rmit business plan competition

Cuộc Thi RMIT Business Plan Competition (RBPC) Chính Thức Mở Đơn Đăng Ký Năm 2023 Sửa

rmit business plan competition

Cuộc thi RMIT Business Plan Competition (RBPC) là cuộc thi quốc gia thường niên kêu gọi học sinh THPT và đại học trình bày những ý tưởng kinh doanh sáng tạo phá vỡ mô hình kinh doanh truyền thống và giải quyết các vấn đề thực tế. Tầm nhìn và sứ mệnh của cuộc thi là khuyến khích giới trẻ tâm trí trở thành người tiên phong trong các giải pháp kỹ thuật số trong năm lĩnh vực khác nhau nhằm thúc đẩy sự phát triển bền vững của thế giới chúng ta. Nếu bạn đang có một ý tưởng kinh doanh ứng dụng công nghệ để giải quyết những vấn đề về phát triển bền vững, hãy sẵn sàng trở thành người vô địch. Đây chính là cơ hội cho bạn tỏa sáng! Hãy tham gia cuộc thi để phát huy sự thông minh, sáng tạo, làm việc nhóm và quyết tâm mãnh liệt cho cuộc tranh tài lần này.


  • Học sinh THPT và Sinh viên từ các trường đại học, cao đẳng trên toàn quốc (Một đội phải có tối thiểu là 3 và tối đa là 4 thành viên)
  • Lưu ý đặc biệt: Có thể bao gồm cả học sinh THPT và sinh viên đại học trong một đội.


  • 6/8/2023: Chính thức phát động mở đơn đăng ký cuộc thi.
  • 26/8/2023 (Online): Lễ Khai mạc và Hội thảo Tập huấn lần thứ nhất.
  • 27/8/2023 (Online): Hội thảo Tập huấn lần thứ hai.
  • 23h59′ ngày 17/9/2023: Hạn nộp đơn Vòng 1.
  • 1/10/2023: Thông báo kết quả đội lọt vào vòng Bán kết.
  • 23h59′ ngày 8/10/2023: Hạn nộp bài dự thi Vòng 2.
  • 18/10/2023: Thông báo đội lọt vào vòng Chung kết.
  • 22/10/2023 (Online): Hội thảo cho vòng Chung kết.
  • 5/11/2023: Diễn ra vòng chung kết.


  • Yêu cầu: Leader của team sẽ là người đại diện để điền đơn ở vòng sơ khảo. Sau khi đăng ký, Ban tổ chức sẽ sớm liên hệ với các đội . Các đội lưu ý phải đăng ký các lĩnh vực trọng tâm phù hợp thông qua form: TẠI ĐÂY .
  • Các nhóm đã đăng ký tiến hành gửi báo cáo kế hoạch kinh doanh (proposal business plan) dưới dạng PDF tới [email protected] trước 23:59 ngày 17/09/2023, theo cú pháp đặt tên sau: RBPC2023 – Tên nhóm – Tên dự án
  • Tên các thành viên trong đội
  • Giới thiệu về dự án/sản phẩm của đội
  • Bạn đang cố gắng giải quyết vấn đề gì? Cũng có thể là một vấn đề quan trọng và có liên quan đến chủ đề cuộc thi cũng như lĩnh vực bạn đang tập trung hướng đến.
  • Mục tiêu chính/mục tiêu có thể xác định được của dự án đội bạn là những mục tiêu nào?
  • Mục tiêu/đối tượng của dự án cần phải đo lường được và phù hợp với (các) vấn đề đã nêu ở trên. Các mục tiêu cũng phải có ý nghĩa và phù hợp với lĩnh vực đã chọn….
  • Dự án giải quyết thỏa đáng (các) vấn đề nêu trên.
  • Giải pháp/sản phẩm phải mang tính sáng tạo và bao gồm sự số hóa với các dẫn chứng rõ ràng.
  • Nhóm cần phải biện minh tính khả thi của kế hoạch kinh doanh, bao gồm cả thương mại (ví dụ: người dùng tiềm năng, tính cạnh tranh) và các giải pháp kỹ thuật (ví dụ: thiết kế dự án và yếu tố cơ bản về quản trị), đánh giá rủi ro cũng như các vấn đề liên quan.
  • Giải thích và đánh giá những đóng góp và tác động của dự án. Làm thế nào để dự án có thể tạo ra các giá trị chung (không chỉ giá trị tiền tệ), nhóm các yếu tố hưởng lợi từ dự án, các mục tiêu trực tiếp và gián tiếp (một nhóm xã hội, một cộng đồng, một lĩnh vực) và các kênh mà tác động có thể xảy ra?
  • Kết thúc kế hoạch kinh doanh của đội
  • Danh mục tài liệu tham khảo (nếu có)
  • Phụ lục và tài liệu bổ sung


  • Bối cảnh và lời giới thiệu về dự án/sản phẩm của đội (ví dụ: vấn đề gặp phải mà đội đang muốn giải quyết là gì, mục tiêu của kế hoạch kinh doanh,…)
  • Làm thế nào để dự án/sản phẩm được đề xuất của đội giải quyết được vấn đề ban đầu đã nêu bằng cách sử dụng công nghệ tiên tiến?
  • Kết quả mong đợi (kết quả liên quan đến tính bền vững, liên kết với chủ đề mang tính cạnh tranh và chủ đề phụ mà đội đã chọn, …)
  • Lưu ý: Các đội được yêu cầu phải gửi video đến [email protected] trước 23h59′ ngày 8/10/2023.


  • Hình thức: Thuyết trình trực tiếp ở địa điểm sẽ được công bố sau.
  • 5 đội lọt vào vòng Chung kết sẽ được thông báo vào ngày 18/10/2023.
  • Mỗi đội lọt vào vòng chung kết sẽ được đồng hành và cố vấn bởi một chuyên gia trong ngành.
  • Các đội cần tham khảo ý kiến của cố vấn của mình để chuẩn bị cho “cú ném bóng cuối cùng”.
  • Vòng chung kết: Những đội vào chung kết sẽ trình bày trong 10 phút, với 10 phút cho phần hỏi đáp trước hội đồng ban giám khảo. Trận chung kết sẽ diễn ra vào 5/11/2023
  • Giới thiệu về dự án/sản phẩm.
  • Báo cáo vấn đề và đối tượng/mục tiêu của dự án
  • Trình bày và chứng minh kế hoạch kinh doanh, bao gồm cả thương mại và giải pháp kỹ thuật, đánh giá rủi ro và các vấn đề liên quan khác
  • Các nhóm hưởng lợi từ dự án/sản phẩm dự án, mục tiêu trực tiếp, mục tiêu gián tiếp (một nhóm xã hội, một cộng đồng, một ngành) và các kênh mà tại đó có các tác động có thể xảy ra.
  • Phần kết luận
  • Cách tiếp cận giải quyết vấn đề
  • Tính khả thi và tầm nhìn
  • Tác động xã hội & môi trường
  • Làm việc theo nhóm
  • Trình bày tổng thể


