sample wedding speeches parents groom

  • Father of Groom

Parents of the Groom Speech – Top Tips On How to Write an Impressive Speech

parents of the groom speech

On a wedding occasion, the parents of the groom speech as well as the parents of the bride are two of the most awaited speeches of the day.  Both the father and mother of the newlyweds are expected to give speeches for all the guests and share a toast as well.  If you are a parent on the groom’s side of the family, how can you write an effective speech?  Consider the following tips:

Keep it light and good –  A humorous statement, a funny story or a witty joke makes a speech more interesting and lively.  However, when you’re delivering a wedding speech, you should make sure that your jokes are healthy and clean.  Keep in mind that there will be children present during the occasion.  Also, you’ll want to stay away from making political or racist remarks that can offend someone in the audience.

Keep it at just the right length –  No matter how many good stories you would like to share with the crowd, you don’t want to take all the time for yourself.  Remember, this day is all about the bride and the groom.  Of course, you want to give other speakers the chance to give their best wishes to the couple.  Aside from the parents of the groom speech, the best man, the maid-of-honor and the couple will be giving their own speeches as well.  Ideally, five minutes should be enough to say everything that you need to say before making a toast.

Practice makes perfect-   Not everyone is used to giving out speeches to a crowd.  If you’re feeling nervous, that is perfectly normal.  However, you can feel a lot less tense if you can prepare your speech ahead of time.  Practice it in front of a mirror or even in front of a friend or your family member.  The more you say your speech out loud, the more comfortable you will be to deliver it.

However, do not memorize all the words.  If you do, there’s a good chance that you will forget some parts of it once you feel nervous.  If you think you might get lost in the middle of your speech, it’s a good idea to create an outline and write it down on a small piece of paper.

There are some exclusive examples of  parents of the groom speech online and you can observe how they are written before trying to compose your own. Click here for more information as it has great samples of time tested and proven wedding speeches for parents of the groom, funny wedding quotations, wedding etiquette secrets, as well as pointers on confident public speaking.


Father of the groom speech – groom yourself for success, father of the groom speech – it’s not just about pen and paper, father of the groom wedding toasts – 8 things you must know.

I think every parent would want to write an impressive speech for their child’s wedding. For the father of the groom, delivering a speech is a great pride and honor. Everyone who is present on that occasion will know that as a father, he raised a responsible adult who is now ready to start his own family. This article has given helpful tips on how to prepare and deliver a good speech. I’m glad that I came across this website a few weeks before my son gets married because I’ve been looking for this kind of information online. I will be checking out the sample speeches later.

Stay away from anything havnig to do with his past romances, love life, or anything of that nature. Even though it may be funny in private, his new wife, or her parents might not be too keen.Stick to material such as reasons why he is your best friend, for example reminiscing on a time when he was there for you when you ran out of gas, or when your grandpa died. Then make the correlation between how hes such a (great/reliable/willing/listening/caring/devoted/sacrificing/etc.) friend, to how you know hes going to be as a husband, yada yada get it?Good luck

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sample wedding speeches parents groom

Parents of the Groom Speech: What to Say & How to Say It

Craft a heartfelt tribute to your beloved son with our comprehensive guide. Find inspiration, tips, and meaningful ideas to honor his memory.

Parents of the Groom Speech: What to Say & How to Say It


The parents of the groom speech is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate your son's marriage, welcome the bride into your family, and share your love and pride for the newlyweds. Writing a speech that captures these emotions and resonates with the couple and guests can be a challenge, but with the right guidance and assistance, you can create an unforgettable address that leaves a lasting impression.

Want to express your pride in your son with a heartwarming toast, but feeling a little lost for words? Wordwell's free AI speechwriter can be your secret weapon . Answer a few questions about your son and his partner and get a personalised draft in minutes. Wordwell makes it easy! Polish your toast with built-in rewrites and editing tools to create a truly wonderful speech.

Ready to tackle it yourself? Dive into this comprehensive guide, in which we provide step-by-step instructions on writing a heartfelt parents of the groom speech, including tips on storytelling, incorporating humor, expressing gratitude, and more.

Step 1: Gather your thoughts and memories

Begin by reflecting on your relationship with your son and the journey you have shared. Consider including the following:

  • Cherished memories and milestones from his childhood and adolescence.
  • The groom's unique qualities and achievements.
  • Your observations of the bride and groom's relationship.
  • Personal anecdotes that showcase your bond with your son.
  • Wishes and advice for the newlyweds.

Step 2: Structure your speech

A well-structured speech will engage your audience and ensure that your message is effectively conveyed. Follow this outline to create a successful parents of the groom speech:

  • Introduction: Welcome the guests and briefly introduce yourselves.
  • Gratitude: Thank the guests for their presence and acknowledge those who played a significant role in the wedding planning process.
  • Relationship with the groom: Share your love and pride for your son, including anecdotes and memories from his life.
  • Bride and groom: Talk about the couple's love story, and express your happiness for their union.
  • Welcome the bride: Share your joy in welcoming the bride into your family and offer words of appreciation for her relationship with your son.
  • Advice and well-wishes: Offer words of wisdom and encouragement for the newlyweds.
  • Closing: Conclude with a heartfelt toast to the bride, groom, and a lifetime of love and happiness.

Step 3: Timing and length

Aim for a speech duration of 5-7 minutes, which is long enough to share your thoughts and stories without losing your audience's attention. Practice your speech to ensure that it falls within this timeframe.

Step 4: Polish your delivery

The delivery of your speech is just as important as its content. Keep these tips in mind for a smooth, confident delivery:

  • Speak slowly and clearly.
  • Maintain eye contact with the bride, groom, and guests.
  • Use natural gestures and body language to enhance your message.
  • Pause between points for emphasis and to give your audience time to absorb your words.
  • Rehearse your speech several times before the big day to build confidence and familiarity.

Step 5: Customize your speech

To make your speech unique and personal, customize it to fit your own style and story. Here are three templates to help you get started:

  • The Heartfelt Parents of the Groom Speech : Begin with a sincere expression of gratitude, followed by a detailed account of your relationship with your son, including cherished memories and meaningful experiences. Share your admiration for the bride and groom's love story and offer your support for their future together. Warmly welcome the bride into your family and express your appreciation for her love and partnership with your son. Conclude with an emotional toast to love, family, and lifelong happiness.
  • The Humorous Parents of the Groom Speech : Open with a light-hearted ice-breaker to engage the audience, then weave in amusing stories and anecdotes about your son's upbringing. Be sure to balance humor with heartfelt moments that showcase your love and pride for your son and his partner. Share your joy in welcoming the bride into your family and offer words of appreciation for her relationship with your son. End with a witty yet sincere toast to the newlyweds and the adventures that lie ahead.
  • The Inspirational Parents of the Groom Speech : Craft a narrative that highlights your son's personal growth and achievements. Share anecdotes that demonstrate his resilience, compassion, or other admirable qualities. Warmly welcome the bride into your family and express your appreciation for her love and partnership with your son. Offer words of encouragement and wisdom for the couple's journey together. Finish with an uplifting toast to love, family, and the power of enduring bonds.

Writing a memorable parents of the groom speech is an incredible opportunity to honor your son, celebrate his love story, and express your love and pride as his parents. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you'll be well on your way to crafting an unforgettable speech that will resonate with the bride, groom, and guests for years to come.

As you prepare to deliver your speech, remember to relax, speak from the heart, and let your unique personalities shine through. Your love and support for your son and his new spouse will be evident in your words, and your heartfelt message will undoubtedly become a cherished memory on this extraordinary day.

Before you take the stage, be sure to:

  • Review your speech for any last-minute adjustments or improvements.
  • Have a printed or digital copy of your speech handy, just in case you need to reference it during your delivery.
  • Take a few deep breaths to calm your nerves and focus your thoughts.
  • Remember to smile and enjoy this special moment, as your love and pride for your son and his partner take center stage.

By following this comprehensive guide, your parents of the groom speech will not only rank high in the hearts of the bride and groom but will also create a cherished memory that will last a lifetime. Happy speechwriting, and best of luck on the big day!

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How to Write the Best Parents of the Groom Speech

parents of the groom speech

The big day arrives, your son beams with joy, and all eyes turn to you – the proud parents of the groom. But instead of the traditional solo speeches, why not create a truly special moment by delivering a tandem parents of the groom speech ?

This heartwarming tradition allows you to share your son’s story and well wishes together, reflecting the unified front you present as a family. This guide will equip you with the tools to craft a heartfelt, humorous, and unforgettable parents of the groom speech, delivered as a team!

Of course, even the most confident parents can find wedding speeches challenging (that’s why you’re here, right?). Balancing humor and sentiment, avoiding clichés, and making your speech stand out can feel overwhelming.

Fear not! This article has you covered. We’ve compiled some of the best parents of the groom speeches we’ve filmed at weddings, offering a treasure trove of tips, tricks, templates, and inspiring examples. Whether you’re looking for guidance on structure, anecdotes to personalize your speech, or simply want to witness some heartwarming deliveries, this guide will be your one-stop shop for crafting a memorable tandem speech.

So sit back, relax, and get ready to create a parents of the groom speech that will have everyone raising a glass (and maybe even shedding a tear) to the happy couple!

How to Start a Parents of the Groom Speech

Crafting the opening of your parents of the groom speech is like setting the stage for a heartwarming performance. Here are some tips to grab your audience’s attention and set the tone for a memorable toast:

  • Welcome with warmth: Start by introducing yourselves as the proud parents of the groom. A simple “Good evening everyone!” or “For those who haven’t met us, we’re John’s parents” works well. Express your joy at being there to celebrate this special day.
  • Consider a shared introduction: If you’re delivering the speech together, you can add a playful touch by acknowledging the teamwork. Something like, “We decided to tackle this speech together, just like John and Jane are tackling life together,” can set a lighthearted mood.
  • Start with a personal anecdote (optional): If you feel comfortable, sharing a quick memory about your son can be a touching way to begin. Maybe it’s a funny childhood story or a moment that showcases his personality. This personalizes the speech and allows guests to connect with you.
  • Express gratitude: Take a moment to thank everyone for joining the celebration. You can also express your appreciation to your new son-in-law or daughter-in-law’s family for welcoming your son with open arms.

Remember, keep it concise and heartfelt. The goal is to create a warm and inviting atmosphere for your speech. Let your genuine joy for the couple shine through, and the rest will follow.

Related Article: How to Write the Best Mother of the Bride Speech

How to Write a Heartfelt Parents of the Groom Speech

Deanne’s speech is a brilliant example of how to make a touching and sincere speech to your son. At one point she got choked up while saying how proud she is of everything Luke has accomplished in his life. Here are some quick tips on how you can write a touching speech about your son on his wedding day:

Craft a speech filled with love and memories. Reflect on your son’s journey. Share a story that showcases his growth and the qualities you admire. Express your love for him and how happy you are he’s found his perfect partner. Warmly welcome your new daughter or son-in-law, mentioning what you appreciate about them. Keep your speech concise and focus on the most important emotions.

Key points for a heartfelt speech:

  • Focus on stories and emotions
  • Highlight your son’s growth
  • Express love and support
  • Welcome your new spouse warmly
  • Briefly mention what you admire about them
  • Practice beforehand

Venue: Intercontinental Sanctuary Cove Resort (The Grange) Photos: Ben & Hope Photography

sample wedding speeches parents groom

Need help writing your speech? Hiring a custom speech writer for your father or mother of the groom speech can give you a professionally polished and stress-free experience. I found Write Words Studio on Etsy (5-star rated) which may be a great place to start. Clicking the link below or the photo will lead you to their shop with more information. Write Words Studio

How long should the parents of the groom speech be?

The ideal length for a parents of the groom speech is generally between 3-6 minutes . This keeps the speech concise and engaging for the audience, while still allowing you to express your well wishes and share a heartfelt message.

Here’s a breakdown of why this timeframe works well:

  • Attention span:  Studies suggest that listener attention spans tend to wane after around 5-7 minutes. Keeping your speech within this range ensures the audience stays engaged with your message.
  • Respecting the schedule:  Weddings often have a planned flow, with other toasts and speeches scheduled. A concise speech allows for a smooth transition and avoids disrupting the program.
  • Saying what matters:  Three to six minutes is enough time to express your gratitude, share a heartfelt message for the couple, and maybe even add a touch of humor.

Here are some additional tips for managing the length of your speech:

  • Practice and time yourself:  Rehearse your speech out loud to get a sense of its natural flow and timing.
  • Edit ruthlessly:  Once you have a draft, go through it and remove any unnecessary elements or stories that don’t directly contribute to your message.
  • Focus on quality over quantity:  It’s better to deliver a short, impactful speech than a long, rambling one.

Remember, the goal is to create a memorable moment that celebrates the couple. By keeping your speech concise and heartfelt, you can ensure your message resonates with everyone present.

Venue: The Acre Boomerang Farm Photos: Jessica Stannard Photography

parents of the groom speech

How do I end a parents of the groom speech?

To end a parents of the groom speech on a memorable note, follow these tips:

  • Express Gratitude: Thank everyone for being part of the special day. Mention specific people who have contributed significantly, such as the bride’s parents, close family, and friends.
  • Share a Final Anecdote or Sentiment: Conclude with a touching story or heartfelt sentiment about the groom and bride. This could be a cherished memory or a reflection on their journey together.
  • Offer Words of Wisdom or Blessing: Provide a piece of advice or a blessing for the couple’s future. This adds a personal and meaningful touch to your speech.
  • Raise a Toast: Invite everyone to join you in raising a glass to the newlyweds. This signals the end of your speech and unites everyone in a shared moment of celebration.
  • Keep It Concise: Ensure your conclusion is succinct and impactful. Aim to leave a lasting impression without dragging on.

Example Ending:

“Finally, I want to thank everyone for being here today to celebrate this beautiful occasion. [Bride’s name], welcome to our family. We couldn’t have asked for a better partner for our son. [Groom’s name], we are incredibly proud of the man you have become. Remember to always cherish, respect, and support each other. Now, let’s raise our glasses to a lifetime of love, happiness, and adventure for [Bride’s name] and [Groom’s name]. To the newlyweds!”

What are the key elements of a good parents of the groom speech?

  • Heartfelt love and pride for your son.
  • Warm welcome for the bride, highlighting her qualities.
  • Optional: Share a personal anecdote or two.
  • Offer brief, gentle advice (if comfortable).
  • Express joy and excitement for their future.
  • End with a heartfelt toast to the happy couple.

Remember: Be yourself, speak from the heart, and keep it brief. Good luck!

What topics should be avoided in a Parents of the Groom speech?

When giving a parents of the groom speech, avoid these topics to keep it respectful and memorable:

  • Negative Stories or Embarrassing Moments: Focus on positive anecdotes.
  • Ex-Partners: Only mention the bride and groom.
  • Controversial Topics: Steer clear of politics, religion, or family disputes.
  • Inappropriate Humor: Use family-friendly jokes.
  • Financial Matters: Avoid discussing money.
  • Personal Grievances: Keep the speech conflict-free.
  • Overly Long Stories: Be brief and engaging.
  • Drinking and Partying: Highlight the groom’s positive qualities instead.

By avoiding these subjects, your speech will be heartfelt and well-received.

What if I get emotional during the speech?

Embrace the feels! Genuine emotion makes your speech even more touching. A tear or a shaky voice shows the raw love and pride you have for your son and new daughter-in-law. Pause if needed, take a deep breath, and speak from the heart. The audience will connect with your vulnerability and celebrate your joy right alongside you. Remember, this is a day of love and emotion, so let yours flow freely!

What if the Parents of the Groom are Separated or Divorced?

Prioritize unity over specifics. Focus on celebrating your son’s happiness and welcoming the bride into the family as a whole. Acknowledge your shared joy if comfortable, but avoid dwelling on the past or any specific dynamics. Use “we” as much as possible when reflecting on your son’s journey, and offer joint well-wishes for their future. Most importantly, let your love and pride for him shine through, showing him support and creating a moment of family togetherness even in a non-traditional structure.

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Wedding Speeches For Parents Of Groom?

Table of Contents:

The father of the groom’s wedding speech is a personal and heartfelt event for the family, as it allows the couple to share their thoughts and feelings about their son and his new spouse. To craft a memorable speech, it is essential to write from your heart and include sentimental stories and declarations of pride and love for them.

