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How to Start a Profitable Hardware Business in Kenya [Full 2024 Guide]

How to Start a Profitable Hardware Business in Kenya [Full 2024 Guide]

If you are looking for a comprehensive guide to starting a hardware business in Kenya, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, we’ll go through all the necessary steps to ensure that your business gets off on the right foot and stays running smoothly.

In Kenya, starting a hardware business can be quite a challenge.

In fact, there are]many established hardware businesses in Kenya at the moment, which could be a great barrier to entry.

That said, there is still great potential for success in this sector.

We know you have plenty of questions about how to start a hardware business in Kenya. Lucky for you, we have all the answers.

Let’s start with the most important question of all.

Is a Hardware Business in Kenya Profitable?

Yes, starting a hardware business in Kenya is a profitable venture. In fact, the potential for high profits is one of the biggest incentives why people enter this business.

The reason why it’s so lucrative to run a hardware store in Kenya is that there is still room for growth and development within this sector. As such, there are plenty of opportunities for business owners.

To be profitable, you will need to do your research and pick the right area to open up a shop and run your hardware business in Kenya. For example, focus on building your clientele within a certain community or region. You should also find an appropriate location for your store and keep overhead costs low.

By choosing the right location and making sure you’re providing your customers with affordable prices, you will be able to turn a profit.

In a nutshell, the profitability of your hardware business will depend on a number of factors. These include:

  • The location of your hardware store
  • The purchasing power of customers living within the area
  • Your pricing strategy; and
  • Your management skills
  • Availability of competitors
  • Your marketing strategy

Fortunately, once you’ve oriented yourself to the basics, it will be much easier to decide which factors need the most immediate attention to keep your hardware business profitable.

11 Steps to Starting a Hardware Business in Kenya

  • Do Market Research
  • Get the Required Capital
  • Come up with a business name
  • Draft a business plan
  • Choose a Strategic Location
  • Register Your Business
  • Find a Good Supplier
  • Hire the right staff
  • Deciding on a Pricing Strategy
  • Create a marketing strategy
  • Identify your ideal customers
  • Start selling

Step 1: Do Market Research

The first step in starting a hardware business in Kenya is to do some research into the market. When it comes to running your own business, you have to be willing to put in the work and find out everything there is to know about the sector.

Many helpful websites can give you an overview of the market and provide you with information on what your competition is doing.

Make sure you take time to do your research and come up with a solid marketing plan before you get started.

While doing your research, focus on three important aspects:

  • The costs you might incur
  • Your competition
  • Your ideal customers and what they need

1. How much capital do you need to start a hardware business in Kenya?

This really depends on which type of hardware business you want to start. There are so many different products and services that fall under this umbrella that you’re bound to find something that matches your unique skill set.

Corrugated iron sheets, for example, are very popular in Kenya, and there is a high demand for them. You could start manufacturing these products if you have prior experience or knowledge of metal fabrication work (This would also be a good place to import the necessary raw materials from).

On the other hand, if you’re not an expert in this area, that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of other options for you. You could work as a distributor for small appliances, electronics, or solar power products and sell them to nationwide retailers.

Other factors that will determine the cost of starting a hardware business in Kenya include:

  • The location of your store (For example, you’ll need more capital if you want to open up shop near a large metropolitan city),
  • The number of workers required for your enterprise
  • Whether or not imported materials will be necessary
  • Legal fees (to register your business, for instance)
  • Your ability to manage inventory

You will probably need at least several thousand Kenyan shillings. It’s possible that you’ll have to pay more, depending on the scope of your project. At any rate, it would be advisable to start with a smaller sum and save up as needed until you have enough capital to cover the costs of starting your hardware business in Kenya.

If I were to give a rough estimate, I would probably say you should be prepared with at least 500k.

2. How to Research Your Competition

Before you get started, it’s important to understand who your competition is and what they’re doing.

There are a number of ways you can go about this. One way would be to drive through the neighborhood where you plan to open up shop and see which other shops are there. You could also ask in local neighborhoods if your friends or family work in a similar business.

You could also contact a reseller, like an import/export agent, and ask about the competition. They should be able to provide you with some helpful information on who your main competitors are.

Of course, there is no need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to starting a hardware business in Kenya. If there is another store that operates in the same area, you could always purchase their products and then resell them at a higher price if they’re doing well.

This approach is a good way to get started because it will allow you to test whether or not there’s a place for your store in the local market.

3. How to Identify Your Ideal Customers and Their Needs

Your ideal customer is someone who would be interested in purchasing your products. When you decide to start a hardware business in Kenya, it pays to focus on the needs of your target audience rather than what you think they need.

Before going into any specifics, let’s look at an example:

Let’s say you want to sell laptops in Kenya. You would probably be surprised to find that there are already dozens of shops selling these products in Nairobi alone. Many of them also offer warranties, which might lead you to believe that their customers are well-educated and can afford the higher prices (compared with other similar items).

However, if you do a little more research on the market, you’ll likely find that there are also a number of small kiosks selling laptops. These laptop stores don’t offer warranties, and their sales staff aren’t necessarily well-educated. Yet, they’re still managing to be successful because they know who their target audience is: The customer is someone who needs an inexpensive laptop for school or work purposes.

Not all of the competition will be directly competing with you. Many shops aim for customers who need various kinds of hardware, such as paint or a new lamp. If that’s the case, you may consider selling these items anyway because they’re high in demand and low in supply. You can probably acquire them from wholesalers or from another shop that is selling them at a lower price.

Step 2: Get the Required Capital

Once you’ve determined a profitable location for your hardware business, it’s time to gather the necessary capital. At this point, we highly recommend that you start small.

For example, you could purchase a single item at wholesale price and then sell it to the customer for a profit. You would be responsible for any product defects that come up, as well as any warranty-related issues. If your business is going well, you can continue purchasing more items until you have enough capital to take on larger transactions.

When you start a hardware business in Kenya, having enough capital to meet demand is extremely important because it can help your business grow faster than if you were to deal with shortages. If you can’t keep up with orders, this could cause potential customers to go elsewhere and cost you valuable sales.

There are several ways you can obtain capital for your hardware business. These include:

1. Applying for a Small Business Loan from the Local Bank

If you have good credit or a co-signer, you can likely obtain a small business loan from the local bank.

However, keep in mind that many banks will require collateral and will often only provide loans to Kenyan citizens. Because of this, we recommend focusing on one of the alternatives below.

2. Selling Personal Items and Using Credit Cards to Fund Operations

This is a less conventional way to start a hardware business in Kenya, but it can work if your business is doing well. The idea is that you sell personal items (such as your car) or open up credit card accounts to obtain capital for purchases. You would then pay back the credit card company or sell another item to make your initial investments back.

3. Getting Help from Family and Friends

Your family members and friends may be willing to help you with capital in exchange for a portion of your future profits. This is especially helpful if they have connections to suppliers that can offer you better deals.

4. Tapping into Your Savings

If you don’t have many personal items or credit cards to use as collateral, tapping into your savings is another option. This could mean you’d get extra money back at the end of a pay period, but it would still be worth it if you put in the time and effort to find a good location and start advertising your products early on.

Step 3: Come up With a Business Name

You will be required to provide a legit name when registering your hardware business ( step 5)

So, even if you’re starting out, it’s important that you come up with a business name, tagline, and logo.

This can help your customers identify what kind of store you are in early on and may even convince them to shop at your location instead of someone else’s.

Coming up with a good name is important because you want something that succinctly describes your store and what you sell.

For example, “Nairobi Instrumentals” would be a good name because it can also serve as a tagline. Customers could say, “I need to go to Nairobi Instrumentals to find an oven.”

If possible, try to incorporate the location where you’ll operate in your business name. It will help people find you, and they’ll know how to get back if new customers or potential employees ask them about it.

This can also work as a small line of defense against competitors because they might not want to go through the hassle of rebranding their company to open up a store close to yours.

As for a logo, it should be simple but convey the essence of your business. You should also consider the size you’ll want it to be and how much detail you’ll want to go into to make sure that it can work on your sign as well as any other materials.

In a nutshell, a great business name should be:

  • Specific about the business you’re in
  • Descriptive of the location and/or region where you are located
  • Short, simple, and easy to remember
  • Not registered by another business

Step 4: Draft a Hardware Business Plan

To attract partners, lenders, or investors to your hardware business, you will need a solid plan that outlines how you’ll make money and what assets you have.

It should also include a marketing strategy that explains why customers will want to shop with you instead of someone else in the area.

Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list and that you should only include information that is relevant to your specific hardware business.

Company Analysis

  • What are some of the short-term and long-term goals you have in place?
  • How can you use your company’s assets to maximize profits?