  • Các điều khoản và điều kiện này cùng với bất kỳ quy tắc cụ thể nào được nêu trong Thông báo về Cuộc thi (như được định nghĩa bên dưới) là Điều khoản của Cuộc thi (“Điều khoản”), cùng với nhau được định nghĩa là “Cuộc thi”, trừ khi có quy định rõ ràng khác. Khi tham gia, người dự thi phải đồng ý bị ràng buộc bởi các Điều khoản này.
  • Những cuộc thi được tổ chức và điều hành bởi Business School, RMIT Việt Nam các nhà tài trợ hoặc bất kỳ công ty nào, Câu lạc bộ FinTech RMIT Việt Nam hoặc sở hữu hoặc kiểm soát trang web (trực tiếp hoặc gián tiếp).
  • Chúng tôi có quyền hủy bỏ hoặc sửa đổi Cuộc thi, Thông báo về Cuộc thi hoặc các Điều khoản này bất kỳ lúc nào mà không cần thông báo trước. Mọi thay đổi sẽ được đăng trong Thông báo cạnh tranh hoặc các Điều khoản này.
  • Trong trường hợp có bất kỳ tranh chấp nào liên quan đến hành vi, kết quả và tất cả các vấn đề khác liên quan đến Cuộc thi, quyết định của chúng tôi sẽ là quyết định cuối cùng và không có thư từ hoặc bất cứ cuộc thảo luận nào sẽ diễn ra.
  • Để đủ điều kiện tham gia Cuộc thi, bạn hiện phải đang theo học tại một trường THPT hoặc đại học của Việt Nam.
  • Nhân viên của Business School thành viên Câu lạc bộ FinTech RMIT Việt Nam hoặc bất kỳ công ty nào tham gia Cuộc thi hoặc bất kỳ công ty quảng cáo nào kết nối với tổ chức, hoặc công ty con hoặc công ty liên kết, đại lý hoặc thành viên gia đình hoặc hộ gia đình của họ đều không đủ điều kiện tham gia Cuộc thi. Tổ chức bảo lưu quyền xác minh tính đủ điều kiện của tất cả những người tham gia.
  • Bằng cách tham gia Cuộc thi, bạn đảm bảo rằng tất cả thông tin do bạn gửi là đúng, hiện tại và đầy đủ.
  • Tổ chức cho rằng bằng cách sử dụng trang web của họ và tham gia Cuộc thi (và bạn đảm bảo điều đó) bạn có đủ năng lực pháp lý để tham gia Cuộc thi và đồng ý với các Điều khoản (tức là bạn đủ tuổi và năng lực tinh thần và có quyền bị ràng buộc về mặt pháp lý trong hợp đồng) hoặc cha mẹ của bạn đã đồng ý cho bạn tham gia Cuộc thi và tuân theo các Điều khoản này.
  • Tổ chức bảo lưu quyền loại bất kỳ người dự thi nào nếu tổ chức có cơ sở hợp lý để tin rằng người dự thi đã vi phạm nghiêm trọng bất kỳ điều khoản nào trong số này và điều kiện đã đưa ra.
  • Trong trường hợp bất kỳ thí sinh nào bị loại khỏi Cuộc thi, theo quyết định riêng của tổ chức, tổ chức có thể quyết định liệu có nên chọn một thí sinh thay thế hay không.
  • Trong trường hợp này, người đăng ký tiếp theo sẽ được chọn theo cùng tiêu chí như người đăng ký ban đầu và sẽ tuân theo các Điều khoản này.
  • Bằng cách đồng ý với Điều khoản và Điều kiện của Cuộc thi, bạn xác nhận và đảm bảo rằng, theo hiểu biết tốt nhất của bạn, tình trạng sức khỏe của bạn không thể bị ảnh hưởng bất lợi bởi bất kỳ sự kiện hoặc hoạt động nào được lên kế hoạch. Bạn phải thông báo cho Business School về bất kỳ tình trạng y tế hoặc tình trạng nào khác có thể có nghĩa là bạn không thích hợp để đi du lịch hoặc tham gia Cuộc thi ngay khi bạn biết về tình trạng đó.
  • Bạn phải thực hiện tất cả các bước hợp lý để đảm bảo sức khỏe và sự an toàn của chính bạn. Bất kỳ hành vi hoặc hành động hoặc hành vi nào của bạn (bao gồm nhưng không giới hạn bất kỳ hành vi lạm dụng nào, hành vi, thể chất hoặc tâm lý) mà Business School cho rằng có thể gây ra bất kỳ rủi ro nào về y tế, an ninh hoặc an toàn có thể dẫn đến hậu quả tức thì là truất quyền thi đấu của bạn.
  • Bạn có nghĩa vụ thực hiện tất cả các bước hợp lý để đảm bảo các tiêu chuẩn an toàn và sự phù hợp chung của các hoạt động được thực hiện trong Cuộc thi và thừa nhận rằng tất cả các hoạt động được thực hiện với rủi ro. Business School có quyền tước vị trí của bạn trong Cuộc thi hoặc Giải thưởng (không có trách nhiệm pháp lý hoặc bồi thường) nếu bạn có thể khiến bản thân hoặc những người khác gặp rủi ro về bệnh tật hoặc thương tích hoặc hủy bỏ, gián đoạn hoặc thu hẹp Cuộc thi.
  • Bạn đồng ý không mang theo người (thuộc quyền sở hữu hoặc kiểm soát của bạn) hoặc mua hoặc tiêu thụ bất kỳ chất bất hợp pháp nào trong Cuộc thi.
  • Chỉ cho phép mỗi người tham gia tập trung vào một lĩnh vực cho phép. Các mục nhập không đầy đủ hoặc không thể giải mã được sẽ bị vô hiệu (theo quyết định tuyệt đối của Business School).
  • Bài dự thi phải được thực hiện theo cách thức và trước ngày kết thúc được quy định trong Thông báo về Cuộc thi. Không làm như vậy sẽ bị loại. Ở đó không yêu cầu mua hàng để tham gia Cuộc thi.
  • Người đăng ký cần lưu ý rằng trừ khi chúng tôi có quy định khác, chúng tôi không chịu trách nhiệm trả lại bất kỳ bài dự thi nào, kể cả những bài bao gồm nghệ thuật hoặc tài liệu khác, và có thể loại bỏ các mục nhập theo quyết định của tổ chức.


  • 01 Giải Nhất: Phần thưởng trị giá khoảng 37.500.000 VNĐ cho mỗi đội 4 thành viên
  • 01 Giải nhì: Phần thưởng trị giá khoảng 21.000.000 VNĐ cho mỗi đội 4 thành viên
  • 01 Giải Ba: Phần thưởng trị giá khoảng 15.000.000 VNĐ cho mỗi đội 4 thành viên
  • 02 Giải Khuyến khích: Phần thưởng trị giá khoảng 10.000.000 VNĐ cho mỗi đội 4 thành viên
  • 01 Giải People’s Choice: Giải thưởng trị giá khoảng 3.000.000 VNĐ cho mỗi đội 4 thành viên


📌thông tin liên hệ:.


Trong quá trình tổng hợp và chia sẻ thông tin, các tình nguyện viên/ cộng tác viên/ thành viên rất khó tránh khỏi thiếu sót. Rất mong được độc giả cảm thông và góp ý tích cực để giúp iVolunteer Vietnam ngày một hoàn thiện & phát triển.

iVolunteer Vietnam mạng xã hội chia sẻ, tổng hợp các thông tin cơ hội tình nguyện, học bổng, khoá học online hữu ích dành cho sinh viên & giới trẻ Việt Nam. Với các thông tin được cộng đồng chia sẻ, chúng mình thường KHÔNG có liên hệ trực tiếp với ban tổ chức hay đầu mối liên lạc của chương trình! Bạn vui lòng xem thêm thông tin tên đơn vị tổ chức chương trình (tìm qua facebook hoặc google) & nội dung chi tiết đính kèm, email/SĐT liên hệ (nếu có) ở link bài đăng trên fanpage và website để tìm hiểu rõ hơn.

Lượt xem: 74

rmit business plan competition

kinh nghiệm du lịch cần thơ

Điểm du lịch cần thơ, khách sạn cần thơ, nhà nghỉ cần thơ, homestay cần thơ, quán ăn ngon cần thơ, đặc sản cần thơ, ăn gì cần thơ, ở đâu cần thơ, chơi gì cần thơ, kinh nghiệm du lịch cần thơ tự túc, điểm du lịch cà mau, khách sạn cà mau, nhà nghỉ cà mau, homestay cà mau, quán ăn ngon cà mau, đặc sản cà mau, ăn gì cà mau, ở đâu cà mau, chơi gì cà mau, kinh nghiệm du lịch cà mau tự túc, điểm du lịch bình thuận, khách sạn bình thuận, nhà nghỉ bình thuận, homestay bình thuận, quán ăn ngon bình thuận, đặc sản bình thuận, ăn gì bình thuận, ở đâu bình thuận, chơi gì bình thuận, kinh nghiệm du lịch bình thuận tự túc, kinh nghiệm du lịch bình phước, điểm du lịch bình phước, khách sạn bình phước, nhà nghỉ bình phước, homestay bình phước, quán ăn ngon bình phước, đặc sản bình phước, ăn gì bình phước, ở đâu bình phước, chơi gì bình phước, kinh nghiệm du lịch bình phước tự túc, điểm du lịch bình định, khách sạn bình định, nhà nghỉ bình định, homestay bình định, đặc sản bình định, ăn gì bình định, ở đâu bình định, chơi gì bình định, kinh nghiệm du lịch bình định tự túc, kinh nghiệm du lịch bình dương, điểm du lịch bình dương, khách sạn bình dương, nhà nghỉ bình dương, homestay bình dương, quán ăn ngon bình dương, đặc sản bình dương, ăn gì bình dương, ở đâu bình dương, chơi gì bình dương, kinh nghiệm du lịch bình dương tự túc, kinh nghiệm du lịch bến tre, điểm du lịch bến tre, khách sạn bến tre, nhà nghỉ bến tre, homestay bến tre, quán ăn ngon bến tre, đặc sản bến tre, ăn gì bến tre, ở đâu bến tre, chơi gì bến tre, kinh nghiệm du lịch bến tre tự túc, điểm du lịch bắc ninh, khách sạn bắc ninh, nhà nghỉ bắc ninh, homestay bắc ninh, quán ăn ngon bắc ninh, ăn gì bắc ninh, ở đâu bắc ninh, chơi gì bắc ninh, kinh nghiệm du lịch bắc ninh tự túc, điểm du lịch bạc liêu, khách sạn bạc liêu, nhà nghỉ bạc liêu, homestay bạc liêu, quán ăn ngon bạc liêu, đặc sản bạc liêu, ăn gì bạc liêu, ở đâu bạc liêu, chơi gì bạc liêu, kinh nghiệm du lịch bạc liêu tự túc, điểm du lịch bắc kạn, khách sạn bắc kạn, nhà nghỉ bắc kạn, homestay bắc kạn, quán ăn ngon bắc kạn, đặc sản bắc kạn, ăn gì bắc kạn, ở đâu bắc kạn, chơi gì bắc kạn, kinh nghiệm du lịch bắc kạn tự túc, kinh nghiệm du lịch bắc giang, điểm du lịch bắc giang, khách sạn bắc giang, nhà nghỉ bắc giang, homestay bắc giang, quán ăn ngon bắc giang, đặc sản bắc giang, ăn gì bắc giang, ở đâu bắc giang, chơi gì bắc giang, kinh nghiệm du lịch bắc giang tự túc, kinh nghiệm du lịch bà rịa vũng tàu, điểm du lịch bà rịa vũng tàu, khách sạn bà rịa vũng tàu, nhà nghỉ bà rịa vũng tàu, homestay bà rịa vũng tàu, quán ăn ngon bà rịa vũng tàu, đặc sản bà rịa vũng tàu, ăn gì bà rịa vũng tàu, ở đâu bà rịa vũng tàu, chơi gì bà rịa vũng tàu, kinh nghiệm du lịch bà rịa vũng tàu tự túc, kinh nghiệm du lịch an giang, điểm du lịch an giang, khách sạn an giang, nhà nghỉ an giang, homestay an giang, đặc sản an giang, ăn gì an giang, ở đâu an giang, chơi gì an giang, kinh nghiệm du lịch an giang tự túc, đặt vé máy bay hà nội, cắm trại yên bái, bài viết liên quan khác.

rmit business plan competition

VietNam Global Outreach Tuyển Tình Nguyện Viên Hỗ Trợ Phòng Chương Trình VGO

rmit business plan competition

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rmit business plan competition

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rmit business plan competition

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rmit business plan competition

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rmit business plan competition

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rmit business plan competition

VPBank Tuyển Dụng Thực Tập Sinh Phân Tích Kinh Doanh

rmit business plan competition

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rmit business plan competition

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  • rmit students win top prize national business plan competition fourth year row

rmit business plan competition

RMIT students win top prize in national business plan competition for the fourth year in a row


An RMIT Vietnam team of four undergraduate students are the winners of the first virtual HSBC Business Case Competition 2021 and will represent Vietnam in the Asia-Pacific round in late May.

rmit business plan competition

Team The Extraordinary at RMIT’s Saigon South won top prize in HSBC Business Case Competition 2021

rmit business plan competition

Team Gold at RMIT’s Hanoi City campus won third prize at the competition

rmit business plan competition

Đăng nhập để sử dụng mọi tiện ích của YBOX miễn phí vĩnh viễn

  • Liên hệ Đăng bài (Miễn Phí)
  • Triết Học Tuổi Trẻ

rmit business plan competition

Mạng xã hội thông tin chất lượng cao của Sinh viên & Giới trẻ Việt Nam

Mỹ Duyên Lê


  • Đang cập nhật...
  • Đang cập nhật... ~ 100.000 người

Chưa có thông tin

Cần tim bạn

Mỹ duyên lê @ cuộc thi, [toàn quốc] cơ hội nhận giải thưởng trị giá 37,500,000 vnđ từ cuộc thi "rmit business plan competition" 2023 (miễn phí tham dự) [bài test thực tập sinh editor].

rmit business plan competition

RMIT Business Plan Competition (RBPC) is an annual national competition which calls upon high school and university students to present innovative business ideas that disrupt traditional business models and tackle practical problems. Our vision and mission are to encourage young minds to pioneer digital solutions in five different areas that promote the sustainable development of our world.