The parents of the groom and the parents of the bride are two of the most awaited speeches of the day. Both parents are expected to give speeches during the rehearsal dinner or wedding reception. Here are four mother of the groom wedding speech samples, from short and sweet to hilarious or religious, so you can find the perfect words for your speech.

As the parents of the groom, you play an important role in the wedding day, and a toast given by the parents serves as an opportunity to welcome their new daughter-in-law and her relatives, offer wisdom to the newlyweds, and tell a story about their son. The speech should begin by acknowledging the previous speaker and thanking the guests, especially those on your side of the family.

To end the speech with a powerful last line, aim to keep it to one sentence and try to make it short. Express your profound love and pride for your son and wish your marriage be filled with love, laughter, and happiness.

In summary, the father of the groom’s speech is a personal and heartfelt opportunity for the couple to share their thoughts and feelings about their son and his new spouse. By following these tips, you can craft a memorable and heartfelt speech that will leave a lasting impression on your guests.

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A wedding day is not just about the bride and groom. It’s also such a huge day for the couple’s parents. They have raised their …

Wedding Speeches For Parents Of Groom?

What is an example of the mother of the groom’s speech?

My name is Name. I’m the mother of the groom. I’m excited to celebrate this day with you. My son is a source of pride and inspiration to our family. He’s dedicated, funny, and kind. Your son has asked you to speak at his wedding. You don’t know where to start. No worries! We’ve got four mother of the groom wedding speech samples for you. Find the perfect words for your own speech. Plus, we’re sharing the six-part structure to the perfect parent speech and seven tips to ensure you nail it on reception night! Ready? Let’s write the mother of the groom speech!

Be aware: This post is for mothers of grooms, but our advice, tips, and examples below apply to all parents of the couple getting married. These speech skills are for everyone, even if the wedding doesn’t have a groom or the groom doesn’t have a mother.

What color is the groom’s mother supposed to wear?

The Best Colors for Mothers of the Groom. If your son lets you choose your day-of look, choose a color that matches the dress code, venue, and season. Jewel tones and earthy hues like emerald green and burgundy work well, as do black and navy. Valiente also says to wear a flattering color that matches the wedding colors. However, it’s a good idea to ask your son and his partner for ideas. Some couples ask their parents to coordinate with the wedding party. Check with the couple before you start shopping. Avoid these colors for mothers of the groom. Avoid white or colors that resemble the bride’s wedding outfit. Avoid blush, beige, or other light neutral tones that may appear lighter on camera. Unless asked, don’t match the bridal party colors, says Valiente.

How do you honor parents in a speech?

Your help has given me a purpose and a goal. I thank my parents for their support. I’m grateful to them for everything they’ve done for me. Today, I thank my parents. Thank you for being the best parents. A child needs their parents to live a healthy life. Our parents support us every step of the way, from birth to adulthood.

How do you honor the groom’s parents at a wedding?

From small to grand, honor your parents at the wedding with our creative ideas. Lace from Mom’s Dress. … A heart from dad’s shirt. Photo charms. First look with parents. … Read a poem or letter to your parents. … Speech. … Schedule a photo session. Show your parents you appreciate them on your wedding day. They made you who you are. Without them, you probably wouldn’t be standing up at the altar. They deserve something special at your wedding. You can honor your parents at your wedding, whether they are alive or not. This is a great time to thank your parents for everything they’ve done for you. From small to grand, here are some ideas on how to honor your parents at the wedding. Lace from Mom’s Dress. Many brides repurpose their mother’s wedding dress in their own wedding gown. If you don’t want to add details to your dress, there are other ways to incorporate it. You can use it as the flower girl’s dress, wrap the lace around your bouquet, or add it to jewelry. This idea shows love and respect for your mom and honors family traditions.

Best father of the groom speeches ever

What should I say at my son’s wedding?

Start by thinking. Before you write, think about your son and what you want to say to the newlyweds. Write down any memories, stories, or words of wisdom that come to mind. Keep it personal. Your speech should be about your son and your relationship with him, not wedding advice. Tell stories about your son and show your love for the couple. Your speech should be about your son, but also show your love and support for the couple. Express your happiness for them and your excitement for their future together. Be sincere. Your speech should be from the heart. Avoid clichés and insincere jokes. Practice, practice, practice. Practice your speech so you can deliver it confidently and smoothly. Practice in front of a mirror or with a friend or family member to get feedback and make any necessary adjustments. Keep it short. Keep your speech short and to the point. Speeches should be around 5-7 minutes long. Here are a few points you can include in your mother of the groom wedding speech:

Tell a story about the groom and how he has grown; Express your love and support for the couple; Offer advice for the couple’s future; Raise a toast to the happy couple.

What do I say to my son and daughter-in-law wedding?

Congratulate the couple on their love and support. Love grows stronger every day, and so do you. Be the gift to the world that your love is to each other. Your love is proof that people are meant to be together. Celebrate your love. You’ve been there through it all: the battles, the challenges, the lessons, and the triumphs that made her the amazing person she is today. You’ve watched her grow and now you’re celebrating her new son-in-law and all the adventures that await. This day brings a range of emotions, and writing in your daughter and son-in-law’s wedding card can be intimidating. The original message inside the card is a good start, but your own words are the best. Read on for ideas for a wedding day card for your daughter and son-in-law.

How do you start a mother of the groom speech?

Start your wedding speech with an engaging opening. Tell a story about your son or share a quote about love and family. Let’s toast my son. Are you the mother of the groom and about to give a memorable speech at your son’s wedding? Don’t be afraid. A mother of the groom speech should be easy. Start your wedding speech with something interesting. Tell a story or quote about your son or family. Let’s toast my son! “From the moment he was born, I knew he was destined for greatness. Today, as he embarks on this new chapter of his life, I am so happy for him.”

What is an inspirational quote for the mother of the groom speech?

As a mother, I want my son to be happy. Seeing how happy Donna has made him is the best gift a mother could ask for. Marriage is about supporting each other through life. This may sound overwhelming, but don’t worry—I’ll explain each section. This format makes your speech flow smoothly and covers all the main points of a mother of the groom speech. Introduce yourself. Your role at this wedding may seem obvious, but not everyone will know who you are. Start by saying who you are in relation to the couple. Good evening. My name is Martha. I’m the groom’s mom.

What to say to parents in a wedding speech?

Thank your family. “I want to thank my parents. Your love and support have been the foundation of my life. I’m grateful for everything you’ve done for me. “Thanks to my new in-laws, in-laws names. Your love and acceptance have made me feel like I’ve always been part of this family. I’m grateful for the memories and for bringing your partner into my life. Thank the bridal party and groomsmen. “To my best man, groomsmen, and partners in crime, thank you for being my brothers, confidants, and partners in crime. Your friendship means a lot to me. I’m honored to have you by my side on this special day.” Thank the guests. “Thank you all for coming and sharing in our joy.” Your love and support fill our hearts with warmth. Thank you.”

Father of the groom speech samples free

How do you start a speech at your son’s wedding?

Father of the Groom Speech Template #2. Ladies and gentlemen, friends and family, welcome. Thank you for being here today to celebrate my son and his bride. It’s an honor to stand here as the father of the groom and speak on behalf of our family.

Tell a story about your son growing up or a special moment in your relationship. Son, you’ve always been the life of the party. I’m proud of the man you’ve become. I remember the day you were born. You grew up to marry the love of your life. Brides name, you have brought joy to my son’s life. We are grateful.

📹 Parents of the Groom Speech

Thank you so much, Roston Digital for the video! 🙂 Thank you to our beloved parents for the message 🙂

Wedding Speeches For Parents Of Groom?

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Christina Kohler

As an enthusiastic wedding planner, my goal is to furnish couples with indelible recollections of their momentous occasion. After more than ten years of experience in the field, I ensure that each wedding I coordinate is unique and characterized by my meticulous attention to detail, creativity, and a personal touch. I delight in materializing aspirations, guaranteeing that every occasion is as singular and enchanted as the love narrative it commemorates. Together, we can transform your wedding day into an unforgettable occasion that you will always remember fondly.

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Father Of The Groom Rehearsal Dinner Speech Samples, wedding champagne toast

  • Father of the Groom Rehearsal Dinner Speech Samples

So your son is getting married? Congratulations! But he’s asked you to give a speech at the rehearsal dinner and you have no clue what to say. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Below we’re sharing exactly how to structure your speech plus providing you with some father of the groom rehearsal dinner speech samples.

Why give a rehearsal dinner speech? 

Well, the best reason to give a rehearsal dinner speech is probably because your son or daughter asked you to give one! But why do speeches at the rehearsal dinner happen at all?

A rehearsal dinner is a more intimate occasion – usually a nice dinner following the wedding ceremony rehearsal . It’s generally for the couple, their parents, the wedding party and maybe some out of town or close family and friends. The guest list is smaller than the wedding and the focus is on the new family and upcoming wedding day.

With a rehearsal dinner speech, you can welcome the two families coming together and set the stage for a beautiful wedding day. Note that while speeches may happen at the rehearsal dinner, there will likely be speeches at the wedding reception too. Check in with the almost-newlyweds about when they would like you to deliver your speech.

PS: Don’t miss our resource for bride and groom wedding speeches! 

Father Of The Groom Rehearsal Dinner Speech Samples

What about the mother of the groom? Or the bride’s parents? Who should speak at the rehearsal dinner?

While this post is all about father of the groom wedding speeches, a lot of our advice and samples below will apply to all parents of the couple getting married. And, of course, not all weddings have brides or grooms (and not all couples have moms and dads), so a “father of the groom” may not even exist!

Traditionally, only the men of the family would speak at weddings. Speeches were done by the father of the bride, the groom and the best man. But these days, anyone who is special to the couple can be invited to say a few words! There’s no reason why only the men get to speak.

Typically, a rehearsal dinner speech is given by whoever is hosting the event (aka paying for it). Sometimes one side of the family will take on the responsibility and cost of hosting the rehearsal dinner, so it would be customary for someone from that side of the family to give a speech.

The wedding couple may also ask a few other people to speak at their rehearsal dinner, such as members of the wedding party or other family members. This is typically done so we’re not leaving all of the speeches for the reception. Couples will break up the speeches – some happening at the rehearsal dinner and some happening at the wedding reception – so everyone gets a chance to speak and no one event becomes hours and hours of speeches.

For more tips, check out our posts on a mother of the groom speech , mother of the bride speech and father of the bride speech .

wedding reception speech by parents of the bride and groom, father of the groom speech

How to structure your father of the groom rehearsal dinner speech

Check out our step-by-step instructions for writing your father of the groom speech, plus father of the groom rehearsal dinner speech samples below!

Step #1: Begin with a toast introduction and welcome

Start your father of the groom speech off by simply introducing yourself and your relation to the couple. If you are the first to speak, the host of the event, or the first to speak from your side of the family, this would also be a great opportunity to welcome everyone to the rehearsal dinner.

Note: If you are not the host of the event, it may not be appropriate to welcome everyone. That would be like attending a friend’s birthday and welcoming everyone to the party – not your place. Instead, share how happy you are to be there and thank the hosts for their hospitality.

Step #2: Talk about the groom

As the father of the groom, your speech should naturally start with a few sentences about your son. You can talk about how proud you are of them, what a joy it was to raise them, how much you’ve loved getting to know them as an adult, etc. You could also share a short story from their childhood that showcases your father-son bond.

father helping groom with his wedding outfit

Step #3: Talk about the groom’s partner

Next, you’ll want to bring in your son’s partner and soon-to-be spouse. You can talk about how you knew they were the one, the affect they’ve had on your son or what you admire most about them. Most importantly, be sure to welcome them into your family.

Step #4: Share a fun story about the couple

Now that you’ve talk about both the groom and his partner separately, it’s time to bring them together! You can share a short story about how the couple met, what brought them together or any favourite memories you have with them.

Step #5: (op) Share some marriage advice

If you’d like to add to your father of the groom rehearsal dinner speech, consider adding a bit of marriage advice. This should be something short and sweet that you want to pass onto the happy couple.

Father Of The Groom Rehearsal Dinner Speech Samples

Step #6: Look forward to the wedding

As you begin to wrap up your speech, don’t forget to reference the wedding around the corner. Talk about how much you’re looking forward to it, share any advice you have for the newlyweds on the big day, and thank anyone who has been helping with the wedding planning.

Step #7: End with a toast conclusion

Lastly, you’ll end your speech with a toast to the couple of the hour. Cheers to the almost-newlyweds!

Hint: Don’t forget to remind everyone to raise their glasses! So often, speakers will just dive into their toasts and only half the guests will know what’s happening. Take our advice and start this section of your speech by saying, “Let’s all raise a glass…”

wedding toast, wedding speech, raise a glass, champagne toast, wedding reception

Father of the groom rehearsal dinner speech samples

Need some more inspiration for your speech? Check out our father of the groom rehearsal dinner speech samples below!

Father of the groom example speech #1

My name is Herb and I am the father of the groom. Together with his mother, we would like to thank you all for being here tonight as we celebrate Taylor and Cory.

Growing up, I always knew Taylor was going to go on great adventures. From finding him camping out in our backyard at four years old to wiring him money on his first backpacking trip in Germany, I knew Taylor was going to see and do everything he set his mind to. And that’s why I’m so glad he has found his perfect adventure companion in Cory.

Cory, it has been the pleasure of my life to watch how you and Taylor love, support and cherish one another. I couldn’t be prouder of the life you two have built and am thrilled to welcome you to the family. 

Ever since the moment you two met at a hostel in Thailand, I think we all knew this was it. Taylor had found his person. And we are all so excited to celebrate the two of you finding one another at your wedding this Saturday! 

So if everyone could please raise their glasses to Taylor and Cory, who are about to embark on the greatest adventure of their lives. Cheers! 

wedding reception speech and toast, wedding champagne toast

Father of the groom example speech #2

Hello, my name is Lin and I am the father of the groom. I’d like to start by thanking the Sheng family for hosting this beautiful rehearsal dinner and truly making us all feel so welcome tonight.

My husband and I could not be more proud to be standing here on the cusp of Taylor and Cory’s wedding day. Cory, having you as a son has been the greatest blessing. Being able to raise you and see the man you have become has meant so much to your dad and me. We could not be more proud of you!

The only thing any parent wants is for their child to be happy, to have purpose and to find love. Cory, I am thrilled that you have found all of that and more in Taylor. Taylor is the most kind and warm human and we are so excited to officially welcome them into our family. 

I still remember when you first introduced us to Taylor. Cory, you were so nervous! But right away, we could tell that Taylor was someone special. The way you two lit up around was another was so wonderful to see. We knew after that first dinner that we’d be seeing your wedding one day – and here we are! 

Taylor and Cory, as we look forward to your beautiful wedding day this weekend, I want you to remember one thing: Choose one another. Every day when you wake up, choose each other. Choose your relationship. Choose your life together. Do that and you’ll never spend a day wanting. 

And so, let’s all raise our glasses to Cory and Taylor, and a love that chooses us every single day! 

father of the groom and mother of the groom hug the newlyweds after their wedding reception speech

Father of the groom example speech #3

Hello everyone! My name is Jeff and I am the father of the groom. Together with Randy, we are thrilled to welcome you all here tonight to Taylor and Cory’s rehearsal dinner.

Cory, I am so proud to be your father. Raising you from a baby into the impressive young man you are today has been the best job I could ever ask for. You taught me so much about what it means to love, to care and to go the extra mile.

Taylor, when I first met you I thought, “Cory, don’t mess this up!” I knew you were so special and could already see how much you had changed my son for the better. We are all better people for having known you and I am so glad you are finally joining our family.

When Taylor and Cory got engaged, Cory called to share the news with Randy and me. But instead of saying “she said yes” or “I asked,” Cory said, “We did it! We’re engaged!” And right from that moment, I knew that everything Taylor and Cory would do, they would do together. There was no more “I” – there was only “we.”

And so, as we look forward to Cory and Taylor becoming an official “we” this weekend, let’s all raise our glasses to the best team ever. Taylor and Cory, congratulations on finding your perfect teammate!  

Father Of The Groom Rehearsal Dinner Speech Samples, wedding champagne toast

Father of the groom rehearsal dinner speech do’s & don’ts

DO check in with the couple and ensure they want you to give a speech. Don’t just rush the stage or grab the mic! Check in with the couple ahead of time or wait until they ask you to give a speech.