Marketing Plan

  • Who will be shopping at your store? What are their demographics?
  • What marketing strategies will you use to get them in the door?

Administrative Details

  • Do you have employees that may need paid training?
  • What safety measures will be in place for anyone working around or with equipment?
  • What are some of your best practices for maintaining quality control throughout the manufacturing process?

Step 5: Pick a Suitable Location and Secure a Lease

If you’re going to be operating your hardware shop out of a commercial location, then having a business plan will make it easier for you to get everything you need. First, you’ll need permission from the building owner to use their space (rent). Next, you should draft a contract that outlines the terms and conditions of your business deal, such as how much rent you’ll be expected to pay.

You should also include a description of your store and what you plan to sell so that they have an idea of what kind of tenant you are and can feel confident that it won’t bring in too many complaints from other tenants or the landlord themselves. Finally, remember that the more flexible you can be about your rent or price, the better.

There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to picking a location for your hardware shop:

  • First, analyze how far away your target customers will have to travel and whether that’s within the distance they’re willing to go.
  • Next, check what other shops in the area sell so that you can determine whether or not you’ll be able to earn any crossover customers. If they are selling more than you, it might not be easy to attract certain demographics while your competitors are still around.
  • Finally, try looking for somewhere close to public transportation with plenty of parking space. This will make it easier for you to get customers in and out of your store without having them worry about being late for work or parking on the side of the road.

Step 6: Register Your Business

What are the legal requirements for opening a hardware store in Kenya?

According to The Business Act (Cap 486 Laws of Kenya), section 3, paragraph 17(1):

Any person who desires to carry on or be engaged in any trade, business, or profession must –

  • make an application to the registrar of companies for the registration of a limited liability company in respect thereof; and
  • First, obtain certification under section 3A.

In other words, you must first register your business before you can legally start selling products from your hardware store in Kenya. This will entail obtaining a license, as well as getting your store officially certified to prove that it complies with all of the necessary regulations.

To obtain certification from the Kenya Bureau of Standards, you must follow their guidelines exactly. Once you have filled it out, contact them directly and make arrangements to send in your completed and signed application to their offices.

If this is a new business, then the first thing you’ll need is an identification number (EIN) from your local tax office so that you don’t get taxed twice on your business income. This may sound complicated, but it’s actually a fairly straightforward process.

Begin by contacting the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) to find out where you can send your company registration documents and/or articles of incorporation. If you cannot find them on their website, then give them a call directly at +254 20 4 999 999.

Once you have the necessary documents, you will be able to fill out your EIN application online by following these steps:

  • Go to this website and click” Register as a new client “. Enter your company name in the search box at the top of the page. If it’s not already listed, then follow the instructions on this page to make sure that your name is registered. You should then see a list of companies in the search results. If yours is not listed, then register it here. Once you’ve found your company registration number (CRN), enter it into the EIN online application as shown in this example screengrab:
  • Lastly, you’ll need to determine if you need special licenses to open your hardware business in Kenya. For example, the government might require that anyone selling cosmetics obtain a license from the Cosmetics and Poisons Board. You can determine this by looking through the list of government boards and departments here or asking at your local hardware store.

Step 7: Get Your Business Insurance

What insurance will i need to start a hardware store in kenya.

Before you can open your business, you should ensure it’s adequately insured. What this means exactly depends on the kind of business you own.

For example, if you’re starting a restaurant in Kenya, one of the most important policies you’ll get is commercial general liability insurance, which covers your store in case it gets sued by a customer or its property gets damaged during regular business hours.

You may also want to look into additional policies that protect against theft and vandalism, as well as employee injury and unemployment claims if you have any employees.  

Do I need separate insurance for my hardware store in Kenya?

Regarding your hardware store, one of the most important policies you’ll need is commercial property insurance.

This covers your inventory and equipment in case of damage, theft, or fire. It’s especially crucial that you have this if you own a lot of expensive equipment or tools that could be damaged by someone trying to break into the store.

How much money should I expect to pay for insurance?

The exact amount you’ll have to pay will depend on a number of factors, including your location and the size of your business. A good way to find out what different policies will cost before signing up is by requesting free quotes from multiple Kenyan insurance providers such as Shield Insurance Company, Shield Insurance Brokers, or KRA.

Step 8: Find A Good Supplier and Buy Your First Stock

Once you’ve completed all these steps, hopefully, you’ll have everything you need to finally open your hardware store.

To ensure it succeeds, line up a good supplier before opening for business. This can mean the difference between having enough inventory on hand and running out of stock quickly.

Try contacting some of the bigger Kenyan hardware suppliers and telling them you want to open a hardware store. Chances are, they may even have a list of wholesale vendors compiled specifically for new businesses like yours.

Where can I find good suppliers for my hardware store in Kenya?

You can find Kenyan wholesale vendors of everything from construction tools to office supplies using websites like Alibaba, which allows you to connect with thousands of wholesale suppliers from all over the world.

Register an account by entering your email and password, then post information about what tools and supplies you need. You’ll soon get a list of vendors that fit your criteria.

In addition, local business directories can be a great resource for finding new or used wholesale vendors in Kenya.

What should I look out for when choosing a supplier?

When choosing a supplier, always ask them about their return policy and how long it will take to restock your inventory. Also, ensure the supplier has a good reputation for providing high-quality tools and equipment.

Once you’ve chosen a wholesaler, place your first order according to how much stock you need. Ensure you only buy as much as you’re confident will be sold in 30 -60 days to avoid having too much extra and ending up with a lot of leftover inventory.

What Should I Include in my first order?

Once you have a supplier, it’s time to place your first order. Depending on what you decide to sell, this means choosing from thousands of tools and equipment online or in person.

A great way to start off is by taking a look at the most popular items sold in hardware stores across Kenya. If possible, try visiting one or more of these stores to see what people are buying and find out whether or not there are any products that you could carry too.

Ultimately, try to keep your initial order versatile so you can have a wide selection from the start. This will help ensure that your business will stay afloat while you work on building a loyal customer base.

Some of the most popular products to sell in a hardware store include:

  • masonry supplies
  • caulking guns
  • power tools (such as drills and electric saws)
  • hardware equipment (that is, things like nuts, bolts, nails, and screws)
  • fasteners (like hinges and hooks)
  • Roofing sheets
  • wheeled buckets (for hauling water to construction sites)
  • plumbing supplies
  • paint supplies and equipment (including paint rollers, drop cloths, and brushes)
  • metal products

As you can see, it’s important to choose a product that will be in demand regardless of the time of year you open your store.

In general, it may be helpful to have a mix of finished and unfinished products on hand so that customers will have something to build or fix immediately upon leaving the store.

What’s more, try not to overstock in any one area (such as power tools) because there is far too much competition among hardware stores to sell out of any one product.

Step 9: Hire the Right Staff

When it comes to hiring employees, make sure that you treat every member of your staff as an equal. It may also be helpful to ensure that most or all of your employees are trained in more than one aspect of hardware store management, such as credit sales and product presentation.

Why does this matter?

Because it will allow you to expand your business by hiring new sales associates as sales grow and to start new stores in other areas.

To be successful, hardware stores need a strong customer base that trusts the owner and the employees with their home improvement needs. If possible, try getting friends or family to help run the business initially.

This will help you get a good feel for what it will be like to work with employees when you decide to expand.

You should make sure to train your employees to help customers find the products that they are looking for and to answer any questions that they may have about using or caring for the product.

As you continue to grow as a business, remember to provide your employees with uniforms and lots of praise and incentives (such as paid time off) as needed. This should incentivize them to continue working well beyond the first year.

Hiring employees comes with several benefits.

These include:

  • Improved customer service
  • Increased understanding of customers’ needs and business reputation
  • Access to additional skills that can help the overall growth of the business
  • Aid in running the financial aspect of the store (such as receiving payments, tracking inventory, and recording sales)

Step 10: Decide on a Pricing Strategy

As you get started with your store, it may be helpful to offer slightly lower prices than your competitors to gain a loyal customer base.

However, make sure that you raise your prices as soon as possible to ensure that you can make a little extra money off of each sale.

Overall, coming up with a pricing strategy that works for you will take time and a lot of trial and error.

If possible, try to play around with your different prices on a daily basis to understand which ones work best for both your customers and your profit margin.

Some of the best ways to know how to price your initial products include:

  • Getting to know your competitors’ prices
  • Studying local merchants and their pricing
  • Talking to other business owners and managers in your area about what they think is a reasonable price for certain products.

Step 11: Create a Marketing Strategy

It’s important to market your new hardware store as often as possible so that you can attract potential customers in the area.