Themed “Be Next: Embracing Digital Innovation, Building Sustainable Futures!”, the RMIT Business Plan Competition 2023 serves as a platform for brightest minds from university and high school across the nation to tackle real-world problems and reimagine a technologically advanced and sustainable future. By joining in the Competition, students are tasked with generating break-through business models/solutions that adopt new technology and challenge traditional business models to power a sustainable future.

5 Areas of Focus

  • Innovating Sustainability in Tourism & Hospitality
  • Sustainable Marketing Solutions for Consumer Financial Empowerment
  • Supporting sustainability with disruptive technologies
  • Change the way we move and revolutionise e-mobility in Vietnam!
  • Financial Innovation Through Fintech, Blockchain, & AI

Deadline: 17 September 2023 

Fees:  Free

Application form:   Here

Eligibility:  High school and university students nationwide (Team 3-4 members)

Prizes:  Fascinating prizes (in-kind gifts only) with total value up to 100 million VND including:

  • 01 First Prize: Prizes worth around VND 37,500,000 per team with 4 members
  • 01 Second Prize: Prizes worth around VND 21,000,000 per team with 4 members
  • 01 Third Prize: Prizes worth around VND 15,000,000 per team with 4 members
  • 02 Encouragement Prizes: Prizes worth around VND 10,000,000 per team with 4 members
  • 01 People’s Choice Prize: Prizes worth around VND 3,000,000 per team with 4 member

Further information:  Here

308 lượt xem

The C Method with Christina Canters

Leadership, Public Speaking, Confidence & Communication Skills Training for Business Professionals

How ‘The C Method’ Won 3rd Prize In The 2015 RMIT Business Plan Competition

October 23, 2015 by Christina Canters

Last night my business ‘The C Method’ won 3rd Prize in the 2015 RMIT Business Plan Competition, one of Australia’s most prestigious competitions for budding entrepreneurs.

christina_canters_the_c_method_RMIT business plan competition 2015

I won a $5,000 cash prize, a year of business services, a virtual office space at Servcorp, and a huge frickin’ bunch of flowers.

Not to mention a direct endorsement from RMIT and massive exposure for my brand.

It was awesome.

The award ceremony at the Melbourne Town Hall last night marked the end of the 8 month-long competition that involved 3 rounds of judging, 171 initial entries, and over 100 support people involved, including judges, mentors, sponsors and RMIT staff.

You may have heard me mention it on the podcast, and I thought I’d write a quick post about the competition and what led me to picking up one of the main prizes.

What’s the competition?

The RMIT Business Plan Competition is run every year. It’s open to teams of students and staff members of RMIT. Not everyone in your team needs to be from RMIT, but the team leader needs to be, and also needs to play a key role.

Hang on , I hear you ask. Since when were you an RMIT student?

Well, I was actually involved in the NEIS program earlier this year. NEIS (New Enterprise Incentive Scheme) is a government incentive that helps new businesses get set up. You complete a Cert IV in Small Business Management, write a business plan, and they give you mentoring and some financial support for the first 12 months of your business. There are many training organisations that offer the Cert IV through NEIS, and I happened to do mine through RMIT.

And as an RMIT student, I was eligible for the RMIT Business Plan Competition. Boom!

Entering was a no brainer. I mean, I already had a business plan, right? I didn’t even have to make anything up! So I jumped on the opportunity.

Here’s how it played out:

Answer a series of questions about your business. What’s the opportunity? What problem are you solving? What’s your idea? How will you enter the market? And so on. It was a simple web form to fill out – I basically copied and pasted from my NEIS plan.

Number of entries: 171

Submit your full business plan. Must be 20 pages maximum, with 10 pages of appendices. Now, this was not a simple copy and paste. My NEIS plan was 70 pages long. With only 20 pages, there was zero space for waffle. Every single word I wrote HAD to communicate an important point. Condensing it down was harder than I thought.

But RMIT was awesome – they ran multiple training workshops to help us write our plans. We learned about advanced marketing and financials, and even had former winner Ethan Glessich of enarah run a productivity workshop with us. Super cool! (If you want to learn more about how to save time with Ethan, listen to our podcast interview here ).

33 entries made it to Round 2.

Now, I was walking on hot coals at Tony Robbins in Sydney when I got the email that I’d made Round 3. I thought ‘Sweet! Only the pitch left and I’m good!’

When I got back to Melbourne a few days later, I read the email more closely:  You have until noon on Friday 2 October to incorporate the judges’ comments and resubmit your business plan.

That was 48 hours away. Ho-ly-shit . So I madly fixed up the plan and submitted on time, fighting off a migraine and almost passing out in the process. Not a good time. Needless to say, I didn’t produce a podcast episode that week.

11 entries made it to Round 3.

The PITCH. You have 10 minutes to present your business to a panel of judges – Shark Tank-style – and 10 minutes of question time.

This is what I’d been looking forward to. I KNEW I’d be able to deliver a kick-ass pitch (you know, being a public speaking expert and all. No extra pressure there at all…) so I knew if my Business Plan was also strong, I had a good chance at winning a prize.

The final business plan was worth 70% of the total score. The pitch was worth the other 30%. Of the actual pitch, here’s how they weighted it:

Content (what you say): 25% Delivery (how you say and present it): 35% How well you answer Q&A: 30% The effectiveness of your slides: 10%

Apparently this was the first time they had weighted ‘delivery’ so heavily. That was my strength. Yess! I had a good feeling about this.

Writing the content, however, was a real challenge. I’d never had to pitch my business before. And 10 minutes is NOT a long time.

Anyway, I won’t go into too much detail here about the actual pitch – I’m going to leave that for next week’s podcast episode, where I’ll share how I wrote my pitch, the pitch itself and also my tips for calming the f*ck down before a big important presentation.

I will say that I did the best I could with the time I had to prepare, so I was happy.

What happened on the night

After drinks and mingling, we sat down in the Melbourne Town Hall for the formal proceedings. There were a handful of short speeches from the main people involved in the comp, and then Daniel Flynn, founder of Thankyou , gave an incredibly inspiring keynote.

Then it was on to the awards. There were a bunch of sponsored awards that included cash prizes and professional services, and they announced the main 3 prizes at the end.

Here’s how the awards went down (as I remember):

Award 1: Likeagirrrl Award 2: KISA Award 3: KISA Award 4: Likeagrrrl Award 5: Likeagrrrl Award 6: Maxine McQueen Award 6: KISA

…and so on. My heart started to sink. I’m out , I thought to myself. There’s nothing here for me.

But lo and behind, they moved on the main awards and announced The C Method as the winner of 3rd Prize! Aww yeaa!!

As expected, KISA won the $10,000 second prize, and Likeagrrrl won the big $25,000 first prize. I’m so happy for both the other winning teams – they are going to make a huge impact on the world. Likeagrrrl creates activewear to help women break out of poverty, the sex trade and human trafficking, and KISA designs mobile phones specifically for people who are aged, visually impaired, or living with dementia or arthritis. Both extremely worthy businesses, and I wish them all the best moving forward.

So now what?

Umm, I’m taking a vacation, clearly.

No in all seriousness, the prize money plays a very small part in winning a main prize in this comp. Even simply participating in the comp has taught me a lot, I’ve gained huge clarity over my business model and I’ve made amazing connections. I know there will be many opportunities that come out of this – it’s just a matter of me looking out for them and grabbing them with both hands! Yep, world domination is comin’ your way. Watch this space.

One last thing…

If there’s one lesson I can share with you today, it’s to BE OPEN TO OPPORTUNITIES AND TAKE THEM. I had no idea that doing NEIS at RMIT would lead to this. But I saw an opportunity, and I took it. The other 30 or so people doing NEIS with me had the exact same opportunity, yet I was the ONLY person that took it. And look what happened.

I didn’t know how it would pan out, but I just figured it out as I went. I think Branson sums it up best:


I just wanna say a massive thank you to RMIT for this opportunity, to Marcus Powe, RMIT’s Entrepreneur in Residence for his advice and support (and for asking the difficult questions), my mentor David Shave for all his help and putting up with my crazy ideas. Also to Calvin Coyles for helping me rework my pitch over a 1am kebab at Stalactite’s. Also to Sammy and Alexar for your pitch feedback, and to my beautiful parents for their love. Finally, to Lizzay, Mel, Sylvia and Beatrice for being part of my team. Goodness, this is sounding like an Oscar speech. Oh well. You made it to the bottom – great job and thanks for reading! 

christina_canters_the_c_method_RMIT business plan competition 2015

October 23, 2015 at 7:14 PM

Congrats Christina! Great effort. I remember mentioning that quote by Richard Branson as well it is a cracker! How good is that winning feeling you’ve got a taste for it now haha.