DON’T talk forever . Keep it short! A good speech is 2-3 minutes long and never more than 5 minutes. Again, check in with the couple. Odds are they will have the night scheduled out and a specific time they want you to aim for.

DO remember to mention your son’s partner . Even though you are the father of the groom, you shouldn’t just talk about the groom. Remember, this event is about two people. So include both members of the couple in your speech.

DON’T bring up anything embarrassing . There’s a fine line between funny and cringe-worthy. A story about your son wearing a cape to school? Funny! A story about your son’s ex-girlfriend or how he dealt with your divorce? Not funny.

father of the groom wedding speech

DO write your speech down . This isn’t one of those times were you should wing it. Take the time to plan what you’re going to say and write your speech in advance.

DON’T leave the other parent out . If you’re the one giving the speech, don’t forget to mention your co-parent or spouse and share sentiments from both of you.

DO practice . You don’t have to memorize your speech but you should be comfortable and familiar with it. Take time to practice at home in front of the mirror before the rehearsal dinner.


  • 4 Mother of the Groom Wedding Speech Samples
  • How to Write Your Wedding Speech as the Mother of the Bride
  • How to Write Your Wedding Speech as the Father of the Bride
  • How to Write an Incredible Best Man Speech
  • 5 Maid of Honor Speech Examples
  • 12 Tips for Wedding Readers
  • The Ultimate Wedding Toast Guide
  • How to Write A Killer Bride or Groom Wedding Speech

There you have it! Everything you need for an amazing father of the groom rehearsal dinner speech! And speaking of important words at weddings, don’t forget to check out our wedding officiant packages and free vow writing guide ! 

sample wedding speeches parents groom

Father of the Groom Speech Guide with Examples

The father of the groom has a lot of responsibilities throughout the wedding planning process. From arranging and paying for the rehearsal dinner to walking the groom’s mother down the aisle, there are several things dad has to tackle. 

While old wedding traditions didn’t dictate that one of these tasks would be presenting a father of the groom speech, modern-day times are changing that. If your nerves are getting the best of you, and you’re not sure what to include in your father of the groom toast, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. 

Why Is The Father Of The Groom Speech Important?

Generally speaking, the host of the wedding is who presents a toast to the newlyweds which at many weddings is the father of the bride. But as the father of the groom, you are also welcome to break tradition especially if you are paying for a portion of the wedding (cause that makes you a co-host). 

Today, the groom’s dad giving a speech is becoming more and more popular. As the father of the groom, it is important for you to share your pride, and love for the couple as well as some well-wishes for their future life together.  If you want to say some loving words to the couple make sure to check with them first to get their approval.

When Should The Father Of The Groom Present His Toast?

The traditional wedding speech order doesn’t include the groom’s dad, the best place for you to present your inspirational toast is after your son and before the best man’s speech . The best man speech is the highlight and you want to make sure you don’t upstage him.

Traditional Wedding Speech Order

Here’s the ultimate guide to the traditional wedding speech order. 

  • Father of the Bride

What Makes A Good “Father Of The Groom” Speech?

The father of the groom toast is your opportunity to say somehow exceptional your son is, maybe share a funny story from his childhood, and of course some loving words about his new spouse. The key to writing a good or great father of the groom speech is to make it heartfelt and includes some inspiring tips for having a healthy marriage.

To make your father of the groom’s toast a huge success, you should prepare it in advance. Winging it could result in a wedding gaffe , and you don’t want that! Take time to write your speech in advance, including some real memories, humor, and raw emotions and you’re sure to have an incredible father of the groom toast. 

Tips On What To Include In Your Father Of The Groom Speech

  • Introduce Yourself (a no-brainer, we know, but the nerves may make you forget too)
  • Greetings To The Wedding Guests
  • Comments About The Newlyweds
  • Thank All The Vendors 
  • Add-In Some Fatherly Wisdom
  • Tips For A Healthy Marriage
  • Toast To The Couple

To help you get your writing juices flowing, we found some incredible wedding speeches for the father of the groom. These are sure to help inspire you to write a flawless, and engaging father of the groom speech. 

Father Of The Groom Speech Examples

Short & sweet.

“[Bride] and [Groom], while you have loved and cared for one another for a long time, today you became one! The outpouring of love witnessed in this room today makes me the proudest dad in the world. Both of our families are blessed that you are loved and cherished by so many. 

You are both surrounded by people that are thankful and honored to be able to be a part of your wedding day. I think I speak for all the guests here today, we wish you a lifetime of passion, respect, and undying love. Congratulations to you on continuing your journey through life together as one. 

A Proud Father Of The Groom

“[Groom,] as your dad, I couldn’t be more proud to know you. I have had the unbelievable pleasure of watching you as you grew from a little baby boy into an honorable, humble, and loving young man. Every day you amaze me, the love that lives inside your soul inspires me and the energy and zest for life keep me feeling young. On this beautiful day, I wish you many years of intense love, faith, passion, and prosperity. Congratulations to you and your stunning wife on your wedding day.”

A Tribute To The Newlyweds

“Hi, I’m (Father’s Name), (Groom’s) father. It is absolutely wonderful to see familiar faces in the crowd and I am excited to create new relationships with those of you I am meeting for the first time. My friends, family members, and people I do not know-all here to celebrate this special day with my son and with his beautiful new bride. <point to bride>

I still remember like it was yesterday : (tell a story about your son achieving something or playing a sport as a child. At that moment, I was the proudest father in the world. I really understand what it meant to love your child and to want to do anything you can for him.

Today he stands before you (say a few things about him ie: college graduate, and professional) and now, a married man, who is starting a family of his own. I couldn’t be happier for them both. 

So, let’s raise a glass to them. To the newlyweds, I wish you have a wonderful, joyous marriage filled with love and with an undying partnership. Congratulations (Bride and Groom)!”

Co-hosting The Wedding – A Wonderful Father Of The Groom Toast

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming on this joyous day that we’ll cherish forever. As the proud father of the groom, a father with decidedly emptier pockets for agreeing to co-host this happy day – it was definitely worth it, you crazy kids – I would just like to say that I’m glad it’s almost over.

Don’t get me wrong! Today has been so much fun, but now my house can go back to normal and there won’t be oodles of wedding decorations and tuxes and flowers everywhere. Did I mention the flowers? I don’t think our home has ever looked more like a flower shop. It’s amazing.

Now for the happy couple. Seeing (groom’s name) next to his bride has been such a treat, one that his mother and I won’t soon forget.

These two kiddies made a promise on their tenth birthday – the same day too – that if they were still single at age 30 they’d get married. I thought it was nonsense at the time. But incredibly, they ran into one another a year ago and it was instant chemistry. Who’d have guessed?

Here’s to decades of happiness together, wherever the winds may take you. We love you.”

Love Is Priceless

“[Bride] and [groom,] separately you are two wonderful people but together, you are even better. You finish each other’s sentences and can communicate without even saying a word. You know how to make each other laugh and smile and you know how to comfort each other as well.

You are two peas in a pod, there is no question at all that you were always meant to be together. I have so much love and respect for the two of you, for the lengths that you would go to for each other to make each other happy. Never lose what you two have because it is a priceless thing that you are lucky to be able to enjoy. Let us all raise a glass to the wonderful couple, my son [groom] and his wife, [bride.]”

A New Journey

“Marriages, like births, mark a new chapter in your journey through life. The day I drove home from the hospital after [Groom] was born was a certainly new beginning for me. To be the father of a son seemed a bit overwhelming, but anticipation for his life and our relationship helped me overcome my fears and work hard to be a father worthy of such a son.

Today, we couldn’t be more proud to be part of another new beginning as [Groom] and [Bride] embark on the journey to starting their own family. If they are anything like me they are probably filled with so many feelings; joy, anxiety, love, excitement and so much more.

My advice for both of you is to always be true to each other; share your joys and burdens; love in abundance and laugh frequently, and always be each other’s best friend. Speak well of one another, especially in public settings but also in private. And when things don’t go right, forgive always. Married life is a joyous adventure, and today you embark on living this adventure we call life together. Even though you are unique individuals, your vows and covenant taken today make you as a couple more important than either of you could be separate.

One day, if you are fortunate as I have been, you will stand in awe of a new life entering your family. That will be another beginning, filled with apprehension and anticipation. Bring to that relationship the same level of love and commitment you do to your marriage, and you will find joy beyond compare.

So today, your friends and family surround you as you begin something new and marvelous. Remember your promises, keep them with all your heart, and you will have that sense of joy and wonder that exceeds all you have previously known. With all my heart, I offer you my congratulations and warmest wishes as you begin the latest adventure life has to offer.”

Traditional Father Of The Groom Speech

“Good afternoon everyone. First of all, on behalf of my wife and me, I would like to welcome (groom’s or bride’s parents) into the family. I’d also like to welcome relatives and friends of both families and thank you all for being here, especially those of you who have traveled a long way to make this special occasion so memorable. (Bride and groom’s names) have obviously worked really hard on this beautiful wedding, and I’m sure everyone here agrees that the ceremony was wonderful.

I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone else involved in making the day so special. At this point, I would like to formally welcome (bride or groom) into the family, even though you have been part of it for a good while now. Without sounding too corny, (bride or groom’s name), you are a great (girl or guy) who clearly loves our (son or daughter) and obviously makes him/her very happy. I think you have been with (groom or bride’s name) long enough now to know what you are getting yourself into by joining our family so, to be honest, I don’t have any sympathy for you. Seriously though (groom or bride’s name), we are glad that you are part of our family and I am proud to have you as a (son-in-law or daughter-in-law).

Sticking with tradition, I’d like to leave the new couple with some words of advice as they enter into this next stage of their lives together. As a great philosopher once said, a man who gives in when he is wrong is a wise man. Whilst a man who gives in when he is right is married. All that remains is for me to ask that you all join me in a toast to the happy couple. May you both live as long as you like and have all that you need for as long as you live. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you (bride and groom’s names).Cheers to a lifetime of love, prosperity, and happiness.”

Free Wedding Speech Examples to Celebrate the Big Day

These wedding speech examples will help your write a memorable wedding toast for the big day.

If someone has asked you to make a speech at a wedding, then you probably know the wedding couple pretty well. And since you know and love them, you'll want to make that speech personal, meaningful, engaging, and maybe even a little charming. Don't worry - we've got your back with free wedding speech examples you can use as guides. Use any of these sample wedding speeches as a jumping off point to help you speak from the heart. You've got this.

Best Man's Wedding Speech

The best man's speech is usually upbeat and lighthearted. He may tell some stories about the couple, and if he has known one or both of them since childhood, he may add a few tales from that period, too.

  • Say 'I Do' to Free Samples of Wedding Announcement Wording

Lighthearted & Amusing Best Man Speech Example

(Name) has asked me to talk today about what a great guy he is, and so I can honestly say that he's handsome, brilliant, funny and perrr.... (TURN TO GROOM) ... (Groom's name), I can't read your writing. What's this last word? Since we met, I have seen his transformation from an awkward youth to a slightly less awkward adult, and it is my great pleasure to speak on this important occasion.

Of course, we wouldn't be here today without (partner's name) and his/her/their ability to get shy old (groom's name) to propose. (Partner's name), I'm sure it was worth the wait. I often think that (partner's name) makes (groom's name) look good. Mainly by standing next to him. He/she/they is/are full of warmth, humor, and initiative.

Marriage is a serious matter which shouldn't be entered into without careful consideration and since (groom's name) took his sweet time proposing, I think it's safe to say he's thought about this for a long time. (Add humorous story about his commitment issues here).

In conclusion, these two married today for better and for worse. (Groom's name) couldn't have done better and (partner's name) couldn't have done….. (look down at notes and pause) better either. I'd like to thank the attendants on behalf of the couple. They all look wonderful, and I'm sure you'll all agree they have performed their role splendidly. And finally, on behalf of everyone here, I can truly say we wish nothing but the best for your future. You are a unique and perfectly matched couple, and we hope that all your dreams come true, and you have a magical life together. Ladies and Gentlemen, please join me in a toast............. To (couple's names).

  • Toasts for a Best Man to Give

Groom's Wedding Speech

The groom's speech should be one that primarily expresses his appreciation for the love and support of his friends and family. He should also express his devotion to his new spouse.

Heartfelt Groom's Speech Example

I would just like to thank everybody for coming today, especially those that have traveled quite a ways to celebrate this day with us. Ever since I first started dating (spouse's name), his/her/their family has made me feel welcome and, well, like a member of the family. Now, I am officially part of that wonderful family, and I'm very grateful.

I would like to thank both sets of parents since neither (spouse's name) nor I would be here today if it weren't for them. I would also like to thank you for all your love and support over the years, and for all the advice you have given us. If we can raise a family half as wonderful, then we will be very happy.

I must also thank my new in-laws for bringing up such a compassionate and intelligent son/daughter/child. And, to my husband/wife/partner, you look absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for everything you've done. You know everything about me and love me just the same. I have my faults, yet you still agreed to marry me. I am extremely lucky today to be the one to marry you, and I know this is the start of many happy years together. I would like to thank (best man's name) for agreeing to be my best man and all the attendants for their help and support. Here's a toast to you all.

Bride's Wedding Speech

The bride's speech is very similar to the groom's speech. She should also express her appreciation to her family and friends and express her love for her new spouse.

Elegant Bride Speech Example

(Spouse's name) and I feel privileged to be sharing our day with all our friends and family who have been so important to us throughout our lives. Many of you traveled for quite a long distance. Thanks to all of you for the efforts and sacrifices you have made to be with us today.

I also want to thank the most wonderful parents a child could ever have. Not only for the love, support and guidance over the years, but also for everything you've done to help make this day perfect. We would have never managed without you both, and today would not have been possible or so special. Thank you to both sets of our parents from the bottom of our hearts.

Now it's time to thank my beautiful bridesmaids for everything they've done and for being the greatest friends ever. To my maid of honor, (maid of honor's name), you have been a lifesaver. You truly are the definition of a best friend and sister. Thank you for always being there for me.

(Spouse's name), I want to thank you for making my life complete. I am so lucky to be your wife, and I look forward to our life together. Finally, we would like to thank each one of you for being here with us on this special day.

Groom's or Bride's Father Speech

The groom's or bride's father should give a speech that welcomes the bride or groom into the family. He should also mention the joining of the two families and express well wishes and thoughts of happiness for the newly married couple's future.

Thoughtful Welcome Speech Example

Good afternoon everyone. First of all, on behalf of my wife and I, I would like to welcome (groom's or bride's parents) into the family. I'd also like to welcome relatives and friends of both families and thank you all for being here, especially those of you who have traveled a long way to make this special occasion so memorable. (Bride and groom's names) have obviously worked really hard on this beautiful wedding, and I'm sure everyone here agrees that the ceremony was wonderful.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone else involved in making the day so special. At this point, I would like to formally welcome (bride or groom) into the family, even though you have been part of it for a good while now. Without sounding too corny, (bride or groom's name), you are a great person who clearly loves our (son/daughter/child) and obviously makes him/her/them very happy. I think you have been with (groom or bride's name) long enough now to know what you are getting yourself into by joining our family, so, to be honest, I don't have any sympathy for you. Seriously though (groom or bride's name), we are glad that you are part of our family, and I am proud to have you as a (son-in-law or daughter-in-law).

Sticking with tradition, I'd like to leave the new couple with some words of advice as they enter into this next stage of their lives together. As a great philosopher once said, a man who gives in when he is wrong is a wise man. Whilst a man who gives in when he is right is married. All that remains is for me to ask that you all join me in a toast to the happy couple. May you both live as long as you like and have all that you need for as long as you live. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you (bride and groom's names).

Maid of Honor's Speech

The maid of honor's speech might give thanks to the bride for being chosen as the honored attendant. She might also give a little history as to how the bride and groom met, as well as when she first noticed that they had fallen in love. The bride's maid of honor could also relate some humorous, though not embarrassing, stories about the bride or the newly married couple.

  • Free Maid of Honor Speeches

Gracious Maid of Honor Speech Example

When (bride's name) asked me to be her maid of honor, I started wondering where the custom of having a bridesmaid originated from. My research led me to the interesting origins of many of our wedding customs, and everything is done to protect the bride from misfortune on her wedding day.

