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Apr 28, 2022

Audience viewing a presentation at a past ASCO Annual Meeting

As the premier global event in oncology, join us—in person or online—for innovative findings in cancer care

By Melanie Farrell, ASCO Communications

The ASCO Annual Meeting provides a forum to learn about and discuss the important issues and ongoing controversies in cancer care across a variety of disease sites, treatment approaches, and disciplines. Join more than 40,000 oncology professionals from around the world to stay up to date on new clinical cancer advances in every area of cancer research, gain real-time insights from world-renowned faculty, and connect with one of the largest, most diverse audiences in global oncology—in person or online.

The theme for this year’s meeting, selected by 2021–2022 ASCO president Everett E. Vokes, MD, FASCO, encourages attendees to learn firsthand about some of the most recent innovations in oncology that will undoubtedly contribute to a future of more equitable cancer care. “Advancing Equitable Cancer Care Through Innovation” signifies the need to uncover fresh solutions that fundamentally improve the lives of all those touched by cancer, leading us toward a future of equity in cancer care.

“In oncology, innovation can be seen around every corner. Opportunities range from new therapies and smarter use of existing treatments, and offering patients broader and easier access through telemedicine, to rethinking clinical trial eligibility and much more. As a global community of innovators, people working in oncology have unmatched potential to improve care for all patients, everywhere in the world,” Dr. Vokes said.

Attendees will see the theme reflected in sessions throughout the meeting, and during Dr. Vokes’ Presidential Address at the Opening Session .

“This is our time to gather, and exchange novel ideas that can bring down barriers to access and make cancer care more equitable, convenient, and efficient for patients worldwide,” Dr. Vokes said.

ASCO is honored that so many oncology professionals will be attending the 2022 Annual Meeting. Read on for highlights of the can’t-miss events, tips for connecting with colleagues, and new features for 2022 to personalize your meeting experience and make the most of every session you attend.

Program information in this story is current as of March 21, 2022. Visit for the most current information on the 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting.  ​ Conquer Cancer, the ASCO Foundation, is proud to support the 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting. Visit to find out how you can support innovative research for every cancer, every patient, everywhere.

2022 Program Highlights

Whether attendees are participating in ASCO22 in person or remotely, they will find a robust, unified digital experience at . The URL is accessible on any device’s web browser, without the need to download a separate app. Through , attendees can:

  • Review the most up-to-date program, build a personal schedule of sessions, and export the schedule to their preferred calendar
  • Watch over 85 livestream sessions, including Opening Session, Plenary Session, many Special Sessions, and all Oral Abstract Sessions
  • Engage with the meeting using point-of-session-based tools, including Q&A, case-based polling, and note-taking on slides
  • Connect with other attendees using direct private messages through the Find a Colleague directory
  • View or rewatch most sessions on-demand after they’ve concluded
  • View or download over 2,000 posters
  • Access materials from the session, including abstracts, slides, and transcripts
  • Claim CME for participation in each session

Opening Session

On Saturday, June 4, in Hall B1, ASCO will kick off the meeting with its Opening Session , which will include the Guest Speaker’s Address, Presidential Address, and David A. Karnofsky Memorial Award and Lecture. In this year’s Opening Session, Dr. Vokes will deliver the presidential address on his theme and its message: how to advance equitable cancer care through innovation. (Following the presentation, the full transcript and video of the address will be available on ASCO Connection .)

ASCO is delighted to welcome André Ilbawi, MD, as the session’s keynote speaker. Dr. Ilbawi is a double-board certified surgical oncologist responsible for the development of the World Health Organization (WHO)/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) priority setting tool for cancer control. He led and supported the launches of the WHO Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer and the WHO Global Breast Cancer Initiative, in addition to implementing the WHO Cervical Cancer Initiative. Dr. Ilbawi is the WHO technical lead in the Global Platform for Access to Childhood Cancer Medicines, which seeks to universally provide cancer medicines for all children in resource-challenged countries.

Attendees will also hear from David A. Karnofsky Memorial Award recipient Jedd Wolchok, MD, PhD, FASCO, who is being recognized for his pioneering work in immunotherapy. The most recent recipients of the Fellow of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (FASCO) honor will be recognized for their service to the Society. ( Read more about Dr. Wolchok, FASCO honorees, and other recipients of 2022 Special Awards .) Opening Session speakers will also include Conquer Cancer Board chair Howard A. Burris III, MD, FACP, FASCO.

