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Land your next job, faster.

Our professional resume-writing service has helped over 1 million professionals land more interviews and get hired faster..


A keyword optimised resume that will get you past all the filters.


Professionally written - By experts that know your industry.
Formatted for success - Formatting that will get an employer's attention.
Keyword optimised - Your resume will be optimised to pass through Applicant Tracking Systems.


All the elements you need, including a resume, cover letter & two revisions.


Professionally written - By experts that know your industry.
Formatted for success - Formatting that will get an employer's attention.
Keyword optimised - Your resume will be optimised to pass through Applicant Tracking Systems.
Cover letter - Employers are 40% more likely to read a resume with a cover letter.
60-day interview guarantee.

Designed for the proven leader. Includes LinkedIn & 48-hour delivery.


Executive writer - Top 10% of our network.
Formatted for success - Formatting that will get an employer's attention.
Keyword optimised - Your resume will be optimised to pass through Applicant Tracking Systems.
Cover letter - Employers are 40% more likely to read a resume with a cover letter.
60-day interview guarantee.
LinkedIn Makeover - 97% of employers use LinkedIn; we'll rewrite your profile.
48-hour turnaround - Your first draft will be ready in two days.

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My main concern was ‘Am I going to get what I paid for?’ … What I got back was well-beyond what I thought I’d get back with the amount of effort I put in.

Read Jon's story See more success stories

Helps you find a job faster

Candidates using resumes rewritten by topresume have proven to be 3 times more likely to secure a new job than those using a self-written resume., makes you more valuable in the eyes of recruiters, recruiters valued candidates with professionally written resumes to be worth 7% more than when assessed using their self-written versions. with a professionally written resume, you can help ensure your next position will come with a bigger paycheck., get noticed more, job seekers using topresume are interviewed 2 to 3 times more often than those using self-written resumes..

The resume writing process begins with us getting to know you and learning about your history and career goals. Once we’ve learned more about you, we’ll match you with a writer knowledgeable about your industry.

Your writer collaborates with you on a first draft, which will be delivered to you in about a week. Then, you'll have another week to provide feedback to your writer, with up to two rounds of revisions.

Overall, the resume writing process typically takes one to two weeks. You can learn more about what to expect when working with a TopResume writer here.

We have a writer network that includes certified career coaches, former and current recruiters, and professionals with specialized experience in over 65 industries. This ensures we can pair each client with someone who is a strong match for their needs.

Only 2% of candidates who apply to be a TopResume writer are hired; TopResume recruits and vets our writers based upon the value they can bring to our clients.

Our resume-writing process is completely confidential and collaborative between the writer and the client.

All communication with your writer is done via our secure dashboard. If you would prefer telephone communication with your writer, you can add it on to your resume package for an additional fee.

Professionally written resume get results. Our team of professional resume writers are trained to position you as an achiever, which will help you find a job faster.

If you are not receiving two times more job interviews within 60 days of receiving your professionally-written resume, we will write it again one time, free-of-charge. You must notify us in writing within 180 days of receiving your final copy. Only certain packages are eligible for our guarantee.

Government and academic positions often have needs that go above and beyond the usual resume. If you need a federal resume or an academic CV , we offer special services dedicated to fulfilling your needs.

If you need CV services, our sister company TopCV can help.

TopCV specializes in creating high-quality professionally written CVs that offer the same benefits as our resume.

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How To Write a Resume for a Job in Hong Kong – Our 25 Top Tips

Posted by Joanne Rushton | Aug 16, 2021 | Business , Career

How To Write a Resume for a Job in Hong Kong – Our 25 Top Tips

Wanting to create a perfect resume for a job in Hong Kong?

Living in an expensive city like Hong Kong , it’s likely you will need a job, and to land the perfect role in Hong Kong , you’ll need a well-written and well-designed resume.

Creating a resume that turns heads and makes you stand out from the crowd for a hiring manager isn’t easy. It’s even more difficult if you’ve worked for the same company for a long time and haven’t brushed up your CV in a while. What makes writing a CV even more challenging is that standards and expectations have changed in recent years.

Using the right format for your Hong Kong CV or resume

Job Redundancies in Hong Kong

Choose the right order

There isn’t a set standard to how to order your resume or CV, but you do need to make sure it’s logical. Experts suggest you include the following information, in this order:

  • Personal details including contact information
  • Your professional summary or career objective – more on this in a moment
  • Work experience
  • Skills, qualifications, certifications
  • Education history

What to not include

The hiring manager in Hong Kong reading your CV or resume doesn’t care about your fifth-grade swimming certificate. They’re probably not too worried about your high school summer job, either.

Be picky about what makes it into your CV so only the best of your work shines through.

Don’t trash your old CV

You might be looking to take a new career path with your CV in Hong Kong or are looking to change your focus within your industry. This doesn’t mean scrapping what’s on your CV now.

Have a list of your previous work, your skills, and experience ready to drag and drop into a new resume. This will make what you send to recruiters relevant to what they want and you’re not starting from scratch each time.

Using a photo on a CV for a Hong Kong job

It’s not the norm to use a photo on your Hong Kong CV.

If your current CV has a headshot, it’s better to remove it and either use a logo or take up the space with more important information about you. You don’t want to create unconscious bias when a recruiter sees your photo, for better or worse.

There are a few exceptions, such as if you’re applying for a modeling or acting job .

Do a one-pager

If your boss has ever asked you for the talking points or a one-pager about the meeting they send you to, you’ll be great at this one!

Do your best to keep your CV or resume to one page. This shows that you’re able to communicate clearly and concisely, and the hiring manager won’t get bored part-way through.

The information you need on a resume in Hong Kong

resume writer hk

Get your name right

This sounds like a no-brainer, right?

Be sure to include the name that you use professionally on your LinkedIn profile and other work-focused social media. This should also be the name that previous employers knew you by so getting a reference is a painless process.

Use the right contact information

Add all the relevant contact information for you and leave off your residential address.

Have a professional-sounding email address, not the one from your college days.   If you’ve only got your work email and a silly one at the moment, it only takes a second to create a new email on Gmail.

Social media contacts on your resume in Hong Kong

Only give your social media if it has a professional focus.

Hiring managers like puppy photos, too, but save it for when you’re hired. On that note, make any accounts private that you don’t want found.

Get your LinkedIn up to date – more on this later – and include a link. If you’re submitting your CV electronically, include a hyperlink to your profile so it’s super easy for the reader to get to.

A career objective or professional summary

You should use a career objective if you’re relatively new to the job market or role you’re applying for. It outlines why you want the role you’re applying for and the career path you’re aiming for.

A professional summary works for a CV that has a lot of experience and achievements to highlight. Note your work history and two or three things that you’re most proud of.

Adding your work history and education to your Hong Kong CV

resume writer hk

The right order for your work experience

You have three main options when it comes to the order to add your work history:

  • Reverse chronological starts from now and works back. This works well when you have years of employment history that you want to highlight.
  • Functional CVs are better for interrupted work experience, like if you stopped working to have kids or move to an overseas posting with your partner.
  • Combination CVs use a mix of both of these and are much less common and so less familiar to recruiters and hiring managers.

Writing your work experience for your resume in Hong Kong

The most important thing to remember when writing about your employment history on your CV is this:

Focus on your achievements, not your responsibilities.

Rather than telling the reader, “ Oversaw and trained a team of three junior accountants” show them why you were good at that: “ Coached three junior accountants to achieve their advanced certifications, with one moving on to a senior position in another company”.

See the difference?

Provide numbers and facts to show the value you can add to the company.

The right language to use for a Hong Kong CV

We’re not going to tell you to write your CV in Mandarin, don’t worry!

What you do need to focus on when honing your CV writing skills is your use of verbs. Use active verbs that show exactly what you do. Some CV example words to consider include:

  •  Achieved
  • Implemented

These show your activity and all have positive connotations.

Include your industries

Be sure to list the industries you’re familiar with. For example, a CV for a civil engineer could cover many things, from bridges to roads and commercial spaces – be specific to show the person reading your resume that you’re a perfect fit for the role.

Writing your skills and education section for your Hong Kong CV

resume writer hk

Leave off your high school

Unless you’re just starting out on the career ladder, you don’t need to include your high school.