In the old days, sometimes marriage was by capture, and a maiden was guarded by her family to prevent seizure. The bridesmaids would often act as decoys by wearing dresses similar to the bride's to confuse the kidnappers and to keep evil spirits away. Today, I have done my best to keep the evil spirits away, but at least the family wasn't a problem!

Both of you have found your other half. Thank you (bride's name) for being such a wonderful best friend. I'm glad you have found (spouse's name), and I know that he/she/they will always love you. Always love and respect each other. Remember that a married couple are indeed best friends, and good friendships are built not with time, but with trust! May you grow old together on one pillow, and may your life be filled with happiness and joy! My love to the both of you!

Craft Your Perfect Wedding Speech

Giving a wedding toast or speech doesn't have to be complicated or difficult. Base your speech ideas on your history with the couple, your friendship, and their love. With these examples to follow, you can craft a wedding speech that honors the newlywed couple and expresses your gratitude for being a part of their special day. Remember, the most important part of your wedding day speech is to speak from the heart.

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How to Write a Father-of-the-Groom Speech

Pepper in a healthy dose of your personality and follow these general guidelines, Dad.

sample wedding speeches parents groom

Photo by Cinzia Bruschini

In This Article

Your child’s wedding is likely one of the most highly anticipated moments of your life...until you remember one of your duties is giving a speech. If you’re less than excited about public speaking, take some comfort in knowing that the father-of-the-groom speech is typically reserved for the rehearsal dinner (usually a much smaller audience than the wedding day crowd!). 

There’s a multitude of emotions flowing as your son’s wedding day approaches, but anxiety shouldn’t be one of them. Below, professional wedding vow writer and speechwriter Katelyn Peterson outlines the ideal template for a father-of-the-groom speech and shares go-to tips to hook your audience and release the pre-speech jitters. 

Meet the Expert

Katelyn Peterson is the founder of Wedding Words , a service specialized in crafting custom vows, speeches, and toasts to remove stress and spark excitement for engaged couples and their wedding party. Her work has been featured in The New York Times , Forbes , and Bustle .

Father-of-the-Groom Speech Template 

Pepper in a healthy dose of your personality and follow these general guidelines to sound like a public speaking pro:

  • Introduce yourself. Keep it simple, state your name and relation to the couple, and cut the fluff, Peterson says. “For example, ‘Hello, everyone. I'm Craig Jones and I'm the father of the groom.’ There is no need to add this line: ‘For those of you who don't know me…’ It's unnecessary, and doesn't add any impact to your delivery.” 
  • Share a few short stories. Share two to three short stories about your son that showcase his positive traits, only sharing details that serve the goal of that story. “And make sure all the stories share a common theme so they flow into one another while also providing an overarching point to your speech.” 
  • Recognize your son’s new spouse. Be sure to note what you appreciate or list the qualities you admire about your son's new spouse. Peterson says this part should detail why you're happy to welcome them into your family and it’s a nice touch to include at least one story about them in this section, too. What if you don't know your son's new spouse too well? “No problem," Peterson exclaims. "Focus on why your son loves this person and use those details as an opportunity to say something positive about them.”
  • Share well wishes. Communicate advice or your wishes for the couple. This is the section you use to describe the future you hope they share together. 
  • Close with a toast. “Tie the speech together with a strong last line ,” Peterson says. “Keep it short and try to tie it back to the theme of your speech.” 

Father-of-the-Groom Speech Tips

Here are Peterson’s best tips for writing and delivering your father-of-the-groom speech .

  • Keep it short and sweet. Your speech should fall between three and six minutes. Anything longer and it’s likely you'll start to lose the crowd's attention. 
  • Don’t stress about memorizing. “Do not feel like you have to memorize your speech,” Peterson shares. “Print your speech on paper and practice it enough so that you can make eye contact while reciting.”
  • Keep "thank you's" concise. If you have more than two to four specific people to thank, do not list names and instead thank generalized groups. Peterson says “if you find yourself listing seven people from your new daughter-in-law's side, instead simply say, ‘I'd especially like to thank the Myer's family for their continued support and love in our son's life.’" 
  • Share stories with purpose. “Good stories are what will make your speech,” Peterson reveals. “So focus on telling stories that are funny and entertaining, but also have a sweet and serious moment.” Above all, she notes that every story should have a purpose, such as highlighting a positive trait about your son or his spouse. If you can't find that in the story, remove it and include a new anecdote. 
  • Be aware of body language. Pay attention to your body language and know how to properly use the microphone. When you move your head, the mic should travel with you to pick up your voice. Make sure the mic is close enough to pick up your voice but not so close that it covers your face. 
  • Enlist a professional. Don't feel like you’re on your own if you’re not a strong writer or speaker; there are professional wedding speech writers who specialize in taking your thoughts and articulating them into a sweet and funny moment . 

Peterson recommends printing out your speech on one sheet of paper that you can easily reference. She advises against reading from your phone and warns that note cards can easily fall out of order. 

Father-of-the-Groom Speech Brainstorming Tips

Now that you know the secrets to speech-giving success, here are some questions to ask yourself to start getting the words flowing.

  • What are some of your favorite memories of your son as a kid? 
  • What qualities does your son have that will serve his marriage? 
  • How does this couple balance each other? 
  • What was your initial impression of your son's new spouse? 
  • What makes you happy to be celebrating this wedding? 
  • How do you envision their future together? 

Father-of-the-Groom Speech Examples to Make Your Own

Get inspired by this real-life example of a light and funny father-of-the-groom speech that showcases a combination of humor , warmth, and personality for this heartfelt moment. 

“I think I’ve met almost everyone, but I’m Doug. I’m Andy’s dad, and his mom is over there—that’s Jenny. I’m a little bit nervous so I have notes. I may refer to those because I don’t want to forget anything. And I can be emotional with things like this, so I want this to be interactive—if I get choked up and start crying you all should feel free to do the same, or if I tell a joke if you guys could go ahead and laugh that would be great! 

Before I go too far, I want to acknowledge Tracy’s parents: Dave and Linda. They’ve put a ton of time and effort and hard work into the planning for tomorrow. Jenny and I have had a great time getting to know them over the last few years. We don’t think of you guys as Andy’s in-laws , we think of you as family . 

And now on to the wedding couple...a little over 25 years ago, Andy was born—don’t worry, I won’t go through every year—but I remember the feeling of excitement and how proud Jenny and I were to be new parents . We watched Andy grow up into a wonderful young man with unquestioning integrity and strong values and it’s those same feelings of excitement and pride that get echoed tomorrow as the two of you get married.

As your kids grow up you want them to have the absolute best. Andy was very fortunate when he met Tracy six years ago, and when he gets married tomorrow I know he truly has found the best for him and we can’t wait to call her our daughter. There are certain couples you see together and you say ‘they were just meant to be ,’ and Tracy and Andy have that type of relationship. They are the perfect match , like bread and butter, or like Forrest Gump would say, 'peas and carrots,' or as my wife would say, 'wine and cheese!'

This is the point where I get to be a dad and offer some fatherly advice, some words of wisdom .

There are seven words that are essential to having a successful marriage: 'Yes, dear', 'you were right', and 'I’m sorry.'

You’ll have disagreements and you’ll have arguments, and when that happens never stop communicating , always talk things out. And remember that communicating isn’t just talking, it’s also listening. Try to see things from their perspective. But when it’s all said and done, with those seven words, everything will be fine. 

Getting married is the journey of a lifetime, it’s when you find your soulmate and you make a promise to that person they will always be your soulmate. It was once said that getting married and having a successful marriage is like falling in love over and over again with the same person. If you pursue your marriage with love, and compassion, and understanding, you’ll be on your way to that journey of a lifetime. Jenny and I love you both unconditionally, and we’re so proud of you both. Without further ado, here’s a toast to a long, happy, healthy marriage blessed with unending love.”

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sample wedding speeches parents groom

Deliver a Knockout Father of the Groom Speech: The Ultimate Guide

In this guide, read about tips and templates to use as inspiration for father of groom speeches.

Father hugging son at wedding

When it comes to the wedding day, the father of the groom often feels a mix of emotions - pride, joy, and perhaps a little bit of nervousness. One of the key responsibilities of the father of the groom is to give a heartfelt speech at the wedding reception. If you're wondering how to write the perfect father of the groom wedding speech, you've come to the right place.

Here are some tips to help you craft a speech that will leave a lasting impression on the happy couple and their guests:

  • Start by brainstorming . Before you begin writing your speech, take some time to think about the key points you want to include. What do you want to say about your son and his new spouse? How can you add a personal touch to the speech? Jot down a few notes to help guide you as you begin to write.
  • Keep it personal . As the father of the groom, your speech should be personal and heartfelt. Share your memories of your son and the happy couple, and let your emotions show. This will make the speech more meaningful and engaging for the audience.
  • Be humorous . Weddings are a time for celebration, and a little bit of humor can go a long way in lightening the mood. Use anecdotes and jokes to add a touch of levity to your speech, but be mindful of the audience and make sure your jokes are appropriate.
  • Share words of wisdom . As the father of the groom, you have a unique perspective on love and marriage. Share your thoughts and advice with the happy couple, and offer them your best wishes for a long and happy marriage.
  • Practice, practice, practice . The key to a great speech is confidence, and the best way to gain confidence is to practice. Rehearse your speech several times before the wedding, so you feel comfortable and at ease when it comes time to deliver it.
  • Keep it short and sweet . While you may have a lot to say, it's important to keep your speech brief and to the point. Aim for a speech that's around 3-5 minutes long and no longer than 7 minutes.
  • Lastly, prepare some opening and closing lines . You can use some popular quotes or anecdotes, or you can make them up.

The father of the groom wedding speech is an opportunity to share your thoughts and feelings about your son and his new spouse. By following these tips, you can craft a speech that is personal, heartfelt, and memorable. And remember, it's a special day for your son and his spouse, so keep your speech light and enjoyable.

Here are 10 father of the groom speeches to use as inspiration:

Father of the Groom Speech Template #1

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good evening everyone. My name is [Name], and I have the honor of being the father of the groom.

[Insert personal anecdote about your son growing up, such as a funny story or a moment that stands out to you]

And now, here he is, all grown up and ready to take on the next chapter of his life with [bride’s name]. I must say, [bride’s name], you have certainly captured my son’s heart and for that, I thank you.

[Insert personal anecdote about the bride and groom’s relationship, such as how you first met or something that shows their love and commitment to each other]

Marriage is a beautiful thing, and I couldn’t be happier to see my son [groom’s name] sharing his life with someone as wonderful as [bride’s name].

[Insert a toast or words of wisdom for the bride and groom, such as a quote or advice you would like to pass on to them]

So, let’s raise a glass to the happy couple, [bride’s name] and [groom’s name]. May your love continue to grow and flourish, and may you always find happiness and joy in each other.

Father of the Groom Speech Template #2

Ladies and Gentlemen, friends and family, welcome.

First of all, I want to say thank you for being here today to celebrate this special day with my [son] and his beautiful bride [bride's name]. It’s truly an honor to stand here as [son's name]’s father and to speak on behalf of our family.

[Insert personal anecdote about son growing up or significant moment in relationship]

[Son's name], you have always been the life of the party and I am so proud of the man you have become. I remember the day you were born [insert additional anecdote about son's childhood], and now here you are, marrying the love of your life. [bride's name], you have brought so much joy into [son's name]'s life, and for that, we are forever grateful.

I have to say, this is a pretty emotional moment for me. It feels like just yesterday [son's name] was a little boy, and now he’s all grown up and getting married. Time flies, and it’s important to cherish these moments while we have them.

[Insert personal anecdote about son's relationship with bride or their love story]

[Son's name], [bride's name], I want you both to know that I am honored to be a part of your lives, and I am so happy that you have found each other. May your marriage be filled with love, laughter, and happiness.

To the newlyweds, I raise a toast to a lifetime of love, happiness and adventure. May you always remember the love and joy you feel today, and may it continue to grow stronger with each passing year.

Father of the Groom Speech Template #3

Good evening everyone,

My name is [Your Name], and I have the honor of being the proud father of the groom [Groom's Name].

First of all, I would like to thank you all for coming here today to celebrate the marriage of [Groom's Name] and [Bride's Name].

[Insert personal anecdote about the groom - how you first met him, his childhood, some of his quirks, etc.]

Now, [Groom's Name], I have to say, it feels like just yesterday that you were a little boy with big dreams and an even bigger personality. And now, here you are, a grown man, making a commitment to the love of your life.

[Insert personal anecdote about the bride - how she first entered your life, what you admire about her, etc.]

[Groom's Name] and [Bride's Name], I couldn't be happier for the two of you. Your love for each other is a shining example to us all, and I am so grateful to be a part of this special day.

[Insert personal anecdote about the couple - how they complement each other, a memorable moment you witnessed, etc.]

So, here's to the happy couple - [Groom's Name] and [Bride's Name]. May your love continue to flourish and grow, and may your lives be filled with joy, laughter, and happiness.

Father of the Groom Speech Template #4

Good evening, everyone. It is an honor to be here today, celebrating the love and commitment of [Groom] and [Bride].

I want to take a moment to acknowledge [Groom]'s mother, [Mother of the Groom], for raising such an amazing young man. And [Bride], for bringing so much joy and happiness into [Groom]'s life.

I have known [Groom] for [length of time], and I have watched him grow into the man he is today. [Insert personal anecdote about the groom]. He has always been [positive trait], and I have no doubt that he will be an incredible partner to [Bride].

[Insert personal anecdote about the bride and groom as a couple]. Their love for each other is inspiring, and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to witness it today.

Marriage is not just about love, it is also about partnership. [Groom] and [Bride], I hope you will continue to support each other, through good times and bad, as you embark on this journey together.

I am honored to be a part of your special day, and I wish you all the happiness in the world. May your love for each other only grow stronger with each passing year.

To [Groom] and [Bride]: Congratulations, and may your marriage be filled with love, laughter, and endless adventures.

Father of the Groom Speech Template #5

Ladies and Gentlemen, fellow friends and family,

As the proud father of the groom, I have the honor of speaking to you today. [Insert groom's name] and [insert bride's name], congratulations on this wonderful occasion!

[Insert personal anecdote about the groom]

Now, [groom's name], I have to say, I never thought I'd see the day when you'd settle down and get married. But [bride's name], you have done the impossible, you've tamed this wild child.

[Insert personal anecdote about the bride]

Today is a day to celebrate love, commitment, and two lives becoming one. And I must say, [groom's name] and [bride's name], you two make a fantastic team.

[Insert personal anecdote about the couple]

So, [groom's name], my son, I want you to know that I am proud of the man you have become, and I couldn't have asked for a better [daughter-in-law/wife for my son]. [bride's name], I welcome you to our family with open arms.

[Insert personal anecdote about the future of the couple]

In conclusion, [groom's name] and [bride's name], I raise a glass to you both on this joyous day, and I wish you a lifetime of happiness, laughter, and love.

Cheers to the newlyweds!

Father of the Groom Speech Template #6

Good evening everyone!

First off, I just want to say how proud I am of my son [Son's Name]. He's not just a great son, he's a great man. And now he's getting married to an amazing woman, [Daughter-in-Law's Name].

[Insert personal anecdote about the groom growing up or a funny memory you have of him]

But let's be real, [Daughter-in-Law's Name] is the real catch here. She's smart, beautiful, and [insert personal anecdote about how she and the groom met or something you admire about her].

Now, [Son's Name], you're about to enter into a whole new world. Marriage is like a circus, with all sorts of acts. But it's also like a casino, because you never know what you're going to get. But, [Daughter-in-Law's Name], you're his lucky hand.

[Insert personal anecdote about the couple together or what makes them a good match]

So, [Son's Name], I want to wish you all the happiness in the world. And [Daughter-in-Law's Name], I welcome you to the family. We're all looking forward to many more happy memories together.

To the happy couple! Cheers!

Father of the Groom Speech Template #7

Ladies and Gentlemen, it's your boy, the father of the groom, and I'm honored to stand here today to celebrate this beautiful union.

I have to say, [insert groom's name] has always been a special kind of dude. I remember when he was just [insert age or memory], and he had this [insert funny quirk or personality trait]. It always made me [insert emotion or reaction].

Now, let's talk about [bride's name]. She's [insert adjective], and I have to say, she's been a perfect match for my son. When they first started dating, I was a little apprehensive, but after [insert memorable moment or personal anecdote], I knew she was the one for him.