Science Program

This year, over 6,000 abstracts were submitted for consideration by the Annual Meeting Scientific Program Committee. More than 2,900 abstracts were selected for presentation in Oral Abstract Sessions, Clinical Science Symposia, and Poster Sessions, plus more than 2,200 for online publication. The majority of abstracts will be released on May 26, 2022, at 5 PM (ET) on . Late-Breaking Abstracts (LBAs) will be released on a rolling basis during the meeting.

“The ASCO Annual Meeting is the premier place to present the most impactful data when it comes to taking care of patients with cancer. The size, reach, and quality of presentations is outstanding,” said 2022 Annual Meeting Scientific Program Committee chair Sonali Smith, MD. “It is not only the venue for presenting the latest clinical advances, but also the glue for our oncology community.”

Plenary Session

The Plenary Session showcases abstract presentations of the top practice-changing science, with commentary from expert discussants. This is the must-see session of the meeting, highlighting the most clinically relevant science that will change current cancer care. Plan to join the live Plenary Session presentation on Sunday, June 5, at 1 PM (CT) and participate in Q&A with the speakers and discussants.

ASCO Plenary Series

Combining the immediacy of the online world with the scientific rigor and practice-changing data of ASCO’s live meetings, the ASCO Plenary Series session brings tomorrow’s practice-changing science to clinicians today. Research presented throughout the 2021–2022 virtual Plenary Series will be showcased during a special session at the ASCO Annual Meeting. Be sure to attend ASCO Plenary Series: Rapid Abstract Updates on Sunday, June 5, at 4:30 PM (CT). Visit to see Plenary Series dates for the fall.

Clinical Science Symposia

Clinical Science Symposia are designed to address a cross-cutting theme or hot topic in oncology while integrating abstracts with expert discussion. The following Clinical Science Symposia have been planned this year:

  • ctDNA: Dawn of a New Era
  • Bispecifics: Is Two Better Than One?
  • Is There a Ghost in the Machine? Putting Artificial Intelligence to Work
  • Including the Excluded: Advancing Care for All Patients With Lung Cancer
  • Beating Bad Blood: The Power of Immunotherapy in Hematologic Malignancies
  • Aspirations of Equity in Oncology
  • Looking Everywhere for Determinants of Benefit From Immunotherapy
  • Can We Begin to Predict Responders to Targeted Therapy in GI Cancer?
  • Biomarkers Beyond Histology in Contemporary Sarcoma Clinical Trials
  • The Dr. Bernard Fisher Memorial Annual Clinical Science Symposium Supported by the Breast Cancer Research Foundation: Utility of Genomics to Guide Treatments in Patients with Hormone Receptor-Positive, HER2-Negative Breast Cancer
  • Expanding the Reach of Genetic Testing
  • Molecular-Based Treatment for Endometrial Cancer
  • Moving Past Geriatric Assessments to Implementation

Education Program

The Annual Meeting Education Program offers a robust portfolio of sessions that address the concerns and priorities of everyone in the cancer care space. These sessions are designed to teach and engage participants across disciplines, as well as impart practical, take-home knowledge that can be applied to any cancer care setting.

When curating the 2022 Education Program, the Annual Meeting Education Committee was inspired by the meeting’s theme to look at global cancer care through the lens of equity and innovation.

“I am excited about sharing and hearing the latest advances in our field, so we can move toward impact, innovation, and equity across our global cancer community. Whether attendees join us in person or online for the ASCO Annual Meeting, we are all coming together for a common goal of reducing the cancer burden,” said 2022 Annual Meeting Education Committee chair Jhanelle Gray, MD.

Sessions of particular interest this year include:

  • Cancer Groundshot: Addressing the Global and National Inequities in Cancer Care
  • New Drugs in Oncology: Incorporation Into Practice
  • Strategies to Advance Equity in Cancer Clinical Trials
  • COVID-19 and Cancer: Advantages and Disadvantages of Immunotherapy
  • Rethinking Cancer Clinical Trial Conduct With Telemedicine
  • Depersonalized Medicine: Who Is Missing in Big Data?
  • Artificial Intelligence in Oncology: The Current Field and Where It Is Headed

Case-Based Panel Sessions

Case-Based Panel Sessions will feature expert faculty discussing timely and challenging real-world clinical scenarios. These sessions will be highly interactive, offering both Q&A and participant polling. Along with disease-specific case-based scenarios, Case-Based Panel Session highlights include:

  • Ethical Dilemmas Among Genetic Testing
  • Practical Use of Geriatric Assessment Tools for Older Adults With Cancer: Can Technology Take Us Further?
  • Strategies to Address Moral Distress in Clinicians: What Should We Do When We Don’t Know What to Do?
  • Less Is More: Practical De-Implementation Science Strategies to Improve Quality
  • Burnout and Mental Health in Oncology Providers: You Are Not Alone
  • Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: Long-Term Survival Data
  • Pharmacogenetic Testing to Personalize Cancer Therapy: Ready or Not?
  • Loneliness: A Forgotten Challenge in Cancer Care

Joint Sessions

At the Annual Meeting, ASCO partners with likeminded organizations to host joint sessions on pertinent topics in oncology. Two joint sessions will be offered this year:

  • ASCO/European Cancer Organisation Joint Session: HPV Vaccination, Prevention, and Treatment
  • ASCO/American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Joint Session: The Promise of DNA Damage Response and Repair in Cancer

Sharing Our Stories

ASCO Voices

ASCO Voices continues to be one of the most compelling sessions offered at the ASCO Annual Meeting, featuring personal stories from across the oncology continuum. This year’s session will showcase stories focused on a topic relevant to issues of equity, global health, and innovation. The following speakers were selected to share their passions, stories, and perspectives—without notes or slides:

  • “Cancer: Common Humanity, Different Worlds” by Kevin Diasti, MD
  • “The 5AM Wake-up Call” by Omar Abdihamid, MMed
  • “Bridging the Gap Between Clinical Care and Clinical Research By Improving Access to Clinical Trials With Technology” by Neal Meropol, MD, FASCO
  • “Moving Online, Together!” by Khamai Simpson, MSc
  • “Equity in Clinical Trial Access: We Should Not Need Physician Friends” by Louise Brennan, PhD

Film Screening

Attendees are invited to attend a screening of Can You Hear My Voice? , a documentary film about London’s Shout at Cancer Choir , whose singers are living without voice boxes. The film will be screened in the McCormick Place Lakeside Lounge on Saturday, June 4, from 5:00 PM-6:30 PM (CT).

The film was produced and directed by Bill Brummel, who had his own voice box removed in 2016. Mr. Brummel is an award-winning documentary producer/director. He and his films have been recognized with a Peabody Award, two International Documentary Association (IDA) Awards, five national Emmy nominations, and been named to an Oscar shortlist.

On Monday, June 6, Mr. Brummel and the surgeon who treated him will participate in a discussion for ASCO’s Oncology, Etc. podcast . Attendees are welcome to join from 3:00 PM-4:00 PM (CT) in Room S100a.

Make the Most of Your In-Person Experience

After 2 years of joining the ASCO Annual Meeting from your home or office, it’s time to step out from behind those webcams, dust off your business attire, and put on your most comfortable shoes because we are ready and excited to welcome attendees back in person in Chicago.

Health and Safety at ASCO22

We are continuously evolving our protocols to ensure the safety of our attendees. Visit the Health and Safety webpage for the most current information, including:

  • Vaccination Requirements:   All in-person attendees at the ASCO Annual Meeting must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by the time of the meeting. “Fully vaccinated” means either 2 weeks have passed since receiving the second dose of an FDA- or WHO-authorized double-dose COVID-19 vaccine or 2 weeks have passed since receiving the one dose of an FDA- or WHO-authorized single-dose COVID-19 vaccine. Please note that your registration is not complete until you verify your vaccination.
  • Travel From Outside the United States:  The Health and Safety webpage will provide the latest country-specific COVID-19 requirements, as well as COVID-19 protocols at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport and Midway International Airport.
  • COVID-19 Testing:   Free COVID-19 testing will be available for registered attendees who experience symptoms onsite and for registered attendees who must show proof of a recent negative COVID-19 test to board their return flight.
  • Masks:   We are following CDC, state, and local guidelines regarding masking. Please refer to the Health and Safety webpage prior to attending the meeting for the most current information about masking.

Ticketed Sessions

Ticketed Sessions (purchase required) will be available in-person only, and will not be recorded for on-demand viewing. Participate in intimate discussions with expert faculty on 22 focused topics, including:

  • Meet the Professors: Emerging Screening Options for Early Cancer Detection
  • Point/Counterpoint: Real-World Data—Do We Even Need Clinical Trials Anymore?
  • Meet the Professors: Editors’ Insights on How to Successfully Publish in Top Oncology Journals Internationally
  • Clinical Controversies: Management of Pleural Mesothelioma in the Era of Immunotherapy