If high school is the highest level of education you achieved, you can note it. An example of a CV education section when you didn’t finish university could look like this:

High school diploma 2002

3 A-levels in English, French, and business studies 2002

Or similar, depending on the country you come from and what your education system looks like.

Maybe don’t add your GPA to your CV for Hong Kong

Your GPA, or grade point average for those who didn’t go to university in the states, only belongs on your resume if it’s impressive. As a rule, if it was 3.5 or below then don’t include it.

For other degree grading systems, the top tier or top two tiers are worth mentioning, but if you got the average grade for your degree, you don’t need to add it on.

Specify your course and your classes

We don’t mean add all your classes; you don’t want to bore the hiring manager with irrelevant info.

Be sure to specify the subject you graduated in. This is especially important if your degree relates to the career you’re in or hoping to move into.

Think about your coursework and classes, are any of them directly relevant to your prospective new job? It’s worth highlighting them if so, and if they’re not too long ago.

Show off your skills

Around the same area of your CV, include the skills that are relevant to the job.

Go through the job advert and highlight the skills they’re looking for then match these skills to what you have. You may not have all ten competencies but if you can hit four to six of them, you’re doing good.

Avoid putting a measure of your skills, such as adding a star rating or a progress bar. You can’t quantify the skills so stick with the facts.

Are you qualified?

As well as your schooling, you’ve probably done your fair share of continuing professional development.

List the courses, classes, and certifications that you’ve completed relevant to the work. The Udemy course on Google Analytics is probably important, the Skillshare class to knit a teapot, less so.

Remember you’re a member

List any professional bodies and trade organizations that you’re a member of, if they’re relevant.

You might be super happy you got into one of the great clubs in Hong Kong , but it’s not exactly relevant to the project management role you’re applying for!

What is an applicant tracking system?

resume writer hk

An applicant tracking system (ATS) is a piece of software that recruiters use to screen CVs and resumes when they come in to help create a shortlist of candidates.

ATSs are becoming more and more popular, with 99% of Fortune 500 companies using one . The place you’re applying to probably uses an ATS, too, so what do you need to know.

Keep it simple

An ATS scans the words on your document. If you’re using too much color or non-standard fonts it won’t pick up your words.

Lose the pretty pinks and swirly lettering and have a simple, easy-to-read resume that won’t confuse a computer.

Loosely does it

You want to pack as much information about how awesome you are on your CV. Hong Kong isn’t ready for everything you’ve got to offer!

You might be tempted to:

  • Use a small font
  • Decrease your line spacing
  • Widen your margins
  • Not use bullets

So you can pack more onto your single page that defines your career.

All of these things will make it much tougher for an ATS to find what it’s looking for in your CV.

What exactly is an ATS looking for when it scans your resume?

It’s searching for keywords and phrases that the recruiter or hiring manager has requested. The types of words they can ask for include:

  • Required certifications

Be sure to match what the job description is looking for with the words you use.

Cast your spell

Spelling lists were no one’s favorite homework, but having decent spelling is going to get you past the ATS.

Be sure that everything is spelled correctly on your CV and use a free tool like Grammarly . Rope in a friend who has a keen eye to check over everything for you, and as a last check use a text-to-speech tool like Wideo to listen for any mistakes your eyes might miss.

Use the right job titles for your Hong Kong resume

As we’ve just noted, an ATS is looking for job titles. Even if you’ve had fun and funky job titles in previous roles, think about the standard roles that would best describe what you did.

While being a Number Ninja or in-house Influencer might sound fun when your friends ask what you do, an ATS is looking for Head Accountant or Social Media Manager.

You can go on to wow your recruiter in your interview – you need to get past the ATS before you get in front of anyone, though.

Saving your future

An ATS generally works best when reading a Word document or a PDF.

Make sure you save your CV for a job in Hong Kong in a format that won’t pose any problems, such as .doc, .docx, or .pdf. What’s great about these file types is that they’re also small and should fit easily into limited upload boxes.

Handy hint : If you’ve not got Microsoft Word, you can still download a .docx or a .pdf file from Google Drive, which is completely free to use.

Should I hire a CV or resume writer in Hong Kong?

There’s a whole lot you need to think about in there – is your mind swimming yet?

Honestly, we know how it is. Not everyone has writing skills and there are lots of people who aren’t into blowing their own trumpet.

It’s a challenge to write a CV, for Hong Kong or anywhere else in the world. Bringing in professional help can pay dividends for years.

4 reasons to hire a professional CV writer in Hong Kong

  • They know the local job market and the expectations for your CV or resume because they work in the industry every day
  • Your Hong Kong CV writer knows how to take what you do and craft it into a list of coherent, measurable achievements
  • Writing is their job – a CV writer will be able to craft a phrase and pick just the right verb for the goal you smashed
  • The best resume writers in Hong Kong know all about ATSs and what they look for, meaning you can get a CV that’s optimized and well-written

The best resume writer in Hong Kong

We recommend Elissa Campbell as the best CV writer in Hong Kong.

She’s got years of experience writing resumes and has helped plenty of people land their dream job in Hong Kong.

Her background is in PR and recruiting so she sees your CV from two angles. Elissa knows how to sell you as a “product” and what the person reading your CV is looking for when inviting people for an interview.

To discuss your needs, your goals, and your career history, you can contact her via WhatsApp on +852 9855 9845.

FAQs about Hong Kong resumes

What is an ats-friendly cv.

An applicant tracking system (ATS) is a software tool used by recruiters and hiring managers to scan through your resume, along with other job application documents. The algorithm is looking for words to do with your jobs, education, and experience and matching them against a list of words the company is looking for. To make your CV work with these systems, you need to: – Format your CV correctly – Use the right layout for your CV – Save the right type of file – Use words that match the job description

This will give you the best chance of getting past the computer and getting your CV in front of a person who’ll be dazzled by what you can do.

Is a professional resume writer worth it?

Yes, they’re definitely worth it. Consider it as an investment in your future when you hire a professional resume writer. It’s not just about saving you time and effort now; their work will pay dividends throughout your whole career. They know exactly what hiring managers and ATS tools are looking for – it’s their job!

What is a resume?

A resume is a professional document that contains all the information a recruiter needs to know about you. It should cover your work history, skills, and education and show you in the best possible light.

A resume is also called a CV in many parts of the world. Whatever you know it as, the purpose is the same; to give to a person looking to hire you for a job so they can understand why you’re the best candidate.

How do I list skills on a resume?

List your skills on your resume or CV as a bulleted list that’s relevant to the job advertisement that you’re applying for.

There will be a mix of hard and soft skills that you’ll likely need, but list them in the order that they appear in the job listing – only include skills you have, though.

It can be a lot of work targeting your skills to the jobs you’re applying for, but it’s worth it to get to the top of the candidate pile.

How can I find a job in Hong Kong?

To find a job in Hong Kong, you’ll first need a great CV. Next, you need to build a professional network and track who you know who will be aware of jobs in the fields you’re interested in.

It’s ok to start approaching them, face-to-face or online, and ask them if they know of any prospects. Connect with recruiters, again in person or digitally, and let them know what you can do and that you’re looking for a new role.

For more details on navigating the job market in Hong Kong , check out our full post on the subject.

Writing a great CV for Hong Kong jobs isn’t easy, but it’s definitely rewarding.

Generally, the expectations for a resume in Hong Kong are the same as international standards, so be sure to avoid using a photo, keep things concise and focused on achievements, and only include specific and relevant information.

Once you’ve got your job interview, don’t forget to get your wardrobe into shape and ready for your first meeting with your new company, hopefully!

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  • How to Find a Job in Hong Kong 2021 – 12 Best Tips

About The Author

Joanne Rushton

Joanne Rushton

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Professional Resume Writing Services in Hong Kong

Get one step closer to a job interview.

Let our team of expert resume writers help you start afresh and get you ready to apply for jobs.

Personalized Resume Writing Services in Hong Kong, Professional ATS-Friendly Resume

Job Nexus stands among the top resume writing service providers in Hong Kong. Give your resume a professional look and the format to be noticed by applicant tracking systems and recruiters in Hong Kong . Our team of professional resume writers provides you a professionally written, ATS-friendly resume that highlights your professional strengths and career goals.

Our resume writing services include benefits such as:

Professional Resume Writing by Job Nexus

Jobseekers require quality resumes produced by professional writers providing resume services to succeed in their job search.

