading - Writing:

  • ______ must use his or her abilities in all written work.
  • ______ is a fantastic writer of creative stories and poetry.
  • ______ can accurately arrange periods and question marks.
  • In his writing, ______ employs a variety of colourful words.
  • In her work, ______ employs (complicated, simple) sentences.
  • ______ can now compose a complete sentence on his own.
  • ______ can compose a two- to four-sentence original tale.
  • ______ arranges words in the correct sequence.
  • In writing, ______ demonstrates self-assurance.
  • ______ can put together a number of similar sentences.
  • ______ is working on expanding his spelling vocabulary.
  • To look up unusual words, ______ consults a dictionary.
  • ______ enjoys learning new words to spell.
  • ______ has an easy time learning to spell words.
  • ______ has a tendency of reversing letters in words.
  • ______ has trouble memorising non-phonetic word spellings.
  • To recall spelling, ______ makes use of hand or body motions.

General and Handwriting - General Report Card Remarks:

  • ______'s basic skills are all on grade level, but he is not working to his full potential.
  • Over the last quarter, ______'s schoolwork has improved. I sincerely hope that this work will continue.
  • ______'s actions are still inconsistent. She continues to struggle with obeying school rules and treating other pupils with respect. Please call to schedule a meeting. Thank you for your unwavering support and assistance from home. It's clear that you've been spending extra time with ______ on his schooling.
  • Since our last meeting, ______ has improved. I recommend that you keep working on ______ every night.
  • ______ is a well-mannered and vigilant ____ grader. He needs to be encouraged to engage in class because he is a quiet boy. Any assistance you can provide from your own home would be really valuable.
  • ______ has made a good transition to her new school. Could you please contact me as soon as you have moved into your new home to arrange a meeting?
  • ______ is becoming more self-assured.
  • ______ is adhering to grade-level standards.
  • ______ does a fantastic job in everything he does.
  • ______ is a hard worker who excels in all areas.
  • ______ is a person who thinks clearly.
  • ______'s thoughts are well-organized.
  • It is important to encourage ______ to .
  • ______ requires a lot of encouragement.
  • ______ is a creative person.
  • ______ is a frequent latecomer.
  • ______ takes a lot of time off.
  • ______ has not completed her makeup work.
  • ______ is a bright student who appears to ponder deeply.
  • ______ is quick to pick up on new concepts.
  • ______ is a person who talks a much.
  • ______ should devote more time to his or her allotted job.
  • ______ does not devote enough time to his or her homework.
  • ______ has to work on his or her self-control.
  • A meeting has been requested.
  • Please call to schedule a meeting.
  • Your unwavering cooperation and assistance are greatly appreciated.
  • It is conceivable for ______ to achieve higher grades than expected.

General and Handwriting - Handwriting:

  • The handwriting of ______ needs to be improved.
  • ______'s motor skills are good/ bad/ fine.
  • ______ can print along the lines.
  • ______ appropriately spaces letters and words.
  • The work of ______ is untidy.
  • ______ does not properly form letters.
  • Although some of ______'s printing is excellent, it is frequently clumsy in daily assignments.

Category wise:

  • Demonstrates perseverance in distance learning and serves as a role model for other students.
  • TEAMS is used to submit class assignments and communicate with teachers and classmates.
  • Has done an excellent job of navigating new technology and troubleshooting technical issues.
  • Completes asynchronous and autonomous work and always meets deadlines.
  • When it comes to completing learning assignments, she goes above and beyond in terms of detail and quality.
  • With online learning, ____ has successfully maintained his/her class demeanour and work habits.
  • _____ is methodical in his approach, thinks things through for himself, and is a quick and eager student.
  • _____ is fascinated by the nature of learning and always puts in his or her best effort to find the greatest available solutions.
  • _____ is a focused and enthusiastic participant in the online learning session, and works with zeal and determination.
  • _____ is able to reach his or her full potential, as evidenced by his or her contributions to conversations and work submitted.
  • Maintains focus in online learning despite technological challenges and changes associated with remote learning.
  • ___ enthusiastically engages in class discussions and works effectively with peers.
  • ___ takes charge of his or her own education and always asks for support when needed.
  • Always arrives on time for class and is a dedicated student.
  • ___ was usually well-prepared, well-organized, and enthusiastic about making the most of online classes.
  • ___ is a dedicated student who participates actively in class. His/her suggestions are useful and entertaining.
  • ___ takes an active interest in his or her own learning, pays close attention, and makes a concerted effort to avoid distractions that could disrupt the learning process.
  • ___ is a person who takes responsibility and accountability seriously. He or she makes sound decisions and is open to new ideas.
  • ___ gets along well with his peers and values varied viewpoints and experiences.
  • ___ is constantly looking for ways to assist in the classroom.
  • ___ is dependable and trustworthy, follows instructions well, and keeps his or her promises to himself and others.
  • In written and verbal communication, ___ is thoughtful, insightful, and comprehensive, and has a talent for clearly conveying his or her ideas.
  • When solving problems with students, ___ displays maturity and exhibits good communication skills when sharing thoughts and ideas about a certain topic/concept.
  • ___ excels at transferring classroom knowledge to real-world and real-life circumstances.
  • It's been a delight having ____'s energy, optimism, and maturity in my class.
  • ____ is a classmate who is eager about learning and willing to try new things.
  • During class, ____ is focused and willing to provide ideas.
  • With confidence and determination, ____ completes solo work.
  • ____ is a self-starter who takes pride in her job.
  • In class, ____ is attentive and eager to engage in discussions.
  • ____ is a very conscientious worker who puts in a lot of effort and attention on a daily basis.
  • In his or her daily labour, ____ makes a willing and conscientious effort.
  • ____ makes a conscious effort to study new things and improve his or her knowledge.
  • This term, ____ has done an outstanding job confronting and overcoming significant obstacles. Throughout the summer, please continue to foster and support this behaviour.
  • When given instructions, ____ takes responsibility and follows them.
  • ____ has trouble keeping on task and finishing his or her assignment.
  • He or she must pay close attention to directions in order to learn to operate autonomously.
  • Reminders about the regular classroom schedule are required. It would be beneficial to talk about the classroom routine at home.
  • Turns in incomplete work or no homework on a regular basis. Encouraging ____ to complete his or her work on time and according to the timetable and timeline set, so enhancing his or her organisational skills.
  • Does not actively participate in group activities; therefore, is encouraged to put forth effort in order to improve communication skills as well as attention and confidence.
  • ___ was an active participant in online learning sessions, but she needed to be reminded from time to time to allow other students to share their work and ideas as well.
  • ___ participates enthusiastically in online group activities, but finds it difficult to work independently.

Below Average:

  • During class, ___'s engagement and behaviour are inconsistent and disengaged.
  • ___ is having trouble grasping concepts. It would be useful to pay more attention to the required tasks and to attend the online classes on a regular basis.
  • When it comes to schoolwork, ___ needs a lot of help from adults. She has trouble grasping simple concepts and is unable to work on her own.
  • In the online learning environment, ___ struggled to engage and participate in discussions and activities.
  • ___ has not worked hard enough to satisfy the grade level objectives. It would be great to have regular work habits, active engagement, and the ability to clarify doubts.
  • ___ needs to pay greater attention to guidance throughout lessons in order to apply concepts learned and complete given assignments.
  • ___ would benefit from demonstrating a stronger desire to participate in class discussions.
  • ___ needs to be reminded to pay attention during instructions and lessons on a regular basis.
  • ___ has trouble focusing in class, which hinders his or her ability to participate fully in class activities and tasks.
  • ___ is encouraged to make good use of his or her time in order to finish things on schedule.
  • ___ is encouraged to take greater responsibility for completing chores without the need for frequent reminders.
  • ___ must demonstrate that he or she is engaged in the learning process through the quality of his or her work and the efficient use of class time.

Use EduCloud Report Card system to create reports with inbuilt report card comment bank. Save your own comments for future use.

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  • Report card comments
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creating report cards online

How to create school and college student report cards online?


5 benefits of using a report card system to create reports online


How to create student report cards online using excel?


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125 report card comments.

It's report card time and you face the prospect of writing constructive, insightful, and original comments on a couple dozen report cards or more.  Here are 125 positive report card comments for you to use and adapt!

homework comments for report cards

You've reached the end of another grading period, and what could be more daunting than the task of composing insightful, original, and unique comments about every child in your class? The following positive statements will help you tailor your comments to specific children and highlight their strengths.

You can also use our statements to indicate a need for improvement. Turn the words around a bit, and you will transform each into a goal for a child to work toward. Sam cooperates consistently with others becomes Sam needs to cooperate more consistently with others, and Sally uses vivid language in writing may instead read With practice, Sally will learn to use vivid language in her writing. Make Jan seeks new challenges into a request for parental support by changing it to read Please encourage Jan to seek new challenges.

Whether you are tweaking statements from this page or creating original ones, check out our Report Card Thesaurus [see bottom of the page] that contains a list of appropriate adjectives and adverbs. There you will find the right words to keep your comments fresh and accurate.

We have organized our 125 report card comments by category. Read the entire list or click one of the category links below to jump to that list.

Attitude Behavior Character Communication Skills Group Work Interests and Talents Participation Social Skills Time Management Work Habits

The student:

  • is an enthusiastic learner who seems to enjoy school.
  • exhibits a positive outlook and attitude in the classroom.
  • appears well rested and ready for each day's activities.
  • shows enthusiasm for classroom activities.
  • shows initiative and looks for new ways to get involved.
  • uses instincts to deal with matters independently and in a positive way.
  • strives to reach their full potential.
  • is committed to doing their best.
  • seeks new challenges.
  • takes responsibility for their learning.
  • cooperates consistently with the teacher and other students.
  • transitions easily between classroom activities without distraction.
  • is courteous and shows good manners in the classroom.
  • follows classroom rules.
  • conducts themselves with maturity.
  • responds appropriately when corrected.
  • remains focused on the activity at hand.
  • resists the urge to be distracted by other students.
  • is kind and helpful to everyone in the classroom.
  • sets an example of excellence in behavior and cooperation.
  Looking for some great adverbs and adjectives to bring to life the comments that you put on report cards? Go beyond the stale and repetitive With this list, your notes will be and


  • shows respect for teachers and peers.
  • treats school property and the belongings of others with care and respect.
  • is honest and trustworthy in dealings with others.
  • displays good citizenship by assisting other students.
  • joins in school community projects.
  • is concerned about the feelings of peers.
  • faithfully performs classroom tasks.
  • can be depended on to do what they are asked to do.
  • seeks responsibilities and follows through.
  • is thoughtful in interactions with others.
  • is kind, respectful and helpful when interacting with his/her peers
  • is respectful of other students in our classroom and the school community
  • demonstrates responsibility daily by caring for the materials in our classroom carefully and thoughtfully
  • takes his/her classroom jobs seriously and demonstrates responsibility when completing them
  • is always honest and can be counted on to recount information when asked
  • is considerate when interacting with his/her teachers
  • demonstrates his/her manners on a daily basis and is always respectful
  • has incredible self-discipline and always gets his/her work done in a timely manner
  • can be counted on to be one of the first students to begin working on the task that is given
  • perseveres when faced with difficulty by asking questions and trying his/her best
  • does not give up when facing a task that is difficult and always does his/her best
  • is such a caring boy/girl and demonstrates concern for his/her peers
  • demonstrates his/her caring nature when helping his/her peers when they need the assistance
  • is a model citizen in our classroom
  • is demonstrates his/her citizenship in our classroom by helping to keep it clean and taking care of the materials in it
  • can always be counted on to cooperate with his/her peers
  • is able to cooperate and work well with any of the other students in the class
  • is exceptionally organized and takes care of his/her things
  • is always enthusiastic when completing his/her work
  • is agreeable and polite when working with others
  • is thoughtful and kind in his/her interactions with others
  • is creative when problem solving
  • is very hardworking and always completes all of his/her work
  • is patient and kind when working with his/her peers who need extra assistance
  • trustworthy and can always be counted on to step in and help where needed

Communication Skills

  • has a well-developed vocabulary.
  • chooses words with care.
  • expresses ideas clearly, both verbally and through writing.
  • has a vibrant imagination and excels in creative writing.
  • has found their voice through poetry writing.
  • uses vivid language in writing.
  • writes clearly and with purpose.
  • writes with depth and insight.
  • can make a logical and persuasive argument.
  • listens to the comments and ideas of others without interrupting.
  • offers constructive suggestions to peers to enhance their work.
  • accepts the recommendations of peers and acts on them when appropriate.
  • is sensitive to the thoughts and opinions of others in the group.
  • takes on various roles in the work group as needed or assigned.
  • welcomes leadership roles in groups.
  • shows fairness in distributing group tasks.
  • plans and carries out group activities carefully.
  • works democratically with peers.
  • encourages other members of the group.
  • helps to keep the work group focused and on task.

Interests and Talents

  • has a well-developed sense of humor.
  • holds many varied interests.
  • has a keen interest that has been shared with the class.
  • displays and talks about personal items from home when they relate to topics of study.
  • provides background knowledge about topics of particular interest to them.
  • has an impressive understanding and depth of knowledge about their interests.
  • seeks additional information independently about classroom topics that pique interest.
  • reads extensively for enjoyment.
  • frequently discusses concepts about which they have read.
  • is a gifted performer.
  • is a talented artist.
  • has a flair for dramatic reading and acting.
  • enjoys sharing their musical talent with the class.


  • listens attentively to the responses of others.
  • follows directions.
  • takes an active role in discussions.
  • enhances group discussion through insightful comments.
  • shares personal experiences and opinions with peers.
  • responds to what has been read or discussed in class and as homework.
  • asks for clarification when needed.
  • regularly volunteers to assist in classroom activities.
  • remains an active learner throughout the school day.

Social Skills

  • makes friends quickly in the classroom.
  • is well-liked by classmates.
  • handles disagreements with peers appropriately.
  • treats other students with fairness and understanding.
  • is a valued member of the class.
  • has compassion for peers and others.
  • seems comfortable in new situations.
  • enjoys conversation with friends during free periods.
  • chooses to spend free time with friends.

Time Management

  • tackles classroom assignments, tasks, and group work in an organized manner.
  • uses class time wisely.
  • arrives on time for school (and/or class) every day.
  • is well-prepared for class each day.
  • works at an appropriate pace, neither too quickly or slowly.
  • completes assignments in the time allotted.
  • paces work on long-term assignments.
  • sets achievable goals with respect to time.
  • completes make-up work in a timely fashion.

Work Habits

  • is a conscientious, hard-working student.
  • works independently.
  • is a self-motivated student.
  • consistently completes homework assignments.
  • puts forth their best effort into homework assignments.
  • exceeds expectations with the quality of their work.
  • readily grasps new concepts and ideas.
  • generates neat and careful work.
  • checks work thoroughly before submitting it.
  • stays on task with little supervision.
  • displays self-discipline.
  • avoids careless errors through attention to detail.
  • uses free minutes of class time constructively.
  • creates impressive home projects.

Related: Needs Improvement Report Card Comments  for even more comments!

Student Certificates!

Recognize positive attitudes and achievements with personalized student award certificates!


Looking for some great adverbs and adjectives to bring to life the comments that you put on report cards? Go beyond the stale and repetitive With this list, your notes will be and

attentive, capable, careful, cheerful, confident, cooperative, courteous, creative, dynamic, eager, energetic, generous, hard-working, helpful, honest, imaginative, independent, industrious, motivated, organized, outgoing, pleasant, polite, resourceful, sincere, unique

always, commonly, consistently, daily, frequently, monthly, never, occasionally, often, rarely, regularly, typically, usually, weekly

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homework comments for report cards

107 Report Card Comments to Use and Adapt

Written by Justin Raudys

  • Teacher Resources

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  • Learning skills (positive comments)
  • Learning skills (needs improvement)
  • Addition and subtraction
  • Skip counting
  • Place value
  • Comparing numbers
  • Addition with regrouping
  • Word problems
  • Language (general)
  • Reading responses
  • Reading comprehension
  • Response journal
  • Note taking
  • Distance learning
  • Tips for writing effective report cards
  • Key considerations for effective end-of-year report cards

Just about every teacher agrees: report card comments are important to provide insights and next steps to students and families. But there are few who actually look forward to writing them.

Because every instructor knows working under tight deadlines to create upwards of 20 unique and detailed reports at the end of the year or term isn’t exactly straightforward (or particularly fun). That's especially true in the era of distance learning.

And while no one at your school knows your students better than you do, writing valuable report card comments for each of them can be a huge challenge.

That’s why we created a list of 107 sample report card comments — starters to help you find ideas, inspiration, and insights while writing your own report cards.

The 107 report card comments in this list will help you:

  • Instill a  growth mindset in students
  • Build stronger home-to-school connections
  • Write stronger leads and use livelier language
  • Choose the right phrasing when writing positive and constructive report card comments

Report card comment starters

You'll notice that the report card comments below can act as a springboard for more fully developed ones. But don't worry, using them you'll be able to take some of these one-liners and turn them into insightful and actionable next steps!

For example, you'll be able to take a 1st grade number sense comment like "Your child is able to add and subtract numbers up to 20 using various manipulatives" and transform it into:

Your child is able to add and subtract numbers up to 20 using various manipulatives. This was evident when he was working independently to solve a real-world problem by adding toys in the classroom toy bin. As a next step, they should continue to add to larger numbers to encourage his skills. You can support him by asking him to add his own toy piles at home.