One of the best ways to do this is by making sure that all of your employees are knowledgeable about your products and how they work together. If you have a website, make sure that it is easy for potential customers to navigate, and try to include pictures as well as written descriptions of any items that you offer.

You should also make yourself available to local papers for interviews if they need them so that you can increase your business’ popularity among potential customers.

Once your business gets going, it’s critical that new customers know about it, especially in the beginning.

Here are some of the best ways to advertise your business:

  • Daily flyers at local businesses and other high-traffic areas (such as bus stops)
  • Word of mouth between friends, family members, neighbors, and acquaintances
  • Local newspapers and community newsletters may be interested in doing an article about you or writing a small blurb about your store.
  • Business cards
  • Facebook and other social media platforms

Step 12: Start Selling!

After your store is fully stocked with the necessary inventory, you’ll be ready to start selling. Make sure that you have an ample amount of change and small bills on hand to make customers’ shopping experiences easier.

Here are some tips for starting off strong:

  • Make sure that your employees are well-trained so that they can answer customer questions about each product
  • Create a system for tracking inventory so that you know when and what items are low or completely sold out. This information is vital and will allow you to order the necessary products before running out.
  • Don’t be afraid to negotiate with your employees on certain prices if they seem too high.
  • Study and learn about your competitors’ products so that you can come up with ways to make yours stand out.
  • Include an element of surprise for customers by hiding certain popular items in a random location within your store so they don’t know where it is until they ask one of your employees. Doing this may inspire them to buy a different product that they would never have thought to seek out.

Step 13: Track Your Sales and Inventory

It’s important for your business to keep track of sales and inventory so that you don’t run out of any necessary products. To do this, it may be best to invest in a point-of-sale system.

This type of program includes:

  • A cash register
  • Printer for receipts
  • Computer with software that tracks sales and inventory
  • A mobile device for employees to use when on the floor

Your point-of-sale system will make it much easier for you to track your sales and inventory so that you can eventually work towards improving both. Knowing how many products are being sold at what price, you can invest in new items or markdowns as necessary. This way, you can continue to attract more customers and get them to buy more items.

Conclusion: What you Should Do Now

The big day has finally arrived – you have just opened the doors to your brand-new hardware store! You should be very proud of yourself for getting this far.

It’s important to keep several things in mind once your business has opened:

  • Make sure that you have enough employees so that each customer can be helped within a reasonable amount of time
  • Be knowledgeable about products and prices, and try to anticipate customers’ needs before they ask for help (such as a better tool for hanging pictures in their home)
  • Keep track of your inventory and sales
  • Stay organized! With a point-of-sale system, you should be able to track your products’ locations in the store. This is especially important if your store has multiple floors or aisles.

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L.K. Nathans

L.K. Nathans

I am a personal finance enthusiast and digital marketer. My work here is to help you navigate your financial journey and achieve your main money goals. Through Omoka Digital, I provide practical tips, strategies, and insights on budgeting, saving, investing, and debt management. My aim is to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to make informed financial decisions and improve your financial well-being.

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Plumbing Hardware Business Plan

Plumbing Hardware Business Plan - Plumbing Hardware Business Guide

Plumbing Hardware Business Plan Overview

This Plumbing Hardware Business Plan looks at the business of selling plumbing items. Usually plumbing items are sold in general hardware sh ops or specialist plumbing hardware shops. This guide focuses on the specialist shops.

Plumbin g like most other hardware business is a function of the real estate sector. And as much as the real estate has slowed down a little bit (March2018) , generally there is still enough demand to profi tably run a successful plumbing business. Nonetheless success will depend on among other fact ors the specific characteristics of your location and the ability to seize local opportunities.

Why Specialize?

In terms of set up a plumbing hardware shop com petes with a general hardware shop. But why would a customer opt for the plumbing hardware rather than the general hardware? There are several reasons:

  • Knowledge – The spec ialist plumbing shop portrays knowledge. S kill. The specialist is supposed to know more about plumbing and plumbing equipment than the shop selling everything. It’s not always necessarily true but perception counts.
  • Variety – T he plumbing hardware is expected to have a wider variety of equipment as opposed to the general hardware shop. While the general hardware proprietor might spread her budget to have a little of everything, the specialist conc entrates all her budget on plumbing and thus often can has a wider variety.
  • Market Strategy – Specializa tion is a way of differentiating. In some locations the number of general hardware shops almost rivals those of grocery shops. A specialist plumbing shop just like one specializing say in tiles or electrical items is able to have stand out from the crowd. However we hasten to add that even t he number of plumbing hardware shops is on the rise because of all the above reasons. Competition is expected to continue rising.

Plumbing Shops Set Ups

Plumbing hardware shops set ups take some very basic forms which include:

Kiosk ” S hops – These are shops located in kiosk size spaces. This d oes not necessarily mean that they are poorly stocked. The nature of plumbing items means that even as shop as small as 4 meters by 4 meters could be holding stock worth thousand s of shillings.

An entrepreneur will pick this kind of premises b ecause of limitations in availability of space. Economies of location also play a role . In some towns there are sections say streets well known for having plumbing shops.

Such streets could be crowded such that there is no space for bigger shops leaving the entrepreneur with no option but to grab the smaller shops around and enjoy the foot traffic in the area.

For others it’s a business strategy . Why go for a big shop while a small on e can serve you equally good while costing less? The biggest hiccup with the kiosk shops is that they limit the kind and quantity of products that you can stock. For instance in such a space it’s not possible to stock items like bathtubs which take up a lo t of space , consume space could be slow moving of course depending on who is your target market. And any space can only hold as much.

Large Shops – These are the antithesis of the kiosk shops . They have space and with products very well displayed such that the customer does not have to guess if really the shop has a particular items. By virtue of their size they can have a bigger and wide r variety of stoc k. Hence they could accommodate bigger items li ke tanks and bathtubs, depending on who the target market is.

Entrepreneurs will go for such large spaces either because their capital allows, they want to stock the ‘bigger’ items as per their target market, or it’s the kind of space available. At times a big shop is a business strategy; shock and awe. Get into a market dominate d by small retailers in a big way, attracting attention and with it customers and profits.

In markets dominated by small , big could give an impression of wider variety and better prices. At times this strategy works pretty well. But obviously requires more capital and ability to meet expectations .

Download Plumbing Hardware Business Plan / guide  here

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How To Open and Run a Hardware Business in Kenya

  • May 9, 2021
  • Posted by: simba001
  • Category: Business Insights

hardware business in Kenya

With increased construction, you can start and run a successful hardware business in Kenya. Starting a hardware business can be challenging, but with the right information, you can succeed. You need to grasp some secrets in the hardware business and be different from your competitors. This is how you can start and run a hardware business.

Carry out Market Research

Knowing the market segmentation before starting a business is critical and helps you prepare and overcome challenges in the market. It also allows you to identify the needs of the market and know how you can satisfy them. For instance, you get to know fast-moving products to stock and how you can blend with trends. With proper market research, you can also identify the startup capital for the hardware business.

Places to Start and Run a Hardware Business

A hardware business thrives in places with construction activities. You need to find fast-growing areas to open and operate a hardware business in Kenya. You also need to counter check that the location has customers with high purchasing power to avoid making losses.

If you are in Nairobi, the best places to set up a hardware business are along Katani Road, Ruiru, Kangundo road and Magadi road.

Secure Necessary Hardware Business Permits

To start a profitable hardware business in Kenya, make sure that you have the necessary hardware business permits to avoid harassment from the authorities. You need a single business permit.  You can get it from the county offices for Ksh 10,000 every year. You also need to have a KRA ETR machine to make sure that you pay your business taxes as well as a Point of Sale System .

Identify Hardware Products’ Suppliers

You should get reliable and cheaper suppliers to retain higher profit. Most suppliers provide transport services to businesses and, as such, look for one that meets your needs.

Products to Stock in Your Hardware Business

You need to stock your hardware with fast-moving products. You do not want to stock products not in demand and keep them for too long. You can stock your hardware with the following products.

Roofing sheets

Steel bars and rods

Plumbing pipes

The best practice is to start small and grow your business over time. You can stock your hardware business with a little stock and keep adding more as you watch the trend and the demand. Identify those products that your customers are asking frequently.

Start-Up Capital for Hardware Business in Kenya

The startup capital for a hardware business depends on location and the size of your business. To start a small hardware business, you need at least Ksh 600,000. The following is a capital breakdown.

Cement stock (400 bags) – 200,000

Steel bars and rods – 200,000

Rent and deposit – 50,000

Roofing sheets  – 250,000

Others – 100,000

Business permit – 20,000

Is Hardware Business Profitable in Kenya?

Yes. Generally, hardware is a lucrative business when you have customers. The profit margin is usually 10 percent of the sales. If you sell Ksh 50,000 daily, it means you get a profit of Ksh 5,000. However, profits can vary based on your profit margin.