Ever ask yourself what it will take for recruiters to notice your resume and call you for an interview? Let our professional resume writers create a resume that will get your application noticed above all others. We create work-ready resumes using a format that is optimized for recruiters, so they can easily read and determine if you are a match for their open position.

Get a professionally crafted resume format from the experts at Job Nexus, and give recruiters the information they need in an easy-to-read format. With this service, you will create a better chance of applying for better-paying jobs.

Why is a Quality Resume crucial for Jobseekers?

Resumes are a vital component of the job search process. Jobseekers require quality resumes produced by professional writers to help them succeed in their job search. Recruiters have a choice in hiring. It is important for your resume to stand out from the competition. Give your resume a professional look and the format to be noticed by recruiters.

Whether you're just entering the workforce or looking for a change, it's important to stand out from the competition. Our professional resume writers help jobseekers gain from thousands of years of quality cover letter and resume writing experience to create a resume that maximizes their chances in getting noticed by recruiters.

In the current job market, many professional resume writers are vying for the same jobs. But only you can take the necessary steps to make sure yours is at least noticed and considered. We at Job Nexus have created a resume format that allows recruiters to easily read your resume to find out if you are a match for their open position. With our professional writers having years of experience, we know how to create a workforce-ready resume using this format – one that will get your application noticed above all others.

Our professional resume writing service will guide you step by step to produce unique, compelling document that is formatted to be noticed. A well-written resume is key to getting an interview. Our certified resume writers and employment consultants are experts in positioning your strengths against the jobs you seek. Each resume is tailored individually for you.

Your job search is more than just creating a resume. Our experts know what recruiters look for, and can effectively match your skills, experience, and credentials to their opening. Your job search can be easier with the professional help from Job Nexus. We tailor your resume to highlight your value as an applicant in today’s market. Don’t settle for an average resume. Let Job Nexus give you a competitive edge in your job search by creating an effective resume that will get you noticed by recruiters.

Providing Resume Services for Jobseekers

The job search is hard work. It takes a lot of perseverance to walk in the door and hand your resume to a recruiter. They have a choice in hiring. It is important for your resume to stand out from the competition. The professional resume designs created by our writers have the distinction of giving you the edge in your job search.

Jobnexus is a team of professional resume writers focusing on one thing: getting you into the interview. Know how to write your resume, but not sure where to start? Looking for cost-effective service that provides professional resumes by resume writers who know how to prepare you for career success? Jobnexus Resume Writing Services offers professional resume services to put your best foot forward.

Let Job Nexus help you get the edge for your job search. Our experts know what recruiters look for, and how to effectively match it to their open position. By tailoring your resume to highlight your value as an applicant, we’ll help you get noticed in today’s market.

How it Works?

Submit your CV or Resume and your career goals. Select which of our services you desire.

Your order is assigned to one of our professional resume writers. They will work with you 1x1.

We execute the changes to your CV or Resume for you per the service you selected.

Use your newly polished and professionalized CV or Resume for your job applications.

Job Nexus works with recruiters in these markets:

World Map

Send your CV/Resume to 70 Hong Kong Recruitment Agencies at Once.

Job Nexus makes it easy for you to connect with many recruitment agencies all at once and makes it easy for them to contact you for interviews.

Career Advice and Tips

Professional Resume Editing Service

Professional Resume Editing Service

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Job Search as a Service

The Virtue of CV Distribution to Recruiting Agencies in the UAE

The Virtue of CV Distribution to Recruiting Agencies in the UAE

Are you sure.

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Feature your job profile & own a professional resume at the same time! Get the power of two career services.

What our users have to say

Well-articulated summary.

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Lecturer - 18 years

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~ Nirmala Kumari

Coordinator Global HR GSS - 29 years

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to receive my resume.

You will receive your professionally crafted resume within 5 working days, allowing us ample time to deliver a high-quality document tailored to your career goals.

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How to use a CV template for jobs in Hong Kong

Whatever position you hold (or want to hold), CV templates provide guidance on how best to present your experience, skills and passions to new employers in Hong Kong.

Some will use the templates just as they are, customised easily with a candidate’s relevant details and experience.

Others will use them as a source of inspiration, motivated to create a truly unique and personalised document.

However you choose to use our sample CVs, know that they can assist you on your way to a perfect resume and more importantly, that perfect job.

Related: How to write a CV in Hong Kong

Download our free CV templates for Hong Kong jobs:

  • Accounting CV template
  • IT CV template

Here are our top tips on using our free CV templates when applying for jobs in Hong Kong.

1. Contact details

When using a resume template, it’s vital to update the contact details to your own, and for them to be current and professional.

Ensure these details are, in some form, on every page of your CV, so that if the pages are ever split, it’s clear they all refer to you and your work experience.

Most important in this increasingly digital age are email addresses and mobile phone numbers, so double check these are correct and appropriate before submitting your CV.

2. Career objective

A career objective should be a taste of what the rest of your CV has to offer.

It should be bannered at the top and setting the tone for all the information and experience that’s to follow, it should broadly summarise the information in your CV, briefly mention your passion and ambition, and run no more than two lines.

Remember, it is only a taster, the main course is, metaphorically, still to come.

Related: Here’s our checklist for nailing the CV format

This is really up to you, but should be informed by the industry you work in or are hoping to break into, and the conventions that it demands.

For example, if you’re applying for a corporate finance or accounting job , keep your CV neat, logical and simple.

Focus of the accuracy of the information and skills you’re listing. If you’re applying for a web developer or IT role, consider showing employers your capability with specific systems and aptitude for good design by customising and personalising your CV template.

No matter what industry you’re in or what resume template you choose to use, we highly recommend keeping yours between two and three pages.

In the same way that your cover letter is the appetiser to your CV, and your career objective is a taster for the bulk of your resume, you can similarly consider your CV the entrée to securing a job interview.

To help you keep your CV to the ideal length, include only the most recent or relevant roles.

Three or four roles should provide sufficient opportunity for you to show a prospective employer that you have the technical skills, soft skills , industry experience and initiative required to succeed in the role.

Related: 5 unique skills to highlight on your CV

Use job or role titles that are understood at an industry level, and avoid role-specific terminology or jargon.

Most importantly, make them professional. Opt for Web Developer instead of “Innovation Sherpa”, Customer Service Officer in the place of “Disseminator of Critical Information”, and most definitely choose to use Senior Executive over “Decision-Making Rockstar”.

Your past and current titles gives employers, at a glance, a sense of the professional responsibilities and duties you were tasked with in the various roles you’ve had, so make them easy to read and use labels that are both recognisable and credible.

6. Keywords

It’s important that when you’re ready to tailor your resume template, you include keywords that appropriately summarise and celebrate your skills and experience.

This can be a balancing act of selecting positive, engaging words while avoiding overused or generic descriptors, but like job titles, they will be expected and important in showing what you can and can’t do. For example, if you’re going for an administration role than it’s important to cite key terms like ‘organisation skills’, ‘scheduling ability’ and ‘proficiency with MS Word programs’.

Similarly, IT CVs would be remiss not to include the names of programs a candidate is skilled in, for example, ‘JavaScript’ and ‘HTML’, or links to the websites a candidate has worked on.

Nominating the right keywords in your CV is about more than just showing an employer you understand the language and rhetoric of a certain role type or industry. It also proves you’ve thoroughly read the role description and application documents, and know what is required of you. Whether your application is being read by a member of HR, is parsed by an applicant tracking system, or both; using enough keywords, but not too much, will play a critical role in progressing you to the interview stage.

Related: How to explain career gaps in your resume

Using CV templates for Hong Kong roles

CVs are important, personal documents that will always be a part of your career no matter where you go.

Done well, they are your ticket to progressing through to a job interview , and will edge you one step closer to securing the job you’re looking for in HK.

Take a look at our CV guide page for more advice on how to write a CV .

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Resume and cover letter

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A résumé, or curriculum vitae (CV), is a record of your history and achievements in a concise yet comprehensive form. An effective résumé does not summarize everything you have done in your life. Details of your education and qualifications are essential, but other information should be carefully selected. It provides information about past activities that demonstrate your suitability for activities in the future. Your résumé provides an opportunity to impress potential employers with a presentation of your background and skills. This is perhaps one of the most important documents you will ever produce in your professional life. A carefully crafted résumé can help land you an interview for a dream job. A résumé is a form of marketing which can potentially get you a direct pay-off.