Or taking a responsibility-related learning skill comment from "Your child is able to take responsibility for her own actions both in and out of the classroom" to:

Your child is able to take responsibility for her own actions both in and out of the classroom. She often checks her agenda and day planner to make sure she has all of the necessary materials to complete work at home before leaving. During indoor recess, she takes time to tidy up everything she was playing with.

Notice the difference?

Compared to a single number or letter grade, report card comments can provide even more value to your students and their families. In other words, a number or letter or grade captures the what , while an accompanying comment captures the how .

Depending on the age group or grade level you teach, a letter or grade letter might be enough. However, research in Phi Delta Kappan, the professional journal for educators, suggests:

Comments that identify what students did well, what improvements they need to make, and how to make those improvements, provided with sensitivity to important contextual elements, can guide students on their pathways to learning success and ensure that all learn excellently.

Gather insights into student performance all year long and make report card writing easier with Prodigy, the adaptive math game that students love.

  • ________ is confident, positive and a great role model for his/her classmates.
  • ________ is frequently among the first to help and mentor other classmates. He/she is a valuable part of the classroom.
  • ________ has shown excellent ability to set goals and be persistent in achieving them.
  • ________ is interested in his/her own learning, listens attentively, and makes a solid effort to avoid distractions that could interrupt the learning process.
  • ________ is accountable and responsible. He/she makes smart decisions, admits mistakes and listens to opportunities to improve.
  • ________ relates well to classmates and is appreciative of different perspectives and experiences.
  • ________ manages his/her emotions maturely and responds to feedback appropriately.
  • ________ always looks for ways to be helpful in the classroom.
  • ________ is dependable and reliable, follows directions effectively, and follows through on his/her commitments to him/herself and others.
  • ________ is thoughtful, insightful and thorough in written and verbal communication, and has a talent for expressing his/her ideas clearly.
  • ________ works well with classmates in group work and often takes a leadership role.
  • ________ shows a positive attitude with classmates in group projects and activities, and both takes and gives suggestions and directions effectively.
  • ________ shows maturity when solving problems with classmates and uses good communication.
  • ________ excels at applying what he/she learns in the classroom to real-world and real-life situations.
  • It has been a pleasure to have _______'s enthusiasm, positivity and maturity in my class.
  • ________ is an enthusiastic member of the class and shows a willingness to learn.
  • ________ shows responsible behavior, works well with a group and shows appreciation for the efforts of classmates.
  • ________ is focused during classroom activities and willingly participated in class discussions.
  • ________ performs independent work with confidence and focus.
  • ________ works independently and takes pride in work done well.
  • ________ is focused in class and willingly participates in group discussion.
  • ________ is very conscientious and shows excellent effort and care with daily work.
  • ________ demonstrates a willing and conscientious effort in his/her daily work.
  • ________ shows a conscientious effort to learn.
  • ________ has done a great job facing and overcoming big challenges this year. Please continue to nurture and encourage this behavior over the summer.
  • ________ shows responsibility and follows directions whenever they are given.
  • ________ listens to and follows directions precisely and attentively.
  • ________ follows directions promptly and accurately.
  • ________ is an active participant in class.
  • ________ is a hard worker who calmly perseveres through challenging topics.
  • ________ is encouraged to demonstrate more responsible attitudes and behavior in the classroom.
  • ________ needs to show more appropriate behavior when interacting with classmates.
  • ________ needs to pay attention to the use of appropriate language at all times
  • ________ requires encouragement to listen attentively during group sharing times.
  • ________  needs to listen to directions more attentively during lessons.
  • ________ would benefit from showing a greater desire to contribute ideas in class.
  • ________ needs frequent reminders to be attentive during instructions and lessons.
  • ________ needs to improve his/her cooperation in group settings. He/she should work on voicing feelings and opinions and listening to others.
  • ________ needs to improve his/her work with others. He/she must ensure to accept a share of the work when participating in a group assignment.
  • ________ needs to improve on working independently and be sure to ask for assistance only when it is needed.
  • ________ often struggles to focus in class, which harms his/her ability to engage well with class activities and assignments.
  • ________ is encouraged to use time wisely to finish tasks in the time required.
  • ________ is encouraged to be more responsible in completing tasks without needing regular reminders.
  • ________ needs to show by the quality of work and use of class time that he/she is properly engaged in the learning process.
  • ________ consistently needs reminders to focus on time management.
  • ________ needs to follow classroom rules more closely throughout the school day.

Math (general comments)

  • ________ is having considerable difficulty with math. I recommend he/she work on studying ________ and ________. This extra practice will help him/her feel more relaxed when doing math in the classroom. Please contact me if you need materials to get him/her started.
  • ________ has a good understanding of all math concepts taught so far this year. He/she continues to turn in excellent assignments and especially enjoys hands-on math activities.
  • ________  has a positive attitude towards math but continues to have trouble in a few key areas. He should practice every evening at home. Areas that need extra attention are ________  and ________ .
  • ________  demonstrates a good understanding of all math concepts studied and communicates with clarity and good justification of reasoning.
  • ________ needs to work on increasing his/her speed in math facts. He/she should continue with daily practice with a focus on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
  • ________ seems to need continuous encouragement in math. He/she continues to struggle with basic math concepts for his/her grade level.
  • ________ is having a difficult time in certain areas of math. Areas in need of extra work are ________ . Working on these problem areas every night would help improve his/her learning outcomes.
  • ________ is struggling to keep up in math. He/she could benefit from practicing the multiplication table and should also continue to practice the long division process.
  • ________ is easily distracted during math lessons and behavioral issues are interfering with his/her learning. We will be working on more difficult subjects and he/she will struggle if he/she does not pay attention in class.
  • ________ is having trouble with math tests. He/she does well on assignments, but does not seem to retain information for tests. I always give a week’s notice before tests, so please be sure ________ studies and adequately prepares for them as they approach.
  • ________ is able to calculate addition and subtraction facts to 18 with confidence and accuracy.
  • ________  is becoming more able to calculate addition and subtraction facts to 18 with confidence and accuracy.
  • ________  requires more time and practice in calculating addition and subtraction facts to 18
  • ________ needs to put more effort into learning to calculate addition and subtraction facts to 18.
  • ________  is able to skip count forward and backward by twos, fives, tens, and hundreds to complete short patterns.
  • ________  is learning to skip count forward and backward by twos, fives, tens, and hundreds to complete short patterns.
  • ________  needs practice with skip counting forward and backward by twos, fives, tens, and hundreds to complete short patterns.
  • ________  needs considerable practice with skip counting forward and backward by twos, fives, tens, and hundreds to complete short patterns.
  • ________  is able to demonstrate place value concepts to give meaning to numbers from zero to 1000, identifying ones, tens, and hundreds.
  • ________  is developing an understanding of place value concepts to give meaning to numbers zero to identifying ones, tens, and hundreds.
  • ________  requires more time and practice to demonstrate place value concepts to give meaning to numbers 0 to 1000, identifying ones, tens, and 100s.
  • ________ is able to compare numbers to 1000 using terms such as greater or less and greatest or least.
  • ________ is learning to compare numbers to 1000 using terms such as greater or less and greatest or least.
  • ________ requires support to compare numbers to 1000 using terms such as greater or less and greatest or least.
  • ________ demonstrates a limited understanding in comparing numbers to 1000 using terms such as greater or less and greatest or least.
  • ________ can demonstrate and explain the process of addition of whole numbers up to 100, with and without regrouping.
  • ________ requires ongoing support to demonstrate and explain the process of addition of whole numbers up to 100 with and without regrouping.
  • ________ requires considerable attention and individual instruction to demonstrate and explain the process of addition of whole numbers up to 100 with and without regrouping.

Word problems (math)

  • ________ is able to complete word problems using one- and two-digit addition, showing his/her work and writing a full sentence answer.
  • ________ is becoming more confident in his/her ability to complete word problems using one- and two-digit addition, showing his/her work and writing a full sentence answer.

As we move into language and literacy, the following sections include starter report card comments which cover reading, writing, oral communication and critical thinking skills.

Language arts (general)

  • ________ ’s (comprehension, spelling, reading) has greatly improved, but he/she still needs extra work in (comprehension, spelling, reading). Please contact me if you need supplemental learning materials to use at home for practice.
  • ________  is conscious of putting care into his/her daily writing work, and frequently goes beyond the minimum requirements for assignments.
  • ________ has trouble with his handwriting. I believe he/she can form letters well, but has to slow down and take a little more time. Neater handwriting will improve his/her schoolwork overall.
  • ________ makes a good effort to make his/her handwriting legible. He/she is able to print on the lines, use good spacing, and form letters correctly.
  • ________ needs to focus on her spelling. More improvement is needed in the areas of (dictation, weekly spelling tests, sentence structure). Daily practice at home will help improve his/her results.
  • ________ shows the ability to quickly use spelling, punctuation and grammar rules that were recently taught. He/she is able to quickly learn new skills and is eager to apply them to his/her writing.
  • ________ is having considerable difficulty with reading, particularly with fluency and comprehension.
  • ________ speaks well in front of the class, but requires improvement in written language. He/she is having trouble with (dictation, copying words correctly, story writing, creating logical sequences). Further practice is needed in this area.
  • ________ continues to make excellent progress in spelling and reading. He/she works hard to submit work that is free of grammatical errors.
  • ________ has difficulty remembering previously discussed writing skills and often makes errors with punctuation, grammar, and overall sentence structure. Basic writing skills need improvement.
  • ________ is able to offer direct responses to his/her readings and supports ideas with sound reasoning and specific examples.
  • ________ is learning to offer more direct responses to her reading experiences supported by reasons, examples, and details.
  • ________ needs frequent support to offer direct responses to his/her reading experiences supported by reasons, examples, and details.
  • ________ shows good ability when completing reading comprehension tests.
  • ________ would benefit from extra practice with reading aloud and discussion of content.
  • ________ consistently demonstrates comprehension of short spoken texts by answering questions, and explaining the events described.
  • ________ consistently reads grade-level material independently.
  • ________ uses good editing skills and correctly places capitals, quotation marks, question marks, apostrophes, commas, and periods.
  • ________ is doing a good job of breaking a story into paragraphs
  • ________ determines various forms of writing and identifies important ideas through the development of insightful questions and answers.
  • ________ is able to analyze character actions, story plots, and shows strong fluency with reading.
  • ________ uses correct spelling, grammar and punctuation when writing simple sentences.
  • ________ is encouraged to show increased attention to the use of correct spelling, grammar and punctuation with general writing skills.
  • ________ needs more time and practice in the use of correct spelling, grammar and punctuation with general writing skills.
  • ________ requires considerable assistance to achieve the correct spelling, grammar and punctuation when writing simple sentences.
  • ________ shows an excellent understanding of note taking from lectures and readings in preparation for tests and assignments.
  • ________ requires ongoing support to develop an understanding of note taking from lectures and readings in preparation for tests.
  • ________ was very engaged and focused during distance learning activities, and participated in class discussions.
  • ________ stayed motivated to complete assignments during distance learning, and turned in all required materials on time. 
  • ________ needed some extra prompting to stay engaged during online lessons, but participated well in discussions when called upon. 
  • ________ modeled good online learning behavior for other students.
  • ________ was disruptive during online learning and did not meaningfully participate in class discussions.
  • ________ handled technical problems well and was always prepared.
  • Although he/she couldn’t always access a device, _________ consistently completed online assignments and asked thoughtful questions.
  • ________ should ask more questions during online discussions to avoid confusion later.
  • ________’s attendance during online lessons was infrequent and assignments were not always completed.
  • ________ worked well independently and in a group setting during distance learning activities.
  • ________ is excellent at completing distance learning activities independently, but struggled to engage with his/her classmates during breakout sessions or class discussions.
  • ________ is a technology superstar! He/she rarely needed assistance and even helped other classmates troubleshoot issues.
  • ________ asks good questions and always reaches out proactively when he/she needs help with an assignment or lesson.

Tips for teachers to write more effective student report card comments

1. give yourself extra time and start writing comments early.

Teacher at desk writing with paper and pen.

Somewhere around the halfway point to your deadline for report cards, you make your best effort to use time at the end of each week to reflect — and jot down notes — about your students’ performance and class week.

What are their strengths and weaknesses? How are their social skills developing with classmates? How is their class participation - are they an enthusiastic learner? Have they shown great improvement in one particular subject area? Are homework assignments getting done? Have any new challenges come up that affect learning?

Even just a few minutes of note-taking in the weeks preceding report card deadlines will help to ease your stress when the time comes to write your final comments.

Moreover, having a dated log of information detailed throughout the school year will help you remember how students are performing throughout each week, which can be valuable information come parent-teacher conference time.

This will also help to engage and reassure parents who want relevant and detailed commentary about their child’s performance at school.

2. Use free, curriculum-aligned apps for teachers

Prodigy Math screenshot.

Use Prodigy to write insightful report cards with a minimum of hassle. Prodigy Math is an engaging math adventure for students where success depends on correctly answering adaptive math questions. 

As students play, you’ll get insights into:

  • Which skills students are practicing
  • How far they’ve progressed through the curriculum
  • What they’ve mastered and where they need more support

Use one of Prodigy’s eight reports to track student progress throughout the year. When the time comes to write report card comments, you’ll have detailed reports on all your students’ achievements.

Just getting started with Prodigy? No problem! The first time students explore the world of Prodigy Math, they’ll start completing the Placement Test — without even knowing. Once they’re done, you’ll have a snapshot of the grade level they’re at, what they know and specific skills they still need to work on.

Spend more time teaching and less time grading

Prep for standardized tests, deliver adaptive skill practice or test students on a new skill — all while they play Prodigy Math, Prodigy English, or both!

3. Be encouraging, informational and professional

Teacher writing at desk.

Although every report card cannot be glowingly positive, do strive to write in an encouraging and informational tone. As you write constructive report card comments, use encouraging language that focuses on the student’s opportunity for improvement.

For example, instead of describing a student struggling with listening as a “bad listener,” remark that the student “would benefit from listening more carefully.”

If appropriate, frame a negative comment in terms of what students are doing well -- and consider how this more successful characteristic can help them bolster performance in other areas.

4. Use a consistent format

Two teachers walking together in hall.

Lead your report card comments with the positive comments, followed by areas that need more attention.

Choosing the right format for reporting information will simplify the entire process, while resulting in a clearer and more organized final product.

If you are unclear about your school’s format for report cards, request samples or consult with other teachers or staff members to clarify.

5. Be honest

Teacher using tablet with student in class.

Being open and honest about a student’s performance requires tact and consideration with regard to how you  express  those comments. Be transparent, and remain mindful that your goal is to improve your students’ learning experience.

Openness and honesty are key to ensuring that experience is the best it can be. If possible, discuss what  intervention strategies  you can use to help improve the student’s learning outcomes. 

As elementary teacher Donna Donaghue remarks in her book  A Guide for Beginning Elementary Teachers: Getting Hired and Staying Inspired :

If there is a problem, most parents will be grateful to you for telling them and will want to help you correct it as soon as possible. Many problems that show up at school are also problems noticed at home, so your comments will not surprise parents. Ideally, at some point prior to receiving the progress report, parents have already discussed the problem with you.

6. Move on if you get stuck

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If you get stuck completing the comments for a particular student, move on to your other students and return to it later. You will likely have more trouble completing comments for students who have multiple areas needing further improvement and attention.

Feel free to move on and return to those students periodically or as you find the right language to express your insights.

7. Keep parents and guardians in mind

Teacher sitting with student in class.

While every report card comment is ultimately about your student, think of your students’ parents or guardians as much as possible and offer suggestions for their participation.

In fact, if you can, keep parents up to date on an ongoing basis. This will help ensure they don't get caught off guard by any of your comments.

As you make note of your students’ strengths and weaknesses, endeavor to include practical insights into how parents can involve and support their child at home. If possible, make reference to how you use  differentiated instruction  to support the student in question.

Simple examples of tips for parents include:

  • "Encourage your child to read. It doesn't have to be on your own either. Dedicating time before bed to read together can help make it seem like less of a chore."
  • "Find homework help for your child if needed. Myself and other parents who are also getting homework help for their child are great resources to get started."
  • "Ensure that your child completes their homework by creating a homework routine with your family where incentives like TV or computer time come after homework."
  • "Help your child with organization skills at home. If a room in your house could be tidier, try using that as an opportunity to sort things like toys or dishes and utensils."
  • "Help your child prepare for math tests by focusing their skills in addition and subtraction. If they don't like studying with traditional worksheets, try a digital game-based learning tool to help get them excited about the process."

As high school educator and teaching comprehension expert Anne Goudvis writes in her book Strategies That Work:

It is important that you include the parents in your comment so they know the child’s education is a joint mission. Sometimes you need to sound firm so that parents know you need their help and that you will not allow their child to continue inappropriate behavior.

8. Try not to repeat yourself

Teacher writing report card comments on desk.

It is unlikely that your students or parents will compare their report card comments, but it is still a best practice to aim for unique commentary for each student that reflects each, individual learning outcome.

9. Proofread, even if you don’t want to

Report card time is perhaps your busiest period of the year, and it is understandable that you want to simply get them over with.