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Starting a Successful Hardware Business in Kenya: The Ultimate Guide

The hardware business is one of the most lucrative businesses in Kenya. The business is not only profitable but also has a high return on investment. Over the years the hardware industry has experienced tremendous growth due to the increase in construction activities in the country. From residential to commercial buildings, people are always building and looking for hardware materials. Besides the construction products, hardware stores also sell other products such as electrical, car parts, plumbing, gardening, and tools. 

While it is a lucrative business, the hardware business is very competitive and requires a lot of capital, and planning to start. However, with the right strategies, anyone can start a successful hardware business in Kenya.

In this article, we will guide you on how to start your hardware store. We will try to cover all the aspects of starting the business from the initial planning, choosing the right location, getting the right suppliers, and marketing your business.

1. Conduct Thorough Research

If you are considering starting a hardware business, the first thing you need to do is to conduct research. 

What makes the hardware business tick?

Who are your main competitors?

What products and materials are in hot demand, and how much do they cost?

Where would your store fit in best?

Answering these questions will help you avoid any nasty surprises later.

Take time to understand how the hardware business works, the market, and the competition. Identify the products that are in demand, their prices, and their suppliers. You also need to determine the location where you want to set up your business. Without understanding these factors, you may end up making a lot of mistakes that may cost you a lot of money.

We recommend that you visit other hardware stores, and try to understand how they operate, and the products that they sell. You can also talk to the owners and ask them about the business. If possible talk to the customers and ask them about the products that they buy and the prices. This will give you a better understanding of the business and help you make informed decisions.

2. Define Your Hardware Business Concept

Once you have conducted your research, define your hardware business concept. You need to decide on the type of hardware store that you want to start. 

Do you want to start a general hardware store that sells a wide range of products or specialises in a specific niche for example construction materials, electrical, plumbing, or gardening?

3. Develop a Business Plan

With the information gathered from your research take time to develop a business plan. A business plan is a document that outlines the goals, objectives, and strategies of the business. It should also outline the products that you want to sell, the target market, and the financial projections. A business plan is very important as it will help you to secure funding from investors and financial institutions. It will also help you to stay focused and organized. A business plan should be well-researched and detailed. It should also be realistic and achievable. If you don’t know how to write one, seek the services of a professional business plan writer to help you develop a business plan.

4. Choose the Right Location

The location of your hardware store is very important. You need to choose a location that is easily accessible, visible and has a lot of traffic. The location should also be near construction sites, residential areas and other hardware stores. The location should be big enough to accommodate all the products that you want to sell. Security is also a big factor. You need to choose a location that is safe and secure. The location should be affordable and within your budget to keep the cost of operating your business low.

Pro Tip: If you find it hard to find a location, consider renting a space in a location with other hardware stores. This will help you to attract customers and also reduce the cost of marketing your business.

5. Get the Right Suppliers

This is probably the most important aspect of the hardware business. You need to get the right suppliers. You need to find suppliers that are reliable, affordable, and have a good reputation. The suppliers should have a wide range of products. If possible find suppliers that can supply you with all the products that you need and deliver them on time. You can find suppliers by attending trade shows, visiting other hardware stores, and searching online. You can also talk to other business owners and ask them for recommendations. Once you have identified the suppliers, call them and ask them about their products, prices, and delivery terms. Ask the suppliers for samples so that you can test the quality of their products, especially for new products. Once you have found the right suppliers, negotiate the terms of the contract and sign an agreement.

Find suppliers that can supply your business with quality products at affordable prices. Preferably get suppliers that can give you discounts and credit terms that will even be better.

Importing can also be a good option for some products. You can import products from countries such as China, India, and Dubai. Find a good supplier online through websites such as Alibaba, and order products in bulk.

6. Get the Right Licenses and Permits

To operate your hardware business in Kenya, you need to get the right licenses and permits. First, you need to register your business and get a business permit from the county government. You also need to get a tax identification number from the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), a health certificate from the public health department and a fire certificate from the fire department. Some businesses also require a  permit from the National Environment Management Authority. If you want to start a construction company you need to get a permit from the National Construction Authority.

Most of these permits and licenses can be obtained from the respective government departments or online through the e-citizen portal. Make sure that you have all the necessary permits and licenses before you start your business to avoid any legal issues.

Pro Tip: Visit County Government Offices and get information about the licenses and permits needed for the type of your business. You can also get a consultant or a lawyer to help you with the process but that will cost you more money.

You can read more about the requirements for starting a business in Kenya here .

7. Building Your Brand and Marketing Strategy

Once you have secured your location, suppliers, and permits, start building your brand and marketing your business. Come up with a brandable name and a logo for your business. In addition to that, create a slogan and a captivating tagline.

Take your time to come up with marketing strategies and channels that you will use to promote your business such as social media, print media, word of mouth, and referrals. You can also use promotions, discounts, and other incentives to attract customers. You can also use loyalty programs, and other customer retention strategies to keep your customers coming back.

Pro Tip: Online marketing is a cheap and great way to promote your business when starting. You can create a website or social media pages and start posting content about your business.

8. Source Software To Manage Your Hardware

Depending on the size of your hardware business, you may need to source software to help you manage it efficiently. You need to get a point-of-sale system to manage your sales, an inventory management system to manage your stock and a customer relationship management system to manage your customers.

A supply management system may also be necessary to manage your suppliers. You may also build an e-commerce website to sell your products.

You can find software online or from software vendors. If you are not sure, get a consultant to help you choose the right software for your business.

Pro Tip: For a start, use free software and upgrade as your business grows. Excel is a cheaper option to manage your inventory/customer data and traditional receipts to manage your sales.

9. Hire the Right Staff

Your employees will be the face of your business. Once you have set up your business, you need to hire the right staff. You need to hire staff that are experienced, knowledgeable, and have good customer service skills. You need to hire staff that are honest, reliable, and hardworking. Take time to train your staff on how to handle customers, how to handle products, and how to handle money. You also need to train your staff on how to use business systems such as point of sale and how to handle emergencies and other safety procedures.

Customer support will be one of the big contributors to your business’s success. Train your staff on how to handle complaints and other customer issues.

Pro Tip: Hire multi-skilled people. You can hire staff that can handle different tasks such as sales, customer service, and inventory management. This will help you to reduce the cost of hiring staff when starting while still maintaining the efficiency of your business.

Consider hiring employees who have prior experience in the hardware business where possible.

10. Monitor and Scale Your Business

At this point, your business is up and running. You need to monitor your business and make sure that everything is running smoothly. Keep track of key performance indicators such as sales, profits, and customer satisfaction. This will help you to identify any issues and make informed decisions.

To grow your business fast you need to scale. You can open more branches, expand your product range, and enter new markets.

When possible try new marketing strategies, channels, and other business strategies.

Pro Tip: Collect data right from the start and use it to make informed decisions. This will be useful in identifying trends and new opportunities.

Keep improving and learning from any mistakes you make along the way.

Parting Shot

The above guide gives you a general idea of what it takes to start a hardware business in Kenya. There might be other factors that you need to consider depending on the location and the size of your business. Use it as a starting point and adjust it to fit your business. By doing so we believe you will be able to start and operate a successful hardware business.

Feel free to ask any questions or comment on any other factors that you think are important but have not been covered in the article. Thank you for reading. Share the article the article so that it can reach more people.

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How to Write a Business Plan in Kenya (+ Free PDFs)

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There is a system you can use to write a business plan in Kenya that streamlines the entire process.

By using this system, not only makes the writing process faster and simpler but also way more useful in a really practical way.

If you want to organize your business and start strategically increasing your profits and growing towards your goals, then keep reading this guide.

This business plan has six main sections and I’d recommend that you start by scribbling your ideas for each on a separate blank piece of paper.

Once you get your ideas worked out, you can create one cohesive document.

How to Write a Business Plan in Kenya 

Now, the six pages of your business plan in Kenya are 

  • Product 
  • Production and Delivery 

Let’s look at each of these pages, shall we?

Page #1. Overview

Business Plan in Kenya

The first page of your business plan will be an overview.

It is going to give a basic understanding of what your company does and the structure of your business.

Now, on that first overview page of your business plan, you want to include 

  • Your business structure
  • Location, that is where you do business and also
  • A brief description of exactly what your company actually does.

The next piece of information for your company’s overview is your business’s mission, which is really important.

Here is why;

The business mission is the driving force behind your business plan in Kenya.

It is what all your plans are focused on achieving and if you don’t have a mission’s like trying to make plans to reach a goal without having the goal.

So make sure you don’t skip this step.

The final component of the overview page is your chart of accountability.