Common Expressions

One important feature of résumés is the frequent use of action verbs. Action verbs can demonstrate your initiative, highlight your talents, and stress your past accomplishments. Writing with action or strong verbs characterizes you to potential employers as an energetic and active person. Action verbs can also express achievements or something a person does in a concise and persuasive manner. Below is a list of skills that you may like to highlight in your own résumés. Can you think of some relevant action verbs to describe the skills?

Management/Leadership Skills

- Administered a variety of online questionnaire surveys to collect data about workers’ job satisfaction - Coordinated data processing operations for the 2014 census in the government office, including training supervisors and staff members Useful Action Verbs: analyzed, appointed, assigned, attained, authorized, chaired, consolidated, contracted, coordinated, delegated, directed, enforced, executed, hosted, incorporated, initiated, inspected, instituted, mediated, motivated, overhauled, oversaw, planned, presided, prioritized, recommended, reviewed, scheduled, streamlined, strengthened, united, etc.

Communication/People Skills

- Reconciled conversion of customer accounts between clearing firms - Instructed campers in scuba diving, snorkeling, lifesaving and canoeing

Technical Skills

- Served as a technical advisor on operational activities of the data processing and field departments during the 2014 census - Implemented financial procedures for securities firm for reconciliations and financial reporting

Teaching Skills

- Developed compliance, financial and operations procedures for full-service brokerage house - Processed transfer of new stock for over 600 client accounts after acquisition of Western Mutual Savings and Loan

Financial/Data Skills

- Established and maintained accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll and inventory control - Completed a $65 million acquisition of a company and integrated its operations into the group

Helping Skills

- Handled employee payroll from processing of employee computer time records to the generation of W-2 forms - Operated and maintained customized system for billing and receipt of payments from hospital patients

Organization/Detail Skills

- Standardized management reports for customer service department - Formulated and implemented advertising programs for a major consumer products company

  • Myths and Realities
  • Features and Language

How to write a resumé summary (with examples)

When applying for jobs, you want to take every chance you have to stand out from the crowd. Adding a resumé summary to the top of your resumé can help interviewers get a quick snapshot of who you are and why you’d be great in their team. But what if you’re not sure how to write a resumé summary? 

In this article, you’ll find a step-by-step guide of what to include, what to leave out, and how to nail your resumé summary so it lands you an interview.

What is a summary for a resumé?

A resumé summary is a short statement at the top of a resumé that outlines key experiences, roles and achievements. Its purpose is to highlight at a glance why you’re the ideal person for a specific job and what you bring to the table. 

It can often be confused with a career objective . What’s the difference between a career objective and a resumé summary? A career objective outlines the future you’re hoping to achieve, while a resumé summary is an overview of your career so far. 

Understanding your target audience

Before writing your resumé summary, you should first identify your target audience, i.e. who will be reading and vetting applications. Think about what role they’re likely in, such as team leader or HR manager . Then consider what they may be looking for and what would stand out to them. Then, tailor your resumé summary to suit. 

For example, if a job ad implies the application will be going to a manager of a team or department, they will likely be looking for skills and experience, in addition to teamwork and communication skills . Meanwhile a HR manager or recruitment agent might have a checklist of technical skills that directly relate to the job. 

Key elements of a professional summary for resumé

With your target audience in mind, it’s time to move onto the main elements of your resumé summary. Here are a few things to keep in mind: 

  • The length.  Keep your professional summary short, clear and concise, ideally one to three sentences. 
  • The tone and style. The tone and style of your professional summary should be consistent and align with the rest of your application documents. 
  • The use of keywords.  Your professional resumé summary should include keywords of the skills and experience you have that match those in the job ad. You can bold them to make them really stand out to the interviewer.
  • The structure.  A resumé summary is typically one to three sentences outlining your key skills, experience and qualifications that align with the job ad. 

How to write a resumé summary

Here are some practical tips on how to write a resumé summary that will highlight your skills and catch the interviewer’s eye. 

  • Start with a hook – a relevant qualification or unique skill – to capture the reader’s attention.
  • Highlight your key skills and achievements, matching them to the job description.
  • Include metrics or data-driven evidence of your accomplishments, such as percentage increases in performance, sales figures or the number of people you managed.
  • Showcase your unique value proposition – what you believe you can offer that no one else can.
  • Ensure you have proofread your summary so it’s free of spelling and grammatical errors.

Quick tip:  Write your resumé summary in the first person ( “I led a team of five” rather than “[Your name] led a team of five”.) In the rest of your resumé, omit pronouns altogether ( “Led a team of five” . “Increased sales by 23%” .)

Writing a resumé summary with no experience

If you’re writing a resumé summary with no professional experience, you should focus on your soft skills and technical skills. You may have more than you think! 

Research the job you’re applying for and see what additional skills may help you, outside of what’s mentioned in the job ad. This could include things like computer proficiency, basic coding, customer service skills and more. Even if you’re still in school, you’ll likely still have teamwork and other soft skills you can mention. 

Resumé summary examples

To get you started, here are some resumé summary examples. Take note of the format: lead with the strongest statement, use specific data (where possible), include your most relevant skills, and be sure to personalise your summary before sending it to a potential employer.

Entry-level resumé summary ideal for a first job

I am a proactive and confident person looking for a casual customer- service position in Darwin. Through my studies I have developed strong communication and interpersonal skills. I am a people-person and eager to be in a role that allows me to help people every day.

Resumé summary for recent graduates

Data-focused computer science and business graduate with experience in app development and marketing. My first project app surpassed 2,000 downloads in 30 days, and I’m excited to build off this achievement and further develop my skills with a business that prioritises agile development and app innovation. 

Resumé summary for experienced applicant 

Accomplished in-house  marketing director with a proven track record of executing successful results-driven campaign strategies. Have led multiple regional and global campaigns in my 12 years in the automotive industry. 

Tailoring your resumé summary to different industries

Resumé summaries can easily be adapted to suit any industry or job. It’s all about focusing on your key skills and what you can bring to the role. You can use these personal summary resumé examples as ideas for your own, swapping out the titles and experiences as you need.

Resumé summary for a teacher

Dedicated and passionate educator with over 5 years in early-years development, focused on fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment. Proven expertise in curriculum development and pioneering new teaching methods for students with learning challenges. 

Career summary for a tradesperson 

Multi-skilled tradesperson with 12 years of experience in carpentry, project management and commercial fit outs. I have completed more than 120 projects on time and on budget, have mentored several apprentices and have supervised teams on multiple job sites. 

Professional summary for a customer service person

I am a results-oriented customer service professional with more than three years in big box retail. Over the past year, I have been awarded staff member of the month twice, and have more than 20 mentions in Google reviews for providing outstanding customer support.

Tips for optimising your resumé summary for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Some organisations will use an ATS (or Applicant Tracking System) to help them manage the hiring process more efficiently. ATS software collects information from applications and filters them for the most relevant applicants. From there, employers will often take the filtered piles and begin their own screening. 

As a job applicant, you can optimise your resumé for ATS. Some tops ways to optimise your application include:

  • Use standard fonts (such as Arial) to ensure your resumé is easy for the software to read.
  • Use clean formatting with no charts, tables or graphics, as this may impair the ATS from properly reading your application.
  • Use an ATS-friendly template.
  • Include keywords in your resumé that match the job ad.
  • Stick to standard heading names, like Work Experience, Education and Skills to ensure your information is read correctly.
  • Proofread your resumé, as ATS may not be able to read typos, missing crucial information.

A business likely uses an ATS if its careers page has you fill out a series of forms, the job application has a long URL or it is a very large corporation. 

The dos and don'ts of resumé summary writing

By now, you should know the basics of writing your career summary, but these quick dos and don'ts of resumé writing can help make sure you get every detail right.

Best practices for writing a resumé summary

Writing a good resumé summary helps capture the attention of employers. Here are some best practices to keep in mind.

  • Keep it clear and concise. Only include your key skills, qualifications and experience.
  • Start with a strong statement. Your opening sentence should hook the reader by showing how you’re a good match for the role.
  • Quantify achievements.  Use specific data, examples of how you have used your skills and knowledge, and what results you achieved.
  • Include keywords.  The skills and experience in your career summary should reflect those mentioned in the job ad.

Most importantly, don’t overthink it. If you had to sum up your entire career in a sentence or two, what would you say? How would you highlight your skills and achievements? That should give you a good idea of what to write. 