Despite this, you should make sure to double check all your comments before hitting print and handing them out. All your communications to parents are a reflection of you as a teacher, and should mirror the care and attention you show your students in class.

10. Notify parents

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Make use of your school’s parent portal or email system to let parents know — as needed — that report card time is coming up.

This will help parents be prepared, and will also ensure that any important questions they may have are addressed before the final report cards are delivered.

Did you know?

If you're using Prodigy Math in your classroom, you can connect parents to follow their child's progress. A free parent account comes with a monthly report card and insights into classroom learning, helping them stay informed of how their child is doing in class. They can also send their child an encouraging message to cheer their child on as they play and practice skills in Prodigy!

11. Use specific examples with the help of direct observation

Student and teacher working together in class.

Record and use classroom anecdotes in your assessments. No matter how involved you are in your students’ progress, it can still be difficult to produce specific examples related to their performance if you haven’t recorded them along the way.

When you notice a positive or negative skill, ability, strength, or weakness in a class activity or assignment, be sure to note it down so that you may refer to it in your report card comments. Likewise, consider noting a sample of a student’s work every week or two.

To help with ease of access, keep ongoing files of this work in a personal folder or use a digital tool such as a Google Doc.

Putting this into practice is a time-saver and helps prevent last-minute stress. A strategy like direct observation and note-taking (as soon as possible) is far more reliable than trying to recall information and behaviors from weeks or months prior.

12. Try using tech to help

Writer's block happens to all of us, including teachers. If the report card comments in this article didn't help, fear not, there are still plenty of tools and resources to give you a helping hand.

One new option for teachers is using artificial intelligence (AI) to assist with report card ideas. For example, teachers can use tools like ChatGPT to generate examples for their specific needs.

When using chat technology, try to keep your prompt concise and easy to follow. A good template prompt to follow is:

"Write [number] report card comments for students studying [subject] in [grade]."

Here are some more specific examples to help get you started:

  • Write 50 report card comments for students studying social studies in 5th grade.
  • Generate 20 report card remarks commending a student for a positive attitude to learning.
  • Create 10 report card comments that focus on a student needing to improve their attitude to learning.

Alternatively, you can use spreadsheets and report card builders to manually piece together a report card based on a template of comments.

Important tip: When using AI chat technology, make sure you don't submit any personal details about you or your students. Instead let the tool use a placeholder like "Student".

Key considerations for report card comments at the end of the year

Report card comments should aim to deliver feedback to students and parents that is  personalized, detailed,  and  meaningful .

Teacher looking stressed at desk.

Writing report card comments doesn’t have to be stressful. Use these strategies to create livelier, more meaningful evaluations.

Effective report card comments emphasize and discuss:

  • The specific, notable strengths that a student has shown and should attempt to continue to show
  • The specific elements of knowledge, skills, and other outcomes recognized in the curriculum that are the most pertinent to a student’s achievement or development in the period of assessment
  • The major next steps for improvement that will: identify the student’s most important learning needs, offer next steps for students and offer specific recommendations for how parents and guardians can help the student’s learning habits and skills (or the development of those habits and skills)

Effective report card comments are personalized – customized to each, individual student – and discuss:

  • The student’s learning preferences, willingness to learn, and interests
  • Detailed evidence of learning or skill-development gathered from in-class observations, and/or student assignments

Effective report card comments are expressed with clear and simple phrasing, using:

  • An encouraging and/or positive tone
  • Language that is easy to understand for both students and parents, as opposed to educational jargon used from the curriculum

Report Card Comments: Final Thoughts

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Common Sense Education observes that "effective parent communication is crucial in helping students learn. But, for busy teachers it can be challenging just to keep up... Transparency and equity are key to managing any communication between home and school."

Personalized report card comments that are clear, precise, and meaningful are essential for informing students and their parents about what students have learned, what their strengths are and how they can effectively progress.

Among the pressure and deadlines of writing report cards, it can be helpful to keep these key goals in mind.

Get inspired by the report card comment examples — and strategies for success — above to ensure that precision, clarity, and meaning shine through in your report card comments.

When it comes time to hand out your report cards, you can do so with the full confidence that you are doing yourself — and each of your students — the justice your hard work deserves.

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100+ Great End of Year Report Card Comments Teachers Can Use In Every Classroom – Encouraging & Appropriate Tips

report card comments

Every parent wants to know how their child is doing at school. End of year report card comments is valuable insights on how the teacher assessed the child for that year. These card comments tell parents, and students, about their performances, accomplishments, and required improvements.

Table of Contents

Great ideas for how to make it easier to write appropriate report card comments, general concepts to remember when writing report card comments for students.

  • Report Card Comments on Student’s Strengths, Skills, Achievements or Positive Habits & Attitude

Negative Report Card Comments Focused on Potential Areas of Improvement

Free downloadable report card comments for students, final report card comments for the end of the year, eo year report card comments for good reading comprehension, project based learning, a positive growth mindset, excellent attitude and participation.

Communication skills, language attention and student behavior and wellbeing all go together great during the year. Whether distance learning or in community classroom, perseverance for children is key.

For Math, History, Vocabulary, Writing and other homework

Praises desire to improve and build great habits, thoughtful negative feedback for homework mistakes and social skills improvement to build confidence in classrooms.

We will cover end of year report cards creative motivation in classroom comments for all years. Library year report cards, solution-focused thinking and curriculum, emotional social skills and worksheets. Comment when improvement is difficult, learning directions and discussions makes great writing strategy for others.

Difficulty in grade school, middle school and high school

The average college professor isn’t an online prodigy – they have a variety of lifestyle skills and character traits.

Teachers know the value of report card comments, and they don’t take writing it lightly. Despite knowing how important report card comments are, few teachers look forward to writing it.

We’ve created a list of ideas for comments that teachers can use as inspiration and adapt for each student.

Often writing report card comments are at the bottom of the end-of-year to-do-list. There are so many other things that need to happen at the same time, and good report card comments take time to write. It’s not something that can be rushed.

By making notes throughout the year, the teacher will have ready-to-use data to draw from.  These notes help to remember specific achievements or memorable things the student did or said.

Create a databank of comment ideas that you can adapt for a specific student. A list of comment ideas may inspire and help to say similar things differently.

Begin with the card comments of students that you know what to write. Writing the easy comments first starts the process and makes it easier to continue.

If stuck, create a list of adjectives that describe the student. Then use these words to write the report card comments.

Report card comments are often focused on direction to work, enthusiastic vocabulary phrases to learn how effort shows quickly developing improved potential completing independent daily respectful activities. Role models in an organization like high school language arts are participating in teaching around subject matter which requires other students to consistently throughout proofread their report card. Recess is motivation and classroom reward for above helpful responsible developed willing literature.

Before you start, make sure you are familiar with the school’s rules regarding writing report card comments. Does the school prefer a personalized comment, or do they use general comments?

If left to the last minute, errors could occur. Write the comments with enough time available to proofread for any grammatical or spelling errors. Proofreading also helps to make sure the comment says what the teacher meant to say and that it is clearly understood by the reader. Make sure the student’s name is spelled correctly and that letters in words weren’t interchanged like “ot” instead of “to.”

Here is a checklist of things to look out for when creating comments.

  • Always write the truth.
  • Be specific.
  • Write clear, simple, and concise.
  • Avoid educational jargon and terms.
  • Use synonyms instead of repeating the same words.
  • Write sentences of different lengths.

Generally, comments should be in line with the student’s grades. The comments should be in context to the rest of the assessment. Explaining the student’s grade may be helpful to the parents to know why the child did so well, improved or why they underachieved.

100 Report Card Comment Ideas

Report card comments includes the student’s best achievements, strengths or attributes; their areas of success; and where they need improvement.

Report Card Comments on Student’s Strengths, Skills , Achievements or Positive Habits & Attitude

  • I enjoyed having _____ in my class
  • It was wonderful to have ___ in my class
  • It was a pleasure to have ____ in my class. He/she positively contributed to group activities
  • It was wonderful to have ___’s enthusiasm in the class
  • ____ helped make the year a pleasant one
  • ____ is a pleasant addition to any class with his/her friendly and cooperative attitude
  • ____has a pleasant personality and makes friends easily
  • ____ is friendly and sincere
  • ____’s friendly and fair manner makes him//her good at mediating conflict
  • ____’s friendly and polite manner made him/her a popular member of the __ grade.
  • ____ is eager to help and mentor classmates
  • ____is willing to help
  • ____volunteers regularly
  • ____ is anxious to please
  • ____ showed a willingness to learn with an enthusiastic and positive attitude
  • ____ works well in a group
  • ____ showed appreciation for the contribution and efforts of classmates
  • ____ comfortably takes a leadership role and works well in a team
  • ____ effectively makes and receive suggestions in group activities
  • ____ has a positive attitude toward classmates
  • ____ looks for ways to be helpful in the classroom
  • ____ comprehends quickly
  • ____ enthusiastically participates in
  • ____ is focused in class and eagerly participates
  • ____ is willing to participate in the class and group discussion
  • ____has improved steadily throughout the year
  • ____ accepts responsibility and owns up to his/her mistakes
  • ____’s work habits improved greatly
  • ____ is ready to accept more responsibility
  • ____ has a positive attitude in improving
  • ____ has earned a fine report card
  • ____ progressed consistently
  • ____ pays attention in class and follows directions carefully
  • ____ listens and follows instructions well
  • ____ listens attentively, wants to learn, and tries to avoid distractions
  • ____ listens attentively and follows instructions accurately
  • ____learned to listen better and paying attention in class
  • ____ participates actively in classroom discussions. He/she has matured so much this year and now eagerly raises his/hands
  • ____ follows directions precisely
  • ____ responsible and accountable for his/her actions. He/she admits mistakes and is eager to improve. He/she listens to suggestions on how to improve.
  • ____ communicates maturely with classmates
  • ____ uses his/her time wisely and finishes assignments on time
  • ____ expresses ideas clearly
  • ____ exhibits organizational skills
  • ____ does neat and thorough work
  • ____ is a willing worker who takes a keen interest in all his/her work
  • ____ has great potential and diligently works toward achieving his/her goals
  • ____ is a conscientious worker
  • ____ demonstrates leadership skills
  • ____ performs well in everything he/she undertakes
  • ____ is a hard worker and performed solidly this year with growth in
  • ____ matured nicely this year, academically and socially
  • ____ demonstrates maturity in solving problems and challenging situations
  • ____ has grown in so many ways this year and worked hard to meet
  • ____ manages emotions maturely with appropriate responses to feedback
  • ____ has matured nicely and is no longer so shy but participates enthusiastically and easily in social situations
  • ____ has done wonderfully in overcoming challenges this year. Thank you for your help and cooperation in supporting him/her
  • Thank you for your assistance at home with _________
  • Thank you for the help I know you have given him/her
  • Thank you for your cooperation

Writing the truth isn’t always that easy. Here are card comments ideas to write negative traits or achievements positively.

  • ____ could benefit from
  • ____ could benefit from reading more/many library books
  • ___ needs help with organizational skills, such as
  • ___ could benefit from improving his/her work habits such as
  • ___ needs repetition to retain information
  • ___ would benefit from improving self-control skills
  • Please continue this summer with as many reading experiences as possible
  • ___ has done well in facing challenges this year. Please continue to encourage this behavior over the summer
  • ___ needs to listen more attentively during lessons and group sharing times
  • ___ needs frequent reminders to be attentive during
  • ___ needs to be more attentive during
  • ___ would benefit from contributing and participating more actively in class
  • ___ would benefit from cooperating more in group activities. He/she could work on how to listen to others and voicing his/her opinions
  • ___ would benefit from working more independently and asking assistance only when needed.
  • ____ needs to improve using time wisely when completing assignments
  • ____ needs more practice in completing assignments on time
  • ____ grasps difficult concepts but needs to work faster
  • ____ is encouraged to be responsible in
  • ____ would benefit from practicing ____ this summer. His/her eagerness to do the right thing will help him/her to improve in
  • ____ is encouraged to focus more on completing work within the time frame.
  • ____ would benefit more in engaging in the learning process with improved quality of work and using time wisely
  • ____ needs to work on increasing his/her speed in completing tasks
  • ____ has shown improvement in ____ He/she will benefit more by practicing these skills during the summer
  • ___ sometimes takes too long in completing assignments. With additional practice to working faster, he/she will accomplish even more
  • ___ needs to develop a more mature sense of responsibility
  • ____ will benefit if he/she improves his/her work habits
  • ____needs to listen more attentively to directions
  • ____ has difficulty in retaining
  • ____ needs more practice to complete
  • ____ will benefit if he/she is more consistent in his/her efforts, especially in
  • ____ needs to finish assignments
  • ____ will benefit from practicing his/her handwriting
  • ____ needs the motivation to complete tasks
  • ____ does not work according to his/her ability
  • ____ needs to proofread his/her work before handing in assignments
  • ____’s assignments aren’t neat
  • ____ needs to spend more time on assignments
  • ____ needs to learn to be less sensitive about
  • ____ needs to learn to listen and wait until someone has finished talking and not interrupt them
  • ___ will benefit from applying his/her skills to all work, especially

Great Year End Report Card Extras For Kindness, Respect, Extra Time Preschool Social Skills – Quality Report Card Comments

End of term development of time management – end messages – ending comments for grades, hard work habits and skills.

If you’d like a Free Downloadable copy of this list, we now have that available. Just click the button below to download the pdf file of these report cards for students.

Bryan Bigari is the current editor of Fractus Learning. As a father of three, Bryan has a passion for helping kids to both excel in school and have fun with friends and parents. He has worked on education issues at the state and federal level, and is looking forward to sharing his first hand education and toy knowledge with you.

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homework comments for report cards

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homework comments for report cards

100 Sample Report Card Comments and 5 Strategies for Simplifying Report Cards

April 7, 2020 by Evan-Moor | 1 Comment

100 Sample Report Card Comments and 5 Strategies for Simplifying Report Cards

I don’t know any teacher who looks forward to doing report cards. This time always seems to be packed to the max with additional testing days and long to-do lists. Despite this, report cards are an important tool that schools employ to show parents how their child is progressing in school and should be completed with careful consideration.

Report card comments should be personalized for each student and provide meaningful feedback to help parents understand their child’s progress. The most important concept to remember when writing report card comments is to frame each statement in encouraging and positive language.

Here are a few tips to help you provide honest and valuable feedback while being encouraging and professional, including 100 sample report card comments that you can use today.

Download a free PDF of 100 Report Card Comments here! 

5 strategies for simplifying report cards, 1. employ the sandwich feedback technique:.

  • Always begin with a positive comment and end with a positive comment. This approach can help parents receive any negative feedback with the understanding that you “see” their child and are approaching his or her learning with a “growth mindset” and not criticism.

2. Highlight areas of growth

  • Every student has areas of growth throughout the school year. Find an area he or she has improved on and mention it. It could be in a field of study such as reading comprehension, fluency, math facts, handwriting, asking important questions or a personal attribute such as persevering, helping others, leadership in the classroom, etc.

3. Expand on areas of improvement

  • Highlight important areas for improvement and provide practical advice/examples of how to work on this at home. Provide simple strategies that parents can implement that will give them a tangible tool to help their child at home. Even if you think the parent won’t or isn’t interested, it is a good idea to provide documented options for your school files.

4. Be transparent

  • Being honest about students’ progress takes careful consideration. Be tactful in your comments and back up your observations with specific examples. (I recommend taking notes on students’ progress throughout the semester and using this documentation during report card time.) This is also a great time to include helpful strategies/ resources and offer advice on how parents can support their student at home.

5. Proofread

  • Always proofread your reports before sending them. Report cards reflect you as a teacher and should be treated with the same consideration you show your students in the classroom.

100 Report Card Comments


  • Takes an active role in discussions.
  • Consistently cooperates with the teacher and other students.
  • Listens well and shares ideas frequently.
  • Works democratically with peers.
  • Shows self-confidence in…
  • Works well in groups, planning and carrying out activities.
  • Follows directions well.
  • An enthusiastic learner who enjoys school.
  • Tackles new challenges with a positive attitude.
  • Has a positive attitude about school.
  • Consistently makes good choices during the school day.
  • Shows respect for peers and teachers.
  • Transitions easily between classroom activities and is not a distraction to others.
  • Is sensitive to the thoughts and opinions of others.
  • Is a leader and positive role model for students.
  • Is enthusiastic about participating.
  • Takes an active part in discussions about (topic).
  • Speaks with confidence.
  • Volunteers often.
  • Has a great sense of humor and enjoys our class assignments.

Needs Improvement

  • Has difficulty staying focused and on task. · Needs to actively participate in classroom discussion.
  • Needs to work on not distracting others during class.
  • Is learning to be careful, cooperative, and fair.
  • I would like to see him/her work on…
  • One area for improvement is…
  • Eager to participate in class but needs to raise his/her hand.
  • Is becoming more independent when completing class assignments.
  • Needs frequent reminders to stay focused throughout the day.
  • When motivated, does well on class assignments.
  • Needs to work on following written and oral directions.
  • Needs to actively participate in classroom discussions.
  • Frequent absences are affecting (name’s) schoolwork.
  • Needs to work on treating others with respect.
  • Needs to work on completing homework assignments on time.
  • Frequently comes to class unprepared.
  • Often seems tired at school.
  • Gets upset easily when (topic).
  • Although _____________’s growth in social skills and maturity is continuing, it is not consistent.
  • _______ continues to make nice progress this year concerning his/her attitude in the classroom and on the playground.