Grow Your Professional Network

Along with exciting new scientific presentations and world-class educational programming, a significant benefit of attending the ASCO Annual Meeting is making face-to-face connections with some of the best and brightest in oncology. There are many opportunities to meet your next research collaborator, co-author, mentor, mentee, hiring manager, or new friend. Here are some ways to make connections that will generate future collaborative research ideas:

  • Women’s Networking Center: Connect with other women in oncology and sign up for individual mentoring sessions.
  • Publishing Lounge: Meet the editors-in-chief and catch up on the latest practice-changing research in global oncology.
  • Trainee & Early-Career Oncologist Member Lounge: Seek career advice and network with peers and experienced professionals in the field.
  • Patient Advocate Lounge: Connect and share stories in a relaxed environment, and take advantage of patient information materials.
  • Lakeside Lounge: Relax, recharge, grab a bite to eat, and connect with colleagues.
  • ASCO Central: Meet face-to-face with ASCO staff to learn more about the programs and services ASCO has to offer, the resources available to you, and how to get involved.
  • Networking Tables: Reserve a table in advance so you know when and where to meet with colleagues.
  • Career Fair: Explore available career options and meet face-to-face with recruiters in the field of oncology. The career fair will be located in the back of the Exhibit Hall (Hall A).
  • Southside Library: Located near Gate 2 in the South Building, Level 1, the Southside Library offers a quiet setting to network, charge devices, and grab a coffee or quick bite to eat, while reading available ASCO publications.

Onsite Amenities and Support

Free Onsite Childcare: Available for children ages 6 months to 12 years on a first-come, first-served basis. ASCO welcomes working parents and their children at the meeting. Check availability, review Health and Safety policies, and learn more .

Additional amenities and support include :

  • Nursing Room
  • Prayer Room
  • Quiet Spaces
  • Charging Stations
  • Hotel and Chicago Concierge Desk
  • CE and Technical Assistance HelpDesk
  • ASCO Membership Information
  • Multilingual Interpreters
  • ASCO Store Digital Products and Merchandise


There are multiple transportation options to help you reach ASCO22:

  • Complimentary shuttle service: Available to and from all official ASCO hotels and McCormick Place, except those within walking distance.
  • Metra (commuter train system) and CTA (the “L” light rail system):  Metra station is located in McCormick Place, with free Metra tickets available for attendees to Randolph Street Millennium Station (the heart of downtown Chicago).
  • Taxi and ridesharing: Designated pickup/drop off locations are located throughout McCormick Place.
  • Bike sharing (Divvy): Make transportation your exercise for the day.

Experience ASCO22 Online

Just as the COVID-19 pandemic led to innovative new approaches using telehealth and telemedicine, ASCO has been innovative when it comes to providing access to the groundbreaking science in oncology, the latest trends in clinical application, and treatment and insights on equitable cancer care that the 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting has to offer.

That is why ASCO is providing a robust online meeting experience to help break down other barriers that may prevent members of the global oncology community from getting this needed information, whether it be travel restrictions, budget constraints, clinic schedules, family obligations, or health concerns. Visit to find everything you need to participate in ASCO22 remotely.

Follow the 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting on Social Media

Connect with ASCO on social media to keep up with the latest information from the 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting. Follow along on Twitter ( @ASCO ) and Instagram ( @ascocancer ) and share your own meeting experience using the hashtag #ASCO22 . You can also follow ASCO volunteers who have committed to leading a robust conversation throughout the meeting on Twitter and Instagram.

You don’t want to miss the lively and substantive conversation—ASCO21 Virtual generated significant social media engagement: 8,900 Twitter users sent 55,296 tweets using the 2021 meeting hashtag, with approximately 461 tweets an hour.

ASCO Daily News : Your Daily Conference Reporter and More

Catch up on key sessions and clinical takeaways with high-quality, unbiased research summaries and oncology news. ASCO Daily News content is available online all year. Subscribe to ASCO Daily News emails for up-to-the-minute coverage before, during, and after the meeting. To opt-in to ASCO Daily News communications, select “ASCO Journals Updates and Oncology News” in your email preference center .

ASCO members and meeting participants will receive the print ASCO Daily News: ASCO Annual Meeting Wrap Up issue, highlighting the most practice-changing science presented, several weeks after the meeting concludes.

Prefer to listen rather than read? The ASCO Daily News Podcast highlights key abstracts and research summaries from experts in the field. 

2022 ASCO Educational Book

Articles in the ASCO Educational Book are authored by the ASCO Annual Meeting Education Program faculty and other invited experts. Topics cover the most compelling research and newest standards of care in the field, with the goal of improving patient care and value. Each year, the best minds in oncology come together to author scholarly reviews for the PubMed-indexed ASCO Educational Book . Catch up on the newest developments in the multidisciplinary fields of oncology. Articles are free to read and download . Please note that the 2022 edition is available online-only.