Common mistakes to avoid when writing a resumé summary

Some top mistakes to avoid when writing a career summary for your resumé include:

  • Being too general.  Your summary should be specific to your skills and how you’ve used them in the past.
  • Being too long. Remember: a resumé summary should only be one to three sentences long. It’s a summary, not a cover letter.
  • Lack of personalisation. Every resumé summary should be personalised to the job ad and industry.
  • Using exaggerated language. Avoid exaggerating your skills and accomplishments – you may need to qualify your skills in a job interview (and eventually in the job role).
  • Not proofreading. Mistakes in your resumé are the biggest giveaway that you lack attention to detail, so proof, proof and proof again!

Remember: your resumé summary is often the first impression a potential employer has of you, so it's crucial to make it impactful and tailored to the specific job you're applying for. With employers and hiring managers filtering through multiple resumés, a well-written resumé summary is the thing that could make you stand out.

The most effective resumé summaries should somewhat mirror the job ad, while highlighting specific career achievements and data that reinforce why you’re the perfect fit. It should also be free of errors, clearly formatted and optimised for ATS. If you’ve aligned your summary with the job ad, you’ve given yourself an even better chance of getting a callback.

What is the ideal length of a resumé summary?

The ideal resumé summary should be one to three sentences. It’s a snapshot of who you are and what you have to offer. Make sure to keep it concise, with only relevant information, enticing the employer to read your full application. 

Should I include my career objective in my resumé summary?

Adding a career objective to your resumé is a personal preference and is not required. But using an objective statement can help immediately draw attention to specific skills, experience or other credentials that will help you stand out from the crowd. It can also be beneficial if you need to address a career change, location change or gaps in your resumé .

How do I tailor my resumé summary to different job postings?

To tailor a resumé summary to different job postings, read the job ad carefully and review your resumé to ensure you are highlighting the desired skills and experience. These skills, qualifications and expertise should be front and centre, and quick to absorb for the reader. 

Can I use the same resumé summary for different job applications?

You should ideally have a different resumé summary for different job applications. Read the job ad carefully and align your skills and experience with the qualities they are looking for, to help you come across as the perfect candidate.

How do I make my resumé summary stand out from the competition?

Some top ways to help your resumé summary stand out from the competition include:

  • Personalise your summary to the job ad
  • Include impressive data
  • Match your skills and experience closely to those mentioned in the job description
  • Keep it concise – less than three sentences
  • Ensuring it is free of errors

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How to Make Your Resume Stand Out and Get a Dream Job

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In today's job market, your resume is your ticket to landing that dream job.

But here's the thing: hiring managers often spend just a few seconds scanning each resume.

So, how do you make sure yours catches their eye?

Don't worry, we've got you covered. We've put together a list of game-changing tips that'll help your resume rise above the rest.

Whether you're a fresh graduate or a seasoned pro, these tricks will give your resume the edge it needs.

Ready to turn those job applications into interview invitations? Let's dive in!

Did you know that most hiring managers spend just 30 seconds scanning a resume before deciding whether to consider it further?

Well, with the right tricks up your sleeve , you can make your resume pop and grab the hiring manager’s attention from the get-go.

So, here are nine tips designed to make those crucial 30 seconds count, ensuring your resume stands out from the crowd!

#1. Understand What the Hiring Managers Are Looking For

To make your resume stand out, you need to get inside the hiring manager's head. What are they really looking for?

It's not just about matching a list of qualifications. They want someone who can solve their problems and add value to their team.

So, start by carefully reading the job description. Look for phrases that highlight the company's needs and priorities, and use them as keywords throughout your resume . Pay attention to the skills they emphasize and the challenges they mention.

Are they looking for a team player? A problem solver? An innovator?

Understanding your potential employer’s needs will help you shape your resume to show you're not just qualified, but you're the solution they've been searching for. 

#2. Tailor Your Resume to the Job Ad

Applying to every job opening with the same resume is a big no-no.

To stand out, you need to customize your resume for each position you apply to. This doesn't mean rewriting your entire work history, but rather highlighting relevant experience and using the right word choice to match the job description.

To tailor your resume, use the information found in the job posting. This shows that you've paid attention to what they're looking for, but it also helps your resume pass through applicant tracking systems (ATS) that many companies use to filter candidates.

For example, if the job ad emphasizes "project management" skills, make sure those words appear in your resume and are backed up by relevant experiences.

Remember, tailoring isn't about changing who you are or exaggerating your skills; it's about highlighting the parts of your experience that best match what this specific employer is seeking.

#3. Focus on Achievements Over Responsibilities

One of the most effective ways to make your resume stand out is to shift from listing job responsibilities to showcasing your achievements .

In most cases, hiring managers know exactly what your responsibilities were in your previous role. So, instead of simply stating what you were supposed to do in a role, highlight what you actually accomplished. 

Just compare the following two examples:

  • Responsible for managing social media accounts.
  • In charge of managing a team of five.
  • Tasked with handling customer inquiries.
  • Assigned to oversee budget reports.

This candidate has succeeded in showing the hiring manager they were doing the bare minimum in their previous role, but it’s unlikely this will help their resume stand out.

Do you want to do it right?

Use specific examples and, whenever possible, quantify your achievements with numbers. You should also use action verbs and specific metrics where possible.

Check out the following example:

  • Increased Instagram followers by 50% in 6 months, resulting in a 25% boost in website traffic.

And even if you don't have exact numbers, you can still focus on results!

  • Streamlined the onboarding process, reducing new hire orientation time by approximately one full day.

#4. Keep It Short and Concise

In the fast-paced professional environment, hiring managers don't have time to read lengthy resumes. The key to getting and keeping their attention is making your resume easy to scan while still including all the important information.

So, how long should your resume be ?

Aim for a one-page resume if you're early in your career and writing a resume for your first job , and only go for two pages if you’re an experienced professional with more than ten years of relevant work history. 

Focus on using clear, concise language and avoid jargon or overly complex words unless they're industry-standard terms.

  • Responsible for organizing company events, which involved planning event details, coordinating with vendors, managing the budget, overseeing the event setup and execution, and ensuring that all participants had a positive experience.

To keep it short, cut out any fluff or redundant information. Additionally, try to use bullet points instead of dense paragraphs to make your content more readable.

  • Successfully organized and executed company events.
  • Planned event details and coordinated with vendors.
  • Managed budget and oversaw event setup and execution.
  • Ensured positive participant experiences.

Take a look at these free one-page resume templates here!

#5. Use a Professional Template

The visual appeal of your resume matters more than you might think.

A clean, professional-looking resume layout can make a strong first impression and help your application stand out from the stack.

Choose a template that's appropriate for your industry; creative fields might allow for more design elements, while traditional industries often prefer a more conservative look.

Whichever style you choose, make sure it's easy to read and well organized. Additionally:

  • Use consistent formatting throughout, including font sizes and styles for headings and body text. 
  • Incorporate white space to prevent your resume from looking cluttered.

Novoresume offers a variety of templates for different industries and professional levels. They're created in collaboration with hiring managers, so they can make your resume stand out twice as effectively as other resume templates.

Here’s how our templates compare to a basic word processor template:

novoresume vs standard resume

#6. Don’t Forget to Proofread

A single typo or grammatical error can be the difference between landing an interview and having your resume tossed aside. That's why proofreading is crucial.

Read your resume out loud to catch awkward phrasing or missing words. Then, read it backward, starting from the bottom. This trick helps you focus on individual words rather than getting caught up in the content.

Additionally, you can ask a friend or family member to look it over too; fresh eyes can spot mistakes you might have missed.

Pay special attention to names, dates, and contact information . A mistake could cost you the opportunity to hear back from an employer.

Typos or grammar mistakes are not the only ones. Take a look at these 10+ bad resume examples to avoid making common pitfalls!

#7. Hire an Expert to Check It

Sometimes, it pays to bring in a professional.

If you're struggling to make your resume stand out or you're applying for a particularly important position, consider hiring a resume expert or career coach .

These professionals have insider knowledge of what hiring managers are looking for . They can help you highlight your strengths, downplay any weaknesses, and ensure your resume is optimized for both human readers and applicant tracking systems.

A professional can also provide objective feedback on your resume's content and design.