Time Management/Work Habits

  • Uses class time wisely.
  • Is a self-motivated student.
  • Completes work on time.
  • Is very organized.
  • Demonstrates problem-solving skills and is persistent.
  • Has done a great job facing and overcoming big challenges this year.
  • Is very responsible and turns in work on time.
  • Is a flexible learner and adapts to changes easily.
  • Has made improvements in the area of…
  • Has strengthened his/her skills in…
  • Does not complete assignments on time. Seems unable to finish.
  • Is encouraged to use time wisely to finish tasks in the time required.
  • Struggles to stay organized and find appropriate materials (paper/pencil).
  • Needs to slow down to improve the quality of his/her work.
  • Is not working to full potential.
  • Is easily distracted.
  • Needs to listen and follow directions more carefully.
  • Needs more opportunities to…
  • Grades are suffering because of missed assignments.
  • Would benefit from…

Growth Mindset

  • Has demonstrated very good progress this year.
  • Is learning how to be a better listener and takes direction well.
  • Has worked very hard this year and has made strong gains in the area of ______.
  • Has shown great improvement with ______.
  • Is progressing nicely and shows consistent improvement in many areas of schoolwork, including ______.
  • Is learning to be cooperative when working in groups.
  • Is developing more positive ways to interact with others.
  • Is listening to directions more carefully.
  • Has continued to make steady progress with…
  • Has shown noticeable improvement in…

General Subject Area Comments

  • Has good reading and decoding skills.
  • Is reading well at level…
  • Uses reading strategies to increase his/her reading comprehension.
  • Is reading smoothly and with good expression.
  • Struggles with reading comprehension.
  • I would like to see (name) read for 15 minutes each night.
  • Is choosing books that are too simple for his/her level.
  • Has difficulty using reading strategies to decode new words.
  • Needs to learn basic sight words to improve decoding skills.
  • Needs to build reading vocabulary.
  • Uses various strategies to solve one- and two-step word problems.
  • Demonstrates a good understanding of math concepts.
  • Demonstrates strong problem-solving skills.
  • Has strengthened his/her critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Has difficulty understanding/solving word problems.
  • Understands skills and strategies but has a difficult time explaining processes.
  • Would benefit from memorizing math facts.
  • Has difficulty solving multi-step problems.
  • Needs to slow down and check work.
  • Memorizing basic math facts would be helpful to…
  • Is willing to learn new writing skills and quickly applies these skills within his/her writing.
  • Understands and applies the correct use of punctuation within writing.
  • Writing is clear and follows grammar and punctuation rules.
  • Enjoys writing stories and can construct unique and interesting sentences.
  • Is able to create clear and effective writing that is interesting to read and easy to comprehend.
  • Has shown great improvement with his/her writing skills and is consistently increasing his or her writing comprehension and techniques.
  • Has difficulty writing clear and understandable sentences.
  • Words are often misplaced throughout his/her writing.
  • Frequently displays grammatical errors within his/her writing.
  • (Name) needs to slow down and review his/her writing.

Report cards are used to show parents what students have learned, areas they excel in, and areas for improvement. Although report card grades reflect how well a student is performing against a set of standards, I would refrain from any comparisons on report cards. Every student matures and develops at a different rate, and it is important not to focus on how well children compare to their classmates, but rather to highlight how they are excelling in their personal goals/growth.

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76 Best Report Card Comments Samples for Teachers

Report Card Comments Samples

What Makes a Good Report Card Comment?

76 report card comments examples, 5 tips for writing effective report card comments.

Giving students constructive criticism is one of the most important tasks a teacher faces. It can be difficult to know how to best communicate with a student about their progress, especially when it comes to report card comments . This guide will help you write effective report card comments that are clear, concise, and accurate. So let’s get started!

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There are a few key things to keep in mind when writing report card comments. Here is what makes a good report card comment:

1. Positive and Solution-Focused

It’s important to focus on the positive when writing report card comments. For every negative comment, there should be at least two positive comments. This report card comment strategy is a great way to make sure you’re including both positive and negative feedback in your comments.

2. Clear and Concise

A good report card comment Report card comments should be clear and concise. This means avoiding generalities and using specific, concrete examples. This will help the student (and their parents) understand what they need to work on.

3. Accurate

Report card comments should be accurate. This means making sure your comments align with the grades the student has earned. There’s no point in sugar-coating a bad grade – it will only confuse the student and their parents.

Now that we’ve gone over what makes a good report card comment, let’s look at some tips for writing effective report card comments.

Vector image of a person holding a report card

11 Academic Achievement

Academic Achievement Comments

6 Outstanding Academic Achievement Comments

This is for students who have performed well academically. These comments assess a student’s progress and encourage future academic success.

1. ______ is an excellent student who always comes prepared for class. He is a joy to have in class and is always willing to help out other students.

2. _______ is a smart and inquisitive student who loves to learn. She is a pleasure to have in class and is always asking questions.

3. _______ is a hard-working student who is always trying his best. This year, he has made great progress, and I’m excited to see what he does next year.

4. _______ is a gifted student who excels in all her subjects. She has a bright future ahead of her, and I’m excited to see what she accomplishes.

5. _______ is a talented student who has a real passion for learning. He is always asking questions and is eager to get his hands on new material. 6. _______  is a well-rounded student who consistently performs at a high level. Their strong work ethic and positive attitude contribute to their success.

5 Partially Meeting Expectation Comments This is for students who are partially meeting expectations academically.

1. _______ is an intelligent student who has great potential. He needs to work on staying focused in class and following directions.

2. _______ is a hard-working student who is making progress. She need to work on ___________ and ___________.

3. _______ has moments of greatness, but he needs to be more consistent with his effort and focus.

4. _______ is a bright student, but she needs to learn to apply herself more consistently.

5. _______ is a hard worker, but he needs to improve his organizational skills.

5 Social/Emotional Development

SocialEmotional Development Report Card Comments

This is for students who are developing well socially and emotionally .

1. _______ is a kind and caring student who always looks out for others. He is a good friend to all and is always willing to help.

2. _______ has made great strides in his/her social development this year. She/he is more confident and able to express herself/himself well.

3. _______ works well with others and is able to take turns and share.

4. _______ is a leader among his/her peers and is often looked up to by other students.

5. _______  is an independent thinker who is not afraid to express his/her opinions.

5 General Development

This is for students who are developing well academically, socially, and emotionally.

1. _______ has made great strides in his/her development this year. He is more confident and independent and is doing well academically.

2. _______ is a happy and thriving student who loves school. She is making friends and doing well academically.

3. _______ is a well-rounded student who is doing well in all areas. He is a good friend, does his best in school, and loves to learn.

4. _______ is a joy to have in class. She is polite, hard-working, and always has a smile on her face.

5. _______ is a model student who always puts his best foot forward. He is a role model to others and sets a good example for all to follow. 10 Communication Skills Report Card Comments

Report card comment for communication skills

5 Positive Communication Skills Report Card Comments

1. ______ communicates their ideas effectively and listens attentively during class discussions.

2. ______ excels in expressing themselves clearly both verbally and through written work.

3. ______ demonstrates strong persuasion skills when presenting arguments or opinions in class.

4. ______ is respectful and thoughtful in their interactions, always ensuring to give others a chance to speak.

5. ______ uses polite and appropriate language in all forms of communication, setting a great example for peers.

5 Needs Improvement in  Communication Skills Report Card Comments

1. ______ would benefit from participating more in class discussions to build their confidence in public speaking.

2. ______ needs to work on organizing their thoughts more clearly before speaking to improve clarity.

3. ______ should focus on listening more attentively to instructions and peers’ contributions during discussions.

4. ______ is encouraged to ask for clarification when they do not understand something, rather than remaining silent.

5. ______ could improve their ability to follow multi-step directions by repeating back what they need to do.

10 Classroom Behavior Report Card Comments

Classroom Behavior Report Card Comments

5 Positive Behavior Report Card Comments

1. ______ consistently demonstrates responsible behavior by following class rules and completing tasks on time.

2. ______ is a role model in the classroom, always behaving with integrity and respect towards others.

3. ______ listens attentively and actively participates in class discussions.

4. ______ maintains a positive attitude towards learning and is always eager to participate in school activities.

5. ______ shows great respect for school property and the belongings of others, always treating them with care.

5 Needs Improvement Behavior Report Card Comments

1. ______ occasionally disrupts class by talking out of turn, which can distract peers.

2. ______ needs to work on following directions the first time they are given.

3. ______ sometimes has difficulty controlling impulses, which leads to rushed decisions and actions.

4. ______ can improve in showing respect during class time by not interrupting others.

5. ______ would benefit from developing better strategies to manage frustration and stay calm under pressure.

20 Academic Level Report Card Comments

Academic level report card

10 Language Arts Comments

5 Positive Report Card Comments for Language Arts

1. ______ has shown impressive progress in reading comprehension and can now summarize the key points of a story accurately.

2. ______ expresses their thoughts clearly and creatively in writing, showing a strong understanding of grammar and sentence structure.

3. ______ actively participates in class discussions and demonstrates a strong ability to use new vocabulary in context.

4. ______ has developed a genuine enthusiasm for reading, exploring a variety of genres and authors.

5. ______ consistently demonstrates excellent listening skills during story time and class instructions.

5 Improvement Report Card Comments for Language Arts

1. ______ would benefit from spending more time on spelling and phonics exercises to improve reading fluency.

2. ______ is encouraged to focus on developing clearer handwriting to enhance the legibility of their written work.

3. ______ needs to work on organizing their thoughts more coherently in writing, using paragraph breaks and transitional phrases.

4. ______ has a strong foundation in grammar. Focusing on sentence structure and vocabulary will further enhance their writing

5. ” ______ is advised to participate more actively in group discussions to boost their confidence in speaking.

10 Math Report Card Comments

5 Positive Math Report Card Comments

1. ______ has mastered the concepts taught this term and is able to solve complex math problems with accuracy.

2. ______ demonstrates a solid understanding of mathematical concepts and applies them effectively in problem-solving.

3. ______ is very methodical and thorough in their approach to solving math equations and rarely makes careless mistakes.

4. ______ shows excellent analytical skills, which helps them excel in math challenges and competitions.

5. ______ consistently completes math assignments on time and with a high degree of precision.

5 Needs Improvement Math Report Card Comments

1. ______ should practice multiplication and division facts to increase speed and confidence in problem-solving.

2. ______ needs to work on understanding and applying word problems more effectively by breaking down the problems into simpler steps.

3. ______ could improve in checking their work for errors before submitting assignments to avoid simple calculation mistakes.

4. ______ is encouraged to ask more questions in class when unsure of a concept, to avoid falling behind.

5. ______ would benefit from using visual aids and manipulatives to better understand complex math concepts.

A report card

1. Use Specific, Concrete Examples

One of the most important things to do when writing report card comments is to use specific, concrete examples. This will help the student understand what they need to work on. For example, instead of saying, “______ needs to work on his behavior,” you could say, “_____ needs to work on staying seated during class.”

2. Avoid Generalities

When writing comments on a report card, it’s important to avoid generalities. For example, instead of writing “Your child is a joy to have in class,” try something more specific, such as “Your child is always willing to help out other students.” This will give the student and their family a better idea of what they’re doing well and what areas they can continue to improve in.

3. Use Positive Language

It’s essential to use positive language when writing report card comments. This means avoiding negative words like “doesn’t,” “won’t,” and “can’t.” For example, instead of writing “_____ doesn’t pay attention in class,” try “_____ is working on paying attention in class.” This small change can make a big difference in how students and their families perceive their progress.

4. Employ Sandwich Technique

The sandwich technique is a great way to deliver both positive and negative feedback in a report card comment. This means starting with a positive comment, followed by constructive criticism, and ending with another positive comment. This gives the student a sense of their progress while still providing areas for improvement.

5. Proofread Your Comments

When writing report card comments, it’s important to be clear and accurate. However, it’s also important to make sure that your comments are free of typos and grammatical errors. After all, you don’t want to give a student or their family the wrong impression about their academic progress! Make sure to proofread your comments before sending them home.

Now that we’ve gone over some tips for writing effective report card comments let’s take a look at some examples.

Let’s Grade!

Teacher hand close shot preparing the report card on desk

Now that we have gone over some tips for writing effective report card comments and examples of what to write, it’s time to get started on those report cards! We hope this guide has been helpful and wish you the best of luck in the new school year.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What should i do if i’m having trouble coming up with something to write.

If you’re struggling to come up with something to write, try focusing on the positive. Instead of starting with what the student needs to work on, start with what the student is doing well. This will help you brainstorm some ideas of things to say. You can also ask other teachers or the student’s parents for input.

Can I use report card comments from other sources?

While you can use comments from other sources as inspiration, you must take the time to personalize each comment. This way, the student and their family will know that you took the time to write something specifically for them.

What if I need to give a student negative feedback?

If you need to give a student negative feedback, it’s essential to be clear, concise, and constructive. For example, instead of writing “________ is lazy and doesn’t do his work,” try “________ needs to work on being more diligent with his schoolwork.” It’s also important to balance any negative comments with positive ones. This way, the student and their family will know that you still see potential and are invested in their success.

Do I need to write a comment for every subject?

While you don’t need to write a comment for every subject, it’s generally a good idea to do so. This way, the student and their family will have a complete picture of their progress. If you’re short on time, try focusing on the subjects that the student is struggling in or that you feel are most important.

What is the best way to end a report card comment?

The best way to end a report card comment is with a statement of hope or encouragement. For example, you could write, “I’m looking forward to seeing ________ progress in the second half of the year” or “I know that ________ can reach his/her goals if he/she continues to work hard.”

homework comments for report cards

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homework comments for report cards

100 Report Card Comments You Can Use Now

100 Report Card Comments

When teachers talk about the joys of teaching, I’m pretty sure they aren’t talking about report card writing. It may just rank right up there with indoor recess, yard duty, and staff meetings. But report cards don’t have to be such a pain.

Here are a few report card general principles, followed by my handy dandy list of editable go-to phrases…

Three Report Card Comment Principles

1. Be Truthful but Kind

A report card’s main purpose is to inform parents about their child’s progress. While there should be no major surprises ( BIG/major issues should have already been discussed with the child’s parents/guardians ), regardless of how well the child is doing or how poorly, the report card should be an honest reflection of that child’s performance.

Having said that, of course, we want to word things in a way that is as positive as we can be and in a way that is encouraging, offering suggestions for improvement, rather than discouragement.

2. Follow the Magical Report Card Comment Format

If the child is doing well overall… you are golden!!! An easy report card is one that I LOVE to do. Unfortunately, not all students are Einsteins or angels, and we have to mention some areas that need improvement. That’s when we use the magical format, which is…

A. Start with a compliment… you might have to dig deep here and get creative, while still being genuine. Remember, every student has attributes we can praise, even the most challenging ones. You might mention the child’s attitude, personality, social skills, sense of humor, willingness or desire to help, special skill in art/music, etc.

B. Next, add a line or two about what is challenging the child , and how he/she struggles in a certain area. Don’t include a laundry list of 20 things to work on. Prioritize the list and highlight the MOST important issues. Also, do make sure to offer a solution or suggestion that is practical and helpful .

C. End on a positive note. Again, a compliment is a nice touch any time of the year, and for the end of the year report card, a best wishes for ____ grade or have a wonderful summer, or I’m so glad to have been ____’s teacher this year, and so on works well.

3. Proofread and Check, then Proofread Again

Report card time is crunch time, and when we’re trying to speed through things and get them done, those nasty little typos pop up where we least expect them.

Do make sure to double-check everything before you hit enter/print to send them home. All communication with parents is seen as a reflection of ourselves as teachers and should be as perfect as we can make it.

Now that the principles are out of the way, here is my list of 100+ report card comments (updated to include 150 comments!).

I’ve included a wide variety of comments for the wide variety of ability levels and behavioral challenges of the students that we teach in our classrooms..

Want your own set of 150 comments in three formats – Printable PDF, editable PowerPoint, and Editable Digital? Click here to take a peek!


  • _____has worked very hard this semester/year, and I am proud of all of his/her accomplishments.
  • ______ is making/has made good/excellent/wonderful/outstanding progress in _____ grade.
  • _____ has done a(n)/fantastic/exemplary/wonderful/excellent job this year/semester in _____ grade and has worked so very hard.
  • I appreciate _____’s quality work/motivation to do well/attitude, and I am enjoying/have enjoyed being his/her teacher.
  •  ______ arrives at school each day with a positive/cheerful/happy attitude, ready to learn.
  • _____ is an excellent _____ grader, and he/she has made our classroom a better place.
  • _____ is doing/has done an(a) excellent/ outstanding/wonderful/ great/ fantastic job overall this semester/year.
  • _______has made good/excellent/extraordinary/fantastic/outstanding progress in all academic areas.
  • _____ is bright, motivated, and hard-working and can be proud of his/her accomplishments this semester/year.
  • _____ is intrinsically motivated and strives to please/produce top-quality/excellent work. I am enjoying/have enjoyed being his/her teacher.
  • _____ seems to enjoy school, and his/her positive attitude brightens up our classroom.
  • _____is a bright and inquisitive student who enjoys learning. He/she is a pleasure to have in class.
  • _____ has learned a great deal this semester/year and has shown particular progress/improvement in _____.
  • _______ is a(an) hard-working/attentive/determined student and is working/doing well in all subject areas.
  • _____ is a very polite/hard-working/bright student and a pleasure to be around. I am enjoying/have enjoyed being his/her teacher.
  • _____is a(n) awesome/wonderful/amazing/fabulous ____ grader, and I have enjoyed getting to know him/her this year.
  • I am so proud of _____ and wish him/her well for _____ grade and beyond.
  • I have truly enjoyed being _____’s teacher and will miss him/her next year.
  • I have enjoyed teaching ______ this year. He/she loves to learn and has shown growth throughout the year. Wishing him/her continued success.
  • _____ has been a wonderful_____ grader, and I’m so glad to have him in class. His/her great attitude/strong work ethic/hard work/determination are to be admired. He/she has a bright future ahead.
  • _____ is a hard-working/bright/likable/motivated student. I have thoroughly enjoyed having him/her in class this year. Have a wonderful summer!