I want to thank [bride's parents' names] for raising such a wonderful daughter and for welcoming [groom's name] into your family with open arms. You've done an amazing job, and I couldn't be happier to have you all as part of our family now.

[Groom's name], you're an amazing son, and I couldn't be more proud of the man you've become. You've found someone who loves and supports you, and that's what's most important. I wish you and [bride's name] a lifetime of happiness, love, and joy.

And to the happy couple, I raise a glass to you. May your marriage be filled with love, laughter, and many more adventures. To [bride and groom's names], cheers!

Father of the Groom Speech Template #8

Ladies and gentlemen,

I stand here today as the proud father of the groom, [GROOM'S NAME], and I couldn't be happier for him and his beautiful bride, [BRIDE'S NAME].

I have to admit, when [GROOM'S NAME] first told me he was getting married, I was a little worried. I mean, he's my little boy! But then I met [BRIDE'S NAME], and let me tell you, she put all my worries to rest.

[INSERT PERSONAL ANECDOTE #1 HERE - maybe a story about when you first met the bride, or when you knew she was the one for your son]

[GROOM'S NAME], you've grown up to be an amazing young man, and I'm so proud of you. And [BRIDE'S NAME], I have to say, you're just as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside. You two are the perfect match, and I know you're going to have a long and happy life together.

[INSERT PERSONAL ANECDOTE #2 HERE - maybe a story about the groom growing up, or a funny moment you shared together]

So let's raise a glass to the happy couple. To [GROOM'S NAME] and [BRIDE'S NAME] - may your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day.

Father of the Groom Speech Template #9

Ladies and Gentlemen, friends and family, I stand before you today, feeling honored and humbled to be giving a speech on this special occasion.

[Insert personal anecdote about your son and the groom, share a funny story or two about your son's growing up years.]

Now, let me tell you a little bit about my new [son-in-law/son]. [Insert personal anecdotes about the groom and how he fits into the family.]

[Insert personal joke about weddings/marriage/relationships]

But in all seriousness, [bride] and [groom], you two make a beautiful couple. Your love for each other shines brighter than the chandeliers in this room. And I couldn't be more proud to welcome [groom] into our family.

[Insert personal message to the couple, offering advice, well wishes, and congratulations.]

So, let's raise a glass to [bride] and [groom]. May your love continue to grow and flourish. May you have a lifetime of happiness and adventure together. To [bride] and [groom]! Cheers!

Father of the Groom Speech Template #10

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am honored to be here today as the proud father of the groom. And let me tell you, my son has done good! He's married a beautiful woman who is smart, kind, and most importantly, makes him happy. And for that, I am grateful.

[Insert personal anecdote about the groom, e.g. "I remember when my son was just a little boy, always getting into mischief. But he's grown up to be a fine young man and I couldn't be prouder."]

[Insert another personal anecdote about the couple, e.g. "I will never forget the first time my son brought [bride's name] home to meet us. She had us all laughing and smiling within minutes. It was clear from that moment that they were meant to be together."]

Now, I want to take a moment to talk about the beautiful bride. [Bride's name], you have become a part of our family and we are so lucky to have you. Your love and care for my son is evident and it brings us all so much joy to see the two of you together.

[Insert personal anecdote about the bride, e.g. "I have to say, [bride's name] is one of the most hardworking and dedicated people I have ever met. And she is the best doctor I've ever talked to!"]

So, to the newlyweds, I want to wish you a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness. May your love for each other continue to grow with each passing day. And always remember, the most important thing in a marriage is to always make each other laugh, because laughter truly is the best medicine.

[Groom's name], [bride's name], I raise a glass to you both. May your life together be filled with joy, love, and all the blessings that come with it. Cheers!

sample wedding speeches parents groom


Parents of The Groom Speech

Ai generator.

Good evening, everyone,

Thank you all for being here today to celebrate this beautiful occasion. As the parents of the groom, [Groom’s Name], we are filled with immense joy and pride. It means the world to us to have you all here to share in this special day.

Reflecting on [Groom’s Name]’s Journey

From the moment [Groom’s Name] entered our lives, he brought us an abundance of joy and happiness. Watching him grow from a curious, energetic child into the incredible man he is today has been one of our greatest blessings. Whether it was his dedication to his studies, his passion for his hobbies, or his unwavering loyalty to his friends and family, [Groom’s Name] has always shown determination and a big heart.

Meeting [Bride’s Name]

When [Groom’s Name] introduced us to [Bride’s Name], we quickly saw how special she is. Her warmth, kindness, and love for [Groom’s Name] were evident from the start. We could see that they complemented each other perfectly and brought out the best in one another. [Bride’s Name], we are so grateful to welcome you into our family. You have made our son incredibly happy, and we look forward to many wonderful moments together.

Sharing Memories

One of our favorite memories of [Groom’s Name] is when he decided to build a treehouse in our backyard. He was about ten years old and filled with so much enthusiasm for the project. He spent weeks planning, gathering materials, and working tirelessly. The end result was a slightly lopsided but sturdy treehouse that became a favorite gathering spot for his friends. This story illustrates his dedication, resourcefulness, and ability to bring people together – qualities that will serve him well in his marriage.

Words of Wisdom and Wishes

As you both embark on this new journey together, we want to share a few words of wisdom. Marriage is a partnership built on love, trust, and respect. Always communicate openly with each other, support one another through the good times and the challenges, and never forget to cherish the small, everyday moments that bring joy to your lives.

Expressing Gratitude

We also want to take a moment to thank everyone who has helped make this day so special. To our friends and family who have traveled from near and far, your presence here means so much to us. To those who have contributed to the planning and preparations, your efforts are deeply appreciated. And to everyone who has supported [Groom’s Name] and [Bride’s Name] throughout their journey, thank you for your love and encouragement.

Now, if everyone could please raise their glasses. Here’s to [Groom’s Name] and [Bride’s Name]. May your life together be filled with love, laughter, and endless happiness. May you continue to grow together, support each other, and create beautiful memories. We are so proud of you both and look forward to watching your love story unfold.


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Father Of The Groom Speech Examples

April 3, 2017 By Kate

father of the groom speech examples

If your son is getting married, then it is a very exciting time for everyone involved. As the father of the groom, you might not have plenty of obvious responsibilities when it comes to the wedding. At the same time, your son might look to you for guidance and advice when it comes to wedding planning as well as married life.

Being the father of the groom, chances are that you have experience when it comes to weddings and marriage. Because of this, your son might be able to use your knowledge and wisdom when it comes to these subjects.

In some cases, advice is not always necessary or needed. But your son will still lead for you for support. One way to offer up your support is to give a speech at the wedding.

When trying to think of great topics for your speech, there are a few areas that you can consider. You can talk about your own marriage and wedding day.

In writing your speech, there are some questions that can help provide you with more content. Did you ever imagine your son getting married? What was your first impression of the bride? What are your hopes and wishes for the newly married couple? What was your own wedding like and how would you describe married life?

Do you have any words of wisdom or advice for your son and your daughter-in-law? What makes your daughter-in-law so special? What is so great about your son? Try to think of the most memorable qualities that he possesses. What are a few words that you would use to describe him and his character? When did you know that the bride was the one? Do you have a favorite moment of bride and groom? If you are very close to the [bride,] then you can emphasize that as well.

These are just a few questions that when answered, can give you the perfect speech for your son’s wedding. As the father of the groom, you will want to make sure that the speech is far from generic. While you can use the father of the groom speech examples below to help you write an amazing and unforgettable speech, you will also want to put in personal details that will make your speech unique and special for this special occasion.

In a father of the groom wedding speech, guests will usually expect words about the bride and groom as well as some sentimental stories and declarations of your pride and love for them. Your speech can let the bride and groom know how happy you are for them and how lucky they are to have found each other. Allow the speech examples below to guide you as you work on the perfect speech for your son’s wedding.

1. [Groom] and [bride], while you have loved and cared for one another for a long time, today makes it official: you are now a married couple! I give you all of my congratulations and I hope that you feel the outpouring of love and support for the both of you that is in this room today.

The two of you are surrounded by people who are all so happy and thankful to be able to be a part of your special day. I think I speak for everyone here when I say thank you, and I hope that we have all helped in one way or another to make your wedding a day to remember.

2. What is there to really say about love, other than it being the most beautiful, most important, and most valuable thing in this world? Because of love, I am lucky to have my wife in my life as well as my son. I love my family more than life itself. And because of love, you two are here after having declared your love in front of all of us. You exchanged vows and promised to be there for each other for the rest of your days.

Is there anything greater in the world than a love that is that strong? When you are lucky enough to be able to give and receive that kind of love, never take it for granted and never forget how blessed you are to have that in your life. With love, so much more is possible.

3. [Bride] and [groom,] separately you are two wonderful people but together, you are even better. You finish each other’s sentences and can communicate without even saying a word. You know how to make each other laugh and smile and you know how to comfort each other as well.

You are two peas in a pod, there is no question at all that you were always meant to be together. I have so much love and respect for the two of you, for the lengths that you would go to for each other to make each other happy. Never lose what you two have, because it is a priceless thing that you are lucky to be able to enjoy. Let us all raise a glass to the wonderful couple, my son [groom] and his wife, [bride.]

4. It is official, [bride] and [groom] are now newlyweds. What does this mean, exactly? Well for starters, you are family now. You have your parents, siblings, and friends, but at the end of the day, you must come first now. From this point forward, you will be inseparable. You are not just living side by side, now you will be living as one team, a unit that will make important decisions and meaningful memories together.

Remember to be kind to each other. Be patient and understanding. Don’t forget to communicate, to laugh, and to love each other. Do these things and you will have a great recipe for a happy, long, and successful marriage. Let us all take a moment and have a toast to the new husband and wife.

5. As [groom’s] father, I have always made it a point to let him know how loved and appreciated he is. He knows how much he means to me and how important he is in my life. So I thought that I would take this opportunity to sing my praises instead for [bride,] [groom’s] wife and my newly-coined daughter-in-law.

[Bride,] you look absolutely beautiful today. It is like watching your own daughter get married and as of today, you are officially my daughter because you married my wonderful son. It is like watching your own daughter get married and as of today, you are officially my daughter because you married my wonderful son. It is like watching your own daughter get married and as of today, you are officially my daughter because you married my wonderful son.

6. As someone who has been in love before and stayed in love up until this very day, I know what it is like to get caught up in romance. From the day the two of you decided to take a chance on each other to the moment you popped the question and she said yes, you have probably been taken through a whirlwind of events throughout your romantic journey together.

After the engagement, naturally, comes the wedding planning. It can be an exciting time and a stressful one as well. There are so many things to think about and now the has finally arrived. You can both rest easily knowing that your wedding day was a success, full of happiness and love and the people that are near and dear to both of your hearts.

Next of course, comes your honeymoon, a fun and relaxing time for any married couple. A chance to enjoy the first days of being husband and wife, a real opportunity to get away from the noise, chaos, and responsibility of life.

Savor that time together and enjoy those peaceful days of your honeymoon. When you come home, reality will begin to sink in. You will really get to work on building your home and new life together. From now on, all of the decisions that you make will be together as husband and wife. This does not mean that the fun times are over. In fact, this is only just the beginning.

7. [Groom,] as your father I am very proud to know you. I have had the rare pleasure of watching you grow from a little baby into a wonderful young man. You cannot possibly know how pride I am of you and how much I love you. Congratulations to you and your lovely wife on your wedding day.

8. Here are some hopes and dreams from a devoted father to his loving son on his wedding day. I hope that the two of you live a life together that is long. I hope that this shared of life of yours is full of joy, laughter, abundance, love, and many other good things. May you always have each other to lean on.

9. As [groom’s] father, I would like to take this opportunity to thank [bride’s] parents for raising such a wonderful young woman who love my son so dearly. Nobody in this world can love him quite like you do. You seem to have brought out the best in [groom,] you make him so happy, and for that, I am eternally grateful. Congratulations to you both on your wedding day.

10. Having a son has been my greatest blessing in life. In many ways, [groom] is like my mini-me and my twin. But over the years, he has grown and he has become his own person. While I have tried to teach him many things over the things, he has taught me caught a few important things as well. [Groom] is someone who really cares about people and he will always go the extra mile for the people in his life.

I know that my son will make an amazing husband and God-willing, a spectacular father one day. Let us all raise a glass to [groom] and his lovely bride, [bride.]

11. There is something special about the role of being a father that can change you for the rest of your life. You realize that when you have a child come into your life, that your heart has room to grow as well. I never thought I could love anyone as much as I loved my wife. And then [groom] came along.

I always knew that I would love any child of mine with all my heart. But you never really truly know that feeling until the day you become a parent. That is when you fully realize all of the love that you have for your child.

As [groom’s] dad, I always tried to have his back on everything. I wanted him to know that I would always be there for him through the good times and the bad ones as well. [Groom’s] blessings and trials are ones that I also experience myself. What he goes through, I go through too. And I always have hoped for the best for him from day one. Even now that he is older, he is always still in my thoughts and prayers each and every day.

And I have to say that one of my biggest prayers for [groom] was answered. That he would find someone who would love and appreciate him. That this special person would be a great partner to him for the rest of his life. Thank you, [bride] for being a blessing in [groom’s] life. Because of this, you are a blessing in all of our lives as well.

12. A child is the biggest blessing that I could have ever had in my life. Even though I am grateful for all of my family and friends, my children are the ones who are closest to my heart. After all, they are a part of me. This is how I feel about my son [groom.]

Because of this, I have always wanted to see him happy. I always hoped that he would be successful in life, whether it was winning a sports game as a kid or getting his dream job. No matter what, I always had his back and did whatever I could to root for him.

When my son found [bride], I was so thrilled with him along with the rest of the family. We were so excited to get to meet the woman who makes [groom] so complete.

[Bride,] we have never seen [groom] as happy as he is than when he is by your side. There are no words for me to express how thankful I am to you. Now that I know you, I love you like my own daughter. Welcome to our family.

13. I have always been a firm believer that God always has a plan for all of us. It is what led me to finding my wife, which has led to us having our son [groom.] And I believe that God also led [bride] and [groom] to each other. Some call it fate, but I call it God’s plan.

When I think of [bride] and [groom], I am hard-pressed to think of two people who are better suited for each other. They both make each other wiser, more patient, and strong. Anyone who knows them knows that they care about each other deeply. There is true love there that can withstand the test of time.

[Bride,] [groom,] congratulations to you both. I wish the two of you all the happiness in the world. While I know that you two are already a blessing to each other, I know that you will continue to live a blessed life together as man and wife.

14. Marriage is a fun adventure that is full of surprises, twists, and turns. As someone who has been married for a long time, I am still on this exciting journey. And I have to say that it never gets old, being married to the person that you love.

[Groom,] my wish for you is that you and [bride] have the same good fortune and love that has gotten your mother and I through all of these years. May you always love each other and be full of patience and understanding. Be honest and loyal and good to each other. And I sure do hope that you make each other laugh until you cry. Never let each other go.

15. Life can be funny and love can be funny as well. When you meet the right person, some people know right away. They can just feel a certain energy, a kinship to the person who is destined for them.

Other people have no idea when the meet “the one.” Sometimes it takes some time and a few pushes before the sparks begin to fly. Slowly but surely, what is meant to be happens and two people form and indescribable and inseparable bond that can stand the test of time.

If you have ever experienced this phenomenon before, then you know exactly what I am talking about. And I know that [bride] and [groom] know exactly what I am talking about. When I look at them, I see a love that is pure and strong. I know that they will build a happy life together as a married couple.

16. [Bride] and [groom,] you know that I have been married for a long time. And while I can joke about the downsides of marriage and the little disagreements that inevitably happen, it is much more worthwhile to talk about the benefits of marriage. Because when you are with the right person, the positives will always overwhelmingly outweigh the negatives.

17. Without my life, I would be absolutely lost. She knows it, I know it, and I’m sure that many of you who are here in this room know it as well. She is my guide, my inner compass, and my voice of reason. She knows everything about me and she knows my inner thoughts. Everything my wife and I do, we do together as a unified team with the same goals, hopes, and dreams in mind.

My hope for my son and his new bride are that they find the same comfort in each other that my wife and I find in each other every day. If you ever feel lost, look to each other for support and guidance. When you are happy and have achieved a dream, celebrate with each other. This is only the beginning of a great journey for the two of you and I wish you the best of luck on this amazing adventure together.