Are You Ready for ASCO22?

The 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting is just a few weeks away, but you still have time to prepare.

May 2022: 1 month out

  • Look over preliminary Annual Meeting materials at .
  • Ensure that you have verified your COVID-19 vaccination status as part of your registration: your registration is not complete until you do! Review the latest health and safety protocols .
  • Once you’ve registered, use the Find a Colleague directory on to find others who have registered and send them a private direct message.
  • May 26 at 5 PM (ET): View the majority of the 2022 abstracts on .
  • If you haven’t already, set up your account on Twitter and Instagram and download their apps. Find us @ASCO on Twitter and @ascocancer on Instagram; share your thoughts with the hashtag #ASCO22 on both platforms.

Week of May 27: 1 week out

  • Test your login, test your login, test your login! Whether you are attending in person or virtually, make sure you are ready to access sessions by testing your login on . ASCO staff are standing by to help you with any login questions. The earlier you realize you need help, the smoother your meeting experience will be.
  • Read ASCO Daily News online for session preview articles and insights from renowned experts in the field.
  • Check out the 2022 ASCO Educational Book for articles written by Education Program faculty.
  • Visit to scroll through all the ASCO22 sessions, and save sessions you want to attend to help plan your schedule.

June 3 through June 7: 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting

  • Read ASCO Daily News for session coverage and more.
  • Use for point-of-session–based tools like polling, Q&A, note-taking, and to claim CME.
  • Start your meeting with a refreshing beverage—join ASCO leadership at the McCormick Place main entrance on Friday, June 3, at 1 PM (CT), as they hand out glasses of lemonade.
  • Need a new headshot? Free professional headshots are available on Friday, June 3, through Monday, June 6, from 10 AM to 5 PM (CT) near Starbucks by Concierge Services.
  • Engage in live Q&A with faculty during in-person and livestreamed sessions.
  • Participate in the #ASCOiSpy scavenger hunt on Twitter.
  • Explore the Exhibits in the Exhibit Hall and participate in an Industry Expert Theater session.
  • Carve out time on Saturday, June 4, and Sunday, June 5, from 11 AM to 3 PM (CT), to visit ASCO Central and meet some lovable dogs who want nothing more than to help you unwind.
  • Search the Pharmaceutical Pipelines and Clinical Trials Directories for current information on pharmaceuticals in development and ongoing clinical trials.
  • Show your ASCO pride: ASCO merchandise is available for purchase at the ASCO Store and online.

After the Annual Meeting:

  • Watch on-demand videos of sessions you missed or want to review again.
  • Share what you learned with your colleagues and patients.
  • Access Meeting Videos and Slides on , an online library of abstracts, slides, posters, and recorded presentations from most sessions. Access is included in your meeting registration.
  • Submit your Meeting Feedback Form. Tell us how we can make the 2023 ASCO Annual Meeting even more valuable for you.
  • Mark your calendar for the 2023 ASCO Annual Meeting: June 2–6, 2023, in Chicago, IL!

Recent Articles

asco 2022 oral presentation

Tempest Announces Oral and Poster Presentations at the Upcoming 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting

Tempest therapeutics, inc. announced that two abstracts were accepted for presentation at the 2022 american society of clinical oncology annual meeting taking place june 3-7, 2022 at the mccormick place convention center in chicago, il..

  • Oral presentation for TPST-1120 completed Phase 1 trial results
  • Poster presentation for TPST-1495 trial in progress

SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., April 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tempest Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: TPST), a clinical-stage oncology company developing therapeutics that combine both targeted and immune-mediated mechanisms, today announced that two abstracts were accepted for presentation at the 2022 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting taking place June 3-7, 2022 at the McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago, IL. The results of the Phase 1 monotherapy and Phase 1 combination therapy studies with TPST-1120, a potential first-in-class PPARα antagonist, received an invitation for an oral presentation. The trial results will be presented on the podium by Mark Yarchoan, a clinical investigator from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

In addition, the trials-in-progress abstract for TPST-1495, a potential first-in-class EP2/EP4 prostaglandin receptor dual antagonist, was accepted for a poster presentation.

“We are thrilled that ASCO recognized our two novel clinical programs and accepted the abstracts for presentation,” commented Stephen Brady, chief executive officer of Tempest. “This will be the first presentation of clinical data from a Tempest program, and we are encouraged by the results from our completed Phase 1 study with TPST-1120, and excited about the ongoing first-line randomized study in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.”