  • _______has made good/excellent/wonderful/fantastic/outstanding progress in all academic areas.
  • _______ is a(an) hard-working/attentive/determined student and is working well in all subject areas.
  • _____ shows strong knowledge/strengths in the area of _____.
  • _____ has exceeded expectations in ______.
  • _____ demonstrates superior work in ______. I appreciate his/her dedication and effort.
  • _____ consistently puts forth his/her best effort in _____, which is wonderful/lovely/great to see.
  • _____ shows special/unique/particular strengths in the area of social studies/science/reading/writing/math… and has done very well this trimester/year.
  • _____ seems to enjoy reading/writing/math/science/social .. and has done an excellent/amazing job this year.
  • _____ has a good understanding/sense of theme/the main idea/ characters/ plot/ inferences, which strengthens his/her reading ability.
  • _____ reads smoothly and with good expression.
  • _____ is able to use data from graphs and charts/use a compass successfully/convert measurements correctly.
  • _____ uses reading strategies such as _____ effectively, which increases his/her reading comprehension.
  • _____ has a large/extensive/rich vocabulary, which adds to his/her ability to write effectively.
  • _____ enjoys poetry/reading/music/science/art… and excels in it.
  •  _____ is a very talented artist/writer, and I truly enjoy the detail/attention/ passion he/she puts into his/her artwork/writing.
  • _____ excels in creative/narrative/opinion/expository/report writing…
  • _____ produces stories/essays/paragraphs/research reports that are well-organized/ developed.
  • _____ has strong reading comprehension/math computation skills.
  • _____ is a creative student, and I have enjoyed seeing the wonderful writing/art projects/drawings he/she has created/written.
  • _____ uses higher-level thinking skills to complete challenging assignments.
  • _____ demonstrates a good understanding of math/reading/social studies/science… concepts.
  • _____ shows strong problem-solving skills in math/decoding skills in reading/grammar skills in writing/map skills in social studies…
  • _____ goes beyond grade-level expectations in _____. He/she often/ consistently sets and meets/exceeds academic goals.
  • _____ demonstrates a deep understanding of _____ concepts.
  • _____ has an impressive understanding and knowledge of _____.


  • ______has strengthened his/her skills in _____.
  • ______has made good/excellent/wonderful/fantastic/outstanding progress in all academic areas.
  • ______ has made good/great/tremendous/significant improvement in _____.
  • _____ has worked hard to raise his/her grade in _____, and I appreciate his/her effort.
  • _____ has learned a great deal this semester/year and has shown particular improvement in _____.
  • _____ has shown steady progress/strong gains/excellent progress in the area of _____. I’m pleased with his/her effort.
  • _____ is making good progress in ______ this semester. Please encourage him/her to continue to ______.
  • _____ has shown improvement in _____, which is great to see. Please encourage him/her to continue to _____ each day/in the coming weeks to keep the momentum going.
  • _____ is making good progress in ______ but would benefit from ______ to continue showing growth.
  • I have been pleased to see that _____ is continuing to grow/consistently progressing/improving steadily in independence in/with ______.
  • _____’s quality of work has shown good/great/exceptional growth this semester.


  • _____is intelligent but works below his/her capacity/potential due to a lack of motivation/attention to quality work.
  • Unfortunately, _____’s grades have suffered from missing assignments.
  • _____is gaining confidence in _____ but would benefit from _____.
  • Please encourage _____ to _____each day to help him/her improve in _____.
  • _____ seems to find _____ challenging and would benefit from reading nightly/practicing math facts/working online…
  • _____ is capable of achieving a higher grade in _____ but needs to______ in order to make progress.
  • _____ seems to have difficulty at times with reading comprehension/ math computation/writing paragraphs… and would benefit from _____.
  • _____ needs to slow down in order to produce quality/carefully done work.
  • _____ needs to memorize his/her basic math facts in order to complete complex math problems more easily/efficiently/quickly.
  • _____ would benefit from _____ to fully memorize basic math facts.
  • Memorizing basic addition/multiplication math facts would be very helpful to _____.
  • Science/social studies tests have been very difficult for _____, and he/she would benefit from increasing the time spent studying the material.
  • This trimester, I would like to see _____ to work on _____.
  • This trimester, it would be helpful for _____ to focus on _____ in order to _____.
  • _____ needs lots of repetition and practice in order to retain _____.
  • I would like to see _____ pay closer attention to _____ in order to _____.
  • When ______ is motivated, he/she does well on class assignments.
  • _____ is excelling in many skills but needs to concentrate on ______.
  • I would like to see ____ focus on _____ each day/in the coming months.
  • _____ shows interest/has enthusiasm/seems motivated for everything we do in class. However, he/she is having some difficulty with ______. It would be helpful if he/she would ______ each night.
  • Even with extra help, _____ experiences difficulty with _____. It would benefit ______ to ______.
  • _____ rarely asks for help when he/she is confused/doesn’t understand something. We will continue to encourage _____ to ask for assistance whenever it is needed.
  • _____ exhibits minimal confidence in his/her ______ skills. It would be helpful to _____.
  • _____ is struggling to meet/maintain grade-level expectations in _____. Let’s work together to help _____ be successful in this area.


  • _____ completes his/her work carefully and completely/thoroughly.
  • I appreciate _____’s neat work, which is carefully done.
  •  _____ is very organized and finds needed materials easily.
  • ______ pays attention to detail in his/her assignments, and I appreciate the high quality of his/her work.
  • _____ turns in work that is beautifully/carefully/thoroughly done.
  • _____ has a strong work ethic and never completes any assignment halfway.
  • _____ is very responsible and turns in assignments/homework on time.
  • ____ takes tremendous pride in his/her work and completes assignments carefully.
  • _____ is focused on creating quality work and completes assignments carefully/thoroughly.
  • _____’s attention to detail can be seen in the quality of his/her work. I appreciate the care he/she takes in each assignment.
  • _____ takes pride in his/her work and consistently turns in neat and carefully completed work.
  • _____’s motivation/attitude is reflected in the work he/she turns in/creates. I am pleased to see his/her well-thought-out/thoroughly completed assignments.
  • I appreciate ______’s dedication to his/her learning/studies in class.


  • _____ needs to complete his/her work carefully and completely/ thoroughly.
  • _____ would benefit by taking responsibility to turn in assignments and/or homework on time.
  • I am concerned about _____’s organizational skills and his/her responsibility related to turning in assignments on time.
  • ______ struggles with organizational skills in the classroom and needs to keep his/her desk/workspace neater to make his/her day run more smoothly.
  • _____ struggles to find needed papers/materials and would benefit from using a folder/a binder/keeping a neater desk…
  • _____ tends to work too quickly, often resulting in careless mistakes.
  • I would like to see _____ focus on _____ in the coming months.
  • This trimester, I would like _____ to work on _____.
  • I would like to see _____ pay closer attention to ____ in order to _____.


  • _____ follows classroom rules consistently and is a good role model.
  • _____ has a positive attitude and is a joy to teach.
  •  _____ is on task regardless of the activity.
  •  _____ seems to enjoy school, and his/her positive attitude brightens up our classroom.
  •  _____ listens attentively to directions, and I appreciate his/her ability to understand the assignment and to start work right away.
  •  _____ has an excellent attitude and is always willing to lend a hand.
  •  _____ is a(an) wonderful/excellent helper and a classroom leader.
  •  _____ is polite to classmates and to all adults on staff at school.
  • _____ arrives at school each day with a positive/happy attitude, ready to learn.
  • _____ works independently and is able to complete enrichment activities when he/she is finished with required assignments.
  • _____ is able to focus and stays on task during independent working times.
  •  _____ uses class time constructively/efficiently/wisely.
  •  _____ works respectfully during independent work times.
  • ____ is a hard-working student who sets goals and reaches them.
  • _____ is a dependable/responsible/conscientious student.
  • _____ has made great strides this year in terms of _____ in the classroom/on the playground.
  • _____ has a strong work ethic and takes responsibilities seriously.
  • _____is a very respectful/kind/caring/considerate classmate/student, and I appreciate having him/her in class.
  • _____ shows determination/perseverance when faced with a challenging task.
  • _____ enjoys participating in class lessons, and his/her background knowledge adds a great deal to our discussions.
  • _____ is able to share appropriate and relevant information, which adds to classroom discussions.
  • _____ is an active participant in small groups as well as whole-class discussions/activities/projects.
  • _____ listens well and takes an active role in class lessons/class discussions/class activities/group work.
  • _____’s persistence/determination/hard work in _____ is exemplary.


  • _____ is intelligent but works below his/her capacity/potential due to off-task behaviors/a lack of motivation/attention to quality work.
  • _______ has done well in many areas, but I am concerned that his/her lack of listening/focus/motivation and following directions/working independently/working quietly has contributed to his lower grade in _____.
  • _____ struggles with following classroom rules and needs to focus on working quietly/staying in his/her seat…
  •  _____ is very talkative during quiet working periods and distracts others around him/her.
  •  Working quietly is very difficult for _____, and I would like him/her to focus on his/her work so that he/she, as well as others around him/her, are able to attend to the task at hand/learn more effectively/concentrate…
  •  _____ needs to listen and follow directions carefully during class time.
  •  I would like to see _____ put more effort into showing respect/kindness/ thoughtfulness to his classmates to strengthen social skills.
  •  _____ needs to work on taking turns speaking/working more cooperatively with classmates.
  • _____ needs to focus on raising his/her hand to speak/listening to others/waiting for others to finish before speaking/listening skills.
  • ______’s listening skills need improvement.
  •  This trimester, I would like _____ to focus on _____ in order to _____.
  • Academically, _____ is doing well overall. I would like him/her to focus on showing more kindness/respect/cooperation to his/her classmates.
  •  _____ needs frequent reminders to stay on task throughout the school day.
  • _____ needs to follow school rules at lunchtime and on the playground.
  •  _____ gets along well with classmates, but needs to work on staying on task and not socializing.
  • _____ is an intelligent student with great potential. However, he/she needs to work on staying focused in class and following directions.
  • _____ is very social and is well-liked. His/her conversations during independent work times, though, have made it difficult for _____, as well as those around him/her, to finish work successfully/to create quality work/to concentrate on the task at hand/to learn/ to complete assignments.
  • _____ has a social personality, but his/her chatting in class can be disruptive. He/she needs to work on staying focused during class so he/she and others around him/her can complete class assignments/stay on task.
  • _____ is often eager to participate in class discussions but needs to remember to raise his/her hand/wait to be called on…
  • _____ has made progress with ______ but is still struggling. Let’s continue to encourage ______ to ______.


  • _____ succeeds at whatever task he/she puts his/her mind to.
  • _____ sets high standards for himself/herself and reaches them.
  • _____ is intrinsically motivated and strives to please/produce top-quality/excellent work.
  • _____ enjoys being challenged and would benefit from _____.
  • I appreciate _____’s quality work/motivation to do well/positive attitude, and I am enjoying/have enjoyed being his/her teacher.
  • _____ is truly/genuinely eager to learn and asks questions appropriately when needed.
  • _____ shows interest and enthusiasm for classroom activities and seems to enjoy learning.
  • _____ shows determination/perseverance when faced with any task/a challenging task.
  •  _____ is a hard-working student who sets goals and reaches them.
  • _____ is self-motivated and consistently produces quality work.


  • _____ is respectful to his/her classmates and is very well-liked.
  •  _____ is helpful and kind and is a pleasure to be around.
  • _____ works well with other students.
  •  _____ not only works well with his/her classmates but is a natural leader.
  • _____ is very compassionate and always shows kindness to others.
  • _____ is polite to classmates and to all adults on staff at school.
  • _____ is respectful and considerate of others.
  •  _____ demonstrates positive character traits in the classroom.
  • _____ is positive/confident and is a great role model for his/her classmates.
  • _____ is an exceptionally thoughtful student who is consistently considerate/respectful/kind to others.
  • _____is a very respectful/kind/caring/considerate classmate, and I appreciate having him/her in class.
  • _____ is a likable student with strong social skills. He/she works well with others.
  • _____has a positive attitude/is a very polite student and is a joy to teach.
  • _____ is a hard-working student who sets goals and reaches them.
  • _____ is a problem solver and shows a great deal of persistence.
  • _____ displays good citizenship in our classroom.
  • _____ has an excellent attitude and is always willing to lend a hand.
  • _____ is a(an) wonderful/excellent helper and a classroom leader.
  • I am enjoying/have enjoyed _____’s sense of humor in our classroom.
  • _____ has a wonderful personality, and his/her sense of humor makes me smile.
  • _____ is a flexible learner and adapts easily to new challenges.
  • _____ works respectfully during independent work times.
  • _____ makes a sincere effort and works hard in class.
  • _____ is a kind and caring student who is a good friend to others.
  • _____ does his/her best in school each day. I appreciate his/her positive attitude/motivation/determination.
  • _____ is an enthusiastic member of the class and comes to school each day ready to learn. I appreciate his/her positive outlook/hard-working attitude/approach to learning.


  •  _______ is an intelligent student with great potential. He/she needs to work on staying focused in class and following directions.
  •  ______ needs frequent reminders to stay on task/focus throughout the school day.
  •  _____ is excelling in many skills but needs to concentrate on ______.
  • I would like to see ____ focus on/work to improve _____ in the coming months.
  • ___ needs to focus on/practice raising his/her hand to speak/listening to others/waiting for others to finish before speaking/listening skills.
  • I would like to see _____ put more effort into showing respect/kindness/ thoughtfulness to his classmates to strengthen/improve social skills.
  • _____ needs to work on taking turns speaking/working cooperatively with classmates.
  • _____ has a wonderful personality but needs to work more respectfully during independent/quiet work times…
  • _____ needs to work on showing more respect/kindness/ compassion/ cooperation to his/her classmates.
  • _____ needs to practice showing cooperation when working with other students/in small groups/during centers/during specials…

If you’d like your own set of report card comments in three formats (printable PDF, editable PowerPoint, and editable Digital in Google Slides) from The Teacher Next Door, please click here: 👉 100+ Report Card Comments You Can Use Now

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Report Card Comments & Phrases—Work and Study Habits

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Report Card Comments & Phrases—Work Habits

Report card comments.

As I have explained in my previous reports, ________ does not use his/her time wisely in class. Please help him/her to understand that we study in class and play at only certain times in school.

When _______ is able to settle down, he/she does much better work. However, he/she is often seeking the attention of his/her classmates, which causes distraction for everyone.

As we have discussed in previous meetings, __________ must continue to improve his/her study habits. We need to encourage him/her to be much more serious about the work he does.

_______ loves artistic activities. However, I am concerned about the amount of time he/she spends drawing when he/she has other work to do. Can we please meet to discuss strategies to help _________ correct this issue?

________ is doing grade-level work at this time. However, I am sure he is capable of turning in better work. When he improves his concentration abilities, I know the work will improve.

_______ misuses much of his work time daydreaming and then does not complete the work in time. He is capable of finishing the work in the allotted time and needs to start doing so.

________ has been doing good work at times, but it is not consistent. She can be very social and restless and often does not finish his/her work on time. Thank you for your help at home. Please continue to work with him/her on this issue.

________ is very anxious to get his/her work done, yet he/she tends to be bothersome to other students around him/her. Although he/she has shown progress in this area over the past month, he/she still needs to work on it.

_______ is having difficulty because he frequently talks out loud and disturbs the other students. He is trying to improve this bad habit and has shown some growth in the past few weeks.

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Report Card Phrases

______ works well in groups, planning and carrying out activities.

______ needs to work democratically with others in groups.

______ needs to develop a better sense of responsibility.

______ wants responsibilities and follows through.

______ now accepts responsibility well.

______ is an attentive student.

______ is gaining self-confidence.

______'s work habits are improving.

______ has the ability to follow directions.

______ requires incentives.

______'s assignments and/or homework are incomplete and/or late.

______ needs to pay attention in class.

______ needs better study skills.

Please encourage him/her to do things on his/her own.