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October 25, 2015 at 5:17 PM

Thanks Jimmy, much appreciated!

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October 26, 2015 at 3:04 PM

CC, you rock! Totally deserved! The world is your oyster. : D xxx

November 5, 2015 at 2:57 PM

Thank you Aaron – you’ve been a wonderful support xox

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October 28, 2015 at 4:11 PM

That was so interesting reading about the process of the competition from start to well deserved success.Go The C method,go go Christina.? Ansje “Love what you do and you”ll never work a day in your life”

October 28, 2015 at 5:10 PM

So interesting to read the journey of your success..the hurdles you had to overcome.Fantastic effort..congratulations

Thanks Ansje 🙂

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November 4, 2015 at 3:04 PM

Well done Christina. It was quite a night wasn’t it? Would love to catch up for coffee sometime if you are available? I would love some help with my public speaking skills to raise more awareness around the issue of human trafficking.

November 5, 2015 at 3:00 PM

Hi Christine – right back at you, first prize winner!! Massive congrats to you fabulous ladies 🙂 yes would love to meet up! I’ll pm you 🙂

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rmit business plan competition

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rmit business plan competition

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If you are unsure or  hold a different visa type, please contact  Study@RMIT for more information.

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ATAR 67.05* Guaranteed ATAR 70.00

Commonwealth supported places

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AU$42,240 (2025 annual)

Bachelor of business students sitting around a table while looking at business analytics graphs

The future of business is here

We’ve adopted a new agile, non-traditional course structure to equip you with greater hands-on learning opportunities and industry engagement.

In today’s fast-changing world, where new challenges and opportunities present themselves almost daily, business leaders need the confidence and skills to navigate uncharted waters.

The Bachelor of Business gives you both these things, and so much more. Whether you’re an aspiring disruptor or entrepreneur, or you’re more focused on social impact or sustainability, this course prepares you to tackle whatever sparks your interest. You choose your path, and we’ll provide you with rich and relevant learning experiences. 

Delivered in the heart of Melbourne, this degree will have you diving into projects that have strong ties to the real world. Previously, students in our one-of-a-kind social impact subject worked on a combined challenge with Medibank and the Australian Red Cross to examine social connections and the cost of living. You also have the opportunity to undertake an internship in a business aligned with your career goals.

Upon graduation, you’ll possess an invaluable suite of skills — ranging from critical thinking and problem solving to social awareness and interpersonal relations — that will set you up for a successful and rewarding career. 


Ease exam stress with an Early Offer 

RMIT’s Early Offer program allows your weekend projects and personal accomplishments to count towards your uni application. Apply for Early Offer and hear back before your final exams. 

Four students talking together at the RMIT Melbourne City campus

Apply now to start studying in Semester 3

Get a head start on your goals and start your studies in 2024. Apply now for Semester 3 and start your studies this October. 

Why study the Bachelor of Business at RMIT?

Flexible options.

Dive into an area of business that really excites you. With 14 majors to choose from, you can shape your career narrative.

Work alongside respected organisations to solve real-world problems, building an impressive portfolio of work as you go.

Active learning

With hands-on and immersive learning, bring your opinions and ideas to every class and take an active role in your learning.

Industry partners, enablers and supporters

This degree is closely integrated with industry and real-world problem solving as an integral part of the learning experience. It is also underpinned by various technology platforms, enabling our students to experience various applications that will help them in the world of work, and to provide the technological support throughout their learning journey. We have partnered with key organisations in industry to help build what you will learn in your classes.


Australian Red Cross


Amazon Web Services


Options for majors and minors

To support your future in business, we have created an extensive range of career-focused areas of study (majors and minors), allowing you to customise your degree and gain an edge.

What are majors and minors? A major is a primary focus for your study and a minor is a secondary focus of study.

Explore our 14 business majors

  • Blockchain Enabled Business

Be equipped with the knowledge and skills you will need to apply and manage blockchain in public and private enterprises, through multi-disciplinary study.

  • Business Information Systems

Major studies in information systems include business IT development, information systems strategy and governance, business databases, e-business systems, and business analysis and design.

  • Business and Technology

Technology is completely changing the world of business. Learn how by studying topics such as cybersecurity, fintech, digital finance, legal issues in fintech/cyber, managing in the digital context, and forensic accounting.

Understand how businesses, people and governments interact. Learn to tackle challenges such as climate change, equality, and poverty, and develop the analytical expertise important to a range of careers.

  • Entrepreneurship

Discover the ideas and strategies of some of Australia’s new and established entrepreneurs. Gain the confidence and entrepreneurial skills to launch and manage exciting new business ventures.

Enhance your analytical and problem-solving abilities, and develop your understanding of the principles of finance.

  • Financial Planning*

Explore personal planning, taxation, estate planning, superannuation, insurance and investment planning to qualify to work as a financial planner.

  • Global Business

Gain the skills to analyse and interpret the complex operations of global organisations, international trade and business relationships.

  • Human Resource Management

Develop strategies to manage people and construct workplace arrangements that anticipate and respond to organisational and human needs.

  • Logistics and Supply Chain

Explore procurement and global sourcing, warehousing, freight and distribution, business operations, digital supply chain and sustainability, circular economy issues, analytics, and the management of human and physical resources.

  • Management and Change

Build skills in strategic thinking, people and organisational management and problem solving to be a force for change. Navigate complex issues, lead teams and make business decisions applicable across varied organisational structures.

Become prepared to take on roles in fields like digital marketing, brand management, campaign strategy, and customer analytics.

  • Social Impact

Learn about how businesses can become more socially aware and take concrete action to address social issues and challenges.

  • Strategy and Innovation

Prepare to innovate and create the future of business. Study subjects that develop both your professional capabilities and business acumen via learning that intersects industry and technology.

Explore the minors on offer

Minors allow you to study a few subjects rather than commit to a full major, so you will get a good grounding in a subject area and variety in your degree.

Minors include subjects which are also often included in individual majors, or other minors, but you can only credit an individual subject towards one major and/or minor.

List of Minors

Minors include:.

  • Accounting in Business*
  • Behavioural Business
  • Behavioural Science for Future Leaders
  • Business Analytics
  • Cyber Security
  • Data Insights
  • Digital Business Development
  • Digital Supply Chain
  • Financial Planning and Tax*
  • Global Procurement and Sourcing
  • Industrial Relations
  • Interdisciplinary and Responsible Approaches to Digital Business
  • International Development
  • International Logistics
  • Law and Economics
  • Law and Emerging Technology
  • Managing Global Teams
  • New Business Creation
  • Open Innovation
  • Study and Work
  • Supply Chain Analytics
  • Social and Behavioural Issues in Accounting

Check the subject lists for each major and minor before you make your final selections.

* Please note: If completing the Financial Planning major, Financial Planning and Tax minor or Accounting in Business minor, you are required to undertake assessments that have invigilation requirements. 

Animated student holding qualification

Guaranteed Pathway options available

Didn't get the ATAR you needed? Guaranteed Pathways lets you preference pathway packages so you can secure your place in your goal degree and graduate with two internationally-recognised RMIT qualifications.

person working on a mac laptop with business analytics graphs on screen and an iPhone next to their hands

Study 100% online

The slimmed down, fully online Bachelor of Business gives you the opportunity to choose from three (3) majors and five (5) minors which can be completed 100% online.

Design your degree, choose your own career path

At RMIT we know that you don't want to be limited by a rigid Business degree or locked in to a path before you really know who you want to be. You want to be able to explore your options and set your own future. 

Use our tool to help you understand your study options and plan for your future in the RMIT Bachelor of Business:

Tell us a bit about yourself:

Contact Information

This flexible cross-disciplinary business degree allows you to develop the most important element in all of your future careers: you.

With a focus on developing the personal and professional capabilities that industry craves and the world needs, such as a global mindset, a commitment to social impact, digital agility, critical thinking and the ability to cut through the noise and focus on what matters, the Bachelor of Business allows you to do more than respond to the future, it allows you to create your own.

How you will learn

Learning and teaching.

This degree provides unprecedented flexibility. It starts with four foundation subjects that introduce you to the key issues currently facing industry, supplemented by your choice of disciplinary and cross-disciplinary study.

Then, you choose any one or two of our 14 majors, complemented by a choice of minors. Alternatively, carve your own path by choosing not to do a major at all, and develop expertise across all of our business and cross-College offerings. It’s all about giving you the flexibility to take charge of your future in ever-changing business contexts.  

Plenty of personal and professional development opportunities help prepare you for work, as do the many subjects that apply your learning in real-world contexts and set you up with industry-based problems to solve.

We proudly promote an active learning style, embracing the online environment and encouraging you to do more preliminary work before class. This way, when you come to class, you can participate in engaging discussion and debate about the subject. 

Assessment methods

The assessment methods in the Bachelor of Business can depend on the subjects you select. There are no exams — instead, assessments may include presentations, assignments and other forms of assessment. All these formats give you rich opportunities to demonstrate your understanding of the topics and challenges at hand. 

Learning at RMIT

The types of classes you have will depend on the course you’re studying. Classes are offered in various formats designed to provide meaningful engagement with staff, industry and peers and provide for access and use of spaces where learning can be applied and active, including an array of specialised equipment.

Most RMIT courses do not include passive large-scale classes such as lectures, instead the content traditionally provided in lectures is made available online. This may be in the form of readings, videos or other on-demand learning materials. This content will also support the basis of interactive learning that takes place in on-campus classes.

In the Bachelor of Business you will engage in learning activities that integrate theoretical learning with practical application in professional contexts.

Subjects will involve you in interacting with organisations (industry, government and community) through discipline relevant projects and work placements.

Many subjects in this degree are closely integrated with industry and real-world problem solving as an integral part of the learning experience.

Learning outcomes

The knowledge and skills you will acquire throughout this degree and how they can be applied in your career are described in the learning outcomes.

View the learning outcomes for each stream:

  • Bachelor of Business - BP343 - Melbourne City campus
  • Bachelor of Business - BP343O - Online delivery

The knowledge and skills you will acquire throughout this degree and how they can be applied in your career are described in the  learning outcomes .