Our abstracts will be released on Thursday, May 26, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. EDT on We expect to also include data from the additional TPST-1120 patients enrolled after abstract submission.

Presentation details:

Title: A phase 1 study of TPST-1120 as a single agent and in combination with nivolumab in subjects with advanced solid tumors.

Session Typer/Title: Oral Abstract Session, Developmental Therapeutics – Molecularly Targeted Agents and Tumor Biology Session Date and Time: Tuesday, June 7, 2022; 9:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. CDT Abstract Number: 3005

Title: A phase 1 study of TPST-1495 as a single agent and in combination with pembrolizumab in subjects with solid tumors

Session Type/Title: Poster Session, Developmental Therapeutics – Immunotherapy Session Date and Time: Sunday, June 5, 2022; 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. CDT Abstract Number: TPST2696

About Tempest Therapeutics

Tempest Therapeutics is a clinical-stage oncology company advancing small molecules that combine both tumor-targeted and immune-mediated mechanisms with the potential to treat a wide range of tumors. The company’s two novel clinical programs are TPST-1120 and TPST-1495, antagonists of PPARα and EP2/EP4, respectively. Both TPST-1120 and TPST-1495 are advancing through Phase 1 clinical trials designed to study both agents as monotherapies and in combination with other approved agents. In collaboration with F. Hoffmann La Roche, TPST-1120 is also advancing through a randomized first line, global, Phase 1b/2 clinical study in combination with the standard-of-care regimen of atezolizumab and bevacizumab in patients with advanced or metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma. Tempest is also developing an orally-available inhibitor of TREX-1 designed to activate selectively the cGAS/STING pathway, an innate immune response pathway important for the development of anti-tumor immunity. Tempest is headquartered in South San Francisco. More information about Tempest can be found on the company’s website at .

Investor Contact:

Sylvia Wheeler Wheelhouse Life Science Advisors [email protected]

Media Contact:

Aljanae Reynolds Wheelhouse Life Science Advisors [email protected]

asco 2022 oral presentation

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Gracell Biotechnologies Announces Details of Oral Abstract Presentation at 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting

News provided by

Apr 28, 2022, 10:30 ET

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Gracell to present longer-term follow-up clinical data evaluating GC012F, an autologous CAR-T therapeutic candidate dual-targeting BCMA and CD19, for the treatment of relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma

SAN DIEGO, Calif. and SUZHOU, China , April 28, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Gracell Biotechnologies Inc. ("Gracell" or the "Company", NASDAQ: GRCL ), a global clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to developing highly efficacious and affordable cell therapies for the treatment of cancer, today announced the details of its oral abstract presentation at the 2022 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting, being held from June 3-7 in Chicago, Illinois .

Longer-term follow-up clinical data from a multicenter investigator-initiated trial (IIT) evaluating GC012F for the treatment of relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM) will be presented at an oral abstract session. GC012F is an autologous CAR-T therapeutic candidate dual-targeting B cell maturation antigen (BCMA) and CD19. It is developed using Gracell's proprietary FasTCAR platform, which enables next-day manufacturing. In November 2021 , GC012F was granted Orphan Drug Designation for the treatment of multiple myeloma by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Details of the presentation are as follows:

  • Abstract title: Updated results of a multicenter first-in-human study of BCMA/CD19 dual-targeting fast CAR-T GC012F for patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM)
  • Abstract number: 8005
  • Session title: Hematologic Malignancies – Plasma Cell Dyscrasia
  • Session type: Oral Abstract Session
  • Presentation time: Sunday, June 5 at 9:36 AM CT
  • Presentation location: S406

Full abstract will be released on May 26, 2022 at 5:00 PM (EDT) . Additional information about the presentation and the ASCO Annual Meeting is available on the ASCO website .

About GC012F

GC012F is a FasTCAR-enabled dual-targeting CAR-T product candidate that is currently being evaluated in IIT studies in China for the treatment of multiple myeloma (MM) and B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (B-NHL). GC012F simultaneously targets CD19 and BCMA to drive fast, deep and durable responses, which can improve efficacy and may reduce relapse in MM and B-NHL patients. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted Orphan Drug Designation to GC012F for the treatment of RRMM.

About FasTCAR

CAR-T cells manufactured on Gracell's proprietary FasTCAR platform appear younger, less exhausted and show enhanced proliferation, persistence, bone marrow migration and tumor cell clearance activities as demonstrated in preclinical studies. With next-day manufacturing, FasTCAR is able to significantly improve cell production efficiency which may result in meaningful cost savings, increasing the accessibility of cell therapies for cancer patients.