This chart describes who is accountable for which of the major tasks involved in running the business.

And the three main areas of accountability in most businesses are 

  • Sales operations
  • Finances 

Page #2. Message

plumbing hardware business plan pdf in kenya

The second page of your business plan in Kenya will focus on outlining your company’s message.

If you want your business to be successful, you MUST have a clear idea of;

  • What message you are working to communicate to your customers, 
  • Who are those customers
  • How do you fit into their lives and 
  • How can you help them solve a problem that they are facing and create a result that they are looking for.

Here are the questions that you will want to answer on this page of your business plan

  • What problem does your company solve for your customers
  • What result does your company create for those customers
  • How does your company create those results
  • Who does your company serve
  • Why do you do what you do
  • Why should your customers choose you over your competition 
  • What is your company’s step by step plan for creating those results for the customer or what is your proprietary system

This both helps to answer the question of what sets you apart from your competition

It also shows your customers how you are going to create those results that you are promising.

By making this clear, you are instilling confidence in your ability to create the results.

Page #3. Marketing

how to write a business plan doc

Let’s talk about the third page of your business plan.

This page focuses on marketing and generating sales.

First, you will want to define your target market by their demography and psychographics.

Demographics are attributes such as their age, income, where they live.

On the other hand, psychographics has to do with their interests, desires, and fears.

Here, you will also want to include an estimated size of your target market .

More importantly, where you have identified that you can find groups of those target customers.

Here is a little big hint;

If you haven’t yet figured out where you can find groups of those customers be it online or off, you are probably going to have trouble successfully marketing your product or service.

So if you come to this part in the business plan and don’t know what to put here, stop and do some digging.

Make sure that YOU can find this customer you have defined here. 

If you can’t, you might want to consider redefining that target customer and pivoting your marketing position.

The final three pieces of information that you can include on this page of your business plan are

  • Your visibility strategy. This explains how people will first learn about your brand and your products 
  • Your lead generation strategy, which explains how you will establish contact with the people who have discovered your brand
  • Your conversion strategy, which is essentially your sales strategy. Explain how you will turn those leads you’ve generated into paying customers.

Here is a quick heads up;

As you are working through this business plan, it’s more than likely that you won’t know the answers to all of these questions.

And you won’t have all these things figured out yet.

I just want to let you know that that is completely alright.

And actually, one of the main purposes of writing your business plan is to become aware of things you haven’t thought about yet or haven’t figured out.

Because only once you are aware of what you don’t know, you will be able to think through it. 

Don’t put off writing the business plan in Kenya just because you don’t know everything yet.

Rather, write the business plan so that you can get very clear on exactly what you know and need to figure out.

Page #4. Product

business plan in kenya now

This page describes the product or products that you sell.

To clarify, a product could be a physical product or a digital product or service.

I highly recommend that you choose just one product as your business’s primary product.

You might be selling several different things, so determine what your main product is that you are going to center your business’s marketing message around.

Many different parts of your business development will be much easier if you do have one product that is the focus.

Now, on this page of the business plan, start by identifying 

  • what that product is and then 
  • describing the result that the product creates.

Here’s a little SECRET;

What your business sells is really the result your product creates not the product itself.

After describing the results, describe the impact the product creates.

This is different than the result itself.

It’s instead how the customers’ life is affected by the result of the product.

For example;

If your product is a vacuum cleaner, then the result the product creates is clean floors.

But the impact of the product is that your prospect feels better about the state of their house.

Now they have a cleaner, healthier living environment and perhaps feel more confident inviting some company.

Once you have described those three things for your main product, you can move on to other products that your company sells and do the same.

Page #5. Goals

business plan

The final page of your business success plan has to do with your goals.

If you have looked at any examples of business plans in the past or read a guide on how to write a business plan in Kenya, you might have seen a section that focused on projections.

  • sales projections or
  • new customer acquisition projections, or 
  • market share projections 

And if you’ve tried to write a business plan in Kenya in the past and you tried to write this section, you may have found it very difficult.

Chances are that is because you are running a small business in Kenya or maybe you have just started your business.

Truth is, it is really difficult to make accurate projections or projections at all for that matter if you don’t have any data to base them on.

And that is why I’d recommend that instead of trying to create projections, you simply set goals if you are just starting your company or have only been in business for a couple of years.

You can decide exactly how long you want to make your goals for.

But a good place to start would be to set some one-year goals and also some five-year goals.

This way you know what you need to work on right now but you also know where you are aiming long term.

For each time frame, you can set whatever goals you’d like.

However, some that I might recommend;

  • number of sales total revenue 
  • Profit 
  • impact in terms of the number of customers who you help or how wide you spread your message and
  • Development, could be the extent to which you have advanced the product that you create and offer or to what extent you have built your company.

And of course, when setting goals, it is always important to set specific, measurable goals and a deadline for when you plan to reach them.

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Final thoughts on creating a business plan in Kenya

All right, that is everything you need to include in your business plan in Kenya.

As you can see, they are simple pages and you probably already know most of the information that will be going into this business plan.

There are many other pieces of information that you may want to include in your business plan 

You are more than welcome to include any relevant information that describes how you successfully run you and how you plan to reach your goals.

Here is my final piece of advice for you;

Make sure that you don’t overcomplicate things.

More words are not better.

In fact, your business plan in Kenya will be the most useful if you keep it short and relatively simple.

If you write a document that’s 20 40 or more pages long, chances are high that nobody will ever go back and read it again.

A business plan is a written document that describes your business, its objectives and strategies, and how you will achieve them. It outlines your marketing plan, financial projections, and operational procedures.

A business plan is important because it helps potential investors or lenders understand your business concept, objectives, and strategies. It also gives an overview of the financial viability of the business and helps you analyze potential risks.

A business plan should include a summary of your business concept, products and services, market segment, target consumers, marketing plan, financial plan, including cash flow statement, balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and sales forecast, operational procedures, personnel, infrastructure, and ownership.

The cost of writing a business plan varies depending on the complexity of the business and the depth of the analysis required. On average, it can range from KES 10,000 to KES 50,000.

Every business owner, whether an established entrepreneur or a startup, should write a business plan. It is a crucial document required to give potential investors an overview of the business and its financial viability.

To attract an investor with your business plan, you need to clearly define your business concept, market segment, target consumers, and marketing plan. You should also provide financial projections, including the required investment and the expected return on investment.

The purpose of a financial plan in a business plan is to provide an overview of the business’s financial viability. It includes cash flow statement, balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and sales forecast.

To write a marketing plan for your business, you’ll need to analyze your market segment, determine your target consumers, and define your promotional, advertising, and sales strategies to attract and retain them. You should also set objectives and strict budgets for your promotion and advertising activities.

You should update your business plan constantly to reflect changes in your business environment, like increased competition, new regulations, or changes in your products or services. You should review and update it at least once a year, or whenever significant changes occur.

A profit and loss statement is a financial statement that shows the revenues, expenses, and net income or loss of a business for a specific period, usually monthly or annually. It helps business owners analyze their profit margins and identify areas where they can cut costs and increase revenue.

Yes, every business needs insurance to protect its assets, employees, and customers. You should consider insurance options, like liability insurance, property insurance, or workers’ compensation insurance, depending on your business operations and risks.

5 Responses to “How to Write a Business Plan in Kenya (+ Free PDFs)”

Yoh. This was great content. I will apply it on my business and see the results. Thanks a lot.

Yes Chris, glad you found it valuable.

great work thank you

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How to Start a Hardware Business in Kenya

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By Bizhack Editorial

How to Start a Hardware Business in Kenya

Last updated on March 2nd, 2024 at 05:44 pm

Are you interested in starting a hardware business in Kenya ?

If yes, then this article is for you.

Kenya is one of a great place to launch a hardware business, offering a variety of potential opportunities and advantage s.

Starting a hardware business in Kenya requires careful planning and knowledge of the country’s laws and regulations.

Here are some of the steps you’ll need to take to begin your hardware business.

How to Start Your Hardware Business in Kenya

1. choose a niche.

Before launching a hardware business in Kenya, it’s really important to decide what type of hardware you want to focus on.

You should consider your strengths and expertise as well as market demand when picking your niche.

For example you may choose one of this niches: plumbing, machinery, household, gardening, manufacturing, cobbler, carpenter, and electrical .

2. Create a Business Plan

Once you’ve chosen a niche, it’s time to create a business plan. This should include the goals you want to achieve and strategies you’ll use to reach those goals.

Additionally, you’ll need to include a budget and marketing plan, along with any special licenses or permits you’ll need to operate your business in Kenya.

3. Source Your Suppliers

Once you have your business plan and budget in place, you’ll need to find suppliers and partners who can provide you with the hardware you need to successfully launch your business.