18. True love is a treasure that you can never put a price on. Treasure what you have always, take care of it, and guard it well. Knowing the two of you, I am confident that you will both treasure each other always. I know that your marriage will be based on a foundation of respect. Treasure each other and you will never want for anything else. Let us all raise a glass to my son [groom] and his bride, [bride.]

19. As someone who raised my son to be a perfect gentleman, I have to tell you [bride,] that you have landed quite the catch! But you know who is even luckier? My son, for having found you. You are an exceptional person who means the world to [groom] and you hold a special place in my heart to because you are the woman who makes my son truly happy.

20. It can be very hard to find a love like the one that [groom] and [bride] share. It is a rare thing to have and if you are lucky enough to find it, you better not be foolish enough to let it go.

I am so happy and full of joy to see the love that [bride] and [groom] have for each other. And I am grateful that I was able to witness my son fall in love and get married to the woman of his dreams. I cannot to see what lies ahead in the rest of their future together.

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60+ Best Brother of the Groom Speech Examples: Humor, Heartfelt, and Everything In Between

Brother of the groom.

August 1, 2024

brother of the groom speech example

  • Founder of Bridesmaid for Hire
  • Creator of the #1 Speech & Vow Writing Tools
  • Author of Always a Bridesmaid (for Hire)
  • Creator of 1-800-Bridesmaid

Hi! I'm Jen Glantz

So, you’re the brother of the groom and you’ve got to give a speech. It’s a big deal, right? You want to make people laugh, maybe shed a tear, and definitely not embarrass yourself. I get it. It’s nerve-wracking. But don’t worry, I’ve got your back.

I’ve put together over 60 brother of the groom speech examples that’ll help you nail your brother of the groom speech. Whether you’re looking for something funny, heartfelt, or a mix of both, you’ll find it here. We’ll cover everything from light-hearted jokes to deep, emotional moments. And the best part? You can mix and match these examples to create a speech that’s uniquely you.

Use these resources:   Our #1 Brother of the Groom Speech Generator  l  Brother of the Groom Speech Guide

Table of Contents

  • Crafting a brother of the groom speech requires a balance of humor and sentimentality.
  • Use personal anecdotes to make the speech engaging and memorable.
  • Maintain a clear structure: introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Keep the speech within a 5-7 minute timeframe.
  • Ensure the speech is appropriate and inclusive for all guests.
  • Bridesmaid for Hire offers services to help with speechwriting and public speaking.

Now, let’s dive into the first section of our blog:

Humorous Brother of the Groom Speech Examples

Let’s kick things off with some laughs. A bit of humor can really break the ice and get everyone in a good mood. But remember, we’re going for chuckles, not cringes.

brother of the groom speech examples

Light-Hearted and Fun

Here’s an example that’ll get people grinning:

“Hey everyone! I’m [Your Name], [Groom’s Name]’s brother. You know, growing up with [Groom’s Name] was like living in a sitcom. There was the time he tried to microwave a whole chicken – still in the plastic wrapper. Or when he decided to give himself a haircut right before school picture day. Let’s just say, mom still keeps that photo hidden.”

Why this works: It’s relatable. We’ve all had those embarrassing moments growing up. Plus, it shows your brother in a lovable, goofy light.

Embarrassing but Endearing

Here’s another example that toes the line between funny and sweet:

“So, [Groom’s Name] has always been a bit of a romantic. When he was 10, he had this massive crush on our neighbor. He decided the best way to win her over was to serenade her. Picture this: my brother, in his Spider-Man pajamas, standing under her window with a ukulele he barely knew how to play, belting out ‘My Heart Will Go On’. [Bride’s Name], I hope you appreciate the lengths this man will go to for love!”

The key here: It’s a funny story, but it also shows your brother’s dedication and romantic side. It’s a win-win.

Playful Roasting

Now, if your brother can take a joke, here’s a bit of playful roasting:

“[Groom’s Name], I’ve got to hand it to you. You’ve always been a trendsetter. Remember that phase when you decided socks with sandals were cool? Or when you tried to bring back the mullet? [Bride’s Name], I hope you’re ready for a lifetime of… let’s call them ‘bold fashion choices’.”

Remember: Keep it light and affectionate. The goal is to make people laugh with your brother, not at him.

[Internal Links to add: Meet Professional Bridesmaid Sydney]

These are just a few examples to get you started. The key is to find stories that are funny but also show your love for your brother. It’s a fine line, but when you get it right, it’s comedy gold.

Next, let’s look at some more heartfelt examples. After all, a good speech isn’t just about the laughs.

Sentimental Brother of the Groom Speech Examples

Alright, time to bring out the tissues. These examples will help you express those deeper feelings without getting too mushy.

brother of the groom speech examples sentimental

Heartfelt and Emotional

Here’s one that’ll tug at the heartstrings:

“[Groom’s Name], you’ve been my best friend since day one. Literally. I still remember the day mom and dad brought you home from the hospital. I was only four, but I promised right then and there that I’d always look out for you. Over the years, that promise changed. Because as we grew up, I realized you were the one looking out for me just as much. [Bride’s Name], you’re marrying a man with a heart of gold. He’s the kind of guy who’ll drop everything to help a friend in need. Who’ll stay up all night to make sure you’re okay when you’re sick. Who’ll always have your back, no matter what.”

Why this works: It shows the deep bond between brothers and gives the bride (and everyone else) insight into the groom’s character.

Reflective and Warm

Here’s another example that looks back on your shared history:

“You know, [Groom’s Name] and I have been through a lot together. We’ve shared a room, fought over the last slice of pizza, and stayed up way too late playing video games. But we’ve also supported each other through tough times. When I bombed my first job interview, [Groom’s Name] was there with a pep talk and a plan to help me do better next time. When he was nervous about asking [Bride’s Name] out, I was there to give him that final push. That’s what brothers do. We lift each other up. And [Bride’s Name], I’m so glad you’re part of our family now. I can already see how you lift my brother up, and I couldn’t be happier for both of you.”

The key here: It shows the ups and downs of your relationship, and how you’ve grown together. It also welcomes the bride into the family, which is a nice touch.

Soulful and Poetic

If you’re feeling a bit more lyrical, try something like this:

“They say that life is a journey, and if that’s true, then [Groom’s Name] has been my favorite travel companion. We’ve navigated the twists and turns of childhood, weathered the storms of adolescence, and now we’re embarking on this new adventure called adulthood. [Bride’s Name], you’ve joined our journey now, and I couldn’t be more thrilled. You bring out a light in my brother that I’ve never seen before. It’s like watching a flower bloom in the sunlight. May your path together be filled with wonder, joy, and love.”

Remember: It’s okay to get a little poetic, but make sure it still sounds like you. Don’t force it if it doesn’t feel natural.

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These sentimental examples show a different side of your relationship with your brother. They’re perfect for expressing deeper emotions and really capturing the significance of the day.

Now, let’s look at how we can combine humor and sentiment for a well-rounded speech.

Mixed (Humorous and Sentimental) Brother of the Groom Speech Examples

Alright, now we’re getting to the good stuff. Mixing humor and sentiment is like making the perfect cocktail – it’s all about finding the right balance.

Balanced Humor and Emotion

Here’s an example that walks that fine line:

“[Groom’s Name], where do I even start? You’re my little brother, my partner in crime, and sometimes, my biggest headache. Remember when we tried to build that treehouse and ended up with more splinters than actual house? Or when we attempted to bake mom a birthday cake and nearly burned down the kitchen? But you know what? Through all the chaos and laughter, you’ve also been my rock. When I was going through my first breakup, you were there with ice cream and terrible jokes. When I was stressed about college applications, you helped me stay focused. [Bride’s Name], you’re getting a husband who knows how to make you laugh, but who’ll also be there for you when things get tough. And trust me, with [Groom’s Name], things will definitely get tough… but they’ll also be a whole lot of fun.”

Why this works: It combines funny anecdotes with heartfelt moments, showing the full spectrum of your relationship.

Light-Hearted and Sentimental

Here’s another example that blends humor and emotion:

“You know, growing up with [Groom’s Name] was like living with a human tornado. His room was always a disaster zone, and don’t even get me started on the state of our shared bathroom. But here’s the thing about tornados – they’re also incredibly powerful. [Groom’s Name], you’ve always had this amazing ability to sweep people up in your enthusiasm. Whether it was convincing me to join your terrible garage band or rallying our friends for midnight pizza runs, you’ve always known how to bring people together. [Bride’s Name], I hope you’re ready for a life of spontaneous adventures and probably a few messes along the way. But I also know you’ll have a partner who will love you fiercely and fill your days with joy.”

The key here: It starts with a funny observation but transitions into a deeper appreciation of your brother’s qualities.

Touching and Amusing

Let’s try one more:

“[Groom’s Name], I’ve got to say, I never thought I’d see the day when you’d be responsible enough to get married. This is the same guy who once tried to wash his clothes by putting them in the dishwasher. The same guy who thought ‘expired’ was just a suggestion when it came to milk. But you know what? You’ve grown into an amazing man. You still can’t do laundry properly, but you’ve learned what really matters in life. You’re kind, you’re loyal, and you have a way of making everyone around you feel special. [Bride’s Name], you’ve got yourself a real catch. Just… maybe don’t let him near the dishwasher unsupervised.”

Remember: The goal is to make people laugh and feel touched at the same time. It’s a delicate balance, but when you get it right, it’s magic.

[Internal Links to add: Maid of Honor Speech Examples]

These mixed examples show how you can create a well-rounded speech that captures all aspects of your relationship with your brother. They’re funny, they’re sweet, and they’re memorable.

Now, let’s look at some shorter examples for those who prefer to keep things brief and impactful.

Short and Sweet Brother of the Groom Speech Examples

Sometimes, less is more. These short and sweet examples pack a punch without dragging on too long.

Short and Sweet Brother of the Groom Speech Examples

Concise and Heartfelt

Here’s a quick but impactful speech:

“[Groom’s Name], you’ve been my brother, my best friend, and sometimes my biggest rival. But today, I couldn’t be prouder to stand beside you. [Bride’s Name], you’re not just gaining a husband, you’re gaining a whole family who loves you. Welcome to the chaos. To the happy couple!”

Why this works: It’s short, but it covers your relationship, welcomes the bride, and toasts the couple. All in just a few sentences.

Brief and Warm

Here’s another short but sweet option:

“They say you don’t get to choose your family, but if I could, I’d choose you every time, [Groom’s Name]. And now, we get to choose [Bride’s Name] too. I’ve never seen my brother happier than when he’s with you. Here’s to a lifetime of that happiness.”

The key here: It’s brief, but it still manages to be both touching and welcoming.

Short and Sincere

One more quick example:

“[Groom’s Name], from building pillow forts to standing here at your wedding, it’s been an amazing journey. [Bride’s Name], thank you for making my brother so happy. You two are perfect together. Cheers to love, laughter, and happily ever after!”

Remember: Even in a short speech, try to include something personal, something about the couple, and a toast at the end.

These short examples show that you don’t need a long, drawn-out speech to make an impact. Sometimes, a few well-chosen words can be just as powerful as a longer speech.

Now, let’s look at how to apply some key considerations to your speech to make it even better.

How to Use These Brother of the Groom Speech Examples

Alright, now that we’ve got a bunch of examples, let’s talk about how to make them work for you.

Personal Connection

The best speeches feel authentic. Don’t just copy an example word for word. Use them as inspiration, but make sure your speech sounds like you.

For instance, instead of saying “We’ve been through a lot together,” you could say:

“From the time you pushed me off my bike and I knocked out your tooth in retaliation, to the day we both cried when I left for college, we’ve been through it all, [Groom’s Name].”

Why this works: It’s specific to your relationship. No one else has that exact story.

How to Use These Brother of the Groom Speech Examples

Clear Structure

A good speech has a beginning, middle, and end. Here’s a simple structure:

1. Introduction: “For those who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], [Groom’s Name]’s brother and best man.” 2. Funny story or two about the groom 3. Heartfelt moment about your relationship 4. Welcome the bride into the family 5. Toast to the couple

The key here: This structure gives your speech a natural flow and makes it easier for you to remember.

Length and Pacing

Aim for about 5-7 minutes. That’s long enough to say what you need to say, but not so long that people start checking their watches.

Practice your speech out loud and time yourself. If it’s too long, cut some less important parts. If it’s too short, add another short anecdote or expand on your toast.

Audience Awareness

Remember, your audience includes everyone from your college buddies to your grandmother. Keep it clean and avoid inside jokes that only a few people will get.

Instead of saying, “Remember that wild night in Vegas?” you could say:

“[Groom’s Name] has always been up for an adventure. Whether it’s trying a new restaurant or planning a cross-country road trip, he’s always ready to dive in headfirst.”

Remember: The goal is to make everyone feel included and entertained.

[Internal Links to add: A Day in the Life of a Professional Bridesmaid]

By applying these considerations to your speech, you’ll create something that’s not only funny and touching but also well-structured and appropriate for all audiences.

10 Brother of the Groom Speech Examples

1. jake’s speech for alex and sarah.

“Good evening, everyone. I’m Jake, Alex’s older brother and best man. Growing up with Alex was like living in a constant comedy show. Remember when he tried to ‘fix’ dad’s car and somehow managed to flood the engine? Or the time he thought he could cut his own hair before prom? Sarah, I hope you’re ready for a lifetime of these ‘Alex moments’. But here’s the thing – beneath all that goofiness is the most loyal, kind-hearted guy I know. Alex, you’ve always been there for me, from helping me through my first heartbreak to being my wingman at countless parties. Sarah, you’re not just gaining a husband today, you’re gaining a best friend, a partner in crime, and yes, occasionally a walking disaster. But trust me, life with Alex is never boring. To my little brother and his beautiful bride – may your love story be filled with laughter, adventure, and only the good kind of Alex moments. Cheers!”

2. David’s Speech for Michael and Emily

“Hello everyone, I’m David, Michael’s younger brother. Michael, where do I even start? From the time you convinced me that I could fly if I just believed hard enough (sorry about that broken arm, mom), to the day you taught me how to drive – badly, I might add – you’ve always been my hero. Emily, I remember the day Michael told me about you. His eyes lit up in a way I’d never seen before. It was like watching my tough, cool older brother turn into a lovesick teenager. It was hilarious and beautiful at the same time. Emily, thank you for making my brother so incredibly happy. You’ve brought out a side of him that I always knew was there but rarely saw. Michael, I’m so proud of the man you’ve become and the love you and Emily share. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness, love, and maybe a few more questionable life choices – because let’s face it, that’s what makes life interesting. To Michael and Emily!”

3. Tom’s Speech for Ryan and Jessica

“Good evening, I’m Tom, Ryan’s twin brother. Ryan and I have been inseparable since, well, conception. We’ve been through everything together – first steps, first days of school, first crushes, first heartbreaks. But nothing compares to the day Ryan met Jessica. Jess, I’ve never seen my brother so nervous, so excited, and so completely head over heels. Ryan, you’ve always been the more romantic one of us two. Remember when you organized that flash mob to ask Jess to prom? I thought you were crazy, but seeing you two together now, I get it. You two are perfect for each other. Jess, welcome to our crazy family. Trust me, with Ryan by your side, life will never be dull. To my brother, my best friend, and his beautiful bride – may your love continue to grow and may you always find reasons to smile together. Cheers to Ryan and Jessica!”

4. Chris’s Speech for Nathan and Olivia

“Hi everyone, I’m Chris, Nathan’s older brother. Nathan, you’ve always been the family rebel. From the time you decided to paint the dog blue (sorry, Rover) to when you dropped out of college to start your own business, you’ve always marched to the beat of your own drum. And you know what? I’ve always admired that about you. Olivia, when Nathan first told me about you, I knew you were special. You embraced his wild ideas and crazy dreams, but you also grounded him in a way I’ve never seen before. You two balance each other perfectly. Nathan, seeing you today, I couldn’t be prouder of the man you’ve become. Olivia, thank you for loving my brother exactly as he is – wild ideas, blue dogs, and all. Here’s to a lifetime of adventure, love, and maybe a few more colorful pets. To Nathan and Olivia!”