Electives and program structure

The RMIT Bachelor of Business gives you the option to decide how you want to study, and what, to maximise your choices with total flexibility.

In your first year, you will complete four business foundation subjects to give you the foundation that you need to succeed in your chosen Business career path.

After that, the direction you take is in your hands as you choose which major or majors (up to two) you want to undertake, or no majors at all. You can choose one or more minors, or just focus on the individual subjects and electives that interest you most.

In your final year, all students will undertake the compulsory Capstone Experience subject.

Course structure

Choose a plan below to find out more about the subjects you will study and the course structure.

Please note: the RMIT Online offering (BP343O) is not available for current year 12 applicants.

Please note:  Plan BP343O is not available for international students.

Note: International student visa holders can only study full-time.

RMIT has a long-standing reputation of producing young graduates who can hit the ground running in their chosen profession — from traditional business positions to jobs that are only just emerging skills and knowledge to lead change, no matter what path you choose.

New occupations are emerging, often as the result of disruptions and megatrends. Due to high demand for specialised and hybrid skills and knowledge, you’ll have no problem forging your own path.

With a strong global presence — including campuses in Vietnam, Singapore and Barcelona — this degree applies a local, national and global lens to prepare you for work across borders.

Depending on the majors, minors and subjects you choose, you could work in any number of roles, including:

  • Accountant, Actuary, Auditor, Economist, Financial Analyst, Financial Planner, Human Resource Professionals, Investment Adviser, Legal Professional, Marketing Professional
  • Digital Marketing Analyst, Logistics Analyst, Business Behaviourist, Digital Marketing Manager, Social Media Assistant, Transformation Manager, Community Manager (Public Relations), Ethical Sourcing/Procurement Manager
  • Data Analyst, Pricing Analyst, HR Analytics Manager, Business Analytics Manager, Data Scientist, Growth Hacker
  • Agile Coach, Logistics Analyst, Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Customer Success Specialist, Social Entrepreneur
  • Digital Marketing Analyst, Social Media Specialist, User Experience (UX) Analyst, Digital Content Curator, Marketing Personalisation Specialist, Employee Experience (EX) Manager, Digital Capability Coordinator
  • Corporate Strategist, Concept Designer, Corporate Development Analyst, Social Innovation Projects Manager, Enterprise Architect.

As a Bachelor of Business graduate, you will be prepared for jobs that are growing or yet to be defined. Roles are emerging in areas such as nanotechnology, big data, data and business analytics, digitalisation, AI and automation, and the green and circular economies.

You must have successfully completed the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) (or  equivalent qualification ).


Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) units 3 and 4:

  • a study score of at least 25 in English other than EAL; or
  • a study score of at least 27 in English as an Additional Language (EAL)

or  equivalent studies .

Guaranteed ATAR

This course has a Guaranteed ATAR (excluding adjustment factors).

This means that if you receive an ATAR equal to or above this and meet the course pre-requisites, we will guarantee you an offer in this course.

If you receive an ATAR below this guarantee, you may still receive an offer, depending on the availability of places in this course and whether you are eligible to receive any adjustment factors.

Please note: For VTAC applicants to receive an offer, this course must be your highest eligible preference.

Rankings and adjustment factors

Entry to this program is competitive. Eligible applicants are ranked and selected in order of merit based on their academic achievement plus any adjustment factors.

You may be eligible to receive adjustment factors which include equity access schemes and/or subject adjustments to a maximum of 28 aggregate adjustment points. For more information about what adjustment factors RMIT considers visit Admission to RMIT .

We will consider your entire academic record to determine your eligibility for entry. The highest level of education you have previously completed will usually determine how you are ranked.

Selection criteria by applicant type

Please select the highest level of education you have or will be completing in order to find out the selection criteria that applies to you, in addition to meeting the above entry requirements.

I am an applicant with recent secondary education (current or within the past two years)

Entry to this program is competitive. Eligible applicants are ranked and selected in order of merit based on their academic achievement. You will be ranked on your ATAR plus any adjustment factors.

Early offer program

This degree provides current Year 12 applicants with the opportunity to apply for an early conditional offer through RMIT’s Early Offer program.  Applications must be submitted by 15 September.  To find out more and apply, visit  Early Offer program .

Adjustment factors available only to applicants currently studying Year 12

School network access program (snap).

The  SNAP access scheme  is designed to increase tertiary participation by giving priority access to RMIT diploma and degree programs to eligible applicants currently studying Year 12 at a SNAP partner school.

Adjustment factors available only to applicants currently studying Year 12 or whose highest qualification is a completed Year 12.

Subject adjustments.

  • A study score of 25 in any Business, any Information Technology, any Mathematics or Psychology equals 1 aggregate point per study.
  • A study score of 35 in any English equals 2 aggregate points per study. 
  • Overall maximum of 8 points.

Regional adjustments

  • RMIT automatically allocates adjustment factors to applicants from a low socio-economic status area for all programs that select primarily on ATAR. 
  • Low socio-economic status areas are determined by applying the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Socio-Economic Index for Areas (SEIFA) Index of Education and Occupation.

Equity access schemes

  • Equity access schemes  take into account personal information and location, difficult circumstances, disadvantaged financial background and disability or medical condition that may have impacted on an applicant’s most recent academic performance. 
  • Find out more about the  eligibility requirements  for each Special Entry Access Scheme and RMIT access categories.
  • If you are applying through VTAC you should apply for the  Special Entry Access Scheme .
  • If you are applying directly to RMIT you should apply for RMIT Access. The system will prompt you to do this during your application.

Elite Athlete Program

The  RMIT Elite Athlete Program  supports eligible elite and emerging athletes to achieve sporting and academic excellence, allowing students to balance the demands of both their studies and their athletic responsibilities.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

The  Indigenous Access Program  supports your application to RMIT through an informal interview process where you will receive help from the Ngarara Willim Centre. Additional consideration will be given if you have relevant life, work, education or training experience.

I am an applicant with Vocational Education and Training study

Successful completion of any Australian Diploma or Advanced Diploma (or equivalent) will meet the minimum entry requirements for this course.

Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT)

You may satisfy the academic requirements by completing the STAT multiple choice. Your overall score will be converted to an equivalent ATAR and competitively ranked for selection.

Your STAT results are valid for two years prior to the commencement of your study.

If you are applying to RMIT as an applicant with vocational education and training study, you may sit the STAT multiple choice if you:

  • are 19 years of age or over as of 1 January in the year in which you will start your studies and
  • have not been enrolled in secondary studies for at least two years and
  • have no prior secondary school (Year 12), VET studies, HE studies or relevant work experience that can be considered for entry, or these do not meet the minimum academic requirements for the program.

You are still required to meet all other program prerequisites or equivalents.

Learn more about the STAT and STAT results .

You may be eligible for the following adjustment factors:

I am an applicant with higher education study.

Entry to this program is competitive. Applicants are ranked and selected in order of merit based on their academic achievement, e.g., GPA (including any adjustment factors).

We will consider your entire academic record to determine your eligibility for entry. Previous fail grades in similar courses may affect your eligibility. You will be assigned a selection rank (comparable to an ATAR) based on your GPA.

  • successful completion of at least four courses (subjects) at an Australian higher education diploma level (or equivalent) and no double-fail in any required course of the receiving degree; or
  • successful completion of at least four courses (subjects) at an Australian associate degree level (or equivalent) and no double-fail in any required course of the receiving degree; or
  • successful completion of at least two courses (subjects) at an Australian undergraduate level (or equivalent) and no double-fail in any required course of the receiving degree.

If you are applying to RMIT as an applicant with higher education study, you may sit the STAT multiple choice if you:

Learn more about the  STAT and STAT results .

Personal statement

If you have been excluded from a program due to academic progress you are encouraged to submit a personal statement outlining the strategies you will adopt to ensure academic success.

If you are applying to RMIT through VTAC you can complete and submit the VTAC personal statement via your online VTAC account.

If you are applying direct to RMIT you can upload your completed personal statement via your online direct application.

I am an applicant with Work and Life Experience

Entry to this program is competitive. Applicants are ranked and selected in order of merit based on their academic achievement, e.g., Special Tertiary Admission Test (STAT) score (including any adjustment factors).

You must have successfully completed the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) (or  equivalent qualification ) and meet the stated prerequisites. 

Work and life experience does not provide any additional consideration for entry to this program. You may satisfy the academic requirements by completing the STAT multiple choice.

If you are applying to RMIT as an applicant with work and life experience, you may sit the STAT multiple choice if you:

Additional information

Atar profile.

View the ATAR profile and selection rank from students offered a place into this program wholly or partly on the basis of ATAR in the most relevant recent intake period.

Student profile

The student profile   provides insight into the likely peer group for this program.

*ATAR refers to the lowest selection rank to which an offer was made (including consideration of any adjustments) for current and recent Year 12 applicants.

RMIT is committed to providing transparency to the admissions process. In line with this commitment, we provide you with information that will help in making informed choices about your undergraduate study options. Find out more about admission to RMIT .

You need to satisfy all of the following requirements to be considered for entry into this degree.

Academic requirements

Selection tasks, english language requirements.

You must have successfully completed a qualification recognised by RMIT as  equivalent  to the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) with a minimum average of 65% (see calculator below).

Equivalent qualifications may also include completion of the  RMIT Foundation Studies program  or a recognised post secondary diploma in the relevant discipline with the required grades.

Meeting the minimum academic requirements does not guarantee entry. Your application will still need to be assessed and accepted.

Please note : October intake is not available to advanced entry students.

Entry score calculator

Minimum score required.

Don’t meet the requirements?

There are no prerequisite subjects required for entry into this qualification.

A selection task is not required for entry into this qualification.