______ is learning to listen to directions more carefully.

______ is learning to be a better listener.

______ is learning to share and listen.

______ listens carefully.

______ is a good worker and an attentive listener.

______ evaluates what he/she hears.

______ needs to listen to all directions.

______ has difficulty following directions.

______'s hand work is beautifully done.

______ enjoys doing neat, careful work.

______'s work is neatly and accurately done.

______ does colorful and interesting art work.

______ takes pride in work well done.

______ makes careless errors.

______ is disorganized.

______ needs to proofread work.

______ is learning to occupy his time constructively.

______ always uses his/her time wisely.

______ never completes assignments in the allotted time.

______ is becoming more dependable during work periods.

______ is gaining independence.

______ is becoming more self-reliant.

______ works independently on assignments.

______ fails to finish independent assignments.

______ comprehends well, but needs to work more quickly.

______ needs to be urged.

______ lacks independence.

______ is too easily distracted.

______ works too slowly.

______ does not complete assignments in the allotted time.

______ seems unable to finish required work.

______ often completes work early.

______ is not very appreciative of the value of time.

______ is sacrificing accuracy for unnecessary speed in his written work.

______ has great potential and works toward achieving it.

______ is working to full capability.

______ is a steadfast, conscientious worker.

______ is enthusiastic about work in general.

______ seeks information.

______ is a hard-working student.

______ is extremely conscientious.

______ is a pleasant, conscientious student.

______ is a hard worker.

______ is an enthusiastic worker during the ____ period.

______ is a polite and conscientious pupil.

______ must improve work habits if he is to gain the fundamentals needed for ___ grade work.

______ is inconsistent in his/her efforts, especially in _______.

______ makes little effort when not under direct supervision.

______ is anxious to please.

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5 Types of Report Card Comments for Elementary Teachers

Tips to Help You During the Grading Process

  • Grading Students for Assessment
  • Lesson Plans
  • Becoming A Teacher
  • Assessments & Tests
  • Elementary Education
  • Special Education
  • Homeschooling

Attitude and Personality

Participation and behavior, time management and work habits, general learning and social skills, helpful words, addressing areas in need of improvement.

  • M.S., Education, Buffalo State College
  • B.S., Education, Buffalo State College

When writing report card comments , focus on the student's existing strengths and look for ways to motivate the student to improve in areas of weakness by providing advice. The following phrases and statements can help you tailor your comments for each specific student. Writing report card comments designed to instill ambition within students can empower them to make positive changes. Try to provide specific examples, tailored to the subject , whenever you can to make your report card comments more personal.

Key Takeaways: Report Card Comments

  • Stress positive attributes
  • Use words such as "requires," "struggles," or "seldom" to show when a child needs extra help
  • Introduce areas in need of work in a way that won't make parents feel like you're criticizing the student unnecessarily, for example, list negative comments under a comments section titled "goals to work on"
  • Supportive and detailed comments can provide parents with ways to partner with you to make students feel empowered to do better

Phrases should present information n a straightforward manner about the students' classroom temperament, giving suggestions for improvements when possible:

  • Has a good attitude toward school.
  • Is an enthusiastic learner who seems to enjoy school.
  • Strives to reach his full potential.
  • Shows initiative and thinks things through for herself.
  • Exhibits a positive outlook and attitude in the classroom.
  • Is a sweet and cooperative child.
  • Is self-confident and has excellent manners.
  • Is honest and trustworthy in dealings with others.
  • Is developing a better attitude toward schoolwork this year.
  • Needs to improve classroom attitude by learning to better collaborate with classmates.
  • Needs to work on sharing more with others and being a better friend.

Comments should be both celebratory and constructive when appropriate. Give examples of what works well for students, recognize areas in which they truly excel, and provide information not only on what needs to be improved but how the student can improve in those areas.

  • Continues to make nice progress this year concerning...
  • As we discussed in our last parent-teacher conference , [your child's] attitude toward the basic skills is...
  • I will continue to need your help and support in order for [your child] to overcome his attitude and social difficulties. He will find school a much more pleasant place if he/she can make a positive effort in this area.
  • [Your child's] attitude has continued to improve. Thank you for your support and cooperation.
  • [Your child] has shown a good attitude about trying to improve in [this subject]. I am hoping this recent interest and improvement will continue throughout the school year.

Spend time reflecting not just on grades but also the student's actions in class. Participation is often a significant portion of the grading model, and your comments should address the level of a student's participation, such as "remains an active learner throughout the school day and is enthusiastic about participating." Comments should also address a student's behavior, both positive and negative.

  • Takes an active role in discussions.
  • Needs to actively participate in classroom discussion .
  • Listens attentively to the responses of others.
  • Is courteous and shows good manners in the classroom.
  • Consistently cooperates with the teacher and other students.
  • Is kind and helpful to everyone in the classroom.
  • Caring, kind, and eager to please.
  • Needs to listen to directions.
  • Needs to work on staying focused and on task.
  • Needs to work on not distracting others during class.

Students who are always well-prepared for class and have strong organization study habits can benefit from being reminded that this simple, yet important, skill is recognized and appreciated. Similarly, students who aren't prepared, rush their work, or need to stay on task more need to know that this behavior is noticed and is not condoned. Your comments can provide clear recognition of skills and give parents insight into areas in which students need to improve.

  • Is well-prepared for class each day.
  • Rushes through work or does not work at an appropriate pace.
  • Never completes assignments in the allotted time.
  • Comprehends well, but needs to work more quickly.
  • Puts her best effort into homework assignments .
  • Stays on task with little supervision.
  • Is a self-motivated student.
  • Sacrifices accuracy for unnecessary speed in his written work.
  • Completes assignments in the time allotted.
  • Avoids careless errors through attention to detail.
  • Uses class time wisely.
  • Needs to keep her cubby and desk better organized.

How a student works with peers and makes friends can be reflective of their personalities, and what they need in order to succeed in life. Your comments should reflect the student's abilities to work in groups, individually, and if they are good citizens. Pay attention to how students interact with each other not just in the classroom, but also on the field and at recess, where they often don't feel like the teachers are directly supervising.

  • Needs to be accepting and willing to make new friends .
  • Responds well to positive praise and clear expectations.
  • Is learning to be careful, cooperative, and fair.
  • Works well in groups, planning and carrying out activities.
  • Works democratically with peers.
  • Makes little effort when not under direct supervision.
  • Needs a lot of repetition and practice in order to retain the information given.
  • Shows self-confidence in...
  • Uses a variety of learning strategies to help with...
  • Applies knowledge of...
  • Needs more opportunities to ...
  • Writes clearly and with purpose.
  • Seeks responsibilities and follows through.

Here are some helpful words to include in your report card comment section: aggressive, ambitious, anxious, confident, cooperative, dependable, determined, developing, energetic, emerging, friendly, generous, happy, helpful, imaginative, improving, neat, observant, pleasant, polite, prompt, quiet, receptive, reliant, resourceful.

Stress the positive attributes and list "goals to work on" to notify the parents about the negatives. Use words such as "requires," "struggles," or "seldom" to show when a child needs extra help. Introduce areas in need of work in a way that won't make parents feel like you're criticizing the student unnecessarily.

You can tweak any of the phrases above to indicate an area of improvement by adding the word "Needs to." For a more positive spin on a negative comment, list it under a comments section titled "goals to work on." For example, for a student who rushes through the work, you might say something like, "Needs to focus on trying to do his best work without rushing and having to be the first one finished." Supportive and detailed comments can provide parents with ways to partner with you to make students feel empowered to do better.

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16 Generic Report Card Comments | Teacher Comments Bank

16 generic report card comments for teachers.

To these templates, simply replace the placeholders and customize these generic report card templates.

Generic Report Card Comment for Teacher #1

{Student’s first name} is an extremely capable and valuable member of the MathWiz group who takes a keen interest in Mathematics and appears to enjoy all aspects of the work. {Student’s first name} consistently completes the homework and {his/her} practical work is excellent and exceeds all expectations. I encourage {Student’s first name} to slow down and double check for accuracy. {Student’s first name} is in an excellent position to continue to develop {his/her} skills in Mathematics as {he/she} continues {his/her} education. {he/she} exhibits a natural sense for solving mathematical problems and works assiduously to continue to better {his/her} understanding regardless of {his/her} position within the class.

Generic Report Card Comment for Teacher #2

{Student’s first name} is a keen student and critical thinker who is always prepared to challenge ideas put forth in Mathematics. {Student’s first name} often seeks for better ways to solve {his/her} problems and {he/she} is almost always correct. {he/she} is talented and {he/she} should focus on {himself/herself} more. {Student’s first name} has a deep understanding of the chapters of the course as that results from natural aptitude for Mathematics combined with {his/her} curiosity to solve mathematical challenges using alternative methods. {he/she} is curious and works hard to continue to better {his/her} understanding regardless of overperforming in {his/her} class. {Student’s first name} is quite the excellent student who will continue to develop if {he/she} is able to consistently learn at this place, and apply what {he/she} is learning both formally and informally.

Generic Report Card Comment for Teacher #3

{Student’s first name} is a friendly student who works with enthusiasm in practical work, and regularly contributes to class discussion. {Student’s first name} is curious beyond measure but there are times where {he/she} will rush ahead before {he/she} has fully cemented {his/her} grasp on the basics. {he/she} is very attentive in class and participates in class discussions willingly. {Student’s first name}’s key strength in Chemistry is {his/her} ability to ask probing questions and desire to continually seek to further {his/her} knowledge. I have no doubt that {he/she} will continue to succeed in Chemistry if {he/she} continues to work hard and slows down and check his understanding before moving on.

Generic Report Card Comment for Teacher #4

{Student’s first name} is a quiet student who approaches Chemistry with trepidation. {he/she} has shown to be conscientious with {his/her} homework and classwork usually completed to a high standard. {Student’s first name} takes a much more sensible approach while working in a group, ensures proper use of lab equipment and collects experimental data with extreme care. {he/she} has great critical thinking abilities. {Student’s first name} is yet to showcase {his/her} particular aptitudes in Chemistry and should be encouraged to continue to try and find {his/her} specific niche through solid application. I have no doubt that {he/she} will continue to succeed in Chemistry` if {he/she} continues to work hard.

Generic Report Card Comment for Teacher #5

{Student’s first name} is a quiet and curious student who has shown an ability to think outside the box. However, there are times when {he/she} loses confidence in {his/her} Chemistry abilities and convinces {himself/herself} that {he/she} can’t do certain problems. With a little more motivation and the right framework {he/she} can easily overcome these challenges. {Student’s first name} is in an excellent position to continue to develop {his/her} skills in Chemistry as {he/she} continues {his/her} education. {he/she} exhibits a growth mindset and works assiduously to continue to better {his/her} understanding regardless of {his/her} position within the cohort. {Student’s first name} is well on {his/her} way to having a great future in Chemistry.

Generic Report Card Comment for Teacher #6

{Student’s first name} is a keen student and critical thinker who is always prepared to challenge ideas put forth in Chemistry. This combined with {his/her} outstanding work ethic in both homework and classwork has allowed {Student’s first name} to develop a deep understanding of the curriculum. {Student’s first name} takes pride in {his/her} work and does everything to the best of {his/her} ability. {Student’s first name}’s goal going forward should be to slow down on {his/her} work in order to avoid careless mistakes.

Generic Report Card Comment for Teacher #7

{Student’s first name} is a quiet student who approaches Chemistry with trepidation. {he/she} has shown to be conscientious with both {his/her} homework and classwork usually completed to a high standard. {Student’s first name} is in an excellent position to continue to develop {his/her} skills in Chemistry as {he/she} continues {his/her} education. {he/she} exhibits a growth mindset and works assiduously to continue to better {his/her} understanding regardless of {his/her} position within the cohort. {Student’s first name}’s goal going forward should be to slow down on {his/her} work in order to avoid careless mistakes.

Generic Report Card Comment for Teacher #8

{Student’s first name} is an eager student who brings positivity and curiosity to nearly every lesson. {Student’s first name} is a quiet student who approaches Chemistry with trepidation. {he/she} struggles at times to complete both {his/her} homework and classwork to an acceptable standard. {Student’s first name} prefers to work alone and is a poor contributor to group work. {Student’s first name} has had a few incomplete assigned tasks this semester, which is often an indication that {he/she} forgot that it was due. {Student’s first name} has the potential to do quite well in Chemistry in the future if {he/she} is able to focus and harness {his/her} natural ability. I encourage {him/her} to put increased effort into all assigned work as {he/she} often tends to do the minimum required.

Generic Report Card Comment for Teacher #9

{Student’s first name} is an able student who displays some interest in the subject and generally appears to enjoy Chemistry. {Student’s first name} works reasonably well as part of a small group, but must try to keep {his/her} concentration on the task in hand. Unfortunately, {Student’s first name} is still an inconsistent worker and although this is improving, further dedication is required to both work in the classroom and home-learning tasks. {Student’s first name} is yet to showcase {his/her} particular aptitudes in Chemistry and should be encouraged to continue to try and find {his/her} specific niche through solid application. In order for {Student’s first name} to develop in Chemistry as {he/she} progresses through school {he/she} needs to embrace a growth mindset and focus on improvement as opposed to perfection.

Generic Report Card Comment for Teacher #10

{Student’s first name} is a quiet and confident student who approaches Chemistry with gusto. {his/her} work is always done well and sometimes quite excellently. {Student’s first name} works well with his peers to solve assignments, ensures no waste of chemicals being used and records data with precision. {Student’s first name} has a deep understanding of the content of the course as that results from natural aptitude for Chemistry combined with {his/her} outstanding work ethic. In order to improve, {Student’s first name} needs to work on being more focused in the class and especially with more mathematical lessons.

Generic Report Card Comment for Teacher #11

{Student’s first name} is curious beyond measure but there are times where {he/she} will rush ahead before {he/she} has fully cemented {his/her} grasp on the basics. {his/her} homework and classwork are usually completed to an excellent standard. {he/she} is very attentive in class and participates in class discussions willingly. I encourage {Student’s first name} to slow down and double check for accuracy. {Student’s first name}’s real strength in Biology is {his/her} ability to process information and data into new forms. This has led to quite a deep understanding of the interrelated nature of the Biology topics. {he/she} needs to learn to answer questions thoroughly as often {he/she} only gives partial answers.

Generic Report Card Comment for Teacher #12

{Student’s first name} is a keen student and critical thinker who is always prepared to challenge ideas put forth in Chemistry. {his/her} work is always done well and sometimes quite excellently. {he/she} is a strong leader in group activities and is great at helping everyone come up with great solutions to difficult problems. {Student’s first name} has excelled in first-hand investigations ensuring that {he/she} asks enough questions to understand the theory behind the practical work being done. I encourage {him/her} to slow down and double check work for accuracy. {Student’s first name} is an exuberant Chemistry student who should continue to grow if {he/she} maintains {his/her} attitude to learning.

Generic Report Card Comment for Teacher #13

{Student’s first name} is a quiet and curious student who has shown an ability to think outside the box. This combined with {his/her} outstanding work ethic in both homework and classwork has allowed {Student’s first name} to develop a deep understanding of the curriculum. {he/she} is a continual contributor to all class discussions yet at times {he/she} can lack focus. {he/she} is always willing to learn new things and accepts academic challenges with enthusiasm. {Student’s first name} is in an excellent position to continue to develop {his/her} skills in Chemistry as {he/she} continues {his/her} education. {he/she} exhibits a growth mindset and works assiduously to continue to better {his/her} understanding regardless of {his/her} position within the cohort. {Student’s first name}’s goal going forward should be to show more patience with peers during group work.

Generic Report Card Comment for Teacher #14

{Student’s first name} is a friendly student who works with enthusiasm in first-hand investigations, and regularly contributes to class discussion. {his/her} homework and classwork are usually completed to an excellent standard. While {Student’s first name} is not a large contributor to whole class discussions, {he/she} shows real leadership amongst {his/her} group in investigative work. {Student’s first name} has developed excellent problem solving skills as the semester has progressed. She is able to apply complex ideas to first and second-hand data to draw conclusions that support the theory content of the Chemistry course. {Student’s first name}’s goal going forward should be to ensure that they ask for extra help preceding an assessment task.

Generic Report Card Comment for Teacher #15

{Student’s first name} is a vivacious and confident student who has shown great joy in Chemistry. {his/her} work is always done well and sometimes quite excellently. {he/she} is very attentive in class and participates in class discussions willingly. I applaud {his/her} willingness to ask questions when {he/she} does not understand something and seek specific feedback with an eye towards improvement. While {Student’s first name} has a clear understanding of the concepts she has continued to work hard on how she expresses herself in the written form in Chemistry. While this has already paid dividends, it should be an area of continued focus moving forward.

Generic Report Card Comment for Teacher #16

{Student’s first name} is a quiet and curious student who has shown an ability to think outside the box and relate Chemistry well to historical concepts in particular. {Student’s first name} often seeks for validation of {his/her} answers and {he/she} is almost always correct. {he/she} is talented and {he/she} should trust {himself/herself} more. {he/she} is attentive during lessons and is willing to answer questions, but I would like to see {him/her} begin to contribute {his/her} thoughts and go beyond just answering questions. {Student’s first name} has a deep understanding of the content of the course as that results from natural aptitude for Chemistry combined with {his/her} solid work ethic. One suggestion for {Student’s first name} is to not push through focusing on the next step as opposed to concentrating on the final outcome. {Student’s first name} is an enthusiastic Chemistry student who should continue to grow if {he/she} maintains {his/her} attitude to learning.

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Report Card Comments Roundup

Report card comments can be blessing or a curse depending on how they are approached.  If you have a catalog of options for different scenarios then they aren’t so hard when those end of the year final reports go home.