About Gracell

Gracell Biotechnologies Inc. ("Gracell") is a global clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to discovering and developing breakthrough cell therapies. Leveraging its pioneering FasTCAR and TruUCAR technology platforms and SMART CAR TM  technology module, Gracell is developing a rich clinical-stage pipeline of multiple autologous and allogeneic product candidates with the potential to overcome major industry challenges that persist with conventional CAR-T therapies, including lengthy manufacturing time, suboptimal cell quality, high therapy cost and lack of effective CAR-T therapies for solid tumors. For more information on Gracell, please visit . Follow @GracellBio on LinkedIn .

Cautionary Noted Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Statements in this press release about future expectations, plans and prospects, as well as any other statements regarding matters that are not historical facts, may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements include, but are not limited to, statements relating to the expected trading commencement and closing date of the offering. The words "anticipate," "believe," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "should," "target," "will," "would" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors, including factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Gracell's most recent annual report on Form 20-F as well as discussions of potential risks, uncertainties, and other important factors in Gracell's subsequent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Any forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date hereof, and Gracell specifically disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Readers should not rely upon the information on this page as current or accurate after its publication date.

Media contacts Marvin Tang [email protected]

Kyle Evans [email protected]

Investor contacts Gracie Tong [email protected]

Stephanie Carrington [email protected]

SOURCE Gracell Biotechnologies Inc.

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Gracell Biotechnologies to Present Updated Clinical Data on BCMA/CD19 Dual-Targeting FasTCAR-T GC012F in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma at the 2023 International Myeloma Society Annual Meeting

Gracell Biotechnologies to Present Updated Clinical Data on BCMA/CD19 Dual-Targeting FasTCAR-T GC012F in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma at the 2023 International Myeloma Society Annual Meeting

Gracell Biotechnologies Inc. ("Gracell" or the "Company", NASDAQ: GRCL), a global clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to developing...


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    asco 2022 oral presentation

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    asco 2022 oral presentation

  3. ASCO 2022 GTC Posters

    asco 2022 oral presentation

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    asco 2022 oral presentation

  5. ASCO 2022

    asco 2022 oral presentation

  6. Institut Curie at the 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting

    asco 2022 oral presentation


  1. Oral Presenter Guidelines

    Oral Presenter Guidelines #ASCO24 will feature nearly 250 oral abstract presentations across Oral Abstract Sessions, Clinical Science Symposia, and the ASCO Plenary Session. Additionally, the introduction of Rapid Oral Abstract sessions at the meeting will create over 200 additional podium presentations for abstract presenters at the meeting.

  2. Program Guide

    The 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting is funded through Conquer Cancer®, the ASCO Foundation by these sponsorship donors.

  3. Meeting Slides & Videos

    ASCO's meeting slides and videos program enables professionals who are unable to attend a meeting to access the delivery of that practice-changing science through the purchase of those assets after the conclusion of the meetings. Access the presentation videos and slides on your laptop, PC, or view using your mobile device. The slides are high-resolution images suitable for use in your ...

  4. Abstracts & Posters

    Search Abstracts Posters and slides will be available to registered attendees at the scheduled session start time. Please refer to the Program Guide for more session details.

  5. Program Guide

    Clear all ASCO Annual Meeting cancel 2022 cancel Abstracts cancel 1 - 20 out of 5198 Results for "2022 ASCO Annual Meeting" Select All

  6. Program

    The 2024 ASCO Annual Meeting Program featured over 200 sessions complementing Dr. Lynn Schuchter's Presidential theme: The Art and Science of Cancer Care: From Comfort to Cure. View the 2024 Annual Meeting Program. Download 2024 ASCO Sessions at a Glance for a grid of sessions by day and track. We look forward to sharing the 2025 Annual ...

  7. PDF 2022 Asco

    2022 ASCO - ORAL PRESENTATION. Association of plasma tumor tissue modified viral HPV DNA (TTMV) with tumor burden, treatment type, and outcome: A translational analysis from NRG-HN002. Share Abstract Details First Author: Sue S Yom Meet ng. 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting Sess on Type.

  8. Abstract Submissions

    Abstract presentation at an ASCO meeting offers researchers the opportunity to present and discuss their findings with one of the largest, most diverse audiences in oncology. With many exciting options year-round to choose from, there's no need to wait—submit to ASCO and help shape the future of clinical cancer care.