To study this course you will need to complete one of the following English proficiency tests:

  • IELTS (Academic): minimum overall band of 6.5 (with no individual band below 6.0)
  • TOEFL (Internet Based Test - IBT): minimum overall score of 79 (with minimum of 13 in Reading, 12 in Listening, 18 in Speaking and 21 in Writing)
  • Pearson Test of English (Academic) (PTE (A)): minimum score of 58 (with no communication band less than 50)
  • Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE): minimum of 176 with no less than 169 in any component.

For detailed information on English language requirements and other proficiency tests recognised by RMIT, visit  English language requirements and equivalency information .

Don't meet the English language test scores? Complete an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Advanced Plus Certificate at  RMIT English Worldwide .

ATAR* - Successful completion of Australian Year 12

If you have successfully completed an Australian Year 12 such as VCE, you can find the ATAR for your RMIT course on our admissions transparency page.

Animated character in front of RMIT pixel, with a flying degree above their head

Understanding pathways

Undertaking a certificate, diploma, advanced diploma or associate degree can help you meet the entry requirements for your preferred course. These qualifications often provide credit, reducing the duration of your bachelor degree.

There it is.

You can see it.

The degree you're after.

But sometimes, things happen.

You can miss the mark, or miss the boat, or drop the ball, or simply fall short.

Don't worry.

Whatever obstacles lie between you and your degree, there are different pathways at RMIT to help you get there.

The great thing about these pathways is that they're available across a range of study areas and can provide skills and training to help unlock job opportunities.

Many have smaller class sizes and great support from teachers, and they can allow you to gain credits for better studies.

Which means you'll get to your degree sooner than you think.

Visit to find the one that's right for you. 

Pathway options

This course offers pathway options. If you don’t meet the entry requirements, a formal pathway might be your way in.

Guaranteed pathways

Guaranteed pathways available.

Didn't get the ATAR you needed for entry into this degree?

At RMIT we've got your back, with a range study options to help you achieve your goals, no matter your ATAR.

Guaranteed Pathways gives you the option to preference pathway packages when you apply to RMIT.

If you apply and are successful in gaining a place in a Guaranteed Pathway package, you will progress straight into the Bachelor Degree upon successful completion of the relevant vocational degree (otherwise known as TAFE) first.

With a Guaranteed Pathway package, you can graduate with two internationally-recognised RMIT qualifications.

Credit and recognition of prior learning

Credit, recognition of prior learning, professional experience and accreditation from a professional body can reduce the duration of your study by acknowledging your earlier, relevant experience.

Credit and exemptions will be assessed consistent with the principles of the  RMIT Credit Policy .

Further study

When you successfully complete this degree, you may be eligible for entry into an RMIT Honours or Postgraduate degree.

You are guaranteed entry to the Bachelor of Business when you successfully complete one of the following RMIT programs and the major you choose to study may determine the amount of credit you will be eligible to receive:

  • you will receive 4 semesters of credit (equivalent to 192 credit points) into one of these majors: Entrepreneurship; Finance; Global Business; Logistics and Supply Chain; Management and Change; Marketing; People and Organisation; or no major
  • you will receive 3 semesters of credit (equivalent to 180 credit points) into one of these majors: Blockchain Enabled Business; Business and Technology; Economics; Innovation and Enterprise; Social Impact
  • you will receive 3 semesters of credit (equivalent to 168 credit points) into the Financial Planning major
  • you will receive 3 semesters of credit (equivalent to 144 credit points) into the Business Information Systems major

* RMIT students completing the Associate Degree in Business (AD010) program, may be subject to different credit (to the above) and are advised to contact Business Connect for advice on credit and majors.

  • Diploma of Commerce  - you will receive 2 semesters of credit (equivalent to 96 credit points)
  • you will receive 2 semesters of credit (equivalent to 96 credit points) into any major (excluding Business Information Systems) or no major
  • you will receive 1 semester of credit (equivalent to 84 credit points) into the Business Information Systems major
  • you will receive 3 semesters of credit (equivalent to 144 credit points) into one of these majors: Blockchain Enabled Business; Business and Technology; Economics; Entrepreneurship; Finance; Global Business; Innovation and Enterprise; Logistics and Supply Chain; Management and Change; Marketing; People and Organisation; Social Impact; or no major
  • you will receive 2 semesters of credit (equivalent to 120 credit points) into the Financial Planning major
  • you will receive 2 semesters of credit (equivalent to 108 credit points) into the Business Information Systems major.

Alternatively, you can gain entry from RMIT Foundation Studies or a range of vocational study programs.

Coming from a partner institution?

RMIT has pathway arrangements with many partner institutions around the world.

If your institution has a pathway arrangement with RMIT you may be able to receive credit and reduce the time it will take to complete your preferred RMIT program.

Find out if your institution has a pathway arrangement with RMIT

If you have qualifications from an institution that is not an RMIT partner, credit into your RMIT program will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Please note: any advanced standing or credit received may reduce the choice of majors and minors available in the program.

Credit may reduce the duration of your study by acknowledging your earlier, relevant study experience.

When you are submitting an application, please indicate that you want to be considered for credit and provide detailed course syllabus (also known as course outline), outlining volume of learning, course content and weekly topics, learning objectives/outcomes, assessment types and their weightings, and reference to the learning resources such as prescribed textbooks and recommended readings.

You may be eligible for entry into the following programs after you have successfully completed the Bachelor of Business:

  • Bachelor of Business (Honours)
  • Master of Commerce

When you successfully complete this program, you may be eligible for entry into an RMIT Honours or Postgraduate  degree.

Fee summary

2025 indicative fees.

In 2024, the annual student contribution amount (tuition fee) you will pay for a standard year of full-time study is between AU$4,627 to AU$16,992*.

Additional expenses

  • Student services and amenities fee (SSAF): AU$351 maximum fee for 2024*. The SSAF fees information for the 2025 intake has been delayed by the Australian government and will be updated when it is available.
  • Other items related to your program, including field trips, textbooks and equipment.

Annual fee adjustment

Amounts quoted are indicative fees per annum, and are based on a standard year of full-time study (96 credit points). A proportionate fee applies for more or less than the full-time study load.

Fees are adjusted on an annual basis and these fees should only be used as a guide.

Defer your payment

You may be eligible to apply for a HECS-HELP loan, which can be used to defer payment of up to the full amount of your student contribution fees. You may also be eligible to apply to defer payment of your SSAF through the SA-HELP loan scheme.

Learn more about fees for  undergraduate study .

Paying your fees and applying for refunds

For information on how to pay your fees or how to apply for a refund, please see  Paying your fees and applying for refunds .

If you are offered a Commonwealth supported place, your tuition fees are subsidised by the Australian Government.

Your share of the fee (student contribution) is set on an annual basis by the government and is determined by the discipline areas (bands) of your individual enrolled courses, not the overall program.

How much can I expect to pay for my Commonwealth supported place?

The Australian Government has introduced changes to university funding and student contribution fees under its  Job-ready Graduates Package . 

The fees in the table below apply to students who commence their program in 2025. Fees for continuing students are available at  fees for Commonwealth supported students.

Each course (subject) falls into a band. The band determines the student contribution amount for the course.

Amounts listed in the table below are based on a standard, full-time study load (96 credit points per year) with all courses in the same band. A proportionate fee applies for more or less than the full-time study load or for enrolment in courses (subjects) from a combination of bands.

You can learn how to calculate your exact tuition fees for units from different bands at  Fees for Commonwealth supported students .

Maximum student contribution amount for Commonwealth supported places in 2025 for commencing students

Education, Postgraduate Clinical Psychology, English, Mathematics, Statistics, Nursing, Indigenous and Foreign Languages, Agriculture $4,627 per standard year
$578 per standard (12 credit point) course
Allied Health, Other Health, Built Environment, Computing, Visual and Performing Arts, Professional Pathway Psychology, Professional Pathway Social Work, Engineering, Surveying, Environmental Studies, Science, Pathology $9,314 per standard year
$1,164 per standard (12 credit point) course
Dentistry, Medicine, Veterinary Science $13,241 per standard year
$1,655 per standard (12 credit point) course
Law, Accounting, Administration, Economics, Commerce, Communications, Society and Culture $16,992 per standard year
$2,124 per standard (12 credit point) course

Student Learning Entitlement

On 1 January 2022, the Government implemented the Student Learning Entitlement (SLE).

  • The SLE allows students 7 years of full-time subsidised study in Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP).
  • Your total SLE amount will be reduced in accordance with your overall study load in a CSP. 
  • Once you have utilised all your SLE, you can not longer study in a CSP.

For more information about SLE, visit Study Assist.

Fee assistance

Hecs-help loans.

The Australian Government provides financial assistance via the  HECS-HELP  loan scheme, which allows eligible students (such as Australian citizens or holders of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa) to defer payment of up to the full amount of their student contribution.


You may be eligible to apply to defer payment of the Student services and amenities fee (SSAF) through the  SA-HELP  loan scheme. If you use SA-HELP, the amount will be added to your accumulated HELP debt.

How does a HELP loan work?

If your FEE-HELP and/or SA-HELP loan application is successful, the Australian Government will pay RMIT, on your behalf, up to 100% of your fees. This amount will become part of your accumulated  HELP  debt.

You only start repaying your accumulated HELP debt to the Australian Government once you earn above the minimum income threshold for repayment, which is set each year by the Australian Government (this also applies if you are still studying). The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will calculate your compulsory repayment for the year and include this on your income tax notice.

For more information about loan repayment options see  Commonwealth assistance (HELP loans)  or  Study Assist .

In addition to tuition fees, you will be charged an annual  student services and amenities fee (SSAF) , which is used to maintain and enhance services and amenities that improve your experience as an RMIT student.

The SSAF is calculated based on your enrolment load. The SSAF fees information for the 2025 intake has been delayed and will be updated when it is available.

You may also be required to purchase other items related to your course, including field trips, textbooks and equipment. These  additional fees and expenses  vary from course to course.

Westpac Young Technologists Scholarship

For students commencing a technology-related degree; worth up to $15,000.

Hay and Backman Supply Chain and Logistics Scholarship

For students enrolled in supply chain and logistics programs; worth up to $10,000.