While this option does involve an upfront cost, think of it as an investment in your career. A polished, professional resume could lead to better job opportunities and potentially higher salary offers, making the investment well worth it in the long run.

#8. Send It Along With a Cover Letter

While your resume provides a snapshot of your skills and experience, a cover letter allows you to tell your story . Because of that, always send a cover letter with your resume unless the job posting specifically says not to.

Think of it as your chance to show personality, express enthusiasm, and address any potential concerns, like gaps in employment , that your resume might raise. Use your cover letter to highlight a few key achievements from your resume and explain how they relate to the job you're applying for.

Remember to tailor each cover letter to the specific job and company; generic cover letters are easy to spot and often get ignored. A well-crafted cover letter can set you apart from other candidates and make a hiring manager excited to read your resume.

#9. Update it Regularly

It's important to update your resume every few months, even if you're not actively job hunting.

Add new skills you've learned, projects you've completed, or achievements you've earned. This way, when an opportunity arises, you won't be scrambling to remember what you've done in the past year.

Regular updates also help you track your professional growth and identify areas where you might need to develop new skills. If you're in a fast-moving industry, keeping your resume current ensures you're always ready to seize new opportunities.

Plus, reviewing your resume regularly can be a great motivation to seek out new challenges and continue growing in your career. 

Learn about these 99+ resume statistics you should know if you want to land your dream job in 2024.

7 Essential Sections You Need (and Tips on How to Write Them)

A well-structured resume can grab a hiring manager's attention within seconds, potentially securing you an interview.

On the flip side, a poorly organized one might cost you the opportunity, no matter how qualified you are.

The key lies in knowing which sections to include and how to make them shine.

To help you with that, we've prepared a list of the essential sections you need in your resume:

#1. Contact Information

Your contact information is, in a nutshell, how employers can reach you if they’re interested.

Seems simple, right? But you'd be surprised at how many people get this section wrong.

To do it right, start with your full name in a slightly larger font to make it stand out. Include your phone number and a professional email address (stay away from nicknames). Add your location, but just city and state are enough; – no need for a full address.

If relevant to your field, include links to your LinkedIn profile or professional website. For creative professionals, consider adding your portfolio link.

And don't forget to double-check everything – a typo here could cost you an interview.

Name: John Doe

Phone: (555) 123-4567

Email: [email protected]

Location: Springfield, IL


#2. Resume Header

Another key to grabbing the hiring manager’s attention is having an impactful resume header . That can be a resume summary or a resume objective, depending on your level of experience. 

Here’s what each involves:  

  • A resume summary is a brief overview of your professional background, key skills, and significant achievements. A good summary should include
  • A resume objective , on the other hand, is a statement of your career goals and how you aim to contribute to the role you are applying for. It should contain

Here’s an example of a well-written summary:

  • A results-driven marketing professional with over 8 years of experience in developing and executing strategic marketing campaigns. Proven ability to increase brand awareness and drive sales growth through innovative marketing techniques and data-driven decision-making. Skilled in digital marketing, content creation, and market analysis. Known for exceptional communication skills and the ability to lead cross-functional teams to achieve business objectives.

And here is what a good objective looks like:

  • Recent graduate with a degree in Data Science seeking a challenging role as a Data Analyst at XYZ Corp. Eager to apply strong analytical skills and proficiency in Python, SQL, and data visualization tools to support data-driven decision-making processes. Committed to leveraging my background in statistics and data modeling to contribute to the company’s success in a dynamic and collaborative environment.

#3. Professional Experience

This is usually the meat of your resume, where you showcase your career journey and professional achievements.

But before you can impress the hiring manager with what you’ve done, you should make sure the section looks good , too. 

Here’s how:

  • List your roles in reverse chronological order , starting with your current or most recent position.
  • For each role, include the company name, your job title, and dates of employment.
  • Highlight key responsibilities and achievements for each role.

Now, here's where you can really shine: use bullet points to highlight your key responsibilities and, more importantly, your achievements.

Additionally, tailor this section to the job you're applying for: list only relevant work experience , emphasizing experiences and achievements most relevant to the new role. Finally, don’t forget to quantify your achievements, whenever you can. 

For example: 

Professional Experience

ABC Corporation, New York, NY Senior Marketing Manager 01/2018 – Present

  • Led a team of 10 marketing professionals to execute comprehensive marketing strategies.
  • Developed and launched a social media campaign that increased brand awareness by 30%.
  • Managed a $500,000 marketing budget, optimizing spend to achieve a 20% increase in ROI.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to create and implement new product launches.

XYZ Inc., Los Angeles, CA Marketing Specialist 06/2014 – 12/2017

  • Assisted in the development and execution of digital marketing campaigns.
  • Conducted market research and analysis to identify new market opportunities.
  • Increased website traffic by 25% through SEO and content marketing strategies.
  • Created and managed email marketing campaigns, resulting in a 15% increase in open rates.

#4. Education 

When listing your education , start with your highest degree and work backward.

Include the name of the institution, your degree, and your graduation date.

If you're a recent graduate and have no work experience , you might want to add relevant coursework , academic achievements, or your GPA (if it's impressive). 

However, if you’re further along in your career, keep this section brief; your work experience will likely carry more weight.

In case you have multiple degrees, prioritize accordingly and only add the ones that are most relevant to the position you're applying for.

Don't forget to mention any ongoing education or professional development courses if they're relevant to the job. 

And remember, education isn't just about formal degrees; significant workshops or training programs can be included here too.

Your skills section is your chance to show off your professional toolbox. And hard skills alone aren’t enough - employers are looking for soft skills that are relevant to the job too.

For hard skills, list computer skills , software, tools, or specific techniques you're proficient in. But don't just put "Microsoft Office" – be specific about which programs you excel in.

For soft skills, focus on abilities like organizational skills , communication skills , or problem-solving skills , but be prepared to back these up with examples from your experience.

If you're in a technical field, consider creating a skills matrix that shows your proficiency level in each skill.

Remember to keep it honest; you should be prepared to demonstrate any skill you list here.

This is how a well-written skills section should look like:

skills on resume

Don’t forget to check out our article with 101 essential skills to put on a resume !

#6. Certifications and Training

This section can really set you apart, especially in fields where specific certifications are valued.

List any relevant certifications , licenses, or specialized training you've completed. Include the name of the certification, the issuing organization, and the date obtained (or "In Progress" if you're currently working on it).

If you have many, prioritize the most recent and relevant ones. And if you have certifications that require renewal, make sure to include the expiration date.

This section can be particularly impactful if you're changing careers or if your formal education doesn't directly align with the job you're applying for.

#7. Optional Sections

Depending on your field and experience, you might want to include supplemental sections to strengthen your resume .

These could include:

  • Volunteer work. This is especially relevant if you have limited work experience or if it relates to your target job.
  • Publications. Listing your papers, books or important essays is great for academic or writing-intensive roles.
  • Awards and honors. It's always good to showcase the recognition you've received in your field.
  • Hobbies and interests. Mention activities that showcase your personality, skills, or interests that might be relevant to the job.
  • Professional affiliations. Mention memberships in industry organizations or associations.
  • Projects. It is particularly useful for tech roles or recent graduates.
  • Languages. Include any languages you are proficient in, especially if they are relevant to the job you're applying for.

These extras can help paint a fuller picture of who you are as a professional and what you bring to the table.

Just remember to keep your resume concise – only add these if they truly add value to your application.

Does your resume keep getting rejected ? Learn how to fix it with our dedicated article.

16 Common Mistakes to Avoid

Even if you put the work in, it's easy to fall into common resume pitfalls that could cost you the job.

These mistakes might seem small, but they can make a big difference in how hiring managers perceive your application.

Let's take a look at some of the most common resume mistakes to steer clear of:

  • Using a generic, one-size-fits-all resume for every application.
  • Using cliché phrases like "team player" or "hard worker" without backing them up.
  • Neglecting to proofread, resulting in typos and grammatical errors.
  • Making your resume too long or too short.
  • Using an unprofessional email address.
  • Including a photo (unless it's standard in your industry or country).
  • Lying or exaggerating about your skills or experience.
  • Forgetting to include keywords from the job description.
  • Using an outdated or overly complicated format.
  • Leaving unexplained gaps in your work history.
  • Including salary information or not knowing how to list references on your resume .
  • Overusing buzzwords or industry jargon.
  • Using an unprofessional font or inconsistent formatting.
  • Including personal information like age, marital status, or religious affiliations (unless relevant to the job).
  • Forgetting to update contact information.
  • Using passive language instead of active verbs.