  9. 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting Preview: Advancing Equitable Cancer Care

    The theme for this year's meeting, selected by 2021-2022 ASCO president Everett E. Vokes, MD, FASCO, encourages attendees to learn firsthand about some of the most recent innovations in oncology that will undoubtedly contribute to a future of more equitable cancer care. "Advancing Equitable Cancer Care Through Innovation" signifies the need to uncover fresh solutions that fundamentally ...

  10. Program Guide

    Instantly Access The Top Oncology Research From ASCO Meetings. Recommended For You. To view items recommended for you, please sign in to your account. Sign In chevron_right. Browse Abstracts and Presentations by Meeting.

  11. Program Guide

    Pts received 1050 mg IV ami (1400 mg, ≥80 kg) + 240 mg oral laz. Investigator (INV)- and blinded independent central review (BICR)-assessed response per RECIST v1.1 is reported for efficacy-evaluable pts, defined as pts who initiated study treatment on or before 17 Mar 2021, allowing for ≥6 mo of follow-up for response durability.

  12. Poster Presenter Guidelines

    Poster Presenter Guidelines ASCO 2024 will showcase over 2,500 poster presentations across 24 tracks. Follow these guidelines to prepare your presentation.

  13. PDF Momelotinib Pivotal Phase 3 Data Receives Oral Presentation ...

    "Receiving an oral presentation at ASCO for our pivotal Phase 3 study data—which demonstrated that momelotinib achieved statistically significant and clinically important efficacy across all prespecified and key secondary endpoints—is truly a momentous occasion for Sierra Oncology. Further, we are excited to present a subset analysis in a poster presentation examining the use of ...

  14. 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting Advances Equitable Cancer Care Through Innovation

    "The ASCO Annual Meeting is the premier place to present the most impactful data when it comes to taking care of patients with cancer. The size, reach, and quality of presentations is outstanding," said 2022 Annual Meeting Scientific Program Committee Chair Sonali Smith, MD.

  15. ASCO

    Updated data will be oral presented at the upcoming 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting, in McCormick Place, Chicago, IL on June 3-7, 2022. Details for the abstract as below:

  16. American Society of Clinical Oncology

    Abstracts, Presentations & Slides Instantly access the top oncology research from ASCO meetings—including abstracts, videos, posters, and slides.

  17. Program Guide

    Methods: CHRYSALIS (NCT02609776) is an ongoing phase 1 dose escalation/dose expansion study of amivantamab in pts with advanced NSCLC. Pts with primary METex14 whose disease progressed on or who declined current standard of care therapy were treated with amivantamab 1050 mg (pts <80 kg) or 1400 mg (pts ≥80 kg) weekly in cycle 1 and biweekly ...

  18. Tempest Announces Oral and Poster Presentations at the Upcoming 2022

    SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., April 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tempest Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: TPST), a clinical-stage oncology company developing therapeutics that combine both targeted and immune-mediated mechanisms, today announced that two abstracts were accepted for presentation at the 2022 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting taking place June 3-7, 2022 at the ...

  19. Submission Guidelines & Requirements

    All types of oncology-related research are eligible for submission. The details below outline the requirements, policies, and guidelines for abstract submission to this year's ASCO meeting.

  20. News

    "Multi-Contrast MRI Acceleration with K-Space Progressive Learning and Image-Space Self-to-Peer Aggregation" by Xiaohan Xing, Lequan Yu, Lingting Zhu, Lei Xing, Lianli Liu has been selected as the Best of Physics for this year's ASTRO annual meeting. It will be presented in the oral scientific session "Best of Physics.

  21. Gracell Biotechnologies Announces Details of Oral Abstract Presentation

    Full abstract will be released on May 26, 2022 at 5:00 PM (EDT) . Additional information about the presentation and the ASCO Annual Meeting is available on the ASCO website.

  22. Selection Process & Presentations

    Selection Process & Presentations Abstracts of superior quality have been selected by the ASCO Scientific Program Committee for presentation at the 2024 ASCO Annual Meeting and for publication in the 2024 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings, a supplement to the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

  23. Program Guide

    A randomized controlled phase III trial comparing two chemotherapy regimen and chemoradiotherapy regimen as neoadjuvant treatment for locally advanced esophageal cancer, JCOG1109 NExT study. get_app Download Materials keyboard_arrow_down share Share article

  24. Program Guide

    Clear all ASCO Annual Meeting cancel 2022 cancel 1 - 20 out of 6183 Results for "2022 ASCO Annual Meeting" Select All