GS1 Australia Supply Chain Scholarships

For Bachelor of Business (Logistics and Supply Chain Management) students who can demonstrate circumstances which impact their study; worth up to $40,000.

RMIT awards more than 2000 scholarships every year to recognise academic achievement and assist students from a variety of backgrounds.

Other costs

In addition to tuition fees you also need to pay for:

  • Student services and amenities fee (SSAF) in each calendar year.
  • Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)  - Student visa holders must have cover for the total duration of their visa.
  • Some programs incur  additional expenses .

You also need to account for your living expenses. Estimate the  cost of living  in Melbourne.

Student services and amenities fee (SSAF)

The SSAF is calculated based on your enrolment load and the maximum fee for 2024 is $351.  The SSAF fees information for the 2025 intake has been delayed by the Australian government and will be updated when it is available.

Important fee information

Find out more details about  how fees are calculated  and the expected annual increase.

Applying for refunds

Find information on how to apply for a  refund  as a continuing international student.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Looking for answers or more general information.

Use our Frequently Asked Questions to learn about the application process and its equity access schemes, find out how to accept or defer your offer or request a leave of absence, discover information about your fees, refunds and scholarships, and explore the various student support and advocacy services, as well as how to find out more about your preferred program, and more.

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Acknowledgement of Country

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business - Artwork 'Luwaytini' by Mark Cleaver, Palawa.

RMIT University acknowledges the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the eastern Kulin Nation on whose unceded lands we conduct the business of the University. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business.

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RMIT Business Analyst Champion

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Competition background

RMIT Business Analyst Champion (RBAC) Season 3 is a competition for the undergraduates whose passion is to learn more about the Business Analyst profession. The competition is organized by RMIT Vietnam Analytics Club and will be running from 28 October to 19 November, for university students of all majors in Vietnam.

The competition will consist of three rounds. For the first round, a 40-questions online test within 45-minutes will be provided to all participating teams, to challenge our contestants on their data analysis and logical thinking skills.  Top 30 teams will be selected to join the second round, which requires them to analyze the datasets given by our strategic partner in 5 days. Lastly, the top 5 chosen teams will get a chance to pitch their solutions to our judges in the Final Pitching round at the Closing Ceremony. Throughout the competition, participants can receive networking opportunities with many industry experts as well as receiving lots of valuable prizes from RBAC sponsors and organizers.

The competition's timeline:

  • ROUND 1: 30/10
  • ROUND 2: 1/11 - 4/11
  • ROUND 3: 12/11 - 17/11

For more information, please have a look at our RBAC 2022 Booklet:  

Deadline of registration: 11:59PM, Friday 28/10/2022

Contacts information:

Fanpage: Group: Email:  [email protected] Hotline: 0333 110 415 (Ms. Mỹ Hà) - 0945 836 529 (Mr. Ngọc Đỉnh)

rmit business plan competition

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  • PhD Programs
  • Employ our students & graduates
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The Best 20 Business Plan Competitions to Get Funding in (2024)

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Radhika Agarwal

  • October 18, 2023

11 Min Read

Top Business Plan Competitions

Brilliant business ideas deserve 2 things for sure – Feedback and Funding.

And if you think you have a good business idea and have some bit of groundwork figured out, you may want to look into business plan competitions.

Now, what is a business plan competition? Why should you participate in one? How to find one that’s just right for your business?

We’ll discuss all of the above and more through this article.

What is a Business Plan Competition?

A business plan competition is an event that allows small businesses and startups to compete with each other, get feedback and advice on their business, and also can help you get your business funded.

Businesses are judged on several factors including execution, feasibility, innovation, etc.

How to Find a Business Plan Competition?

There are several business plan competitions listed on Google that you can look through. Different competitions have different eligibility criteria and guidelines. Go through all of that to know if it fits your business or not.

At the same time, it is important to check the credibility and check for any scams or illegitimate sites.

To make finding business plan competitions a little easier we have compiled a list of 20 popular and credible competitions that you can apply for.

Business Plan Competitions

  • Global Student Entrepreneur Awards
  • tecBRIDGE Business Plan Competition
  • HATCH Pitch
  • Rice Business Plan Competition
  • New York StartUP! Business Plan Competition
  • MIT 100k Business Plan and Expo
  • FAU Business Plan Competition
  • NIBS Business Plan Competition
  • Pistoia Alliance President’s Startup Challenge
  • College of New Jersey’s Mayo Business Plan Competition
  • Next Founders Business Plan Competition
  • TechCrunch’s Startup Battlefield
  • New Venture Challenge
  • New Venture Championship
  • Climatech & Energy Prize @MIT
  • Baylor Business New Venture Competition
  • 13th IOT/WT World Cup

1. Global Student Entrepreneur Awards

To encourage students across the globe to become entrepreneurs GSEA organizes this competition for students from all disciplines and countries. The main aim of the awards is to draw people towards entrepreneurship, shape their ideas, and become a catalyst for their business’s growth.


The student must enroll in a part-time or full-time undergraduate or graduate course.

The student should own or work as a founder or co-founder of the startup.

Only one person from the startup can represent it.

The person should either be 30 or under 30 years of age.

The startup should be running for at least 6 months from the date of application.

The startup should either generate $500 or get $1000 as investments at the time of application.

The startup shouldn’t have reached the final round of the competition in previous years.

For more details check out their website.

The competition is held at several locations across the world over months during a school year. The finals among the Top 4 teams are held at Goldman Sachs New York.

  • First Prize: $25,000
  • Second Prize: $10,000
  • Third Prize: $5,000

Lodging and travel expenses are covered and additional prizes are handed out at the event.

2. tecBRIDGE Business Plan Competition

The tecBRIDGE competition is divided into two parts, with one for college students across 14 colleges and universities and a non-collegiate one for early-stage entrepreneurs.

( For Collegiate )

At least one member as a college student

The product must identify commercial solutions through technical processes.

( For Non-Collegiate )

The startup must gross less than $250k in revenue from its start date up to the last tax filing date.

It is held in Northeastern Pennsylvania every year. The businesses that win have to establish their headquarters there as well.

Prizes worth $100,000 are shared amongst the winning teams.

3. HATCH Pitch

Through the Hatch Pitch program, you get access to mentorship courses, discounted spaces, funds, education programs, financial consulting, and so on.

The product/ Service was launched within 2 years.

Founders should retain some part of the ownership.

Must actively participate actively in Hatch Pitch coaching.

Must receive less than $5 million in funds from third-party investors.

The competition is held at Entrepreneur space in Dallas.

Access to high-level incubators and mentorship.

4. Rice Business Plan Competition

The Rice University business plan competition is specially designed for college students to present their ideas to investors , get mentorship and help shape their ideas and business journey better.

Students managed or created businesses.

Consists of at least 2 college students, and one student pursuing a graduate degree.

Have raised less than $250k in equity capital.

Have generated less than $100k in any 12-month period.

Houston at Rice University, graduate school of business, hosts this event.

In 2021, the winners were awarded investments worth $1.6 Million , cash prizes, etc.

5. New York StartUP! Business Plan Competition

New York Public library sponsors this competition to help entrepreneurs from around the world. They give wings to their ideas.

Must live in Manhattan, Staten Island, or The Bronx.

Your business should be in any of the above places as well.

The idea or business model is in the startup phase and shouldn’t have earned more than $10,000.

The competition is held in New York.

A grand prize worth $15000 and a Runner Up prize worth $7500 .

6. MIT 100k Business Plan and Expo

MIT organizes this competition to promote innovation in the university as well as the world. It consists of 3 competitions throughout the year namely Pitch, Accelerate, and Launch.

Each team should enter one idea.

Participants must have original work ideas

Should disclose the received funding.

Hosted in Cambridge MA MIT campus from October to May through the academic year.

  • Pitch: $5000 jury award and $2000 audience choice award.
  • Accelerate: 20 finalists get industry-specific mentorship programs with a budget of $1000 each. The top 10 finalists compete for the Audience Choice award worth $10,000. The top 3 finalists immediately get into the finals of the launch.
  • Launch: The winner gets a whopping amount of $100,000 while the runner gets $25000 .

Official Website MIT 100k

7. FAU Business Plan Competition

The Florida Atlantic University Business Plan Competition is for graduate and undergraduate students spanning all continents.

Undergraduate or graduate participants.

The competition is held at Florida Atlantic University, in Boca Raton, Florida.

First Prize: $5000 and Second Prize: $500

8. NIBS Business Plan Competition

The NIBS competition helps you discuss and give a boost to your ideas. It also helps you get industry experts guidance.

Entrants of legal age to have contracts as per the rules of their country of residence.

Should not hold any employment apart from their own company.

The plan must stand for a startup business and not an acquisition.

It is held in the USA.

There’s a cash prize for the first three places as well as an opportunity to get an incubator program for the winners.

9. Get Seeded

Get Seed is a two-part funding program for students in launching their businesses.

At least one student from a higher education institution in Utah is a must.

Should be enrolled for nine credit hours during that semester.

Utilization of funds to take the idea further.

Salt Lake City in Utah hosts the business plan competition.

A micro-grant worth $500 and a seeded grant from $501 to $1500

10. Pistoia Alliance President’s Startup Challenge

This competition was designed for startups focusing on digital and health technology.

Legally formed entities

The company must have less than 50 people.

Annual sales under $5 million.

The product should have been launched within 3 years.

Your country should not have USA’s trade restrictions imposed.

You can submit your ideas from anywhere.

Five finalists win $5000 and 2 winners receive $20,000 .

Official Website

11. College of New Jersey’s Mayo Business Plan Competition

This competition is held for students to appreciate new challenges.

The teams must consist of two and bot more than four students from the College of New Jersey.

The College of New Jersey hosts this event.

The winners get mentorship and guidance programs.

Check Official Website

12. Next Founders Business Plan Competition

This competition focuses on startups with an innovative approach to solving social problems and global needs.

It is for Canadian entrepreneurs with scalable, high-potential ventures.

The University of Toronto.

Up to 25,000 CAD$ in cash for funding your startup.

13. TechCrunch’s Startup Battlefield

TechCrunch sponsors this competition which comprises two levels.