If you are struggling to write comprehensive original comments for students’ behavior, social skills, specific subjects, work habits, or general notes, then this post is perfect for you!

Keep reading to gather some quick samples to use for your next parent teacher conference!

If you are struggling to write comprehensive original comments for students' behavior, subjects, work habits, or general notes, this post is for you!

One of the tasks I always dreaded was looking at the blank comments box in my online grade book, knowing that I needed to come up with a new original comment for each student at the elementary level.

Of course, I realize each child is unique, but how do you fit those specifics into a tiny box that applauds the positive qualities, while still allowing room to mention those qualities which leave a little room for improvement?

Being that I know classroom systems are a must for anything I have to do more than once, I decided to create a teacher toolbox of report card comments in various categories.  Having these at hand allowed me to have a starting point.

Starting with a copy and paste for the student made it much easier to expand once that box was no longer an empty void.  Plus, it saved me so much time from having to retype the same thing out over and over again.

I was able to leave my comments in the box for the parents, so when they arrived for their student-led conferences, I had very little to add beyond what the child had already discussed – and the specific comments I had left.

You might also be interested in:

Student Led Conferences eBook Cover

This program is 62 pages, and includes 26 templates that are completely editable so you can personalize your conferences to your liking! Also includes forms for having ongoing Data Folders – recommended for grades 2-12! Parent Conference Night has never been so easy! Discover for yourself!

See more pages here.

How do you motivate students to do their best?

All teachers want students to feel safe and to want to be a learner in and outside of the school building.  It doesn’t matter what grade level you teach.

But there is a difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and that is a little tougher to implement when the student is not even sure what he or she wants.

Having a learning environment that encourages all students to freely share their triumphs and mistakes is a great place to start.  Leading by example is also important.

While there are lots of tests to be given and lesson plans to teach, I know from personal experience that motivation comes from students when they make a connection with their teacher.  Without that connection, no positive motivation will be in sight.

How do teachers deal with a bad report card?

When you have to send home a less than stellar report card home can strike the fear into any teacher.  The icy cold feeling drops in your heart as you are hitting the save button, knowing that one or more of the following will happen:

-You are going to have a less-than-happy parent contacting you

-The child is going to be punished at home (maybe excessively)

-You’ll hear crickets and the student will not even flinch <= This option might be the worst of all because no improvement can be made if there is no collaboration amongst the stakeholders in the child’s life

For me, I love doing student led parent conferences because it forces students, parents, and teachers to work as a team to discuss how things are really going in an honest fashion, and to set some expectations for the future.

Even if the conference can’t be completed at school due to parent no-shows or work schedules, they can be completed at home.

With few options in some cases, this is the best solution to try and form those connections with students and parents, whether you are teaching Kindergarten or High School.

Report Card Comment Examples

Here is a list of 65 options below to set up for your own classroom systems .  Always work smarter, not harder.

1. Frequent tardies have hindered _________________’s progress.

2. Excellent attendance this quarter!

3. There has been little positive effort from ________________ to catch up on work missed due to absences.

4. Absences and tardies have affected _______________’s grades.

5. Thanks you for your continued help in getting _____________ to school on time. He/She has greatly benefitted from the routine. Academics

6. ________’s grades demonstrate an acceptable knowledge of the covered material.

7. ________’s progress this quarter is excellent!

8. _________ is extremely conscientious and has made excellent progress.

9. A satisfactory standing has been achieved by _____________.

10. While achievement is satisfactory, __________ has not worked to his/her fullest potential.

11. Poor test scores from ________ have resulted in the low grade this term.

12. The grade reported is a direct result from __________ not handing in assignments, even after several attempts to get them from him/her.

13. Because __________ struggles in reading, he/she had a hard time with math story problems, which resulted in the lower math grade this semester.

14. Fluency rates for ____________ were off the charts!

15. ____________ really worked hard with the reading strategies this school year and I am super proud of his/her progress throughout the school year!

You might want to check out:

Assessment eBook Cover

Need some new ideas for your assessment and parent conference routine?  This 114 page digital book has you covered!

Includes 17 articles from Organized Classroom, including topics such as:

  • Saving Grading Time
  • 65 Report Card Comments
  • Custom Sticky Notes and Rubrics
  • How to Set Up Student Data Folders
  • Self-Assessment for Students
  • Managing Your Centers
  • Quick Informal Assessment Hacks

…and even more!

Includes 9 additional freebie files!  No need to enter in an email address for each one separately – just click and go!

See it HERE.

16. ________’s effort and pleasant attitude have been outstanding this semester.

17. Talking in class has interfered with _________’s listening and learning.

18. Sometimes ____________ appears to be overly bossy to other children in the class, and that causes friction before, during, and after school.

19. I have noticed how much ___________ has matured and taken on additional responsibilities this year.

20. There has been a positive change in attitude and work habits from ______________.

21. An apparent lack of motivation has resulted in unsatisfactory grades this marking period.

22. _______________ is still learning when it is appropriate not to talk back, and how to raise a hand if he/she needs to politely express something during a lesson.

23. Having a positive attitude even when frustrated with the work has been a delight to see from __________________.  He/She is a great role model for other students.

24. Always sharing in nature, _______________’s cooperative attitude is an example to all other students.

25. Lack of respect by ____________ for himself, his teacher, and other students in the classroom have proven to be tough to overcome this year.


26. It is a pleasure to teach ____________. He/She participates enthusiastically in all activities.

27. Classroom behavior from ____________ is frequently unacceptable.

28. There has been a limited contribution to group work.

29. ____________ is a good listener and asks relevant questions.  Way to show initiative!

30. A good contribution has been made to class discussions.  Please continue this great example!

31. ________________’s classroom work shows a strong aptitude for artistic expression.

32. Participation in class discussions has been poor and his/her listening skills need improvement.

33. Good work habits have been demonstrated by ________________.

34. Excellent participation in class discussions.

35. _____________ has made a good contribution to group work.

36. Homework has been incomplete or not attempted.

37. _____________ has made a good effort, but finds this subject difficult.

38. Good work habits have been shown by _____________, who is well organized, confident, and responsible.

39. The quality of assignments has improved since the midterm report. Well done!

40. Homework scores indicate a thorough understanding of concepts taught.

41. The grade is a direct result of ___________ not handing in assignments.

42. ___________ seems satisfied with a minimal effort on homework, if at all.

43. ______________ constantly produces quality assignments.

44. Quality of homework assignments is poor.

45. A very good effort has been made to turn in the majority of homework assignments on time.

46. Grades have improved tremendously! Well done ______________!

47. It is a delight to teach ____________, who constantly strives for excellence.

48. Very little effort has been made to meet grade level expectations.

49. There appears to have been little effort to proofread assignments before turning in.

50. A strong effort by _____________ has produced an acceptable level of achievement

51. Poor use of class time has resulted in incomplete assignments and this low grade.

52. Good work habits & attitude have combined to produce above average achievement.

53. Although the final standing is low, a solid effort has been noted from _________________.

54. Poor attitude and work habits have resulted in unsatisfactory achievement this quarter.

55. ____________ tends to hurry through assignments in order to be the first one done, and repeatedly turns in messy, and sometimes, incomplete work.

56. ________________ constantly produces quality assignments.

57. ____________ is a creative thinker, which is wonderful most times, but sometimes he/she tends to overthink the assignments and ends up with an incorrect answer.

58. Not knowing basic math facts has resulted in _____________ struggling in more advanced math concepts this year.

59. __________ is highly gifted, but the tendency to be a perfectionist prohibits her/him from finishing assignments on time.

60. __________ appears to enjoy math very much, and I challenge her/him to investigate even further this summer with more advanced mathematical principles.

61. ___________________’s writing is a pleasure to read.

62. _____________’s student work is well done, but tests and written work have not been top notch.

63. Poor spelling and punctuation detract from ____________’s writing.

64. Work on in class assignments has made noticeable improvements since last grading quarter. Great work!

65. Little attempt has been made to make up for missed projects due to frequent absences.

How do you decide what report card comments to use on your assessments?  I would love to hear in a comment below!

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Creative perspectives on education and classroom management, comment ideas for report cards & progress reports.

November 12, 2010 Teachnet Staff Classroom Management 1

Chantal explained her situation to the members of the Teacher-2-Teacher forum and was overwhelmed with responses. Nearly 300 adjectives and phrases are available here for your use.

As one contributor points out, remember: “My main advice about report card comments is to tell the truth.”

  • Is a good citizen
  • Is learning to share and listen.
  • Is becoming more dependable during work periods.
  • Is developing a better attitude toward ___ grade.
  • Is showing interest and enthusiasm for the things we do.
  • Is learning to occupy his time constructively.
  • Wants responsibilities and follows through.
  • Can be very helpful and dependable in the classroom.
  • Always uses her time wisely.
  • Has strengthened her skills in ___.
  • Has great potential and works toward achieving it.
  • Working to full capability.
  • Is strong in _____.
  • Is learning to be a better listener.
  • Is learning to be careful, cooperative, and fair.
  • Is continuing to grow in independence.
  • Enthusiastic about participating.
  • Gaining more self-confidence.
  • Has a pleasant personality.
  • Has earned a very fine report card.
  • Has improved steadily.
  • Is learning to listen to directions more carefully.
  • Now accepts responsiblity well.
  • _____’s work habits are improving.
  • Has been consitently progressing.
  • Has shown a good attitude about trying to improve in ___.
  • The following suggestions might improve his ____.
  • I am hoping this recent interest and improvement will continue.
  • Seems eager to improve.
  • Has shown strong growth in ____.
  • Is cooperative and happy.
  • Volunteers often.
  • Is willing to take part in all classroom activities.
  • Works well with her neighbors.
  • _____’s attitude toward school is excellent.
  • Has the ability to follow directions.
  • Hand work is beautifully done.
  • Learns new vocabulary quickly.
  • Has a sense of humor and enjoys the stories we read.
  • Is a steadfast, conscientious worker.
  • Is very helpful about clean-up work around the room.
  • Anxious to please.
  • Brings fine contributions.
  • Has a pleasant disposition.
  • Works well.
  • Is hard-working.
  • Is pleasant and friendly.
  • Needs to increase speed and comprehension in reading.
  • Needs to apply skills to all written work.
  • Gets along well with other children.
  • Your constant cooperation and help are appreciated.
  • Has shown an encouraging desire to better herself in ___.
  • Making steady progress academically.
  • Quality of work is improving.
  • Responds well.
  • Is maintaining grade-level achievements.
  • Works well in groups, planning and carrying out activities.
  • Seems to be more aware of activities in the classroom.
  • Takes an active part in discussions pertinent to ___.
  • Accepts responsiblity.
  • Extremely conscientious.
  • Bubbles over with enthusiasm.
  • Has a sense of humor we all enjoy.
  • Has an excellent attitude.
  • Work in the areas of ____ has been extremely good.
  • Is an enthusiastic worker during the ____ period.
  • Needs to work democratically with others in groups.
  • Possible for ___ to exceed grade expectations.
  • Grasps new ideas readily.
  • Needs to develop a better sense of responsiblity.
  • Enthusiasitic about work in general.
  • Performs well in everthing he undertakes.
  • Unusually mature.
  • Seeks information.
  • Mature vocabulary.
  • Doing strong work in all areas.
  • Is a clear thinker.
  • Excels in writing original stories and poems.
  • Is a good student who appears to be a deep thinker.
  • Reads extensively.
  • Has good organization of thoughts.
  • Has a vast background knowledge of ___.
  • Is a very fine and serious student and excels in ___.
  • Rate of achievement makes it difficult for ___ to keep up with the class.
  • Must improve work habits if ___ is to gain the fundamentals needed for ___ grade work.
  • _____’s academic success leaves much to be desired.
  • Handwriting needs to be improved.
  • Cooperative, well mannered.
  • Is a very happy, well-adjusted child, but ___.
  • Makes friends quickly and is well liked by classmates.
  • Cries easily.
  • Good worker and attentive listener.
  • Good adjustment.
  • Good attitude.
  • Capable of achieving a higher average in areas of ____.
  • Has difficulty retaining process of addition, etc.
  • Is inconsistent in his efforts, especially in ___.
  • Sacrificing accuracy for unnecessary speed in his written work.
  • Needs to listen to directions.
  • Never completes assignments in the allotted time.
  • Fails to finish independent assignments.
  • Would improve if he developed a greater interest in ___.
  • Comprehends well, but needs to work more quickly.
  • Needs to be urged.
  • Can follow directions.
  • Enjoys listening to poetry.
  • Enjoys listening to stories.
  • Listens carefully.
  • Evaluates what he/she hears
  • Phonics – (is able to distinguish, has difficulty distinguishing) sounds in words
  • Now knows and is able to use _____ consonant and vowel sounds
  • Confuses the sounds ___ and ___
  • Is able to blend short words using the vowel(s) _____ with /without assistance
  • Is learning to attack words independently
  • Uses the phonics skills to attack new words
  • Reading is (smooth, jerky, hesitant, rapid, irregular, or fluent)
  • Comprehends what he/she reads
  • Is interested in books and reading
  • Can read to follow directions
  • Can now recognize ____ sight words
  • Reads for pleasure
  • Needs lots of repetition and practice in order to retain reading vocabulary
  • Is still confusing words which look alike
  • Is beginning to read words in groups (phrases)
  • Reading is becoming (not yet becoming) automatic
  • Enjoys discussing the stories
  • Has had difficulty with learning ______ so in the coming term we will focus on ______.
  • Speaks in good sentences
  • Speaks clearly
  • Has difficulty using (pronouns, verbs) correctly
  • Enjoys dramatization
  • Enjoys participation in conversation and discussion
  • Expresses ideas clearly
  • Has a good oral vocabulary
  • Takes turns talking
  • Speaks with confidence to the group
  • Uses punctuation correctly
  • Is able to place periods and question marks correctly
  • Uses colorful words
  • Uses (complex, simple) sentences
  • Is now able to write a complete sentence independently
  • Participates in group story telling (composition)
  • Can write an original story of (one or two sentences, of a few sentences)
  • Puts words in the appropriate order
  • Is able to read his sentences back
  • Shows self confidence in writing
  • Can compose several related sentences
  • Is building a good spelling vocabulary
  • Uses his individual dictionary to find unfamiliar words
  • Enjoys learning to spell new words
  • Is able to learn to spell words easily
  • Sometimes reverses letters in a word
  • Has difficulty remembering the spelling of non-phonetic words
  • Is helped by using hand or body motions to remember spelling
  • When printing, often reverses letters, such as __, __, etc.
  • Has good (poor) fine-motor skills
  • Is able to print on the lines
  • Spaces letters and words correctly
  • Some printing is excellent but is often untidy in daily assignments
  • Enjoys doing neat careful work
  • Can work with numbers up to ___ with understanding
  • Understands the signs +, -, = and uses them to make number statements
  • Understands and uses basic facts of addition and subtraction to ____
  • Reverses some numbers still
  • Understands place value up to _____
  • Can use manipulatives to add and subtract
  • Can use manipulatives to show place value to _____
  • Understands money (pennies, dimes, nickels)
  • Relies heavily on concrete objects
  • Knows the basic shapes
  • Can count to ______
  • Is able to create graphs using simple data
  • Understands several methods of graphing
  • Is beginning to memorize the number facts
  • Is friendly and cooperative
  • Cooperates well
  • Helps others
  • Has a sense of humor
  • Has a good attitude towards school
  • Is working well in all subjects
  • Lacks independence / Is gaining independence
  • Is too easily distracted
  • Is becoming more self-reliant
  • Is an attentive student
  • All work is neatly and accurately done
  • Is a polite conscientious pupil
  • Is working above grade level in _________.
  • Works too slowly
  • Does not complete assignments in the allotted time
  • Seems unable to finish required work
  • Does colorful and interesting art work
  • Is especially good at ______
  • Requires too much supervision.
  • Please encourage him to do things on his own.
  • Should be encouraged to _____
  • Needs frequent encouragement
  • Is maturing
  • Is learning to concentrate
  • Is learning to listen carefully
  • Is gaining self-confidence
  • Often completes work early
  • Is very thoughtful
  • Takes pride in work well done
  • Is eager to learn
  • Makes little effort when not under direct supervision
  • Often seems tired at school
  • Is not very appreciative of the value of ( time, courtesy, sharing, neatness, accuracy)
  • Shows initiative; thinks things through for himself/herself
  • If a child is having difficulty – say so! Say what you have tried already to help him/her, and what you are going to do differently in the term to come to help the child.
  • Never say the child is having problems without giving a possible solution you are going to try and what has already been tried.
  • This shows you are doing everything in your power to change the situation.
  • _____ has matured nicely this year, academically and socially.
  • He/She assumes responsibility well and has a find attitude.
  • He/She still needs strengthening in the concept of long division.
  • Thanks for the help I know you have given her.
  • There has been a noticeable improvement in _____’s study habits this reporting period, which is very encouraging.
  • Please continue during the summer with ___________ review and as many reading experiences as possible.
  • ___________ would benefit from reading many library books this summer.
  • He needs to improve his reading speed and comprehension if he is to have success in the ________ grade.
  • If ___________ will put forth in the future the effort he has shown in the past two reporting periods, he will receive a great deal from his schooling.
  • With __________’s ability to apply herself to each task, she should receive much satisfaction from her school experiences.
  • _____________ continued to blossom as the year progressed.
  • _______________’s oral reading is very expressive and her oral reporting is excellent.
  • Thank you for your interest in _____________’s attitude.
  • Although he has had some difficulty adjusting to our room and various duties, he usually tries to cooperate.
  • _____________ has had some problems adjusting to our room, as you know from my reports to you.
  • Many of her difficulties occur on the playground and she then carries a poor attitude in the classroom.
  • This hurts her academically.
  • She is capable of much better work.
  • I’m sorry I didn’t get to meet you this year.
  • __________has made nice progress this reporting period.
  • He is maturing nicely and I hope this continues.
  • Although _____________’s growth in social maturity is continuing, it is not consistent.
  • She still needs guidance and support from both you and me.
  • Thanks for your cooperation.
  • _____________ is a wonderful girl and I’m happy to have had her in my room.
  • she has made many fine contributions to our class and is an inspiration to her classmates.
  • With ____’s friendly, cooperative attitude, she will always be a pleasant addition to any class.
  • I have enjoyed the association I have had _____________.
  • His friendly, sincere way has made him a very popular member of the ___ grade.
  • Regardless of how busy _________ is, he still has time to do something nice for someone. For this reason, he is one of the best-liked members of my class.
  • I enjoyed having _____________ in my class.
  • She is a sweet and cooperative child.
  • _____________ is a pleasant, conscientious student.
  • He is self-confident and has excellent manners.
  • It has been a pleasure to have him in my class.
  • I enjoyed having _____________ in my room.
  • She assumes responsibility well, excels on the playground and is well liked by her peers.
  • She’s helped to make my year a pleasant one.
  • She is a big help in seeing that our room looks clean and pleasant.
  • She has been most cooperative and only needs strengthening in social studies skills to bring her up to ____ grade level.
  • ___________ is a fine citizen and takes a keen interest in school.
  • I hope you enjoy your new home!
  • __________ takes a keen interest in all work and is most agreeable and a willing worker. It has been wonderful having her in my room.
  • Exhibits excellent attitude
  • Possesses good self discipline
  • Respectful of others
  • Works independently on assignments
  • Exhibits creativity
  • Does good work
  • Always cooperative
  • Classroom attitude shows improvement
  • Pleasant student to work with
  • Quality of work has improved
  • Hard worker
  • Participates well in class
  • A pleasure to have around
  • Experiences difficulty following directions-when unsure needs to ask for questions
  • Needs to actively participate in classroom discussion
  • Needs better study skills
  • Requires incentives
  • Low quiz/test scores
  • Assignments/Homework incomplete/late
  • Needs to pay attention in class
  • Disruptive in class
  • Needs to improve classroom attitude
  • Excessive tardiness
  • Excessive absences
  • Failure to turn in make up work
  • A conference is requested
  • This subject modified/ leveled according to ability
  • Does not work up to his/her ability
  • Student will be retained in current grade next year. Please contact the school to arrange a conference.
  • Subject has been taught but no grade issued
  • Makes careless errors
  • Difficulty understanding the material
  • Does not know math facts well
  • Interrupts others
  • Gets upset easily
  • Work is not neat
  • Disorganized
  • Needs to proofread work
  • Does not form letters correctly
  • Assignments are not neat
  • Excessive talking
  • Needs to spend time on task
  • Does not put enough time into assignment
  • Needs to improve self discipline
  • Needs to improve respect for others
  • Classroom Management
  • Progress Reports
  • Report Cards