Are you a beginner? Read our dedicated article and learn how to start a resume in 10 easy steps !

Key Takeaways

Before we wrap up, let's recap the most important points to remember when crafting your standout resume.

These are the key takeaways you should always keep in mind:

  • Tailor your resume for each job application, using keywords from the job description.
  • Focus on achievements rather than just listing job responsibilities.
  • Keep your resume concise and easy to scan (1-2 pages maximum).
  • Include essential sections: contact information, a strong header, education, professional experience, and skills.
  • Update your resume regularly, even when not actively job hunting.
  • Avoid common mistakes like using clichés, including irrelevant information, or using an unprofessional email address.

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Jury to resume deliberating in trial of ex-politician accused of killing Las Vegas reporter

LAS VEGAS (AP) — A jury resumes deliberations Tuesday in the trial of a former Las Vegas-area Democratic politician accused of killing an investigative journalist prosecutors say he blamed for writing stories that destroyed his career, ruined his reputation and threatened his marriage.

Robert Telles, the former elected county administrator of unclaimed estates, is charged with murder in the fatal stabbing of reporter Jeff German two years ago. Jurors deliberated for about four hours on Monday and will begin working toward a verdict again on Tuesday.

Telles “did it because Jeff wasn’t done writing,” prosecutor Christopher Hamner said during closing arguments on Monday. “It’s like connecting the dots.”

Jurors sent the judge a note late Monday asking for a court technician to show them how to zoom in on laptop video while in the jury room, then remained an hour past the usual 5 p.m. court closing time.

That came after Telles’ defense attorney, Robert Draskovich, presented a surprise image at closing arguments of a silhouette of a person who did not look like Telles driving a maroon SUV that evidence showed was key to the crime.

Telles lost his Democratic primary for a second elected term after German’s stories about him appeared in the Las Vegas Review-Journal in May 2022. The reports described turmoil and bullying at the Clark County Public Administrator/Guardian office and a romantic relationship between Telles and a female employee.

The day before German was stabbed to death, Telles learned that county officials were about to provide German with email and text messages that Telles and the woman shared, in response to the reporter’s request for public records.

Prosecutor Pamela Weckerly presented to the jury a timeline and videos of Telles’ maroon SUV leaving the neighborhood near his home a little after 9 a.m. on Sept. 2, 2022, and driving on streets near German’s home a short time later.

In some photos drawn from security camera video, the SUV driver was seen wearing a bright orange outfit similar to one worn by a person captured on camera walking to German’s home and slipping into a side yard.

“That person stays, lying in wait,” Weckerly said, playing again a video from a neighbor’s home showing German’s garage door rise and German walk into the side yard where he was attacked just after 11:15 a.m.

A little more than 2 minutes later, the figure in orange emerges and walks down a sidewalk. German does not reappear.

Weckerly also focused on a text message from Telles’ wife, which he failed to answer, asking, “Where are you?” about 45 minutes before evidence showed German was killed. Hamner and Weckerly told the jury they believe Telles left his cellphone at home so he couldn’t be tracked.

German’s body was found the next day, but no murder weapon was recovered. Telles’ DNA was found beneath German’s fingernails.

In his testimony, Telles named office colleagues, real estate agents, business owners and police he accused of “framing” him for German’s killing. He said it was retaliation for his crusading effort to root out corruption he saw in his office of about eight employees handling probate property cases.

“I’m not crazy. I’m not trying to avoid responsibility,” Telles told the jury on Friday. “I didn’t kill Mr. German, and I’m innocent.”

None of German’s blood or DNA was found on Telles, in his vehicle or at his home, Draskovich said Monday, urging the jury to, “Ask yourself what is missing.”

Draskovich introduced the new clip of video for the first time, zeroing in on a view of a maroon SUV like Telles,’ seen through the passenger window with the shadowed silhouette of the driver at the wheel. The image was prosecution evidence that had not been presented previously.

Originally from Milwaukee, German was a respected journalist who spent 44 years covering crime, courts and corruption in Las Vegas.

Telles, 47, is an attorney who practiced civil law before he was elected in 2018. His law license was suspended following his arrest several days after German was killed. He faces up to life in prison if he’s found guilty.

Weckerly and Hamner presented 28 witnesses and hundreds of pages of photos, police reports and video over four days.

Telles and five other people testified for the defense. No Telles family members were called to the stand or identified in the trial gallery.

About a dozen German family members sat together in the hushed courtroom throughout the trial. They’ve declined as a group to comment.

The killing drew widespread attention. German was the only journalist killed in the U.S. in 2022, according to the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists. The nonprofit has records of 17 media workers killed in the U.S. since 1992.

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What HR Needs to Know About Generative AI

Alex Chan | Content Strategist | August 5, 2024

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In This Article

What Is Generative AI?

How does genai impact hr, 8 generative ai hr use cases, the roi of generative ai in hr, future of genai in human resources, get the power of generative ai with oracle, generative ai in hr faqs.

Human resources leaders face the same question that most managers are grappling with these days: How can AI help us do better work, more efficiently? In a January 2024 survey of 2,366 US HR professionals conducted by the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM), only about a quarter of respondents said they were using AI. Of that number, most just started using it in the past year.

But generative AI is already proving itself to be useful for HR in several ways—particularly around writing text and summarizing information. These applications of generative AI can help save HR professionals time by affording HR professionals the opportunity to focus less on administrative tasks and more on helping employees and doing strategic work such as hiring forecasts and talent-skill analysis. With its ability to boost efficiency, generate content, and deliver new insights, generative AI can be applied to help HR professionals lead their workforce.

Generative AI, also known as GenAI , is a type of artificial intelligence that can be applied to produce new text, image, video, and audio content. GenAI creates content in response to the prompts that people provide. Unlike other forms of machine learning and artificial intelligence that focus on analyzing data, GenAI produces new media. In the context of human resources, for example, GenAI might be used to write a first draft of a job description or to produce a summary of feedback from an employee survey.

HR teams are learning that GenAI, with its ability to produce different forms of content, can help human resources teams in numerous ways, such as improving departmental productivity and helping employees access employment information. When productivity gains free HR pros from more routine, conventional tasks, these professionals can help the company in more strategic areas such as talent development and recruiting process improvement. Likewise, if a GenAI-powered chatbot can quickly answer an employee’s question on tuition reimbursement, that employee can get back to their main job duties. Here are ways that GenAI may impact HR:

  • Higher productivity . As an example, HR experts expect one of the first big benefits of GenAI will be reducing the manual work involved in recruiting. The technology can help draft job descriptions for open roles and craft communications to candidates about interview scheduling. Taking these tedious recruiting tasks off the plates of HR professionals can provide such HR professionals more time to do high-impact recruiting work such as developing strategies and initiatives that attract today’s best talent.
  • Content creation . With GenAI, HR pros and managers performing HR tasks can generate text and images to support processes such as recruiting, talent acquisition, and drafting employee reviews. With employee reviews, a manager could apply GenAI to facilitate drafting a summary of all the peer feedback provided for an employee over the year, for example, and to facilitate crafting a paragraph of prose from the manager’s bullet points of key feedback.
  • Better employee experience . GenAI can help HR deliver employee-facing tools to improve the overall employee experience. For instance, AI-powered chatbots can be applied to assist with routine questions about benefits, vacation time, and expense policies, and assist with tasks such as onboarding protocols. GenAI can even be applied to help employees track their career goals and create customized development plans by recommending training that would be most valuable to them and to the company.
  • Extract insights . GenAI can be applied to help HR teams parse through and gain insights from unstructured data sources. For example, GenAI can be applied to analyze and summarize comments from a companywide employee feedback survey by combing through thousands of comments—or even tens of thousands of comments at large companies.

From creating draft job descriptions to helping managers better understand employee performance, there’s a plethora of ways GenAI can be applied to assist with HR activities. Some companies that are already taking advantage of these capabilities have seen gains in hiring, onboarding, and retaining talent for their workforce.