The companies must have a functional prototype of their product or service to present to the committee.

Different locations.

The winner gets $50,000 and two runner-ups get $5000 each.

Check Competition Website

14. New Venture Challenge

This competition is held at the University of Chicago. Three evaluation points for participants are – Innovation, Product Market Fit , and presentation.

The eligibility information is available on their website.

Chicago, IL.

1st Place: $50,000 ; 2nd Place: $25,000 ; 3rd Place: $15,000 . In addition to that, the winners get access to mentorship and resources.

15. New Venture Championship

This competition is for those with a good business idea. Even if you don’t have a business plan, you can participate as the competition provides optional plan writing services.

The team should have 2-5 members.

Should have at least one graduate student.

The students should be pursuing their undergraduate or graduate degrees.

Eugene, Oregon.

Teams have a chance to win cash prizes ranging from $3000 to $25,000 with additional benefits like mentorship and rented office spaces.

16. Climatech & Energy Prize @MIT

This competition is ideal for companies with a core focus on energy, climate change, and the environment.

The team must have more than 2 members.

At least 50% of part-time or full-time university students.

Cambridge, MA hosts this competition

The winner gets a sizable sum of $1,00,000 .

17. U.Pitch

This competition gives entrants a chance to present their ideas to people from different levels and spectrums in the business space and get an opportunity for investments and mentorship programs.

Undergraduate or graduate program students.

Functioning Business

Age up to or below 30

San Francisco, California hosts this competition.

Prizes worth $10,000 are given.

18. CodeLaunch

It is a seed accelerator competition for entrepreneurs who have technology startups.

The detailed eligibility criteria can be found on their website.

St. Louis, Missouri hosts these competitions, usually.

The winner gets seed fund capital and access to other additional resources.

19. Baylor Business New Venture Competition

Baylor launched this competition to help entrepreneurs discuss their ideas and get advice from judges.

An undergraduate student at Baylor University and McLennan Community College.

Baylor University, Waco, Texas hosts this competition.

The first prize winner receives $6000 . The other finalists win prizes ranging from $1500-$2000 .

20. 13th IOT/WT World Cup

The innovation world cup was started to give startups a chance to display their ideas and business. The competition aims to attract venture capitalists, investors, and potential business partners .

The startup should have a concept of innovative technologies.

You should have a functional prototype of the product.

Cleveland, Ohio hosts this event.

You get a chance at winning prizes worth $500,000 and connect with leading tech companies in your field.

Even if you don’t receive funds, there’s a lot of chance to network, get exposure, and get your ideas validated. Especially, if you are someone who’s new in the business space business plan competitions are a great way to learn the ropes of the trade.

So, go ahead, write your business plan , look up the details, and register for a competition that fits your business the best!

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About the Author

rmit business plan competition

Radhika is an economics graduate and likes to read about every subject and idea she comes across. Apart from that she can discuss her favorite books to lengths( to the point you\'ll start feeling a little annoyed) and spends most of her free time on Google word coach.

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  1. RMIT Business Plan Competition 2023

  2. RMIT Business Plan Competition 2023

  3. RMIT Business Plan Competition 2023

  4. The Next Generation of Business Leaders

  5. FINAL BIMITS Business Fair Proudly Present Bimits Business Plan Competition (BBPC) 2022

  6. RMIT's Bachelor of Business


  1. RMIT Business Plan Competition 2023

    All submissions and presentation MUST be conducted in English. Teams register for the appropriate areas of focus via RBPC's. Hybrid/ online workshops and Q&A sessions with industry experts & lecturers from RMIT University. Registered teams submit the business proposal in PDF format to [email protected] before 11:59 PM on 17 September 2023.

  2. RMIT Business Plan Competition 2024

    The RMIT Business Plan Competition has returned in 2024 with a new theme: " For a greener Vietnam: Leveraging technology for sustainable business practices ." This is an annual event organised by The Business School of RMIT University for high school students nationwide to promote creativity aimed at technologically advanced sustainable future.

  3. RMIT students win top prize in national business plan competition for

    RMIT students win top prize in national business plan competition for the fifth time in a row An RMIT Vietnam team of four undergraduate students are the winners of the first virtual HSBC Business Case Competition 2021 and will represent Vietnam in the Asia-Pacific round in late May.

  4. RMIT Business Plan Competition

    RMIT Business Plan Competition, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. 3,097 likes · 12 talking about this. A competition for students to propose innovative and sustainable business solutions

  5. Youngsters embrace digital innovation to build a sustainable future

    Its precursors were the annual RMIT Fintech-Blockchain Competition and RMIT Amazing Vietnam Student Competition, both of which were initiated in 2021 and provided an engaging academic playground for hundreds of students across the country. From such a basis, RMIT created a single, larger-scale business plan competition this year.

  6. RMIT Business Plan Competition 2023

    RMIT Business Plan Competition - the nationwide business competition for young enthusiasts with innovative ideas for sustainable developmentsFor any concerns...


    [RMIT BUSINESS PLAN COMPETITION] WHAT IS RBPC? (Vietnamese caption below) RBPC: Ignite Your Passion for Business and Embrace the Power of Technology for a Sustainable Future. Join the Revolution!...


    [RMIT BUSINESS PLAN COMPETITION] REGISTRATION FORM IS NOW OPEN! (Vietnamese caption below) Be Next: Embracing Digital Innovation, Building Sustainable...

  9. Cuộc Thi RMIT Business Plan Competition (RBPC) Chính Thức Mở Đơn Đăng

    Cuộc thi RMIT Business Plan Competition (RBPC) là cuộc thi quốc gia thường niên kêu gọi học sinh THPT và đại học trình bày những ý tưởng kinh doanh sáng tạo phá vỡ mô hình kinh doanh truyền thống và giải quyết các vấn đề thực tế. Tầm nhìn và sứ mệnh của cuộc thi là khuyến khích giới trẻ tâm trí trở thành người ...

  10. Linh Nguyen, PhD, CFA on LinkedIn: #rmit #rbpc #businessplan #

    We are so thrilled to announce that the RMIT business plan competition is official launched! We welcome all university and highschool students in Vietnam to join the competition.

  11. Rmit Business Plan Competition Winners

    2 min read · Jan 12, 2021--

  12. RMIT students win top prize in national business plan competition for

    An RMIT Vietnam team of four undergraduate students are the winners of the first virtual HSBC Business Case Competition 2021 and will represent Vietnam in the Asia-Pacific round in late May. RMIT students win top prize in national business plan competition for the fourth year in a row | AusCham Vietnam

  13. [Toàn Quốc] Cơ Hội Nhận Giải Thưởng Trị Giá 37,500,000 Vnđ Từ Cuộc Thi

    RMIT Business Plan Competition (RBPC) is an annual national competition which calls upon high school and university students to present innovative business ideas that disrupt traditional business models and tackle practical problems. Our vision and mission are to encourage young minds to pioneer digital solutions in five different areas that ...

  14. RMIT students take first prize in national business plan competition

    An RMIT Vietnam team of four undergraduate students has won the HSBC Business Case Competition Vietnam 2018. The team beat out two other finalists to receive VND50 million in prize money, and will represent Vietnam in the regional round of the competition in Hong Kong from 5-8 June 2018.

  15. How 'The C Method' Won 3rd Prize In The 2015 RMIT Business Plan Competition

    Last night I won 3rd Prize in the 2015 RMIT Business Plan Competition, one of Australia's most prestigious competitions for budding entrepreneurs. I won a $5,000 cash prize, a year of business services, a virtual office space at Servcorp, and a huge frickin' bunch of flowers. Not to mention a direct endorsement from RMIT and massive exposure for my brand. It was awesome. The award ceremony ...


    [RESULT ANNOUNCEMENT] CONGRATULATIONS OUR TOP 5 FINALISTS (Vietnamese caption below) The RBPC Organising Committee is delighted to announce our...

  17. What Is the Mit $100k Competition?

    One competition - three independent contests: PITCH. ACCELERATE. LAUNCH. Pitch: It is the first phase of the MIT $100K and usually takes place in September.Participants practice articulating a 90-second pitch in front of a panel of experienced judges, get feedback on ideas and presentations from both judges and mentors, and compete for both the $5K Grand Prize and the $2K Audience Choice Award.

  18. PDF Apec Workshop on Embedding Entrepreneurship in University Curriculum

    RMIT University Slide 4 About the Business Plan Competition • It is a competition open to all students, including RMIT Vietnam students; • Students work in teams to develop an idea or concept for a business; • They develop a professional business plan to 'sell' the idea to potential investors and to be a 'map' to guide

  19. RMIT Business Plan Competition 2023

    RMIT Business Plan Competition - the nationwide business competition for young enthusiasts with innovative ideas for sustainable developmentsBe Next: Embraci...

  20. Future Founders Competition

    First launched in 2019, Future Founders Competition is RMIT Activator Vietnam's highlight of entrepreneurial activities across Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh campuses. Every year, we provide a real world challenge statement and you provide solutions. The most promising of the pitches win exciting prizes and the chance to take the idea further.

  21. Bachelor of Business

    With a focus on developing the personal and professional capabilities that industry craves and the world needs, such as a global mindset, a commitment to social impact, digital agility, critical thinking and the ability to cut through the noise and focus on what matters, the Bachelor of Business allows you to do more than respond to the future ...

  22. RMIT Business Analyst Champion

    RMIT Business Analyst Champion (RBAC) Season 3 is a competition for the undergraduates whose passion is to learn more about the Business Analyst profession. The competition is organized by RMIT Vietnam Analytics Club and will be running from 28 October to 19 November, for university students of all majors in Vietnam. The competition will ...

  23. The Top 20 Business Plan Competitions to get funding in 2024

    MIT 100k Business Plan and Expo. FAU Business Plan Competition. NIBS Business Plan Competition. Get Seeded. Pistoia Alliance President's Startup Challenge. College of New Jersey's Mayo Business Plan Competition. Next Founders Business Plan Competition. TechCrunch's Startup Battlefield. New Venture Challenge.