Thank you. I like this list and I know I’m going to use it.

Comments are closed.

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100 Sample Report Card Comments and 5 Strategies for Simplifying Report Cards

100 Sample Report Card Comments and 5 Strategies for Simplifying Report Cards

  I don’t know any teacher who looks forward to doing report cards. This time always seems to be packed to the max with additional testing days and long to-do lists. Despite this, report cards are an important tool that schools employ to show parents how their child is progressing in school and should be completed with careful consideration.

Report card comments should be personalized for each student and provide meaningful feedback to help parents understand their child’s progress. The most important concept to remember when writing report card comments is to frame each statement in encouraging and positive language.

Here are a few tips to help you provide honest and valuable feedback while being encouraging and professional, including 100 sample report card comments that you can use today.

Download a free PDF of 100 Report Card Comments here

5 strategies for simplifying report cards.

1. Employ the sandwich feedback technique:

  • Always begin with a positive comment and end with a positive comment. This approach can help parents receive any negative feedback with the understanding that you “see” their child and are approaching his or her learning with a “growth mindset” and not criticism.

2. Highlight areas of growth

  • Every student has areas of growth throughout the school year. Find an area he or she has improved on and mention it. It could be in a field of study such as reading comprehension, fluency, math facts, handwriting, asking important questions or a personal attribute such as persevering, helping others, leadership in the classroom, etc.

3. Expand on areas of improvement

  • Highlight important areas for improvement and provide practical advice/examples of how to work on this at home. Provide simple strategies that parents can implement that will give them a tangible tool to help their child at home. Even if you think the parent won’t or isn’t interested, it is a good idea to provide documented options for your school files.

4. Be transparent

  • Being honest about students’ progress takes careful consideration. Be tactful in your comments and back up your observations with specific examples. (I recommend taking notes on students’ progress throughout the semester and using this documentation during report card time.) This is also a great time to include helpful strategies/ resources and offer advice on how parents can support their student at home.

5. Proofread

  • Always proofread your reports before sending them. Report cards reflect you as a teacher and should be treated with the same consideration you show your students in the classroom.

100 Report Card Comments


  • Takes an active role in discussions.
  • Consistently cooperates with the teacher and other students.
  • Listens well and shares ideas frequently.
  • Works democratically with peers.
  • Shows self-confidence in…
  • Works well in groups, planning and carrying out activities.
  • Follows directions well.
  • An enthusiastic learner who enjoys school.
  • Tackles new challenges with a positive attitude.
  • Has a positive attitude about school.
  • Consistently makes good choices during the school day.
  • Shows respect for peers and teachers.
  • Transitions easily between classroom activities and is not a distraction to others.
  • Is sensitive to the thoughts and opinions of others.
  • Is a leader and positive role model for students.
  • Is enthusiastic about participating.
  • Takes an active part in discussions about (topic).
  • Speaks with confidence.
  • Volunteers often.
  • Has a great sense of humor and enjoys our class assignments.

Needs Improvement

  • Has difficulty staying focused and on task. · Needs to actively participate in classroom discussion.
  • Needs to work on not distracting others during class.
  • Is learning to be careful, cooperative, and fair.
  • I would like to see him/her work on…
  • One area for improvement is…
  • Eager to participate in class but needs to raise his/her hand.
  • Is becoming more independent when completing class assignments.
  • Needs frequent reminders to stay focused throughout the day.
  • When motivated, does well on class assignments.
  • Needs to work on following written and oral directions.
  • Needs to actively participate in classroom discussions.
  • Frequent absences are affecting (name’s) schoolwork.
  • Needs to work on treating others with respect.
  • Needs to work on completing homework assignments on time.
  • Frequently comes to class unprepared.
  • Often seems tired at school.
  • Gets upset easily when (topic).
  • Although _____________’s growth in social skills and maturity is continuing, it is not consistent.
  • _______ continues to make nice progress this year concerning his/her attitude in the classroom and on the playground.

Time Management/Work Habits

  • Uses class time wisely.
  • Is a self-motivated student.
  • Completes work on time.
  • Is very organized.
  • Demonstrates problem-solving skills and is persistent.
  • Has done a great job facing and overcoming big challenges this year.
  • Is very responsible and turns in work on time.
  • Is a flexible learner and adapts to changes easily.
  • Has made improvements in the area of…
  • Has strengthened his/her skills in…
  • Does not complete assignments on time. Seems unable to finish.
  • Is encouraged to use time wisely to finish tasks in the time required.
  • Struggles to stay organized and find appropriate materials (paper/pencil).
  • Needs to slow down to improve the quality of his/her work.
  • Is not working to full potential.
  • Is easily distracted.
  • Needs to listen and follow directions more carefully.
  • Needs more opportunities to…
  • Grades are suffering because of missed assignments.
  • Would benefit from…

Growth Mindset

  • Has demonstrated very good progress this year.
  • Is learning how to be a better listener and takes direction well.
  • Has worked very hard this year and has made strong gains in the area of ______.
  • Has shown great improvement with ______.
  • Is progressing nicely and shows consistent improvement in many areas of schoolwork, including ______.
  • Is learning to be cooperative when working in groups.
  • Is developing more positive ways to interact with others.
  • Is listening to directions more carefully.
  • Has continued to make steady progress with…
  • Has shown noticeable improvement in…

General Subject Area Comments

  • Has good reading and decoding skills.
  • Is reading well at level…
  • Uses reading strategies to increase his/her reading comprehension.
  • Is reading smoothly and with good expression.
  • Struggles with reading comprehension.
  • I would like to see (name) read for 15 minutes each night.
  • Is choosing books that are too simple for his/her level.
  • Has difficulty using reading strategies to decode new words.
  • Needs to learn basic sight words to improve decoding skills.
  • Needs to build reading vocabulary.
  • Uses various strategies to solve one- and two-step word problems.
  • Demonstrates a good understanding of math concepts.
  • Demonstrates strong problem-solving skills.
  • Has strengthened his/her critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Has difficulty understanding/solving word problems.
  • Understands skills and strategies but has a difficult time explaining processes.
  • Would benefit from memorizing math facts.
  • Has difficulty solving multi-step problems.
  • Needs to slow down and check work.
  • Memorizing basic math facts would be helpful to…
  • Is willing to learn new writing skills and quickly applies these skills within his/her writing.
  • Understands and applies the correct use of punctuation within writing.
  • Writing is clear and follows grammar and punctuation rules.
  • Enjoys writing stories and can construct unique and interesting sentences.
  • Is able to create clear and effective writing that is interesting to read and easy to comprehend.
  • Has shown great improvement with his/her writing skills and is consistently increasing his or her writing comprehension and techniques.
  • Has difficulty writing clear and understandable sentences.
  • Words are often misplaced throughout his/her writing.
  • Frequently displays grammatical errors within his/her writing.
  • (Name) needs to slow down and review his/her writing.

Report cards are used to show parents what students have learned, areas they excel in, and areas for improvement. Although report card grades reflect how well a student is performing against a set of standards, I would refrain from any comparisons on report cards. Every student matures and develops at a different rate, and it is important not to focus on how well children compare to their classmates, but rather to highlight how they are excelling in their personal goals/growth.

Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns


  1. 223 Copy and Paste Final Report Card Comments

    Hopefully these comments for student report cards will come in helpful. Copy and paste these report card comments for your students. It'll save you time and heartache! Read below for my full list of report card comment ideas: Positive Comments. Use a few positive comments to show the strengths of the student and how they've improved recently.

  2. 168 Sample Report Card Comments (Plus a Printable Version)

    Sample report card comments for students with proficient skills. Let the parent know all the positives about their child and perhaps encourage students to dig just a little bit deeper. Your student comes to school each day prepared to work hard. I appreciate that your student does their best every single day.

  3. 325 amazing report card comments and remarks to save your time!

    Just copy and paste the comment, insert the student's name and you are good to go! You can edit and modify the comments as you like. These report card comments will help you to, Save your time. Help parents understand the feedback in a better way.

  4. PDF Report Card Comments

    You can save significant amount of time and avoid needless frustration by getting the rest of the comments (180 pages) from. Report Card and IEP Comments: 180 page collection of 1,830 report card comments for teachers, organized according to subject, topic, length, positive/negative nature.

  5. 205 Report Card Comments—Academic Achievement & Improvement

    Authored by: TeacherVision Staff. Last edited: January 30, 2024. 205 ready-to-use comments and phrases on academic achievement, improvement, and student progress to use while completing report cards. This free bank of editable and customizable comments and phrases includes positive feedback and suggestions for areas that need improvement.

  6. 125 Report Card Comments Save You Time!

    Ready-to-Use Report Card Comments Make Writing Report Cards Quick & Easy! Here are 125 positive report card comments for you to use and adapt! ... responds to what has been read or discussed in class and as homework. asks for clarification when needed. regularly volunteers to assist in classroom activities. remains an active learner throughout ...

  7. 107 Report Card Comments to Use and Adapt

    That's why we created a list of 107 sample report card comments — starters to help you find ideas, inspiration, and insights while writing your own report cards. The 107 report card comments in this list will help you: Instill a growth mindset in students; Build stronger home-to-school connections; Write stronger leads and use livelier language

  8. PDF 100 Sample Report Card Comments

    General Subject Area Comments Reading • Has good reading and decoding skills. • Is reading well at level… • Uses reading strategies to increase his/her reading comprehension. • Is reading smoothly and with good expression. • Struggles with reading comprehension. • I would like to see (name) read for 15 minutes each night.

  9. 100+ Great Report Card Comments Teachers Can Use In Every Classroom

    Great Ideas For How To Make It Easier To Write Appropriate Report Card Comments. Often writing report card comments are at the bottom of the end-of-year to-do-list. There are so many other things that need to happen at the same time, and good report card comments take time to write. It's not something that can be rushed.

  10. 100 Sample Report Card Comments and 5 Strategies for Simplifying

    5 Strategies for Simplifying Report Cards. 1. Employ the sandwich feedback technique: Always begin with a positive comment and end with a positive comment. This approach can help parents receive any negative feedback with the understanding that you "see" their child and are approaching his or her learning with a "growth mindset" and not ...

  11. 194 Helpful Report Card Comments for Elementary Teachers

    The words we use in our report card comments can greatly impact how students perceive their performance. To help ensure your feedback is both engaging and inspiring, consider the alternative words and synonyms below that offer praise and extend beyond the commonly used terms "good" and "excellent.". Remarkable.

  12. 100+ Student Report Card Comments

    Students Report Card Comments - Short & Sweet We understand that teachers are pressed for time, and crafting the perfect comment can sometimes feel like a daunting task. Therefore, we have created a list of 100 short, positive report card comments to provide some inspiration and make this task a bit easier.

  13. 76 Best Report Card Comments Samples for Teachers

    5 Positive Report Card Comments for Language Arts. 1. ______ has shown impressive progress in reading comprehension and can now summarize the key points of a story accurately. 2. ______ expresses their thoughts clearly and creatively in writing, showing a strong understanding of grammar and sentence structure.

  14. 200 Report Card Comments

    A comment on a report card is meant to provide additional information about the student's progress and level of achievement. It should give the parent or guardian a clear picture of what the student has accomplished, as well as what he/she has to work on in the future. It's hard to think of a unique comment to write on each students' report card.

  15. 100 Report Card Comments You Can Use Now

    Here are a few report card general principles, followed by my handy dandy list of editable go-to phrases…. Three Report Card Comment Principles. 1. Be Truthful but Kind. A report card's main purpose is to inform parents about their child's progress.

  16. Report Card Comments & Phrases—Work and Study Habits

    TeacherVision Staff. Last edited: May 18, 2022. Make the grading process faster and easier with this set of report card comments and phrases for describing student work and study habits in your classroom. Give students and parents direct feedback on how to improve study habits, study habits examples, and work habits for students. Grades:

  17. Report Card Comments for Elementary Teachers

    When writing report card comments, focus on the student's existing strengths and look for ways to motivate the student to improve in areas of weakness by providing advice.The following phrases and statements can help you tailor your comments for each specific student. Writing report card comments designed to instill ambition within students can empower them to make positive changes.

  18. 16 Generic Report Card Comments

    16 Generic Report Card Comments for Teachers To these templates, simply replace the placeholders and customize these generic report card templates. ... This combined with {his/her} outstanding work ethic in both homework and classwork has allowed {Student's first name} to develop a deep understanding of the curriculum. {he/she} is a continual ...


    This resource for teachers is a huge, 180 page collection of printable report card comments that can be used for reporting at any grade level (primary, elementary, intermediate, high school) and reporting period, even end of year. Locating just the right comment is quick and easy as every comment/remark has been ranked and organized according to subject (Language, Math, Science etc.,), topic ...

  20. Report Card Comments Roundup

    42. _____ seems satisfied with a minimal effort on homework, if at all. 43. _____ constantly produces quality assignments. 44. Quality of homework assignments is poor. 45. A very good effort has been made to turn in the majority of homework assignments on time. Work Ethic. 46. Grades have improved tremendously! Well done _____! 47.

  21. Comment Ideas for Report Cards & Progress Reports

    Comment Ideas for Report Cards & Progress Reports. November 12, 2010 Teachnet Staff Classroom Management 1. When Teachnet Contributor, Chantal Latour, sat down to personalize her students' report cards, something was missing. The list of report card comments that used as starters and had spent years compiling was gone.

  22. 100 Sample Report Card Comments and 5 Strategies for Simplifying Report

    5 Strategies for Simplifying Report Cards. 1. Employ the sandwich feedback technique: Always begin with a positive comment and end with a positive comment. This approach can help parents receive any negative feedback with the understanding that you "see" their child and are approaching his or her learning with a "growth mindset" and not ...

  23. 63 Positive Comments for Students To Encourage and Motivate Them

    24 other positive comments to give students. Here are 24 other positive and motivational comments you can give to your students or their parents to help encourage growth and continued excellence: This student is strong-willed. You have a positive attitude. Your love for learning is impressive.