You should make sure to research suppliers and choose those who can deliver quality products in a timely manner.

4. Secure Financing

Starting a hardware business in Kenya requires significant capital. You’ll need to secure the necessary funds to invest in inventory, equipment, and other startup costs.

You can try applying for grants, loans, or other forms of small business financing to help you get your business off the ground.

Cost of starting a hardware business?

The cost of starting a hardware business in Kenya can vary depending on the size and scope of the business. Generally, the cost of setting up a physical store and buying inventory can range from Ksh. 200,000 to Ksh. 500,000.

Other costs such as marketing, paying staff and taxes, as well as licensing fees, should also be factored in. Additionally, a good online presence is essential for success, so you should also factor in the cost of setting up and maintaining a website and other online channels.

5. Advertise Your Business

Once your business is up and running, you’ll need to advertise it to attract customers. Consider using social media, print, radio, and television advertising to spread the word about your business. You should also invest in search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure your business is ranking high in Google searches.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to successfully start a profitable business in Kenya.

In summary with the right preparation and resources, you can create a successful and profitable hardware business in the Kenya and reap the profits like other entrepreneurs.

How much profit does a hardware shop make?

The amount of profit a hardware shop makes depends on many factors, including the size of the shop, the type of merchandise being sold, and the amount of competition in the area. Generally, hardware shops make a profit margin of between 10% and 20%, but this can vary based on the individual shop and market conditions.

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How to Start a Hardware Business in Kenya

plumbing hardware business plan pdf in kenya

With increased construction , you can start and run a successful hardware business in Kenya. Starting a hardware business in Kenya can be challenging , but with the right information, you can succeed. You need to grasp some secrets in the hardware business and be different from your competitors. 

Carry out Market Research

Knowing the market segmentation before starting a business is critical and helps you prepare and overcome challenges in the market . It also allows you to identify the needs of the market and know how you can satisfy them.

For instance, you get to know fast-moving products to stock and how you can blend with trends. With proper market research, you can also identify the startup capital for the hardware business.

Write a Hardware Business Plan

You need to write an excellent hardware business plan . From the market research, you conducted, write a business plan indicating the following.

  • Startup capital for the hardware business
  • Hardware products to stock
  • Business location.
  • The strengths, weaknesses and business risks
  • How to counter the competition in the market

Where to Start and Run a Hardware Business in Kenya

A hardware business thrives in places with construction activities. You need to find fast-growing areas to open and operate a hardware. You also need to counter check that the location has customers with high purchasing power to avoid making losses. If you are in Nairobi , the best places to set up a hardware business are along Kangundo road and Magadi road.

Secure Necessary Hardware Business Permits

To start a profitable hardware business, make sure that you have the necessary hardware business permits to avoid harassment from the authorities. You need a single business permit. You can get it from the county offices for Ksh 10,000 every year. Furthermore, you also need to have a KRA ETR machine to make sure that you pay your business taxes.

Identify Hardware Item Suppliers

You should get reliable and cheaper suppliers to retain high profit. Most suppliers provide transport services to businesses and, as such, look for one that meets your needs. Also, ensure that the suppliers are reliable and can always supply hardware items on time. 

List of Fast Moving Hardware Items in Kenya

You need to stock fast moving items in hardware to make high profits. You do not want to stock items that are not in demand and keep them for too long. The following are top-selling hardware items in Kenya. 

  • Roofing sheets
  • Steel bars and rods
  • Binding wire
  • Plumbing pipes

The best practice is to start small and grow your business over time. You can stock your hardware business with a little stock and keep adding more as you watch the trend and the demand. Identify those products that your customers are asking frequently.

How to Win the Competition

Many people have realized that the hardware business is profitable in Kenya. Many hardware businesses are established daily. Therefore, to win in the competition, it is essential that you:

  • Set low and fair prices for your customers. Give your customers discounts for bulk purchases.
  • Providing all the necessary products is that your clients have a one-stop-shop. This minimizes the chances of them shopping elsewhere and sticking there.
  • Avail different modes of payment. For bulk purchases, customers avoid paying in cash. Instead, some may prefer to pay using card or money transfer services like M-pesa.

Read also: How to start a movie shop business.  

How Much Does it Cost to Start a Hardware Store in Kenya?

The cost of starting a hardware business in Kenya depends on location and the size of your business. To start a small hardware business in Kenya, you need at least Ksh 1,500,000. The following is a startup capital breakdown:

  • Cement stock (400 bags) - Ksh 200,000
  • Steel bars and rods - Ksh 300,000
  • Rent and deposit - Ksh 50,000
  • Roofing sheets  - Ksh 250,000
  • Others - Ksh 500,000
  • Business permit - Ksh 20,000

Start Iron Nail Making Business in Kenya

If you have a hardware, you can start your own iron nail making business and be supplying nails to your hardware business instead of purchasing iron nails from wholesalers. To establish a wire nail making plant, you will need nail making machine , wire drawing machines and nail polishing machines. Uniwin Industrial co., limited offers the nail production line for making 1-6 inch nails.

Is Hardware Business Profitable in Kenya?

Yes. Generally, hardware is a lucrative business when you have customers. The profit margin is usually 10 percent of the sales. If you make sales of about Ksh 50,000 daily, it means you will have made a profit of Ksh 5,000. However, profits can vary based on your profit margin.

For business consultancy, strategic planning, organizational development, market research, financial management & accounting, risk management and business plan writing at an affordable fee, please reach out to us through a phone call 0728 621 138 or WhatsApp , or email: [email protected]

How to Run a Hardware Business in Kenya

You need to have proper records of all purchases and sales. It is important to monitor how much profit your business is making and identify fast-moving products. You also need to have some knowledge of running hardware. You need to be familiar with your stock to advise customers about the best products and how to use them.

Market Your Hardware Business

It is important to market any business to get customers. You can place adverts on social media by posting them in construction groups. Also, make sure that you have posters and business cards to give to your customers and through them, you can get customer referrals.

With this, you should be able to start and run a profitable hardware business in Kenya. A hardware business is a profitable venture in Kenya and there is a high demand for its products since many Kenyans are building. Make sure to get cheaper suppliers so that you have a bigger profit margin.

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Starting Hardware Store Business Plan (PDF)

Hardware Store Business Plan

Starting a hardware store business is an incredibly lucrative venture, boasting robust profit margins and a constant demand for its products and services. As the backbone of any community’s building and repair needs, hardware stores serve as essential hubs where customers can find a wide range of tools, construction materials, and home improvement supplies. These stores are more than just places to purchase tools, supplies, and building materials—they are hubs of knowledge, expertise, and essential resources for homeowners, contractors, and DIY enthusiasts alike. In an era of rapid urban development and increasing home renovation projects, the hardware store industry remains resilient and holds significant growth potential.

It is projected that the 21 st century will continue to be characterized by concerted construction activities. That stems, in part, from the projected increase in the global population. Plus, regions that have had mostly archaic infrastructure are being upgraded. Governments and the private sector are stepping up property and infrastructure development projects. Overall, residential, commercial, and industrial domains are experiencing a construction boom. For instance, the most sought-after materials right now are concrete, steel, and wood. All these dynamics are creating a huge market for hardware supplies. Thus starting a hardware retail store is bound to be lucrative owing to the ever-expanding market.  This article will outline how to start the hardware store business, and the hardware store business plan – PDF, Word and Excel.

Market Research

Carrying out market research is essential before starting the hardware store business. Market research involves identifying a market for hardware products and services, including important measurable characteristics. Seek to find out the market size for hardware products and services. Whilst doing that find out the popular products or services being offered. Check out up to date hardware industry statistics to help you in those regards. There are usually major players already operating and you should study them. Find out what kind of hardware products and services they offer. Find out about the market shares they own and control. Take time to also evaluate their customer dynamics. All this will help you zone in on a strategic target market. That is why the other area to look into is consumer attributes. What are the general hardware buying habits of consumers in your intended target market? What do they buy, how often, and how much do they spend on average? What are their source of incomes and their average incomes? Whilst you can get ready-made reports on these details, it would be wise to also conduct surveys yourself. You can unearth more details this way. By putting all these together you get a comprehensive understanding of the market. You should ensure that you have a hardware business plan before you venture into this business.

Location And Premises for a Hardware Store

A significant percentage of the demand for hardware products and services stems from the construction industry. So you can identify a location at or near a steadily growing residential area where people are at various stages of constructing their houses. It isn’t enough to only look at the steady growth of such areas alone. These must be people who generally have substantial income levels such that they can afford to buy your products. So that shouldn’t be overlooked because you might regret it later if you don’t find out about it prior.