10 Brother of the Groom Speech Examples

5. Marcus’s Speech for Ethan and Sophie

“Good evening, I’m Marcus, Ethan’s younger brother. Ethan, you’ve always been my protector, my guide, and sometimes, my biggest pain in the neck. From teaching me how to ride a bike (even if you did let go too soon) to helping me ask out my first crush, you’ve always had my back. Sophie, I still remember the day Ethan introduced you to the family. It was the first time I’d ever seen my big, tough brother nervous. But the moment you walked in, his whole face lit up. Sophie, thank you for loving my brother and for becoming the sister I never had. Ethan, I’m so proud of the man you’ve become and the love you and Sophie share. May your marriage be filled with laughter, love, and endless support for each other. Just like you’ve always supported me. To Ethan and Sophie – here’s to a lifetime of happiness!”

6. Lucas’s Speech for Daniel and Emma

“Hello everyone, I’m Lucas, Daniel’s older brother. Daniel, where do I even begin? From the time you ate an entire jar of peanut butter on a dare to the day you decided to backpack across Europe with nothing but a map and a dream, you’ve always lived life to the fullest. Emma, I remember when Daniel first told me about you. For once, he was speechless – a miracle in itself. Emma, you’ve brought out the best in my brother. You’ve embraced his adventurous spirit while also giving him roots. Daniel, seeing you today, I couldn’t be prouder. You’ve grown from that mischievous kid into an amazing man, while still keeping that spark that makes you uniquely you. Emma and Daniel, may your life together be one grand adventure. May you face every challenge hand in hand, and may you never lose that sense of wonder and excitement that brought you together. Here’s to love, laughter, and a lifetime of unforgettable moments. Cheers to the happy couple!”

7. Noah’s Speech for Benjamin and Sophia

“Good evening, I’m Noah, Benjamin’s younger brother. Ben, you’ve always been my role model. From teaching me how to tie my shoes to showing me how to stand up for myself, you’ve shaped so much of who I am today. Sophia, I remember the first time Ben told me about you. His eyes lit up in a way I’d never seen before. It was like watching my cool, collected brother turn into a lovesick teenager. It was both hilarious and heartwarming. Sophia, thank you for bringing out this side of my brother. You two complement each other perfectly. Ben, I’m so proud of the man you’ve become and the love you and Sophia share. May your marriage be filled with laughter, adventure, and endless love. And Ben, don’t forget – I’ll always be here to remind you of your awkward teenage phase if you ever get too cocky. To Benjamin and Sophia – here’s to a lifetime of happiness!”

8. Liam’s Speech for Connor and Ava

“Hi everyone, I’m Liam, Connor’s older brother. Connor, you’ve always been the family daredevil. From the time you tried to jump our neighbor’s fence on your bike (sorry about the broken arm, mom) to when you decided to start your own business straight out of college, you’ve always lived life on your own terms. And you know what? I’ve always admired that about you. Ava, when Connor first told me about you, I knew you were special. You embraced his wild spirit but also brought a sense of calm to his life. You two balance each other perfectly. Connor, seeing you today, I couldn’t be prouder of the man you’ve become. Ava, thank you for loving my brother exactly as he is – crazy ideas and all. Here’s to a lifetime of adventure, love, and maybe a few less emergency room visits. To Connor and Ava!”

9. Max’s Speech for Oliver and Charlotte

“Good evening, I’m Max, Oliver’s twin brother. Ollie and I have been partners in crime since day one. We’ve been through everything together – first words, first steps, first days of school, first crushes. But nothing compares to the day Oliver met Charlotte. Charlie, I’ve never seen my brother so completely smitten. Oliver, you’ve always been the more level-headed one of us two, but seeing you with Charlotte, it’s like you’ve found your missing piece. You two just fit. Charlie, welcome to our crazy family. With Oliver by your side, life will be an adventure, but it’ll also be filled with love, support, and probably a lot of bad puns – sorry about that, it runs in the family. To my brother, my best friend, and his beautiful bride – may your love continue to grow and may you always find reasons to laugh together. Cheers to Oliver and Charlotte!”

10. Jack’s Speech for William and Isabella

“Hello everyone, I’m Jack, William’s younger brother. Will, you’ve always been my hero. From the time you scared away the monsters under my bed to the day you helped me move into my first apartment, you’ve always been there for me. Isabella, I remember the day Will told me he was going to propose to you. He was so nervous, but so sure. It was the first time I’d ever seen my confident, cool older brother truly vulnerable. Izzy, thank you for loving my brother so completely. You’ve brought out a side of him that I always knew was there but rarely saw. William, seeing you today, I couldn’t be prouder. You’ve grown from my protective big brother into an amazing man, partner, and soon-to-be husband. Isabella and William, may your life together be filled with love, laughter, and endless support for each other. And Will, don’t worry – I’ll always be here to remind you of your awkward teenage phase if Izzy ever needs blackmail material. To William and Isabella – here’s to a lifetime of happiness!”

Specific Brother of the Groom Speech Examples

To give you even more inspiration, here are some additional speech examples covering various styles and situations:

For the Sentimental Brother

“[Groom’s Name], I still remember the day you were born. I was only five, but I knew right then that my life had changed forever. I didn’t know it at the time, but I had just gained my best friend. We’ve been through it all together – scraped knees, broken hearts, and big dreams. And now, here we are at your wedding. [Bride’s Name], thank you for loving my brother as much as I do. You’ve made our family complete. To the happy couple!”

For the Funny Brother

“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m [Your Name], [Groom’s Name]’s brother and the best man. I’d like to start by saying that [Groom’s Name] is an excellent brother. He’s kind, intelligent, and handsome. He also wrote this part of my speech. But in all seriousness, [Groom’s Name] is the best brother I could ask for. [Bride’s Name], you’re getting a great guy – just make sure you hide the TV remote if you want to watch your shows!”

For the Brother Who’s Not Great with Words

“I’m not great with words, so I’ll keep this short. [Groom’s Name], you’re the best brother a guy could ask for. [Bride’s Name], welcome to the family. We’re all crazy, but we love hard. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness for you both.”

Specific Brother of the Groom Speech Examples

For the Older Brother

“As [Groom’s Name]’s older brother, I’ve had the privilege of watching him grow from a mischievous kid into the amazing man he is today. [Bride’s Name], I hope you know how lucky you are. You’re not just getting a husband, you’re getting a man who will always be there for you, who will make you laugh even on your worst days, and who will love you with everything he has. Welcome to the family, sis.”

For the Younger Brother

“[Groom’s Name], you’ve always been my role model. From teaching me how to tie my shoes to showing me how to talk to girls (even though I’m still working on that one), you’ve always been there for me. Watching you with [Bride’s Name] has shown me what real love looks like. I hope one day I find someone who looks at me the way you two look at each other.”

For the Brother Who Wants to Make Everyone Cry (in a good way)

“[Groom’s Name], do you remember when we were kids and we used to pretend we were superheroes? You were always Superman, and I was always Batman. As we grew older, I realized you didn’t need a cape to be a hero. You’ve been my hero in real life – always there when I needed you, always pushing me to be better. [Bride’s Name], you’re marrying a real-life superhero. Take care of him for me, will you?”

For the Brother Who Wants to Keep It Light

“I’ve known [Groom’s Name] his entire life, and I can honestly say he’s the best brother I could have asked for. Sure, he used to steal my toys, blame me for everything, and once locked me in the closet for an hour… on second thought, maybe he wasn’t that great. But he’s more than made up for it by bringing [Bride’s Name] into our lives. [Bride’s Name], you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to my brother. Thank you for making him so happy.”

For the Brother Who’s Also a Dad

“[Groom’s Name], watching you with [Bride’s Name] reminds me of how I feel about my own wife. It’s a beautiful thing to see my little brother experience the kind of love that changes your life. [Bride’s Name], you’re not just gaining a husband today, you’re gaining a whole family who will love you like one of our own. And let me tell you, once you have kids, Uncle [Groom’s Name] is going to be the favorite. Trust me on this one.”

For the Brother Who’s Not Close to the Groom

“[Groom’s Name] and I haven’t always been close, but watching him with [Bride’s Name] has shown me a side of my brother I never knew existed. The way he looks at her, the way he talks about her – it’s clear that he’s found his soulmate. [Bride’s Name], thank you for bringing out the best in my brother. I look forward to getting to know you both better in the years to come.”

For the Brother Who Wants to Acknowledge Tough Times

“Life hasn’t always been easy for our family, but [Groom’s Name], you’ve always been the one to find the silver lining. Your optimism and resilience have been an inspiration to all of us. [Bride’s Name], you’re marrying a man who can weather any storm with a smile on his face. Here’s to sunny days ahead for you both.”

[Internal Links to add: Wedding Day Emergency Kit]

Remember, these are just examples. The best speech will be one that comes from your heart and reflects your unique relationship with your brother. Don’t be afraid to get personal, to show emotion, or to make people laugh. Your authenticity will make your speech memorable and meaningful.

Now, let’s look at some tips for delivering your speech like a pro.

Tips for Delivering Your Brother of the Groom Speech

Writing your speech is only half the battle. Delivering it well is just as important. Here are some tips to help you nail your delivery:

Practice, Practice, Practice

I can’t stress this enough. Practice your speech out loud, in front of a mirror, in front of friends, or even record yourself. The more you practice, the more comfortable you’ll feel on the big day.

Speak Slowly and Clearly

When we’re nervous, we tend to speak faster. Make a conscious effort to slow down. Take pauses between sentences. It’ll help you stay calm and make your speech easier to follow.

Make Eye Contact

Don’t just stare at your notes. Look up and make eye contact with the audience. Focus on friendly faces if it helps you feel more comfortable.

Use Natural Gestures

Don’t be afraid to use your hands when you speak. Natural gestures can help emphasize your points and make you appear more confident.

Tips for Delivering Your Brother of the Groom Speech

It’s a happy occasion, so let it show! Smiling will help you relax and will make your audience more receptive.

Have a Backup Plan

Write key points on note cards in case you forget something. It’s okay to refer to them if you need to.

Take a Deep Breath

Before you start, take a deep breath. It’ll help calm your nerves and center yourself.

Don’t Drink Too Much Before Your Speech

A drink might calm your nerves, but too many can impair your delivery. Save the celebrating for after your speech.

Remember Why You’re There

At the end of the day, you’re there to celebrate your brother and his new spouse. Keep that in mind if you start feeling nervous.

[Internal Links to add: How to Write a Maid of Honor Speech]

With these tips and all the examples we’ve gone through, you’re well-equipped to give an amazing brother of the groom speech. Remember, it’s not about being perfect – it’s about being genuine and showing your love for your brother and his new spouse.

Now, let’s wrap this up with some final words of encouragement.

Recap: Brother of the Groom Speech Examples

Alright, let’s break down what we’ve covered:

1. Balance is key: Whether you’re going for humor, sentiment, or a mix of both, finding the right balance is crucial.

2. Personal anecdotes work wonders: They make your speech unique and give insight into your relationship with your brother. Here’s a Reddit thread on what makes a good brother of the groom speech.

3. Structure matters: A clear beginning, middle, and end help your speech flow naturally.

4. Keep it concise: Aim for 5-7 minutes to keep your audience engaged.

5. Know your audience: Keep it clean and avoid inside jokes that might exclude some guests.

6. Practice makes perfect: Rehearse your speech out loud to get the timing and delivery right.

7. Be authentic: Use 7. Be authentic: Use the examples as inspiration, but make sure your speech sounds like you.

8. Welcome the bride: Don’t forget to include a warm welcome to your new sister-in-law.

9. End with a toast: Wrap up your speech with a heartfelt toast to the happy couple.

10. It’s okay to show emotion: Don’t be afraid to let your love for your brother shine through.

Remember, these are guidelines, not rules. The best speeches come from the heart, so trust your instincts.

Now, let’s wrap things up with some final thoughts.

You’ve Got This: Final Words of Encouragement

Alright, future speech-giver, we’ve covered a lot of ground here. We’ve gone through funny speeches, sentimental speeches, short speeches, and everything in between. We’ve talked about structure, delivery, and how to make your speech uniquely yours.

But here’s the most important thing to remember: You’ve got this.

You were chosen to give this speech for a reason. Your brother trusts you, loves you, and wants you to be a part of this special day. That’s an honor, and it’s all the qualification you need.

Will your speech be perfect? Probably not. But guess what? It doesn’t need to be. Perfect speeches are boring anyway. What matters is that it comes from your heart.

So when you stand up to give that speech, take a deep breath, smile, and remember – you’re not just the brother of the groom. You’re not just the best man. You’re [Your Name], and you’re about to knock this speech out of the park.

And hey, if you’re still feeling nervous, that’s okay too. Remember, services like Bridesmaid for Hire are there to help. Whether you need help writing your speech or just want some coaching on delivery, they’ve got your back.

So here’s to you, brother of the groom. Here’s to love, to family, and to speeches that come from the heart. You’ve got this. Now go out there and make your brother proud.

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Hey! I'm Jen Glantz

I started Bridesmaid for Hire 10-years-ago after being a bridesmaid for lots of friends. I’m a nonfiction author and content creator who lives in Brooklyn with Goofy (the dog), Gemma (the baby), and Adam (the husband). I love to share: advice & tips, secrets with strangers, and pizza. I eat a lot of pizza.

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Father Of The Groom Speech Guide (With Examples)

Natalia Bayeva


Your son is getting married, and as the big day approaches, amongst all the planning and emotion, you have to think about your father of the groom’s speech. This might as well be one of the most important speeches of your life.


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Our survey revealed that the majority of our readers opt to craft their speeches themselves. Thus, a proactive approach for a father preparing his speech is to do it independently. Our article offers helpful guidance in this process.

Father Of The Groom Wedding Speech Examples

Writing a speech for your son’s wedding ceremony from scratch is commendable, but it can be helpful to find some inspiration. Here are a few examples of speeches from the father of the groom that might help you along the way.

Short Father of the Groom Speech

[Bride] and [groom,] you know that I have been married for a long time. And while I can joke about the downsides of marriage and the little disagreements that inevitably happen, it is much more worthwhile to talk about the benefits of marriage. Because when you are with the right person, the positives will always overwhelmingly outweigh the negatives.
Marriage is a fun adventure that is full of surprises, twists, and turns. As someone who has been married for a long time, I am still on this exciting journey. And I have to say that it never gets old, being married to the person that you love. Love one another, pay attention to each other, and learn to put the other first.
[Groom,] my wish for you is that you and [bride] have the same good fortune and love that has gotten your mother and I through all of these years. May you always love each other and be full of patience and understanding. Be honest and loyal and good to each other. And I sure do hope that you make each other laugh until you cry. Never let each other go.
[Bride,] [groom,] congratulations to you both. I wish the two of you all the happiness in the world. While I know that you two are already a blessing to each other, I know that you will continue to live a blessed life together as man and wife.
When I think of [bride] and [groom], I am hard-pressed to think of two people who are better suited for each other. They both make each other wiser, more patient, and strong. Anyone who knows them knows that they care about each other deeply. There is true love there that can withstand the test of time.

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What is a proactive approach for a father in preparing his speech?

Religious Father of the Groom Speech

I have always been a firm believer that God always has a plan for all of us. It is what led me to find my wife, which has led to us having our son [groom.] And I believe that God also led [bride] and [groom] to each other. Some call it fate, but I call it God’s plan.
As [groom’s] dad, I always tried to have his back on everything. I wanted him to know that I would always be there for him through the good times and the bad ones as well. [Groom’s] blessings and trials are ones that I also experience myself. What he goes through, I go through too. And I always have hoped for the best for him from day one. Even now that he is older, he is always still in my thoughts and prayers each and every day. And I have to say that one of my biggest prayers for [groom] was answered. That he would find someone who would love and appreciate him. That this special person would be a great partner to him for the rest of his life. Thank you, [bride] for being a blessing in [groom’s] life. Because of this, you are a blessing in all of our lives as well.
Having a son has been my greatest blessing in life. In many ways, [groom] is like my mini-me and my twin. But over the years, he has grown and he has become his own person. While I have tried to teach him many things over the things, he has taught me caught a few important things as well. [Groom] is someone who really cares about people and he will always go the extra mile for the people in his life. I know that my son will make an amazing husband and God-willing, a spectacular father one day. Let us all raise a glass to [groom] and his lovely bride, [bride.]