1. Recruitment and talent acquisition

Organizations that use AI for HR processes most commonly apply it to talent acquisition, according to the 2024 SHRM survey. The study finds that 65% of HR professionals are using AI to help generate job descriptions . GenAI can help analyze industry trends and a company’s preferred skill set and experience, to assist with producing job descriptions to catch the attention of qualified candidates. Recruiting teams can even point GenAI to company webpages that highlight an organization’s mission and values, then have GenAI create a summary to include in job descriptions. The recruiting team remains responsible for reviewing and refining a final version of any job description, but GenAI can help save time on creating the initial content.

2. Employee onboarding

HR departments can use artificial intelligence to improve the onboarding experience by delivering key information to new employees regarding benefits enrollment, policies for taking time off, and other workplace essentials. Chatbots can provide immediate responses to the kinds of questions that new employees generally ask. GenAI can serve as something like a personal assistant, helping new employees find the right information and answering common questions.

3. Training and development

According to LinkedIn’s 2023 Workplace Learning Report, 93% of organizations are concerned about employee retention . The most effective way to address this concern, per the report, is to provide learning opportunities, as 94% of workers say development opportunities would help keep them in their role. GenAI can be applied to assist in supporting HR’s training and development efforts by recommending customized development tracks, helping HR create training simulations, and adjusting learning paths based on each individual’s progress.

4. Performance management

With AI’s ability to continuously collect information, it can be used to gather employee performance data throughout the year, which GenAI can be applied to assist in summarizing such information in preparation for individual performance reviews. This approach can help prevent recency bias, or the tendency to overemphasize the importance of the most recent events, in the review process. GenAI can be applied to take managers’ notes or bulleted lists detailing an employee’s performance throughout the year, along with 360 reviews from their colleagues, and assist in turning that information into drafted prose for a performance review, which the manager can review and refine. This can help reduce the time managers spend drafting performance reviews so they can focus their time and attention on more in-depth conversations with employees about their work, goals, and achievements. Managers and employees can work together to create performance goals and personalized development plans, using GenAI to help draft the language of those plans.

5. Employee engagement and retention

GenAI can be applied to support employee engagement and retention by assisting in personalizing the employee experience in several ways. It can be applied to assist in recommending customized learning programs based on an employee’s goals and the company’s needs. GenAI’s natural language processing capabilities can be applied to help analyze employee feedback and communications in company channels to summarize employee sentiment about the workplace, much like ecommerce sites summarize thousands of product reviews to provide an overview. This can help leadership identify and address workplace issues to ultimately improve employee satisfaction. Additionally, AI can be applied to assist in monitoring patterns in employee data, such as high or low employee participation in performance evaluations or company activities. This can help HR teams predict potential disengagement and implement proactive strategies to try to increase employee engagement.

6. Workforce planning and analytics

Effective workforce planning requires analyzing, forecasting, and budgeting for staffing and hiring to help a company get the right number of people with the right skills in place to meet its goals. GenAI can be applied to help organizations address their workforce needs by assisting in gathering and summarizing historical data and market trends. For example, HR teams typically conduct skills audits periodically, perhaps as a big annual project or even less often. With GenAI, a human capital management system can be applied to assist in comparing a company’s existing skills based on employee profiles to the skills it needs based on job requisitions and descriptions. Through this process, it can help identify possible skill gaps and recommend workforce adjustments. HR teams can then prompt GenAI tools to refine and apply that initial analysis to be most relevant to their company’s business objectives. So, if a company wants to increase sales staff to support growth in a certain product area, they can ask for narrative summaries about the number and experience level of that product group’s sales team, retention and attrition rate trends in that group, and their performance against sales quotas.

7. HR administration and policy management

Policy management involves a company’s broader efforts around workplace health and safety, time and attendance, and regulatory compliance. GenAI can be applied to assist in reviewing new employee-related regulations and flagging them for the HR team. Further, GenAI can be applied to help support policy management by digesting and summarizing relevant content for HR teams to review and consider.

8. Diversity and inclusion

GenAI can be applied to assist in tracking workforce metrics and provide data-driven insights and summaries to help HR teams adjust recruitment strategies that impact diversity and inclusion. If HR uses GenAI to provide personalized training programs for all employees, for example, GenAI can be applied to help facilitate equal access to learning opportunities and aid in the increase of inclusion in education and training. By offering training focused on what the company values most and what will most help a given individual, this access can help to create opportunities for more employees.

GenAI’s ability to automate certain manual and repetitive content-creation and summarization tasks can lead to time and cost savings for your organization. To assess the potential ROI of incorporating GenAI into your HR processes, it’s important to zero in on specific areas where GenAI can improve a process for your organization

Think about what problems you would like GenAI to address. It has vast capabilities that can assist with common tasks, especially for recruiting duties, according to HR product experts. GenAI’s ability to help generate job descriptions, communications to job candidates, and quickly respond to employee queries can assist in creating significant time savings for your HR department. These time savings and efficiency gains may mean that you can support a growing employee base without adding HR staff, or that you can take on new HR initiatives without adding staff. Using technology to contain HR staffing costs over time can yield a tangible, measurable benefit.

GenAI’s role in HR can assist in creating an impact to your organization that goes beyond hard ROI—benefits such as getting more employees to engage in HR programs. For example, if employees are not participating in peer-to-peer feedback and GenAI can help simplify that process by helping draft peer reviews, that can benefit employee growth that helps the company through performance and retention.

If you understand what specific processes you want to improve, your organization can make the right technology choice to address the necessary improvements. Think about the kind of improvements that will increase your HR department’s productivity, such as through generating content or using chatbots to assist employees, and then how you can measure that improvement.

GenAI can be applied to help reshape what human resources teams do in important ways. Within the recruiting process, it can be applied to help HR professionals save time on tasks such as writing job descriptions and communicating with candidates. Once an organization has acquired talent, GenAI can continue to help by offering tools that support onboarding and professional growth. These include GenAI-authored answers to common questions that new employees may have, gathering information to draft performance reviews, and recommending customized learning plans for individual employees. These capabilities can lead to a lot of time saved for HR professionals while delivering positive experiences for employees.

HR professionals looking to stay relevant and effective in the age of GenAI can work toward such goal by making sure most of their time is spent performing functions that technology can’t. This could mean initiating discussions with business leaders about potential skills gaps within their workforce and setting up upskilling and reskilling programs to address organizational needs. Or perhaps it could mean focusing on creative strategies for targeting and attracting new talent to an organization, such as identifying new pools of potential workers and crafting training and professional development programs for them. This could also involve playing a more advisory role for managers and helping them facilitate more valuable work performance conversations with their direct reports.

HR leaders should also consider how they can get involved in the governance and deployment of GenAI within their organization. HR professionals can contribute meaningful input regarding the rollout of this new technology and how it can augment workforce skill development and career progression.

The process of introducing generative AI to your HR organization can seem daunting at first, as your HR teams adapt to the ways in which it changes their work, and your employees at large learn what it can do for them. But with the right GenAI capabilities built into existing workflows, your team of HR professionals can become more efficient in acquiring talent for your organization, developing and engaging those employees in the workplace, and quickly addressing their needs and questions.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management (HCM) is a complete cloud solution that can help you effectively manage your workforce, with tools that can personalize employee experiences via journeys, capture employee sentiment, offer skills and development opportunities, and utilize analytics to yield vital workforce insights. Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM also includes generative AI capabilities to help you automate HR processes and improve the employee experience. By providing a single user experience and data model across the company, plus embedded AI capabilities, Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM can help you plan, manage, and optimize global people processes. The AI-supported benefits include helping you create job postings, career pages, and company summaries in less time, and providing employees with contextual support through natural language conversation.

How can generative AI be used in HR? Generative AI can be applied to help automate human resources tasks such as drafting job postings for recruitment, answering questions throughout onboarding, aggregating content for performance management, and extracting insights for workforce planning.

How can AI be used for HR? Talent acquisition is the most common use for AI in HR thanks to the technology’s ability to facilitate generating job descriptions, drafting communications with applicants, and identifying ideal candidates.

What are some of the main use cases for generative AI? Some of the main use cases for generative AI in human resources are assisting with job descriptions and candidate communications for recruiting, supporting self-service applications for more a personalized employee experience, and summarizing content for performance management.

What is generative AI for HCM? Generative AI for HCM can help human resources professionals complete more tasks in less time by embedding AI content creation tools in HR applications. These tools can assist HR teams by facilitating the creation of performance review summaries, drafting feedback comments to help improve employee performance, and providing contextual content to help guide employees with workflows.

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