Your location must be spacious enough to have parking space that adequately accommodates any type of vehicle i.e. for customers and suppliers. The interior of the hardware complex will also have to be spacious with products well arranged in a way that optimizes customers’ buying experience. The road network surrounding or leading to the complex must be well networked and in good shape to promote ease of access for both vehicles and those walking in on foot. Your hardware store business plan should take into account the cost of purchasing or renting premises.

Permits/Licenses, Insurance & Business Bank Account

It depends on where you will be operating from but a hardware store business has to be licensed. In most cases it starts from the basic business or company registration that is mandatory. Then you will usually need a hardware store license. You will also have to be registered with the applicable revenue authority for tax purposes. Other types of permits or licenses might be needed depending on the nature of the hardware products or services you deal with. There are countless risk factors associated with running a hardware store. Your hardware store would need insurance cover for at least general liability, property, crime, and workers. You can get more comprehensive details from reputable insurance providers. In addition to all this you must open a business bank account for your hardware store. Desist from using your personal bank account for your hardware store operations. Having a dedicated business bank account streamlines taxation and bookkeeping. It also presents an authentic brand image. It shields you from business debt liability thus protecting your personal assets. In cases where you need to apply for funding it increases your chances of being considered. Costs of insurance and licenses should be included in your hardware store business plan.

Products for a Hardware Store Business

There’s a very broad range of hardware products that you can sell in your hardware store. Some of the broad categories are agricultural implements, tool sets, protective clothing, building materials, electrical items, plumbing supplies, ironwork materials. So the range of products you can sell is quite diverse e.g. cement, bricks, paint, steel rods (or bars), pipes, adhesives, timber products, door frames, window frames ceramics, various kinds of associated accessories, water reservoirs, glassware, safety shoes, nuts, bolts, nails, screws, work suits, various assortments of hand tools and so on.

Your product range can start relatively small and grow as you add more products informed by recurring customer needs. Earlier we discussed about doing market research because it greatly helps you in knowing what to put in stock. Obviously your hardware store business plan should include money for purchasing the hardware products. Usually as a business person you might be having financial challenges to startup the business so it would be important to know what’s in demand and start off with that.

hardware store business plan

Inventory Management

Inventory management (or inventory control) refers to the recording and tracking of hardware stock in your store.  Proper inventory management is key to having a profitable hardware store business. The goal is to maintain an optimum number or amount of all inventory items. You should be able to have in stock what a customer seeks. You should be able to detect in good time hardware items that need to be replenished. If this is not properly done it leads to disruptions in sales thus negatively affecting the profitability of your hardware store business. In this day and age you are better off using inventory management software than using manual approaches. The ideal setup is to have an electronic point of sale system or software (EPOS) for your hardware store business. An EPOS with an integrated inventory management function is the best.

Business Model

The business model is the fundamental framework that outlines how a hardware store operates, generates revenue, and creates value for its customers. In the hardware store industry, the most common business model involves the sale of a wide range of tools, building materials, hardware, and related products to both individual consumers and contractors. This model often relies on maintaining an extensive inventory of products to meet the diverse needs of customers. Revenue is primarily generated through the sale of these products, with profit margins varying based on the type of items sold.

To enhance profitability, hardware stores often adopt a mix of strategies. They may offer additional services such as tool rental, key cutting, paint mixing, or even repair services for certain tools and equipment. These supplementary services not only generate additional income but also create a more comprehensive customer experience, making the store a one-stop destination for various hardware-related needs.

In recent years, hardware stores have also embraced digital transformation by establishing an online presence. This allows customers to browse products, check inventory, and place orders online, which can significantly expand the store’s reach and customer base. Some hardware stores may also explore e-commerce as a complementary revenue stream, allowing them to tap into a broader market beyond their physical location. Overall, the hardware store business model continues to evolve to meet the changing needs and preferences of customers while remaining grounded in providing essential products and services for home improvement and construction projects.

Competitive Analysis

Competitive analysis is the assessment of the differences between your hardware store’s performance and that of its competitors. The goal is to detect and examine the factors that cause those differences. In essence you are studying your competition in order to outsmart them. What you unearth from competitive analysis informs your business strategy. Identify who your competitors are and segment them e.g. primary (major focus), secondary, and tertiary. Assess their place or stake in the market. Then do a comparison of what they offer and what you intend to offer. When doing competitive analysis for your hardware store business, you are not just assimilating information. The thrust is to identify market gaps which will be the openings you need. Lacking in skillsets and experience on the current players can be a market gap. You will also get to notice some outstanding pain points consumers still struggle with. Maybe there could be a hardware niche or niches that are underserved – those are market gaps. Regulatory and legislative aspects can also provide insights into market gaps. The marks of a well done competitive analysis will be you identifying market gaps.

Staff And Management

The effective running of a hardware business requires a significant workforce. As a rule of thumb staffing needs are always informed by your intended scale of operations. Some of the key areas in this business are operations management, supply chain management, financial management and inventory management. You’ll need cashiers/till operators, general hands, supervisors, shop attendants and customer attendants as some of the vital components of your operations management team.

The operations team will be central to overseeing the supply chain and inventory management aspects. You must understand that smooth flow of a hardware store business entails consistent monitoring and evaluation of stocks. There’s also a need for a seamless framework for timeous sourcing and receipt of stock from suppliers. Financial accounting is critically important for a hardware business so as to empirically keep track of all transactions.

A hardware shop business also draws more customers when it offers delivery services. Having marketing agents is also strategic because marketing needs serious attention in light of the existence of competitors. As you can see, synching and optimizing all these components together requires a strong and dedicated team. The top management will, depending on scale of operations, constitute of either qualified hired personnel or family members. The hardware business plan should include provisions of salaries for all your workforce.

The major causes of failure of hardware stores include poor financial management resulting in losses. No wonder financial accounting must be thoroughly done when running this business. It’s also encouraged that you conduct stock takes regularly, an exercise that’ll feed into your financial management efforts.

Marketing Plan

Digital marketing must be your biggest focus. Get a website developed for the business to have brand visibility online. Buttress this by setting up active social media accounts on Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Instagram and Twitter. Leverage on those platforms’ features such as stories, reels, and status updates to daily send out brand awareness content. Take advantage of print (e.g. fliers, posters, banners) and digital (e.g. e-fliers) media for brand awareness. Aim at exhibiting or being at strategic events such as trade fairs, expos, and the like. Explore options to get featured in strategic publications such as blogs, newspapers, podcasts, radio shows, and so on. Come up with promotionals e.g. discounts. Institute a customer loyalty programme which will be instrumental in boosting word of mouth marketing. Engage social media influencers to tap into large pools of potential customers. Overall, strive to devote at least 5 percent of your revenue towards marketing initiatives. The hardware store business plan should include a proper marketing plan for your business.

Market for Hardware Products

There are several customer sources for a hardware shop. These include building and construction (both new constructing projects and renovations), Do It Yourself (DIY) projects, agriculture industry, electrical and plumbing projects, and maintenance work. Property owners carry out renovations, upgrades, repairs on their properties, and to do that they need hardware products.  Other potential customers for a hardware store business include construction companies, organisations, housing cooperatives, schools, private companies, individuals, farmers and the government.

Keys To Profitability

Starting a hardware store business can be a lucrative venture, but like any other business, success depends on various factors. To ensure profitability in your hardware store, it’s crucial to focus on a few key strategies. First and foremost, effective inventory management is essential. Maintaining the right balance of products, avoiding overstocking or understocking, and regularly reviewing your inventory can help reduce carrying costs and increase your bottom line. Additionally, understanding your target market and offering products that cater to their specific needs and preferences can set you apart from the competition and boost sales. Diversifying your product range is essential. Offering a diverse selection of products, including traditional hardware items, seasonal products, tools, gardening supplies, and home improvement materials, can attract a broader customer base and increase sales opportunities throughout the year. Cost control is another crucial aspect of profitability. Carefully monitor expenses and overhead costs, and regularly review your financial statements to identify areas where you can cut unnecessary spending. Negotiating favorable terms with suppliers, considering bulk purchasing for commonly sold items, can help you secure better pricing on products, increasing your profit margins.

An efficient store layout and visual merchandising are critical. Creating an organized and visually appealing store layout that makes it easy for customers to find what they need can encourage impulse purchases and boost overall sales. Proper signage and strategic product placement can further enhance the shopping experience. Provide exceptional customer service. Customers often return to stores where they receive personalized assistance, expert advice, and a pleasant shopping experience. Well-trained and knowledgeable staff can make a significant difference in customer satisfaction and loyalty. Embracing technology and modernizing your hardware store operations can contribute to profitability. Implementing point-of-sale systems, inventory management software, and an online presence can streamline processes, improve efficiency, and attract a wider customer base. Marketing and promotion are indispensable for drawing customers to your hardware store. Utilize a combination of traditional advertising methods, such as local newspapers and flyers, along with digital marketing techniques like social media, email campaigns, and a user-friendly website. Offering promotions, discounts, and loyalty programs can incentivize repeat business and increase revenue.