Heartfelt Speech Samples

It can be very hard to find a love like the one [groom] and [bride] share. It is a rare thing to have and if you are lucky enough to find it, you better not be foolish enough to let it go. I am so happy and full of joy to see the love that [bride] and [groom] have for each other. And I am grateful that I was able to witness my son fall in love and get married to the woman of his dreams. I cannot wait to see what lies ahead in the rest of their future together.
A child is the biggest blessing that I could have ever had in my life. Even though I am grateful for all of my family and friends, my children are the ones who are closest to my heart. After all, they are a part of me. This is how I feel about my son [groom.] Because of this, I have always wanted to see him happy. I always hoped that he would be successful in life, whether it was winning a sports game as a kid or getting his dream job. No matter what, I always had his back and did whatever I could to root for him. And so I root for him now as he begins a new journey with my daughter-in-law, as we can all attest to the fact that she makes him very happy.
As someone who has been in love before and stayed in love up until this very day, I know what it is like to get caught up in romance. From the day the two of you decided to take a chance on each other to the moment you popped the question and she said yes, you have probably been taken through a whirlwind of events throughout your romantic journey together. After the engagement, naturally, comes the wedding planning. It can be an exciting time and a stressful one as well. There are so many things to think about and now the has finally arrived. You can both rest easily knowing that your wedding day was a success, full of happiness and love and the people that are near and dear to both of your hearts. Next of course, comes your honeymoon, a fun and relaxing time for any married couple. A chance to enjoy the first days of being husband and wife, a real opportunity to get away from the noise, chaos, and responsibility of life.

There are quite several speeches at a wedding ceremony. The best man speech, the maid of honor speech , and even the mother of the bride speech. All important and relevant to the couple and wedding guests.

Funny Father Of The Groom Speech Examples

While it’s good to have a few jokes in your speech, make sure to keep it light and positive overall. You don’t want to offend anyone or bring down the mood of the wedding.

When he introduced us to his fiancée, I knew she was the one. She’s smart, and beautiful, and most importantly, she can handle my son’s terrible jokes. And trust me, that’s not an easy feat. Speaking of terrible jokes, did you hear the one about the father of the groom who gave a bad speech? Yeah, that’s not going to be me. I promise to keep this short and sweet, just like my son’s attention span. But in all seriousness, I couldn’t be prouder of my son and his new wife. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness and laughter. Cheers!
Good evening everyone. As the father of the groom, I feel like I should have some wise words to impart to my son and his new wife. But, as many of you know, my son hasn’t listened to a word I’ve said since he was a teenager. So instead, I thought I’d share a few embarrassing stories about him. [add some fun appropriate stories] But now, as I look at my son and his beautiful wife, I can’t help but feel proud of the man he’s become. He’s found someone who loves him for who he is, and that’s all a father can ask for. So, to my son and his wife, I wish you a lifetime of love, laughter, and embarrassing stories to share.

Father Of The Groom Rehearsal Dinner Speech

Good evening everyone. As the father of the groom, I just want to take a moment to congratulate my son and his fiancée on their upcoming wedding. It’s been a joy to watch them grow together and I’m excited to see what their future holds. To my son and his soon-to-be wife, I wish you both a lifetime of love and happiness. Cheers!
Ladies and gentlemen, if I could kindly have your attention, I’d like to raise a glass to celebrate this wonderful occasion. As the father of the groom, I find myself filled with immense joy and pride to witness the union of these two incredible individuals. To my son [Groom’s Name], you’ve grown into an exceptional man, and I couldn’t be prouder of the person you’ve become. Today, you embark on a new chapter, and I have every confidence that it will be filled with love, laughter, and countless beautiful memories. Now, to [Bride’s Name], you bring a radiant warmth and happiness into our lives. Welcome to our family; we are truly blessed to have you. Your love has already added a special glow to [Groom’s Name]’s eyes, and for that, we are grateful. Let us toast to the love shared between [Groom’s Name] and [Bride’s Name], to new beginnings, and to a lifetime filled with love, understanding, and endless joy. Cheers!

Father of the Groom Speech Quotes

A father holds his child’s hand for a short while, but he holds their hearts forever. Today, I proudly let go as [Groom’s Name] begins this beautiful journey with [Bride’s Name].
Love is not just looking at each other; it’s looking in the same direction. I see that shared vision in [Groom’s Name] and [Bride’s Name], and it fills my heart with happiness.
From the moment [Groom’s Name] was born, my life gained a new purpose. Today, as he starts his own family, my heart swells with pride and love.
May your love be modern enough to survive the times and old-fashioned enough to last forever. Cheers to [Groom’s Name] and [Bride’s Name].
A son’s first hero, a daughter’s first love, and now, a husband’s eternal partner. Here’s to [Groom’s Name] and [Bride’s Name] on their incredible journey together.

Remember, personalizing these quotes to reflect your sentiments will make them even more meaningful in your father of the groom speech.

Father Of The Groom Speech Template

The father of the groom’s speech usually involves welcoming guests and family members, toasting the happy couple, and telling a few anecdotes about the groom.

We have detailed below a basic outline for a father-of-the-groom speech:

  • Extend a Warm Welcome – Create an inviting atmosphere by offering a heartfelt welcome to everyone present.
  • Express Gratitude in Full Bloom – Thank guests, family, and the newlyweds for their presence, setting a tone of appreciation.
  • Chronicles of Connection – Share personal anecdotes and memories with the groom to forge an emotional bond.
  • The Tapestry of Support – Recognize and appreciate the contributions of family and friends who made the day special.
  • Lessons from the Heart – Impart guidance and share personal wisdom, offering valuable advice for the couple’s journey.
  • Love Unveiled – Celebrate the unique love between the couple, highlighting special qualities that make them extraordinary.
  • Laughter in the Air – Infuse humor with light-hearted anecdotes or jokes to keep the atmosphere joyous and relaxed.
  • The Path Forward – Share hopes and well-wishes for the couple’s future, expressing excitement for their journey ahead.
  • A Toast to Forever – Conclude the speech with a final toast, sealing it with heartfelt warmth and positivity.

Father Of The Groom Speech Tips

Writing a speech is not always easy. So it’s great to have ideas to guide you when writing any wedding speeches . Below are a few ideas to keep in mind:

  • While it’s great to add humor to your speech, you should be careful that it doesn’t go too far. Just the right amount of funny in your anecdotes that would keep your audience listening and in no way roast your son.
  • It’s okay to show whatever emotion you feel on this big day and in front of your family and friends. It’s totally understandable, and you can include it in your words if you much prefer.
  • In the body of your speech, you can talk about your son’s childhood, his nicknames, friends and memorable moments. Mention your family and the role he has played; also about the couple and how his new relationship has brought him love and happiness. You can also talk about your personal relationship with your son.
  • Leave the couple with words of wisdom. You’ve been on the journey they are about to embark on, and any advice you give will make your speech even more memorable.
  • In a case where the father of the groom is unable to speak, perhaps for medical reasons, it is okay for the mother of the groom or some other close family member to speak on his behalf.

Does the father of the groom give a speech?

Yes, traditionally the father of the groom gives a speech during the wedding reception, typically offering well-wishes and sharing anecdotes about his son.

What does a father of the groom say in his speech?

The father of the groom typically expresses love for his son, welcomes the bride to the family, shares anecdotes, and toasts the couple.

What should the father of the groom say at the rehearsal dinner?

At the rehearsal dinner, the father of the groom can express gratitude, share anecdotes about his son, and convey excitement for the upcoming wedding.

Remember that the most important part of a wedding speech is to speak from the heart and convey your sincere emotions. With these tips in mind, you can deliver a good wedding speech that will be remembered by the newlyweds and their guests for years to come. So, while there are no hard and fast rules for such speeches, remember to keep it short and sweet, and end it while raising a toast to the happy couple.

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John Schneider and Dee Dee Sorvino Have Wedding Party in Hollywood After Las Vegas Elopement

The pair initially tied the knot in Las Vegas on July 23, 2024

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Amanda Edwards/Getty 

John Schneider and Dee Dee Sorvino held a wedding party in Hollywood following their elopement last month.

The couple, who previously tied the knot in Las Vegas on July 23, hosted a gathering with family and friends at the Hollywood Museum on Thursday, Aug. 1, preceded by a red carpet.

The venue is where the Dukes of Hazzard actor, 64, and the television host initially met about one year ago before they began dating.

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During the event, toasts were given by the couple's guests. Singer Rex Smith performed “Let’s Make a Memory” while Eddie Money’s two children, Zachary and Jessica Money sang their father’s hit “Two Tickets to Paradise.”

The newlyweds posed in front of the General Lee, the famous orange Dodge Charger from Dukes of Hazzard . Sorvino donned a matching orange fascinator. Catherine Bach, who costarred on the series, joined the couple as well.

The news of the pair’s nuptials came after they each respectively lost their spouses. Schneider lost his wife Alicia Allain Schneider to breast cancer in February 2023, while Sorvino also lost her husband Paul Sorvino in July 2022. The  Goodfellas  actor "passed from natural causes and had dealt with health issues over the past few years," a release stated at the time.

Following the news of Alicia’s death, Schneider told PEOPLE that he missed "every damn thing" about Alicia "every day."   Sorvino also shared in a statement that Paul "was the love of my life” and “one of the greatest performers to ever grace the screen and stage."

Schneider and Sorvino’s ceremony also comes several months after the Secret Service opened a probe into comments the Smallville actor made toward President Joe Biden . He replied to a post Biden made on X (formerly Twitter) expressing that former President Donald Trump "poses many threats to our country."

"Mr. President, I believe you are guilty of treason and should be publicly hung. Your son, too,” John wrote in a since-deleted reply to the post. “Your response is..?,” he wrote, before later denying that he had threatened the president in a statement shared with PEOPLE.

Five months after those statements, he announced that he was dating Sorvino, calling their relationship “a miracle.”

"God sent a widower to a widow and a widow to a widower who [gets] it, who understands. Because I tell you what, I was ready to give it up, all of it — everything," he explained on Grace Begins, The Podcast . "Then just when I thought the very notion of dating or holding another hand was repulsive, I met this one, that crazy Dame over there.”

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Writing a best man speech is a task that carries profound significance at any wedding. Best man speeches are about distilling years of camaraderie and shared experiences into a few heartfelt minutes that resonate with everyone present. With so much riding on those words, knowing how to write the speech is essential. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you navigate this responsibility with clarity and confidence.

How to write a best man speech

The best man speech is a traditional part of weddings . It is delivered by the groom's chosen confidant and closest friend to celebrate the occasion. The speech typically combines humour, anecdotes, and heartfelt sentiments to honour the groom, congratulate the couple, and entertain the wedding guests.

sample wedding speeches parents groom

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Preparing for your best man speech begins with clearly understanding your role beyond delivering a speech. It includes asking yourself relevant questions, such as 'How long should a best man speech be' and 'What is required of me within that time frame.'

Timing is critical when it comes to preparing and planning your speech. Begin outlining your speech well in advance, ideally a few weeks before the wedding. This allows ample time to collect meaningful anecdotes and memories that resonate with the groom and reflect your relationship with him.

Consider moments that highlight his character, milestones you've shared, and humorous anecdotes that add a personal touch. Gathering these details ensures your speech is both genuine and memorable.

Best man speech format

When it comes to actually writing your best man speech, aim for a concise delivery that lasts between 3 to 5 minutes, roughly translating to 500 to 700 words.

sample wedding speeches parents groom

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Best man gives a speech at his friend's wedding.

What should a best man speech include? It typically has three parts: an introduction, a body, and a toast. The introduction should capture attention with a memorable opening line or anecdote. The body should then follow, transitioning smoothly from humour to sincerity.

A well-structured speech typically begins with a brief yet impactful introduction that grabs attention and sets the tone for the rest of the speech. It is a chance to introduce yourself, your relationship, and your role as the best man.

Here, ensure you clearly state who you are and how you know the groom. This provides context and establishes your credibility. For instance,

"For those who don't know me, I'm [Your Name], [Groom] 's best friend from college. We've shared countless adventures and laughs over the years."

Following the introduction, weave in anecdotes that showcase the groom's character or share memorable moments you've experienced together.

sample wedding speeches parents groom

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For example, you might share a story about how the groom's dedication to his friends helped you through a tough time or recount a humorous incident highlighting his fun-loving personality. These anecdotes add a personal touch and often inject humour into the speech, keeping the audience engaged.

Next, include a personal message to the couple that expresses your genuine sentiments and well-wishes. This part of the speech should convey sincerity and gratitude, acknowledging the occasion's significance for both the groom and his partner.

For instance, you could reflect on the groom's kindness and loyalty as qualities that will undoubtedly make him a wonderful partner.

Here are a few examples of such a statement:

"[Groom's Name], I've seen you grow into the incredible person you are today, and I couldn't be happier to see you find someone as wonderful as [Bride's Name] to share your life with. [Bride's Name], thank you for bringing out the best in him and for being his perfect match. May your marriage be filled with endless joy, laughter, and unwavering love. Here's to a lifetime of shared dreams and beautiful moments."

sample wedding speeches parents groom

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"To [Groom's Name] and [Bride's Name], your love and commitment to each other inspire us all. I feel incredibly lucky to have witnessed your journey together and am grateful to call you both friends. May your marriage be filled with endless love, laughter, and unwavering support for each other."

Conclude with a heartfelt toast, raising a glass to the couple's future happiness and celebrating their love. This symbolises communal support and well-wishes from all gathered, marking the beginning of their new journey together in a celebratory manner.

Shot of a young man giving a toast and speech at a wedding reception

Consider the following when writing the toast:

  • Thank the couple for allowing you to be part of their special day.
  • Share your hopes and blessings for their future together.
  • Raise the glass and invite everyone to join you in celebrating the newlyweds.

Below are some groomsmen speech ideas for the toast:

"Ladies and gentlemen, please raise your glasses. Here's to [Bride] and [Groom]. May your days be filled with laughter, your nights with romance, and your years with endless joy. To a lifetime of happiness, love, and cherished memories. Cheers!"

sample wedding speeches parents groom

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"Everyone, let's raise our glasses to the incredible couple before us. [Bride] and [Groom], may your love continue to grow deeper with each passing day, and may you always find strength and comfort in each other. To a beautiful journey ahead filled with love, laughter, and countless adventures. Cheers!"

Perfecting your best man speech involves refining your content, practising your delivery, and managing your nerves effectively. Start by revisiting your speech to ensure it flows smoothly from one point to the next. Trim any unnecessary details and focus on impactful anecdotes and sincere sentiments.

Also, make sure your jokes are tasteful and your heartfelt moments are genuine. A well-structured speech with a balance of humour and emotion will captivate the audience and leave a lasting impression.

Next, practise your delivery multiple times. Rehearse in front of a mirror, record yourself, or present to a trusted friend. Pay attention to your tone, pacing, and body language. This helps you become more comfortable with the material and identify areas that need improvement.

sample wedding speeches parents groom

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Finally, manage your nerves by visualising success and employing relaxation techniques. Deep breathing, visualisation, and positive affirmations can help calm your anxiety.

Remember that feeling nervous is normal, but with adequate preparation, you can channel that nervous energy into an enthusiastic performance. Focus on the joy of celebrating the couple and the honour of being their best man.

Now you know how to write a best man speech. Writing a best man speech is a unique honour that requires a blend of humour, sincerity, and careful planning. By understanding your role, preparing thoroughly, and structuring your speech effectively, you can deliver a memorable tribute that celebrates the couple's love and brings joy to the occasion. Focus on crafting heartfelt anecdotes, practising your delivery, and managing any nerves to ensure your speech leaves a lasting impact. also published a guide to writing short speeches for school assemblies . It provides inspiring examples of short speeches perfect for school assemblies, delivered by students or faculty, to set a positive tone for the day. Each speech here is designed to engage and motivate the audience, covering a range of topics such as character and discipline.

Whether you're looking for ideas to write your own speech or just need guidance on how to start and structure it, these examples offer valuable insights and practical tips.


Nicholas Nganga (Lifestyle writer) Nicholas joined Tuko's team as a content creator in 2024. He has 4 years of experience in content writing. He previously held other editorial and journalism positions, including news and articles editing role at FW Africa and a Food Science Writer at PressPublish. He works on content encompassing biographies, fashion and lifestyle, gaming, and more. In 2022 Nicholas graduated from the Jomo Kenyatta University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Biotechnology. You can reach him via email: [email protected].


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