Advantages Of A Hardware Store Business

Starting a hardware store business offers several compelling advantages that make it a promising venture in the retail industry. First and foremost, hardware stores benefit from a steady and consistent demand for their products. Whether it’s for routine home maintenance, DIY projects, renovations, or construction work, people rely on hardware stores year-round, providing a reliable customer base that can help stabilize your store’s revenue over time. Providing excellent customer service and a well-stocked inventory can lead to repeat business. Many customers return to hardware stores for ongoing projects, maintenance, or additional supplies. Building a loyal customer base can contribute significantly to long-term success.

Another significant advantage is the diverse product range that hardware stores typically offer. From basic tools and fasteners to power equipment and building materials, these establishments cater to a broad spectrum of customers, including homeowners, contractors, do-it-yourself enthusiasts, and hobbyists. This diversity not only broadens your customer base but also increases sales opportunities, as customers often find a wide array of products under one roof, making their shopping experience more convenient. The business is also very profitable. While individual items may have lower profit margins, hardware stores often make up for it through the volume of sales. High inventory turnover and a consistent flow of customers results in healthy overall profit margins.

Additionally, hardware stores tend to be recession-resistant businesses. During economic downturns, people often prioritize home maintenance and smaller-scale improvement projects, rather than undertaking major renovations or new construction. This inclination toward more modest projects can lead to increased sales for hardware stores, making them relatively resilient in challenging economic times. This stability is a compelling advantage for entrepreneurs looking to invest in a business with long-term sustainability.

Why You Need A Hardware Store Business Plan

A business plan is instrumental in helping you comprehend the profitability of your hardware store business by providing a detailed financial analysis. It outlines the expected revenue streams, including sales projections, pricing strategies, and market demand analysis. Moreover, it delves into the various factors that impact profitability, such as operational costs, volumes sold and markup margins. By quantifying these variables and examining their interplay within the plan, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the financial landscape, enabling you to make informed decisions, identify potential areas for cost optimization, and ultimately enhance the profitability of your hardware store.

A business plan is also an essential tool for securing funding for your hardware store business. It serves as a detailed blueprint that demonstrates your business’s viability, growth potential, and financial projections to potential investors, lenders, or partners. A well-structured business plan showcases your understanding of the market, competition, and target audience, instilling confidence in financiers about the soundness of your venture. It provides a clear roadmap for how you intend to utilize the funding and achieve your business objectives, giving investors assurance that their investment will be wisely used. In essence, a business plan is your persuasive document that not only attracts financial support but also establishes a sense of trust and credibility, making it a vital tool in securing the funding needed to launch or expand your hardware store.

A comprehensive hardware store business plan is an indispensable asset for those embarking on or expanding their hardware store ventures. It provides clarity of vision, enabling you to define your store’s mission, vision, and objectives clearly. Articulating your business’s purpose and outlining your goals ensures that you and your team are on the same page, working towards a common vision. It also serves as a strategic roadmap, delineating the strategies and tactics essential for your hardware store’s growth and development. This roadmap helps in making informed decisions and acts as a reference point for measuring progress and making necessary adjustments in a dynamic market landscape.

Pre-Written Hardware Store Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel): Comprehensive Version, Short Funding/Bank Loan Version and Automated Financial Statements

For an in-depth analysis of the hardware store business, we encourage you to purchase our well-researched and comprehensive hardware business plan. We introduced the business plans after discovering that many were venturing into the hardware business without enough knowledge and understanding of how to run the business, lack of understanding of the financial side of the business, lack of understanding of : the industry, the risks involved , costs and profitability of the business; which often leads to disastrous losses.

The StartupBiz Global hardware shop business plan will make it easier for you to launch and run your hardware store business successfully, fully knowing what you are going into, and what’s needed to succeed in the business. It will be easier to plan and budget as you will be aware of all the costs involved in setting up and running the hardware business.

Uses of the Hardware Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel)

The hardware shop business plan can be used for many purposes including:

  • Raising capital from investors/friends/relatives
  • Applying for a bank loan
  • Start-up guide to launch your hardware retail business
  • As a hardware store business proposal
  • Assessing profitability of the hardware business
  • Finding a business partner
  • Assessing the initial start-up costs so that you know how much to save
  • Manual for current business owners to help in business and strategy formulation

Contents of the Hardware Store Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel)

The hardware business plan include, but not limited to:

  • Industry Analysis
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Market Analysis
  • Financial Statements (monthly cash flow projections, income statements, cash flow statements, balance sheets, break even analysis, payback period analysis, start-up costs, financial graphs, revenue and expenses, Bank Loan Amortization)
  • Risk Analysis
  • SWOT & PEST Analysis
  • Operational Requirements
  • Operational Strategy
  • Why some people in the hardware business fail, so that you can avoid their mistakes
  • Ways to raise capital to start your hardware store business

The hardware business plan package consists of 4 files

  • Hardware Store Business Plan – PDF file (Comprehensive Version – 70 Pages)
  • Hardware Shop Business Plan – Editable Word File (Comprehensive Version – 70 Pages)
  • Hardware Store Business Plan Funding/Bank Loan Version- Editable Word File (Short version for applying for a loan/funding – 44 pages)
  • Hardware Store Business Plan Automated Financial Statements – (Editable Excel File)

The business plan can be used in any country and can be easily edited. The financial statements are automated. This implies that you can change eg the percentage markup, salaries etc, and all the other financial statements will automatically adjust to reflect the change. 

Click below to download the Contents Page of the Hardware Store Business Plan (PDF)

Hardware Business Plan PDF

Testimonial 7

I found Startupbiz Global online when I was in desperate need of a business plan. I was overwhelmed by the quality of the business plan, it’s comprehensive and well researched! I did not have to wait to get the business plan, I got it instantly after payment. I highly recommend Startupbiz Global, and would happily use them again in the future.

Testimonial 1

StartupBiz Global provided a very professional and comprehensive business plan which I used for my business. The business plan was easy to edit, and I was able to get the funding which I wanted. I highly recommend their business plans.

Testimonial 6

I purchased a business plan from you, and I’m glad to inform you that I was able to get my loan, and I’m starting my poultry farming business on the 1 st of July. This was made possible because of your business plan. Thank you very much, you made my dream come true.

Testimonial 4

The business plan which I purchased from your website saved me TIME and MONEY! The layout of the business plan was excellent. The financial statements were detailed and easy for me to edit. I will come back to purchase another business plan soon.

Testimonial 2

Many thanks for your incredibly efficient service and thorough business plan. I am very impressed with the business plan. Before I bought the business plan, I tried to do my own business plan – it was such a nightmare and it turned out badly, also not to mention the stress it caused me. I wish I knew about your website earlier!

Testimonial 8

Just wanted to say I am very happy with the business plan and I will gladly recommend your products, thank you very much and have a great day.

Testimonial 3

I was extremely lucky to come across StartupBiz Global. Their business plan exceeded my expectations, and most importantly I was able to secure a loan from my bank. Thank you guys, now my dreams are coming true!

Testimonial 5

I was able to understand the business side of farming because of your business plan. You did extensive research; the business plan was well prepared and fully detailed.  It made everything clear, and I have somewhere to start now. I am confident that I am going to succeed in my business because of the guidance from your business plan.

Get the Hardware Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel)

Click Buy Now  below to purchase using Paypal, Credit Card, or Debit Card. After you have purchased, you will immediately see the download link for the business plan package on the screen. You will also immediately get an email with the business plan download link. The Pre-written business plan package (PDF, Word, and Excel) costs $30 only!

hardware store business plan

If you want to purchase multiple business plans at once then click here: Business Plans Store.

The business plan package is a zipped compressed file containing the PDF, Word and Excel documents. To open the package after downloading it, just right click, and select Extract All. If you have any problems in downloading and opening the files, email us on [email protected] and we will assist you.

We wish you the best in your hardware store business! Check out our collection of business plans  , and more business ideas .

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8 Little Secrets Of Running a Successful Hardware Store Business

July 21, 2015 Published by: James Keru -->

1.Know Your Market


  • Starting stock – Ksh500,000 (200 bags of cement, 100 pieces of steel bars among others)
  • Rent & Deposit – Ksh50,000 (May vary)
  • Single Business Permit
  • KRA ETR Machine
  • Other Minor Requirements
  • The minimum starting budget for this SME would be Ksh700,000.

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